Evpatoria what a sea. Sights of Evpatoria

All about Evpatoria: how to get there, where to stay and when is the best time to go to rest. Transport, beaches, food and prices in Evpatoria in the 2020 season.

Evpatoria is a resort town built on the remains of an ancient Greek settlement during the times of the Crimean Khanate. Evpatoria is not only the center of tourism on the western coast of the peninsula, but also a place of pilgrimage.

Evpatoria on the map of Crimea

Location and climate of Evpatoria

Evpatoria belongs to the western coast of Crimea. There are no exotic plants inherent in the humid tropical and subtropical climate like on the southern coast of the peninsula. There is only steppe around. Summer in Evpatoria is quite hot, with very little precipitation. Winter is warm, also almost without precipitation.

The swimming season in Evpatoria is long - the sea warms up quickly, you can start swimming from the twenties of May. At the end of September, the water is still warm and pleasant.

Numerous local lakes are a source of healing mud and brine, therefore Evpatoria is considered a popular health resort. In addition, the resort has a source of thermal mineral water. There is even a small free pump room on the embankment where you can drink useful water. There are many different sanatoriums, mud baths and health centers in the city.

How best to get to Evpatoria

The most convenient and fastest way to get to Evpatoria is plane... In all senses. Any ground transportation option includes crossing the Kerch Strait, and from to Evpatoria - almost 300 km. Whereas from the only Crimean airport, which is located in Simferopol, it is only 65 km to go to Evpatoria, that is, about an hour at a quiet pace.

A significant disadvantage: plane tickets, especially in high season, are expensive. But you always have to pay for comfort.

If you are not looking for easy routes, you can reach your destination by car or train... If you decide to go by car, be sure to familiarize yourself with the ferry tariffs, prices at Crimean gas stations and the condition of the roads so that nothing will come as a surprise to you. Russian Railways offers with the help single ticket... And although you will have one ticket for all types of transport, nobody canceled a large number of transfers. Add to that the many hours of bus ride.

If you are mentally and physically ready for this, feel free to purchase a single ticket. If not, choose the option with a car, or just wait until the bridge across the strait is completed.

Where to stay in Evpatoria 2020

Since the resort is a health resort, there are many sanatoriums of various price categories. The cost of the tour usually includes accommodation, treatment and meals. But you will most likely have to get to your place of stay on your own. In addition, many boarding houses, recreation centers and hotels are available for vacationers.

  • Jeval. Without exaggeration, one of the best hotels in Evpatoria, which received its "4 stars" in 2016. Comfortable rooms, varied breakfasts, a huge territory, swimming pools and a private beach. Price from 6 500 rubles.
  • Pension Dolce Vita. One of the favorite options in Evpatoria. Minute to the beach, not far from the center. Cozy territory with play areas, large rooms with high ceilings, delicious breakfasts, a restaurant. Price from 3 100 rubles.

  • Mini-hotel Positive. Only four comfortable rooms decorated in a Scandinavian style. Very cool hotel in the center of Evpatoria, 15 minutes to the beach. Price / service / quality - some of the best! Room cost from 1 900 rubles.

  • Rest House "Fedor Chaliapin". City center (Pushkin str. 40), 500 m from the sea, its own equipped area on the beach. The rooms have everything - from air conditioning to wi-fi. Free parking. Price from 7 200 RUR

  • Absolute. Mini-hotel in the city center, near the bus station and Karaimskaya street, where the route "Little Jerusalem" passes. Nice rooms, breakfasts, service. There is parking, wi-fi. Price from 1 500 rubles.

  • Juliana Hotel. Ideal for a beach holiday. To the sea 5 minutes, near water parks, amusement park. Frunze, embankment. There is also a large swimming pool. Breakfasts - buffet. Price from 2 800 RUR

If hotels do not suit you for some reason, you can rent a house or an inexpensive apartment in the New Town area. The cheapest option is to rent rooms in the private sector.

When is it better to go to Evpatoria

If the purpose of your trip is recovery, take care of your body and do not leave for the resort during the hottest months.

Ideal months for treatment are May, June, late September and October. During these months it is warm, but not too hot, you can swim and there are not too many people in the resort. If you only want to sunbathe and swim, then July, August and early-mid September are what you need. But, keep in mind that the main tourist flow comes during these months.

In winter, there is nothing special to do in Evpatoria.

Evpatoria beaches - where to swim

The beaches of Evpatoria are sandy, comfortable. Some beaches belong to resorts or boarding houses, so the entrance is either generally limited, or there is a certain fee for it.

Others are public and completely free. These beaches of Evpatoria are constantly being cleaned, on their territory there are changing cabins, toilets, showers, a lifeguard station and various water sports for rent. In addition, there are always stalls for soft drinks and ice cream nearby, and the waterfront is full of cafes and restaurants where you can eat.

The beach line is wide and long. Despite the fact that the resort is visited by many people every season, there is enough space for everyone. The largest beach is called Central, it is also the most crowded. Closer to the outskirts of the city, the beaches are less popular, but they are not as comfortable as those located in the center area.

City beach of Evpatoria in high season

Old town and streets of Evpatoria, Crimea

Infrastructure and transport

Evpatoria is a fairly large and developed city. There is everything here not only for a comfortable stay, but also for life. Hospitals, clinics, women's consultation, ambulance, law enforcement, banks and shops. In addition, there is a large general market and supermarkets.

There are regular bus routes between the cities. You can independently go to Simferopol, Yalta, Sevastopol and other large settlements. There is a bus station in Evpatoria. Several tram and bus routes are available within the city itself. The fare is small.

Evpatoria - food and nutrition

You can eat in Evpatoria both independently and in canteens, cafes or restaurants. Who likes what more. There are many catering places, the choice is huge. Everyone will find an institution to their liking. In addition to the standard set of Russian, Ukrainian and Caucasian cuisine, the city has establishments with sushi, pizza and shawarma. In addition, there are coffee shops and fast food establishments like McDonald's.

For self-catering, there is a large market, supermarkets, food stalls, kiosks and shops. There is no shortage of products. There is everything you need. The choice is good. You can find a lot of all kinds of seafood in the market. Both fresh and smoked. The prices are reasonable.

