The building of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of Shchusev. People's Commissar's Office building

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Narkomzem building

A country Russia
City Moscow
Date of foundation 1933
Construction - years

Narkomzem building- a monument of constructivist architecture in Moscow, an object of cultural heritage. Address: Central Administrative District, Krasnoselsky district, Sadovaya-Spasskaya street, building 11/1.

The site occupies an entire block. The yard is shaped like a trapezoid.

The architecture of the building uses characteristic constructivist techniques: rounded corners, strip windows, asymmetry, arrangement of volumes of different shapes.

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An excerpt characterizing the Narkomzem Building

“Well, okay,” Denisov said. And, turning to his subordinates, he made orders that the party should go to the resting place appointed at the guardhouse in the forest and that an officer on a Kyrgyz horse (this officer served as an adjutant) should go to look for Dolokhov, to find out where he was and whether he would come in the evening . Denisov himself, with the esaul and Petya, intended to drive up to the edge of the forest overlooking Shamshev in order to look at the location of the French, at which tomorrow’s attack was to be directed.
“Well, God,” he turned to the peasant conductor, “take me to Shamshev.”
Denisov, Petya and the esaul, accompanied by several Cossacks and a hussar who was carrying a prisoner, drove to the left through the ravine, to the edge of the forest.

The rain passed, only fog and drops of water fell from tree branches. Denisov, Esaul and Petya silently rode behind a man in a cap, who, lightly and silently stepping with his bast-clad feet on roots and wet leaves, led them to the edge of the forest.
Coming out onto the road, the man paused, looked around and headed towards the thinning wall of trees. At a large oak tree that had not yet shed its leaves, he stopped and mysteriously beckoned to him with his hand.
Denisov and Petya drove up to him. From the place where the man stopped, the French were visible. Now, behind the forest, a spring field ran down a semi-hillock. To the right, across a steep ravine, a small village and a manor house with collapsed roofs could be seen. In this village and in the manor's house, and throughout the hillock, in the garden, at the wells and pond, and along the entire road up the mountain from the bridge to the village, no more than two hundred fathoms away, crowds of people were visible in the fluctuating fog. Their non-Russian screams at the horses in the carts struggling up the mountain and calls to each other were clearly heard.
“Give the prisoner here,” Denisop said quietly, not taking his eyes off the French.
The Cossack got off his horse, took the boy off and walked up to Denisov with him. Denisov, pointing to the French, asked what kind of troops they were. The boy, putting his chilled hands in his pockets and raising his eyebrows, looked at Denisov in fear and, despite the visible desire to say everything he knew, was confused in his answers and only confirmed what Denisov was asking. Denisov, frowning, turned away from him and turned to the esaul, telling him his thoughts.
Petya, turning his head with quick movements, looked back at the drummer, then at Denisov, then at the esaul, then at the French in the village and on the road, trying not to miss anything important.

In the next two years, several large monument buildings will be renovated in the center of Moscow. Now they are entangled in scaffolding and hidden behind banners. Many of them will have their historical facades, dilapidated communications, and roofs restored. All houses are under state protection, so the restoration is monitored by the Moscow City Heritage Department. After extensive renovations, these beautiful buildings will be open to everyone on certain days. In addition, the monument houses are opened for free inspection every year on April 18 and May 18, when Cultural Heritage Days are celebrated.

We found out what exactly will change in the unique buildings and when citizens will be able to see them again.

They will save elevators that travel without stopping.

The building of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture (now the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)

Art. m. "Red Gate", st. Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 1 (section between Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street and Orlikov Lane)

Built by whom and when: from 1927 to 1933. The project in the style of late constructivism was created by workers in the workshop of the famous architect Alexei Shchusev. Among them is one of the authors of the Lenin Mausoleum and the stands on Red Square, Isidore the Frenchman.

The building then used many technical innovations, for example, paternoster elevators, that is, continuously moving passenger elevators with cabins for two people without doors. The only two such cabins in Moscow have been preserved since 1933 and are still operating in the building of the People's Commissariat for Agriculture.

What they will do: they will restore the historical color of the facades - muted light red, closer to pink (now bright orange-red), restore and recreate the plaster. They will also repair the roof and replace all the windows with identical ones, selected according to historical drawings.

When will it be completed: end of 2018.

