Private guide and tour guide in Israel. Individual excursions and tours, recreation

November 5, 2013 7:59 am Jerusalem, Ein Bokek, Eilat, Tel Aviv - Israel January 2013

The “Three Seas and Jerusalem” route is designed for those who want to visit the ancient land of Israel and get acquainted with its sights and at the same time relax, sunbathe and swim in one of its seas.

The route provides the opportunity to combine three seas: the Mediterranean, along which modern and dynamic Tel Aviv stretches, the Red, where Eilat cuts like a narrow wedge between Arab countries, and the Dead with the hospitals and hotels of the world-famous Ein Bokek.


I propose to complete this short journey in Jerusalem, the holy city of three religions.

The route is not difficult and is suitable for travelers who are just starting to visit other countries on their own, without travel agencies. In this regard, Israel's advantage is that many local residents, especially in the service sector, understand and speak Russian.

The suggested length of stay is from 7 to 10 days (the number of days in each city can vary).

Route on the map

1. Tel Aviv (1-2 days) +Eilat(3-4 days) +Ein Bokek(2-3 days) +Jerusalem(2-3 days)

Total distance: 363 miles (584 kilometers)

We put the route into practice during the New Year and Christmas holidays in 2013.


Installation in honor of the Nativity of Christ: Virgin Mary and baby Jesus in Bethlehem

The most convenient way to travel around Israel is by bus, given the small size of the country. The largest transport company is Egged, which provides bus service to almost all Israeli cities, including remote kibbutzim and moshavim. The buses of this company are painted green, and the stops are marked with a green logo. There is free Wi-Fi Internet on the buses.

You can view the bus schedule and ticket prices on the official website Unfortunately, the Russian and English versions do not work yet, but you can use Google's automatic translation service.

Personally, I didn’t take the risk and book through the website, not trusting the clumsy Google translation, but bought all the tickets on the spot at the bus station. For popular destinations it is better to buy in advance. For example, if you arrived in Eilat, and your next trip is to Ein Bokek, then try to buy a ticket on the day of arrival in Eilat.


Bus station in Eilat

Recommendation: In Israel, it is customary to observe Shabbat, or the Holy Saturday, when the local population abstains from work. Egged buses continue to operate on their routes, but the number of trips is several times less than on normal days.

We traveled from Ben Gurion Airport to the center of Tel Aviv by train. But there are other means of communication - by Egged bus, by shuttle bus or, of course, by taxi. We traveled around the city itself by taxi, making sure in advance that the driver turn on the meter.

1. Tel Aviv

Why is it worth visiting?

Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel after Jerusalem. It organically intertwines the slowness and immutability of antiquity with the dynamism of modern times, since the city was formed by merging the old city of Jaffa and the new Tel Aviv.


View of Tel Aviv from the old city of Jaffa

The most remarkable thing in Tel Aviv is, of course, the luxurious Herbert Samuel promenade, stretching along the Mediterranean Sea.

Since we only had to spend one day in Tel Aviv, I booked a hotel a five-minute walk from the embankment - The Home Tel Aviv. The price of a triple room is $130 per night.

Immediately after arriving and checking into the hotel, we went for a walk along the embankment and breathe in the fresh sea air. It’s just great to get from snowy Russia to sunny Israel, where there is not even a hint of snow.

In January, of course, you cannot swim in the Mediterranean Sea, but other types of entertainment near and on the water are available - sailing, beach volleyball, etc. The beach is a favorite place for city residents, where they relax, read, play with children, indulge in their reflections.


Walking along the embankment, you can come to the most famous historical landmark of Tel Aviv - old Jaffa.

Jaffa is considered one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on the planet, and in ancient times was the sea gate of Israel. According to one version, it was founded by Noah's son Jaffet, and Noah built his ark here. For centuries, the owners of the city were Jews, pagan Greeks, Muslims, and Christian crusaders.


Jaffa's attractions include the Franciscan Church of St. Peter (standing on the site of a Crusader castle), the Andromeda Stone, the remains of ancient Egyptian and Turkish fortifications, the Bridge of Wishes, Gan HaPisgah Park, the clock tower of Abdul Hamid II, the house of Simon the tanner, the Hanging Tree , Clock Square.

St. Peter's Church

In general, Tel Aviv gave the impression of a clean, well-groomed, green city.

Transfer to Eilat by bus routes No. 390 and 394. Travel time - 4 hours, price - 800 rubles. You can also fly to Eilat by plane, bypassing Tel Aviv directly. Travel time - 1 hour, price - 2000 rubles.

2. Eilat

Why is it worth visiting?

Eilat is an ancient city that already existed during the reign of King Solomon. It passed from hand to hand like a trophy because it occupied a strategically important position, and as a result, for a long time, until 1949, it was under Arab rule.

Today, Eilat is the only Israeli settlement on the shores of the Red Sea, which means that if you choose Israel as a holiday destination, you will inevitably come to Eilat.

Eilat is not rich in historical sites, museums or art galleries. This is a city of tourism and beach holidays, the lion's share of buildings of which are hotels, restaurants and shopping centers.


We stayed at the Holitel Siesta All Inclusive. The cost of living in a triple room for 3 nights is $572.

The hotel itself barely qualified for a “C”, but what was most depressing was the huge number of Arabs who were constantly noisy and absolutely incapable of behaving - and the Russians are simply the height of good manners compared to them! Hotel Pros: Delicious Middle Eastern food, free coffee at the bar, proximity to the bus station, 15-minute proximity to the sea.

Eilat is surrounded on all sides except the north by the territory of Arab states. Its coastline is only 11 kilometers, so public beaches are interspersed with beaches assigned to hotels. The beaches are not separated by fences and for an additional fee you can borrow a sunbed on the “hotel” beach.

By the way, in January the water is at a very comfortable temperature - you can swim.

During the day in Eilat, in addition to beach relaxation and scuba diving, you can go on a pleasure boat along the Gulf of Eilat (or Akkaba) and see the Egyptian Taba, Jordanian Akkaba and even a piece of Saudi Arabia in the haze. A longer excursion is possible to Petra, Jordan, where the famous temple carved into the rock is located.


