Tour travel across the Baltic three countries. How to travel cheaply in the baltic states Independent travel to the baltic states

It so happened that PRTBRT often broadcasts from the Baltic countries - one of the editorial bases is located in Latvia. We often look at how our friends and acquaintances travel across Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, and grab our heads. Therefore, we decided to write this column about how to really feel these small countries where you really need to look for color.

Do not take the route Tallinn - Riga - Vilnius at one time

For several days, you just walk around the Old Towns of the three capitals, drink, eat, stare and spend money, and then say: yes, I was in this Baltic, everything is the same. Although all three cities are peculiar and very different, you can understand this only by visiting each one separately.

During a trip to three capitals, you will remember some passages, but everything will stick together into one lump of cathedrals, towers, food and drink. At the same time, each city has its own face and its own unusual places that you most likely will not see. Simply because the format "three (five, seven) days - three cities" does not mean anything but an endless race and walks in the Old Town together with British fans to fly cheap to bachelor parties and get drunk, old people and tourists from ferries.

Advice: Don't be fooled by the size of the countries - each is best viewed separately. Therefore, do not seek to go around everything during the allotted vacation time.

Tallinn old town

But if you did go, don't spend all your time in the Old Town.

As already mentioned, each city has its own face and places of power: in Tallinn, this is the Telliskivi district, which is located outside the Old City. In Riga, for example, the best bars have never been located within the Old Town: just go for a walk along Krisjana Barona Street and turn into small streets. It is there that the most interesting places and establishments will be located, such as the editorial staff's favorite bar - Taka or the most up-to-date dance floor of the city - Piens.

In the Old Town there are average entertainments, typical bars and restaurants, of which there are many in any cities of Eastern and Northern Europe from Krakow to Stockholm. This is not why you are going to see the country.

Advice: If you know that there is no life in the Old City, then there is no need to rent housing there either. Look for Airbnb apartments or hotels near places of power: save both time and money.

Telliskivi district in Tallinn

Another cool place outside the old city of Riga - Kaņepes Kultūras centrs

Don't linger in cities

In cities, you don't see the country, so be sure to plan your visits to alternative or suburban attractions.

    From Tallinn, you can easily go to see the quarry in Rumma (there is still where to climb, do not be afraid of the fence), and then go to the island of Saaremaa, where there are almost more attractions than in all of Estonia.

    From Riga, you should definitely go to Irbene - a ghost town with a huge radar, spend the night at Cape Kolka, see the seaside Ventspils and Liepaja. And who knows about the existence of the Mark Rothko art center in Daugavpils? The famous artist was born in this city.

    From Vilnius you should definitely go to the Hill of Crosses, visit the Europos Parkas landscape park - an analogue of the Russian Nikola-Lenivets, explore Klaipeda and cross the border with Russia on the Curonian Spit.

There are many opportunities for a variety of tourism in all three countries: alternative attractions, eco-farms and national parks - plan your itinerary in such a way that you will be in the capitals for one or two days, get acquainted with the main places and cultural life, and then go inland!

Countries are teeming with family-owned craft industries for everything from cheese to amber. An annual fair is held in Latvia where you can buy not just hand-made things, but modern and beautiful accessories and clothes. It is pleasant to use such things not because of their craftiness, but simply because they are comfortable and beautiful.

Hill of Crosses

Quarry in Rummu

But if you are still late, be sure to leave the city at least one of the days

If it's too late and you stay in each of the capitals for three days, then don't worry: there are many interesting places around each of the cities:

    near Vilnius - the beautiful Trakai Castle;

    from Riga you should definitely go to Jurmala or to the Kemeri National Park;

    from Tallinn head to Laachema National Park.

By the way, the locations from the previous paragraph are also applicable to this: this is the Baltics, and you can go there and back to any place within the same country! The main thing is not to be lazy and plan. It is quite possible to rent a car for one or two days, or find a driver with BlaBlaCar, use Lux Express buses, or maybe even hitchhike. In the summer, Estonia is flooded with friendly Finns, and Latvia and Lithuania are flooded with Poles and Germans (and less fearful tourists in Russian cars).

Kemeri National Park

Spend more time searching

Not all good hotels, campgrounds and guesthouses are on the usual booking sites. For example, the editorial staff's favorite camping Saulesmājas with barrel houses on Cape Kolka (another chic Latvian location - the meeting point of the waves of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga) appeared on only in May of this year!

