Kaliningrad Cathedral. Königsberger Dom - Königsberg Cathedral

Kant Island and the Cathedral located on it, Kant's grave, the Kant Museum are the most visited sights of Königsberg (Kaliningrad).

Kant Island

Kneiphof Island, or Kant Island, is an island part of the city, which is located in the center of Kaliningrad and is surrounded by the waters of the Pregol River. On the territory of the island in a spacious park rises the Cathedral.

Once upon a time, an entire city was located on the island territory. Its existence was first mentioned in the 14th century. By 1944, the city had 305 houses, 27 streets, a cathedral and a town hall. The island was connected to the mainland by five bridges. Trams ran through the streets. But in the summer of 1944, during the bombing, the town was completely destroyed.

In the 70s, a park was set up on the island. They cultivate the territory and place the Sculpture Park (they were taken from the museum's storeroom), mark the paths and paths of the park.

In the early 1990s, the Cathedral was restored. Three religious denominations were housed in the chapels, it is currently inactive.

The island park is a favorite place for walks, recreation and cultural pastime of citizens and tourists.

There is something to see here. In addition to the Cathedral, you can visit the Kant Museum, his grave, sculpture park. In the cathedral you can relax from the bustle of the city and listen to the organ.


The Königsberg Cathedral, or currently the Cathedral of Kaliningrad, is located in the historical center of the city, on its island part.

Here the first cathedral was built at the end of the 13th century and was the only temple of the city on the island of Kneiphof. In the middle of the 14th century, it was demolished and the construction of a more spacious temple began, using the bricks of the destroyed cathedral. The date of completion of construction is considered to be 1380, but the design work continued for some time.

The cathedral was originally Catholic, but in 1519 the last Catholic mass was held here, and a few years later the first evangelical service took place - in German. The cathedral turned into a city Lutheran church.

Some time later, a building of the Albertina University building was built nearby.

After that, the cathedral began to serve as a university church, its southern tower was used as the Wallenrod Library.

In 1558, a professorial tomb was built at the cathedral, in which they began to bury university teachers.

Immanuel Kant was the last to find eternal rest here. After 200 years from the date of his birth, a portico dedicated to the philosopher was installed on the eastern side of the cathedral.

At the end of the 17th century, an organ appeared in the cathedral, and in 1888 another one was brought and installed.

During the Anglo-American bombing of 1945, the cathedral was badly damaged, there was a strong fire on the island. People extinguished it on their own, but they failed to save the historical decoration of the cathedral and most of the residential buildings.

After the end of the war, the cathedral remained in a state of ruins for a long time. It was not demolished only thanks to Kant's grave, which is located near its walls.

The first attempt to restore the cathedral was made in the 70s, but it did more harm than good. The pediment of the northern tower was accidentally destroyed and the floor epitaphs were badly damaged.

Seriously approached the issue of restoration of the cathedral only in the early 90s. But these works also cause a lot of criticism from historians. The restorers restored the cathedral, but not in exact accordance with its pre-war predecessor.

Currently, the Cathedral is one of the decorations of the city and its symbol.

He is inactive. Regular services are not held here, the building is used for organ music concerts, to house the expositions of the cathedral and the Kant Museum.

But at the cathedral there are Orthodox and Evangelical chapels.

The first service was held here on Easter 1992, in 1995 a common service was held for Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants.

At the northeast side of the cathedral there is a memorial open gallery with columns. It was built on the burial place of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Kant's ashes were buried in the professorial tomb in 1804. In 1880, a chapel was built over the grave, but in 1918 it was destroyed, and a gallery was erected in its place in the form of a columned hall with a cenotaph (sarcophagus) on a pedestal.

After the bombings in 1944, Kant's grave in Kaliningrad survived completely, and the cathedral was badly damaged, leaving only ruins. During the years of Soviet power, the grave of the philosopher saved the cathedral from total destruction.

In 1960, Kant's memorial grave became an object under the special protection of the state, currently it is an object of cultural heritage.

The inscription on Kant's grave is very modest. His name and years of life are engraved.

