Abstract: Caucasian Mineral Waters Caucasian Mineral Waters. Caucasian Mineral Waters - everything about the resort of the Caucasus Mineral waters of the Caucasus in brief

The healing area of ​​Caucasian Mineral Waters is located at a latitude of 44 degrees, in the very center of the North Caucasus, almost at the same distance between the Black and Caspian seas. It is part of a vast plateau stretching between mountain ranges and the Cis-Caucasus Plain, covers an area of ​​5828 square kilometers and is part of not only the Stavropol Territory, but also the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian Republics.

Two gently sloping terraces are visible in the terrain. The first, starting from the Kumsk and Stavropol steppes, rising approximately 300 meters above sea level, gradually rises to the northwest. Having reached heights above 1000 meters, it breaks off abruptly, forming a series of ledges that are clearly visible near the city of Kislovodsk. The watershed between the gentle and steep slopes of this terrace, on the left bank of the Podkumok River, is called the Darya Ridge, with heights up to 1500 meters above sea level, and on the right bank - the Dzhinalsky Ridge. Its highest points are Upper Jinal (1539 m) and Big Saddle (1409 m).

From the foot of the steep slope of the first terrace, the terrain begins to gradually rise again in a south-west direction, forming a gently sloping surface of the second terrace. Its southern border is the grandiose cliffs crowning the slopes of the valleys of the Eshkakon, Malka and Khasaut rivers.

Directly above one of these cliffs is the highest point of the terrace - Mount Bermamyt (2643 m). From it, as well as from other nearby heights above the cliffs, a majestic and rare beauty view of the mountain range of the Main Caucasus Range and Mount Elbrus - the highest point in Europe, an extinct volcano - opens up. Its double peak (western - 5642 m and eastern - 5621 m), always covered with snow and ice, shines with dazzling whiteness against the blue sky on clear days. And looking at this cold colossus, you feel the icy peace of the Caucasian colossus, disturbed only by snowstorms. It is difficult to imagine that it once spewed flames from its depths, and clouds of ash and smoke rose above its top. Eight million years ago, volcanic activity raged here.

Much earlier, magmatic activity intensified in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, as a result of which 17 laccolithic mountains, that is, “failed volcanoes,” were formed. Scientist G.V. Abikh poetically called them “an archipelago of rocky islands.”

Numerous streams and rivers flow through the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. And the largest of the rivers are Kuma and Podkumok.

The landscapes of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are beautiful. Here, among the hills and steppes, breaking their monotony and monotony, bizarre mountains rise. They are located either completely isolated from each other, or in the form of small groups. Their silhouettes and picturesque slopes covered with forest attract attention and leave an unforgettable picture in the memory. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in his poem “Ishmael Bey” very accurately described the traveler’s impressions of the panorama opening before him:

Around, left and right,

Like the remains of the pyramids,

Rising majestically to the sky,

The mountain looks from behind the mountain;

And far away their five-headed king,

Foggy, dove-blue,

Scares with its wonderful height.

“Tsar” is the highest of the mountains - Beshtau, the five peaks of which present an extremely beautiful combination, especially when looking at them from Essentuki.

The middle, highest peak of Beshtau has a height of 1400 meters above sea level. To the north of Beshtau there is Mount Zheleznaya (851 m), on the southern slopes of which the city of Zheleznovodsk is nestled, and Mount Razvalka (930 m) rises even further to the north.

When viewed from the east, its silhouette surprisingly resembles a sleeping lion.

To the west of Beshtau and Zheleznaya, four small mountain ranges stretch out in one line: Sheludivaya (873 m), Ostraya (880 m), Tupaya (Boar) (772 m) and Medovaya (721 m). Even further, but somewhat to the side, rise the Bull (821 m) and Camel (902 m) mountains.

Near the city of Mineralnye Vody, Mount Snake (994 m) is located separately, the slopes of which are cut by deep snake-like ravines and hollows. And on the left bank of the Kuma River, near the village of Kangli, rises the not very steep Mount Dagger (507 m), half cut off in recent years due to the industrial development of stone. Not far from it there is another hilly hill, in its external outlines little similar to other laccoliths, but, nevertheless, having a common origin with them. This is the Kokurtly plateau (401 m).

To the southeast of Beshtau is Mount Mashuk (998 m), which has the appearance of an irregular, somewhat elongated dome with a rounded top. The largest city of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody - Pyatigorsk - is comfortably located between them.

To the south of Mashuk, on the right bank of the Podkumok River there are three more laccoliths: Yutsa (973 m), Jutsa (1200 m) and somewhat to the side - the Golden Mound (884 m).

Finally, to the east of Pyatigorsk, Mount Lysaya (739 m) rises alone.

To the south, on the horizon, about 80 kilometers from Pyatigorsk, Elbrus proudly and majestically flaunts, various views of it open from the tops of almost all laccoliths.

Scientists believe that not so long ago there was violent volcanic activity in the Elbrus region. These menacing phenomena have now subsided, but the magma that once flowed out here has not completely cooled down. Convincing evidence of this is the numerous tremors that are recorded by seismologists of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, and the emergence of many hot and warm carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide mineral springs to the surface.

The mountain ranges of the Main Caucasus Range and the laccoliths of the Caucasian Mineral Waters played a big role in the formation of various types of mineral springs - underground medicine. The formation of mineral waters is a very complex and lengthy process. The ancient thinker Aristotle believed that as the soils are, so are the waters through which they pass.

But modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the chemical and gas composition of natural mineral waters, and therefore their medicinal properties, are formed under the influence of a complex of natural factors. This includes the geological history of the development of the basin, that is, the change from sea to land, which took place millions of years ago, and the composition of rocks, and the time of manifestation of volcanic activity, as well as climate and topography, water exchange and the intensity of modern tectonic movements, thermal, gravitational and electromagnetic fields of the earth. The role of various physicochemical and biochemical processes occurring in the bowels of the earth is also important.

Despite the significant successes of scientists and specialists in resolving issues related to the formation of natural mineral waters, disputes about their origin do not cease.

It would seem that in a relatively small area under relatively identical geological conditions there should be mineral waters of the same type. However, currently about 40 types of healing natural springs have been identified in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, but there may probably be more.

Most natural scientists and hydrogeologists agree on one assumption: rain and melted snow water, as well as magmatic carbon dioxide, take part in the formation of carbon dioxide mineral waters that predominate in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Schematically, it looks like this: rain and melted snow water penetrate through the pores, voids and cracks of rocks into the bowels of the earth, where they are saturated with carbon dioxide coming through large faults from the great depths of the earth's crust. Over a very long period of time, under conditions of different temperatures and pressures, a complex process of enriching rain and melt water with gases, organic matter, biologically active microelements (iron, copper, iodine, boron, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, fluorine and others) occurs, transforming them into natural medicine used at KMS resorts.

Underground mineral waters, unlike mineral deposits, are renewable. They can be replenished and exist indefinitely if used wisely.

The ecological purity of healing waters depends entirely on our common culture, our attitude towards nature. Unreasonable human economic activity and pollution of territories certainly affects their composition. This should be remembered.

It is no coincidence that the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is classified as the only specially protected ecological resort area in Russia.

The wealth of nature and the depths of the CMS is a gift from God. Preserving it and using the resorts so that they serve for the benefit of Russia for a long time is the main task of today.

Climate is a healer

The Main Caucasus Range and laccolithic mountains play an important role in the formation of the microclimate of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In addition, it is influenced by local reasons unique to this region: the foothill location, the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian Sea. To the north and east, the territory of the CMS is open, and from there cold waves invade during the winter months, sharply reducing the air temperature. They generally determine continental climatic features.

