Fishing in the rain on the river. Fishing in the rain

Every angler knows that successful fishing largely depends on the weather. At the same time, a sunny, fine day in summer is not always better than a cloudy sky and a little rain. Especially if you went to catch crucian carp. The behavior and feeding preferences of this fish are highly weather dependent. To get a good bite, you need to know and take into account a number of points.

Knowledge of weather conditions that affect its bite will help ensure a successful catch of crucian carp.

Bite forecast

Most fishing enthusiasts go to the pond with a fishing rod only when they have free time. For example, on the long-awaited only day off or even for a couple of hours after work. In such cases, it is difficult to take into account weather conditions, including atmospheric pressure, possible cyclones, wind direction, etc.

However, if you are focusing specifically on the results of fishing and the number of fish caught, and not just on a pleasant pastime on the shore of the lake, then you need to make a bite forecast in advance. This is done quite simply. Let's say you go fishing tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So, when looking at the weather forecast, pay special attention to:

  • air temperature;
  • wind strength and direction;
  • precipitation;
  • atmospheric pressure.

When going fishing for crucian carp, you should take into account the weather on that day, because... otherwise there may be no bite

Of course, experienced fishermen will say that these 4 points are not enough. It is important to know the water temperature, the geomagnetic situation, and even the phase of the moon. But still, weather factors are much more significant, so we will consider each of them and determine their positive and negative impact on the outcome of successful fishing.

Air temperature

When it comes to air temperature and its effect on how lake fish bite, it is important to take into account the time of year. If it’s spring, then the warmer it is outside, the brighter the sun shines, the better for catching crucian carp. The fact is that the fish are just waking up from hibernation and the slightest warming only increases its activity and hunger.

In summer the situation changes a little. High air temperatures and hot weather negatively affect the bite. The fish are forced to retreat to deep holes, where there is more oxygen, and wait for a slight cooling. Therefore, in June-July, it is best to go crucian carp fishing in the early morning (from 4 to 10) or at the so-called evening dawn (from 18 to 22), when the sun does not shine so brightly.

In the summer, the catch of crucian carp will be better in the morning, when the air temperature remains low

Crucian carp also do not like it when it gets very cold in the summer. In this case, the fish bite extremely rarely and mainly only on animal bait. In the autumn months, it is optimal for fishing when the air temperature has not changed by more than 5°C for 2-3 days. Moreover, if the weather is sunny, the fish bite much better and more often. At the end of September and October, during the first frosts, crucian carp may even begin to burrow into the silt - naturally, it is difficult to catch them, and there is no point in counting on a good catch.


Particular attention must be paid to strength and direction. In stormy and gusty winds (from 20 m/s), the fish, as a rule, bite very poorly. It’s also difficult to react to a bite – be it float or bottom tackle. Strong wind causes the bait to move unnaturally and intensely on the bottom, which frightens the wary crucian carp.

Complete calm, as a rule, is also unfavorable for fishing. There is less oxygen in the water, the heat increases, and even small crucian carp are sent to the depths, where they can be periodically caught only with the help of a feeder and long casting. A warm southern wind with small gusts of up to 7-10 m/s has a positive effect on crucian carp’s interest in bait. When eastern and northern winds blow, there is a sharp decrease in the bite, especially in summer.

Both in strong wind and in its absence, crucian carp will practically not be caught

Experienced fishermen also recommend positioning themselves on the reservoir on the leeward shore. Thus, the current created by the wind redistributes the food supply, carries in the direction where the bait equipment is located, the remains of complementary food, various larvae, etc., which greatly attracts fish. True, if the wind is too strong, then the waves beating against the shore and coastal vegetation create noise that alarms the crucian carp.

If, looking outside, you notice a real squall, then it is better to stay at home. But after the wind subsides, you can safely go catch this fish - crucian carp are very fond of feeding near the shore, where there is a lot of delicacy for them, washed by the wave from all over the reservoir.

Another fact related to the influence of weak wind on the success of fishing is the creation of ripples, which better saturate the water with oxygen and serve as a kind of “camouflage”, because. the fish does not see what is happening on the shore and is more confidently interested in the baited hook.