Evpatoria - what to do

In this sense, vacationers are lucky, especially those who come with children - Evpatoria will offer entertainment for every taste. And although they are standard for a seaside city, you will still not be bored:

  • Dolphinarium. The Yevpatoria Dolphinarium pleases adults and children with performances of talented fur seals, Black Sea bottlenose dolphins and even several polar beluga whales. A sea of \u200b\u200bunforgettable emotions is guaranteed. The main thing is to remember that it is worth occupying the first rows only when you are sure that you want to be doused with water from head to toe;

  • Water parks. There are two water parks in Evpatoria - "Banana Republic" and "U Lukomorya". The first one is more suitable for families with small children, as there is an excellent children's complex. The second is newer and more modern. This water park will give a lot of positive impressions to everyone, without exception, both a small child and an extreme lover. Both complexes boast well-groomed grounds, as well as places for relaxation and snacks. Water parks meet all safety requirements;

  • Oceanarium. A small aquarium of Evpatoria will appeal to lovers of the underwater world;

  • Tropic Park. The exotarium is simply obliged to please the children. This is facilitated by the original design of the entrance in the form of a dragon's head, a small petting zoo and many exotic animals and birds;

  • Theater and museums. For those who cannot imagine their vacation without cultural development, the city has a large and beautiful theater with excellent acoustics. There are several museums, including local history, wine museum, space museum, Akhmatova museum, etc. There are also cinemas;

  • Frunze Park. Well-groomed green area with fountains, playground, open stage and benches. It is pleasant to walk in the park, breathe fresh air and hide from the scorching sun in the shade of trees. In the evenings, open-air concerts are sometimes held here;

  • Tours. We recommend everyone to visit the sights of Big Yalta, the city and Bakhchisarai. With a guided tour or separately. All this is in relative proximity to Evpatoria and is worth the time spent.

    Excursion to Sevastopol from Evpatoria

What are the prices in Evpatoria 2020

The prices at the resort can be called acceptable and even affordable. The high price tags of the southern coast are not comparable. It is cheapest to take housing a little further from the sea, food - in the market or in the supermarket. Fruit is expensive, even in season.

When planning a vacation in Evpatoria, it is worth considering that prices at the resort are constantly growing, so it is better to budget a little more than necessary.

Rest in Evpatoria with children 2020

All conditions have been created for families with children in Evpatoria: sandy beaches with amenities and not too abrupt entrance to the sea, good climate, rare storms and sea waves, a lot of entertainment for children, including attractions, playgrounds, water parks, dolphinarium and exotarium.

The city has developed infrastructure and transport links. In addition, there are a large number of health institutions for children in Evpatoria.

Let's sum up

Evpatoria is a beautiful, large and developed resort with a history dating back to ancient times. There is a huge variety of attractions, a wonderful climate, mud salt lakes with medicinal properties, mineral water, health resorts and sanatoriums, affordable accommodation options and good infrastructure. This is all you need for a great rest for body and soul!

Evpatoria is one of the oldest cities in the south of Ukraine. Even in the V - IV centuries. BC e. the Greeks founded a colony here, called Kerkinitida. In the Middle Ages, there was a fortified city on this place. In 1783 it was renamed Evpatoria.

Modern Evpatoria is located on the shores of the shallow Kalamitsky Gulf. From the east to the outskirts of the city of Evpatoria, the largest lake in Crimea, Sasyk-Sivash, approaches, from the west - the famous Moinak Lake. In addition, numerous estuaries and salt lakes are scattered around Evpatoria. From the side of the northern quarters, a panorama of the steppe with barely visible hills opens.

The combination of resort riches in Evpatoria is truly unique: hot sun and warm sea, beautiful sandy beaches, brine of Moinak Lake, thermal springs of mineral waters ... Thanks to all these factors, Evpatoria is widely known as a first-class climatic and balneological resort and children's health resort.

The average temperature in July is + 23 ° С, winters are mild.

Evpatoria is an administrative district center. The population is over 100 thousand people. In the summer months, there are two or even three vacationers for every local resident. The language of communication is Russian.


Nature was not stingy, endowing Evpatoria with magical properties to heal people's ailments. The sea climate here is successfully combined with the steppe climate. The climate of Evpatoria is drier than on the southern coast of Crimea. It is easy to breathe here even on the hottest days. And although the city is open to winds of all directions, even in winter it is never cold here, and in summer cool southwestern breezes, together with the desired coolness, bring the purest streams of healing, salt-saturated, ionized air.

Spring comes very early. Air and sea temperatures are rising rapidly. The swimming season in Evpatoria begins in the second half of May.

In summer, the temperature is kept within + 20 + 28 ° С, in recent years it rises to + 40 ° С. The warmest month is July (average temperature + 23.2 ° С).

Evpatoria autumn, like everywhere else in Crimea, is the best time of the year. In the first half, it is warm, sunny, with a moderate air temperature; it rains in late October - early November. The sea bathing season ends in the second half of September and sometimes in October.

Winter in the city is mild and little snow, and sometimes completely snowless. Winds often blow, there are moderately frosty days. The first frost occurs around September 27th. The coldest month is February (average temperature 0 + 2 ° С). The highest relative humidity is observed in December - January (up to 87%), then it gradually decreases to 65% in July - August. Little precipitation falls - 358 mm.

The duration of sunshine is 2384 hours per year (sunny days - from 242 to 286 per year). This is more than in Sochi and Sukhumi.

The local climate is often compared to the climate of resort areas in northern Italy and southern France.

Beaches and sea

As mentioned above, the swimming season in Evpatoria lasts from the second half of May to mid-October. There are neither frequent storms (no more than 9 days per season), nor sharp drops in temperature. Above + 20 ° C, the water temperature is kept from June 20 to September 13. The average temperature of the surface layers of the sea in May is + 16 ° С, in June + 20.2 ° С, in July + 21.7 ° С, in August + 21.8 ° С, in September + 20.2 ° С. Due to the shallow water near the coast, the water temperature in summer is 4 - 5 ° C higher. Among other seaside resorts, Evpatoria is generally distinguished by the uniformity of the sea water temperature.