Or another great option is the Klaukas glamping in the region of Sigulda and the Gauja National Park. And that's just that there are dozens of such places on the surface, but you will have to prepare well and look.

Camping Saulesmājas

Do not forget that these are different countries for a long time

If in the heads of the older generation it is still a homogeneous Baltic, then the modern traveler is struck by the striking differences: Estonia and especially Tallinn are full-fledged Northern Europe, Lithuania gravitates towards Poland, and Latvia is still at an undecided crossroads, but with European features. Moreover, each of these countries has preserved unique distinctive places and cultural features. Understanding this simple fact will help you to look differently at these neighboring countries and choose the one that is closer in spirit for a full-fledged trip!

Check tickets to Tallinn, or maybe Riga or Vilnius

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I want to tell you how my friend and I ourselves, without agencies, visited the Baltics. I will not talk about the sights, only about the case. How to go yourself. This is my first independent trip.

At the time of our trip, such a tour of the three capitals of the Baltic countries cost 44,000 per person per week, and we got 23,000. Almost two days in each city. There is a difference!!! TIP: I always buy books from the Orange Guide series. A wonderful series. I take it with me on all trips when I go myself.

VISA. I must say right away that we decided to submit documents to the visa center. A little more expensive, but easier: if something goes wrong, they will still reprint the documents on their forms. For money. Documents are submitted to the embassy or visa center of the country where you will spend more time, namely nights, regardless of the sequence of visiting countries. We started from Lithuania, but we applied for a visa to the visa center of Latvia, because there were two days in Vilnius, but one overnight stay, and in Riga and Tallinn for two nights. You can find a list of documents on the websites. Along with the documents, be sure to bring copies of hotel reservations and copies of all tickets, insurance is required. Read carefully. For example, at the time of our registration, they did not accept hotel reservations from booking in Lithuania. Maybe something has changed. We booked on There were not many people in the center, they handed over an hour and a half. We waited longer for the documents to be reprinted. After 10 days my husband arrived and took the passports with visas. When submitting documents, you mark who will pick it up. Very comfortably.

MOVING BETWEEN COUNTRIES: we chose the bus. Tickets were booked on the website.

A very user-friendly site. Buses take 4 hours on average. There is not much to see on the road. The buses were empty. Maybe it's not a tourist season, or maybe so lucky. We chose the afternoon, left at 5 pm, arrived at 9 pm, slept, and in the morning with fresh strength to walk around the city. Hotels were chosen closer to the center and to the bus stations, so as not to spend extra money on the road ..

HOTELS. We chose inexpensive ones with the expectation only to spend the night. Breakfast.

VILNIUS. We flew in by airBaltic. The plane is tiny: rows of 15, two seats across the aisle.

We flew perfectly. From the airport we took a bus to the Comfort Vilnius 3 * hotel. In Vilnius, there are two hotels with a similar name and we were a little misinformed by the locals, but from the same hotel

to our extra 15 minutes on foot. Found. The hotel is small but cute. For a night or two, no more. There was not even a closet in our room.

We took only breakfast in all hotels. The food was decent, the linen was clean. All attractions are within walking distance. They did not spend on the road anywhere.

We arrived in Vilnius at 10 am, the bus to Riga was the next day at 16.30. From the hotel to the bus station on foot 10 min. Almost two days were enough to see the main attractions and just walk around the city. But the review is not about that. Travel yourself, fear nothing.

RIGA. From the bus station to the hotel 4 * on foot 10 minutes. The hotel is very good. We got a discount when booking. Breakfast for slaughter, there was even champagne. There is no such breakfast in Turkish fives. Clean, quiet, 5-7 minutes to the center. The room even had an ironing board with an iron, kettle, tea, coffee. Bus to Tallinn at 17.00. Everywhere we went on foot, we did not spend on transport.

TALLINN. In Tallinn, from the bus station to the hotel 3 * by tram 10 min and walk 5 min. The hotel is not bad, but there is no pallet in the shower, and water almost did not go into the hole in the floor and flooded the entire floor in the bathroom. But in a mock there was a mop, you know, with such an elastic band to collect water. But across the road is the Old Town and all the sights. Back to Moscow by airBaltic. By taxi 15 euros and in 20 minutes on the spot.

