How to get to Vnukovo from Salaryevo. Buses near the metro salaryevo M salaryevo buses

According to the map, the distance between Moscow and the village of Salaryevo is 28 km. To get from Moscow to the village of Salaryevo as quickly and safely as possible, you need to correctly determine the route. Our map will help you understand what the road from Moscow to the village of Salaryevo is. The map shows transit points along the route. You can build a traffic pattern on your own by choosing the points where you need to call. Use the zoom in on the map to see the details of your chosen path. Thanks to information about cities, towns, etc., located on the highway Moscow - Salaryevo village, you will be able to quickly orient yourself in unfamiliar areas. For your convenience, the map of Moscow-Salaryevo village offered here can be printed out. Having information about how many km. from Moscow to the village of Salaryevo, you can accurately determine the travel time. Using the average speed of the vehicle, it is possible, with a small error, to obtain the time taken to move from point A to point B. In this particular case, to travel the path from Moscow to the village of Salaryevo is 28 km. , it will take 0 hours 30 minutes.

| Comments to record On New Year 2020 fireworks are planned in Novo-Peredelkino and a three-day concert in Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino disabled

This has not happened before New Year's concert in Solntsevo, news from the council At the Shchorsa stadium 6 on December 31 from 17.00 to 3 am on January 1 and January 1, 2, 3 from 15 to 21 hours on December 31 from 16.00 to 03.00 a large New Year's ...

December 29th, 2019 08:55 PM | | Comments on Thank you from Moscow longevity disabled

The school staff, who run the Moscow Longevity project on our base, and the entire Borets team received gratitude from the administration of the territorial Center for Social Services for the population for an unprecedented scale of work within the framework of this project in Solntsevo and Peredelkino. Our groups are the most numerous in ...

December 29th, 2019 08:52 PM | | Comments recording New Year's program was held in the Solntsevo concert hall disabled

On December 25, the club system "Solntsevo" held a New Year's program "Wolf, Fox and New Year's Miracles" for young residents of the district. Young spectators and their parents were greeted on the stage of the Solntsevo Concert Hall by the main characters - the Squirrel and the little Mouse (the symbol of the coming New Year). They had to ...

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December 29th, 2019 08:42 PM | | Comments on Construction of projected driveways in Solntsevo disabled

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December 28th, 2019 08:56 PM | | Comments on Moscow longevity in Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino disabled

Last Tuesday, December 24, residents of our area went on an excursion to the Center for Fire Propaganda and Public Relations of the Federal Fire Service. The building in which the Center is located was built at the end of the 18th century and in itself is of historical value. The museum has ...

December 28th, 2019 08:51 PM | | Comments recording In the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, master classes on making desserts were held disabled

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December 28th, 2019 08:49 PM | | Comments on Cartoon for an hour and a half. At the Peredelkino Center disabled

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Yubileynaya, the 200th station of the Moscow metro "Salaryevo" is scheduled to open on February 15, 2016. The relevant information was published on the official portal of the city of Moscow. To transport passengers to the new station, they are going to change the routes of 11 bus routes from Solntsev, Novoperedelkin and New Moscow, as well as open one new one.

At Salaryevo, passengers will be able to pay for tickets and replenish Troika with a bank card, pass through the turnstile using PayPass cards, PayWave or smartphones with NFC technology, pack umbrellas in a special device, charge gadgets and buy food from vending machines.

An interchange hub with a large parking lot will also appear near the Salaryevo station.

The Moscow City Department of Transport has already made changes to the city register of routes related to the upcoming opening of the Salaryevo metro station.

According to them, bus routes №№ 611 , 707 and 802 , passing along the Kiev highway and connecting it with the metro stations "Troparevo" and "Yugo-Zapadnaya" are planned to remain unchanged. Also, routes at unregulated tariffs will remain unchanged. №№ 304 , 590 and 343m.

