How to get to Macau from Hong Kong by ferry. How to get from Hong Kong to Macau

If you get motion sickness, take some medicine ahead of time at the hotel. On my own behalf, I can recommend Dramamine - this is the Croatian analogue of the American Bonin. The action is the same, but cheaper. The only thing is that the Croats could not get rid of strong bitterness.

If bad weather is expected, check the company's website to see if flights have been cancelled. Once again, make sure you bring your passport, Hong Kong travel permit, ticket, and completed Hong Kong Departure Card (this can also be completed when you check out). Upon arrival at the terminal, check the board to ensure that your flight has not been cancelled. If so, then you will accordingly go on the next one.

Gate to departure area

On the third floor (where the ticket offices are) there are two exits to the piers: one by TurboJet, the other by Cotai Water Jet. You choose yours and walk along the viaduct, at the end of which they will check your ticket and tear off its stub.


If you have luggage, you can check it in. On this page of the official website you will find out all the conditions. In short, hand luggage is anything less than 20 kg and within 60 x 20 x 35 cm. Anything larger is checked in, checked in and paid for (from 25 to 45 HKD depending on weight). You need to check in your luggage 45 - 20 minutes before the flight departure; if later, your luggage will go on the next ferry.

But my travel experience has shown that they don’t want to accept luggage from foreigners. I decided specifically for the site to check in my suitcase, which exceeded the size of hand luggage, but they didn’t accept it, saying that everything was fine. A foreigner guy tried to check in my suitcase with me - they didn’t accept him either, although his suitcase was simply gigantic. On the other hand, all the Chinese, whose suitcases were clearly smaller than ours, were turned in to check in their luggage. The advice is simple: go to the baggage check-in counter and ask. If they tell you to hand over your things, hand over; no means no.

You can also leave your luggage in the storage room, but this pleasure costs 20 HKD per hour.


Next, you need to go down one floor to the immigration area, where you need to fill out a departure card (if you haven’t done so before). Then you need to queue up at the VISITORS counter, where you will present to the border guards your passport, departure card and permission to stay in Hong Kong (you can keep it).

Viaduct to the departure area

After immigration formalities, we go down even further to the waiting room. Here, look for the Check In counter, where you will be assigned a seat in the cabin, and a tag with the corresponding number will be affixed to your ticket. Remember, check-in is for the next outgoing flight, and not for all flights that day.

Waiting hall

Note for those who want to sit in a specific place (near the window or in the aisle). There is a girl at the reception desk with a floor plan of the salon in front of her. She peels off the seat stickers from this plan and pastes them onto the passengers' tickets. She does this very quickly, so first approach the front desk from the side, study the layout, availability of seats, and then get in line in order to have time to intercept her hand and point to the seat you need. Tip: Of course, a window seat is great, but if you have large suitcases, it is better to sit in the forward part of the cabin in front of the wide central aisle.


After check-in, go to boarding. The gate number can be found on the scoreboard. If it has not started yet, wait for the announcement on the same board. When you enter the ferry, show your ticket and you will be assigned to different cabins depending on your class. There, near the entrance, there are shelves for luggage, but, as a rule, they are already full, so you continue to look for your place. In 50 percent of cases, your seat will be occupied - show your ticket and, smiling politely, ask to give up your seat.


Today we will talk about an independent trip to Macau (Aomen), an administrative region of China. This is a special region of the Republic of China, located on the shores of the South China Sea. It covers the entire Macau Peninsula and the islands of Taipa and Coloane. Macau is considered a state within a state, with its own legislation and currency.

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Since the 15th century, this part of China was a Portuguese colony for several centuries. And only a year before the millennium, in 1999, the PRC regained this territory, giving it only for lease until 2049. The Portuguese brought European culture, religion, education and crafts to these lands, and this trace remains to this day. In Macau, the traditions of China and Europe are closely intertwined - in local customs, in language and, of course, in architecture.

Some kind of double code of life prevails here - Buddhist temples welcome believers along with Catholic cathedrals, not only the population speaks two languages, but also street names are written, a culinary riot of aromas of both Chinese and Portuguese cuisine reigns. But first things first.

How to get there

Macau welcomes guests from both the Chinese mainland and the sea. From the capital of China, tourist routes can follow the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao high-speed highway. You can also get here by air. Macau International Airport, located on Taipa Island, has many connecting flights. Of course, compared to neighboring Hong Kong, the passenger traffic of Macau Airport is much more modest, but it is the main air hub on routes to Southeast Asia.

