Historical and cultural monuments of Altai. Altai Territory: historical, cultural and natural attractions of the region Natural monuments of history and culture of the Altai Territory

Altai is a subject of the Russian Federation, a republic within it. The Altai Republic is part of the Russian Federation, but at the same time borders on Kazakhstan and Mongolia. It is not considered a tourist destination or a popular place to visit in Russia, like seaside resorts, for example. But this is a magnificent place, consisting of magnificent mountain ranges and flowering fields. If you see the wildlife of Altai, you will never forget it and will simply fall in love. The number of mountain ranges is impressive; Belukha, the highest mountain in Siberia (4509 meters), is located on its territory.

Moreover, their contrast with the huge river valleys is impressive. The climate change in the Altai region looks especially colorful; in the landscape of mountains and rivers you can see not only the colorful and bright summer season, when everything around blooms and shimmers. But also to experience severe cold and harsh winter. But at any time, Gorny Altai impresses with its picturesque splendor. Of course, Western Siberia is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its culture. This beautiful area is filled with monuments and memories of its own culture, whose history you will certainly enjoy learning about, especially through historical artifacts. It has a past full of mysteries, which are not so easy to solve, but very interesting to study.

The first settlements appeared in Altai back in the 2nd-3rd centuries. BC. In ancient times, the Mongols reigned there, and then other peoples of China and Central Asia, and the original peoples of Altai are considered to be the Mongols, Turks and Tibetans, who settled there as nomads and later formed settlements there. Thus, the nomadism and diversity of color of the neighbors of this region make this territory interesting for archaeology.

Historical and cultural monuments of Altai

Stone women

One of the most memorable finds is the creations of the Altai peoples depicting warriors. The strangest thing is that they eventually acquired such a name. And when heard, it is misleading, because it concerns the depiction of warriors and men. More than 200 such stone blocks were found in the Altai region, and some were transported to the central cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. They date back to the 8th-9th century AD. Not one image is like the other, so to speak, they are all made in a different style, although they represent the same thing. This is a large stone, sometimes made to resemble a person's silhouette with the image of a man or his face. Usually each of them has a straight, wide-eyed look. Everyone has some kind of distinctive sign that shows their status.

In the lowered hand there is usually a saber or a dagger, possibly on the belt. They are dressed in warrior robes and hold a bowl or goblet of drink in their hand. It is believed that this cup in the hand is a symbol of the participation of the soul in the burial. These stone sculptures attract with some kind of magical aura, reminiscent of something distant and sacred. They only resemble people from a distance; they serve rather as a description of them. The height of the statues varies from 1.5 m to 4 m. Sometimes they are located in groups near some ancient villages. They belong to the same time and are associated with a historical event. They are closely connected with the history of Altai and are considered its heritage. These amazing stone blocks are the image of strong and brave men who once lived like this.


This is a subject of discussion among archaeologists. This is also considered the property of Altai and represents a large number of stone blocks installed close to each other. There are several versions of the explanation for this phenomenon, or rather, their purpose. After all, this is a question of why someone once installed a large number of stones in one place away from the village, they must have some meaning. Their role in the funeral ritual is generally accepted, but it is the meaning of this arrangement that is important. These are definitely not the tombstones of the dead, because not a single bone was found near the burial. But at that time the corpses were burned. However, looking at the history and legends about these lands, some believe that it is directly related to tales of wars.

In ancient stories, it is said that when some glorious warrior or commander died, as many stones were placed next to his burial as the number of enemies he killed. True, even for that period it is very difficult to imagine that a person killed about a hundred people. And they are usually found in large quantities. Therefore, this is more of a legend, albeit interesting, but dubious. In another version, these funeral stones are also considered a kind of cemetery; they said that soldiers and stones were buried there - this is a sign of recognition of the one who came to honor him. But, on the other hand, they could bury women and children, and then the stones would also be respected by the people who came to see off their soul.

In another version, they put forward the theory that these are not just stones, but hitching posts that nomadic peoples usually placed near their houses towards the east. And it is possible that when the burial ceremony took place, people brought hitching posts to this place, as a sign of respect or as a stay there. Perhaps they had a deeper meaning as a sign of attention to the human soul, so that he could know that this person remembers him. Therefore, such places in Balbala are still a controversial cultural monument. Everyone agrees that they have a ritual significance, but what remains to be seen. While they are impressive with their multiplicity and location among the rocks, they resemble a kind of cemetery, and on these stones you can even find inscriptions, like some kind of messages to the deceased.

Denisova Cave

Altai is full of mountains and ranges, very amazing in their beauty. And of course there are a lot of different caves there. But these names contain not only the spirit of the people, but also historical significance. The cave itself is called “Bear Stone” among the people, because according to legend, a dark Shaman used to live there, who terrorized neighboring settlements and forced them to pay him. He himself could turn into a huge bear and sculpt a boulder that rolled into the villages, and where his road lay, then it always rained and spoiled the crops. Only the highest deity, to whom the locals prayed, could defeat him.

He destroyed the shaman and pushed the thunderous boulder deep into the cave. Now there are many archaeologists there, and neighboring settlements scold them for this. After all, they believe that if they break off even a piece from the stone, the rain will fall on their houses again. But they are unlikely to leave this place alone, because it was this cave that became the source of the cultural find. Namely, it was found in it that confirmation was found that in this part of the continent, people began to settle not from the 1st century. AD, but already from 2-3, and this had more influence.

Of course, the question then arises, why is it called Deonisova? It acquired this name due to the fact that he lived there for some time in the 18th century. hermit Dionysius. For the Old Believers who lived there, he was a shepherd. Believers came to his cave for blessings and advice. That’s why the cave is now marked that way.

Ukok princess

This unexpected and amazing find fell into the hands of researchers of a mound on the Ukok plateau. In 1993, she found the burial of a man with two knives and a couple of horses, which was quite expected for this place. But then something truly amazing was discovered under this burial. They discovered an entire burial room, with the body of a young woman encased in ice, who is now called the Ukok Princess. The room was decorated with various skins, and 6 horses were also buried there, which speaks of its status, because only the royal family could have owned so many horses.