The climate of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region has long been highly valued by specialists and is generally recognized as one of the important means of resort treatment. It has a beneficial effect on the most important human organs, thanks to increased solar radiation, reduced oxygen pressure, high transparency and cleanliness of the air. The climate on the CMS has been successfully used as a healing factor.

In Kislovodsk it is used in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurological diseases, and nonspecific respiratory diseases. In Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk - when indicated for patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, colitis, functional disorders of the intestines, nervous system, metabolic disorders (obesity, mild diabetes mellitus), diseases skin (psoriasis, urticaria, eczema), chronic urological and gynecological diseases that are not accompanied by frequent exacerbations.

Despite the fact that the resort cities are located next to each other, the climatic conditions of the treatment and health zones differ from each other. This is explained by their different altitude positions and dissected terrain, the degree of closedness of the landscape and the presence of forest vegetation.

Quite often, those who come to the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody in the summer notice a change in the weather when moving from the city of Mineralnye Vody to the city of Kislovodsk on a 60-kilometer stretch of the journey. If, for example, in Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Essentuki the weather is cloudy or rainy, then in Kislovodsk it is a bright sunny day. And in winter it can be warm and sunny here, but in Essentuki and Pyatigorsk there can be fog and ice. For these reasons, two zones can be roughly distinguished: southern and northern.

In the southern zone is the city of Kislovodsk and its surroundings. This is due to the location of the city in a natural basin, closed by the Main Caucasus Range and the ridges of the Dzhinalsky and Darya mountain ranges. From the north they prevent the penetration of cold winds that bring cloudy, rainy weather, and from the southwest they are influenced by the proximity of the subtropical zones of the Black Sea coast.

Kislovodsk is one of the best climatic resorts in Europe.

It stands out among other cities of the CMS due to the abundance of sunny days. The city has more than 300 sunny days a year. Even during the winter months, the sun shines on average four or more hours a day. In summer there is no sweltering heat here, and the evenings are always cool. It is especially good in Kislovodsk in autumn and winter: sunny, warm, dry, windless.

In the northern zone of the Caucasian Mineral Waters there are other resorts - Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and the healing area of ​​Kumogorsk.

What they have in common is approximately the same amount of annual precipitation (550-590 mm), the average annual temperature is 10-12 degrees and the number of days with precipitation is 120-160.

Essentuki is located at an altitude of 600-630 meters above sea level, in the valley of the Podkumok River. They are open on all sides and well ventilated. In summer it is very hot here, it only gets cooler in the morning, and only park vegetation somewhat softens the force of the winds and the heat.

Pyatigorsk is located at an altitude of 500-600 meters above sea level, on the southwestern slope of Mount Mashuk. Therefore, it is somewhat warmer here than in Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk. Thanks to winds from the southeast and west, the heat is softened in summer, and in the resort area with rich tree and shrub vegetation it is felt even less. Due to the proximity of Mount Mashuk, it is cool here in the evening and at night, just like in Kislovodsk. In summer, after thunderstorms and rains, it quickly becomes dry. The best weather time is September–October, when it is still warm and there is little precipitation.

Zheleznovodsk is located mainly on the southern slope of Mount Zheleznaya, at altitudes of 580-640 meters above sea level, among dense deciduous forest. The city offers a picturesque view of the peaks of Beshtau. Its climatic characteristics are close to Pyatigorsk. Western and eastern winds also prevail here, which bring cold weather in winter. Lush forest park vegetation softens the force of winds, retards surface runoff of precipitation, and increases the amount of evaporation, as a result of which in summer the air here during the daytime is more humid compared to other cities in the northern zone of the CMS.

The Kumogorskaya medical and recreational area is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mineralnye Vody, at altitudes of 470-550 meters above sea level. Its unique territory is distinguished by rich steppe herbs. Here is also one of the oldest dendrological parks in the Stavropol Territory with an area of ​​about 50 hectares.

The climate in Kumogorsk is temperate continental. Spring is rainy and cool. Summer is very warm, with many fine days. And the hottest month is July. Autumn is dry and warm. Only at the end of October, as in resort cities, do the first frosts appear. Winter is moderately mild.

Rains usually fall in early summer, and are much less than in the rest of the CMS territory. Eastern and western winds predominate.

Due to the diversity of climatic zones, Caucasian Mineral Waters is a unique area for the use of climate therapy

Wealth of the subsoil

Due to the diverse geological conditions in the depths of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, a unique variety of mineral waters has formed - about 40 different types.

The Kislovodsk narzans, carbonated waters such as “Essentuki No. 4”, “Essentuki No. 17”, “Essentuki novaya”, “Essentuki healing”, hot Pyatigorsk and cold carbonated waters such as “Mashuk No. 1” and “Mashuk No. 19”, Zheleznovodsk thermal "Slavyanovskaya", "Smirnovskaya", "Novoterskaya healing", "Slavyanskaya", "Beshtau", carbonic-hydrogen sulfide waters, bitter-salty, hydrogen sulfide, soda - analogues of "Borjomi", siliceous, iodine-bromine, boron and radon waters .

With the development of the resort business, the number of new types of mineral waters used in practice is constantly increasing.

Mineral waters are natural waters that have a healing effect on the human body due to their chemical composition and specific properties.

According to their balneological effects during drinking treatment, they are divided into three types: drinking, medicinal-table and medicinal.

Water with a mineralization of no more than 1 gram per liter is considered drinking water, medicinal water - up to 10 grams, medicinal - more than 10 grams per liter.

Natural mineral waters must be transparent, without foreign inclusions (a slight sediment of mineral salts is allowed), with the taste and smell of a complex of substances dissolved in the water, safe in sanitary and bacteriological terms.

Due to the deep location and high temperature conditions, all natural drinking mineral waters of the Caucasian Mineral Waters deposits are safe in environmental, sanitary and bacteriological terms.

“Selecting and prescribing the necessary waters to a patient is not an easy task; it requires familiarity with the waters, knowledge of the painful condition for which the water is prescribed,” noted Professor S. A. Smirnov.

When selecting criteria for evaluating underground mineral waters, from a significant number of indicators of their chemical composition and physical properties, balneologists, chemists and hydrogeologists selected the most important ones that determine the physiological, and therefore the therapeutic effect of waters on a living organism.

Such signs include water mineralization, ionic composition, content of active microcomponents in water, gas composition, radioactivity, active reaction and temperature.

Water mineralization is the totality of mineral and organic substances dissolved in it, which is expressed in grams per liter. It can vary widely from 1 to 650 grams per liter.

With rare exceptions, medicinal mineral waters with a mineralization of more than 10 grams per liter are used only in the form of baths or swimming in pools.

The study of natural mineral waters includes determining their origin, a comprehensive assessment of the chemical composition and medicinal properties, analysis of effectiveness in animal experiments, followed by clinical testing and issuing recommendations for use in practice.

How much, when and what kind of mineral water should you drink? The answer to this question can be found in the opinion of the French doctor Deltau, expressed by him in 1896: “Treatment with mineral waters is useful insofar as the instructions of the doctor who supervises it are correct.”.

Natural drinking, medicinal table and medicinal waters of the KMV are famous not only for their amazing variety and quantity, but also for their quality, which allows them to be bottled for a long time.

At prestigious international exhibitions in Berlin, Cologne and Dubai in 1997, in Paris, Cairo and Spain in 1998, the healing waters of the Caucasian Mineral Waters were awarded gold medals.

Therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan

In the health resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, along with mineral waters, the mud of Lake Tambukan is also used for treatment.

