Verbier is an official ski resort. Open left menu verbier

New royal wedding in Great Britain. Princess Eugenie, Granddaughter of Elizabeth II, marries Jack Brooksbank. The groom works as the tequila brand ambassador and does not have any titles. The couple has been dating for about 8 years. What is known about the ceremony? And what status will Evgenia Yorkskaya have after the wedding? Found out Albina Khazeeva.

Princess Eugenie is 28 years old. She is the daughter of the second son of Elizabeth II and the ninth in line to the throne. Officially, Eugenie should be addressed as “Her Royal Highness”. The princess met her lover back in 2010, at the ski resort of Verbier in Switzerland. Jack Brooksbank says it was love at first sight. He himself studied at a prestigious private school, after which he took up the restaurant business. He worked as a waiter and bartender before becoming the manager of a trendy nightclub in London. Earlier this year, while on vacation in Nicaragua, he proposed to Eugene. The princess says that it came as a complete surprise to her:

“The lake was so beautiful. The water in it was amazingly colored, I had never seen anything like it. It was an incredible moment. Even though we had been dating for 7 years, I cried. It was just the perfect moment. "

After the wedding, Eugene will remain a princess, however, already without the "York" prefix. At the same time, she can take the name of her husband, and in this case she will also be called Mrs Brooksbank. Jack himself may receive a title, but not very significant, for example, earl. In any case, the wedding will be played on a royal scale. It will last two days. The ceremony will take place in the same chapel where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married. The couple will then drive through Windsor, after which the newlyweds and their guests will go to the Queen's reception and conclude the evening, presumably at the Royal Cottage, also in Windsor. The next day, the celebration will continue outdoors.

At some points, the bride and groom decided to move away from tradition, in particular, they chose an atypical cake - red velvet with chocolate filling. He will be entwined with ivy and flowers in autumn colors. There are many celebrities invited to the second royal wedding of the year in Great Britain. Including David and Victoria Beckham, Elton John, George Clooney and his wife. And during the service the Italian singer Andrea Bocelli will perform. How much will the ceremony cost? According to unofficial estimates, the wedding could be worth £ 2 million. It is known that all expenses, except for security expenses, will be borne by the royal family. This is an important detail for British society, says Andrey Kulikov, CEO of the research company Europe Insight:

“The British royal family is one of the richest in Europe. This is ensured not so much by state support as by the family's own fund, which is engaged in investments, and, in fact, from these investments the royal family receives income that allows it to cover numerous expenses. Recently, indeed, the topic has repeatedly arisen that, for example, government spending on the royal family should be reduced, or they should be eliminated altogether, because it is already sufficiently wealthy and can provide itself with everything necessary. "

Ordinary British people will also be able to see the royal wedding live: the royal court raffled off about a thousand tickets for the ceremony in the lottery. The number of applications exceeded the number of seats 100 times.

It is curious that at the wedding of Princess Eugenia there will be no plastic items - she is concerned about the problem of such waste and even made her house a plastic-free zone.

The ski resort of Verbier, known for its scenic sights, is located 1.5 km above sea level near the summit of the Grand Saint Bernard. In addition, the resort is part of the tourist region called "Four Valleys", which unites the routes of Zumaz, Nenda, Weisonaz and Val de Bagnes into a single whole.

Numerous ski slopes and routes (over 150 km long), elevation changes make Verbier an attractive destination not only for beginners, but also for ski professionals. Every year tourists from different countries of the world come here on vacation.

The highest point of the resort is the Mont Fort glacier, which is ideal for skiing. In addition, Verbier is also famous for its most difficult off-pist routes and mogul tracks. For tourists new to skiing and snowboarding, the resort offers a range of ski training services at its ski schools.

For extreme lovers, the resort of Verbier regularly hosts a variety of competitions. The most spectacular of them is called Verbier Xtreme - it takes place in mid-March on the northern slopes of Mount Bec des Rosses, the steepness of which is about 55 degrees.

How to get there

Tourists wishing to come to the Verbier resort can use air transport. The nearest airports are located in Geneva at a distance of 160 km, and in Zurich - 280 km.

Travelers who do not know how to get to Verbier may be advised to take the train or bus. By train, you can first go to Martini, and from there you can hire a taxi or use the local bus to the resort.

Traveling by car is more entertaining. Take the A1 motorway towards Lausanne and turn right onto the E62 towards Echangeur de Villars-Sainte-Croix. After reaching Martini, turn onto Ridders, Chamoson, Leytron, and then follow the signs to the Grand-Saint-Bernard pass.


