Where to stay in pike perch near the embankment. Where is the best place to relax in Sudak? Districts and real estate of Sudak

In the southeast of the Crimean peninsula, near a beautiful river there is a small town - Sudak. The city received its name back during the Ottoman Empire. In the Middle Ages, this city was the largest and most famous center of trade on the Black Sea.

Today, Sudak has become a paradise for tourists from Russia and neighboring countries.

Sudak now. Photo by Distance X (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/n-160373/)

Vacationers are attracted by the sights, quartz beaches and developed tourist infrastructure.

Climate and ecology

Sudak has a mild climate. There are practically no sharp temperature fluctuations in this part of the peninsula. City residents and vacationers are pleased that there are very few cloudy days here. The sun shines brightly almost all year round. It rains extremely rarely here, and in winter there is practically no snow. In summer the sea is warm, so you can swim in the warm sea for more than four months.

River in Sudak. Photo by yadavil (http://www.panoramio.com/user/5456171)

The main source of air pollution in Sudak is the city landfill, where fires often occur. This issue is often raised at local council meetings, but it still remains unresolved. City residents are also concerned about the problem associated with wastewater treatment. Although the construction of treatment facilities, which are located in the nearby village of Mindalnoye, has begun, it is moving very slowly.

Smoke from a landfill in Sudak. Photo by tatimesh (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/tatimesh/)

Population of Sudak

The population of Sudak is 15,368 people. But there are also many visitors here who live in the city without registration. Therefore the total population will be in the region of 28,000. This figure has remained virtually unchanged since 1989. Russians, Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars live here.

Most of the city's residents are people aged 35-55 years. Young people have no desire to stay here. After finishing school, children go to study in other cities, since there are no higher educational institutions in Sudak. There are only technical schools, so most residents have secondary specialized education. Often young people find work at their place of study and stay there. Hence the low birth rate in Sudak.

Districts and real estate of Sudak

Despite the fact that Sudak is a small city, it is divided into 8 districts and a non-district zone.

Region-free zone

This is the most distant part of the city from the sea. The main attraction here is the bus station. There are no hotels or restaurants here. In some places you can find summer shops with draft beer for local residents.

Tourists who do not know the city can settle here in private households and then regret it for a long time. The price for accommodation in the non-regional zone is significantly lower than in resort areas. But it is worth taking into account the fact that it will take quite a long time to get to the sea. Although, if you have personal transport, the problem will disappear by itself.

central District

This is practically the city itself. There are schools, kindergartens, a technical school, a central market, residential high-rise buildings, the Forum and Surozh hotels here. When the influx of tourists subsides, this part of the city turns into an ordinary quiet residential area.

In the summer, there are the best conditions for vacationers: it’s not far from the sea, and at night it’s quiet here and you can get a good night’s sleep. This area is also attractive because all supermarkets are located here, and prices in restaurants are much lower than in establishments on the embankment. The cost of housing for tourists here ranges from 20 to 50 dollars per day per person.

Cozy area

This is the former settlement of Uyutnoye, which was annexed to the city. Interesting fact: previously this village was Sudak itself. It was from this village that the construction of the city began. The area is very close to the beach, but the hotel and restaurant business is not very developed here.

There are no hotels here at all, the shops are small stalls or trailers, and the “restaurants” are just a canteen. People, take the tenth route around it! God forbid you have lunch there. Well, unless, of course, you are eager to see such a landmark as the city regional hospital, which is located on Gvardeyskaya Street in the Central District.

Tourists can stay in Uyutnoye in rooms that residents rent out in their homes and temporary shelters.

Embankment and Cypress Alley

This area can hardly be called a residential area. Several of the most expensive hotels in Sudak are located here. From their windows there is a stunning view of the sea, and the service in the hotels is at the highest level.

But still, in this part of the city there are more restaurants, bars, nightclubs and cafes. Here everyone will find a place for lunch, dinner or a night out. Life in this area is in full swing almost around the clock during the tourist season.

Cypress Alley at night. Photo by macosXer

Already at 6 am, Cypress Alley is bustling with trade in all kinds of souvenirs. Sellers greet sleepy tourists with a smile, and after sunset, different music sounds from every corner. All establishments are open until the last customer. That's why they close at 3-4 am.