She herself was in a sleeping position, an amazing view of the burial, she was lying on a pillow and was covered. Everything was decorated with gold foil ornaments, in addition, many trinkets of women's boudoir and figurines of various animals were kept there. The girl's hands were covered with pearls, and her ears were wearing earrings in the form of gold rings. She is believed to have died at the age of 25. Locals believe that her name is Ak-Kadyn, the guardian of the underworld. For archaeologists, this find was of great importance. Since the room was covered in ice, the things, right down to the mummy of the young girl, were well preserved.

Fortress at the Bichiktu-Kaya boma

In fact, this is a rock called Bichiktu-Kaya. It received its name as a fortress through an old legend. There is an inscription on the rock that, translated, reads “The war took place here,” and the remains of a fortress were found in the rock itself and its caves. The story itself says that there was a time when enemy troops advanced and exterminated men and women. Then they fled and made fortifications in this mountain. Then the enemy leader of the Mongols, Sonaka, tried to take their fortress, but was unable to do so directly. When he tried to send an army to surround his opponent, all his soldiers died.

In the mountains, having no experience of the local weather and environment, they were buried in snow in a storm or crashed. In the end, he gave up and told his people not to go to Altai anymore. This is a very interesting legend, although it is difficult to say whether it has real events behind it during the Mongol attack. Still, it is of interest for its ancient drawings that cover its walls. More than a hundred of them were found in the cave, mostly scenes of hunting or some kind of animals, some of them from different times. The hunting scenes are depicted in a militant spirit, but, besides them, there are also those depicting deer in some kind of dance, perhaps also in battle, there are also cute ones, sniffing each other in the meadow. It's practically a gallery of ancient art.

Nature is the best architect. The meaning of this statement can be fully understood only in Altai, a place that is called both Siberian Switzerland and Russian Tibet.

There are treacherous and at the same time incredibly beautiful mountain gorges, babbling rivers, mysterious caves, beautiful mountain waterfalls and numerous glaciers.

The uniqueness of the region attracts thousands of tourists, but you need to understand that the beauty of Altai cannot be seen even in a year, so tourist routes include especially interesting natural attractions of Altai, those that are state natural monuments.

Silver Spring is 7 km away. from Manzherok. There are always a lot of tourists near a single stream, which is formed from several small ones originating in rocky cracks. Everyone is in a hurry to taste spring water rich in copper, manganese, silver and iron.

By the way, it is considered more useful than Borjomi.

If for tourists Arzhan-Suu is one of the many tourist sites, then the Altaians consider it sacred place. Before performing the ritual of ablution in the spring, they tie colorful ribbons to nearby trees and hang figures of dried cheese on the branches. This is how the Altai people ask the spirits for long years and healing.

Another natural monument taken under state protection is the stone mushrooms “growing” in the Karasu gorge. Soft rocks form a thin “leg” of the mushroom, while the “cap” is a large monolithic stone. The mountainous relief acquired such unusual shapes during the process of denudation (when loose sediments are washed away by water flowing down the slopes). However, this same process annually causes the most slender and tall stone mushrooms to “crash”, and their height reaches 10 meters! A unique natural monument is destroyed by earthquakes.

Those who want to see stone mushrooms should take into account: getting to the Kurasu gorge is long and problematic, the entrance fee to the protected area is symbolic, and the best photos are taken before 7 a.m.

And hurry up, scientists believe that in 20-30 years all the mushrooms will collapse, and the Altai people firmly believe that the end of the world will come on the day all the mushrooms fall.

Natural Park "Belukha"

In 1997, in order to preserve unique areas of nature, the government of the Altai Republic decided to create a natural park of the same name in the vicinity of Mount Belukha, which is called the peak of the “Russian Altai”.

Belukha is not only a majestic monument of nature, but also the greatest peak of Siberia, the place where the most beautiful rivers originate, and people begin to feel like a part of nature. Especially climbers, who are not afraid of either the fact that this is the most avalanche-prone region of Altai, or the January temperature of -40 degrees.

In addition to Belukha, the natural park includes:

  • Kucherlinskoye Lake
  • Tekelu Waterfall
  • Lake Akkem.

Kucherlinskoye Lake is an aquatic trio, during a journey through which you can see Colored lakes, steep rocky cliffs and dense coniferous forests. There are always a lot of tourists on its shores in the summer, because in the early morning hours a landscape of amazing beauty opens up to their eyes - the water surface of the lake reflects the mountain slopes and the sky.

An equally impressive picture - millions of splashes the most beautiful waterfall in Altai Tekelyu. The height of the water fall is 60 meters. The picturesque picture of what is happening delights all tourists, and the guides never tire of reminding that near the waterfall you can hear the Altai snowcock and see the falcon, great lentil and mountain snipe - animals listed in the Red Book of Altai.

Lake Teletskoye

Tourists are transported around Lake Teletskoye on boats, instead of using a motor ship. This is the only opportunity to see steep banks with cascades of numerous rivers, mountain crevices and harsh rocks.

The water pearl of the Altai Mountains stores 40 billion tons of fresh water. In terms of per person, this is 6-7 tons per person. The depth of Lake Teletskoye is 325 meters (for comparison, Lake Michigan has a depth of 263 m.)

Deforestation and timber rafting are prohibited on the territory of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, but spearfishing is permitted. This is to the advantage of divers, and the lucky ones manage to catch trophy grayling, taimen, pike or whitefish.

Kulduk Ice and Museum Caves

The Kulduk Ice Cave is a vulnerable natural object that is of interest primarily for mountain glaciology. The value of the cave is in its ice decoration: here you can see centuries-old layered layers of cover ice, ice columns and dripping formations. The cave is also phenomenal because it is home to virtually unstudied bats.

The museum cave is unique for its underground galleries with miraculous calcite flowers, bushy coral-shaped stalactites and needle-shaped ice crystals.

Having seen the beauty of Altai, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. This is probably why many return here more than once, adding to their collection of impressions by visiting nature reserves, botanical gardens and numerous natural monuments of world and federal significance.

Natural monuments are individual irreplaceable natural objects taken under protection that have scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance (caves, geological outcrops, waterfalls, mineral springs, paleontological objects, individual ancient trees, etc.). In the Altai Territory, 100 natural monuments have been approved, of which 54 are geological, 31 water, 14 botanical and 1 complex. Currently, areas of plants and habitats of animals classified as rare or endangered, which do not have the status of specially protected areas, have been identified.