The yellow façade will be repainted white

Narkomfin House (now a residential building with commercial offices)

Art. metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya", Novinsky Blvd., 25, bldg. 1

Built by whom and when: 1928 - 1930. The project in the constructivist style was developed by architects Moisei Ginzburg and Ignatius Milinis.

The house is distinguished by an open ground floor, cell apartments, a common terrace around the perimeter of the house and public spaces on the roof.

What they will do: the building will be returned to its original appearance with the original designer white color of the facades (now yellow), the layout will be restored, the apartments and public spaces will be renovated - the library, the dining room, the load-bearing structures, the foundation and the soil underneath will be strengthened, and the courtyard of the house will be landscaped. On the ground floor, concrete “leg” columns in three rows appeared again, on which the house stands. In former times they were open, but then they were surrounded by walls.

When will it be finished: 2019.

The dust will be shaken off from the “Athletes Parade”

The Moscow Art Theater Actors' House (now a residential building)

Art. metro station "Chekhovskaya", Glinishchevsky lane, 5/7

Built by whom and when: 1935 - 1938. The project in the style of constructivism and Stalinist Empire was developed by architects Vladimir Vladimirov and Grigory Lutskoy (in the 40s he also created cast iron fences during the restoration of the Boulevard Ring and work on Arbat Square).

On the building there are bas-reliefs “Carnival of Arts” and “Parade of Athletes”. Actors and theater workers lived in the house. In 1938, director Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko settled in one of the apartments.

What they will do: they will update the facade walls, granite cladding, white stone portal and porch, bas-reliefs and terrazite plaster. Experts will restore the monumental painting.

When will it be completed: approximately 2019.

Ancient painting will be restored

Yauzskaya Hospital, or Batashev's estate (now - City Clinical Hospital No. 23 named after Davydovsky)

Art. metro station "Taganskaya", "Marxistskaya", st. Yauzskaya, 11/6

Built by whom and when: 1796 - 1802. The complex of buildings was ordered by merchant Ivan Batashev for his son-in-law, General Dmitry Shepelev. Construction was carried out by serf architect Mikhail Kiselnikov according to the design of Rodion Kazakov.

The cultural heritage site of federal significance "City Estate of Batashev" includes several buildings - two side wings built in the 18th - 19th centuries, the main house (1798 - 1816), a fence and gate (1798), buildings of a utility yard (late 18th century), service building (late 18th century). In 1878, the Yauzsky branch of the hospital for unskilled workers was opened on the estate.

What they will do: they will restore the facades, interiors, paintings, carpentry and stairs. The roof and basements will be repaired. Three sections of the brick fence, built in the 18th - 19th centuries, will be restored, and the entrance gate will be built again according to historical analogues. The hospital will not be closed during the restoration.

When will it be finished: 2020.


In the Museum-Estate “Ostafyevo” - “Russian Parnassus” in the village of Ostafyevo, the settlement of Ryazanovsky (New Moscow), a birch, or Karamzin, grove of the first third of the 19th century will be restored. It was called “Karamzinskaya” because the historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin often walked there. He lived in the Vyazemsky-Sheremetev estate for 12 years and during this time he wrote eight of the 12 volumes of his main work - “History of the Russian State.” The grove will be completely renovated in 2019.

15). Built according to the design of A.V. Shchusev (with the participation of D.D. Bulgakov, I.A. French, G.K. Yakovlev, 192833) in the style of late constructivism for the People's Commissariat of Agriculture; one of the most large-scale and significant public buildings in Moscow in terms of urban planning in the late 20s and early 30s. The People's Commissariat of Agriculture building, which includes four large buildings grouped around a courtyard, occupies a large area between Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street and Orlikov Lane, forming a spectacular and dynamic composition at their intersection. The corner of the building is plastically highlighted by the rounding of the walls, through which clear edges of the rectangular volume appear in the upper part. The laconic planes of the walls and the clear rhythm of horizontal “recumbent” and strip windows are expressively played out. The interior is characterized by clarity and expediency of the layout of the premises.

M.I. Astafieva-Dlugach.

Moscow. Encyclopedic reference book. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1992 .