CONCLUSION: It is twice cheaper for yourself, you are your own masters, travel yourself and everything will be fine. We walked in all cities, I can't say anything about transport prices.

It doesn't matter if you are an experienced traveler or if you are in Europe for the first time, you can easily organize your trip to Riga on your own. Without dwelling on the merits of the city, which we have written about many times, here are five stages of planning a trip on our own.

Time planning for a trip to Riga

Riga is a very popular city among tourists, it is visited by more than a million guests a year, and the city hall plans to bring this figure to 1.5 million tourists a year. And this is with a population of 700 thousand inhabitants, that is, there are 1.5 tourists per one resident of Riga.

But nevertheless, we hasten to reassure you, even during the peak periods, tourists are absorbed in Riga and Jurmala in such a way that for Muscovites the city may seem deserted.

The best period to visit Riga is from May to August, as well as during the Christmas and New Year holidays. If you are planning a trip at this time - take care of hotel reservations and transport tickets 2-3 months in advance.

If you prefer a calm atmosphere, then we advise you to come in the second half of April, or from September to mid-October.

The tourist flow decreases, but the weather often gives warm sunny days. Plus, hotels at this time reduce their prices for accommodation, so you can save up to 30-50% of the summer room rate. Below we will share the secret of how to book a hotel in Riga most profitably.

Registration of an entry visa to Latvia

Latvia is included in the countries of the Schengen zone, which means that if you have a Schengen visa in your passport, you can skip this item - the road to Riga is open to you.

If you don't have a visa, you will have to apply for it.

We have described this process in sufficient detail on our website in the section ““, here you can read about the necessary documents, the procedure for filling out the questionnaire, etc.

We book a hotel in Riga

Yes, we start with the hotel.

There are several reasons for this - you can get to Riga by various types of transport, the number of only flights per day reaches five (Aeroflot, Transaero, Utair and Airbaltic). But there is still a train, a bus, a private car, finally. There are also a lot of hotels in Riga (about 200), however, in high season the occupancy reaches 100%. Finally, hotel reservations can be canceled, but plane tickets are problematic.

With booking, everything is very simple, without further ado, it is enough just to go to one of the on-line services for booking hotels.

The risk at this stage is minimal, because no one forbids it later.

We plan what we will use to get to Riga

We have already done an overview of the most economical ways to travel, which you can read by following this link ().

In our understanding, the best solution is an airplane. With absolutely reasonable prices, you do not waste a night on the train (with a mandatory rise at three in the morning for customs control), do not waste your nerves crossing the border by car and do not shake on the bus for fifteen hours.

Getting ready and dreaming about the trip

The worries are over, it's time to plan your trip. First, we search the Internet for travel guides around Riga.

You can't, there are sites, and so to download to your phone? But you don't want to buy books - carry them around the city later?

Well, it is quite a reasonable desire, which we are going to meet - on our website you can download (and, free) four parts of the Riga guide -

No copyright infringement - the guide has been prepared by the site and we give you all the rights to use and distribute it! (just don't change anything in the text) In the near future the fourth part will be released - “Riga - the pearl of Jugendstil”. We can promise that it will not be the last.

Finally, we have available advice on where and how to pay for parking .. oh, it's not good to praise yourself, so let's stop here and wish you an unforgettable vacation in the most beautiful city in the Baltic States!

We have been planning a trip to Latvia for a long time. And then somehow all the cards came together. I wanted to change the scenery, but to go close and the sea was.

I'll start with a pleasant one - a visa. I heard that Latvians are harmful in this regard, and you shouldn't count on a long-term visa. But here the brothers did not let us down: they opened a six-month "cartoon" to all the members of our trip. I will not write about the whole process, documents, etc. I will only say that the delivery service Pony express surprised me. This service is provided free of charge at the visa center and the passports are delivered straight home.

We went on a trip by car. It came out more budgetary and on the spot we had our hands untied, that is, our legs. The whole trip took 13 hours, including the border. There were no problems at the border control. Everything is fast and clear. But here the main thing is to calculate the time and not get into the border guard shift. Usually it is from 8 to 9 and from 20 to 21.