There are 51 natural monuments on the territory of the region; some objects have a double protected status, which is why they are excluded from the list of natural monuments. These are the federal archaeological monuments of the Kurgan burial ground "Karmatsky" and Denisova Cave, the archeological monument of regional significance Proletarskaya Cave, the green zone of the resort town of Belokurikha, says Rodion Skalozubov. -- This also applies to recreational and educational tourism facilities that are located in the state natural reserves of Charyshsky, Lebedinsky, Chinetinsky, and the cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River. Many of the natural monuments have long been so beloved by local residents and tourists that, for example, bats, rare for our region, began to disappear from the caves. In 2011, rangers of the new organization “Altaipriroda” will closely guard unique places.

Natural monuments of the Altai Territory:

Altai region

  • 1. Katorzhnaya Cave is one of the most unexplored caves in the Altai region.
  • 2. The Bolshaya Taldinskaya Cave is a karst massif of two limestone cliffs.
  • 3. Ichthyander’s Grotto is located 25 meters from the monument to Nicholas Roerich. The cave is located at the Katun level, so most of it is flooded.
  • 4. The Kyrkylinsky caves are famous for the fact that in different years scientists have discovered bones of various mammals here: wild horse, woolly rhinoceros, bison, wolverine, cave hyena.
  • 5. Caves of the Metlevo plateau. They contain almost all known types of sinter calcite formations, including stalactites and stalagmites, columns, helectites, curtains, cascades, covers, cave pearls, lime milk.

Zalesovsky district

  • 1. Lake Chernoe, in which Red Book water lilies, marsh whitewing and floating valvinia grow. The lake is home to spotted and white-backed woodpeckers, sparrowhawks and goshawks.
  • 2. Lake Malo-Kaltayskoe is interesting for its picturesque landscape.

Klyuchevsky district

  • 1. Lake Shukyrtuz is a salt lake where rapo- and mud therapy is developed. In autumn it serves as a resting and feeding place for gray cranes.
  • 2. Lake Bulduk is one of the lakes in the region, which is actively used for rapo and mud treatment.
  • 3. The Kasalgach tract and Lake Kurichye with chloride-sulfate-sodium water. In some years, in the fall the lake dries out completely, leaving salt deposits on the surface. In the spring it “comes to life” along with the brine shrimp. Red Book species of birds such as belladonna, avocet, stilt, laughing gull and tirkushka are also found in this place.

Krasnoshchekovsky district

  • 1. The Gorny Klyuch spring was for many years a source from which residents of the village of the same name took water, which disappeared in the 60s of the last century. The length of the spring is 50 m, the width of the stream is 6-8 meters.
  • 2. Lake Kazachka is the largest lake in the Krasnoshchekovsky region in the shape of a saucer, 60% covered with duckweed, cattail and pondweed.
  • 3. The Yarovskie rocks with the Kulibina cave and the Black Stone spring have been little studied by biologists, geographers and geologists. Colonies of marmots live in the rocks and on the plateau. Researchers observed about six springs here, the most noticeable being called the Black Stone.
  • 4. Silurian section “Tigerek”. Remains of ancient marine invertebrate animals were found on the outcrops of the section: tabulata, rugosa, brachiopods, trilobites, bryozoans, crinoids, pelecypods, nautiloids, ostracods.
  • 5. Mountain Blue Cliff resembles a blue palace growing out of the water, because its slopes are a type of green Lower Paleozoic chlorite schist.
  • 6. The Ordovician and Lower Silurian “Maralikha” section is of interest to scientists, geologists and geographers due to traces of underwater hills with a diameter of one kilometer and a height of up to 10 meters.
  • 7. The Foot and Mouth Cave is named by local residents. According to them, the petrified tail of a green foot-and-mouth disease is visible in the entrance grotto.
  • 8. Hyena's Lair Cave has gained fame due to the discovery of fossils of horse, bison, yak, argali, woolly rhinoceros and cave hyena.
  • 9. Log Strashnoy - a large karst canyon with caves in the rocky shores. Habitat of bats.
  • 10. Budakovskaya rock with the Zagonnaya cave and the Bat cave. Zagonnaya Cave was used as a pigsty in the 1950s, and 30 years later as a pen for calves. Bat Cave got its name because it used to be home to a colony of bats. The cave was a “maternity hospital and nursery” for bats: females and young that had not fledged lived in it.
  • 11. Rocks Big and Small Monasteries. The division into the Big and Small Monasteries dates back to the middle of the 20th century, when in Western Siberia it was customary to call free-standing rock outcrops “monasteries”.
  • 12. Mount Semipeschernaya with the Gloomy Cave became the first in Siberia, where in 1771 the scientist and traveler Peter Simon Pallas discovered the first archaeological finds.
  • 13. The Scary Cave was first mentioned by the scientist and traveler Pallas. In it, a section was opened, studied and preserved, in the soil of which bone remains, pollen and plant spores lie. The age of the lower part of the cultural layer is estimated at more than 45 thousand years.

Kurinsky district

  • 1. Mount Sinyukha is the highest point of the Kolyvan ridge (1280 m), from different sides of which picturesque views of the steppe and mountain taiga open.
  • 2. Lake Beloye has a round shape, reaching two kilometers in diameter, with a maximum depth of 12.5 meters. The height of the lake above sea level is 500 meters. In the center there is an island of granite rocks on which spruce trees grow.
  • 3. Kolyvan borok began to be used in 1725, when the construction of copper smelting furnaces began in Altai. Boron reserves were enough for 15 years of copper smelting, after which it was destroyed. After the copper smelters were moved, boron began to recover. There are 90-100 species of flora per 100 square meters of boron.

Smolensky district

  • 1. Tochilinsky Borok is the only place in the Altai Territory where the rare, unique Lezel’s moss orchid grows, the pollination of its flowers occurs thanks to raindrops. The plant is listed in the Red Book of Russia.
  • 2. The lower reaches of the Sychevka River are rich in grayling.
  • 3. The Four Brothers Rock is made up of granite blocks from the Belokurikha massif and has a vertical dissection resembling four heads, which is why the rock got its name.
  • 4. The confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers (Ikonnikov Island) is the main migration route of valuable fish species - Siberian sturgeon and nelma - to spawning grounds. The Bikatun fortress was built on this site, marking the beginning of the city of Biysk.
  • 5. The mouth of the Peschanaya River is a swampy delta with many channels and oxbow lakes. A special value of the monument is the sedge forest, in which individual poplars reach three meters in girth.