The lake is located 12 km southeast of the city of Pyatigorsk, on the road to Kabardino-Balkaria, in an area of ​​thick marine sediments of the Tertiary period, rich in salts.

Lake Tambukan was first described by the scientist-traveler I.A. Guldenshtedt in 1773. The first “mud bath” was the Pyatigorsk Ermolovsky baths, where in 1886 several cabins were converted for this purpose. In those days, mud therapy was not used as it is now, but special baths were arranged where the mud was diluted with mineral water.

In 1893 in Zheleznovodsk, four cabins for mud therapy were installed in the new building of the mineral baths.

Tambukan was located on lands belonging to the Cossacks and Kabardians, from whom the Administration of Caucasian Mineral Waters was forced to lease the lake, which created many difficulties and inconveniences.

Since 1903, thanks to the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II, the lake was transferred for permanent use to the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Increased profits from the sale of bottled mineral water at the beginning of the 20th century allowed the Water Directorate to build new special buildings for mud therapy, which significantly increased the use of medicinal mud in Pyatigorsk and Essentuki.

The largest mud bath in the Caucasian Mineral Waters was opened in Zheleznovodsk in 1971.

According to the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology, for almost two centuries the composition of Tambukan mud and its medicinal value have remained virtually unchanged.

Now the lake is a shallow, closed, closed oval-shaped reservoir. Its length is two kilometers, width - about one, modern depth is from two to three meters, the area of ​​​​the water surface is about 175 hectares and may vary slightly depending on climatic indicators.

The lake is fed by spring flow, rain and melted snow water, and also partly by underground mineralized water.

The healing mud of Tambukan is a black, shiny, oily, plastic, monotonous and heavy mass. These are bottom sediments of the lake. Dirt is formed under the influence of complex chemical and biological processes.

The ionic composition of brine (mud) has remained almost unchanged since 1872 and remains chloride-sulfate magnesium-sodium, but its mineralization has fallen: from 369 grams per liter in 1872 to 30-40 in 2002.

The main effects of dirt on the human body are thermal, chemical and mechanical. During the treatment, the corresponding skin receptors are irritated, a complex humoral and reflex effect is exerted, and an active balneotherapeutic effect is created.

Mud procedures are used in the form of general mud baths, mud applications, tampons, electro-mud therapy, galvanic mud therapy and others.

About 15 preparations, extracts, filtrates, extracts and salts are currently made from the healing mud of Lake Tambukan.

Mud therapy in the health resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal, nervous systems, peripheral blood vessels, gynecological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and skin diseases.

The types of procedures are prescribed by the attending physician to each patient individually. They also monitor the patient’s condition after the procedure.

Mud is extracted from the bottom of the lake with special floating scoops, then in special containers it is sent to mud baths and sanatoriums of the KMS resort cities.

Mineral Caucasian Waters is one of the most frequently visited places in Russia. They include several cities of the North Caucasus. The unusual nature and clean air allow every guest to plunge into the unusual world of this region. Many come here to improve their health and just have a good time on their day off or vacation. Here is located which became famous thanks to its reserves of silt mud. In 1992, it was decided to assign this resort a special status - a protected ecological resort region of Russia. Mineral Caucasian Waters first appeared in Schober's notes. This happened back in the 17th century. Schober himself was a doctor. It is he who is considered the pioneer of this medical field. Despite the fact that the resort includes several cities, its area is about 6 thousand square meters. km. If we take the most extreme point (Kislovodsk), then the distance between them is only 57 km. Thanks to its dense location, you can see and visit all the mysterious places of this resort. From any place in the region you can see the highest point in Europe - Mount Elbrus. Moreover, this peak is a dormant volcano. Who knows when he might wake up. There are a lot of mysterious places here that you should pay attention to.

Caucasian Mineral Waters consists of the cities: Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. The terrain here is predominantly mountainous, which is why many extreme sports enthusiasts flock to this resort not only from Russia, but also from all over the world. This place has more than 90 about 120 sanatoriums and boarding houses, which operate not only in summer, but also in winter. There are very mild winters here without severe frosts, and in the summer every vacationer enjoys the sun and dry weather. The healing properties of water were discovered quite a long time ago, but no one knows the exact time. Once in this region, you can hear many stories and legends from the old residents of the area. The residents here are very hospitable and are always happy to meet new guests. Caucasian mineral waters annually welcome more than a million guests who come for different purposes. The location of the resort is between the Black and Caspian Seas on the slopes of the Caucasus Range, in the northern part.

Sanatoriums of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Mineral Caucasian Waters includes a wide variety of sanatoriums, among which you can choose the most suitable one in terms of services and prices. Many sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters were built by certain enterprises, which annually send their employees to a well-deserved rest. But there are also special tours. They are purchased from various travel companies. The tour may include accommodation, treatments, meals, etc. All resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters are aimed at improving health. One of the most popular is the city of Zheleznovodsk. This is where the medical boarding houses are located, which are famous for their drinking waters and unique medical procedures. All resorts meet the necessary standards, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of your stay. Each establishment tries to be unique and different from others. This is due to competition. But this factor only plays into the hands of every tourist. Before choosing a sanatorium, you need to look through several options so that you can compare all the institutions. This will help you make the right choice.

Sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters

Everyone who comes to these places should rejoice at this chance, because there are many unique places that need to be visited. The sights of Caucasian Mineral Waters are distinguished by their individual history. Each place has its own legend and history. One of them is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This building was built in the 90s of the outgoing century. It should be noted that the construction process was carried out in a very short time. An equal-pointed cross was chosen as the basis of the temple. It serves as a symbol of the salvation of people. As for the interior decoration, it was carried out by the best craftsmen who painted the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. There is another church, an older one - St. Nicholas. It was erected after the end of the Second World War. Inside the church you can see the ancient icon “Quick to Hear”. It was written by monks who lived on Mount Athos. You also need to pay attention to the Mineralovodsky Local Lore Museum. It contains exhibits that cover a large period of time. In addition, there is the Museum of Aviation Technology and the Museum of the writer A.P. Bibikova. Many tourists visit the magmatic site. People call it Zhlan-tau (translation into Turkic). Well, it’s worth visiting the mud bath building. It was built at the end of the 19th century at the railway station. The interior of the room is reminiscent of ancient Roman baths. Nearby is a real steam locomotive that has been standing since 1985. The monument was erected in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement.

Kislovodsk is a resort city

Many doctors recommend rest and treatment in various resort areas. One of these is Caucasian Mineral Waters. Kislovodsk is a city that is part of this region. It is located in the southern part. The city is located on high mountains, which explains such clean air. It should be noted that the settlement is simply surrounded by greenery, which is especially pleasant on sunny days. Even in the past, they recognized the uniqueness of the climate and the healing properties of the water, which was called “nart-sane”. In addition, you can simply walk along the streets and parks of the city. They are planted with coniferous trees, and also have unique paths and sidewalks along which it is a pleasure to walk. Kislovodsk is very popular in terms of tourist attendance. People come here not only to improve their health, but also to enjoy the beautiful view and just have a good time. If you look at the sanatoriums, they are built for different classes of tourists. There are both double economy rooms and entire three-level apartments designed for people with high incomes. They contain swimming pools, jacuzzi, saunas, etc. Many diseases are treated with great success in the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk; even severe forms of asthma are cured here.