However, the largest flow of tourists to Macau comes from Hong Kong by sea. The piers from which boats depart to Macau are located both on the mainland of Hong Kong, in the Kowloon area, and on Hong Kong Island. If tourists may need the help of a guide to find the required pier in Kowloon, then the subway line takes them directly to the pier in Hong Kong. To do this, you need to take the metro to Sheung Wan, find the exit to the Ferry and follow the signs towards the TurboJet ticket office. A boat ticket to Macau will cost approximately 120 HKD. Sea speedboats depart from Hong Kong Pier twice an hour and the journey takes about 50 minutes.

Right at the pier in Macau, tourists are greeted by many pretty girls and boys with various signs - these are barkers in hotels and casinos.

Entertainment and excitement center

Historically, Macau has always been a center of trade, attracting Chinese and Portuguese merchants. From here there were trade routes to India and East Asia. This was the only place in China where Europeans lived. They brought here not only culture, but also all sorts of vices - gambling, drunkenness and robbery.

By the 20th century, when it had already experienced a boom in trade, robbery, theft and fraud had disappeared, Macau left gambling in its heritage and turned into the Asian Monte Carlo - a center of entertainment and excitement. The center of business and trade by this time had moved to neighboring Hong Kong and retained this status to this day. It was thanks to these changes that Macau was able to maintain its unique patriarchal way of life and a relatively leisurely pace of life by Chinese standards.

Tourists arriving in Macau via Hong Kong will inevitably feel the difference between these districts of the same country. One gets the feeling of moving from the capital to the province. The differences are in everything – in the language of communication, the cuisine, the layout of the streets.

Macau residents will never call themselves Chinese. They are Macanese! True, few people now communicate in Portuguese; they mostly hear the Guangdong dialect of Chinese. Many people also understand English. But if the trip to Macau is not spontaneous, then it is better to prepare in advance or print out in Chinese the names of the places you plan to see. Then local residents will be able to help in their search.


At all points of arrival in Macau, tourists are greeted not only by crowds of casino touts, but also by many local residents vying with each other for guide services. Prices are immediately at the maximum – 2000 HKD. As the tourist becomes disinterested in this service, the tariff instantly drops to 1000 and 500.

You can negotiate an acceptable price and significantly reduce the time spent searching for attractions on your own on the map. But don't rush. The mainland of Macau is small, and it is quite possible to get around it in one day. And what a “tourist” pleasure you can get from walking along the old streets, trying to recognize in the faces of passers-by an indigenous Chinese or a descendant of Portuguese settlers!

How to get to the city center

You can get to the city center either on foot or by bus. It is not difficult to understand bus routes, since travel patterns and fares are indicated at each stop. The movement of many of them is looped, so on the way back you can get off at the same stop where you got off.

The Hong Kong dollar in circulation here is practically equal to the national currency, the pataca, so you don’t even have to worry about exchanging money. True, when paying in dollars, the tourist will still receive change in patacas. Bus fares must be paid only with coins and placed in special boxes (cash desks) at the entrance.

Guests arriving in Macau for the first time already know about small but useful bonuses prepared for hotel guests and casino visitors. These are free buses to various destinations in Macau. Having a decent appearance and not being burdened with suspicious luggage, tourists can easily use this method of moving around the city.

What to see and do

Largo do Senado Square

First of all, everyone heads to the central square Largo do Senado - the heart of Macau and the venue for all public events. The architectural ensemble of the square takes travelers back to the colonial era. The colorful old streets leading to the square surprise you with an abundance of souvenir shops and street food vendors. On holidays, by the way, local goodies are distributed on the streets for free. Walking along the pavement in the central part of the city, every tourist will notice the characteristic feature of the paving slabs under their feet. These are paving stones with marine motifs - waves, ships and sea inhabitants. A piece of Portugal on Asian soil.

The historical sights of the central part of the city also include the Cathedral of St. Paul, or rather its ruins, left after a terrible fire in the mid-19th century. Despite the fact that only a small part of the cathedral remains, the ruins look very impressive, and the imagination immediately completes the complete image of the seat of Catholicism in Asia. The preserved main staircase and facade of the St. Paul's was included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list in 2005.

Approaching the historical hill, lines of tourist groups flock into a homogeneous mass, in which everyone is already subordinated to a single flow. It’s good if the trip to Macau takes place on weekdays. On weekends and holidays, the number of tourists increases significantly, mainly due to the Chinese themselves coming from the mainland. Prices for everything, naturally, jump from 1.5 to 2 times.

