Abstract on the topic of the railway. Thesis: Rights and obligations of a conductor in long-distance carriages for the carriage of passengers Poems about professions

The profession of a railway worker is STABLE like no other. Even during the most difficult transition period, when many Russian enterprises stopped working, the railway continued to carry cargo and passengers. The life and work of Russian Railways employees takes place in the limited space of the carriages according to the train schedule. The famous abbreviation of Russian Railways - Russian Railways - is jokingly deciphered by railroad workers as We rarely live at home. And this is true: the work schedule involves frequent travel and life outside the home. The profession is ideal for those who do not like to sit in one place, are easy-going and yearn for new experiences. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in social studies (see choosing a profession by interest in school subjects).

The train manager controls everything that happens on the train:

  • is responsible for the timely departure and arrival of the train and the safety of passengers on the way;
  • supervises the work of conductors of all carriages and technical personnel;
  • examines conflict situations and passenger complaints.

During the boarding of passengers on the train and along the route, the head of the train becomes the leader not only of the conductors, but also the patron saint of hundreds of passengers, whose comfort, health and life are on his personal responsibility. He is confident in himself and his competence and always knows in what cases to call the transport police, in what to call an ambulance, and where you can settle the conflict or solve the problem on your own.

On any journey, unforeseen circumstances can occur, and it is the train manager's job to prevent them as much as possible. Situations are different: from changing the seats of passengers to the need to delay the departure of the train. It also happened: the DDT group was late for the train and had to take measures to delay the train. It is especially fun, but also troublesome to transport artists. Participants of the "People's Artist" show sang all night long during the trip.

The head of the train, like every conductor of the carriage, possesses the skills of first aid and the technique of servicing electrical equipment.

Features of the profession

The duties of the train manager are divided into stages:

1. before the train leaves - must make a round of all the train cars, make sure that the train crew is complete, that all conductors and technical personnel are present at their workplaces. Check the sanitary and technical readiness of the train carriages, the completeness of the equipment of the carriages with fuel, water, bedding, food and medicine. Control the timely delivery of a passenger train for boarding passengers. Manage the landing process, resolve conflicts that have arisen.

2. after the train departs - announce on the radio the route and time of arrival at the final station, inform about the rules of conduct on the way, about the location of the dining car, about the provision of paid and free services and other important information. Exercise control over the work of conductors and all service personnel, their compliance with the duty schedule and uniform, high-quality performance of functional duties. Conduct constant control over the equipment of cars with fuel and water. Take measures to provide medical assistance if necessary: ​​call paramedics from among the passengers or from a nearby station. At the end of the voyage - collection of cash proceeds from the conductors for the provision of services, collection of fines and surcharges, drawing up a report. Issue books of reviews and suggestions at the request of passengers.

3. upon arrival at the terminal station - establish a schedule for the attendants during the parking time, inform the technical service station (maintenance point) about the malfunctions of the cars found on the way, and control their elimination. Apply for equipping cars with fuel, water and other materials. Seal bed linen bags.

4. in extreme situations - act according to instructions depending on the incident .

5. upon arrival of the train at the point of formation - write down the faults found along the way in the repair book at the service station; hand over the proceeds received from the conductors and report on the form to the accounting department; report to the head of the reserve on the results of the flight and having received instructions for the next flight, instruct the conductors of your brigade.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Constant demand for the profession
  • Fairly high wages on branded trains and certain destinations


  • Traveling nature of work
  • Excessive communication with different types of people
  • High level of responsibility for the work of a large team
  • Shift work, you have to work on weekends and holidays according to the schedule

Place of work

JSC "Russian Railways", international railways, metro, transport enterprises, scientific and teaching work at the MIIT university complex.