Riga welcomed us with wonderful weather. Despite the fact that it was August, it was good luck to find +30 degrees in the Baltics. I can confidently add Latvia to the list of cities where I would like to return. Therefore, I will write down the points how and what and answer the main questions.

What to see?

Of course, the most important asset and charm of Riga is the old city. You can safely park your car on the outskirts and go sightseeing on foot.

  • The Dome Cathedral is the country's main cathedral and a must-see. This is a fairly ancient structure. The first stone was solemnly laid already in 1211. Since then, it has been rebuilt many times, but it has not lost its greatness.

Unfortunately, when we were there, the spire and tower were completely in the forests, so there are no particularly beautiful photos. But then we went to the historical museum. The ticket cost 3 euros.

The main asset of any Catholic cathedral is its organ. We were not lucky and it was restored, but now in the Dome Cathedral they regularly hold not only services, but also concerts. The poster can be viewed on the official website. If there is an opportunity to hear the music of this particular organ, then it should not be missed. It is not for nothing that he was recognized as sounding wonderful in the world.

The interior decoration is not particularly luxurious, but how calm it is ...

Stained glass is an integral part of all Catholic cathedrals.

There is an observation deck at a height of 72 m where an elevator will take you. From a bird's eye view, there is an excellent view of the city on the banks of the Dvina. The observation deck is open every day, except Monday.

  • Main Dome Square. She seemed a bit typical to me. It is very similar to the squares where the Gothic style is preferred, as in Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary. The same neat gingerbread houses.

  • Cat house. I used to think that Egypt is the country of cats, but it turns out that Latvia. They are everywhere and all black! Superstitious people would go crazy. But as a desperate cat lover, I wanted to see this particular house.



The story goes: the house belonged to Mr. Blumer, who really dreamed of joining the guild, which was located opposite his house, but he was not accepted in any way. As a sign of protest, he installed black cats on the roof and turned them around with their priests towards the guild. As a result, comrade Blumer was nevertheless accepted into the coveted state, and the cats were turned in the opposite direction. But since then they have been symbols of Riga.

  • Narrow streets of Riga. Back in the days of the USSR, if it was necessary to film "abroad" in a movie, then we went to Riga, because even then it resembled Europe as much as possible. Such film masterpieces as Sherlock Holmes and 17 Moments of Spring were filmed here.



  • Monument to the Bremen Town Musicians.


The monument was cast by the Bremen sculptor Christa Baumgartel. The moment is depicted when the musicians look into the window to the robbers, and judging by their worn noses, everyone believes in the magical power of these guys. But they look creepy.

Within walking distance from Old Riga, or as the locals affectionately call it - an old woman, there are also several attractions.

  • Powder Tower.



  • Lyme clock. In Latvia there is Laima not only Vaikule, but also watches, and even sweets. By the way, Lyme is translated into Russian as "happiness". An invariable meeting place for all citizens. They are located opposite the Freedom Monument.



Riga National Opera. Quite a significant place in the city.


This is a fast food cafe. The specialty of this institution is spicy dishes. Every day the menu changes and opposite each dish there are hot chili peppers, which determine the sharpness of the sensations. Maximum 10. On the day we were there, the hottest thing was with 3 peppers. I must say right away that tears come out from a dish with 2 peppers, and with 3 you breathe fire. It is scary to imagine the level of extreme with 10 points.

The prices are very nice. You can take both the whole dish and half of the serving. This establishment is closed on weekends! And on weekdays it works from 11 am to 8:30 pm.

Address: Gertrudes iela, 6

2nd place. Lido restaurant. A fairly well-known restaurant with unusually beautiful decorations! I advise you to first walk around the territory and take a couple of pictures, and then go inside. There is a buffet restaurant on the ground floor. Take a tray and fill it with whatever you want. I must say right away, everything is delicious! Especially desserts. There is a bar on the -1 floor. They also have their own mini-brewery, where they brew beer and immediately serve it to guests. And on the 2nd floor there is a restaurant, a banquet hall. There is already dinner on the menu. The choice is yours. But the interior is incredible! And how beautiful it is at Christmas, I can't even imagine.

Finally, I got around to writing a text about our autotravel route in the Baltics.