Light winds are optimal for successful crucian carp fishing.

Do not forget about the location of the reservoir, which may be in a hollow or surrounded by forest on all sides. In this case, the wind has little effect on the bite. The behavior of the fish depends more on the temperature of the water and air, pressure, current, and even on the bottom topography in the place where the fishing is taking place.


If we talk about fishing for crucian carp in the summer, then light precipitation in the form of light rain makes the bite more stable. It is easier to catch it in such weather conditions - it greedily takes the bait, “rejoicing” at the slight cooling and the influx of oxygen into the water. Often crucian carp bite better before a thunderstorm, but only for a short time. He tries to fatten up as much as possible and hide from bad weather in deep holes or snags.

Autumn and spring rain significantly worsens the bite. The reason for this is that the water becomes too cloudy, and the crucian carp practically stop feeding. If there were a couple of rainy days in the summer or it rained all night, then this will definitely increase the water level, to which the fish will react extremely negatively and stop feeding.

Heavy rain will scare away the crucian carp and there will be no catch

In winter, during snowfall, the crucian carp bite is noticeably worse. In addition to the lack of precipitation at this time of year, its activity also requires calm, warm weather. But such weather conditions are rare, which is why not many people take to catching crucian carp with winter gear.

Atmosphere pressure

For a good catch, you will have to refer to the barometer readings. With a sharp increase in atmospheric pressure, crucian carp feel uncomfortable at the bottom, where they actually feed. After all, the density of water increases, an additional load is placed on the swim bladder, so the fish moves to the upper layers.

By the way, with a significant increase in pressure, there is often still calm, which does not create waves and does not mix air and water masses. There is less oxygen and the crucian carp now definitely have no time for food. They, on the contrary, simply stand at depth, and all their life processes, including digestion, are temporarily slowed down.

Strong surges in atmospheric pressure negatively affect the bite of crucian carp

A sharp drop in air pressure will have an even more negative impact on the bite than an upward barometer needle. The fish simply does not have time to change lanes and does not feel well the water level, depth, and even gets confused in the direction of movement. The crucian carp likes the slow decrease in atmospheric pressure.

Firstly, this is an undoubted symptom of deteriorating weather and the fish is trying to eat for future use. Secondly, there is also a biological explanation. It is necessary to compensate for the difference in pressure in the swim bladder and outside, so the crucian carp needs to feed intensively and stay close to the bottom, where the bait is waiting for it.

You will not be left without a catch even if the atmospheric pressure has been stable over the past 2-3 days. After and before spawning it is enough, even if there was no growth during the day.

The best catch will be at stable atmospheric pressure

For fish living in reservoirs in mountainous areas, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure have practically no effect. You can catch it without looking at the barometer readings.

What weather is most favorable for catching crucian carp?

Summarizing the above, you can determine when it is better to catch crucian carp:

  • On a sunny, clear day with a slight south wind.
  • Before a thunderstorm or during drizzling rain (typical in summer).
  • On a warm, windless but cloudy day.
  • At low atmospheric pressure.
  • During a period of moderate water and air temperatures.
  • In the absence of sudden changes in weather during the last 2-3 days.

Crucian carp will also bite well before an approaching thunderstorm

There is no bad weather for fishing

By making a bite forecast based on weather conditions, you can predict 80-90% how much more actively and better the fish will react to the bait. However, we must not forget that crucian carp is unpredictable, and its behavior is often difficult to explain.

From my own experience, I have repeatedly noticed how this fish bites every few minutes in the heat with a strong north-east wind or, conversely, in complete calm. Whereas under favorable circumstances in the form of small clouds, south wind and light rain, the bites stopped completely and even changing baits and fishing locations were unsuccessful.

Therefore, it is best to focus not only on weather conditions, but also on personal experience, the time of year, and the characteristics of a particular body of water and its inhabitants. The desire and passion of the fisherman, carefully selected and good gear can always provide good fishing results. Remember this and go fishing as soon as possible!