Important qualities

  • responsibility and organization
  • ability to competently and effectively organize the work of a train crew
  • ability to work in a team, sociability
  • fast and accurate response
  • ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • the ability to make accurate, balanced and responsible decisions
  • accuracy in work in documentation
  • ability to analyze and organize information
  • ability to find non-standard solutions in time trouble
  • good physical health (train chiefs, like conductors, undergo a special medical examination in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Railways)
  • Knowledge of English on international routes

Train master training

A train manager can be a specialist with a higher or secondary technical vocational education and 3 years of experience as a conductor.

Composition by a 6-B grade student Kotkina Daria

as part of a road competition

for the best essay on the railroad.

2011-2012 academic year.

Waiting for the train.

Once I had to wait a long time for a train - for some reason he was late. It was the end of August, I had to return home after a summer vacation. It was warm outside. I didn't want to sit in the waiting room, and I went to the platform. It was not crowded here.

Several students joked about something merrily, a lone janitor rustled with a grumpy broom, and two bright and noisy gypsies argued animatedly with the police officer on duty.

I walked along the platform, looking thoughtfully at the rails. The rails seem to go nowhere. But the rails, like the passengers, have an end point on their way, they do not go to infinity.

Big cities, small stations, the vast expanses of our country flash past the windows of the carriage. Life does not stand still, and the rails are witnesses of many destinies and travels. The joy of meeting and tears of parting, the cheerful hubbub of students, the grumbling of summer residents, the lively voices of the station vendors - the railway sees and hears everything.

Reflecting on this, I suddenly caught myself thinking that without a person there is no life on the railway. After all, the railway workers are the main thing. People are a very difficult and responsible profession. They ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. Miles depend on them, maybe the most important meeting in someone's life.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the shrill whistle of a passing train. The train rushed past, leaving behind a warm smell of diesel oil and fuel oil. He seemed to want to catch up with the time itself, the wheels of his carriages were pounding so quickly and loudly. The knock of wheels is a knock that beckons, soothes, gives hope. May there always be a green semaphore and a velvet track on the railway.

Railroad of the future.

I really enjoy traveling by train. During the summer holidays, the whole family goes on vacation. We often visit the sea. The ride is long, but in modern trains, even the longest journey flies by unnoticed.

I really like looking out the carriage window and dreaming. Amid the measured sound of wheels, I ponder: what will the railway be like, for example, in 50-100 years.

I would really like to see trains for children in the future. Fast fun train with carriages, with drawings of cartoon characters. The children's train has comfortable compartments: soft folding shelves with a remote control, adjustable air conditioning. It would be great if each compartment had a home theater in 3 and 4D formats, and the conductor could also be called through radio communication.

Of course, the trains of the future must be environmentally friendly, so they will be hovering and almost silent. Perhaps the railway of the future will be built under water and pass through glass tunnels, which will allow admiring the beauty of the sea.

And all the trains of the future will be controlled by a computer system.

The railway plays a very important role in people's lives. Perhaps, when I grow up, I will design the trains of the future, and who knows, suddenly my dream train will rush passengers across the endless expanses of our country.

"My life is iron road".

Presenter: (a recording sounds ... the sound of car wheels and the whistle of a diesel locomotive).

Having listened to these sounds, you realized that today we will talk about the iron

road. Our competitive - game, poetic program is dedicated to the iron

road. Do you like to travel by train?

Then why did it become? Sit back and go! And will help us

travel by rail ... Poetry.

1 child: Big cities have behind their shoulders -

At train stations, on the eve of the fields,

Like arrows in a glass quiver

They are waiting for dispatch trains. Hurry!

Here it is - the sending side.

Goodbye, home comfort!

Here is the side of surprise

For which I stand up!

2 children: That in the spring meadows decoration,

Then in the pinking river reach

Grinding space

With millstones of merry wheels.

There will be cold, and heat, and fatigue,

Just don't look back:

Behind - only the past remains

The present is there in front.