Due to its favorable territorial location, the ski resort of Verbier has a stable snow cover throughout the tourist season. You can come here to rest after the first snow falls and stay here until the end of spring.

Riding prices

An adult subscription for one day costs 64 francs, for 2 days - 126 francs, for 6 days - 351 francs. For children, the cost of a season ticket will cost the traveler half the price, namely: for one day - 32 francs, for two days - 63 francs, for 6 days - 176 francs.

In the 2016-2017 season the ski resort of Verbier offers its guests to purchase one of three ski pass options: a seasonal pass (cost with advance purchase - 1281 francs), a seasonal pass "4 Valleys" (cost - 1385 francs), an annual pass "4 valleys" (cost - 1484 franc). You can book ski passes here.

Restaurants / bars / shopping

Verbier is famous for its many boutiques and branded clothing stores. Although, as noted by many tourists, the cost of goods here is much higher than in similar stores that are located outside the resort area.

There are about 85 restaurants and bars on the territory of the resort, which offer their visitors a variety of delicious dishes from French and Swiss cuisine. You should definitely visit the restaurants "Al Capone", "Le Greniere", as well as the pizzeria "Fer Cheval".

Verbier's nightlife is considered one of the most extravagant and memorable in all the Alps. Numerous nightclubs, including "Kasbakh", "Taratata", "Farm", as well as discos give their guests unforgettable entertainment from night to almost early morning.

Thanks to the numerous thermal springs, which are famous for their healing properties of water, the resort has a large number of spas, swimming pools and saunas with solariums. That is why Verbier is considered the first Alpine beauty center, which gives its guests youth and relaxation.

Where to stay in Verbier

The Verbier ski resort has a relatively small number of hotels, so tourists are mainly accommodated in private apartments and chalets of different levels of comfort, ranging from budget options to luxury ones. Out of 25 thousand accommodation places, hotels and comfortable hotels account for about 1770.

The resort town itself was built in a single style. Wooden chalets look very cozy. Accommodation prices are quite reasonable, with the exception of VIP-class chalets, which are preferred by wealthy tourists.

Tourists who want to save a little on accommodation can be advised to rent residential real estate in other resort areas of the Four Valleys. In addition, guests staying in Veysonne, Tion or Nende can avoid the long morning lines to the ski lift.

Other entertainment

In addition to skiing and snowboarding, Verbier offers its guests numerous other activities, including heli-skiing, a 10-kilometer toboggan run, an ice rink, and a fitness center. Fans of active recreation can visit the sports center, go rock-climbing, swim in the pool, take a sauna or sunbathe in the solarium.

Holidays in spring / summer / autumn

In the summer season, tourists who have come to Verbier for many years and know how to get to the picturesque places of the slopes of the mountains, note that after the end of the winter tourist season, the life of the resort does not stop. Summer is a great opportunity to enjoy the resort's many attractions. Among them are Museums of the Bagnes area, where exhibitions of local artists are regularly held, the Glass Museum, Verbier Castle - a castle built in the middle of the 13th century by the legendary Duke of Savoy.

In addition, travelers can go trekking, mountain climbing, mountain biking. The Verbier resort also offers a variety of scenic excursions, tennis and horseback riding. Tourists can even play beach volleyball, take part in fishing, etc.

The ski resort of Verbier was created for true connoisseurs and craftsmen of skiing and snowboarding, lovers of extreme sports and thrills. Rest in such a resort will not be to the taste of people who prefer a calm and quiet rest, and the tracks of the resort town are not suitable for beginners in skiing on winter sports equipment.

Verbier is considered the largest ski resort in Switzerland. It began as a place for tourists to rest at the beginning of the 20th century, but by the middle of the century the first lift appeared there. Within twenty years, the number of lifts in the valley reached what could lift 10,000 people per hour.

Today Verbier is a whole ski complex, which includes four valleys:

  1. Bruzon;
  2. Nenda;
  3. Tion;
  4. Veyzon,

each of which is perfect for relaxation in its own way. The skiing height reaches from 1500 km to 3300 km. Therefore, an inexperienced lover of winter sports has nothing to do here, except to engage in entertainment, which the valley is very rich in.

During the day, the tops of the pistes, more than 410 km long, are illuminated by the sun, which makes skiing on them unforgettable. Climbing to the top of the mountains, and standing at their foot, magnificent landscapes stretch before your eyes, from the sight of which your head begins to spin. And the perfectly cleared trails make the skiing superb.