In the evening, very lively life begins on the embankment. All shops and boutiques of branded goods are open (unless, of course, Shabbat), attractions and restaurants are open, and there is a small market where you can buy beachwear and souvenirs. You can refresh yourself with freshly squeezed juice or ice cream.

Attraction "Fireball": a person is put into a spherical cabin and launched into the sky, and at the exit he is given a video recording of his reaction in the process

Transfer from Eilat to Ein Bokek by bus route No. 444. Travel time - 2.5 hours, price - 500 rubles.

3. Ein Bokek

Why is it worth visiting?

Ein Bokek is the most famous resort on the Dead Sea. Only two states in the world have access to it - Israel and Jordan.

There are other resorts, for example, Ein Gedi, but it is Ein Bokek that has the best infrastructure for treatment and recreation.

In fact, this is not a city, but a cluster of hotels and shopping centers located in close proximity to the Dead Sea.


There are no cheap hotels in Ein Bokek, so some people come here just to take a dip in the Dead Sea and buy cosmetics.

We stayed at the Royal Rimonim Dead Sea Hotel. The cost of a triple room for 2 nights is 18,667 rubles. Breakfast and lunch are included in the price.

The hotel is very decent. It has its own fully equipped beach on the Dead Sea, as well as a spa area in the building itself, which is very convenient if the weather is bad outside.


On the second day of our stay, a dust storm hit the town - it was simply scary to go outside. We found salvation in the spa area, where we relaxed in the jacuzzi, sauna and Dead Sea pool.


You can lie on such water!

The Dead Sea is extremely salty, and it is impossible to stay in such water for a long time - it begins to mercilessly pinch the skin. Avoid getting water in your eyes and avoid swimming if you have open wounds. After the sea, be sure to rinse with clean water.

You cannot drown in the sea, as the water pushes you to the surface. To enter the water, special mushrooms with handrails are installed.


Organizing a trip to Israel yourself involves more than just buying a ticket and booking accommodation. There are many nuances that need to be taken into account before taking a holiday in Israel on your own in 2019. This will be discussed in this guide.

I'm on vacation in Israel

Israel is an independent, modern, unitary state with a dynamically developing economy and a high standard of living. This country is located in the Middle East and borders Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. It is washed by the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

Israel is a small country. Its area is 22,000 square kilometers, and from south to north you can drive by car in just 7-8 hours. This means that in the morning you can admire the beautiful fish of the Red Sea in Eilat, and in the evening you can see the unique Bahai Gardens in Haifa near the Mediterranean Sea. The country's population is 8.5 million people, 75% of them are Jews. The rest are Arabs and national minorities.

Israel on the map

Its exceptional location, warm climate, many attractions and religious heritage sites make the country an attractive destination for tourism.

Why go on holiday to Israel?

You can make a trip to Israel in 2019 for:

  • Rich historical heritage.
  • Colorful inhabitants and customs.
  • Religious motives.
  • Beach holiday.
  • Wellness.

What not to expect:

  • Greetings from local residents.
  • Good hotel service in relation to prices.

As for the last points, these are my personal observations, which I do not impose on anyone. I will only be glad if there is an opportunity to dissuade them.

Holiday Destinations in Israel

Israel is famous for the presence of four seas: the Mediterranean, the Red, the Dead and the Galilee, two of which are actually lakes. Along with this, the country has desert and mountains, where national parks and reserves, ancient fortresses and cities are located. The Promised Land carries within itself the religious heritage of such faiths as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the shrines of which are closely intertwined. Therefore, options for holidays in Israel can be very diverse.

Mediterranean Sea

There are many resorts on the Mediterranean Sea in Israel: Nahariya, Haifa, Netanya, Herzliya, Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Ashdot, Ashkelon. There are also historical and natural monuments along the Mediterranean coast, so during a trip to Israel you can combine a beach holiday with a cultural one.

Mediterranean Sea

Red sea

A short stretch of Israel's border extends to the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea. The southern port and resort of the country, the city of Eilat, is located here. The Red Sea is famous for its underwater world, so in the vicinity of Eilat you can see a piece of it. It is warm here almost all year round.

Red sea

Sea of ​​Galilee

The Sea of ​​Galilee (also known as Lake Tiberias, also known as Kinneret) as a resort holiday is more popular among local residents than among visiting tourists. The main resort is the city of Tiberias. There are many Orthodox churches and significant places for the Christian religion in the surrounding area.

Sea of ​​Galilee

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Pilgrimage is a very developed tourist destination in Israel. Christian pilgrim routes include the holy city of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Palestinian Bethlehem and Jericho, the site of Jesus' baptism on the Jordan River, Yardenit, and the temples and holy places of Galilee.

Jesus' baptism site on the Jordan River

Combined holiday in Israel

Israel is an ideal country for combining a beach, cultural, health, excursion and educational holiday and visiting religious shrines. The small size and high quality of the roads of the Jewish state make it possible to move from one end of the country to the other during the day.

Visa and entry rules

For a trip to Israel in 2019 for the purpose of tourism, treatment or visiting relatives, Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians no visa required. Because of this factor alone, the country scores points in favor of a holiday in Israel.

But visa-free entry does not mean that tourists can be freely allowed into this country. Before departure at the airport, there will be serious control in the form of a survey and a thorough check of luggage (especially if you fly with Israeli El-Al Airlines or their subsidiary Up). Upon arrival, border guards also ask various kinds of questions. They are the final authority to decide whether to allow a tourist into Israel.

So, what do you need to travel to Israel yourself? The following may be requested upon entry: documentation:

  • Return air ticket.
  • Hotel reservation.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Confirmation of solvency.

The most important thing is not to worry. You can read the article about. It describes what questions the security service and border guards ask, as well as how to prepare the necessary documents.