Host: Actually, we are so used to this amazing phenomenon,

which is the railway, which sometimes we do not even think about

how would we live without her. But after all, they lived in Russia and in the whole world without

railways! Who will tell me when and where the first appeared in Russia


Child: Our Russian railway is still very young. First passenger

a steel highway connected Petersburg with Tsarskoye Selo, this happened in

October 1837. Its length was only 25 km. But actually

"Chugunka" - as the common people called the railway - appeared a little

earlier: in September 1834. Serf breeders Demidovs, father

and the son of Cherepanov Efim Alexandrovich and Miron Efimovich, joined

a narrow-gauge quarry where iron ore was mined, and the Nizhniy Tagil plant,

where this ore was smelted into pig iron. It is this tiny iron

the road is only 3.5 km long and became the progenitor of the current railway

Child: The iron skate is racing!

Iron thunders against the iron.

Steam swirls, smoke rushes;

The iron horse is racing,

Picked up, planted, and rushes ...

Child: Everything is fine under the moonlight,

Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus ...

I fly fast on cast-iron rails,

I think it's my own thought!

Host: Let's play a game:

"Decipher the word"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Offer children tickets (of different colors), on the front side of the tickets are written numbers according to the number of subgroups. You need to read the words in the order in which they are written, select the first syllables in them and make a new word out of them.

Task for the first team:

vase, grief, dive (carriages)

bed, leather, skein, quiet, call (locomotives)

at home, mole, viper (road)

Task for the second team:

field, riding, gifts (trains)

spatula, skis (sleepers)

body, swimmer, water, swell (diesel locomotives)

Needed in railways , even kings are emperors were interested

in that. Committee of the Great Siberian Railway chaired by

Emperor Alexander III decided to build a highway with two

sides: in the west - from Chelyabinsk, in the east - from Vladivostok. And the heir

throne Nicholas III in 1891 laid the first stone with his own hand

into the station building in Vladivostok and overturned the wheelbarrow with the ground, thereby

laying the foundation for the construction of the Ussuriysk railway. This road

And in October 1916, the railway bridge across the Amur near

Khabarovsk, Russia proudly announced to the world that it was she who tied the iron

expensive two oceans - Atlantic and Pacific.

The twentieth century has come - the century of technology and high speeds. Continued

new railway lines are being built. All these construction sites (Turksib -

the highway connecting the center of Russia with the Far North - with Vorkuta, Murmansk,

Baikal - Amur Mainline) forever entered the history of our Motherland and

are worthy of great respect, because their laying is a feat.

"Anthem of Railwaymen"

On the motive of the song "Truckman", from the repertoire of G. Zarechny.

Warm-up game: "Do's and don'ts."

Host: If what I am going to talk about can be done, the children should jump if

you can't - sit down.

1.Cross the railroad in a prohibited place?

2. Play with matches and lighters?

3. Cross the street at a green traffic light?

4. Lean out of the windows of trains, electric trains?

5. Got dirty hands?

6. Edible fungus - put in a box?

7. Throwing rubbish out the train window?

8. Ride the train without a ticket?

9. To use candles instead of an electric garland?

10. Sleep for small children on the top bunks of the train?

11. Leaving home, leave the electrical appliances on?

12. Play different railroad games?

13. Boarding the train without a ticket?

14. Lean over the balcony rail?

15. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief when coughing?

16. To be rude to the conductor, to call names on the train?

Game "Make up a funny story."

Host: Try to come up with funny stories about what would happen if

some work was done by people of a completely different profession.

What would happen if ...

The ballerina was sweeping the yard;

The train would be driven by a cook;

The path would be repaired by a doctor;

Instead of a guide, there would be an artist;

The head of the train was replaced by a conductor;

The gardener brought letters to the house;

The musician was fishing;

The singer sold tickets at the box office;

The costumes were sewn by a sailor;

The librarian treated the sick;

Host: While our train is moving to a given point, answer me this question.

Here we say: the railway ... the railway ... And what does it hold in

myself? What is related to the railroad?