Soloneshensky district

  • 1. Troshin Log. Nine species of Red Book plants grow on a small area of ​​2.5 hectares of the ravine. Large populations of lady's slipper are found here.
  • 2. Steppes near the village of Sibiryachikha. A large number of meadow, forest and steppe plant species simultaneously grow on the territory of the monument.

Sovetsky district

  • 1. Badanya Hill - due to its forbs, it is of great interest to botanists.
  • 2. Surya Hill - due to its various herbs, it is of great interest to botanists.
  • 3. Traces of a catastrophic flood near the village of Platovo. The origin of this natural monument in the form of a “giant current ripple” is the subject of scientific debate. According to one hypothesis, it is of glacial origin; according to another, it is traces of a giant mudflow.
  • 4. Mount Kameshok (Kamennaya) is a picturesque natural monument with two peaks, at the foot of which there is a spring and a lake.
  • 5. Mount Bobyrgan is the highest mountain in the northern frame of the Altai Mountains. The absolute mark is 1008 meters.

Charyshsky district

  • 1. Spartak Waterfall is one of the most popular among water tourists who train at the waterfall.
  • 2. The Tulata River emerges from under a rock - a rock with a karst cave and an underground river.
  • 3. Aurora Falls is one of the most little-known natural monuments, where there are practically no people.
  • 4. Mount Bell. The peak (1227 meters) from the north looks like a pyramid, separated by a deep gorge.

Slavgorod district

1. The community of halophytes on the coast of Lake Burlinskoye is unique in that the lake shore is a complex of solonetzes and solonchaks with rich steppe vegetation.

Blagoveshchensky district

1. Shimolinsky pine forest is the only place in the Blagoveshchensk region where Scots pine grows under natural conditions.

Rebrikhinsky district

1. The girder system is an example of an erosional landscape with a network of valleys, gullies and ridges.

Pavlovsky district

1. Seismically caused loess karst stretches in a narrow strip 50-100 meters wide along the steep bank of the Ob River for three kilometers.

Talmensky district

1. Lake Chertovo is one of the picturesque lakes with clear water, popular among fishing enthusiasts.

Pervomaisky district

1. Rodny Holy Key is a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox people.

Tselinny district

1. The Venerin Bashmachok tract is of great interest to botanists. A rare species of plant, listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory, grows here - the real slipper.

Salton area

1. Rock - the name of a natural monument, which is a rock among the black taiga.

Tabunsky district

1. Spring Stepnoy Klyuch. 216 species of plants grow here, of which the Red Book of the region includes feather grass, resin plant, bluish iris, and downy adonis.

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Sights of the Altai region. Compiled by: Natalya Aleksandrovna Maslova, primary school teacher, Belokurikha, Altai Territory

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Mount Charming. Altai Territory, Kurinsky District, Kolyvan Village Russia, Western Siberia, Altai, Altai Territory Located 5 km from the village of Kolyvan to the northeast and 6 km from the village named after. March 8. At the top of Mount Charming there is a grotto resembling the head of a fish, animal or bird with an open mouth (beak) and even an eye. The resemblance to a living creature is even more enhanced if you look into the grotto from the top platform of the rock. From there you can see a wide-open mouth with smooth inner walls, turning into a dark “pharynx” and then into the “larynx” - a thin crevice between stone layers.

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At the top of Mount Charming there are no other water sources except the lake in the southern part on the slope of the mountain. The lake is shallow, with clear water, brownish-red in color, slightly swampy, with a rocky bottom and a small layer of silt. The lake has the shape of an irregular oval with a southern shore overgrown with birches. In the south-eastern part of the shore there is a convenient approach to the water with “steps”. Next to the water, on a flattened rocky outcrop, there is a shallow hole - a hole. Perhaps the edges of the hole were corrected in ancient times, and it was used in rituals. The very name of the mountain – “Charming” – comes from the word “enchantment”. It is believed that sacrifices were made on the shore of the lake to the spirits of the “lower world” - water and earth.

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Belokurikha healing springs. They are located in the city of Belokurikha, Smolensk district, Altai Territory. The Belokurikha deposit of thermal radon waters is located within a fault located at the junction of the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayan mountainous country in the valley of the Bolshaya Belokurikha River at an altitude of 250 m above sea level. The springs have been known since 1866. The healing properties of hot springs were experienced by local residents of Gudkov and Kazantsev in the middle of the century before last. The researcher of Siberia S.I. paid a lot of attention to the sources. Gulyaev. In 1867, the first patients arrived “for the keys.” The Belokurikha resort dates back to this year, and S.I. Gulyaev is deservedly considered its founder.

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Belokurikha radon springs are one of the amazing natural phenomena. The deposit is small in area - about a square kilometer; in cross-section it resembles a giant multi-layered granite bowl or a stack of plates placed one on top of the other, the space between which is filled with water. Passing through labyrinths and aquifers, heated and enriched with trace elements and radon, the water is directed towards the slope of the giant bowl, where it emerges to the surface in numerous hot springs. They are unique in their medicinal and chemical properties. Radon waters have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic effects, have a unique ability to reduce cholesterol in the body, and even prevent aging.

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Mount Seven Caves. It is located in the Krasnoshchekovsky district, 5 km downstream of the Ini River from the village of Tigirek, on the left bank. Of great interest is the picturesque Mount Semipeschernaya or Seven Brothers. This is a cliff made of limestone, rising 150 m above the river. Grotto caves of different sizes and shapes have their own names. None of the caves are like the other. Two of them in particular are of particular interest - String and Gloomy.

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The Struna Cave is a through, steeply inclined tunnel, the lower exit of which is located at the very edge of the water, and the upper exit is 40 m higher and has the appearance of a sinkhole, the length of the cave is 75 m. Gloomy Cave. The length of the cave is 76 m, the amplitude is 5 m. From the spacious, south-facing entrance there is a narrowing gallery leading in the north direction, ending with a ledge into a grotto with a flat and bowl-shaped floor. The Gloomy Cave is interesting as an archaeological site.

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The mountain is located 56 km from the regional center of Kurya, 8 km east of the village of Kolyvan and 2 km from the village of 8 March. This is the highest mountain of the Kolyvan ridge, it is located at the northern end of the ridge. Its height is 1210 m above sea level. The mountain got its name not by chance: from a distance, the fir forest covering the slopes of the mountain really appears blue.