The coastal strip of the Kalamitsky Bay for over 50 km is covered with a layer of sand with a depth of 1.3 to 9.75 m. The width of this strip ranges from several meters in the Yevpatoria port area to 70 m in the resort part of the city.

A smooth sandy bottom, gradually lowering from the coast, an almost complete absence of ebb and flow, a wonderful sandy beach and a favorable climate create excellent conditions for sea bathing in Evpatoria not only for adults, but even for young children, starting from the age of three.

There are almost no "wild" beaches in Evpatoria. Even the city beach is outside the city, but if you want and have extra money (from 1 to 3 UAH), you can get to almost any sanatorium (fenced on all sides with a net).

Sanatorium complex. Residence

There are about 80 sanatoriums in Evpatoria, including 27 sanatoriums (of which 20 are for children), 10 boarding houses and rest homes, a hydropathic clinic, two resort polyclinics, and the Moinaki water and mud baths. All of them are located mainly in the central resort area, stretching from the central part of the city to Lake Moinak.

However, in spite of everything, the "unorganized" tourist still goes to Evpatoria. Locals meet newcomers already at the railway station and offer a wide variety of accommodation (from cheap - within 10-15 UAH per person per day - to expensive - up to $ 50). The main thing here is to pause and not grab onto the first donor that comes along.


First, about how to get here, unless, of course, you have arrived by direct train to the resort city (that is, Moscow - Evpatoria). The starting point, as usual, is Simferopol. Electric trains run from the Crimean capital to Evpatoria. However, measure seven times before deciding on this desperate step. Two and a half hours in a gas chamber, which is not enough - few can do it. However, the people still go, which means that someone needs it. Why, it is clear: it is almost twice cheaper than by bus, an order of magnitude - than by taxi. Accordingly, prices: 3.5 UAH, 8 UAH. and 100 UAH. (for the car).

The bus takes an hour and a half, and the flights are more frequent.

In the city itself, the "favorite" transport is the tram. The most crowded route, of course, is from the railway station. The rest of the routes are quite "edible", with the exception of rush hour.

Where to rest

In our opinion, there are no problems with this in Evpatoria. Let's start with the fact that after a long reconstruction here in 2001 a beautiful embankment was opened. Just a lovely sight. And no less impressive is the abundance of bars and restaurants along its entire length of many kilometers. There were even more billiard rooms (they probably also loved chess in Veliki Vasyuki). Discos? - you are welcome. Moderate number of slot machines and attractions. This venerable city is not deprived of attention by Russian stars. As they say, not a day without a concert. If you do not have enough money for all this, console yourself with the fact that at night all the beaches are free and alone.

During the day ..., boat trips, hang-gliding, and, of course, the sea, like fresh milk.



Evpatoria is the main resort in the western part of Crimea, the all-Union children's health resort, which remains so today. Children's health camps, boarding houses, sanatoriums, which accept babies from all over Russia, continue their work on the territory of the city, stretched out on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay. Adults also come here for treatment. Evpatoria borders on two mud lakes - Moinaki and Sasyk, where healing mud is obtained, which helps with many ailments.

The resort is surrounded by steppes, which has a beneficial effect on its climate. In summer, the weather is dry and sunny. Precipitation occurs mainly in winter. From November to March, it is windy and cold in Evpatoria.

The high season at the resort starts early - in mid-May. This is due to the fact that the shallow sea in the Evpatoria Bay warms up well and retains its heat for a long time. The water near the coast is 4-5 degrees warmer than in the open sea. Strong winds causing storms are uncommon during high season. The last lovers of sea baths leave the resort in mid-October.


Tourists come to Crimea by bus, their own car, or arrive by plane. In any case, the road to Evpatoria runs through the capital of the peninsula - the city of Simferopol. If travelers arrived in Crimea by air, then they can get to Evpatoria by minibus or train. These types of transport go to the western coast of Crimea, where Yevpatoria is located, from the Simferopol railway station. They will have to spend 40 to 90 minutes on the way.

Evpatoria is a fairly large city. The historical center, which is located near the sea, is accessible on foot. Transport may be needed if tourists stay in residential areas of the city, far from the coast.

You can get to the sea by buses (there are more than 20 bus routes in the city) and by trams (4 lines). Tram No. 1 will take you from the Sputnik-2 microdistrict to the intersection of Eskadronnaya and Simferopolskaya streets. It runs along the central streets of Lenin and Revolution. Tram number 2 departs from the City Theater in the direction of Lake Moinak. Tram number 3 runs from the railway station along Frunze Street to the mineral water pump-room. Tram number 4 will take you from Simferopolskaya Street to New Beach.

You can get from Evpatoria to other Crimean cities either by buses or by train.


Children and adults will also love the historical sights, of which there are quite a few in Evpatoria. It is worth setting aside a couple of days to study them. Evpatoria is not just a beach and balneological resort, but also an ancient city founded more than 2500 years ago. It was owned by many peoples who left here reminders of themselves in stone.

The famous Ottoman architect Haji Sinan built the most beautiful Juma-Jami mosque here. Another Islamic architectural monument is dated to the same period - the tekie (dormitory) of dervishes, where an ethnographic museum is now open. From the Turkic Karaites who settled in Yevpatoria in the 18th century, the Big and Small kenases, which were used for divine services, have survived. Nowadays, in the complex returned to this small ethnic group of Crimea, you can visit a museum dedicated to its history and everyday life, and a cafe "Karaman", where they serve dishes of exclusively national cuisine. Here you should definitely try small hamur-dolma dumplings and chir-chira chebureks.

Since the time of the Russian Empire, the city has preserved the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, which rises behind the mosque.

In 1914, a narrow-gauge tram line was opened in Yevpatoria, which is still used today. Anyone can now ride an old tram.

Health tourism

Evpatoria is a recognized balneological resort, where thousands of tourists come to improve their health every year. They are taken in sanatoriums, recreation centers, children's camps, boarding houses, where unique methods of treatment are applied using the mud of the Saki and Moinak lakes and mineral water.