Child: Tunnels, bridges;

The railway line is unthinkable without train stations, stations, half-stations,

hauls. It needs semaphores, arrows, platforms to work.

Child: Concepts such as "traveling", "ticket", "shelf", "speed", "schedule"

applicable to the railroad.

And, of course, the railway is carriages, coal, steam, electricity.

Host: Trains are different. Come on, tell me what kind of trains you are

Child: Trains are divided into passenger and freight. The first type of trains includes

fast (or express trains), with reserved seat and compartment cars.

An example of such a train is the Rossiya express train from Vladivostok.

to Moscow, - the train that passes the longest railway in 6 days

route on our planet (9290 km). He's numbered 1, but no less cute

and local, suburban trains that take us to

dacha, to my grandmother, who lives in a small village.


The railroad is getting stronger

And by rails - rays the world brings together.

From the southern mountains to the northern seas

It runs from west to east.

To serve the railroad

A lot of specialists are needed:

The driver himself, the driver's assistant,

Cashier, minister and next to a deputy minister,

As well as an impartial auditor,

Also a principal controller,

Roadman, attentive,

The dispatcher is intelligible, obligatory;

For the fact that the carriage is warm and the train runs,

We bow to all of them in the belt!

Child: Freight (freight) trains are also different: they carry different types

cargo, and for each type - its own car. Low rectangular wagons

provide us with coal and timber, tall rectangular ones - grain, small

trapezoidal wagons are designed for the transportation of cement and flour, round

cisterns transport oil and oil products; huge refrigerators

(refrigerated trucks) bring us products, and platforms with installed

lattices are intended for transportation of containers, cars. There is

also postal - baggage cars.

The song "Blue railway carriage".

Host: Now let's talk about the professions associated with the railway,

more precisely, which the railroad united. Who works on the iron

road? Thanks to whom does the railway live?

Game "Make up a word".

The team that finds the most profession names wins.

(connected with the railroad).




(shoemaker, tracker, cashier, mechanic, machinist, assistant, guide,

station attendant, dispatcher, electrician, porter, auditor).

Poems about professions

(railway related)


The parallels of the rail go into the distance

Arrows, stretches, abutments.

There is no time to keep sadness in my soul:

You need to arrive on time, without delay.

There is a line behind the cars,

Hundreds of souls, only dependent on them,

People are the ones who go wherever

For their unthinkable worries.

Someone goes to the sea to rest,

Who is on a business trip, with a task

Someone will celebrate the holiday,

Someone on a last date.

People ride knowing ahead of time

That them before the expiration date

The train will certainly take you

To any destination.

But they, forgetting fatigue,

Without taking his eyes off the flickering rail,

Will drive the locomotive

Meeting the timetable.

We want to wish them more strength,

So that the shifts are all calm,

So that the diesel engine does not let them down,

Passengers would be delighted.


Passengers are fidgets

Fussing here and there.

Live quietly fastidious

They are not given to the guides.

It is difficult to deal with them,

Calm down, scold ...

If this is not possible,

That bosses need to be called.

After all, the chief of staff

There is a king and a god on the train.

He is fair by right,

Moderately kind and moderately strict.

Someone confused the place,

Someone "like a hare" got into the carriage.

After all, you need to help someone,

And to kick someone out.

With the one who hates everything in the world,

Sort it out without offense

And with a mistake in the ticket

Solve the situation.

So we wish them peace,

Happiness in life again and again!

And diligent passengers

So as not to spoil their blood.

Their labor of glory and honor

Dressed for us for all.

May the work please them

And let success await in everything!


Passengers are children. On the way

Someone should be responsible for them:

Check all the tickets, bring the bed,

Feed and put to bed.

Boil strong tea, wake sleepy at night,

Keep the carriage clean,

Pour fresh water into heavy titanium

And don't forget to sweep the floors.

Drive close or the path lies far ...

On the railroad bye

The passenger will, alas, have a hard time

Without a good guide!

