What types of cities are there in WOW? Other allies of the Alliance.

/ What types of cities are there in WOW?

What types of cities are there in WOW?


Cities in WOW are divided into two types: factional and neutral. Neutral cities include:
- Shattrath is the capital of Outland, access to it opens after reaching level 58. To get there, the player needs to go through a dark portal.
- Dalaran is the capital of Northrend, access opens after reaching level 75. To get there, you need to complete the quest, after which the player will be transferred to the city.

The main difference between cities of a neutral type is that battles are prohibited on their territory.

Alliance cities in WOW:
- Stormwind (Stormwind) - the main city of the faction, the capital of the human race, the last bastion of humans in Azeroth.
- Ironforge (Ironforge) - this city, erected in the center of a huge rock, is the capital of the race of dwarves and gnomes.
- Darnassus (Darnassus) is a beautiful capital of the night elves, a unique monument of their culture, located along the shores of a large lake. The city stands on the branches of a huge Teldrassil tree, on top of which the Temple of the Moon shines.
- Exodar - main city draenei.

Horde cities in WOW:
- Orgrimmar is the main city of the faction, built in the grand canyon, which is the capital for the race of trolls and orcs and the most powerful military capital in the world.
- Thunder Bluff (Fander Bluff) - The capital of the tauren is located on rocks connected by rope bridges.
“Silvermoon City is the capital of the blood elves.
- Undercity (Undercity) - the capital of the undead race, located deep under the ruins of Lordaeron.

It's our second week in the Battle for Azeroth beta. Under the cut - first impressions.

Overall Beta experience: The game looks pretty raw. Key mechanics are not yet finished. For example, the Azerite Armor interface is labeled temporary, that is, temporary. Sea expeditions are not working yet either. Not all profession quests have been completed. Lots of bugs. For example, the quest to be released from prison upon arrival at Kul Tiras was completed only after it was reset. Zuldazar, the capital of the Zandalari, looks half empty. And in general, how strange, there is essentially one huge pyramid, which cannot be called a city. Maps don't work normally. In short, I don't remember such a raw beta. On the same beta of Cataclysm, there were fewer bugs six months before the release. It's three and a half months left here and it's still very damp. Leads to bad thoughts about post-release playability. We remember Draenor and wave our hands - we really would not like such a start.

The second not very pleasant moment is that you cannot copy characters from live yet. You can create a 110th level blank with a stripped-down package of goodies. Which, in fact, I did. Twice. One character is a traditional dwarf hantra. The second was chosen by a night-born elf, also a hunter. Made it solely to see the starting locations, Zuldazar on Zandalar. Of course, the Alliance member visited the capital of Kul Tiras.

If we compare these two "capitals", then in my opinion Boralus is ahead. The Zandalari capital is essentially a large pyramid in the middle of the jungle. From this we have two not very pleasant consequences. First, you have to run up and down stairs a lot. I can imagine how the Horde will burn from this. Of course, until the moment when flights become available. The second moment - from the fact that we are running along the pyramid, its walls and the surrounding jungle are mainly visible. There is no feeling that you are in the city. Yes, maybe this pyramid is not the whole city, but going down into the jungle, you somehow very quickly run into evil "red" mobs. As a result: there are few interesting species, from which you want to make wallpaper and a screenshot. Very little. Maybe a little later, for the release, the situation will be corrected, but so far everything looks not too much. And besides, we have already seen such a Mayan-Aztec style more than once. Some screenshots of Zuldazar can be viewed below.


Boralus, the main city of the Alliance, looks much more interesting so far. It is comparable in size to Suramar, that is, it is a rather large place that is comparable in size to the capitals of the Old World. I generally keep quiet about Dalaran and Shattrath - they look like small neighborhoods. Besides the size, Boralus is made in an interesting style. At first glance, it resembles Gilneas. Yes, this is still the same old Europe, but if Gilneas is somewhere in the Victorian England region, centuries XVIII-XIX, then Boralus looks more like port cities of mainland Europe. Such is the Holland of the late Middle Ages. That is, yes, close, but not so much to be confused. However, look at the screenshots, videos and decide for yourself.