Even just staying in Evpatoria has a positive effect on health. The local dry climate, the absence of changes in atmospheric pressure throughout the day, the abundance of sunny days in the high season contribute to the general strengthening of the body. People who do not want to go to doctors in sanatoriums, but at the same time are not averse to experiencing the miraculous effect of local mud, independently go to Lake Moinak, where a tram goes and minibuses go. There, at the disposal of vacationers, there is a greasy therapeutic mud, which can be applied to the whole body. True, any self-treatment should be approached with caution.

In the sanatoriums of Evpatoria, they help patients with diseases of the spine, joints, skin, nervous, hematopoietic, digestive systems.

Beach vacation

Most tourists come to Evpatoria for the sun, sea, wide long beaches, sea activities. Many beaches of Evpatoria have a sandy surface, which means they are great for families with children. True, here there are also sections of the coast that are not very convenient for kids. These, for example, include the beach on the Tereshkova embankment. It is equipped on concrete slabs that do not have a gentle slope into the water. Steps covered with slippery algae are laid in the sea. Despite these inconveniences, this beach is always full of divers.

The beaches, which are referred to as sanatoriums and hotels, are paid, but in the city center there are also several municipal free places to relax by the water. These include the beach "General", which rests on Frunze Street. The most comfortable and cleanest free beach in the city is Novy.

Paid beaches are quite accessible for visiting. You will have to pay about 30 rubles a day for using the beach infrastructure. Clean and not crowded beaches belonging to the Solnyshko, Planeta, and Mriya boarding houses are very popular among vacationers.


What to do in Evpatoria for lovers of active entertainment? Numerous travel agencies take care of the leisure of such travelers. For example, you can go fishing on a yacht to the open sea. Five hours of fishing from the yacht will cost 1,800 rubles. Near the shores of Evpatoria, mullet is excellently caught.

Scuba diving is also possible near Cape Tarkhankut. The diving clubs, of which there are many in the resort, will offer the rental of all the necessary equipment and the accompaniment of an instructor. Diving prices start at 1800 rubles.

Horse riding along the beach will also be interesting. Not only adults are invited to it, but also children. The cost of such an excursion on horseback is 1,700 rubles. If desired, your horse riding lessons will be recorded by an experienced photographer. His services are estimated at 3,000 rubles per hour.

Not a single adult will refuse a jeep safari to remote natural attractions of the Crimea, for example, to Mount Ai-Petri. The walk takes from 8 to 10 hours and costs 8,000-10,000 rubles.

Vacation with children

There is probably no better place than Evpatoria for families with children in Crimea. This resort is rightfully called a children's resort, since the best conditions for kids on the entire peninsula have been created here. The beaches are covered with fine soft sand, from which it is so convenient to build castles, the sea near the coast is shallow, safe and well-heated, the descent into the water is convenient and not traumatic.

There are various attractions for children on the promenade near the central beaches. A children's train runs along Frunze Street. There is also an amusement park, where you can spend a few pleasant hours riding small cars on the race track and proving to everyone around you your courage on extreme roller coasters. There are carousels in the park for kids.

Another children's entertainment facility in Evpatoria is the Dolphinarium, where four shows a day are held during the high season. They also offer swimming with dolphins in Donuzlav Lake, which is located near Evpatoria.

On Shevchenko Street, which runs parallel to the main resort artery - Frunze Street, there is a Fairy Park, where you can find sculptures depicting the most popular characters of Russian and not only folklore.

It is worth visiting the Dinopark with moving figures of dinosaurs, near which there is an entertainment complex "Jungle" with trampolines, ladders, etc.

Food and souvenirs

The best cafes and restaurants are concentrated in the most touristy part of the city - on the embankment and Frunze Street. Prices in these establishments are different, but all are designed for wealthy vacationers who have come to spend money. There are also inexpensive canteens in Evpatoria, where you can have a snack for 150-200 rubles. The local fast food will cost about the same: shawarma and pancakes.

In Evpatoria you can find many souvenir stalls and shops selling wonderful things that will remind you of your trip to Crimea. An excellent gift for yourself or your family will be shells, products from shells, paintings on rounded large pebbles. Wooden and ceramic figurines, coasters for hot dishes made of juniper or cypress and exuding a delicate aroma, original designer jewelry made of natural materials are also bought as souvenirs. If you know smokers, bring them a pipe or a mouthpiece.

Useful gifts include essential oils, cosmetics, which include local healing mud or blue clay. Any lady will love the handmade soap made by Crimean craftswomen. The "edible" souvenirs include collections of herbs that are brewed and drunk instead of tea, wine, sweets.

Evpatoria is the center of the resort life of the Western Crimea. Unlike the southern coast of the peninsula, completely different climatic conditions and natural landscapes dominate here. The city is surrounded by arid steppe and lakes with healing mud. For tourists, the main advantages of a vacation in Evpatoria are sandy beaches, the opportunity to combine rest with treatment and the sea, which is warmer than in other parts of Crimea.

Evpatoria was founded more than 2.5 thousand years ago by the ancient Greeks. Since then, she managed to visit a part of different kingdoms that existed on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. The first tourists appeared in the city in the 19th century. Since that time, Evpatoria began to develop as a balneological resort. People came here to take baths with medicinal mud, swim in the healing waters of Sasyk-Sivash, or simply enjoy the fresh sea breeze and clean air.

Apartments and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go in Evpatoria?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

1. Gorky Embankment

City promenade embankment, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the Crimea. It was renovated and refurbished in 2003. The promenade starts from Frunze Street at the sculpture of Hercules and stretches for 800 meters along the coastal strip to Duvanovskaya Street. Architectural sights, beaches, souvenir shops, restaurants and attractions are concentrated along the embankment.

2. Embankment named after Tereshkova

The central embankment of Evpatoria, perfectly adapted for walking. There are no equipped beaches and tourist infrastructure, but a magnificent view of the sea, the Juma-Jami mosque and St. Nicholas Cathedral opens up. Many tourists prefer to sunbathe and swim here. The city authorities are planning a complete reconstruction of the embankment, including its park area.