Weather in Israel

On the coast of northern Israel, the climate is predominantly subtropical Mediterranean. In the south of the country it is deserted. It's hot all over the country in summer. In spring and autumn it is better to relax on the Mediterranean coast, and in winter - on the Red and Dead Seas. Although even here in January-February, not everyone will like going into rather cold water. In the autumn-spring period, sandy, dry khamsin (sharav) winds occur. In December, snow falls on the slopes of Mount Hermon in northeastern Israel, which melts in March. In other regions of the country, snow and hail are rare occurrences. The most favorable time for a holiday in Israel is September-October.

Hail in Jerusalem in January

Air and water temperatures by month in popular cities in Israel

What language is spoken in Israel?

The official languages ​​of Israel are Hebrew and Arabic. A decent portion of the population understands English. There are many immigrants and immigrants from the countries of the former USSR in the country, so Russian-speaking residents are very common. In some areas of Israeli cities you can see signs in Russian. In tourist places, information is also sometimes duplicated in Russian.

Time in Israel

In Israel, there is a seasonal changeover to summer/winter time in spring and autumn. In summer, Israeli time corresponds to Moscow and Minsk, and in winter it lags behind by an hour. The time with Kiev is identical, except for a few weeks a year when the seasonal switch occurs. Inconsistencies in changing the time zone for summer and winter are associated with Israel's binding to the Jewish calendar, and not to the Gregorian calendar, like many other countries.

The length of daylight throughout the year does not change as sharply as in the middle zone: minimum - 10 hours in December, maximum - 14 hours in June. However, it is worth taking into account that it gets dark in summer much earlier than in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine: in June at eight in the evening, in December at half past four. When organizing your own holiday in Israel, you must not forget to take this fact into account.

By the way, many attractions close quite early: in summer - at 17.00, and in winter - at 15.00-16.00 We got to some attractions during daylight hours, but didn’t have time to visit. This is also worth taking into account when organizing a trip to Israel yourself.

Israeli currency and money exchange

Currency of Israel - Israeli new shekel, abbreviated as NIS (New Israeli Sheqel). It is better to take dollars or euros on a trip and exchange them for shekels on the spot. Bank cards (Visa, MasterCard) are accepted for payment almost everywhere.

Approximate exchange rate for January 2019:

  • 1 NIS = $0.27.
  • 1$ = 3.68 NIS.

⚠ At the airport exchange office they charge a commission of about $6 when exchanging from $100 to $500. This is a fixed value. Over $500 - 1.8% of the amount. The rate is usually the same as in most exchange offices in the city. If you want to save money, stock up on shekels in advance in the amount necessary to get to the right place, and then buy Israeli currency without additional fees.

Israeli cuisine

Israeli cuisine combines Mediterranean and Arabic, and also has a number of distinctive features. Israeli cuisine is based on kashrut, according to which food must be prepared and eaten according to certain rules. For example, dairy products should not be consumed with meat products at the same meal. After dairy products, you can eat meat only two hours later, and after meat, dairy - no earlier than six. Therefore, Jews usually eat cheeses, yoghurts, vegetables and fish for breakfast, and dishes containing meat and poultry for lunch and dinner.

There are also bans on certain products. So, Jews can only eat the meat of artiodactyl ruminants. Only fish with scales and fins are suitable. Thus, Jews are not allowed pork, black sturgeon caviar, seafood and some other foods.

There are also a number of rules for storing and preparing food. Among other things, any establishment where kosher food is prepared strives to have a special certificate issued by a rabbi.

Dishes that are worth trying on vacation in Israel: shawarma, falafel, shakshuka, hummus and others.

Falafel in pita

Shabbat, shalom!

Before we move on to organizing a trip to Israel on our own, it’s worth mentioning one local feature that you should definitely know before purchasing an air ticket and planning your route: Shabbat (Shabbat).

So, Shabbat(Saturday) is a general religious Jewish holiday that begins at sunset on Friday and ends at the same time on Saturday. Jews are strictly forbidden to work on Shabbat. To the point where you can’t even press the button in the elevator. Therefore, during this period, public transport, many shops, restaurants and other establishments are not open. On the weekend, Israelis begin to move around the country: going on picnics, relaxing at resorts, visiting attractions, etc. In general, it is better to book accommodation in advance on Shabbat. It is not advisable to plan your arrival/departure, as well as travel around the country by public transport on Friday evening and Holy Saturday. Renting a car can save you (on Shabbat it is only possible at Ben Gurion Airport), the intricacies of which we will dwell on later.


One of the important stages that we must take care of in advance when planning an independent trip to Israel is purchasing an air ticket. Direct flights to Tel Aviv are made from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kyiv, Minsk and other major cities. Low-cost airlines fly to Eilat from Kaunas. You can read the article on how it is done. I look for flights to Israel on websites (I book where the price is lower):


On holiday in Israel in 2019, you can fly to only a few airports:

  • Ben Gurion (20 km from Tel Aviv and 55 km from Jerusalem).
  • Ovda (60 km from Eilat).
  • Timna (25 km from Eilat, the airport is still under construction).

Domestic flights are also available at the following airports:

  • Haifa.
  • Eilat (closes soon).
  • Sde Dov (Tel Aviv, soon to close).

I wrote more detailed instructions on purchasing plane tickets to Israel in the following articles:

How to get from the airport to the city

There are several main ways to get from the airport to your destination:

Don't forget about Arrival on Shabbat. To get to the desired location during this period, it is better to book a rental car at the airport in advance or order an individual transfer, since there is no public transport.

Several detailed articles on this topic:

Public transport

Public transport in Israel is well developed. There are regular bus and train connections between settlements. Minibuses are popular and serve passengers even on Shabbat. You can also get around Jerusalem by tram, and in Haifa - by metronite.