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The top of the mountain is represented by rocks, devoid of any vegetation due to weak rocky soil, on which young trees do not take root well. The mountain is dominated by round, dome-shaped shapes, and rocky outcrops are common. A beautiful panorama opens from the top of the mountain. Through the efforts of water and winds, the most unexpected and interesting forms of relief have been created on Sinyukha: sometimes these are arches, sometimes columns, sometimes fantastic animals. The slopes of the mountain are occupied by a fir forest; the flora of Mount Sinyukha includes 541 species of higher vascular plants, 18 of which are included in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Mount Sinyukha has long been considered a place of pilgrimage. On the top and slopes of the mountain there are several natural granite bowls filled with what many believe to be holy water.

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Rock Tserkovka Altai Territory, Belokurikha It has a height of 794 m, is located 4 km southwest of Belokurikha and is a cone-shaped mountain covered with forest with several rocky outcrops. Mount Tserkovka has long become a local landmark of the resort town of Belokurikha. At the top of Tserkovka there is a wonderful view of the Biysk Plain approaching the mountains, the city of Belokurikha, the resort area with sanatoriums and the undulating ridges of the Cherginsky Range. Rock Church is impossible to confuse. She stands on the edge of a steep descent from the ridge of the mountain. The rock is formed by large weathered blocks - outlier rocks. And it narrows from the base to the top. The top of the rock is an onion-shaped block, similar to a church dome, with a cross installed on it. This probably explains the name of the mountain. In past centuries, a sacred tree of the Altai people grew and a chapel stood on the eastern side of the rock. Birds are usually fed near the Tserkovka rock. The birds are so accustomed to people that they sit directly on the hand of those feeding them.

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Mountain Small Monastery, rising 70 m above the level of the valley. At the top of the mountain there is a stone gate, and on the southwestern slope there are about a dozen small karst caves from 2 to 15 m long, as well as a karst arch. In the second grotto of the cave there is a small lake with healing water. The Big and Small Monastery mountains are located in the valley of the Charysh River, near the village of Ust-Pustynka, Krasnoshchekovsky district of the Altai Territory. These are rocks “made” by nature from white marble limestone; they contain numerous grotto caves, towers, and arches. There are 18 caves alone. Rocks, shaped like the building of ancient monasteries, sparkling in the sun with white, gray, blue and pink limestone. The pastel palette gives the Big and Small Monasteries a particularly romantic look.

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The cave is located in the middle reaches of the Anui River, 50 km upstream from the village of Soloneshnoye, 4 km from the village of Topolnoye. The wide entrance to the cave opens right into the mountainside, a few meters above the road. "Denisova Cave" is a unique archaeological and natural monument. Since 1982, archaeological research has been carried out here; more than 20 cultural layers have already been uncovered, characterizing the main stages of ancient history - from the early Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. Many finds are kept in museums in the Altai region and Siberia.

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The Denisova Cave monument was formed 800 thousand years ago. The water gradually washed away the rock, forming a cavity with two internal dead-end galleries and three external openings (the upper, central entrance and the right cavity). Thanks to the upper opening, the central, vast and convenient part of the grotto was illuminated; in addition, it provided excellent smoke draft. The grotto has always been a good natural refuge for humans and animals.

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It is located in the village of Srostki in the Biysk region of the Altai Territory and is a branch of the Altai Museum of Local Lore. Museum V.M. Shukshin was opened to visitors in 1978 in the house that he bought for his mother in 1965. At the anniversary Shukshin Days in Altai in 1999, the museum was awarded All-Russian status. In this amazing place, the memory of the famous and beloved writer, director and actor Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is carefully preserved.

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The museum complex includes 3 buildings: 1. House-museum of M.S. Shukshina’s (Kuksina) mother - memorial and household exhibition - the house was purchased in 1965 by V.M. Shukshin for the first large fee for the novel "Lyubavina", where he The museum was originally opened in 1978. 2. The main building (the former Strotka school, built in 1928 according to a standard design) was restored and transferred to the museum in 1989. The historical and literary exhibition “The Life and Work of V.M. Shukshin” is presented here. 3. The house where V.M. spent his childhood and youth. Shukshina. Currently, the object is being museumified, and the memorial exhibition “Distant Winter Evenings” has been opened.

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Altai Territory, Soloneshensky district. On the Shinok River in the middle part of the valley there is a cascade of waterfalls. The Shinok River is an amazing and unique natural monument, the uniqueness of which lies in the unprecedented accumulation of waterfalls. The waterfalls of the Shinok River have been known since the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, but gained popularity a century later. In 1999, the state nature reserve "Cascade of Waterfalls on the Shinok River" was formed, and in 2000 three waterfalls received the status of natural monuments

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The Shinok River, whose name in translation from Turkic means “impregnable”, “precipitous”, mostly flows in a picturesque gorge, which is surrounded by a rich cedar forest growing on the slopes of the mountains, which gives an amazing view to the river valley. The Shinok River, a tributary of the Anui, originates on a swampy plateau southwest of Mount Askaty (1786 m) on the border of the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory and the Ust-Kansky region of the Altai Republic. The Shinok River valley is deeply incised and has steep, often rocky slopes. Its length from the confluence of its two sources to the mouth is about 30 km, the height difference is 850 m. Most of the Shinok is a rocky riverbed with a rapid current; there are at least 12 waterfalls on the Shinok River.

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Cascade of waterfalls on the Shinok River The first of the waterfalls is located approximately 13 km from the mouth and is a steep drop of water, the drop of which is 3 m, the second waterfall is located 0.5 km from the previous one and has a height of about 28 m, and finally One kilometer from the second is the third - the most impressive and highest waterfall, the excess of which is approximately 72 m. The third waterfall, called Gray-haired, is sometimes called by tourists the Giraffe for its extraordinary “neck” - a long flowing stream. From the Giraffe bath, the Waterfall Gorge begins, less than a kilometer long; in the lower part it is limited by the place where the Double Jump or Yog waterfall falls. This waterfall is the second largest, its height is 25 meters. Below the Double Jump you can also see the Tender Mirage waterfall, the height of which is determined to be 10 m.