3. Central city beach

Public sandy beach located at the beginning of the promenade im. Gorky opposite the amusement park. Frunze. The place is perfect for small children, as there are no sharp stones and a fairly gentle entrance to the water. The sandy strip is small, because of this, there are a lot of people here even in low season. For this reason, many tourists prefer to go to the paid beaches.

4. Cote d'Azur beach

A picturesque strip of coastline 220 meters long with a gentle slope into the sea. "Cote d'Azur" is considered one of the cleanest and most comfortable beaches in Evpatoria and its surroundings. It is equipped with everything you need for a comfortable stay. There are bars, water attractions, a VIP zone with cozy bungalows at the very edge of the sea, awnings and comfortable sun loungers. The swimming area is fenced with a special net from algae and jellyfish.

5. Karaite kenassas

The temple complex of the ethnic group of the Karaites, consisting of two houses of worship (Big and Small Kenassa), a Midrash religious school, a canteen and outbuildings. It was erected on the site of a dilapidated city kenassa at the beginning of the 19th century and became the spiritual and cultural center of the Crimean Karaites. The complex has a small museum, combined with the national library "Karay-bitikligi".

6. Gozlev gate

An architectural monument of the late 15th century (in the Crimean Tatar language - Odun-bazaar qapusy). Several centuries ago, the gate was part of the system of defensive fortifications of the city of Gozlev (Kozlev), which was part of the Crimean Khanate. From here the rulers went to Bakhchisarai after completing the prayer in the Juma-Jami mosque. The Gozlev Gate was destroyed in the 1950s. and restored in 2004 at the initiative of the city authorities at the expense of patrons.

7. Tekie dervishes

Muslim abode of dervishes - ascetics who belonged to the Sufi branch of Islam. The complex is the only architectural monument of this kind in Crimea. It consists of a madrasah, a mosque and tekie, erected in the period from the 15th to the 18th centuries. Since the 1930s. the premises were used for the needs of the Black Sea Fleet. Since the 2000s. restoration work is underway on the territory of the complex.

8. Juma-Jami Mosque

The main Muslim temple in Yevpatoria, which has the status of a Friday mosque. The building was erected in the 16th century during the reign of Khan Devlet I Gerai (Girey). Over the next centuries, it was repeatedly restored and rebuilt. During the Soviet era, Juma-Jami served as a museum. In the 1990s. the building was returned to the Muslim community of Evpatoria.

9. St. Nicholas Cathedral

Orthodox church of the late 19th century, erected in memory of the liberation of Yevpatoria from the enemy army during the Crimean War. Funds for the construction were provided by the Muslim, Karaite, Greek, Armenian and Jewish communities. A considerable amount was donated by the Russian Emperor Alexander III. During the Soviet period, the temple was planned to be blown up, but it managed to survive due to the fact that the order for the destruction was never issued.

10. Armenian Church of Surb Nikogayos

The temple is located on the site of the former Armenian quarter, which during the times of the Crimean Khanate was located on the outskirts of the city of Gozlev (Kozlev). The construction of the church dates back to the early 19th century. During the Crimean War, the building housed a French garrison, as evidenced by the names of the soldiers scrawled on the walls. During the Soviet period, the temple was used for economic purposes, which is why it was somewhat dilapidated. In the 1990s. its restoration began at the expense of the Armenian diaspora.

11. Synagogue Egiya-Kapai

A religious building of the early XX century, located near the Gozlev gate. The temple did not serve the Jewish community for long, since it was abolished with the advent of Soviet power. During the Great Patriotic War, it housed a stable, later - a warehouse. In the 1990s. services were resumed in the synagogue. There is a museum of Jewish life and a kosher restaurant at the temple.

12. Temple of St. Elijah

Greek church of the early XX century, located on the city embankment. Donations for the construction of the temple were collected slowly, so the community representatives turned to the city authorities for a subsidy. The building was built in the Greco-Byzantine style and is decorated with arches, stained glass windows and pilasters. During the years of Soviet power, the building fell into disrepair. Restoration work began in 2003.

13. Evpatoria Theater named after A. Pushkin

City Theater, founded in 1910. The building was erected by architects A. Heinrich and P. Seferov in the neoclassical style. By its grace and beauty, it can be compared with the Odessa theater. F. Shayapin, K. Stanislavsky, E. Vakhtangov, A. Vertinsky, M. Savina and other famous artists performed here at different times. After the last restoration, the auditorium was expanded to 900 seats.

14. Children's Theater "Golden Key"

The theater was opened in 1987 at the initiative of directors Oleg and Nina Permyakov. Today it has turned into a full-fledged cultural complex, which will be interesting to visit for spectators of all ages. The theater has creative studios, a photo club, the Clown House Museum, a children's press center and a souvenir shop. The works of S. Ya. Marshak, A. de Saint-Exupery, K. I. Chukovsky, R. Kipling and other authors are regularly staged on the stage.

15. Gallery of contemporary art "theHARASHO"

The gallery was opened in 2007 in the building of the Golden Key Theater. It exhibits works by independent artists and photographers, as well as works created by talented children in creative studios at the theater. During its existence, the gallery has organized more than 150 exhibitions of arts and crafts, painting, photography, small sculptural forms and children's drawings.

16. Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore

The museum was founded in 1921 for the purpose of preserving the cultural heritage and researching the ancient city of Kerkinitida, which existed on the site of modern Evpatoria from the 5th century BC. e. and until the 2nd century. Today the collection contains more than 80 thousand exhibits belonging to different historical eras. Near the museum, under a glass pyramid, are the ruins of ancient Kerkinitida, discovered as a result of archaeological excavations.

17. Museum of the History of the Crimean War

A branch of the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore, whose exposition is entirely devoted to the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The collection contains personal belongings of soldiers, awards, paintings, weapons and other items. With the help of an audio guide, during the tour, you can learn a lot about the course of hostilities, key battles and memorable events of the campaign that took place in the vicinity of Yevpatoria.