The features of crucian carp fishing will be discussed in the following video:

Fishing is one of the best recreation options. The advantage of this hobby is that even in not very good weather, fishing can be surprisingly successful. And, if during the rain, other options for outdoor recreation will have to be postponed, then this is the best time for fishing.

  1. If it was hot before the rain started, the bite is guaranteed. Raindrops will cool the heated water in the reservoir, fill it with oxygen, which will provoke an active bite. If the weather was cool, on the contrary, you can’t hope for a bite.
  2. When it rains, the turbidity of the water will play a significant role. If the water has even slightly changed color, becoming less transparent, then you can count on a good bite. But if it becomes very cloudy, then fishing should be postponed.
  3. The place for fishing in the rain should not be in the wind. Preference should be given to places near springs and streams that flow into the main body of water.
  4. It is reasonable to choose deeper reservoirs - in rainy weather the water in them will not become too cloudy.
  5. Pisces do not really like smooth changes in atmospheric pressure (this usually happens before a long rain). Fish in such conditions are lethargic and the bite is unimportant.

Rain is not always a reason to postpone a long-awaited fishing trip

Signs of approaching rain:

  • in the morning dawn, shades from red to light red-brown predominate;
  • the stars in the night sky shine very brightly;
  • no dew fell on the grass overnight, no fog spread across the riverine lowlands;
  • in the morning the night dew does not dry for a long time;
  • it soars throughout the day, and with the onset of evening it becomes stuffy;
  • dandelion balls fold (shrink), bindweeds close, thorns on burdock cones straighten, clover leaves straighten, chickweed flowers do not open throughout the day, droplets of juice appear on horse chestnut leaves, flowers smell stronger, the forest “makes noise” in the absence of wind;
  • earthworms crawl out of their holes, crawling along the ground, leeches also crawl ashore, toads crawl out of holes, fish jump out of the water, wren butterflies try to hide in shelters, swallows fly very low, annoying mosquitoes bite throughout the day (in anticipation of prolonged rainy weather);
  • the coals in the fire smolder brighter (toward the approaching cold snap);
  • spiders weave more webs (toward wind and thunderstorms);
  • crows and jackdaws constantly scream (towards rain).

Fishing is one of the main recreational options. And if you also know how to fish, that’s great - you can get a lot of emotions, have a great time, and even catch fish. Knowledge of fishing tricks and secrets has the greatest impact on success when fishing.

Experienced fishermen know that fishing in the rain can bring a good catch. It has been repeatedly noted that fish bite better during light rain compared to clear weather. Many fishermen say that all this happens due to a noticeable cloudiness in the water. Let's figure out whether fish really bite in the rain and why this happens.

The choice of fishing location is always one of the key factors when fishing, regardless of whether fishing occurs in rain or clear weather. When choosing a fishing spot, you should always rely on the depth of the reservoir.

250 kg of fish for 1 fishing trip

Detained poachers told the secret of their success for a good bite. The fishery inspectors were so surprised by the lack of poaching equipment...

Reservoirs with low water levels are not suitable for fishing in rainy weather, as too much turbidity in the water will prevent them from finding your bait. You should also not choose areas where one body of water connects to another as a place for fishing. Such places never please fishermen with excellent fishing.

Choose deep lakes for fishing, with a depth of about 5-6 meters.

Also, important factors are the ambient temperature in combination with the wind. A south or west wind combined with warm rain and excellent ambient temperatures will definitely bring you results.

With this combination of factors, the fish exhibits maximum activity. It’s especially good in such weather to go fishing for ide or perch; the pike bites a little worse, but still good. A change in wind direction and a drop in temperature can lead to only one thing - the fish will simply lie to the bottom.

In cold rain the fish don't bite.

The main feature that distinguishes fishing in the rain is the minimum number of idle bites. When it rains, your bait will not remain motionless in the water, which causes the fish to swallow it very greedily. The chances of catching large fish, in particular bream, also increase. During high tide, increased activity of aquatic life has also been observed.

Wave height plays a big role when fishing in the rain.