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(Sadovaya-Spasskaya street, 15). Built according to the design of A.V. Shchusev (with the participation of D.D. Bulgakov, I.A. French, G.K. Yakovlev, 1928-33) in the style of late constructivism for the People's Commissariat of Agriculture; one of the most large-scale and significant public buildings in Moscow in terms of urban planning in the late 20s - early 30s. Narkomzem building, which includes four large buildings grouped around a courtyard, occupies a large area between Sadovaya-Spasskaya Street and Orlikov Lane, forming a spectacular and dynamic composition at their intersection. The corner of the building is plastically highlighted by the rounding of the walls, through which clear edges of the rectangular volume appear in the upper part. The laconic planes of the walls and the clear rhythm of horizontal “recumbent” and strip windows are expressively played out. The interior is characterized by clarity and expediency of the layout of the premises.

M.I. Astafieva-Dlugach.

Meanings in other dictionaries

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(Kosmodamianskaya embankment, 24-26). At the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries. On the site of its location there was an estate, the so-called Biron Palace. In the middle of the 18th century. it passed to the military department, which built the Kriegskomissariat here - an institution in charge of supplying the army (formed in 1731). In 1778-80, after the demolition of the old building designed by architect N.N. Legrand, the current one was erected. He...

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(Nizhny Kislovsky Lane, 10/2), a monument to multi-storey multi-section residential architecture of the early 20th century. Construction began in 1911 according to the design of N.D. Strukov, in 1913 there was a partial collapse of the building, construction was completed in 1920-23 (architect D.M. Kogan, engineer V.D. Tsvetaev). Occupying a corner plot near the Arbat Gate Square, it acquired urban planning significance and was one of the...

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Narkomzem building- a monument of constructivist architecture in Moscow, an object of cultural heritage. Address: Central Administrative District, Krasnoselsky district, Sadovaya-Spasskaya street, building 11/1.

The site occupies an entire block. The yard is shaped like a trapezoid.

The architecture of the building uses characteristic constructivist techniques: rounded corners, strip windows, asymmetry, arrangement of volumes of different shapes.

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An excerpt characterizing the Narkomzem Building

North was silent, watching me. And I, in order not to prove anything more, again tuned in to Esclarmonde...
How could this girl, almost a child, endure such deep grief?.. Her courage was amazing, making her respect and be proud of her. She was worthy of the Magdalene family, although she was only the mother of her distant descendant.
And my heart again ached for the wonderful people whose lives were cut short by the same church, which falsely proclaimed “forgiveness”! And then I suddenly remembered the words of Caraffa: “God will forgive everything that happens in his name!” monsters!..
Before my eyes again stood young, exhausted Esclarmonde... An unfortunate mother who had lost her first and last child... And no one could really explain to her why they did this to them... Why did they, kind and innocent, go to death...
Suddenly a thin, out of breath boy ran into the hall. He clearly came straight from the street, as steam was pouring out of his wide smile.
- Madam, Madam! They were saved!!! Dear Esclarmonde, there is a fire on the mountain!..

Esclarmonde jumped up, about to run, but her body turned out to be weaker than the poor thing could have imagined... She collapsed straight into her father's arms. Raymond de Pereil picked up his feather-light daughter in his arms and ran out the door... And there, gathered on the top of Montsegur, stood all the inhabitants of the castle. And all eyes looked only in one direction - to where a huge fire was burning on the snowy peak of Mount Bidorta!.. Which meant that the four fugitives had reached the desired point!!! Her brave husband and newborn son escaped the brutal clutches of the Inquisition and could happily continue their lives.
Now everything was in order. All was good. She knew that she would go to the fire calmly, since the people dearest to her were alive. And she was truly pleased - fate took pity on her, allowing her to find out... Allowing her to calmly go to her death.
At sunrise, all the Perfect and Believing Cathars gathered in the Temple of the Sun to enjoy its warmth for the last time before leaving for eternity. The people were exhausted, cold and hungry, but they were all smiling... The most important thing was accomplished - the descendant of Golden Maria and Radomir lived, and there was hope that one fine day one of his distant great-grandchildren would rebuild this monstrously unfair world, and no one will have to suffer anymore. The first ray of sunlight lit up in the narrow window!.. It merged with the second, third... And in the very center of the tower a golden pillar lit up. It expanded more and more, covering everyone standing in it, until the entire surrounding space was completely immersed in a golden glow.