Before the trip, you need to familiarize yourself with the photo. Caucasian Mineral Waters, like any other place unfamiliar to you, has its own laws and orders. One of the main rules of this region is that drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking in public places is completely prohibited. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the garbage left behind. It cannot be thrown around; there are designated places for it. All these violations may result in a fairly large fine, so there is no need to spoil your vacation, but rather respect those around you. Due to the fact that many tourists want to visit all the cities in the region, they use electric trains. They are the most convenient form of transport for moving around the resort area. As for public transport, taxis are very popular here. These cars will be able to take you to the nearest villages, and will also help tourists find their way around the place.

If you have chosen summer for your vacation, then it should be noted that during the daytime the air temperature rarely drops below +30. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid city tours during the heat of the day. The resort has a large number of private residential properties. The owners actively offer their homes for rent to all visitors. For those who prefer such a holiday, this is very convenient.

Internet to help tourists

Almost everyone who has been here recommends Caucasian Mineral Waters. Reviews are only positive. In order to get acquainted with the opinions of other vacationers about this place, you need to seek help from specialists or at least friends. If you wish, you can find all the information you are interested in. In addition, you can chat with real vacationers and learn about the quality of service in a particular establishment. This is important if you only want to have a pleasant trip experience. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself in detail with the resort’s pricing policy in order to calculate the budget for your vacation. On specialized forums you can meet new people; by the way, there have been many cases when such communication led to a joint vacation. Often in this way you can significantly save your finances.

Resort cuisine

As everyone knows, the Caucasian Mineral Waters region is located in the mountains of the same name, so there is a large concentration of people of the corresponding nationality, their traditions are present, and, of course, national cuisine. It is an integral part of the resort. In the cities of the region you can see a large number of restaurants serving this cuisine. It is based on the best traditions and customs. The menu includes dishes from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and other countries of the East. In addition to delicious food, you can enjoy live traditional music and see unique oriental dances. The working hours of such establishments are completely different; some work around the clock, while others work from morning until late evening. Each restaurant pays special attention to service. Every guest is greeted here very warmly.

Residential real estate in Caucasian Mineralnye Vody

In order to have fun and usefully spend your time, you need to go to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Holidays here will be at the highest level. Resorts include a wide variety of hotels, private boarding houses and other properties that are rented to tourists. They all vary in price and quality. Therefore, before traveling, it is recommended to choose the most suitable option in order to arrive at the place immediately, rather than waste your time searching. If you purchase a tour, it already includes hotel accommodation. The cost of the tour depends on the class of the hotel, but in addition, the price may be affected by the number of services included in it. This is a good place for a family holiday; all conditions for staying with children are created here.

Capital Pyatigorsk

The cities of Caucasian Mineral Waters are similar to each other. The main settlements are Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. Pyatigorsk is the capital of this region. It is located at the foot of Mount Mashuk. It is 680 m. It is unique in that it is the only place in the CIS countries where natural radon and mud from Lake Tambukan exist. In some properties they surpass even the mud of the Dead Sea. On the slopes of Mount Mashuk there is an ancient forest, which includes mainly broad-leaved trees. If you walk through the forest, you can see paths, gazebos, and small fountains that delight you with fresh water. Pyatigorsk has a good medical base, made up of favorable factors of its geographical location. Take, for example, a radon clinic. It is the largest in Europe. Here it is possible to accept 15 types of procedures that are aimed at treating various diseases, including diseases of the spine. In Pyatigorsk they will be able to cure ailments of the digestive system, nervous system, and provide treatment for infertility, gynecological diseases, etc.

Unusual Zheleznovodsk

Zheleznovodsk is located near Pyatigorsk. It is the smallest among other resort towns. It got its name due to the fact that it is located at the foot of Mount Zheleznaya. Its height above sea level is 650 meters. The entire city and its outskirts are covered with rich forests, which include oaks, hornbeams and beech. In addition, you can see a large amount of other greenery. Among this luxury one can see sanatoriums. If you look at the southern side of the mountain, here you can see a beautiful bet with a pier for catamarans, boats and boats, as well as a magnificent beach with a small restaurant. What’s interesting about Zheleznovodsk is that all the forest parks are of natural origin. This is due to the city’s entry into the Beshtaugorsky forest. If you walk through the forest, you can see hares, foxes, roe deer, deer and other living creatures. Some vacationers compare the climate of the region with that of Switzerland. The air is also saturated with ions, surprisingly clean, has little humidity, and there are no strong winds. There are 15 sanatoriums in the city, excluding boarding houses. In the park you can find drinking springs of mineral waters: Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya and Vladimirovskaya. In this locality, mud, health path and climatic treatment are widely used. In Zheleznovodsk, they treat the digestive system, diseases of the genitourinary organs, blood circulation, gynecological diseases, prostatitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others.


Essentuki is the quietest and calmest city. In addition, it is considered the most popular resort and drinking spring. The main feature of the city is that it contains as many as 27 sources of healing water. Essentuki is located just 43 kilometers from the airport. Its height above sea level is 640 meters. It should be noted the mountain-steppe climate. Here spring is very short because it quickly turns into dry and warm summer. If we take the length of the day, then Essentuki is in second place, the first is Kislovodsk. In the northern and southern parts there are two parks: Main and Komsomolsky. All sanatoriums are located along the arc of the park area. The resort is a target source, so it is not recommended to drink the water without any illness. All medical sanatoriums are open all year round. It is also designed for children’s health, so children from 5 to 17 years old can come for treatment. This city will help you cope with diseases of the intestines, genitourinary system, liver and all digestive organs. Mineralnye Caucasian Waters are always happy to welcome new visitors.

If you need to improve your health or just have a good and useful time, then you need to head to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Sanatoriums, which have only positive reviews from previous visitors, are ready to receive vacationers all year round.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Caucasian Mineral Waters is the largest resort region of the Russian Federation, which in terms of wealth, diversity, and value of balneological resources has no equal on the Eurasian continent.

More than 100 mineral water sources of 13 different types and the healing mud of Lake Tambukan create a unique balneological base of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The total operational reserves of mineral waters prepared for development are 16.4 thousand cubic meters. m/day. The region has one of the best deposits of therapeutic mud in Russia with operational reserves of about 900 thousand cubic meters. m. It is distinguished by picturesque natural landscapes and a healthy mountain climate. All these unique natural healing resources create extremely favorable prospects for the development of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

At Caucasian Mineral Waters, the most common diseases are treated with high effectiveness. This is the most important state social function of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts. Each of them has its own medical profile. Thus, in Kislovodsk diseases of the circulatory system, breathing, and nervous system are successfully treated; in Essentuki – gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, metabolic disorders; in Pyatigorsk - musculoskeletal system, nervous system, digestive organs, skin and gynecological; in Zheleznovodsk – digestive organs, kidneys, urinary tract, metabolic disorders.

The climate of the region varies over a short distance from continental steppe to mountain forest. Summers in Caucasian Mineral Waters are usually warm, and winters are moderately mild. Almost every resort city has its own climatic characteristics, and Kislovodsk is rightfully considered one of the best climatic resorts in Russia.


Kislovodsk is located 64 km from the Minvoda airport. This is the largest and southernmost among the cities of Kavminvod. The resort is located in a picturesque mountain basin, reliably protected from winds and fog in the valley of two rivers, at an altitude of 830 to 1000 meters above sea level.

^ The Kislovodsk resort is provided with sulfide silt medicinal mud from the deposit of Lake Bolshoy Tambukan, located on the territory of the Stavropol Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The main natural healing factors of the resort include mineral springs - Kislovodsk Narzans, which created Kislovodsk's reputation as the oldest balneological resort in Russia.