Macau is very popular among the Chinese themselves. Firstly, because gambling is prohibited in China, and secondly, Macau is in itself an exotic place for the Chinese, an island of Europe in Asia. The flavor of colonial influence is supported by several other historical attractions. Tourist routes always include visits to the Church of St. Dominic, the Temple of A-Ma and Fort Monte.

Having examined the historical center and focusing on the remaining time, guests of Macau have to think through their further route. You can go to the casino, admire the architectural features of famous hotels, visit museums, or take part in some entertainment show. Macau seems very ambitious. It’s as if he’s trying to convince everyone around him that “I’m the best, the best”!

Show City of Dreams

The City of Dreams show is the most spectacular global performance that can only be seen in Macau. The symbiosis of theater, dance, acrobatics and even underwater stunts leaves all spectators, without exception, indescribably delighted. Genre is difficult to define. This is a fairy tale with amazing scenery and characters, and a circus with acrobats, trapeze artists and diving.

Bikers flying overhead who do not use insurance are also surprising. This is a transforming theater, the stage of which can turn into a huge swimming pool. The duration of the performance is 85 minutes, and it is held every day at 17:00 and 20:00. Cost from 500 to 2000 HKD.

So it’s customary to talk about the famous Macau Tower in superlatives. It is visible within a radius of several kilometers, and offers the best views from there. But the main attraction of the tower for tourists is its bungee, the highest in the world among urban buildings. The jumping area is located at an altitude of 233 meters, where 200 of them can be flown in free fall. There are so many daredevils that you will have to stand in line. The cost of this pleasure is 1000 HKD. But not everyone, having already risen to the start, dares to overcome this milestone.

You can try to overcome your fear by walking along the parapet around the tower, which is 1.5 meters wide. There are no railings or fences. Fortunately, insurance is available. This is another unique attraction that will take 500 HKD out of a tourist’s pocket.

Any tourist guide calls Macau a city of celebration and excitement. Even if you don’t want to place a bet, it’s worth checking out the casino. It should be noted that none of the visitors ignores the Venetian Casino Hotel. The easiest way to get here is by taxi or the hotel's free shuttle bus.

Show City of Dreams

Hong Kong - Macau: how to get there, what transport to use and, most importantly, why go to Macau? These questions are often asked by travelers planning their independent travel route in advance. Visiting Macau can have several purposes:

  1. Sightseeing of local attractions.
  2. Visiting gaming centers.
  3. Getting new impressions.
  4. Extension of the possibility of visa-free stay in Hong Kong.

Google Maps /

Whatever the purpose of a trip to Macau, this city leaves no one indifferent. There are not many ways to get to it from Hong Kong - ferry and helicopter. Each of them has its own advantages, however, there are also disadvantages.

About ferries

From Hong Kong you can leave for Macau from three berths:

  • Senwan, or as the pier is indicated on the maps - Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal;
  • China Ferry Terminal;
  • SkyPier Terminal.

Each terminal is comfortable and equipped in accordance with all modern requirements. You should choose your departure point based only on your own needs.

All three berths are serviced by the following companies:

  1. TurboJet.
  2. CotaiWaterJet.
  3. "First Ferry".

There are no particular differences between the travel conditions and its cost. The schedule and current prices can always be checked on the carriers’ websites, but there is no particular need for this either. The ticket price does not differ depending on the place of purchase. You can pay for the trip:

  • at station ticket offices;
  • in self-service terminals;
  • on carriers' websites;
  • when boarding the ferry.

There is no need to purchase tickets in advance. The fact is that weather conditions may change and the ferry for which you have a paid ticket simply will not depart. For the same reason, you should not buy tickets online in this case.

Bee Your Guide /

Of course, the carrier will return the money or provide the opportunity to sail at another time, but this is unnecessary trouble. These efforts will require time and moral investment, as well as a good knowledge of the English language.

As a rule, even if there are no problems with speaking English, travelers always have difficulties over time. Even if there is enough time, it is better to spend it differently than during the procedure for refunding money or reissuing a travel document.

The cost of travel in a simple cabin, that is, in economy class, is 150-170 Hong Kong dollars, or HKD. There is no point in purchasing more expensive tickets, since the difference between the salons will only be in how many seats there are in a row.

Prices for non-day flights in Economy Class are as follows:

  1. Business class costs between HK$280 and HK$330.
  2. Night flights in business class - from 300 to 440 Hong Kong dollars.