In Israel, trains run from Beer Sheva to Nahariya, as well as branches to Ben Gurion Airport, Jerusalem and Dimona. In the future, it is planned to build a railway to Eilat. To view schedules and ticket prices there is a Russian-language website

Bus services are provided by various companies. Some sites where you can view the schedule:

  • – website of the most popular carrier in Israel Egged. The resource is partially Russified, but detailed schedules and prices can only be viewed in English or Hebrew.
  • – website of the Dan carrier. The company's buses travel around Israel in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area and the immediate surroundings: Holon, Petah Tikva, Bat Yam, Raman Gat and others. There is a Russian version.
  • is a website that shows the schedule of all transport in Israel. However, it only has English and Hebrew versions. Personally, it’s not convenient for me to use it, it’s just annoying, but it might be useful for someone.

Car rent

To brighten up your holiday in Israel, you can rent a car and go to many attractions on your own. The roads in the country are wonderful, most of them are free. Car rental at very affordable prices. More details are written in the mega-useful article about. I compare car rental prices among different companies on the Rentalcars website.

Our rented car

How to book accommodation in Israel

In Israel, hotel service is of so-so quality. It can be not very clean, untidy and old. But recently the trend has been towards improving the level of service for hoteliers.

Main sites for rental housing:

  • – everyone’s favorite Booking. In many cases I book hotels on this site. If you stay in hotels through this service five times, you will get "genius traveler" status, which provides discounts and many unique benefits for your next bookings.
  • – and I use this site to find all possible prices among different systems, such as booking, agoda and others, because Booking does not always have the lowest price.
  • – I use this site when I want to rent an apartment or housing from the owner, rather than a hotel. If you register using the invitation link provided, you will receive gift 20$. How to use the site, I wrote in my .

It is advisable to carefully study the reviews so that there are no surprises later. More details on how to produce are written in the corresponding article.

Travel insurance

Having insurance is not a requirement for traveling to Israel. Although there is a possibility that at the entrance it may be requested along with documents such as a return air ticket or hotel reservation. In some insurance companies, the policy begins to be valid a few days after purchase, so it is advisable to purchase insurance no later than 5 days before departure in order to have a larger selection of offers. I explain these and other nuances in detail in the article. Medicine in Israel is quite expensive, but the tourist policy is quite affordable.

Websites for purchasing insurance:

  • – here you can buy reliable insurance from Mondial assistant. Insurance for those who care quality of services, so this policy is slightly more expensive than regular insurance. To get a 5% discount, use our family promo code frogtravelers .
  • – this site is for those who like to analyze offers from different companies and choose ratio price quality. All insurance, except VTB and Intach, can be taken out by citizens of any country. All offers are suitable for Russians.
  • - works in a similar way to the previous service, all insurance can be issued citizens of any country(Belarusians, Ukrainians, etc.).

Tours to Israel

I cannot help but mention that when organizing an independent holiday in Israel, sometimes it is more profitable to buy a ready-made tour, which includes air travel, transfer to the hotel, accommodation, insurance and meals according to the chosen category. Sometimes there is a huge difference in price between different travel agencies for the same trips. Therefore for price comparisons It’s more convenient to use sites that display the cost of trips from different travel agents:

  • – the lowest prices.
  • – user-friendly website and good customer support.
  • – before purchasing, you can register using this link and receive 1000 rubles. bonus to your account.

To navigate prices for tours to Israel in 2019, it is convenient to use the low price calendar, which is presented below.

What to see

Not everyone goes on holiday to Israel just to bask on the beach. Israel is an amazing country where, on a relatively small piece of land, there is a huge number of different kinds of attractions for every taste. Of course, you can’t see everything during a short vacation, even if you really want to, so in this section I will focus only on the very best must see, In my opinion.

Old City Jerusalem

Old Jerusalem is not only an open-air museum, but also a holy city for three religions. Only here you can see how a Jew prays at the Western Wall under the voice of a muezzin calling Muslims to Friday prayer. A 10-minute walk from here, Christians from all over the world are queuing to touch the Holy Sepulcher.

- a unique creation of nature. This salt lake is rich in mineral composition, and its shores are the lowest lying landmass on the planet.

Bahai Gardens

The Bahai Gardens with the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel are the hallmark of Haifa. It is very beautiful and well-groomed here, and from the upper platforms there are stunning views of the flowering terraces and the Mediterranean Sea.

Timna Valley

– it’s just an enchanting place. In a valley in the desert, natural forces formed unusual rock figures. And also in these places there are ancient copper mines. We thoroughly enjoyed our drive through the valley.

Me in front of a large arch in Timna Park

Grottoes of Rosh HaNikra

The Rosh HaNikra Grottoes are another attraction on the Mediterranean coast. More precisely, not on the shore itself, but under it. Over the course of many years, water washed away the rock and crevices and grottoes appeared in the rock. In these places, people tried their best. A railway tunnel was once built in the rock, which led to the territory of present-day Lebanon.

Masada Fortress

The Masada fortress is valuable not only for its ancient ruins, but also as an ideological symbol for Israel. And for me, a nature lover, the location of Masada and the fantastic surrounding landscapes are of great importance.

Beit Guvrin and the Bell Caves

Beit Guvrin is an ancient cave city. I only recently learned about this place, so we didn’t visit it during our trip to Israel. And the photos on the Internet are impressive.

Akko is a colorful ancient town with small streets behind the fortress wall. By the way, things didn’t work out with Akko. It was pouring rain, we spent a lot of time waiting it out. We couldn’t figure out where to go and didn’t understand anything about tickets to visit the city’s attractions. If we're on vacation in Israel, we'll definitely come back here, but already prepared. 🙂

Map of Israel attractions

There are, of course, many other worthy attractions, such as the Mini-Israel park, the ruins of the ancient cities of Caesarea, Beit Shean, Herodion and others, nature reserves, fortresses, canyons, craters, monasteries. We ourselves did not visit many things due to lack of time or ignorance. I will write a detailed article about what to see in Israel sometime later. In the meantime, you can use Google map, which shows the sights of Israel. This card has flexible settings, where you can turn on/off certain sections. If you click on the label, GPS coordinates. I have not noted all the sights of Israel, I will gradually add to them. Others can be viewed at the link.

Map of attractions in Israel:

*Objects located in zone “A” of the West Bank are indicated in red, that is, they completely belong to the Palestinian Authority.