The climate of the Kislovodsk resort is typical of continental mid-mountain regions with low atmospheric pressure, characterized by an abundance of sunny days, high natural ionization of the air and is favorable for year-round climate therapy. “The City of the Sun” is what regular vacationers and guests call it. The number of sunny days per year in Kislovodsk is almost twice as large as in Pyatigorsk or Essentuki.

The Kislovodsk resort is the country's leading cardiological resort. Nowadays, along with rheumatic heart defects, the initial stages of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels, neuroses, and dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, Kislovodsk treats people with angina pectoris and those who have undergone heart surgery, as well as other diseases. The resort’s unique natural factors, combined with the latest diagnostic and treatment facilities, provide effective treatment for diseases:

circulatory system (coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, etc.

respiratory organs (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma);

nervous system;

musculoskeletal system;

gynecological, etc.

The most popular sanatoriums in Kislovodsk: “Valley of Narzans”, “Victoria”, “Zarya”, “Caucasus”, “Kolos”, “Red Stones”, “Fortress”, “Krugozor”, “Luch”, “Moscow”, “Narzan” , "Picket", "Spring", "Uzbekistan", "Torch", "Healing Narzan", "Tsentrosoyuz", "Electronics", "Elbrus", Central Military Sanatorium, Gorky Sanatorium, Semashko Sanatorium, Dimitrov Sanatorium, Ordzhonikidze Sanatorium , named after Kirov, Solnechny sanatorium, villa "Arnest", hotels "Grand Hotel", "Corona" and many others.

The decoration and pride of Kislovodsk is the resort park, located on both sides of the Olkhovka River on 1100 hectares. There are over 250 species of trees and shrubs. The resort has ornamental plant nurseries and greenhouses. In the area of ​​the Jinal tract and in the Charm Valley (the feeding zone of mineral springs), 70 thousand birch trees and 30 thousand Crimean pine seedlings were recently planted on 13 hectares. In Kislovodsk parks there are 6 health path routes with a length from 1700 to 6000 m with three control and observation points.

The waters of 7 springs operating in Kislovodsk are carbonic sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium. The water of the famous Narzan spring, which laid the foundation for the resort, has a mineralization of up to 1.8 g/l, contains over 1 g/l of carbon dioxide, and the water temperature is about 12°C. The water of the Dolomite Narzan spring comes from a depth of about 65 m and is characterized by high mineralization (3.4 g/l) and a higher content of carbon dioxide (up to 2 g/l). Narzan sulfate was obtained by drilling from a depth of about 170 m; its mineralization is over 5 g/l, carbon dioxide content is about 2 g/l. Dolomite and sulfate narzans are connected to pump rooms, they are used for drinking treatment


^ The Essentuki resort is located at an altitude of 640 m above sea level, in the steppe area, in the valley of the Podkumok River. Geographically located 17 km from the city of Pyatigorsk and 43 km from Mineralnye Vody. Its area is 4500 hectares, and its population is more than 98 thousand people. The climate is continental. Summer is warm, with great

number of hot and dry days. The average July temperature is +20.6°C, the maximum temperature reaches +38°C. Winter is easily tolerated; there are frequent thaws, but there can also be frosts down to -30°C. The average January temperature is -4.6°C. Foggy days are often observed (13-14 days in November and December). Autumn is long, warm, with cool nights. Spring is very short, and already in April the temperature rises quickly.

Mineral drinking waters, climate, and healing mud have turned Essentuki into a world-famous gastroenterological resort and resort for the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, urological diseases, lung diseases, skin diseases, and nervous diseases. The resort has a large mud bath named after. N. A. Semashko. Here they offer treatments from the healing mud of Lake Tambukan: applications to different areas (cervical-collar, lumbar, limbs, abdomen, back), mud mash, tampons, etc.

The most popular sanatoriums in Essentuki: sanatorium named after. Andzhievsky, Victoria, Pearl of the Caucasus, Shakhtar, Ukraine, New Eden, Essentuki Central Military Sanatorium...

The resort uses electronics, semiconductors, electrophysiological and the latest biochemical methods for examining patients with gastritis and peptic ulcers, hepatitis and cholecystitis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases, as well as patients with concomitant diseases of the nervous system. All sanatoriums are profiled and have the necessary conditions for treating patients of different age groups.


Pyatigorsk is a balneological and mud resort, located in the center of the Kavminvod. The city of health, the city-museum, is one of the oldest resorts in the country. Since 1830, the resort received its modern name, which is associated with the location of the five-domed mountain Beshtau near Pyatigorsk - a word of Tatar origin meaning “five mountains”. The city is located at the foot of Mount Mashuk at an altitude of 550 meters above sea level and is connected by rail and road with all the Kavminvod resorts and many major cities of Russia. The distance to Mineralovodsk airport is 24 kilometers.

Amazing colorful fairy-tale nature in Pyatigorsk and its surroundings. On the southern slope of Mashuk there is a natural karst mine “failure” 20 m deep, at the bottom of which there is a small lake. Near Pyatigorsk in the Ciscaucasia, in Pyatigorye, the Mashuk, Lysaya, Zolotoy Kurgan, Yutsa, Razvalka, and Camel mountains rise on a gentle plain. The highest mountain Beshtau. There are karst caves. On the mountain slopes there are broad-leaved forests. Mineral waters of Pyatigorsk are combined into the following groups: carbonic waters (hot, warm and cold), carbonic sulfide waters, radon waters, Essentuki type mineral waters, etc. The main balneological wealth of the resort is hot hydrogen sulfide and radon waters.

The Pyatigorsk resort, being a specially protected area developed and functioning for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, has natural medicinal resources, devices and structures necessary for their use, sanatorium and resort organizations, recreation and cultural institutions, parks and forest parks, public catering, trade, household services and other infrastructure facilities. A few kilometers from the city, the therapeutically valuable sulfide silt mud of Lake Tambukan is mined.

Holidays in Pyatigorsk contribute to the treatment of diseases of the circulatory system, digestive organs, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and biliary tract, kidneys and urinary tract, nervous system, andrological diseases, musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, gynecological diseases, occupational diseases (vibration disease, occupational polyneuritis), pediatrics (treatment of children with consequences of birth injuries, neurological diseases, as well as diseases of the digestive system of children).

Sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk: sanatorium "Gallery Palace", "Don", "Dawns of Stavropol", sanatorium named after S.M. Kirov, Lermontov sanatorium, sanatorium "Pyatigorsky Narzan", sanatorium "Pyatigorye", "Iskra", "Swallow", "Lenin Rocks", "Forest Glade", "Mashuk", sanatorium "Rodnik", "sanatorium Runo", "Tarkhany" ".


Zheleznovodsk is the northernmost, and therefore the closest KMV resort to Minvody.

The climate of Zheleznovodsk is close to the climate of the mid-mountains of the Alps, and is also moderately dry. It is sunny here, greenery in summer and blowing winds beat down the heat. The number of sunny days a year can reach 300. Comfortable weather conditions will allow you to have a pleasant time at the resort at any time of the year; every season will greet you with sun, clean air, and beautiful scenery.

The resort has always been famous for its ferruginous waters, unique in their chemical composition. The most widely known and familiar are the two main brands of Zheleznovodsk - Smirnovskaya and Slavyanskaya waters. Their unique chemical composition is also enhanced by rare temperature characteristics: the waters here are divided into high-thermal, medium-thermal, thermal and low-thermal. In other words, specialists have the opportunity to select for you those procedures that will be most effective in your course of treatment.