An overnight trip in economy class will cost 200-220 Hong Kong dollars. An interesting option is the “weekend ticket”. Its cost is 180 HKD. But it is only suitable for those who travel to Macau for the whole weekend - from Friday evening to Sunday evening.

As for luggage, you can take luggage with dimensions 30.5x30.5x45.7.

Central pier

Most often, travelers use the ferry service at the Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal. This is due to many reasons:

  • convenient location;
  • fast travel to Macau;
  • availability of frequent flights;
  • 24-hour ferry departure schedule.

This pier is located almost in the center of Hong Kong, at the Sheung Wan metro station. This is the blue line, the so-called “island line”. There is no need to use the metro. You can get to this pier by tram or bus; all routes going in the direction of Kennedy Town are suitable. The stop at which you need to get off is called the same as the pier - Macau Ferry Terminal.

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High-speed ferries depart from here; they cover the distance from Hong Kong to Macau in 55 minutes during the day. Possible delay - 10 minutes. Night voyages spend longer at sea.

Ferries departure times at this pier:

  1. 15 minutes during the day, starting at 07:00 and ending at 24:00.
  2. 2 hours – at night, from midnight to seven in the morning.

Tickets are always available at ticket offices and self-service terminals. If travelers are late and have no time to figure out what and where is located in the station building, then there is no need to be nervous. You should immediately go to the pier and pay the fare directly when boarding the ship.

In general, everything on the pier is arranged very clearly, intuitively and logically. Cases about which one can say the phrase “we had difficulty getting to the ferry, could not find the exit, the passage was blocked, there are no signs in the building” cannot arise here. Information signs are everywhere and directions are illustrated with arrows.

The shop and waiting room in the pier building are open 24 hours a day. Of course, the sanitary rooms are not closed either. There is a small cafe, but its work includes a break. However, the building has vending machines for drinks and snacks. The ticket offices are closed at night, so when boarding a night flight you need to use either the terminals or pay for the fare directly on the ship.

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This pier has one more advantage, which has nothing to do with a trip to Macau. True, this advantage may only be relevant for those tourists who remember the times of video salons in the USSR. We are talking about films with Jean-Claude Van Damme in the title role - “Double Impact” and “Kickboxer”. Some of the street scenes were filmed in the area of ​​this particular pier, although, of course, everything here has changed since then.

On the Kowloon Peninsula

The Tsim Sha Tsui pier, or as it is indicated on the maps - China Ferry Terminal, is located in Kowloon. The address of this port is Canton Road, building 33.

This berth is less convenient to use than the Central one. The reason is the high likelihood of confusion for those who are unfamiliar with Chinese train stations and do not fully understand English with a local accent.


The fact is that so-called “internal” ferries carrying passengers along the Zhujiang River arrive at this port. Accordingly, similar flights depart from here. That is, the station is always crowded with people, there is bustle, crowding and excitement. There are often queues at the box office. If such nuances do not cause any difficulties, and the port’s location is more convenient than the central one, then you can safely leave it.

Ferry departure times to Macau from this pier are as follows:

Departure time from Hong Kong Arrival time in Macau
07:00 13:00
07:30 extension 13:30
08:00 14:00
08:30 14:30
09:00 15:00
09:30 15:30
10:00 16:00
10:30 16:30
11:00 17:00
11:30 17:30
12:00 (seasonal, additional) Depends on the type of ferry
18:00 20:30
18:30 21:00
19:00 21:30
19:30 22:00
20:00 22:30

That is, high-speed ferries do not depart from this pier. The fare is slightly lower than on high-speed flights. On average, the difference is about 20 local dollars. There are no night flights either.

In general, the Kowloon pier is not the most convenient place to get on the ferry to Macau. However, if you wish, you can figure out everything that is happening at the station. But you should come here in advance, since there is no such clarity as at the Central Pier, Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal, here.

In an Aeroport

As a rule, tourists traveling to Macau from Hong Kong itself do not use it. The point is not only that it is further to get to the terminal than to the city ones, but also that there are few ferries departing from here to Macau - 4 during the day, there are no night flights. On weekends, starting on Friday evening, ferries depart more frequently. However, the schedule must be clarified.

Chek Lap Kok Airport, where the pier is located, has international status. Probably, in this regard, the main emphasis in the frequency of departure of ferry flights is on weekends and the departure time itself is combined with the arrival of aircraft. Many fly through Hong Kong to the “Asian Las Vegas” from Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia.