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The lake is located at the foot of the northern slope of the Kolyvan ridge, 3 km east of the village. Savvushka in the vicinity of Zmeinogorsk, Altai Territory. Kolyvan Lake is a complex natural monument. This is one of the largest lakes in the southwestern part of the Altai Territory (length 4 km, width 2-3 km). But that's not why it's famous. The shores of this beautiful, calm and very clean lake are framed by rocks of bizarre shapes, which the human imagination gives the shape of columns, palaces, fantastic animals, and human faces.

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Kolyvan Lake is compared to a blue gem framed by picturesque rocks. The purity of the water in Lake Kolyvan is evidenced by the fact that a rare water chestnut, chilim, listed in the Red Book, is found here. This is a relict plant preserved from the pre-glacial period. On the territory of Altai, chilim is also found in Lake Manzherok and in several small lakes. Chilim is rich in protein and starch. In ancient times it was used as food and also served as amulets and talismans.

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Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye is located in the central Kulundinskaya steppe, 8 km west of Slavgorod and 400 km from Novosibirsk. Since 1978, Lake Bolshoye Yarovoe has the status of a natural monument. Since ancient times, the legends of the Scythian peoples considered Lake Yarovoye a place where all desires come true! Literally along the bottom of the lake there are two cross-shaped lines, which scientists call anomalous! But it is they, in combination with bitter-salty water, that cleanse our body, our organism, our energy and make our dreams come true! Scientists cannot yet scientifically explain this fact. But this has been known since the first millennium BC, as stated in the ancient legends of the nomadic settlements of Altai.

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Salt lake Bolshoye Yarovoye is the lowest point in the Altai Territory - the lake is located at an altitude of 79 m above sea level. Bolshoye Yarovoye is the most valuable wealth in the Altai Territory; it is unique in its properties. The lake is surrounded by a flat plain with virtually no trees. Dirt in the lake Bolshoye Yarovoe has indicators that are not inferior to the mud lakes of the best resorts in Russia (Odessa, Saki, Staraya Russa), and can claim one of the first places among medicinal muds located in Siberia and the Far East. In many physical and chemical indicators and potential, Bolshoye Yarovoye is an analogue of the Dead Lake in Israel.

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Located in the Kurinsky district, a kilometer east of the village named after. March 8. Lake Beloye - a lake of mysteries The lake lies in a wide basin of the Kolyvan ridge, has a round shape, reaching 3 km in diameter. The area of ​​the lake is 2.7 sq. km, the average depth is 4.5 m, the maximum is 7.4 m. The northern part of the lake shore is flat and gentle, stretches from west to east in the form of a beautiful beach strewn with the finest sand. On the southern and eastern side, the coast is represented by a steep hillside, turning into a pebble beach closer to the water. Along the banks there are thickets of bushes: willow grass, honeysuckle, viburnum, caragana, rose hips. The lake is rich in fish. Roach, ruffe, perch, peled, muksun, and crayfish are found here.

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Located in the Kurinsky district of the Altai Territory at the foot of Mount Sinyukha, surrounded by pine trees. Lake Mokhovoye is a natural heritage site of the Altai Territory, one of the most attractive tourist places in the Kurinsky region (and is the most famous after Lake Beloe). The lake has a shallow depth, only about 2 m, and is completely overgrown with aquatic plants. It is famous for the beauty of its shores. The shores of the lake are framed by oddly shaped blocks and rocks made of large granite slabs. The stones are enlivened by the lush greenery of pine and birch trees, and the water surface is decorated with water lilies and other aquatic vegetation

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The water in the lake warms up well in summer, and you can swim in it (if you are not afraid of leeches, of which there are plenty in the lake). From mid-June to mid-August, the lake is actively visited by tourists. The lake is an attractive place for fishing enthusiasts. Local residents love to come here for crucian carp and more. Since 1998, Lake Mokhovoye has the status of a natural monument of federal significance.

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Monument to V.M. Shukshin on Mount Piket. The bronze monument to Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was unveiled on July 25, 2004 on Mount Piket near the village of Srostki, the work of sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. The height of the monument is 8 meters, and the weight together with the pedestal, according to some sources, is more than 20 tons. Mount Piket (local name Biket) is known far beyond the village as the site of the Shukshin readings, a folk literary festival, since 1976. This is one of the most attractive places in the village. The Fedulovka River, a tributary of the Katun, flows from the eastern side of the mountain, and the Katun flows along the southern side. The Chuysky tract runs along the northern slope. The height of Picket above sea level is 294 m. The area is more than 140 hectares.

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They are located in the Krasnoshchekovsky district of the Altai Territory on a very steep rocky massif at an altitude of about 40 m above the modern floodplain of the Inya River. In order to get to the Strashnaya cave, you need to walk 2.5 km from the village of Tigerek along the right bank of the Inya River to the north, then cross the suspension bridge to the opposite bank. The entrance to the cave faces southeast. The cave was discovered in 1966 by speleologists from Tomsk University. The Scary Cave is a karst cavity in limestone. The Strashnaya Cave is of greatest interest from an archaeological point of view. The length of the cave is small - 38 meters, but the cultural layer (5 meters) located in it is important. The Hyena Lair Cave is located 4 km from the Strashnoy Cave and is a small karst cavity in the Upper Silurian limestones. Its length is 12 meters. The cave has a spacious entrance grotto, with a fairly flat, almost horizontal floor with an area of ​​64 square meters. km..

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The caves are located in the Krasnoshchekovsky district, 4 km down the right bank of the Charysh River from the village of Ust-Pustynka. Zagonnaya Cave is located in coral limestones. It has 3 entrances, length – 38 m, height – 2.2 m, width – 12 m. The Zagonnaya Cave is of interest due to the abundant finds of fauna, including the bones of a rhinoceros, horse, deer, bull, llama, tiger, hyena, dog, wolf, bear , marmot, rat, hamster, hare, pika, ermine, roe deer.

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The Bat Cave is located above the Zagonnaya Cave. The length of the cave is 90 m. It is of interest due to the habitat of a colony of flying animals in it - the pointed-eared bat (whose homeland is India and Egypt), listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. This is the only northernmost range of these animals in Russia. Typically, the habitat of these animals is observed in places with a warmer climate. In winter, bats move to the Nebinskaya cave. The cave is also known for bone deposits containing the remains of Pleistocene mammals. A site of a primitive man of the Old Stone Age, Paleolithic era was discovered in it.