18. House of Wine

"House of Wine" brings together an exposition dedicated to the history of winemaking in Crimea, a tasting room and a shop. There are wines of all famous brands of the peninsula: "Novy Svet", "Massandra", "Solnechnaya Dolina", "Koktebel", "Inkerman", "Zolotaya Balka" and others. The selection of drinks is quite extensive. Guests are offered wine, champagne, cider, cognac and balsam. The collection of the museum contains antique exhibits.

19. Pharmacy Museum "Old Sea Pharmacy"

The exposition is located in the building of a functioning pharmacy of the late 19th century, which once belonged to the pharmacist Rofe. The interior of the room has survived to this day practically unchanged. There are rare pharmaceutical scales, a machine for making pills, flasks and test tubes, where ready-made drugs were kept. The pharmacy-museum is the only institution of its kind on the territory of the peninsula.

20. Memorial complex "Krasnaya Gorka"

A memorial complex dedicated to soldiers and civilians who died during the Great Patriotic War. During the German occupation of Crimea in Evpatoria, more than 12 thousand people were killed as a result of mass shootings. The memorial was erected in 1954 on the site of a mass grave. In 2008, it underwent a major reconstruction, resulting in an entrance arch, a commemorative plate and a public garden.

21. Frunze Park

The central park of Evpatoria, which begins at the embankment. Gorky. It is an extensive recreational area with an abundance of green spaces, manicured flower beds and walking alleys. There are attractions for visitors, as well as sports and playgrounds. It will be interesting for children to visit the "City of Fairy Tales" located in the park, ride a pony or mini-steam locomotives.

22. Arboretum

A picturesque green garden, where more than 280 species of trees and shrubs grow - several varieties of maple, palm, sycamore, almond, fig, acacia, berry yew and many other representatives of the flora. The arboretum is a real miracle and the fruit of the diligent work of its creators, since the clay and stony soils of Yevpatoria are not well suited for such an exuberant plant diversity.

23. Park "Crimea in miniature"

The theme park, where the main sights of Crimea are located on a reduced scale. All exhibits are made in 1:25 scale. Here you can see models of palaces, temples of various religious denominations, medieval fortresses and memorial monuments. There are several parks of this kind on the territory of the peninsula - in Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Simferopol and Evpatoria.

24. Tropic Park

A zoo with about 200 species of exotic fauna - amphibians, reptiles, primates, birds and rodents. The conditions of keeping in the "Tropic Park" are close to natural, so the animals move freely around the territory of spacious enclosures. Some of them roam freely among the visitors. It is better to come to the zoo with the whole family, as children will get an unforgettable pleasure from communicating with the inhabitants of the exotarium.

25. Evpatoria Dolphinarium

The Dolphinarium opened in 1997. Since 2012, it has moved to a modern building, where it is still located. This is a great place to relax with the whole family, chat with dolphins and get positive emotions. During the tourist season, the dolphinarium hosts colorful shows and performances with dolphins and seals. You can swim with these amazing animals in the "Stepnoy Harbor" located on Lake Donuzlav.

26. Evpatoria aquarium

The aquarium is located in the park. Frunze in the central part of Evpatoria. It is a small oceanarium with about 150 species of marine life. The aquarium building has two floors. On the first one there are pools with fish, on the second one you can see crocodiles, iguanas and turtles. The interiors are decorated in the form of a fabulous underwater grotto.

27. Aqualand "At Lukomorya"

Water park, opened in Evpatoria in 2014. The design of its territory is based on the tales of A.S. Pushkin. Here you can see familiar figures of heroes, Baba Yaga, Chernomor, goldfish and other magical characters from childhood. The water park has several slides of varying difficulty, a play area for children and outdoor pools. The smallest visitors are looked after by a nanny-animator.

28. Aquapark "Banana Republic"

Waterpark, decorated in Latin American style, equipped with 25 attractions, slides, 8 swimming pools and sports grounds. It is located 9 km from Evpatoria in the Saki region. For the convenience of visitors, recreation areas have been created in the shade of exotic trees. The territory of the water park is designed for a comfortable stay of 2.5 thousand people. It is one of the largest in Crimea.

29. Moinak lake

A reservoir located in the city limits of Evpatoria, the bottom of which consists of curative mud. Once the lake was part of the Black Sea, but over time it was separated from the large water by a sand bar. The healing properties of the local mud were discovered in the 19th century. The first clinic was opened here in 1886 by doctors S.P. Tsetsenovsky and S.I. Khojash. From that moment on, Evpatoria began to turn into a full-fledged medical resort.

30. Lake Sasyk-Sivash

A salty reservoir located east of Evpatoria right at the edge of the sea. The name of the lake is translated as "stinking mud". The place received such an unsightly name in the XIV-XV centuries due to the unpleasant smell that filled the surroundings when certain areas dried up. Salt has been mined at Sasyk-Sivash since the times of Tauric Chersonesos. The lake has an unusual pink shade of water due to the presence of a special type of algae in it.


An ancient Greek settlement that existed on the site of present-day Evpatoria was called Kerkinitida (Greek. Κερκινίτις, Kerkinitis). After the destruction of Kerkinitida for many hundreds of years, there was no urban settlement on this place. During the times of the Crimean Khanate, a city was founded, which the Crimean Tatars called Kezlev (Crimean Cat. Kezlev), the Turks called Gozlev (Tur. Gözleve), and the Russians called Kozlov. After Crimea became part of the Russian Empire, the city was renamed to Evpatoria, while the Crimean Tatars continued to call it Kezlev. Today this situation persists: in Russian and Ukrainian the city is called Evpatoria, in Crimean Tatar - Kezlev.


Evpatoria is located in the steppe central-western part of the Crimean Peninsula. The city stretches along the shallow Kalamitsky Gulf.

The average height above sea level is 10 m. The length of Evpatoria from south to north is 12 km, from east to west is 22 km.