What can I wish them?

Only patience and strength

And health - everyone needs it!

May the work of you be exemplary from now on always

Thanks only sound.

And dear hearts, despite the years.

Let them knock with you, as before.

Let the shifts go without accidents and dramas,

Happiness, cheerfulness, henceforth without longing!

Let more kind people meet you

Our lovely guides!


In their orange vests

Under the sun and in the night lights

They are in the winter, and in the hot summer

They work on the tracks.

Checks of joints, sleepers and nuts,

Inspection of wheels and brakes ...

There is a hammer and a flashlight -

They will tell everything without words.

Their work is hard - the result is clear to everyone:

And the passengers will know

That their path will be safe,

They don't have to wait for accidents.

Travelers will check everything everywhere,

All problems will be eliminated.

The drivers firmly believe them:

They always keep an eye on everything.

And hundreds of disasters to come

Do not come true. They will be warned

One ubiquitous traveler -

All problems will be eliminated.

Thank them for all their efforts,

We wish you happiness and good

Love, mutual understanding!

To the valiant travelers - hurray!


Without you, no one would have known

At train stations waiting for a train

When will he come? Late?

What platform is waiting for him?

And the passengers would be in a crowd

They tore and threw from anger,

Without information, such

There would be chaos at the train station

Calm streams flow

Carrying to everyone without further ado

Streams of valuable information.

You know everything about everything

And about the slightest change

Tell everyone in your

The usual short announcement.

About all train movements

They already know in advance.

And your long awaited words

Everyone is waiting with increased attention.

May happiness, joy and love

They will always "chase" them,

And passengers again and again

They will say "Thank you", they will not forget!


If it weren't for them on the railroad,

Electric trains would not rush along it then,

The darkness would reign like in a black den,

The semaphore did not show the required lights.

We constantly need their strong hands:

Wires, insulators - disassemble everything.

Day after day passes, only they are not bored,

Faults must always be corrected.

We want to wish them fewer accidents,

So that their work brings us joy.

Well, in personal matters, there was a good script.

Happiness, good spirits, love and warmth!


He delivers mail in a spare wagon

Reliably, right, exactly to any end of the country.

He stores and sorts bags with letters.

Forms parcels, not knowing longing.

Always full of will, doing his duty,

Parcels, parcels will deliver to people on time.

Mail wagons carry messages to everyone,

Bypassing the runs, doing your good work.

And to those who are on duty in them

We always wish

Don't frown your eyebrows, don't think about the year!

After all, your glorious deed for many days

You valiantly, skillfully bring people together!


Passengers on the platform

The landing jitter hits

To take places in the car,

Not forgetting about your luggage.

Who will help them skillfully

To the carriage or taxi

Deliver your luggage intact?

It can, just ask

That is a reliable porter.

He will not leave you in trouble!

Your belongings under supervision

He will deliver at the same hour

Suitcases and trolleys

Chests, knots, bales

This is all without unnecessary haste

Hurry is not out of hand.

More strength, and success,

And good luck and kindness,

Less sorrow, more laughter

Let labor become like a game!


Our train station attendant

It is not for nothing that he leads ,

Everyone knows - he is a kind guy

And he does not sit idle.

Then the child is lost

Or they won't find the train

Someone was confused in something -

All run to the attendant.

Will help everyone who is in sorrow,

Without offending anyone,

What's going on at the station

Under his control.

Let there be less work

And peace reigns in the family

Everyone knows at the train station

That our duty officer is a hero!


A breakdown happened, downtime is going on,

Trouble has happened, the mechanics are waiting.

With a smile in your eyes, knowing no barriers,

He will quickly set up any unit.

On the way, diesel locomotives are threatened with breakdowns,

They are not pleasant and slow down.

Clever breakdown mechanics are a trifle,

Without shouting and noise, they will fix it anyway.

I will say without a doubt, without unnecessary embellishment:

Ways of communication cannot live without you!