Along with mineral waters, the resort widely uses therapeutic mud. In 1970, a new first-class mud bath was built here. The release of all procedures in the mud baths (heating, evacuation of therapeutic mud, determining the time of release of procedures, transportation of waste mud for regeneration) is automated. In addition to mud applications to different areas of the body, depending on the nature of the disease of a particular internal organ, the resort uses mud electrophoresis, mud tampons, mud “panties”, “gloves”, “socks”, “cervical collars”, etc.

Zheleznovodsk sanatoriums will help you overcome many diseases of the intestines, liver and kidneys, stomach, biliary tract, minimize the effects of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, cure diseases associated with metabolism, urological and gynecological diseases.

The resort has special children's sanatoriums, a resort clinic, which provides diagnostic and therapeutic care for adults and children. The clinic houses modern diagnostic rooms, a dressing room, specialized treatment rooms, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, rooms for electrotherapy, physical education, massage, and also for intestinal lavages. Outpatients live in boarding houses and hotels.

The most popular sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk: 30th anniversary of the Victory, Beshtau, Dubrava, Zdorovye, im. Kirov, Lesnoy, Mashuk Aqua-therm, Telmana, Mineralnye Vody, Elbrus.

The Caucasus attracted the attention of representatives of various walks of life: the creative intelligentsia, the nobility, travelers, merchants, as well as romantic adventurers of all stripes, and of course those to whom the amazing waters promised hope for miraculous healing.

The picturesque nature of these places has inspired more than one generation of writers and poets: the majestic foothills of Elbrus, the winding beds of mountain rivers carrying their waters among fragrant valleys, azure waterfalls, vast steppe expanses generously gifted with sun... All this created a surprisingly mild healthy climate, and many healing mineral waters and high-quality medicinal mud have glorified the Caucasus, both in our country and abroad.

The official history of one of the oldest balneological centers in Russia began in 1803. On the site of the first settlements and tent camps, organized near healing springs, the first settlements, and then cities, began to grow very quickly. People of different professions and classes began to come here to improve their health “on the waters” and relax in pleasant company. Gradually, news of the miraculous properties of these places spread throughout Russia and Europe - the resort became a favorite place for recreation and treatment. But the peak of popularity of this region dates back to the Soviet era, when traveling for health became less difficult and tedious than it was in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

After the revolution, nationalized hotels and private houses were converted into medical institutions. At the same time, the construction of sanatoriums, spas and resort complexes was organized. During the war years, immediately after the liberation of the resorts in the spring of 1943, hospitals began to accept thousands of wounded Soviet soldiers. Thanks to the healing waters and mud, the dedicated work of doctors and all staff, hundreds of human lives were saved. In the post-war period, dozens of new mineral water deposits were discovered, the construction of hotels, sanatoriums, pioneer camps and resort complexes proceeded at a rapid pace, and the range of medical and health services expanded. As a result, Kavminvody becomes a resort of all-Union significance, receiving up to one and a half million vacationers a year.

Today, the famous Caucasian Mineral Waters resort is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Federation: the Stavropol Territory, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Here are some of the best enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex, with a wide range of medical and health services offered.

Fans of foreign health resorts will be interested to know that Caucasian Mineral Waters is a unique region in which almost all types of mineral waters are represented - more than 130 sources! You will not find such diversity in its composition, quality and healing properties anywhere in the world!

In addition, just 12 kilometers from Pyatigorsk there is the famous Tambukan Lake, at the bottom of which there are hundreds of thousands of tons of healing silt. Every year, about 10 thousand tons of medicinal mud is extracted here for the needs of sanatoriums and health resorts, which is also recognized as one of the best in the world.

But even those who have not heard of the Kavminvod resorts are well aware of another area of ​​activity in the region - the production of bottled mineral water. The legendary “Essentuki” and “Narzan” are familiar to everyone since childhood. These and other types of water are today supplied throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

Another interesting area that continues to actively develop every year is educational and sports tourism. In a region with a rich history and culture, many interesting natural sites, there is no shortage of attractions. Therefore, many tourists come here not so much for health improvement, but for vivid excursion experiences, the peaceful atmosphere of long walks and active sports recreation in the mountains.

Based: 1803
Square: 5.3 thousand km 2
Population: 1,194,859 people (2018)
Currency: Russian ruble
Language: Russian
Official website:/ http://www.adm-kmv.ru/

Flight time:
from Moscow - from 2 hours 15 minutes.
from St. Petersburg - from 3 hours
from Kazan - from 4 hours 50 minutes. (1-2 transfers)
from Yekaterinburg - from 3 hours 5 minutes.
from Novosibirsk - from 4 hours 35 minutes.

The most popular resorts in the Caucasian Mineral Waters area: Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Pyatigorsk. Each resort city has its own medical specialization.

Kislovodsk- is considered the sunniest and greenest resort. On the territory of the city, in addition to the famous healing Narzans, there is a huge park for walking, which goes far into the mountains. Favorable climatic conditions and crystal clear air, saturated with the tart odors of resin and pine needles, create an excellent healing effect. Recommended for the treatment of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Essentuki- a small cozy resort specializing in the treatment of endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile ducts. Perhaps this is the main medicinal “source” of mineral waters in the Caucasus.

Zheleznovodsk- the smallest and quietest resort among its fellows, but no less famous! This is the only resort in Russia and Europe with hot calcium mineral waters. Therefore, the main specialization of the resort is the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and metabolic disorders. This resort can also be considered for respiratory treatment.

Pyatigorsk— the most versatile resort of the CMV. It is famous for its mud treatments, but overall it is a universal resort for comprehensive wellness.

How to get there

Getting to famous resorts is quite easy and relatively inexpensive. If your trip is not planned during high season, train tickets may cost you more than plane tickets. The cost of trips on electric trains running in Kavminvody is comparable in price to similar trips in big cities. Minibuses and taxis are cheaper than in big cities. When planning your trip, remember that most routes, no matter where you arrive/fly in, will lead you to Mineralnye Vody - the main reception point.


In Mineralnye Vody there is the largest international airport in the south of the country, which receives daily flights from different cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Airplane is the most convenient and fastest way to get to Kavminvod. The flight time from Moscow will be about two hours, from St. Petersburg - about three. When searching for air tickets, pay attention to S7 Airlines and NordStar, which have interesting low-cost offers. The Mineralnye Vody airport itself is small but modern, located 4 km from the city.

If your further route runs through the Mineralnye Vody railway station, from which trains depart to popular resort cities, we recommend using minibuses No. 10, No. 11. Minibuses depart from the airport every 30-40 minutes. from 6.00 am to 19.30 pm. By choosing route No. 11, you will get to the city bus station, which is also connected by routes with many resort cities: Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Dombay and others (travel time to the bus station is approximately 10 minutes). You should not believe taxi drivers who talk about the cancellation of these routes or long breaks between flights. You can use taxi services if you want to get to other cities of Kavminvod without transfers. For example, a taxi ride to Kislovodsk, on average, will cost you 900 rubles (January 2016).


Before choosing this method of travel, we recommend that you look at how many days you will need for the trip. Even fast trains in this direction make a large number of stops and do not go fast, so the trip can be very tiring, especially in the hot season. Like the airport, the Mineralnye Vody railway station is one of the most important transport points in this region. You can get to it, and the final station of the North Caucasus Railway - Kislovodsk, without transfers from many cities in Russia.

The station in Mineralnye Vody corresponds to the status of the station - a majestic building, with massive columns, a dome, stained glass windows and frescoes, quite spacious and comfortable for waiting. Before the entrance you will be greeted by the famous sculpture “Eagle Conquering the Snake” - the symbol of the Caucasus Mining Waters. Trains depart from the station on long-distance and suburban routes.