Kant's grave is located in the park area of ​​the island and is one of the most famous sights of Kaliningrad.

Biography of the German Philosopher

The life and work of the great philosopher are closely connected with Königsberg, the university, the island of Kneiphof, where he found his eternal rest.

Immanuel Kant was born in Königsberg in 1724 into a poor family of a craftsman. After graduating from high school, he entered the university. Due to the death of his father, he was unable to complete his studies, he was forced to become a home teacher for 10 years.

In 1755 he defended his dissertation, which gave him the right to teach at the university.

From 1755 to 1770 he taught mathematics, physics and philosophy at the university.

He died in 1804 and was buried in the professorial tomb of the Königsberg University.

Kant Museum

The Philosopher's Museum is located on the fourth floor of the Cathedral, several exhibition halls present expositions: "Kant and his entourage", "Kant and Russia", "Memorial Hall".

The history of the life path of the German philosopher is presented in the memorial hall. Here you can learn about his hobbies, scientific activities, works, people who surrounded him and whom he loved. The museum tells in detail about the local Freemasons and the customs of the Masonic lodges of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The windows of the museum are decorated with stained-glass windows with Freemason symbols.

The museum exhibits museum expositions that tell about the history of Kneiphof Island (Kant Island), the Wallenrodt Library and Königsberg University, with which Kant's scientific activity is closely connected.

How to get to Kant Island (Kaliningrad)

You can get to the island along Leninsky Prospekt or Oktyabrskaya Street. Two bridges lead to the island.

By car, you should move to the address Oktyabrskaya street, house 2.

To the stop "Fish Village":

  • fixed-route taxi No. t92, t72, t80;
  • bus number 45.

To stop SK "Yunost":

  • fixed-route taxi No. t75, t93t72, t80, t77, t87, t65;
  • trolley bus No. 2, 7;
  • bus number 49 and 45.

To the stop "House of Culture of Sailors":

  • bus No. 23.7, 44, 37, 108, 11, 27, 106, 12, 14, 8, 17, 9, 19, 1, 21, 18, 30, 10, 36, 49, 159, 3;
  • trolleybus No. 5 and 1;
  • fixed-route taxi: t64, t93, t85, t66, t89, t67, t69, t87, t71, t90, t77, t62, t83, t86t70, t84, t88, t63;
  • tram number 5 and 3.

Where is Kant's grave located: how to get there?

The main landmark in the search for the grave of the German philosopher is the Cathedral. The grave is located at the northeast corner of the cathedral.

You can get to Kant's grave by car, taxi, public transport to the Honey Bridge, cross the river to the Cathedral.

In addition to Kant Island, where the memory of him is immortalized and where his memorial grave is located, in his honor in the city of Kaliningrad there are installed:

  • a monument next to the university;
  • personalized Kant's bench near the Museum of the World Ocean;
  • an office in the building of Kaliningrad University (formerly Albertina University).

How to get to the Kaliningrad Cathedral on your own. Opening hours of the museum and organ hall, Kant's grave in the Cathedral.

On the territory of this city there are many ancient monuments that annually attract lovers of antiquity from all over the world. The place of honor in popularity among the sights of Kaliningrad is occupied by the Cathedral (Kreuzkirche), erected at the beginning of the 14th century under the leadership of Bishop John.

Cathedral of the times of Königsberg

The Cathedral of Kaliningrad was the central temple district of Kneiphof, where services were regularly held with the presence of the first persons of the city and the state.

Today you can admire the cathedral of the former Königsberg in its original form!

The remains of nobles and spiritual dignitaries lie in the crypts of the cathedral. The first grave belongs to the Grand Master of the Order of the Teutonic Knights Lutger von Braunschweig and has been located here since 1335. The last burial was made in 1809 - it belongs to the stillborn son of Princess Marianne and Prince Wilhelm. Among the legendary personalities who found their last refuge within the walls of the Königsberg Cathedral, there is more than one master Teutonic Order, several Zemland Bishops, professors of the local university and other equally significant people.