"Song of the Railwaymen"

(to the tune of the song "My address is the Soviet Union")

Game "Professional Dictionary"

Host: I suggest that you determine which professions those groups of words belong to,

which I will now read to you.

1.Fabric, cutting, pattern, scissors, tailor shop. (Tailor).

2. Carriage, coal, tea, tickets, compartment, common carriage. (Conductor).

3. Beauty, hair, scissors, hairstyle, style, shampoo, paint,

client. (hairdresser).

4. Platform, station, passengers, locomotive, cab, rails, wagons,

traffic light, responsibility (locomotive driver).

5. White coat, patient, diagnosis, clinic. (Doctor).

6. Cold, rails, sleepers, heat, path, haul, "window", "crutch".

(Traveler, shoemaker).


Host 1: We know a lot of transport: there is a bus, a steamer.

Host 2: We will talk about the railway now.

Lead 1: About the station, wagons, ticket office.

Host 2: And about those who carry us.

Presenters (in chorus): We have prepared a very interesting story for you.

Host 1: Who is more important on the road - the driver or the conductor?

Host 2: Everyone knows - the most important driver on the road! Who at the sight is very

strict auditors immediately wilted?

Host 1: What to do with a heavy suitcase in a foreign city?

Host 2: If we are early for the train, how will we spend the day here?

Host 1: Where tickets are always bought, we will know from now on.

Presenters (in chorus): A funny semaphore will give us answers to all this!

Scene "Station".

Host 1: We arrive at the station.

Host 2: There is a large and bright room here.

Host 1: We'll buy tickets here at the box office.

Host 2: And in the buffet - tea with a cutlet.

Lead 2: Let's sit in an armchair, wait (sit down).

Host 1: What will be announced to us.

Host 2: And around the crowd, endless movement.

Host 1: Here are tourists with kayaks,

Host 2: Here is the accordion ensemble,

Host 1: A whole class with backpacks - after all, the holidays are now.

Host 2: Here is an old woman with a samovar,

Host 1: Here are the students and the guitar.

Lead 2: Uzbek with a melon in a net,

Host 1: And a hundred more people.

Host 2: The loudspeaker suddenly sneezed:

Host 1: "The train Adler - Barnaul, maybe it will come now!"

Host 2: The people immediately ran.

Host 1: And behind him, you and I -

We must go home.

Host 2: Goodbye, train station!

Together: Your cozy light room,

Once we are on the way

There is no way for us to get around!

Scene "Luggage storage".

Passenger: I was passing through here,

I'm half a day before the train,

I would go for a walk

But I have things!

Caretaker: You will be helped without a doubt

There is also a luggage room.

Let the owners walk

Things await them here.

Passenger: (handing things out the window)

Bag, suitcase, basket

Can I pass the window into this?

Caretaker: I just won't take an elephant -

He needs a cage.

Passenger: I handed over my things, took the token

And the free one went out!

Scene "Information Bureau".

Passenger 1: If you need help soon

Receive, and not one,

We are without further ado

We go to this window.

(Everyone goes to the window and gets in line).

Passenger 2: Where can we change trains?

Passenger 1: Where to the train from the ustatku

Can we rest?

Passenger 2: Here, in the window, they will tell us.

How much is our ticket

And also - which is also important -

Where is the buffet and toilet.

Passenger 3: Lost Mom Baby

All burst into tears.

Consultant: Announced from the window -

Mom was found right away.

Passenger 1: Passengers little by little

They go to him all day.

Consultant: This smart window is called "Information Bureau"!

Scene "At the checkout".

(Passengers with luggage in their hands stand in line at the checkout).

Passenger 1: We climb into the cashier with our nose

Here's a simple question:

"Is there a ticket to Rostov?"

Cashier: No.

Passenger 2: Heard back.

Cashier: Here, take - ka, to Brest

There are two wonderful places.

Brest Fortress once

Soldiers defended there.