Separately, it should be noted the excellent transport links within the Kavminvod territory! Suitable trains on the Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk branch (its length is 64 km) - the main public transport between the cities of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Beshtau, Mineralnye Vody. Electric trains also go to Georgievsk, Nevinnomyssk, Budennovsk and other cities of the Stavropol Territory, with the exception of Zheleznovodsk. To get to Zheleznovodsk, you need to get off at Beshtau station (located 6 km from Zheleznovodsk) and continue the journey by minibus or bus No. 10 (about 5-7 minutes). If a long-distance train does not stop at Beshtau station (for example, No. 004C “Kavkaz” from Moscow), then from the Mineralnye Vody railway station (from the station square), as well as from the bus station, you can get to Zheleznovodsk by bus or minibus No. 107.

Electric trains run very frequently, at intervals of 40 minutes - 1 hour 20 minutes (depending on the time of day), from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. And, which is important for the convenience of tourists, in every city, even the smallest, the train makes 2-3 stops! The train schedule changes periodically. The cost of travel, for example: Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk - 154 rubles. 20 k., Kislovodsk - Essentuki - 64 rub. 10 k., Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk - 115 rub. 90 k. (2016)

Distance between cities KMV










You can get to the Kavminvod resorts by direct bus from many large cities in Russia. Comfortable buses run from Moscow to Kislovodsk, through resort towns, departing mainly from the South Gate bus station. The travel time will be a little more than a day, the ticket price is approximately 2000 rubles (2016). The main carrier in the North Caucasus region is Kavminvodyavto, which also operates regular flights on the Moscow-Kislovodsk route and flights to nearby regions.

Bus stations and bus stations of the KMV hub

Kislovodsk: The bus station is located outside the city - st. Promyshlennaya, 4, getting there is very inconvenient. Opening hours are from 6:00 to 19:00. Serves the following directions: Arzgir, Anapa, Astrakhan, Baku, Blagodarny, Budyonnovsk, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Gelendzhik, Georgievsk, Grozny, Derbent, Krasnodar, Labinsk, Maykop, Makhachkala, Mozdok, Moscow, Nazran, Neftekumsk, Nalchik, Oktyabrsky, Prokhladny, Stavropol, Sochi, Cherkessk.

Mineral water: There are two bus stations in the city: the old one is on the street. Gagarina, 98 (opening hours from 06:30 to 18:00) and the New bus station “Ruslan”, located on the street. Sovetskaya, 97 (working hours from 5.00 to 23.00 without breaks and weekends). Buses depart from the new bus station to all directions of the Kavminvodyavto carrier.

Essentuki: The bus station is located on the street. Gagarina, 93 behind the Central Market complex. Finding it is also not easy due to its proximity to the market and large traffic congestion. The building is old and in poor condition; you shouldn’t expect a comfortable wait for your flight. Opening hours are from 5:00 to 19:30. Serves the following directions: Arzgir, Anapa, Astrakhan, Baku, Blagodarny, Budennovsk, Vladikavkaz, Gelendzhik, Derbent, Maikop, Makhachkala, Mozdok, Moscow, Nalchik, Novoselitskoye, Prokhladny, Stavropol, Stepnoe, Uchkeken.

Pyatigorsk: The main bus station is located in the city center at the intersection of Kalinin Ave. and st. Bunimovich. Opening hours are from 5:45 to 21:00. Serves flights in the northern direction: Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow. From this station, minibuses also depart to Nalchik, Cherkessk, Vladikavkaz, Makhachkala and Grozny.

There are several more bus stations in Pyatigorsk. From the Upper Market bus station, minibuses depart to the suburbs and neighboring settlements, including Kabardino-Balkaria. The most popular routes are: No. 108: “Pyatigorsk - Georgievsk”, No. 130: “Pyatigorsk - Vin-Sady” and No. 112: “Pyatigorsk - Lermontov”. From the bus station at the railway station, minibuses run to Lermontov - No. 112, Zheleznovodsk - No. 213, Mineralnye Vody - No. 223. City bus No. 1 runs to the resort area and Lake Proval, boarding the bus at the barrier.

Zheleznovodsk: A small bus station is located on the Station Square of the railway station. Opening hours are from 06:00 to 17:00. City transport routes and several intercity flights stop here.

Bus schedule for Mineralnye Vody bus station


The federal highways closest to Kavminvoda are M29 (“Caucasus”, passes through Mineralnye Vody and Inozemtsevo) and A157 (section of the Mineralnye Vody - Kislovodsk road). The Lermontov-Cherkessk highway (A156) is located about ten kilometers south of the city. From Moscow to Kislovodsk you can travel along the M4 Don Federal Highway (E115), through Rostov-on-Don to the village of Pavlovskaya in the Krasnodar Territory, and then along the M29 (E50) highway through Mineralnye Vody.

Climate and weather in Caucasian Mineral Waters

The climate in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region depends on the specific city, because the mountains are able to create unique weather in a relatively small area.

For example, due to the fact that Kislovodsk Located higher than other resort towns in the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region, sunny weather is observed here approximately 150 days a year. The climate in Kislovodsk is temperate continental; the city is surrounded by the Caucasus Range, which protects it from cold winds and creates a special mountain climate.

Caucasian Mineral Waters (Kavminvody, KMV) is a group of resorts of federal significance in the Stavropol Territory, which includes the resort towns of Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, and of course, the city of Mineralnye Vody itself. The KMS is a specially protected ecological resort region of the Russian Federation. The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas.

In terms of diversity of mineral waters, the Caucasian Mineral Waters region has no equal not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Over 130 sources of mineral waters of 30 types have been identified on the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2006 No. 14, the cities of Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk were given the status of resort cities of federal significance. Every year, more than 700 thousand people are treated and relax at the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Mineralnye Vody city

The city of Mineralnye Vody is a small cozy town in the Stavropol Territory. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the administrative center of the Mineralovodsk District; all of them are located in neighboring Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. The city serves as a kind of gateway, annually allowing hundreds of thousands of tourists to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is here that the largest transport hub in the region is located - an international airport, a railway interchange and a federal highway.

The climate of the city is relatively dry; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here; they are delayed by the Main Caucasus Range. The city of Mineralnye Vody is located mainly in the steppe zone. The magmatic mountain Snake is considered one of the most interesting natural attractions. It attracts tourists not only with its beautiful mountain landscapes and unique flora and fauna. On the slopes there are several holy springs and monuments of the Great Patriotic War, as well as adits and quarries. You can often meet outdoor enthusiasts with climbing equipment. There are several temples and cathedrals in Mineralnye Vody that will be of interest to believers and those who want to get acquainted with the history, culture and architecture of the city. The main religious attraction is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among its shrines are the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, the patron saint of these places.


Do you want to get to the “city of 365 sunny days a year”? Then go to Kislovodsk. This is a surprisingly sunny city, surrounded by the picturesque slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, which protect it from strong winds. The famous source of acidic mineral water “Narzan” is located here. Hence the “sour” name of the city - Kislovodsk. It’s worth coming to Kislovodsk just for the resort park alone! This is not just a park, it is a whole amazing planet with beautiful rocks, bubbling waterfalls, green meadows and countless all kinds of plants and animals. The uniqueness of Kislovodsk lies not only in its healing mineral springs and beautiful park areas.

At one time, the most talented people who glorified our country rested and worked here: Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Mayakovsky, Gorky, Chaliapin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka, Rachmaninov and others. This is probably why the culture here is no worse developed than in St. Petersburg.

