Installing drivers for DVB-S card. Consent to the processing of personal data

The situation with this board is approximately the same as with SkyStar 1. In reality, a card with this name does not exist, it appeared on the forums and denotes a whole family of cards released after SkyStar 2 by different manufacturers, but, as a rule, it means the products of the German by TechnoTrend.

It should be noted that in 80% of cases this name is used in relation to the TT-budget S1401 DVB-tuner - the most famous of the budget line of tuners for receiving satellite signals from TechnoTrend. This map became a direct competitor to SkyStar 2.

The origin of the name SkyStar 2 can be explained as follows: the first batches of TT-budget S1401 DVB-cards were imported to Russia through TechniSat, which subsequently refused to distribute this product and focused on promoting its own development - SkyStar 2. However, the well-known SkyStar trademark in Russia is inherited from the budget TechnoTrend card, just like the TT PCline Premium card, and today is known as the SkyStar 1.

Let's consider the TT-budget S1401 card (Fig. 3.16) in more detail.

Rice. 3.16. DVB-tuner TT-budget S1401

Externally, the tuner is not much different from its predecessor and competitor SkyStar 2 - there are a few fewer parts on the board and a different sticker with the manufacturer's logo. The functionality of the TT-budget S1401 is different. For example, TT-budget S1401 can handle data streams up to 72 Mbps, while SkyStar 2 has a maximum throughput of 45 Mbps. As you can see, the development potential of the TT-budget S1401 is somewhat greater.

However, in software, the TT-budget S1401 loses out to its more mature competitor. It is this argument that the supporters of the SkyStar 2 card usually make. Perhaps, immediately after the release of SkyStar 3, these statements were completely true, but now, after more than two years since the start of sales, the situation has changed a lot. Almost all programs for working with satellite TV have learned to work correctly with this tuner, a lot of additional software libraries have appeared that expand the capabilities of the card. The tuner comes with simple and intuitive software, which greatly simplifies its installation and configuration.

The card does not have an interface for connecting a CI module (a module into which cards are inserted that allow you to view paid channels), but it allows you to pass the entire data stream directly to your computer. Therefore, you can do whatever you want with it.

Among other cards included in the SkyStar 3 family, the following can be noted: TT-budget S1500, TT-budget S1400, TT-budget S1100, TT-budget S. All these DVB tuners are produced by TechnoTrend, but are quite rare in the CIS countries , therefore, we will not dwell on them in more detail.

Thus, if you want to get a card with a lot of features for little money, then SkyStar 3 will be a good choice. With the help of special software, you can get the most out of it.

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