On the territory of the resort there are trails for people with different levels of preparation for skiing. And also for those who want to learn how to skillfully hold on skiing, Verbier offers training in a specialized school. There are special trails for snowboarding enthusiasts.


  • snowmobiling,
  • horseback riding.

In addition to everything, there are also indoor and outdoor pools, skating rinks on the territory of the valleys, you can try yourself as a curlengist at the sites offered for tourists.

If you have doubts about whether it is worth taking children with you on vacation, you can easily remove them from your head. After all, there are playgrounds on the territory of the resort, and for very young nurseryto give your parents some rest and a fun atmosphere.

In the evenings for young people, incendiary discos are held, for gourmets, there are about 20 gourmet restaurants.

It's important to know: that in addition to sports entertainment, the resort is famous for historical sights, which should be visited by every tourist. The main treasure is considered to be the Church of All Saints, which is famous for its organ, from the sound of which goosebumps run.

Be sure to visit the museum with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1300 sq. m, its building is a castle of the 13th century. The museum displays exhibits that carry the history of the entire region.

Piste map

The resort is located 106 red runs, length 202 km.

The number of blue runs reaches 77 , and their length is 102 km.

For fans of extreme sports and nerve tickling, the complex has 22 black slopes, length 107 km.


The territory of the ski resort has 34 drag (tow) lifts, 13 cabins, 20 chair lifts, as well as 5 funiculars. It is possible to purchase a ski pass, the so-called ski pass.

Where to stay

In a resort like Verbier, neither a tourist with a rich wallet, nor those who came to the resort solely for pleasure and new sensations, will have any questions about accommodation.

The first guests are greeted by the five-star Le Chalet d'Adrie hotel, which is located in Verbier itself and is located next to the ski lift. The hotel area is not large, but very cozy and hospitable. The rooms are decorated in different styles. A beautiful restaurant with excellent cuisine.

The W Verbier is the first hotel in the Alps to be in the foot. It always has a lot of visitors, it is often overcrowded. Therefore, the choice fell on the rest in this hotel, you need to take care in advance and book a room in it. The interior of the hotel and its furnishings are more suitable for the recreation of young people than for a married couple with children. The rooms are quite spacious, the interior is modern with many decorative elements.

The most stylish and beautiful hotel in the resort is Nevai. It is more suitable for people who love the most luxurious, have the opportunity to relax as they wish, and do not skimp on their own comfort.

The next 4+ hotel is La Cordee des Alpes, great spacious rooms, a beautiful and cozy interior, many entertainments for guests raise it to a much higher level, because it can compete with many 5-star hotels. There is not a big disadvantage, which is that it is located somewhat far from the ski lifts, but the hotel provides its guests with a free shuttle to and from.

Another 4-star family hotel with a friendly and cozy environment is the Hotel Vanessa.

Hotel Mirabeau, Hotel Bristo, Le Mazot, Hotel Phenix, Hotel Verbier are 3 star hotels, very friendly, conveniently located. Guest rooms are clean, comfortable and bright. There is everything you need for a comfortable stay.

For those who go to the ski resort for a closer acquaintance with winter extreme sports, there are small but modern chalets such as The Bunker, Chalet Cheyenne. The level of living comfort, of course, cannot be compared with categorized hotels, but for a company of young people it will become a fairly comfortable place to stay for a while.

It is important to knowb: if you plan to rest in Verbier in the high season, you must take care of booking a hotel room at least a month in advance, as there is a risk that only the most expensive rooms will remain vacant in hotels, or there will be no room at all.

Ski schools

The resort of Verbier is famous not only for its ski slopes, but also for its ski schools. In order to attract more tourists, the complex offers services for every wallet. If a person has a desire, to learn not just to ride, but to do various tricks on alpine skiing or snowboarding, he cannot get better training anywhere.

The complex has the following ski schools:

  1. Powder Extreme. In order to fully reveal all the possibilities of alpine skiing or snowboarding, in order to try yourself outside the area of \u200b\u200bthe ski slopes, you need to be trained at the school, because it is she who specializes in freeriding.
  2. Warren Smith Ski Academy, a renowned English academy, with a high level of training and excellent instructors, will help you develop your skills for extreme descents from high mountains.
  3. ES European Snowsports, offers training services for women only. Small groups are created, up to 6 people, which allows you to pay individual attention to each student.
  4. La Maison du Sport is the country's official ski school.
  5. Adrénaline and Swiss Snowboard School are also excellent ski schools for visitors.

It's important to know: all instructors conducting training have sports titles, great experience in freeriding, have undergone special training and are fully responsible for the life and health of each student.