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The Yaschur cave is located in Rudny Altai (Altai Territory), the distant spurs of the Tigiretsky ridge, 2 km northeast of the village of Tigirek, on the right bank of the Ini River, 80 m from the water's edge. The cave has been known to local residents since about the turn of the 1950s-60s. One of the legends says that the fabulous Green Foot-and-mouth disease once lived here; speleologists claim that its petrified spine can be touched in one of the distant passages.

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The cave begins with three entrances leading to the large grotto-heart of the cave. In its far wall there is a hole, from which inclined passages with small ledges and a well go down into the depths of the mountain. There are other openings from the grotto. Hidden in the darkness of the cave are bizarre lime deposits - stalactites. The length of the cave passages is more than 200 meters, the depth is more than 30 meters, the maximum width is more than 20 meters.

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It is located in the Altai region of the Altai Territory, in the upper reaches of the Ustyuba River (the left tributary of the Katun River), near the village of Cheremshanka. Altai Cave is the largest and deepest cave in Altai and Western Siberia, one of the most visited and explored caves in the Altai region. The cave is protected as a geological natural monument.

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Depth 240 m, total passages 4175 m, the longest cave in Altai, the most complex cave in Siberia. Opened in 1978. The entrance to the cave is located on the side of a karst funnel that closes a ravine with a stream, which disappears into a lake located at the base of the partition, and then appears in the cave. The entrance is a vertical hole 45 cm in diameter.

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The Belaya River is a left tributary of the Charysh and flows through the southern territory of the Altai Territory. The Belaya River is up to 85 m wide and up to 2 m deep. The river is very picturesque and is distinguished by its extraordinary purity; it flows rapidly in a beautiful valley, squeezed by high mountains. The Belaya River attracts tourists not only for its beauty, but also for the opportunity to raft on it.

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The Kumir River is one of the left tributaries of the Charysh. Located in the Charyshsky district of the Altai Territory. The river is not large, but has a violent character, which makes it attractive for rafting enthusiasts. The Kumir River flows for 40 km in a deep gorge. There are about 17 rapids and 20 rifts in this area. This beautiful river is full of rapids of 2-3 difficulty categories.

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On the Kumir River, there is an amazingly picturesque place “Devichi Reach”, which is located near the village of Ust-Kumir. This place, in the middle of a fast-moving river, is unexpectedly quiet, calm, with clear water to the bottom. The Kumira pool is rich in minerals. Rare and very beautiful white jasper lies here, and there are also deposits of rock crystal. The river is very picturesque; rafting along it, you can really get an unforgettable experience not only from its frantic nature and all sorts of obstacles encountered along the way, but also from the magnificent landscapes of the coastal areas. The nature here amazes with its pristine purity and beauty.

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Korgon is the left tributary of the Charysh. It originates on the northern slope of the Korgon ridge. Everywhere the flow of the Korgon River is fast, rapids, and in some places the river forms cascades. This is one of the most picturesque rivers in all of Altai; it is 50 km long. The river flows in a shallow gorge, the river bed is very rocky and rapids. And just before it flows into the Charysh, its valley widens. In total, there are 25 rapids and 40 shivers on Korgon.

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The river has tributaries Antonov Korgon, Korgonchik, etc. There are several apiaries in the valley. Korgon can be called one of the most interesting rivers in the Altai Mountains for sports rafting, containing numerous obstacles of 3-5 difficulty categories. Korgon, together with the rivers Kumir and Charysh, form the link Kumir - Charysh - Korgon - Charysh, which is the only route of the 5th category of difficulty in Altai. Unpredictability and diversity are the hallmark of this river.

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The Peschanaya River flows through the territory of the Altai, Smolensky, Soloneshsky districts of the Altai Territory. The Peschanaya pool covers an area of ​​5660 square meters. km. It is bounded from the west by the Anuysky ridge, from the east by the Cherginsky, and from the south by the spurs of the Terektinsky and Seminsky ridges. The Peschanaya River belongs to the Ob basin. The Peschanaya River descends from the eastern slope of the Seminsky ridge, from a height of 1600 m, to the Pre-Altai Plain, where it flows into the Ob. More precisely, it does not descend, but quickly runs down the mountains, overcoming obstacles in the form of rifts and rapids, branching into channels and connecting into a single channel.

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The river path is 276 km long. The Peschanaya River is beautiful and very diverse. Swift water washes over piles of stones, sandbanks, sheer booms, and steep screes. The river is a popular destination for water tourists. The river is also of great interest to fishermen. These places are very popular among fishing enthusiasts; even special fishing tours are organized. The mouth of Peschanaya has the status of a natural monument as an extremely picturesque area. This place is unique in that there are many floodplain lakes and bays, on the banks of which waterfowl nest.

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The region's attractions are very diverse. They include both natural objects and historical and cultural ones. The Altai region conceals many riches. The sights of the region can be described for a very long time. Let us introduce the reader to the main ones.

Waterfalls of the Shinok River

The Shinok River is not among the largest rivers in Russia. This is just a tributary of the Anui, which, in turn, flows into the Ob. Nevertheless, Shinok is one of the most popular tourist sites in the Altai Territory. The fact is that there are beautiful waterfalls on this river. The total length of the seven waterfalls is more than 120 meters. The height of the Giraffe, the largest of them (also called Big Shinok) is 70 m. Small waterfalls reach 10-15 m in height.

The Shinok River attracts tourists not only with its picturesque view, but also with its rich fauna. Very rare species of birds and animals are represented on the territory of the reserve - two-colored deer, musk deer, wild deer, peregrine falcon.

There are several camping areas along the banks of this river. This place attracts tourists, in addition to the waterfalls, because it is located close to where archaeologists have found more than 20 cultural layers dating back to different eras. It was established, in particular, that the Neanderthal site was located here approximately 280 thousand years ago.

Taldinsky or Tavdinsky caves

The Altai region is amazingly beautiful. The attractions of the region, created by nature itself, attract many tourists here. Taldinsky caves are one of the most interesting places to visit. They are a group consisting of more than 30 caves washed out by water. The rocks in which this complex is located stretch for 5 km on the border of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. The most popular of the caves is Bolshaya Tavdinskaya. The height difference in it is more than 20 m. There are several routes of varying difficulty for tourists. Another natural monument, a karst arch, is located not far from the Tavdinsky caves. It reaches 5 m in height and 13 in width.