But the most prominent person, whose grave is also located within the walls of the cathedral, was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. His burial stands out from the rest: relatively recently (in relation to the age of the cathedral, of course), namely in 1924, in honor of the 200th anniversary of Kant, a portico was built over his grave.

Until the Second World War, the Cathedral was a model of splendor; its walls housed one of the largest libraries in Prussia, founded by Martin von Walendorf in the 50s of the 17th century. In addition, the temple was proud of one of the largest organs in Europe.

But as a result of Allied air raids at the end of World War II, the cathedral was destroyed, and the interior decoration was lost. However, tombstones and epitaphs miraculously managed to survive.

Cathedral of Kaliningrad

Decades later, researchers and historians who studied the ruins of the cathedral managed to find funds and obtain an order to begin the restoration of the Kaliningrad Cathedral. It happened only in 1992. Thanks to an unexpected decision in those troubled times, today everyone can enjoy not only the facade of the cathedral that has risen from the ruins, but also the exposition of the museum named after I. Immanuel Kant.

Map of Königsberg and souvenirs on the territory of the Kaliningrad Cathedral

The route of the tour of the Cathedral includes a visit to the Kant Institute, an Orthodox chapel, a library restored “from the ashes”, etc.

But the main achievement of the restorers is the opening of a concert hall designed for 700 visitors. The organ complex located here has no equal on the territory of Russia. It consists of a large and small organs and allows you to achieve amazingly rich sounds. In addition, the acoustic possibilities of the Cathedral itself are said to be limitless!

One conclusion can be drawn: the architects managed to restore not only the "body" of the cathedral to the smallest detail, but also to resurrect the spirit that hovered in these walls for many centuries of the cathedral's life.

Cathedral - how to get there

Kaliningrad Cathedral is located in the heart of Kneiphof Island (or Kant Island, as it is called), at the address: st. Kant, 1.

You can get to the island from Victory Square by tram No. 3, 5. The Fish Village stop, from which you will have to walk 300 meters. If Leninsky Prospekt is closer to you, choose any minibus and get off near. Then cross the road and move across the road bridge to Kneiphof - you will notice the Gothic spire from afar.

Opening hours of the museum and organ hall

Currently, Orthodox and Protestant chapels are open in the premises of the Cathedral. The following museum expositions are open: “History of Kneiphof Island”, “Immanuel Kant and Koenigsberg”, “Cathedral. Resurrection from the Ruins”, “Wallenrodt Library”.

In the altar part, at the stage of restoration, the gravestone of Duke Albrecht, a monument to which can be seen on the territory of the temple, opposite the grave of Kant.

Opening hours of the Cathedral: from 09-00 to 17-00 seven days a week.

Information can be specified on the official website - www.sobor-kaliningrad.ru. There you can also find the schedule of organ music concerts in the Kaliningrad Cathedral.

Excursions around Kaliningrad and the region

Unusual routes organized by locals. Creative people come up with excursions, who have something to tell about the city and its surroundings. They will tell you where to spend time and what you can save on.

Hotels in Kreuzkirche

If you liked the location of the Cathedral, then your intuition did not let you down - if somewhere it is worth living in Kaliningrad, then it is in the area of ​​Kant Island. On the map below you will find all the hotels located in the vicinity of Kreuzkirche.

Summing up

It does not matter whether you are interested in the history of the building, whether you want to admire the restored library or whether you love organ music. If you have arrived in Kaliningrad for the first time, you should know that you will not be able to avoid visiting the Cathedral, because this is the soul of the city.

The Cathedral of Kaliningrad or, as it is also called, Königsberg Cathedral is a visiting card, a kind of symbol and the main attraction of the city, which tourists and guests of the regional center wish to visit in order to personally verify its majesty and masterpiece.

Königsberg Cathedral

Cathedral history

When the construction of the cathedral began is unknown, but for the first time they started talking about it in 1333. And more precisely, then formally, September 13, 1333 began to be considered the date of birth. Construction work on the construction of the structure was completed in 1380. In fact, however, they lasted much longer.