Passenger 3: Give us tickets to Rostov.

Cashier: Well, go to Odessa.

The sea is there and everyone is joking

Living in Odessa will not get boring.

Passenger 2: We would still be in Rostov.

Cashier: There are tickets to Chisinau.

There is warmth and grapes

Everyone is glad to grapes.

And you don't want to go there?

Do you speak Spanish?

There are tickets to Madrid.

There you will see a bullfight

The queen and the king.

Passenger 3: No, we'll still wait

Two tickets to Rostov, -

We speak to the cashier again.

The cashier immediately became boring:

Cashier: Here is a moody passenger

Today I went -

Everything is not good for him.

I give him this and that,

Well, you can't please in any way!

Scene "Bridge".

Lead 1: You know everything yourself:

A bridge is visible at the station.

Lead 2: Stretched out over the paths,

He rose to his full height.

Host 1: Why is the bridge built here,

On land, not over water?

Host 2: The explanation is simple -

He protects you and me.

Host 1: Like many guys,

So as not to waste time

Lead 2: We love - but what to hide there -

Walk straight along the paths.

The locomotive did not notice -

Trouble has already struck!

All children need to remember -

The bridge will always help us out.

Together: On the bridge, not on the road,

We need to go over!

Scene "Explorer".

Passenger 1: Is it an uncle or aunt

Here at home and at work.

Passenger 2: Here's the apartment drove,

In it neighbors are passengers,

Passenger 3: Fat,

Passenger 4: Slim,

Passenger 1: Kind,

Passenger 2: Angry,

Passenger 3: Elderly,

Passenger 4: And young.

Passenger 1: Boy

Passenger 2: Or the old lady,

Passenger 3: And the ruddy girly -

Passenger 4: All of them, even if it's night,

The guide is in a hurry to help:

Passenger 1: He will indicate the desired shelf,

Passenger 2: He will tell you about the destination,

Passenger 3: Will bring fragrant tea.

Passenger 4: And sweep in the car.

Passenger 1: The forest and the river flashed -

Her stove is already smoking:

Passenger 2: There is little outside the window,

The house should be in order.

Passenger 3: Didn't have time to look back -

He brings each one a bed.

Passenger 4: Although tired and no urine,

Will tell everyone: "Good night!"

Conductor: Passengers sleep sweetly -

Conductor il conductor

Only some will not sleep

And protect your peace!

(A machinist in a cap enters the stage, reads a poem).

I wanted to become a chimney sweep -

I suddenly had to change my mind

Because the driver

I happened to see.

He walks with a smooth gait,

Very slender and broad-shouldered.

Everyone knows - the most important

The driver is on the road!

He will deliver passengers

To the desired city just in time:

To Kiev, Astrakhan, Rustavi,

Ashgabat, Vladivostok.

Day and night leads the trains

With coal, sugar, ore

Through the deserts, through the oak groves,

Over the bridges above the water.

Observing from the cockpit -

There must be a clear path.

(Looks into the distance).

On this long route

Do not take a nap.

Behind the back of his platform

Ride stack woods.

He's in a beautiful blue uniform

I would like to become like that!

("Coupe". The Inspector General approaches the seated passengers, he reads the text, passengers show tickets, one is looking for a ticket for a long time).


Well - ka, brothers, guess;

Who do hares suffer from?

The gray wolf is not scary at all

To our unusual hares.

They are not afraid - miracles!

For some reason, and a fox.

Here, in the carriage, for a long time

The chief physician is their auditor.

He walks up to the passengers

There is a ticket - let go in peace.

(Checks tickets).

But you can't get a ticket -

It means that you will immediately become a hare.

And saying that you're wrong

The auditor will appoint a fine.

(The auditor shakes his finger).

Take my advice:

You must always take a ticket!


We drive up to the station,

The journey is over.

The road has become clearer for us,

The semaphore is our fellow!

He made us friends with the driver,

And also with a guide.