At this time, walking along the alley, you can see kitchen workers and waiters who are anointing themselves to sleep right on the sofas in restaurants. These people simply live at work during the holiday season. Also on the embankment you can see many attractions and an exhibition hall - all so that tourists can spend a lot of money, but still be satisfied.

This is a new part of the city. Until now, construction here has not stopped. Almost all streets are located on a hill.

The largest tourist and health complex “Sudak” is located here. There is very little greenery in the southwest region. But every year its number increases. All the houses in this area are neat and pleasant to look at. Residents and entrepreneurs of this area care about its beauty. All year round, flowers are planted en masse and lawns are tidied up. This part of the city can be called the most colorful for its floral diversity.

This part of the city, long before the construction of the water park, was called the South-Eastern District. Construction continues on the vacant lots where there were vineyards and a helipad. The restaurant business is well developed here, there are many hotels and private households that have been rebuilt into mini-hotels.

This area is dominated by the private sector, where you can rent a room, a bed, or even a whole house. The prices are completely different. It all depends on the amenities, and, as they say, on the arrogance of the house owners. It is possible to find housing for 5 dollars a day, but mostly 20-50 USD. The disadvantage of the area near the water park is the almost complete lack of amenities on the new streets. Good advantages will be proximity to the sea, and what is especially good, to uncrowded beaches and a water park, and, of course, a beautiful view of the mountains.

The district got its name from the street that is part of it. In addition to Spendiarov Street, this includes Solnechny Lane and Aivazovsky Street. It is in this area that there are most owners of houses who offer daily “beds” and rooms. You can even find these mini-hotels with meals. But it is worth remembering that the conditions in which food is prepared there may not be the best. Often these will be food that is not fresh, old kitchen equipment and dirt in the kitchen. After all, in most cases there is only one cook, but there are many vacationers in such houses. It’s better to overpay a little and have lunch in cafes, of which there are plenty in the area.

The road to the beach will go through Cypress Alley. 15-20 minutes, and vacationers will “run into” the central city beach.

There is also a store in the area that will satisfy the grocery needs of any person. But everyone should remember that the prices there are significantly higher than those presented in other stores. This supermarket is considered the most expensive. Most locals prefer to avoid it.

This is the greenest area of ​​the city. There are a lot of trees here, but most of them are poplars, so in June there is simply no escape from the fluff. The Spendiarov district, like the Central one, is calm, despite the fact that it abuts Cypress Alley. It is very convenient for tourists because it is close to the sea and a 5-minute walk to the center.

The district was formed during the reign of Gorbachev. It included two streets - Biryuzova and Tankistov. This is the second most expensive area in the city of Sudak. This is where all knowledgeable vacationers strive to settle. This area is close to the sea, the resort center - Cypress Alley, and the city center.

There are few official hotels in the area, but there are a lot of private houses. Everywhere you knock, rooms are available for rent to suit every taste. It is in this area that there are many small cafes where the cuisine is homemade and the atmosphere is pleasant. And in general, the Biryuzova district is quiet and green.

Marine area

This area is considered the most visited. Everyone who vacations in Sudak visits this area in the direction of the Genoese fortress. It consists of two small streets - Morskaya and Ushakova. Only this area of ​​the city is located directly on the embankment. Even if you settle at the very end of the area, the sea will be no more than 500 meters away.

There are a lot of hotels, hotels and boarding houses of various sizes. You can eat both on the embankment and in the dining room. It is not at all similar to the one located in Uyutnoye. In this establishment, the prices are pleasing to the eye, and the cuisine is very tasty. But in most cases, vacationers who settle in this area prefer to dine at expensive restaurants on the embankment. The maritime area is considered the most expensive part of the city. The prices here are simply astronomical. This area has many disadvantages: constant noise from the embankment, distance from the city center. But all these nuances are compensated by the proximity to the beaches and the stunning view of the Genoese fortress.

Real estate

In Sudak there are always a lot of offers for the purchase of houses, apartments, and cottages. Although this city is a resort, the cost of housing here is not too high. For example, a three-room apartment in the central area can be bought for 50-70 thousand dollars, but the same housing with a sea view will cost 90-120 thousand dollars. Prices, of course, also depend on the condition of the apartment. You can also buy country housing. For example, for 100-120 thousand dollars you can buy a good house 10x10 meters.