Shortened to the metro station "Salaryevo" with the cancellation of traffic inside the Moscow Ring Road and along the initial section of the Kiev highway of the Mosgortrans bus routes:

  • № 272 Vnukovo Plant - Metro Troparevo;
  • № 304 "Troparyovo - Troitsk (microdistrict" B ")";
  • № 420 "Troparyovo - Maryino";
  • No. 611s Ozernaya Street - Vnukovo Airport (at the same time it will receive a new No. 611k);
  • № 844 Street Fedosyino - Metro Troparevo;
  • № 863 "Troparyovo - Grad Moskovsky microdistrict";
  • № 890 "3rd Moscow microdistrict - Metro" Yugo-Zapadnaya "";
  • № 1002 "Settlement Kievsky - Metro" Troparevo "".

Route № 734 "Solnechnaya station - ZVS Engineering building" is extended along Rodnikovaya street to the Salaryevo metro station.

Route No. 707k "Troparyovo - Zapadny settlement" will significantly change its route. It will follow the route Fedosyino Street - Salaryevo Metro, duplicating the route from Novoperedelkina to Kievskoe highway № 707 .

Number of buses on routes No. 707k and 734 it is planned to increase and shorten the intervals. By the route No. 707k will expand the opening hours (now it runs only during the morning rush hours).

Route № 866 "3rd microdistrict of Moskovsky - Mosrentgen settlement" in both directions, a check-in to the Salaryevo metro station is organized.

A new bus route will be organized to service the Solntsevo-Park microdistrict № 892 "Metro" Salaryevo "- Pykhtino". Its route will pass along the Kiev highway, the Rasskazovka - Moskovsky highway and Borovskoe highway. The route will include intermediate stops Kartmazovo, Kievskoe highway, Sovkhoz Ulyanovsky, Ulyanovsky forest park, Rasskazovka-3 and Pykhtino "(On the northern side of Borovskoye highway). In the opposite direction, between the stops "Pykhtino" and "Rasskazovka-3" buses will pass along 1st Borovskaya street with stops "Sanatorium No. 14", "Old Borovskoe highway", "On demand" and "Rasskazovka-2".

In addition, it is planned to move the final point of regional bus routes to Salaryevo from Yugo-Zapadnaya. №№ 309 , 486 , 490 and 569 going now to Naro-Fominsk, Krasnoznamensk, Aprelevka and Kalininets. However, this may not happen in the early days of a new station, but later.

This page shows the timetable of the bus from m. Salaryevo - Moscow and the Moscow region.

If you are going on a journey and you are interested in the bus station of m. Salaryevo bus schedule, then you can see the bus schedule from m. Salaryevo for 2019 on this page.

The city of metro Salaryevo is located in Moscow and the Moscow region, and if you need to get to metro Salaryevo, you can see the schedule of buses from metro Salaryevo or the schedule of buses passing through metro Salaryevo.

If you are at the bus station of the city of Salaryevo, you can find out the schedule of the bus or train that interests you from the bus station dispatcher.

Remember, the current schedule, taking into account all the changes, can be found only from the dispatcher of the Salaryevo bus station or from the bus driver.

Online map of the city of Salaryevo.

Online Map will help you find the way to the bus station and other places of the city m. Salaryevo.

Online panorama of the city of Salaryevo.

We have also placed panoramas on the site with views of the city of Salaryevo. If the panorama is not available, you can try to make it yourself.

Panorama of the bus station m. Salaryevo.

You can find us for the following requests:

  1. Bus from metro Salaryevo Moscow and Moscow region timetable
  2. Bus station m.Salaryevo
  3. Bus station m. Salaryevo bus schedule
  4. Bus station m. Salaryevo bus schedule
  5. m.Salaryevo bus station
  6. View the schedule of the bus m. Salaryevo
  7. Bus schedule m. Salaryevo
  8. Bus schedule in metro Salaryevo
  9. Bus schedule to metro Salaryevo
  10. Bus schedule at 24 m. Salaryevo
  11. Bus schedule center - m. Salaryevo
  12. Bus schedule m. Salaryevo 2019