Kul Tiras

The capital of Kul Tiras is an atmospheric place, but the city also looks unfinished. Many streets are empty, and if we remember Suramar, there were quite a lot of local people and the impression of a bustling life was created. Yes, the Seven Winds market is already working, which is close to the port, guards walk and drive along the streets, quite an interesting social life takes place in some places, but there are still many places that need to be improved. For example, ferrymen very merrily rush along the canals, cutting through textures with their heads, which in turn are unfinished, in the human city for some reason there are statues from the ancient Elven Temple of Elune, and some stairs lead to a dead end. So there is still work to do. The following can be unambiguously stated - a very atmospheric and a nice place... Although in places it is rather gloomy.

That's all for now. I'm going to stream the beta regularly, every night, so welcome to my twitch channel. Of course there will be new videos as well. I have already visited three instances of five faces and started a military campaign. I will also publish a video on them next week.

The world of World of WarCraft is huge compared to any other PRG game. And it will remain so in my opinion, IMHO .. for a very, very long time. Blizzard does everything to make the game popular with the players (not in vain, according to some data, about 8 million people play in WoW every day! if not our capital!).

Huge virtual world, a huge number of people on a huge number of servers .. What does all this globality consist of? So. In this post I will tell you a little about the world of WarCraft in terms of its geography, its size and territories (locations) in three words \u003d).

Today (see the date of the post) in the game there are four huge and not critical (why only those who did not immediately acquire the version of the ‘Lich King’ game, but did it gradually will not understand critically) dependent territories (continents).

Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimandor united by a common beautiful name - Azeroth... Starting locations for all factions, races and classes without exception. Until recently, classic WoW consisted of just these two continents. With some corrections and additions, he survived to this day.

With each new version (update, addition), new territories are added. With an exit Burning crusade a continent appeared - Outland... With the release of the add-on Lich kingNorthrend... With the release of Cataclysm, there is still something new to come. Nobody knows what will happen next, but an inner voice suggests that something will happen, although most likely not as global as the updates to BC, LK and Cataclysm.

But let's get back from the future to the present.

Each island is divided into several territories, which, in turn, are divided into several more zones (for example, village such and such, lake such and such, fields such and such, etc.). In addition to the various geographical, natural, historical, mythical and plot subtleties of each location, their main division for players is the levels of monsters who have found (or are also trying to find) shelter there.

Those. it is quite reasonable not to go to a location with a level of 50-55 for a player who has barely reached 30. All that awaits him in this case is a bunch of aggressive and constantly attacking monsters, which he has no chance against in battle. And it is worth considering that the level of aggression of monsters in relation to you, the higher the lower the level of your character.

World of WarCraft cities... Each faction has its own cities + there are two neutral cities in the game. According to the plot of the game, these cities are sanctuaries and battles on their territory are technically prohibited.

Shattrath City (eng. Shattrath city) - the capital of Outland, you can get into which only from 58 lvl by passing through a dark portal and reaching the center of the continent by any other means (of course, you can do it earlier with the help of a teleport created by any magician). A great place to bind the return stone to any of the taverns in the city. In the center of the city there are teleports to all the main cities of each faction + to the island of QuelDanas, where the maximum number of daily quests is concentrated, and a lot of other interesting things, so I recommend tying the stone here as quickly as possible. Some do this from the very beginning of the game with a new character, in order to make it easier and faster to move around the cities of their faction.

Dalaran (eng. Dalaran) Is the capital of Northrend. Fights are also prohibited. The originality of the city lies in the fact that the city hangs on a piece of earth above ... the earth ... And you can get there in several ways. 1 - using a quest available for lvl 75 in the taverns of Shattrath, as a result of which the magician (NPC) teleports you to the city itself. 2 - with the help of the player's magician with his ability to create teleports. 3 - on my own two feet .. only not on your feet, but on .. wings, but of course only if you have them.

The teleport installed under the city of Dalaran itself, surprisingly many, also works. But! Only after you go through the magician's quest, who will tell you in more detail about this TP.

Alliance cities:

Stormwind (translations - Stormwind, Stormwind) - the main city of the Alliance, the capital of the people.
Ironforge (translations - Ironforge, Ironforge) - the capital of the Dwarves, the shelter of the Dwarves.
Darnassus (Darnassus, Darnassus) Is the capital of the Night Elves.
Exodar (Exodar) Is the capital of the Draenei.

Horde cities:

Orgrimmar (Orgrimmar) - the main city of the Horde, the capital of the Orcs and Trolls.
Thunder bluff (Thunder Bluff, Fander Bluff) Is the capital of the Tauren.
Undercity (Undercity, AnderCity) Is the capital of the Undead.
Silvermoon City (Silvermoon city) Is the capital of the Blood Elves.