Excursions in Israel

When there is no opportunity or desire to travel around Israel on their own, many tourists take excursions. They come in two types: group And individual.

Individual excursions

Individual excursions– these are VIP trips around Israel on a guide’s personal transport or walking tours with a personal guide. Convenient when traveling with a family or a group of friends. For such excursions, as a rule, the cost is paid not per person, but per group. Individual excursions in Israel in 2019 can be viewed below:

Group excursions

Group excursions– these are thematic trips around Israel on a bus with other tourists. Executed on schedule. Group excursions in 2019 can be viewed below:

As a rule, if the price is per person, it means the excursion is for a group (shared). If for a group, then individual.

There are also excursions-tours according to Israel. For example, this five-day tour, or this seven day. Please clarify in your correspondence what exactly is included in the cost of such an excursion.

Security in the Jewish State

While traveling in Israel, one Russian expatriate asked the following question: “Well, is it very scary here? Otherwise you’ll come up with something else over there in Russia.” I don’t know about others, but I didn’t even have any doubts about security in Israel. But when I was going to the Palestinian territories, I first read the news to see if there was any aggravation in relations between the countries.

There are still areas in this country that are at risk. Israel is surrounded by Arab-Muslim countries, which, as you know, do not have the warmest feelings towards the Jewish state. The situation is complicated by the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, which periodically make news of themselves in the form of attempts to carry out a terrorist attack or shelling of nearby territories. The risk zone is in cities located near the Gaza Strip (up to 10-50 km, missiles do not fly further): Ashkelon, Sderot, Netivot, Ohakim, Kiryat Malachi, Qilyat Gat, Ashdot, Beer Sheva, Yavne and Rehovot. Most of it goes to Sderot. After the truce in 2014, the number of rocket attacks decreased significantly. Sometimes terrorist attacks happen in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, but these are isolated cases. The Israeli army is well prepared and responds promptly to terrorist attacks, most of which are successfully prevented.

As for street crime in Israel, its level is relatively low, but you should not lose your head in crowded places or leave things unattended on beaches and train stations.

Visiting the Palestinian territories

The Palestinian territories are located in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank region. Many people think that the West Bank territory belongs entirely to the Palestinian Authority. However, it is not. The West Bank is divided into three zones: A, B and C. Each of them has its own rules, determining the degree of influence of Palestine and Israel in this area. Let's go a little deeper:

  • Zone A – full control of Palestine.
  • Zone B – joint control of Israel (military) and Palestine (administrative).
  • Area C – full Israeli control.

Jews are not allowed into zone A (note, I’m not talking about citizenship, but about nationality), and it’s the Israeli authorities who prohibit it, not Palestine. Concerning tourists, then they can enter to the territory of the Palestinian Authority region West Bank. However, please check the latest news before visiting these places. To Gaza Strip no need to meddle, tourists there they don't let me in.

On site it is difficult to figure out where the zones change. I defined it this way: if the names of settlements in maps are written in Arabic, it means Palestine (zones A and B). If in Hebrew, then zone C.

Main Palestinian cities: Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem, Jericho, Nablus, Janin. If I remained indifferent to Bethlehem, then the peaceful one simply conquered me. Of the Palestinian cities, we also saw Ramallah, although mainly from the bus window. Quite a densely populated city, it seemed like an anthill. We passed by Nablus, next time we will visit it too. From other people's reports about Hebron, the impression was that the situation there was more tense than in other cities of Palestine.

That's all for now. I'm sure you're now ready to plan your trip to Israel yourself. And if you have any additional questions about vacationing in Israel in 2019, ask them in the comments, I will try to answer. Perhaps I’ll even supplement the guide with new sections on popular issues or write a separate detailed article.

Marina and Konstantin Samorosenko

The tiny state, surrounded by three seas, is usually called Hollyland, because it is here that all the main shrines of the three main world religions are collected. Organizing independent travel to Israel, many consider it a journey into the past. However, in reality, when you set foot in the Holy Land, you go straight to the year 5773! After all, chronology is calculated from the moment of the creation of the world!

But of course everything here is steeped in history. Stones scattered off the coast of Jaffa witnessed the battle of Perseus with the sea monster Kraken; the walls of the Hospitaller fortress in Acre have kept the secrets of the knightly order for centuries; in the Negev desert, the remains of the ancient kingdom of the Nabateans are preserved; not far from there is still a sign “Sodom”; Skeletons of Neanderthals are found on Mount Carmel, and under the walls of the Old City in Jerusalem, a little far from the Garden of Gethsemane, lies the Fiery Hyena.

Israel is probably the only country in the world whose history is the common heritage of mankind, and the names of the ancient rulers of these lands are known to almost every person on the planet. This is why millions of tourists come to Israel every year to see with their own eyes the places where the most exciting events in human history took place.

But despite such a rich past, resort Israel cannot be ignored. The Red Sea tempts tourists with diving, the Mediterranean with windsurfing and Tel Aviv's nightlife, the Dead Sea with its unique healing properties, and the Sea of ​​Galilee, marked on the map as Lake Kinneret, offers thermal baths and stunning views.

It took Moses forty years to bring his people to the Promised Land. And today an Aeroflot, Transaero Airlines, Natur Air, Israir Air or El Al plane will deliver from Moscow to Tel Aviv in just four hours. And the preparations won’t take much time, because Israel has long abolished visas for citizens of Russia and Ukraine. Unfortunately, the Odessa-Haifa ferry is also a thing of the distant past and we can only get to the Holy Land by air.

Frequently, carriers make the mistake of indicating prices in advertising brochures without taking into account airport taxes, because this way the ticket price looks twice as attractive. But in reality, $200 won’t fly you far, and in reality prices start from 11 thousand rubles. And on low-cost charter flights, only those who have purchased a full package of travel agency services as part of their ticket are usually allowed on board. But we are used to exploring the world on our own, so the all-inclusive option is left out.