Distance from Evpatoria to large settlements (by road):


Johann Thunmann, who visited the Crimean Khanate in the 18th century, said about the city:

Evpatoria as part of the Russian Empire

The Russo-Turkish war of 1768-74 put an end to the Ottoman domination and according to the Kucuk-Kainardzhiyskiy peace treaty of 1774 the Ottomans abandoned their claims to the Crimea. By decree of Catherine II on January 19 (30), Gezlev received the status of a district town and a new name. Evpatoria, it was named after the king of the ancient Pontus Mithridates VI Eupator. The Pontic king often rescued the inhabitants of Kerkinitida during the attacks of the Scythians, sending generals with a large army.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a new port was built in the city, which became one of the largest in the Crimea; in 1840, the construction of the city embankment began. By the 1840s, about 11 thousand people lived in Evpatoria. During the Crimean War, Yevpatoria was occupied by the Anglo-French-Turkish troops and turned into a fortified base.

In the 19th century, Evpatoria became the main cultural center of the Crimean Karaites. From Chufut-Kale, which gradually fell into desolation, a large part of the population moved to the city, headed by the gakham, the spiritual leader of the Karaite community. In 1865, the Karaite female school for girls was opened in the city.

At the end of the 19th century, Evpatoria began to quickly gain popularity as a resort. The area between the old city and Lake Moinaki began to be actively built up with summer cottages. In 1914 a tram was opened in the city, in 1915 the Sarabuz-Evpatoria railway line from the Lozovo-Sevastopol railway was built.

By 1940, 36 sanatoriums and rest homes operated in Evpatoria. The population of the city by 1941 reached 47 thousand people. From October 31 to April 13, 1944, the city was occupied by the Nazis. On May 18, 1944, the Crimean Tatar population was deported from Evpatoria to Central Asia, on June 26 - Armenians, Bulgarians and Greeks. During the occupation, more than 12,000 people were shot. During the war, the city lost about 45-55% of its population.


Pension "Orbita"

The city has a regular layout in the south, north, and west. The resort area is located in the southwest. To the east is the old town, which has a layout typical of eastern cities with an interweaving of small crooked streets. Some of the houses in the area are over 500 years old. In the west of the city - Lake Moinaki, in the east - Lake Sasyk. In the north-western part of the city there is a modern city with high-rise buildings up to 20 floors, straight wide streets and avenues. In the northern part there are industrial enterprises.

The mayor is Andrey Petrovich Danilenko, since 1995 also the chairman of the Council of Regions under the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The city has great prospects in terms of the development of resort infrastructure and the recreation industry. In 2011, in the eastern part of Evpatoria, the construction of a modern resort complex similar to Antalya (hotels, recreation centers, luxury housing, water parks) began.

Internal division of the city

The city of Evpatoria is subdivided into the following microdistricts:

Old city... Covers the area of \u200b\u200bold (pre-revolutionary) buildings from the seashore to the current International Street; preserves the layout of the medieval Gezlev. It is limited to the streets of International, Revolution, Pionerskaya, Dm. Ulyanov. Quite quiet area (except for the Tereshkova embankment). The Central (aka collective farm) market is located nearby. Distance to the sea - no more than 700 m. Population - about 10,000 people.

Sanatorium-resort area... It is located to the west of the Old City, from the south it is washed by the sea along its entire width. Borders: Lake Moinaki, Lenin Avenue, st. Pioneer. 38 sanatoriums, boarding houses and hotels are concentrated here. Improved pedestrian zones - Duvanovskaya street, Gorky embankment and adjacent streets; here is the central park named after Frunze. The population is about 10,000 people.

Center... Located north of the resort area. Limited to Internatsionalnaya streets (railway and bus stations), Dm. Ulyanov, Lenin Avenue and Victory Avenue. On the territory of this district there is the Central Market and the Fresh hypermarket. On the territory of the district is the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1, adult, children's, city dental clinic, as well as a beautiful park named after Marshal Sokolov with a light fountain near the Palace of solemn events. Distance to the sea - from 1 to 3 km. There is a lot of noise from transport, traffic jams are frequent in summer. A large number of shops and other infrastructure. The population is about 35,000 people.

Perekopskaya street area... It starts from the automobile ring and covers private and multi-storey areas, located respectively to the right and left of the Perekopskaya street itself. Relatively close to the sea (100 to 400 meters). There is a summer micro market, shops. Relatively quiet. Small plugs. The population is about 15,000 people.

Moinaki and microdistrict 8... Adjacent to the lake of the same name (estuary). It is limited to the streets of Polupanova (passing into the street of the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol), Chapaev, Dyomyshev and Pobedy Avenue. 5- and 20-storey buildings (there is a small plot of private houses only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moinaki tram stop). Nearby is the Moinaki mud bath. To the sea - 35-40 minutes walk. Nearby - the main grocery and clothing market complex (stop "Universam"), several supermarkets "ATB", "Furshet", "Bon-Apetit",. The restored memorial complex "Krasnaya Gorka" is located on the territory of this district. Quite noisy. Traffic jams are not uncommon on Victory Avenue. The population is about 25,000 people.

Behind the line... Begins behind the train station. It is limited to the railway, Chapaeva street and Pobedy avenue. Includes the area of \u200b\u200bthe street. 60th anniversary of October (five-story buildings behind the underground passage of the railway station), 9th microdistrict (high-rise buildings) and "Plans" (area of \u200b\u200bprivate houses). On the street Chapaev and Victory Avenue, the noise of the transport is very noticeable. The population is about 30,000 people.

Slobodka... The area of \u200b\u200bprivate houses. Starts from st. Korolenko, walking along the railway. Limited to the railway, 2nd Guards Army street, st. Srednyaya, st. International and st. Working. On the territory of this district there is a Children's Clinical Hospital, several trade wholesale centers, as well as a Zakroma supermarket. The noise of traffic is felt near the street. International and 2nd Guards. Army. Traffic jams are frequent. The population is about 15,000 people.

Overflow... A narrow strip along the sea at the entrance to Evpatoria (Simferopolskaya street). It is named so from the ability of the sea during winter storms to flood and fill up with sand the territory adjacent to the houses. A few years ago, in order to avoid this misfortune, a low concrete partition like a dam was made along the houses - since then, residents during a storm have been sleeping quite peacefully. Stretched along the beach "New". Private houses and several private boarding houses. Distance to the sea is about 70 meters, to the beach is across the road. The cost of housing - from inexpensive in the private sector to very high in private boarding houses. Rarely, but there are traffic jams. The population is about 10,000 people.