In any of the above cities, each player can find almost everything he may need for the game itself \u003d)

The differences are mainly plot, class and racial. Those. some teachers, some class skills can only be found in a certain city, others only in another, while others can be found here and there. In any case, the game will make you visit a little bit of everything, and somewhere to stay and much longer ...

Frequently used places like a bank are found in every city (even in sanctuaries). There are auctions in each city of its own faction, plus 3 more inter-faction auctions where trade between the Alliance and the Horde is possible. Such AUs can be found in neutral towns - Ratchet (Tanaris Desert), Everlook (Winterspring), and Pirate's Bay.

There shouldn't be any problems with mailboxes and other little things. If you are confused where, what to find, any city guard will prompt and show you on the map what interests you. Just walk up to it and right-click on it.

I wish you a successful game and don't get confused in a new, unfamiliar city. Especially if this city is not a friendly faction to you \u003d)

Alliance capitals


During the Second War, many Dwarven strongholds fell, but the mighty city of Ironforge, nestled among the gloomy peaks of Dun Morogh, escaped this fate. The Horde invaders never succeeded in destroying it. Ironforge was built in the bowels of the mountain and forever became a monument to the skill of the Dwarves and their ability to work with rocks and stones. Spacious underground city inhabited by skilled artisans, researchers, miners and warriors. Recent events have weakened the forces of the Alliance, but despite this, the Ironforge Dwarves, led by their king Magni Bronzebeard, are tirelessly creating a better future for posterity.

Ironforge's most notable attraction is the Gnomish Underground, an interesting system of underground tunnels that connects Ironforge and the human city of Stormwind. Apart from the Dwarves, Ironforge is now home to the Dwarves who fled the city of Gnomeregan.


The city of Stormwind is the last bastion of the Human on Azeroth. Rebuilt after the Second War, Stormwind is a human-made engineering marvel. Guardians of Stormwind guard the peace of the townspeople, while young King Anduin Wrynn rules the town from his mighty fortress. The merchants who inhabit the Trade District carry on brisk trade throughout the continent and beyond, and a wide variety of warriors can be found in the streets of Old Town. Despite the fact that Stormwind managed to avoid destruction from the Scourge army in the north, the city is still threatened from outside and from within.


High above the branches of the great Teldrassil tree lies the magical city of Darnassus, the new hideout of the mysterious Night Elves. Druids, Hunters and Warriors also live among the groves and wooden houses. Above the tree crowns, like a guiding star, the Temple of the Moon rises. To its side is the colonnaded Hall of Justice, where the watchful Sentinels guard the peace of their homeland. Ruled by a high priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind, Darnassus stands firmly at guard over all that is sacred to the Night Elves. The city, living in harmony with nature, is located on the shores of a huge lake, over the crystal waters of which graceful bridges are thrown. In some places, fallen leaves cover the city roads with a soft carpet.

Horde capitals


Named after the legendary Orgrim Doomhammer, the city of Orgrimmar became the capital of the new Orc homeland. Built in a vast, winding ravine in the harsh land of Durotar, Orgrimmar is one of the most powerful Warriors cities in the world. Behind its huge walls, within the city, old and experienced Shamans patiently teach a new generation of Horde leaders , and in the gladiatorial arena, Warriors hone their skills in competition, preparing to meet the challenges that await them on this dangerous land with dignity.

Thunder Bluff

The great city of Thunder Bluff sits atop mountains overlooking the green meadows of Mulgore. The Tauren were once nomads, but they recently founded a city that attracts trade caravans, traveling artisans and various craftsmen. The majestic city is home to the brave Hunters who hunt down dangerous game in and around the plains of Malgore. Long wooden bridges were thrown across the gorges, connecting the tops of the mountains, dotted with tents, communal houses, brightly painted totems and houses in which the spirits were summoned. This bustling city is ruled by the powerful leader Cairne Bloodhoof, making sure that the united Tauren tribes live in harmony and security.


Preserved deep beneath the ruins of Lordaeron, the royal crypts have been turned into a bastion of evil and undead. Initially, Prince Arthas wanted this place to become the center of the powerful Scourge. But then the Lich King called him to his aid from the distant Northrend, and Arthas had to leave the promising Undercity. While he was gone, the rebellious Forsaken, led by Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, took refuge in Undercity, which Sylvanas claimed as her own. Having settled there, the Forsaken continued the construction begun by Arthas, digging up intricate labyrinths, graves and dungeons.