Another interesting option has recently become available. Israel has finally allowed . And already in January a ticket from Wizz air to Tel Aviv from Budapest will cost only at 35 euros. But in this case, problems may arise with the connection and the Schengen visa itself. Therefore, it is easier to opt for a direct flight from Moscow or another Russian city.

Safety first

For more than 60 years, since the formation of the State of Israel, a small triangle on the Middle East map has been considered a hot spot. The first thing that catches the eyes of visitors is very young girls and boys walking around shopping centers, beaches and even clubs with small machines at the ready. Soldiers undergoing military service do not have the right to be separated from their weapons for even a second. Vigilance is the basis of safety. Therefore, no one objects to the mandatory search of bags at the entrance to shopping centers.

Ben Gurion Airport, increased security measures

At the international airport Ben Gurion also valid increased security measures. The first thing a tourist should remember is to never leave your bag unattended, and certainly not agree to look after a stranger’s luggage. Every package left behind is potentially considered an explosive...

Today, Israeli border guards have become much friendlier and, most likely, when entering the country you will not exchange even a few phrases with them. But for those who have stamps in their passport indicating their stay in the territory of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, the Emirates, etc. you need to be prepared for a small conversation.

When leaving the country, you should not wrap your suitcases in cellophane ahead of time. The customs service may well be interested in the contents of the luggage and who packed it. Also, Russian-speaking employees may ask where you lived, with whom you communicated and where you traveled in the country.

In case of increased attention of airport workers to your person, you need to keep calm. Yelling will not achieve anything here, and since an honest traveler has nothing to hide, it is better to politely answer all questions and return home with a clear conscience.

The laws of the host state must be respected. Moreover, in Israel these are forced measures, the purpose of which is solely your safety.

Weather and seasons in Israel throughout the year - when is the best time to go?

For residents of the middle zone, treacherously evergreen palm trees are a symbol of constant summer. However, not everything is so snowless in Israel. And in the literal sense of the word. In January-February Mount Hermon, for example, snow falls. And then thousands of Israelis go to conquer the snow at the popular resort. As a result, terrible traffic jams form on the roads in the northern direction of the country. Therefore, for guests of the country who have enough snow and a home, it is better to take a route in a southern direction, for example to Dead or Red Sea, where, fortunately, you can swim all year round.

For beach lovers

For beach lovers, Mediterranean Israel awaits from May to November. The water in the sea will warm up at the end of April and there will be no rain in the region for the next six months. But in July-August the temperature tends to rise and sometimes rises above 40°C. Therefore, it is best to come to Israel in mid-autumn.

For pilgrims

Those who as P Travelers deciding to visit Israel for Christmas should be prepared for a year's worth of rain. The rainy season lasts from December to January. But short-term downpours in the north and center of the country are not able to tarnish the reputation of the resorts of the Dead and Red Seas.

By and large, the sun shines all year round in Israel and hundreds of exciting routes are waiting in the wings. But more on that next time.

Israel is a year-round destination. The Holy Land offers a fantastically rich excursion program; Israel has several seas, including the legendary Dead Sea; there are wonderful resorts, a wonderful climate and delicious food. How to choose the right place to relax in the autumn season? Where is the best place to fly from? What nuances should you be aware of, given the multinational atmosphere in the country? What souvenirs are indecent to return from Israel without? And are the rumors about the high cost of this country as a tourist destination true?

With the help of our expert, Fantasy Tours specialist Yaroslava Korshun, we figured out all the nuances of traveling to Israel.


Belarusian travelers have several options for flying to Tel Aviv (namely, the plane flies to Ben Gurion Airport). They differ in cost and comfort, the main thing is that we have a choice.

A direct non-stop flight is a flight "Belavia", which departs three times a week - on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday (the plane departs from Minsk in the morning, the return flight from Tel Aviv is at lunchtime). The minimum fare is 315 euros round trip per person. There are also the following tariffs - 337, 357, 370 euros, etc. The minimum fare can be found approximately a month before the trip. Currently, this tariff is common in the second half of November. Also, let's not forget about the promotions that are available to those who are ready to fly out in 1-3 days. Reservations using a credit card can be made on the Belavia airline website.

Another popular way to get to Tel Aviv is to fly from Minsk, but with a connection in Kyiv with a Ukrainian airline "UIA". By the way, until the end of October there is a special promotion, under which a flight to the Israeli capital from Minsk can be purchased 30% cheaper than usual. According to this promotion, a Minsk-Kyiv-Tel Aviv-Minsk ticket costs about 130 euros in both directions with luggage per person. The price, as we see, is tempting.

Perhaps the least expensive option is to fly from Lithuania, from Vilnius, by airline "Vizeyr". But here you need to remember that the minimum fare is 110 euros for a flight with hand luggage up to 10 kg. If you have a suitcase in your luggage, you will have to pay extra: about 40 euros one way.

We can also fly from Lithuania by airline "Rinair" from Kaunas to Eilat (autumn is the active season for holidays on the Red Sea!) – fare 110-120 euros including hand luggage.

Sometimes the airline offers good fares Aeroflot» . In this case, you will have to fly from Minsk, connect in Moscow, then fly to Tel Aviv. The fare is about 250 euros in both directions. This is a convenient option for peak dates (vacations, holidays), when Belavia does not have minimum tariffs.

Well, in the case when, as they say, you need to go, but neither Belavia, nor UIA, nor the other above-mentioned airlines have tickets, you can consider options for departures on connecting airline flights "LOT", "Lufthansa"and others, for example, Minsk-Warsaw-Tel Aviv or Minsk-Vienna-Tel Aviv. This option is more expensive than all of the above.