Archaeological finds

These caves are a local natural monument, which the Altai region is so rich in. The attractions of the region attract not only tourists, but also archaeologists. Archaeological expeditions carried out here showed that there were sites of ancient people in this place. For example, fishing gear and ceramic fragments were found. Legends about a treasure hidden in the local caves that belonged to Admiral A. Kolchak are much less reliable. Many people who wanted to find it appeared in the second half of the 20th century, but nothing is still known about the result of their attempts.

Sanctuary "Swan"

The natural attractions of the Altai Territory are unique and diverse. Let's talk about one more of them. In September 1973, the Swan Nature Reserve was established in the Altai Territory. Seven years earlier, a flock of swans flew to the lake located near the village of Urozhainoye for the winter. This happened for the first time since the beginning of the 20th century. Soon it was decided to create a reserve, which includes the lake, as well as the territory adjacent to it. Under state protection there are 38 thousand hectares, which contain such attractions of the Altai Territory as a section of the Katun River, several lakes, about 70 islands, as well as the Zmeinaya and Talitskaya hills. In 1999, after the appointed experimental period, the status of a “reserve” was finally approved. In addition to swans, other birds live here: goldeneye, mallard, black grouse, as well as the merganser, which is listed in the regional Red Book. The fauna is also represented by deer, roe deer, otters, minks, and red foxes. An observation deck was built on the lake for bird watching. It is located 10 m above the water. This distance makes it possible not to frighten the swans and provides tourists with the opportunity to observe them in natural conditions.


Belokurikha is a balneological resort of federal significance. This one is located at an altitude of about 240-250 m above sea level. It is located at the foot of Mount Tserkovka. At the beginning of the 20th century, the healing properties of local mineral springs began to be used for the first time. Today, tour operators often mention Belokurikha when describing the sights of the Altai Territory to clients.

Here in the 1920s, an outpatient clinic, an administrative building, a solarium, and a dining room were built. The first visitors could improve their health in the baths of the hydropathic clinic, as well as swim in the local thermal springs. The Altai air itself is healthy, because it contains the same concentration of light air ions - one of the most important healing components - as in the famous resorts of Europe.

During the Great Patriotic War, a famous children's resort was evacuated to Belokurikha. Today, on the territory of this resort there are numerous recreation centers, dispensaries, and sanatoriums. Skiing is actively developing in the city. Today, 3 slopes of varying difficulty are equipped for descent. Belokurikha also hosts meetings of defenders of the environment and nature, as well as the Siberian Davos, an international economic conference.

Srostki village

The sights of the Altai Territory are connected not only with nature, but also with the culture of our country. The village of Srostki is one of the oldest settlements on its territory. It gained all-Russian fame thanks to Vasily Shukshin, its native.

Splices were first mentioned in 1753 in a report by Colonel de Garriga. More detailed information about him dates back to 1811. During the census, or audit, carried out at that time, it was recorded that 19 families lived in this village. The first church was built with donations from local residents in 1910.

Today tourists come to Srostki to learn about Shukshin’s life. The memorial museum-reserve of this writer operates in the village. It consists of a storage facility, an exhibition of the writer’s mother, as well as the house in which Vasily Shukshin himself spent his childhood and youth. Shukshin readings are held annually on Mount Piket, which brings together writers, musicians, and artists from all over the country.

Altai village

The village of Altai (Altai Territory) is also somewhat popular. The attractions of this place today are few, but the tourism and recreational sector in this village has been actively developing in recent years. Here is, in particular, the SEZ On the Bank of the River. Kamenki, not far from the village of Altai, there is a very picturesque area called “Pikhtochki”. It is located on a riverside terrace with rocks covered with pine trees and is one of the most favorite vacation spots for village guests and local residents.

Intercession Cathedral

In the fall of 1898, the foundation stone of the Intercession Cathedral was laid. After 6 years, the first service was held there. The part of the city of Barnaul in which this cathedral is located was considered the poorest at that time. It was inhabited by workers, artisans, townspeople, and peasants. What is even more surprising is that the temple was built precisely with their donations.

The Intercession Cathedral replaced the old wooden church that had been in operation since 1863. Byzantine, or pseudo-Russian, style was chosen for the new building. Religious frescoes, the subjects of which are based on the subjects of paintings by N. Kramskoy, V. Vasnetsov, M. Nesterov, dominate the design of this red brick cathedral.

The Intercession Cathedral, starting in 1917, went through difficult times - it was shelled, the cross on the dome was demolished, and the bell tower was destroyed. Restoration work began in the temple in 1943. For a long time it remained the only functioning temple in the city. Services are currently being held in the Intercession Cathedral. Restoration of its wall paintings was carried out in 2011.

Polyakov Trading House (Red Store)

Barnaul is home to many attractions of the Altai region. The photo of the next one, which we will talk about, is presented below.

This is Polyakov's trading house, built in 1913. This building is now occupied by the "Red" store. It belongs to the merchant period of development of the city of Barnaul and fully reflects all the architectural features inherent in that time. The two-story building, made in an eclectic style, has a U-shaped layout.

Red brick was used to cover the façade. This became the basis for the name of the trading house, which spread among the people. Traditional elements of the Russian style were chosen to decorate the building: openwork forged decorations, folk ornaments made of brick.

In Barnaul in 1917 there was a strong fire. During it, many sights of Altai and the Altai Territory located in this city were destroyed: not only wooden, but also brick and stone buildings. However, the merchant Polyakov was able to preserve this trading house. Local legend says that workers were ordered to line the wall with felt soaked in water. During Soviet times, the USSR People's Commissariat of Trade department store was located on the ground floor of the building.

Museum of Auto Theft named after. Yu. Detochkina

The city of Barnaul offers tourists interesting historical and cultural sights of the Altai Territory. One of the most unusual museums in Russia is located here. It is dedicated to motorists. However, the exhibits here are not antique or expensive cars. Its main “heroes” are those items that are related to the theft of cars.

This museum was created on the basis of the local rescue service. The first items were received from the city services archive. Law enforcement officials donated a door shot through during the chase, fake license plates and driver's licenses to the collection. The citizens themselves made no less of a contribution. Barnaul residents shared with the museum folk remedies against theft, as well as other inventions. The collection of this museum today contains more than 150 exhibits.

The sights of the Altai region do not end there. We have listed only a few of them. You can get to know this amazing place for a very long time. Everyone will be able to find something interesting for themselves while exploring the sights of the Altai region and Altai Territory.