Strong waves significantly reduce the fish bite, since at depth the bait moves too often in a vertical position. If there is also a strong east wind, then there will definitely not be successful fishing.

First of all, fishing in the rain should be fun, so a waterproof raincoat, rubber boots and warm clothes will be very useful. The key to successful fishing is always the correct equipment and choice of gear.

It has been noticed that the fish begin to bite during the rain, and after it ends, the bite only intensifies. Many fishermen are puzzled by the reasons for the increase in fish activity associated with changing weather. But it's quite simple to explain:

  • The level of oxygen in the water only increases after the end of precipitation.
  • The increase in atmospheric pressure that occurs after rain also has a great effect on fish biting.
  • The ions that saturate the water of the reservoir along with rainwater provoke the fish to become active.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that while fishing in the rain or after it, the fish will bite like crazy. Without the right tackle, bait and choosing the right fishing technique and tactics, you are unlikely to be able to please yourself with a good catch.

  1. If it was very hot outside before the rain, the fish will start biting with the first drops. Saturation with oxygen and a decrease in water temperature in the reservoir makes the fish bite more actively.
  2. If during the rain you notice that the water in the reservoir has become cloudy, but not very cloudy, there will definitely be a bite. But with a lot of cloudiness there will be no bite.
  3. Choose a secluded place for fishing that can protect you from strong wind gusts.
  4. The deeper the reservoir, the better.
  5. Before heavy rain, the atmospheric pressure gradually decreases, and for fish this is an excellent call to bite.

The recent period of heavy May rains in many central regions caused real high and muddy floods not only on small and large rivers, but even on ponds and reservoirs, which caused anglers a lot of problems both when choosing suitable places for fishing, and when selecting gear and the most effective nozzle. In addition, the behavior of different fish raised many questions to which it was not always possible to find the right answer. For this reason, there was an urgent need to analyze the experience of fishing in such difficult conditions, since in the future, as it seems, it will have to be used more and more often due to the constant increase in instability in the weather and due to the significant deviation of characteristic parameters from the usual climatic norms in most regions.

In summer, precipitation in the form of short rains and even heavy downpours is necessary for the reason that they improve the oxygen regime in almost all water bodies overheated by heat, and this in turn leads to an increase in the feeding activity of fish and to an improvement in their bite. In addition, prolonged precipitation and the accompanying winds can even destroy the so-called thermocline in reservoirs without a current, which occurs here with significant heating of the water and its subsequent stratification.

But sometimes it happens that there is an excessive amount of rain over a certain period of time, and then this circumstance can affect both the water regime of the reservoirs themselves and the behavior of the fish, which ultimately will inevitably require adjustments to the tactics and techniques of catching them. The reason for this is frequent and significant fluctuations in the level and transparency of water not only on rivers, but also in stagnant reservoirs. And although the phenomena caused by the constant flow of water are similar in different types of reservoirs, the fish’s reaction to this can differ radically.

In addition, different fish often change their feeding “orientation” to food that is unusual and uncharacteristic for a given time of year: suddenly roach, bream, crucian carp and other fish clearly switch from plant foods to food of animal origin. However, plant baits should also be kept at the ready, because they will come in handy on rare fine days amid a series of rains. Also, during the rainy season, fish cannibalism is most often observed, when almost all “peaceful” fish, during a strong discharge of water, approach dams or under riffles in masses in order to exterminate weakened or beaten fry by the flow. The same eating of offspring in a cold, rainy summer has been observed more than once not only on rivers, but also in reservoirs without a current, only here it usually happens in the coastal strip, in the thick of flooded vegetation.

Such phenomena in the behavior of fish, caused by a change in diet, indicate only one thing: the water temperature drops due to rain and is maintained at a fairly low level, when the absorption of plant food slows down. For this reason, you should fish where the fish can find easy-to-digest animal food in abundance. At the same time, for bait it is advisable to use not only bloodworms, worms and maggots that are readily available and always available in stores, but also various living creatures from a given reservoir. On rivers, when the current intensifies, most of the food washed out by the stream or washed away from the banks by showers settles in the waters behind the capes, in quiet backwaters or where the rapid stream enters a deep hole. And it doesn’t matter if the strip of relatively calm water near the shore is very narrow - sometimes a short fishing rod, with skillful use of it and compliance with the necessary camouflage, gives very significant catches. By the way, you should not forget to fish the entire thickness of the water in such conditions - the fish may not necessarily be at the bottom.