In general, if you are in Hong Kong itself, there is no point in using the airport water terminal. But if such a desire arises, you should check the schedule and prices on the carriers’ websites. There is no need to purchase tickets in advance; you can pay for the trip immediately before boarding the ship.

Where do the ferries arrive?

In Macau itself, ferries can dock in two places:

  • Macau Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal - in the city itself, on the peninsula;
  • Taipa Ferry Terminal - on Taipa Island.

Where exactly the ferry arrives is important for those travelers who have planned their itinerary to depart from Macau airport. The airport is located on Taipa Island.

However, no one has any particular difficulties moving from the pier in Macau to the airport in Taipa, where you can leave things in a storage room. Free buses run throughout Macau, supported by local casinos, some of them pass through Taipa Airport.

Once your luggage, if any, is left at the airport, you can walk back across the bridge and take beautiful photos of the panoramic views, or take the bus again. Of course, there are also taxis between Macau and the Taipa airport.

Video: Travel Hong Kong - Macau.

About helicopters

Not the cheapest, but the most exciting and fastest way to get from Hong Kong to Macau on your own.

The helicopter stays in the air for 20 minutes. There is no special hassle before boarding. A standard migration card is filled out. The cost of the flight is HKD 4,300 one way. On weekends and holidays prices become higher. The difference is 500-600 Hong Kong dollars.

This is not a charter or air travel on a private helicopter. Transport helicopters fly from Hong Kong to Macau every day. If you have free funds in your budget and want to find out what a transport helicopter is, you need to purchase tickets for a regular flight at a suitable time.

There are 20 such flights per day. The first helicopter departs from Hong Kong at 10:30, and the last at 22:59. On weekends, 4 additional flights join regular flights, and on holidays there are many more.

You can check the flight schedule, cost and find out other information related to helicopter flights on the portal, that is, the Internet resource of the airport from which flights take place.

Although a helicopter is not the most budget option for getting from Hong Kong to Macau or returning from Macau to Hong Kong, this method of travel is in high demand. On weekends and holidays there may not be enough tickets for everyone, regardless of the availability of additional departures. Therefore, when choosing this way to get to Macau, you should book your seat in advance, as opposed to departing by ferry.

), without spending any special money or time on it, using the Hong Kong-Macau ferry. It’s just as easy to sail back and forth from Macau to Hong Kong. Since Macau is famous for its gambling and casinos, many Hong Kongers go there for a weekend or even a day.

Hong Kong-Macau ferry schedule and return

Travel time- about an hour. The ferry travels very quickly.
Ticket price— 150-160 HKD for regular economy class. Others cost more.

Several ferries operate between Hong Kong and Macau. The most popular are TurboJet and Cotai Water Jet, there is also First Ferry, but I couldn’t find its website.

Ferries run every half hour from 7 am to 12 midnight. There are also several overnight ferries. Also, when you look at the schedule, pay attention to the specific place of departure and place of arrival, because there are different terminals, in Hong Kong and in Macau, and accordingly, the schedule will differ depending on this. More on this below.

Ferry schedule Hong Kong - Macau

Terminals in Hong Kong and Macau

There are three terminals in Hong Kong with ferries to Macau:
— Kowloon Peninsula (China Ferry Terminal) next to Tsim Sha Tsui MRT station
— Hong Kong Island (Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal) next to Sheung Wan Station
— Chek Lap Kok International Airport (SkyPier).

There are two terminals in Macau:
— On the Macau Peninsula (Macau Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal)
— On Taipa Island (Taipa Ferry Terminal)

My ferry sailed from the Kowloon Peninsula to the Macau Peninsula, so I then took a bus to Taipa Island to Macau Airport (direct bus), left my things in the luggage room at the airport (there was a flight from Macau in the evening). And after that, I took the bus again (bus numbers are in Google Maps) and went again to the island of Macau, where I walked around the city and looked at the casino. It would have been more convenient to sail straight to Taipa Island, but there was no ferry that suited me in time, they go there much less often.

All sorts of Chinese delicacies in the Kowloon seaport

Hong Kong and Macau are two of the brightest jewels in the crown of China's tourist destinations. The location, closer than a hundred kilometers from each other, makes it possible to visit both places in one trip. Traveling independently from Hong Kong to Macau by ferry or any other means is not difficult.

Travelers are attracted to the historical sites of the former Portuguese colony of Macau, chic shops, casinos and nightclubs. You can travel across the Pearl River and the South China Sea at:

  • Ferry;
  • Helicopter;
  • Airplane.