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Passing the border

Increased attention from security services is addressed to those who fly alone - it does not matter whether it is a man or a woman. An unmarried girl may be sent for an additional survey. Families and couples, as a rule, do not raise questions. Contrary to popular belief, stamps in your passport about visiting Egypt or the United Arab Emirates do not serve as an obstacle to entry into Israel - it is clear that here we are talking purely about tourist trips. Additional questions may be raised by cliches about visiting Iraq and Iran, but, in fairness, we note that there are only a few Belarusians who have visited there. When crossing the border, you must have a hotel voucher and round-trip tickets with closed dates. If you bought a ticket from a travel agency, most likely, you will also be given an invitation from the host company with scheduled excursions, accommodation, transfers, signatures and stamps. If you are flying alone and are young, to confirm your financial solvency, you can, to be on the safe side, grab a student ID, a certificate from work indicating your salary, or a copy of the document on ownership of a car, apartment, and so on. Most likely, all this will not be needed, but as a safety net, so as not to look like an illegal labor migrant, it will be useful. It is recommended to behave confidently at the border and clearly answer questions about the program of stay in the country.

Also, in case of individual travel, do not forget about medical insurance. Israel is an expensive country, and without insurance, your out-of-pocket costs for medical care will be very high.

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With a travel agency or on your own?

An absolute plus of an organized tour purchased from a travel company is group prices for excursions, transfers and accommodation. Practice shows that often (though not always!) partners give travel agencies rates for hotel accommodation that are lower than the same “booking”. So, a week-long program with 4 excursions - to the Dead Sea for the whole day, to Jerusalem and Bethlehem (also a whole day), a sightseeing tour of Tel Aviv, plus a trip to the north of the country - to the Galilee, Nazareth, the Jordan River - will cost you 450 dollars plus flight. It is possible to create such a program yourself at this price, but it will be very troublesome.

The undoubted advantages of self-booking are the ability to compile an excursion program at your own discretion and not be tied to a group.

If you fly on your own in order to save money, your route lies through Vilnius. In this case, it is better to book accommodation in the Arab quarters of Bethlehem or Jerusalem - they are cheaper there. But here you will need at least minimal knowledge of English. And you need to understand that the Arab quarters of Israeli cities have their own nuances - constant calls from imams, including at dawn, and a unique aesthetic, including hotel aesthetics. In addition, in Israel it is very expensive to travel around the city by taxi and other public transport. For example, a short taxi ride from Tel Aviv to the old city of Jaffa will cost you between 25 and 40 shekels (the approximate dollar to shekel exchange rate is 1 to 4). At night, on Saturday or on a holiday, the meter payment automatically increases by 25%. Each taxi has a price list; pay attention to it when boarding.

This is what a standard room looks like in a three-star hotel in the Arab quarter of Bethlehem, photo -

In the case of an individual trip, to get to know Israel, you should contact the tour desks, which are located in busy tourist areas. In such bureaus, a standard excursion trip for the day costs 40-45 dollars per person.

The minimum excursion in Israel is Jerusalem plus Bethlehem, “Christian Jerusalem”, or “Jerusalem of Three Religions” - in this excursion, in addition to the Christian component, the history of Judaism and Islam is touched upon, you will be taken to the Temple Mount, to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

If you are flying as part of an organized group, your entire program will be scheduled day by day. Those who are accustomed to planning trips on their own should prepare for the fact that the initially drawn up program may change, since upon arrival it may turn out that there are no more places for the excursion of interest.

The most popular program for exploring Israel is a combined tour, which you can organize yourself or with the help of a travel agency. Arriving in Israel, it is logical to visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Jordan River, Tel Aviv and the Dead Sea. This route can be called a tourist minimum for a first acquaintance with Israel.

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Wellness and treatment at the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a year-round destination. Many people go to the Dead Sea, due to the specific nature of the disease, during the hot summer months. The most comfortable season for a simple acquaintance with this miracle of nature (you can relax, take healing sun and sea baths) is October-November, or April-May.

The resort is small, the territory is compact, there are only 16 hotels of various levels. It must be remembered that the most expensive hotels in Israel are located on the Dead Sea. But, as in any other direction, you can find special offers. Let's say that right now we have found a specific special offer for the David Hotel, 4*+. The hotel is running an interesting promotion - you stay 7 nights, pay for 6, plus free transfer from the airport and back and lunches (standard hotel meals are breakfast and dinner). A week's stay at this hotel with all the bonuses will cost you $655 (plus airfare, of course). You can book your stay at travel agencies or on the hotel website.

Many people fly to the Dead Sea for the purpose of treating and preventing skin diseases, in which case they do not have to pay for treatment - the healing factors are mud and solar activity. By the way, there is a solarium on the roof of every hotel. Of course, if you need the help of a specialist, then treatment costs will be added to the usual costs - so, today, the average price for a weekly course of treatment for psoriasis in a clinic according to a standard program is $230.

By choosing the Dead Sea for your holiday, you can easily reach Jerusalem and Bethlehem. In addition, the Dead Sea is equidistant from Tel Aviv and from Eilat, which is located on the Red Sea. Eilat is a two-hour drive by bus or car, you can go for the whole day to the Red Sea and return to the hotel on the Dead Sea in the evening.

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The resort is popular from late October to March; this is the most comfortable period for relaxation. Eilat is a purely beach holiday. It is possible to go on excursions, but it is tiring. Jerusalem is about a 5-hour drive one way. A direct flight from Kaunas is ideal for you here.

If you still want to touch the rich history of Israel, then it is logical to create a combined program. For example, fly to Tel Aviv, devote several days to the excursion program, then move to Eilat, relax there for 5-7 days, then take a domestic flight to Tel Aviv and fly to Minsk.

In Eilat itself, the famous coral shore is at your service, where there is an underwater observatory, where you can snorkel and scuba dive. You and your children will have fun at the dolphinarium, enjoy shopping, restaurants, and amusement parks. In general, Eilat is a wonderful resort with high-quality infrastructure.

If we talk about a purely beach holiday in Eilat, then a week of such pleasure per person in a double room (with transfers and accommodation in a three-star hotel with breakfast) will cost you $400 plus airfare. A free sightseeing tour of Eilat will be included in the package if you fly with a travel agency.

A combined program - excursions in Tel Aviv plus Eilat, including domestic flights, costs about $650 per person plus international flights.