Air towns... The 5th and 29th Aviagorodki (next to the aircraft workshops) are located between the Aquatoria business center (at the entrance to Evpatoria) and the Evpatoria-Tovarnaya railway station. Built up with buildings from 2 to 9 floors. There is a construction supermarket "Novaya Ploschad", the construction of the Evpatoria airport has begun. Not far is the largest salt lake in Crimea, Sasyk-Sivash (along the railway). To the sea - about 3.5 km. Removed from the city center. The population is about 10,000 people.

Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2... Exclusively private wealthy houses and cottages; the population of each microdistrict is about 7,000 people. Quiet. There are no educational institutions.

Ismail Bay... Mostly private houses. The population is about 7,000 people. Almost the entire population is Crimean Tatars. Average movement.

National composition

Karaite kenases

Kenases in Evpatoria.

The cost of building new housing for Evpatoria in 2012 was set at 7.667 thousand UAH / m² (for Kiev - 8.876 thousand UAH / m², the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - 7.602 thousand UAH / m²).


Evpatoria tram

Communication with other cities of Crimea is carried out by buses, train, there is a sea connection. There is a tram in the city (4 routes with a total length of 22 km). Evpatoria tram is an electric tram system in Evpatoria, one of four systems on 1000 mm track gauge in Ukraine and six in the former USSR. Opened in 1914, it is still very popular with residents, despite the fact that in recent years there has been a significant increase in bus traffic. The bus (22 routes) covers the entire city, only new Bogdan buses run on the line, the total number of Evpatoria's bus fleet is 200 buses. There are also 12 taxis (taxis).


Evpatoria has its own television and radio company "Morion", which rebroadcasts the channel "News Channel 24"; also in Evpatoria there is a network of cable television "NTV", "Ellas", which covers the entire city.

The city has a large network of radio stations that broadcast on VHF and FM waves.

  • 100.4 - Radio Chanson
  • 101.0 - Russian Radio
  • 102.5 - Kiss'FM
  • 103.5 - Radio "Leader"
  • 103.9 - Retro FM
  • 105.2 - Radio "Lux-Fm"
  • 105.9 - Radio-Rox (TRK "Alpha")
  • 106.8 - Radio "Melody"
  • 107.5 - ХІT FM Ukraine

Evpatoria has its own state printing house, as well as several private printing houses, several city newspapers are published - Evpatoria Zdravnitsa, Evpatoria Objective, Visit, Vitrina, etc.

Social sphere

The city has:

physical Culture and sport

There are 7 facilities in the city that provide physical and sports training for Yevpatoria residents. As of 2011, 13.3 thousand people were involved in physical education in the city's secondary schools. 2.9 thousand people are employed in sports sections at schools.

The sports base of Evpatoria includes 3 stadiums, 44 sports grounds (including 7 tennis courts), 7 football fields, 3 mini-football grounds with artificial turf, 8 shooting galleries, 25 gyms, 9 grounds with gymnastic equipment, 32 rooms for sports activities , 16 of them with exercise machines.

The city has a large sports paralympic center. Evpatoria hosts a large number of sports events and hosts many international sports tournaments.

Theaters, exhibitions, museums

There are 9 theaters in Evpatoria, which represent a wide range of theatrical and artistic arts:

  • Cinemas in Evpatoria: "Rocket", "Colosseum", "Yakor", "Dinopark", cinema and concert hall "Rest".
  • Museums: Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore, Akhmatova Museum, Wine Museum, Space Museum, Book Museum, Medicine Museum, Post Museum, Pharmacy Museum, Museum of World Art.

Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore was founded on February 1, 1921, when, by order of the command of the 46th rifle division, the former mansion of the merchant Yu. M. Gelelovich on the street was allocated for the Museum of Antiquity. Sverdlova (now Duvanovskaya street, 11), opened to visitors on July 30, 1921.

By 1925, there were five departments in the museum: archaeological, atheistic, resort, industrial and ethnographic. The atheistic one was opened in the Karaite kenases, and the production facility was located in the Juma-Jami mosque.

During the years of German occupation, the museum was almost completely looted. In 1968, the buildings of the Karaite kenasa were again transferred to the museum. Now the museum contains 56.8 thousand exhibits. The most significant is the archaeological one, dedicated to the ancient Kerkinitis and medieval Gozlev - more than 37 thousand BC.

  • Evpatoria aquarium
  • 2 dolphinariums, zoo

Evpatoria in the cinema

Various feature films were shot in Evpatoria. The old part of the city is an excellent location for filming films that took place during the First World War, the Revolution and the Civil War, as well as in the middle of the 20th century.

  • "Crimean flirt" () - a comedy about resort life in 3 parts (not preserved)
  • "Jews on earth" ()
  • "Volnitsa" ()
  • "Shore of Youth" ()
  • "Marina" ()
  • "Tryn-grass" ()
  • "Walking in the throes" (TV series) - 2, 6, 11 series (1973-1977)
  • "Remembrance ..." ()
  • "The Adventures of Little Daddy" ()
  • "It was by the sea" ()
  • "Death in the movies" ()
  • "And the wind returns ..." ()
  • "Seventeen Left Boots" ()
  • "In Paris" ()
  • "Gloria" ()
  • "Gagarin" ()
  • Always say always (season 8) ()

In the films, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Duvan's house, the embankment named after. Tereshkova, also a popular filming location is Krasnoarmeyskaya street in the area of \u200b\u200bTurkish baths and other streets of the old city, as well as the building of the Evpatoria railway station.

Sister cities

  • Yanina () - 1989
  • Figueira da Foz () - 1989
  • Ludwigsburg () - 1992
  • Zakynthos () - 2002
  • Ostrovets-Swietokrzyski () - 2004
  • Silifke () - 2005
  • Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region () - 2006
  • Lambi () - 2009
  • Belgorod () - 2010
  • Evpatoria proverb “Through