Restaurants in the resort of Verbier in Switzerland

Directly on the mountain with a magnificent view, is perhaps the most popular restaurant in the resort, Le Dahu. An excellent menu, delicious cuisine does not leave visitors indifferent. The interior is comfortable, on the ground floor there is a playground with professional animatorswhere visitors can leave their children and enjoy the beauty of the winter Alps.

Cordée des Alpes is another popular restaurant that it owes to its chef, namely its famous grilled meats. There are many who want to try it, so it is worth booking a table in advance to enjoy a delicious dish.

La Grange is a family-run homey, cozy restaurant. They offer their guests the usual national food. Warm atmosphere, food, leave visitors satisfied.

Relais des Neiges restaurant with a good menu of local specialties. The prices are reasonable. There are often locals in this restaurant who decided to while away the evening with a glass of wine and delicious food.

Service cost

The cost of lift services is high, so in the low season the price for a ski pass is 60 francs per person per day, in high season, the price reaches 65 francs per person per day.

A six-day pass to the mountain peaks costs 355 francs for an adult, 302 francs for a teenager aged 15 to 18, and 178 francs for a child aged 6 to 15.

It's important to know: The cost of one franc is approximately 66 rubles.

Verbier resort in the photo:

How to get to Verbier

The nearest airport is located in Geneva, 162 km from the resort, during the season it can be reached by public transport - a direct bus that will take you directly to the resort.

The second way, you need to get to the city of Martigny, where you can buy tickets to the town of Le Chablais, once on the spot, take a gondola to the ski resort, where the path was planned.

11.10.2018, 16:02

New royal wedding in Great Britain. Princess Eugenie, Granddaughter of Elizabeth II, marries Jack Brooksbank. The groom works as the tequila brand ambassador and does not have any titles. The couple has been dating for about 8 years. What is known about the ceremony? And what status will Evgenia Yorkskaya have after the wedding? Found out Albina Khazeeva.

Princess Eugenie is 28 years old. She is the daughter of the second son of Elizabeth II and the ninth in line to the throne. Officially, Eugenie should be addressed as “Her Royal Highness”. The princess met her lover back in 2010, at the ski resort of Verbier in Switzerland. Jack Brooksbank says it was love at first sight. He himself studied at a prestigious private school, after which he took up the restaurant business. He worked as a waiter and bartender before becoming the manager of a trendy nightclub in London. Earlier this year, while on vacation in Nicaragua, he proposed to Eugene. The princess says that it came as a complete surprise to her:

“The lake was so beautiful. The water in it was amazingly colored, I had never seen anything like it. It was an incredible moment. Even though we had been dating for 7 years, I cried. It was just the perfect moment. "

After the wedding, Eugene will remain a princess, however, already without the "York" prefix. At the same time, she can take the name of her husband, and in this case she will also be called Mrs Brooksbank. Jack himself may receive a title, but not very significant, for example, earl. In any case, the wedding will be played on a royal scale. It will last two days. The ceremony will take place in the same chapel where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married. The couple will then drive through Windsor, after which the newlyweds and their guests will go to the Queen's reception and conclude the evening, presumably at the Royal Cottage, also in Windsor. The next day, the celebration will continue outdoors.

At some points, the bride and groom decided to move away from tradition, in particular, they chose an atypical cake - red velvet with chocolate filling. He will be entwined with ivy and flowers in autumn colors. There are many celebrities invited to the second royal wedding of the year in Great Britain. Including David and Victoria Beckham, Elton John, George Clooney and his wife. And during the service the Italian singer Andrea Bocelli will perform. How much will the ceremony cost? According to unofficial estimates, the wedding could be worth £ 2 million. It is known that all expenses, except for security expenses, will be borne by the royal family. This is an important detail for British society, says Andrey Kulikov, CEO of the research company Europe Insight:

“The British royal family is one of the richest in Europe. This is ensured not so much by state support as by the family's own fund, which is engaged in investments, and, in fact, from these investments the royal family receives income that allows it to cover numerous expenses. Recently, indeed, the topic has repeatedly arisen that, for example, government spending on the royal family should be reduced, or they should be eliminated altogether, because it is already sufficiently wealthy and can provide itself with everything necessary. "

Ordinary British people will also be able to see the royal wedding live: the royal court raffled off about a thousand tickets for the ceremony in the lottery. The number of applications exceeded the number of seats 100 times.

It is curious that at the wedding of Princess Eugenia there will be no plastic items - she is concerned about the problem of such waste and even made her house a plastic-free zone.