The cathedral became main Catholic church the city of Koenigsberg, which glorified All Saints, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, and existed in this form until the reformation of the church in the 16th century. In addition, in the historical past, it also existed as a Lutheran church in Prussia.

On the territory of the temple there are crypts in which the remains of noble nobles and clergy rest peacefully. Lutger von Braunschweig, Grand Master of the Order of the Teutonic Knights, was the first to be buried in 1335. In 1809, the heir to the royal couple, who was stillborn, was buried. In addition, many legendary figures are buried within the walls of the Königsberg Cathedral: Masters of the Teutonic Order, Zemland bishops, university professors and other eminent persons.

The most famous person resting in the crypts of the cathedral is I. Kant an eminent German philosopher. Kant's grave stands out among others, as in 1924, in connection with the 200th anniversary of his birth, it was reconstructed in the form of a majestic monument.

Kant's grave

The largest library in Prussia, located inside the magnificent cathedral, founded by Martin von Wallendorf, existed from the middle of the 17th century until the start of World War II. But the main pride for many centuries is considered organ, which first appeared in 1695.

Organ in the concert hall

During the war years, bombing the city, in 1945, the temple suffered enormous damage: almost all the halls and rooms inside the building burned out, all the architectural decoration was destroyed. Only ruin from the magnificent cathedral. It remained in this state until the end of the 20th century.

Since 1992, organized building restoration work, and since 1994 - on the restoration of the Cathedral, which were completed in 2005. During this time, it was possible to restore many architectural elements of the majestic building, to revive the historical interior design Valennrod libraries, bring in the proper form of the tombstone, restore the roof, spire, clock and bells.

How to get there

A majestic building in the Gothic style, like a ghost of a historical the past of great Prussia, located in the very center of Kaliningrad, on Kant Island, and is the protagonist of the architectural ensemble, in which echoes of the Soviet era, modernity and classical German antiquity are harmoniously intertwined.

Tourists and guests of the city should definitely visit the Cathedral, which deserves the attention of everyone, and absolutely everyone will like it with its beauty and decoration.

The location of the cathedral can be reached by public transport:

- tram3 or 5: from Victory Square (the center of Kaliningrad) to the stop "Fish Village", then 300 meters on foot;

Any fixed-route taxi: from Leninsky Prospekt to the Kaliningrad Hotel, go to the other side of the road and move along the bridge to Kant Island.

Anyway, spire of the majestic cathedral, which is visible from afar, will point you in the right direction.

museum complex

For many decades, the temple stood in a ruined state. Few believed that it could be restored to its original form. But there were people who were not indifferent to this situation, among them historians and researchers who stubbornly beat out funds and sought permission from high-ranking officials. Thanks to their efforts and perseverance, in 1992 it was necessary start recovery process, and as a result we have the opportunity to admire gothic façade Cathedral, its interior decoration and expositions Kant Museum.

Kant Museum

There is a purely symbolic fee for visiting the museum:

For adults - 150 rub.,

For pupils and students - 100 rub.

The cost of photo or video filming on the territory of the museum is 50 rub.

The possibility of free admission to the museum and organ concerts in the daytime is available to: children under the age of 7, employees of the museum complex and the cultural sector, veterans of the Second World War, disabled people of groups 1-2 (without the right to work), military conscripts.

On the territory of the museum complex are held excursions, the route of which runs through unique architectural and historical objects: an Orthodox chapel, Valennrod library, the Kant Institute, etc.

Organ Hall

Concert hall capable of accommodating 700 people, is the main achievement of restorers. It houses the best organ complex in all of Russia, consisting of two bodies(large and small) that sound amazing with limitless sonic possibilities.

Two organists are full-time employees of the cathedral and arrange small concerts for visitors. concerts for 40 minutes during the daytime every day. Special performances a couple of times a week guest organists both Russian and foreign.

Organ Hall

In addition, festivals and competitions are regularly held not only at the Russian, but also at the international level. Among the most famous are competition of organists. Mikaela Tariverdieva, which has been held on stage for several years.