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Resorts on the Mediterranean Sea

The main resorts here are Tel Aviv (which, as you know, “never sleeps”), its suburb of Bat Yam, which is a 10-minute drive from Tel Aviv, and Netanya, which is a 30-minute drive from the airport Ben-Gurion.

We recommend taking a one-day excursion to Haifa, which is also located on the Mediterranean Sea. Still, Haifa is an industrial city and is hardly considered a resort city.

The most comfortable resort in Israel is Netanya. There are many local Russian-speaking residents here, so there will definitely not be a language barrier. All Mediterranean resorts have good sandy beaches and gently sloping entrances to the sea. Please note that Netanya has a steep coastline, so you will have to go down the steps or by elevator to the beach. But in Tel Aviv the coastline is flat. People who want to actively spend their free time relax here. Tel Aviv is full of entertainment, museums, galleries, and parks. We also recommend paying attention to the interesting area of ​​the Old Port, the Jaffa quarter.

Old Port Quarter in Tel Aviv - Jaffa, photo -

Security in Israel

This question probably worries every traveler. You need to know that there are increased security measures throughout the country, but you will not always notice them. In the old part of Jerusalem, surveillance cameras are placed on every house. Tourist places, attractions, shopping and entertainment centers are guarded by both police patrols and people in civilian clothes. When entering large shopping centers and stores, you must go through a metal detector. Security guards may ask you to open your bag. In general, this country has been living in a tense atmosphere for many years and knows what to do to protect its guests.

As a useful tip, we do not recommend that you take photographs of Orthodox Jews without their permission - you can, as they say, get into trouble. Well, be on your guard in the Arab quarters, especially in the bazaars, here, by the way, you definitely need to bargain - the initial price will be very inflated.

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Hotel specifics of Israel

All hotels in this country will offer you so-called kosher food. Kosher nutrition means that meat and dairy dishes are never present on the same table. What is a typical buffet breakfast in a typical Israeli hotel? This is usually a good selection of dairy dishes, cheeses, vegetables, fish dishes, eggs, and pastries. There will be no meat for breakfast. Restaurants and cafes adhere to the same principles of kosher. But in the evening there will be meat dishes on the buffet, but you will not be served coffee with milk. However, the Israelis have learned to offer milk substitutes to tourists, including in desserts. During Shabbat, hotels have special Shabbat elevators that automatically stop on each floor. On Saturday, in some hotels the staff may not even agree to press the elevator button. However, the strictest observance of the Sabbath applies only in Jerusalem. Eilat, Tel Aviv, and other Israeli resort cities live a normal life, everyone understands perfectly well that tourists coming on vacation from all over the world want to have fun.

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Dinner without alcohol per person will cost 20-25 dollars. Street food, hummus with flatbread, falafel in pita with vegetables, cheaper - $5. On excursions you will be offered buffet lunches for 10-15 dollars.

If you want to save money on a hotel, be aware that after November 15 there is a reduction in prices for hotels in the Mediterranean region, after November 18 - for hotels in the Dead Sea.

It should also be taken into account that in Israel hotels are small in number of rooms (30-50), but there are a lot of tourists, so there may be problems with booking.


Various religious souvenirs are brought from Israel - candles, blessed water, crosses, icons. They are usually bought in Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Another popular Israeli souvenir is Dead Sea cosmetics. There are various cosmetic lines. For example, the famous “Black Pearl” and “Premier” are quite expensive series; a jar of cream will cost 50-60 dollars. Our popular “Ahava” is more affordable and the most popular - $30 for a jar of cream. In addition, there are many lesser-known and cheaper brands of Israeli cosmetics that are prized by locals.

It is worth bringing home the famous and healthy hummus, spices, herbs, coffee with cardamom, unique Majul dates, olive oil and wine. All this costs a lot in Israel, so the average tourist does not face excess luggage.

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Topics: direction

For purposes of visit such as tourism, treatment, business or private travel.

How to get to Israel on your own?

You should start searching for inexpensive air tickets with websites or. The cost of a flight with one transfer (in Istanbul) from to starts from 13,000 rubles. A non-stop flight will cost 20,000 rubles. The road from there is more expensive: from 19,000 rubles for a flight with one transfer.

It is advisable to be interested in the promotions of various airlines, such as or. By taking advantage of discounts on air travel, you can save your budget significantly.

Experienced travelers do not forget to keep an eye on last-minute tours on services such as or: often a trip costs less than a flight, but it also includes accommodation, transfer, and insurance.

How much does a hotel cost in Israel?

The train, of course, is a convenient and comfortable way to travel around, but the stations are usually located far from the city center, and the railway lines do not reach the extreme south and north of the country.

Buses and trains do not operate on Shabbat. You can get around by minibuses (“monit sherut”), which usually duplicate bus routes, or by taxi (“monit”).

To be sure of the cost of your taxi trip to, you can always order a car online (including transfer from/to the airport). Use the services or. In other cases, negotiate a price with the driver when boarding or ask to turn on the meter.

To rent a car

Tourists who are not used to studying train and bus schedules, and also want to see more than the view from the window of public transport, can always rent a car in. You can rent a car at the service (from 3,000 rubles per day). But remember that you may have problems finding a parking space in the center of large cities (parking costs from 160 rubles per hour).

Where to eat inexpensively in Israel?

Food expenses are an important item when creating a budget for traveling to. - falafel (from 100 to 400 rubles) or shwarma (from 400 rubles) are relatively inexpensive here. But European-style dishes will cost more: the cost of one dish starts from 700 rubles.

Take note of an establishment called Cofix, where everything is sold via a take away system and costs $1.30 (baked goods, coffee). You can also buy food here, but it is better to buy vegetables and fruits in the markets.

Visiting museums and attractions in Israel

Each traveler can finally determine the amount for cultural and entertainment leisure only personally, based on his preferences. Thus, entrance to the Eretz Israel Museum will cost $13.5 per person, a visit to the SPA by the Dead Sea will cost about $20 per person, and a comprehensive ticket to the Masada fortress will cost $25 for each adult.

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