The car is cozy and clean for us

Replaced the house for a while.

Who will meet us on the platform?

What is a move?

Learn about everything in the world

Never get bored.

Why do we approach the cash desks?

Where can I find the answer to everything?

And what danger awaits

If you follow the paths?

There are a lot of these rules,

And without them we have nowhere.

All together: We are with the railway

Made friends forever!

Host: And it also happens that it is the railway that abruptly changes the fate of a person:

he dreamed of another profession, but, having only once traveled by train, could not

already forget this "pinching" feeling of the road, smooth sliding

carriages, the smoke of a steam locomotive, and the whistle of a locomotive. Or maybe,

today, after our holiday, someone will think, will choose in the future

will become a railway worker, because our city Rtischevo is a city

railway workers.

Child: It's over, guys,

A story about professions.

You will choose sometime

Suitable for you.

But let's not rush

One can only dream.

Everyone needs to learn a lot,

To become a specialist.

So that they are proud of you later,

By your labor grip,

To be masters

You are in any profession!

There are prestigious professions (highly paid), noble, creative, romantic - different. Among the multitude of people who are "in office", there are those who strived for their goal, made a career for several years in different ways, even not always honest (this is the first option). There are those who never thought of becoming a very highly paid specialist in a prestigious position, but simply did their job honestly, conscientiously, enjoying their work (second option). I increasingly began to think about how, including both options, to become successful in this life, which path to choose. The problem is eternal

Sometimes the choice of profession is accidental, but that does not mean that it is unsuccessful. Perhaps, fate often leads a person. Of course, I would like to look behind the screen of the future 10-15 years and decide whether today it is worth taking this or that step into the future. A lot will have to be taken into account: will the profession bring income, since it is important - you will need to feed the family; whether the profession will please - it is psychologically important to get pleasure from your work. Problem!

Choosing a profession, I began to reflect on what I like, what abilities I have, what my friends and parents advise. It turned out that I feel comfortable being among people, communicating with them, delving into their problems, even helping. In order to resolve acute situations in my family and among my friends, I read psychological books, I try to smooth out emerging conflicts in my life. I am also interested in being always on the move, traveling around the world, watching what is happening in it, because it’s so boring to sit in one place all my life, live on the same street, ride the same bus route!

Everything is clear, I am the future guide on the railway! Everything will be here: new faces, new cities, and life on wheels. Also (I understand this) there will be a great responsibility for the comfort, convenience of other people, sometimes, you may have to communicate with irritated people - this is where you can apply your knowledge of psychological techniques to resolve conflicts.

Maybe someone will say that this is all - sheer romance. Let be! But this is interesting. Imagine how joyful it can be to meet your family after a two-week absence! And how many new faces, new impressions are ahead!

My parents rather support me - my mother thinks that if I have a goal, then I have to go to it. Dad is still silent, he does not comment on my choice. Perhaps he believes that even a year and a half before graduation, that dreams can change. I am firmly convinced: you need to go to a railway college, because I still do not find other interesting and accessible professions. I will go to the dream!

Each of us has been a passenger many times throughout our lives. We use various types of transport: road, rail, water, air.

This summer, together with my dad, I was in Tunisia. We flew there by plane. The whole journey took about three hours. For some reason, many are afraid of airplanes, but I really enjoyed flying. There was no TV in the salon, but it was successfully replaced by a porthole. Cities, seas, mountains floated under us. They seemed small, like toys. Our pilot was a real ace, so the flight went well and we landed smoothly.

Several times a year I have to be a train passenger. My parents and I drive it to the dacha. There is usually enough space for everyone in the carriage, but sometimes I give up my seat to old women. After all, it is so difficult for them to stand.

Very often I travel by buses and minibuses. And I always want to be a good, cultured passenger. I try to inform the driver about stops in advance, not to talk loudly on the phone in transport.

So, being a passenger is great and at the same time it is a huge responsibility.