In addition, if there are no suitable backwaters, you can quite successfully fish with a float rod in a direct and even strong flow - when the water in the river is already warm enough, then here too the fish shows high activity and confidently, with a sharp bite, grabs quickly passing by nozzle Chub, dace, podust, sabrefish, ide and even roach and bream with silver bream are especially distinguished by such greedy biting in strong currents. True, live fishing in these conditions brings significant results if the water transparency has not become worse than a certain limit value. But even in this critical situation, you can continue to fish relatively successfully, you just need to switch to an even shorter fishing rod, concentrating fishing in a narrow coastal zone, maybe literally a meter wide.

If the flow is very strong, you can generally switch to stationary fishing as close to the shore as possible, converting the wire float fishing rod into the so-called half-bottom: the sinker on the fishing line is placed in such a size that it is not torn off the bottom by the current, when the equipment is installed parallel to the shore at a length protruding above the water rod parts. It is optimal not to place an excessively heavy sinker when the rig reaches the bottom at approximately an angle of 30-45 degrees. The bite signal is either a plumb line on the line between the tip of the rod and the surface of the water, or the tip of the rod itself, if it is soft enough.

You can fish in the same way with a float, for which you will have to hold the rod in your hands all the time and hold the equipment firmly in place. In this case, the load is selected not according to the carrying capacity of the float, but again according to the force of the current (water pressure on the fishing line), while the descent on the rig is set significantly greater than the actual depth at the fishing site. You will also need to use the most stable float, which the flow will minimally carry to the surface and roll to the side - only in this case will the float reliably record bites. The design of a “sports” float with a teardrop-shaped body extended towards the bottom and a long, metal, heavy keel is functionally suitable here. This problem is much easier to solve by using plug gear and fishing techniques with holding in place, when equipment for strong currents is built on the basis of a flat float, the so-called “lollipop”, the carrying capacity of which, under certain conditions, can reach 30 grams or even more.

When using the method of fishing with holding the equipment in place, the main thing is to clearly know where to hold it. And this must be done directly on the bait lying extremely compactly or slightly below it. This means that the bait itself should be quite viscous and heavy, so that after casting it in the form of three-dimensional balls, it falls as accurately as possible to the intended point and is then not particularly sprayed throughout the fishing zone.

In reservoirs without a current, fish often approach those places where high water collapses steep banks or muddy streams flow into the reservoir, but stays here on the border of clear water. Particularly large concentrations of various fish are observed at the mouths of forest streams and rivers, carrying a lot of living creatures washed away from the vegetation. However, in large reservoirs, where water discharge increases, it is better to catch large fish from a boat using side fishing rods near the fairway - here, in the presence of a constant current, it is easier for the fish to find food in the bottom sediments. But this mainly applies to bream, which constantly digs into the bottom sediments, and the high flow helps it in this.
True, such effective fishing from a boat is possible up to a certain time - until the water becomes cloudy and the current does not increase excessively. In such critical conditions, often occurring during prolonged and heavy rains, various fish usually leave the area of ​​​​high flow in the reservoir and concentrate near the shores, now, on the contrary, looking for areas with cleaner water. And here, even in shallow depths, you don’t have to be afraid to fish from a boat with onboard fishing rods, setting the craft in the coastal zone on a stretch with two weights perpendicular to the current, so that even one weight can lie on the shore. The fish will not be afraid to bite literally two or three meters from the side, since the presence of the fisherman is well hidden by the muddy water and the noise of the fast flow.

With such a setup of the boat, it is possible to quite successfully fish with a fishing rod in the retrieve, the so-called “race” method, when the equipment is launched directly from the side parallel to the shore and is effectively held by the rod as it swims. Feeding fish, which is useful under these conditions, is done in the form of throwing rather viscous and heavy balls, or this is done using a volumetric mesh feeder lowered from the side. For flow, it is better to make bait from components crushed into fairly large fractions, then mixing the composition with a large amount of soil, and possibly clay.