The total length of the path is 2,975 kilometers, but taking into account the trips within the cities and to the surrounding attractions, we hit much more - 3,672 kilometers. I must say right away that it is worth going on a journey only if you have a love of traveling by car, and if you are traveling with a child, it is desirable that he shares this passion.

Our daughter, fortunately, is growing up as a tireless traveler, and takes long trips more than favorably - after all, during this time you can listen to a whole bunch of fairy tales!

So, the route is broken down by day:

In the morning we leave Moscow along the M-1 highway and drive towards Smolensk (380 km). To save time and nerves, I highly recommend using the Odintsovo toll bypass.
In Smolensk we have lunch (I highly recommend the Peter Push cafe @restoran_peterpush on Lenin Street, 14) and move on towards Belarus. There is no border between countries, even the most formal one.
We didn’t like a single hotel in Minsk, so we spent the night in the "Quiet Dvorik" agro-estate in Lagoisk (306 km from Smolensk)

We will have breakfast and drive to Minsk (distance from Lagoisk - 40 km).
There we went to the zoo @minsk_zoo_official (Tashkentskaya street, 40), had lunch and moved towards the border with Lithuania (to the Benyakoni crossing point - 191 km)
We cross the border and go to Vilnius (distance from the border - 53 km), where we settle for the night

The third day takes place in Vilnius - we have already been here, so they did not repeat the tour of the historical center. Instead, we visited:
Open-air museum "Park of Europe" (Joneikisku village, LT-15148)
Cafe with a huge playground "The World of Dwarfs" (Laisvės pr. 88)
Interactive Toy Museum (Shiltadarzho st., 2)

We begin to move to the sea. We leave Vilnius in the direction of Trakai, but on the way we stop at a wonderful corn maze (Vilnius – Trakai 16 km)
After getting out of the labyrinth, we go to Trakai and walk around the castle there (only 11 km)
From there we leave for Kaunas for a walk and lunch (on the way - 87 km)
After Kaunas we continue to go to the sea. Our office on the coast was the town of Sventoja (250 km from Kaunas)

We come to our senses after a busy day and explore the surroundings. In the morning we went to the beach, and then went to the HBH entertainment complex Palanga (Zhibininkai, Lepu, 23). You can easily hang out there for the whole day.

In the morning - the sea, and then we go to the dinosaur park DINO.LT (Radailiai, Klaipeda region). After the lizards, you can have lunch and walk in Klaipeda or Palanga, they are very close.

We will have breakfast and go to the old port of Klaipeda, where we take a ferry to the Curonian Spit. In this part of the spit, you should definitely visit the Lithuanian Sea Museum, it is beautiful.
We return back by ferry, get into the car and drive towards the border with Latvia. There are again no borders between countries.
We spend the night in a small but wonderful town of Liepaja (from Šventoji to Liepaja - 61 km)

We walk around Liepaja, swim, weather permitting, and go to Riga (drive to the capital 216 km)
There we went to the Latvian Museum of Nature (K. Barona st. 4), had dinner and went to bed.

This day takes place in Riga - we dedicated it to a walk in the huge open-air Latvian Ethnographic Museum (10 Bonaventuras street).
Then I recommend stopping by for lunch or dinner at one of the restaurants of the Lido chain - it's delicious, cheap and very colorful

We will have breakfast and go to wander around the historical center of Riga. To appreciate all the beauty of the city, we climb the tower of St. Peter's Church (Skarnu St. 19).
Then we leave the capital and go to Cesis to see the local castle (88 km)
Then we say goodbye to Latvia and leave for Tallinn (on the way - 300 km)

We walk around Tallinn, although one day here, of course, is not a crime.
We went to the Tallinn Zoo @tallinnzoo (Ehitajate tee 150 / Paldiski mnt 145), the medieval restaurant Olde Hansa @olde_hansa (Vene 1) and went to the Pirita beach 15 minutes from the city center.

In the morning we walk around Tallinn, and then we move towards the border with Russia - it was more convenient for us to leave through Narva (211 km). Don't forget to sign up for the electronic queue!
Once at home, we go to rest and sleep in Veliky Novgorod (distance - 272 km)

We will have breakfast, walk around the Novgorod Kremlin and set off towards Moscow. I would make the most of the paid Leningradka, because it saves a lot of time.
We have lunch and stretch our legs in Tver (from Novgorod - 387 km)
The last push to Moscow (176 km)