Mount Ring is a favorite place for tourists. It received this name due to the hole that was formed in it by the winds. A magnificent panorama of Kislovodsk opens from the mountain. No less popular are the Honey Falls in the Alikonovsky Gorge. The waterfalls received such a tasty name thanks to the honey-bearing herbs that bloom all summer in this valley. And old-timers say that the main contribution to the sweet name of the waterfalls was made by hardworking bees, who opened their “factory” for producing honey right in the mountain crevices. The famous Lermontov Rock is located in Kislovodsk. At its top there is a platform that ends in a steep cliff. It was this site that was the site of Pechorin’s duel with Grushnitsky in the famous “Hero of Our Time.” I believe you have no doubts left and you will definitely visit this wonderful city!


The largest city is the resort of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region - Pyatigorsk. It was founded after Alexander I signed the famous rescript in 1803. Pyatigorsk lies at the foot of Mount Mashuk at an altitude of 520 meters above sea level. The city is the oldest Russian balneological resort. The emergence of the city of Pyatigorsk is, in its own way, a commercial project. High society traveled abroad year after year, taking a lot of money out of the country. As soon as the Caucasian springs were recognized as healing, it was decided to found a balneological resort on Russian territory, and this project was successfully implemented.

It is best to go on your first trip to Pyatigorsk by tram. Not for the sake of economy, of course, but because the Pyatigorsk tram is an attraction in itself! This is the first electric tram on the territory of modern Russia. Pyatigorsk is a treasure trove of attractions that will not leave you indifferent.

One of them is “Lermontov’s House”. This is not even just one house, this is a whole block of ancient, early 19th century buildings, “mothballed” in time and perfectly preserved to this day. Looking at them, you can imagine what Pyatigorsk looked like almost 200 years ago. In one of these same houses under a thatched roof, on the estate of Major Chilaev, Mikhail Lermontov settled in 1841. In fact, the poet lived in “Lermontov’s house” for only two months - the last of his life. You can honor the memory of the poet by visiting the place of his duel, located on the opposite slope of Mashuk. The monument to Lermontov was erected entirely with public money - it was collected by subscription over several years. The next attraction is the Aeolian Harp gazebo. This is a stone gazebo in antique style on a steep, rocky ledge of Mashuk. At all times, troop observation posts were located on this site, since the approaches to Pyatigorsk are clearly visible from here. Its builders were the architects brothers Giuseppe and Giovanni Bernardazzi.

The location turned out to be so good, and the views of the city and its surroundings from it were so charming that this modest-sized gazebo constantly attracted a lot of visitors. The gazebo is named after the ancient Greek god Aeolus, the lord of the winds. Another outstanding place is the building of the Pirogov Baths hospital, which was built in 1914 on the site of a wooden barracks soldier’s hospital. The outstanding Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov demonstrated to doctors of the Caucasian Corps the method of using ether anesthesia for pain relief during surgery in the field. It was in the Caucasus that for the first time in the history of medicine, Nikolai Pirogov began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia in the field. The hospital changed its name three times. There are still a huge number of places in Pyatigorsk that are worth visiting. I hope you found it interesting and will definitely want to see them for yourself.


In the steppe valley of the Podkumok River is located the world-famous balneological resort of Essentuki. This is the youngest among the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters. Nature has generously endowed this land with amazing healing springs of mineral water that cure diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, gynecological diseases, diseases of the nervous system, and musculoskeletal organs. Thousands of people come here to improve their health and enjoy the beauty of this land. The waters of the healing salt-alkaline springs “Essentuki-4” and “Essentuki-17” are used for drinking treatment, baths, inhalations, and irrigations. Here they also heal with the help of sulfide silt mud of Lake Tambukan.

Among the most beautiful buildings in the city are the Upper Mineral Baths, designed in the Russian Empire style with Baroque elements. The building of the mud baths is also a real architectural monument. It is decorated with massive columns, sculptures of ancient gods of healing and lions, and beautiful bas-reliefs. The inside of the mud bath is spacious, light, and also full of decorations and mythological sculptures.

The mechanotherapy building, now the Zander Institute, is more than a century old. A beautiful, light, elegant brown-pink building with small turrets and domes on the roof, with wooden carvings and a huge vase above the main entrance - just a real fairy-tale tower. Another interesting place in Essentuki is the three-story former dacha of I. G. Zimin in the Art Nouveau style. Its facade is adjacent to turrets of 2 and 4 floors. Many windows of different sizes and a warm light yellow color give the massive structure a very welcoming appearance.

You can also see the dacha-museum of the famous surgeon Razumovsky, the estate of the Itinerant artist Nikolai Yaroshenko and the dacha of Fyodor Chaliapin. As you can see, you won’t be bored here! On this amazing, friendly land you can improve your health, recharge with vivacity, energy and new impressions, as well as simply relax in the greenery and flowers of the most wonderful parks.


Zheleznovodsk is the smallest of the listed resorts. There are no other reasons to diminish his dignity. On the contrary, Zheleznovodsk is unique in many respects, since it is a well-known balneological resort of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, located at the foot of Mount Zheleznaya, at an altitude of 570-650 m above sea level, in the valley of the small rivers Dzhamuk and Kuchuk. On the territory of the resort there are over 20 carbon dioxide sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium mineral springs (Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky), which are actively used in the treatment of diseases associated with the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Zheleznovodsk is an ideal resort for those who suffer from kidney and urinary tract diseases; This is the resort's specialization - the main treatment profile. More precisely, one of them. The main treatment profiles of the Zheleznovodsk resort include urological diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Associated profiles include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, ENT diseases, gynecological, pulmonological and dermatological. In addition, in Zheleznovodsk there are several sanatoriums where they treat diabetes mellitus, but - pay attention! - only at an early stage, when sugar-lowering drugs are not yet needed.

Treatment in Zheleznovodsk, of course, is with mineral water. It is used for oral administration, inhalation, baths and other water procedures. Local waters are also bottled - they are produced under the brands “Smirnovskaya” and “Slavyanovskaya”, after the names of the sources. These mineral waters are very popular and are even exported, but few people know that they are bottled in Zheleznovodsk. The Smirnovsky spring is named after Dr. Semyon Alekseevich Smirnov, chairman of the Russian Balneological Society: he cleared this spring, long known to local residents, and studied its properties. Now a fairly large pump room has been erected above the Smirnovsky spring. The Slavyanovsky spring bears the name of its discoverer, the outstanding hydrologist and mining engineer Nikolai Nikolaevich Slavyanov. Above Slavyanovsky there is also a pump room in a classical style.

The oldest source of Zheleznovodsk is Lermontovsky. It was opened in 1810 by Dr. Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz, and the history of the city began with this event. Lermontov actually came to this source, which was still practically undeveloped. As for Dr. Haas, Zheleznovodsk owes him not just “a lot” - without Haas the resort would not exist.

Zheleznovodsk also owes its name, which is not very romantic and resort-like, to Haass, or more precisely, to one of his misconceptions. The reddish-rusty sediment that the doctor noticed around the springs was attributed to the presence of a high concentration of iron in the water. In fact, this is a mistake, and there is relatively little hardware here. But the name stuck, and the cute resort town with unique “healing factors” remained with a name that evoked thoughts more of a mine in the Urals than of relaxation and treatment. Not only the waters and the city became iron, but also the mountain on the slopes of which Zheleznovodsk stands.

It is here that the only natural forest park in the Caucasian Mineral Waters is located, in which plants of the steppe, forest and subalpine zones grow. The climate in Zheleznovodsk is mountain-steppe, moderately dry. Clean ionized air and dense oak, hornbeam and beech forests protect this resort from the sweltering summer heat. There are many active and excursion routes here that introduce you to the unique sights of the Caucasus.