To understand how to catch pike in bad weather, you don’t need to study hundreds of smart books or watch all the TV shows on the “Hunting and Fishing” TV channel. You just need to go to the reservoir, taking with you the “right suitcase” - bait for pike in cloudy and bad weather.

And you will see for yourself how pike bites in bad weather, right on the pond, and you will be very surprised. Because pike bite better in bad weather than on sunny and clear days.

Why is this so, let's find out.

Optimal pressure for pike fishing

At this moment, many baits that pike do not bite in clear weather will be attacked by a predator. Why, read a little lower, in the paragraph “Lures for pike in bad weather.”

The same thing happens in sunny weather, when the wind rises on a large body of water. Ripples in sunny weather make the picture of the underwater world “mosaic”, the visual perception of the pike is “fragmented”.

In sunny, windy weather, pike attack more actively noise baits and. In such weather, large spinners are the number 1 bait for pike without any exceptions.

Fishing for pike in the rain on the river and lake

Rain without wind or with little wind also increases the chances of catching a good-sized predator on a lake or river. Raindrops hitting the water create additional “noise” coupled with waves and slight wind.

At such moments, a thick pike attacks much larger baits than in good weather.

One of the options for why this happens is partial disorientation of both forage fish and predators in the rain. White fish become lost and cannot adequately track the approach of a predator.

Pike spinners in windy weather are beyond competition.

The predator takes advantage of this and tries to use this moment to easily obtain food. But he himself is disoriented, and instead of food fish he often attacks a spinner, which very vaguely resembles his constant food objects.

The best lures for pike in bad weather

What does pike bite on in bad weather, what are the best baits for pike in rain or wind?

Firstly, it is worth understanding that the level of illumination on a pond during bad weather is greatly reduced. Also, strong ripples or waves prevent light from penetrating underwater. And at medium and shallow depths, a wave or ripples still create a flickering picture with shadows quickly running along the bottom and plants.

In such conditions, the predator is often disoriented and the animal that passes by is within its reach.

Secondly, in such conditions, in conditions of partial disorientation, the predator is much more often deceived and mistakes spoons and wobblers for natural food objects. But just as often, he may not notice artificial baits at all if they are small or partially camouflaged.

This means that in bad weather we catch pike with baits that meet the following requirements:

  • Sufficiently large spoons and wobblers that can work at medium depths.
  • Sufficiently contrasting and noticeable baits in conditions of constant visual interference.
  • Enough - white, shiny, with flexes or polishing.

The main task for bait in bad weather is to be noticed by the pike and give the predator an opportunity to attack.

That’s why large spinners, classic and long ones, large wobblers with active play, large spinners and large surface baits work great.

Oddly enough, but with good ripples and waves, there are also wolves, which can leave clearly visible “whiskers” on the agitated surface of the water. We cannot distinguish the “bulks” in this weather, but perhaps they are more obvious to the pike than to us.

A. What lures for pike should I leave at home in bad weather?

Leave at home all the baits with dull (copper, dark brass) and camouflage colors (dark perch, dark crucian carp, etc.), all small baits and lures without their own game (minnow wobblers, small wobblers, small spinners and spoons) .

There is nothing to do in bad weather on a pond with baits for catching pike in the grass - non-hooking baits, and Croatian eggs. Leave them for calm, clear weather, when the pike is fattening in the grass. In bad weather, pike, along with schools of forage fish, move away from the edge of the grass from shallow water; it is worth looking for it at medium depths.

B. What lures should I take with me for pike in bad weather?

Take large light shiny spinners and spinners, crankbaits and shads with contrasting colors, large poppers and walkers in bright colors and go to the reservoir in the midst of bad weather to catch your biggest pike.

Just remember about safety on the water, and if the wind picks up and a large wave occurs on large bodies of water, go to the shore and wait out this moment. And when steady inclement weather sets in, check your chances again.

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