The reason for a short-term departure may also be the renewal of the permitted period of stay.

Important: a visit to the Chinese capital of excitement will allow you to reset the 14-day limit for foreigners to stay in Hong Kong.

In the summer of 2018, a bridge connecting two special administrative zones was put into operation. It will help you solve the problem of how to get from Macau to Hong Kong by car. The vehicle can be rented. The bus of the local carrier China Travel Tours began operating. Travel time is 2 hours, you can get there for a small amount of 10 to 20 euros. The ticket purchasing site is only available in Chinese.


An easy and inexpensive way to travel between Macau and Hong Kong. It is a fast, comfortable means of transportation on the water surface with service in economy and VIP classes. The journey takes approximately an hour. Rough weather at sea can overshadow the experience, but it does not pose a danger to life.

You can set off from three ferry piers in Hong Kong:

  • Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal named Sheung Wan. Located on Hong Kong Island. Flights every 15 minutes;
  • China Ferry Terminal or Kowloon. On the opposite side of the Hong Kong port from the previous terminal, on the Kowloon Peninsula. Flights with breaks from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • Sky Pier at the airport. Only for those traveling in transit, solving the problem of how to get from Macau, and not officially leaving the terminal area. Tourists in the city cannot use it.

Sailing is available from 7am to 1am depending on departure location.

In Macau, disembarkation takes place in two places - the Outer Harbor and Taipa Island. As in Hong Kong, the piers are located a short distance from each other, on different shores. Travel between marinas, hotels and popular tourist spots is carried out by metro. You can get there by taxi or public transport. In both cities, the effect of the “great firewall of China” is limited, but for independent navigation it is recommended to save the route with the names of the desired points on the map offline on a smartphone, and make the necessary notes in your diary.

Ticket price

It is more profitable to travel during the day on weekdays. An economy class ticket costs HK$171. The return trip will be $10 cheaper. More expensive VIP tickets are divided into two categories - regular and separate small cabin. For a simple luxury seat you will have to pay two prices.

Interesting: on weekends, holidays and evening flights the price is higher.

The exact ferry schedule from Hong Kong to Macau and back can be found on the websites of three carrier companies: Turbo Jet, Cotai Waterjet and First Ferry. Tickets can be purchased in a variety of ways, but due to unstable weather and possible travel delays to the ferry, it is recommended that you purchase your ticket just before boarding. There are almost always seats available, flights run regularly, with short intervals.

Helicopter Hong Kong-Macao

For wealthy fans of air travel, a helicopter from Hong Kong to Macau is available. It will deliver you from one point to another in less than half an hour. Along the way, unforgettable views of the water surface, marine life and megacities of the South China Sea open from above.

You can take off on the flight from 10 am to 10 pm. The service will cost HK$4,300. Online booking and payment is available on the official website of the Sky Shuttle carrier company. This travel option is the fastest possible.

Airplane Hong Kong-Macao

There are no direct flights from Hong Kong to Macau. If you plan to visit only these two cities, then an airliner is not the most profitable or fastest way to travel. You will have to spend from 8 to 15 hours on a flight with transfers at one of three points:

  • Manila;
  • Shanghai;
  • Kuala Lumpur.

You will have to spend several hours waiting for a transfer at the terminal of the intermediate arrival point. It is recommended to use air travel for those wishing to visit several cities in the region, between which there is air communication.

Tickets for a round trip flight will cost from 20 thousand rubles. You can check the schedule and make a reservation online through special services or on airline websites.

Hong Kong and Macau require separate visas for foreigners. This is due to their special status within the Chinese “one country, two systems” model. Previously, the cities were foreign colonies, only recently they were transferred to the PRC. Local governments have broad autonomy in various areas of self-government and the economy. Citizens of the Russian Federation do not require a visa for a short-term visit to the special administrative regions of China, Hong Kong and Macau.

When moving from one area to another, you must go through passport control at entry and exit. It is enough to show a Russian passport, receive a paper with the indicated dates of arrival and departure, and the permitted time of stay. A free migration card is issued to fill out.

Please note: documents must be preserved and not exceed the permissible legal time spent in each territory. For Hong Kong - 14 days, for Macau - 30 days.

The close location and ease of movement allows you to visit both tourist centers in one trip. By wisely calculating the time and planning the route, you can get twice as many impressions from traveling to this region. Developed infrastructure, modern means of communication and the hospitality of local residents will help you not get lost in the metropolis.