Infrastructure condition

The main problem for residents of the city of Sudak is the lack of normal water supply. Water most often comes to houses by the hour (morning and evening). Residents are forced to acquire tanks that are filled during supply hours. It often happens that there is no water for several days. Despite all the inconvenience, water tariffs are off the charts. One cubic meter costs almost 1 dollar. And heating in houses is not cheap. For a three-room apartment, city residents pay more than $80-100 in winter.

Payments for housing and communal services are also expensive. But here the question arises: “Where does the money go?” There is an almost complete absence of normal roads in the city.

If in the central part there is asphalt, although it is in holes, it is there, then on the outskirts the roads are only dirt roads. The only normal, renovated street is Morskaya.

Regarding urban transport, only one thing can be said: the residents of Sudak are accustomed to walking. There is only one bus running all year round, which can take you to Dachnoe and Uyutny. During tourist times, another route is added that can take you from the bus station to the Valley of Roses and the water park.

There are also many taxis in the city. In winter, its cost is reasonable: 1-2 dollars, and you are in the right place. In the summer, taxi drivers charge astronomical fares. Well, it wouldn’t be a sin to rip off an extra penny from a vacationer.

There are no problems with schools in Sudak. There were 13 schools in total. Many simply became hotels. There are three operating schools left. One now bears the proud name “Gymnasium”. This is where all the children want to gnaw on the granite of science.

School No. 2 was recently renovated. The third school educates Crimean Tatar children.

There is also a music school. But there is only one kindergarten. Of course, the authorities are planning to open a second kindergarten. A ton of money has been allocated for its construction, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. All residents hope that in the fall of 2014 the new kindergarten will open its doors to children.

Enterprises and work in Sudak

There have always been problems with work in Sudak. There are no large enterprises in the city. Many residents cannot find a permanent place of work. The main source of income for Sudak residents is the Sudak state farm-factory, which produces a large assortment of dessert, table and dry wines.

SE "Sudak" Photo by 17Rising17

Most residents work during the tourist season. Cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels. In winter, their staff is reduced and people are left without work. Many residents rent out their apartments and houses to holidaymakers. The proceeds are enough to get through the winter comfortably.

Work can also be found in the markets. The central market, which operates all year round, provides jobs for 300-400 people. There is also a fruit market on Cypress Alley. It works for holidaymakers. Sudak residents sell homemade wine, oriental sweets, vegetables and fruits there. Prices in this market are much higher than in the central one.

There are also several supermarkets in Sudak: “ATB”, “Svityaz”, “Gyuzel”. Local residents also work on the beaches during the holiday season, selling various goodies. Trade in souvenirs is also in full swing on the cypress alley. There is a small clothing market nearby.

As a result, we can say that the majority of residents of the city of Sudak work in the summer and relax in the winter.


In Sudak, high-profile crimes are very rarely committed. Mostly petty theft and drunken fights. For example, in February of this year, a guy in a hood snatched bags from women. There were three robberies, the criminal escaped and has not yet been found.

But still, there are several points that shocked local residents. Not long ago, a young man raped a pensioner. The criminal was behind bars.

The WWII veteran's awards were stolen, but law enforcement officers managed to return them.

Not long ago, a man was caught who ordered the murder of his wife 17 years ago. All this time he was hiding from law enforcement agencies, but was finally caught.

Sights of Sudak

Sudak is a very beautiful city. Its main attraction is the Genoese fortress. Every resident of the city has been there more than once.

The fortress offers a beautiful view of the city. It seems that the pike perch is simply located in the palm of your hand when you are standing on the observation deck. Of course, the climb is very difficult, but every tourist must overcome it.

View from the fortress. Photo by grishinslawa (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/grishinslawa/)

Another famous place in the city is the amusement park. It is better to come there after sunset. It glows with multi-colored lights. And from the Ferris wheel you can view Sudak at night - a stunning picture will open up to your eyes.

Don't pass by the Veranda restaurant. There is wonderful cuisine and a romantic atmosphere.

A favorite hangout spot for locals and tourists is the SunSet openair club. It is located right on the shore of Sudak Bay. There are interesting shows there.

A modern attraction that attracts tourists and Sudak residents is the water park.

Of course, spending a day there is not a cheap pleasure, but it’s worth it. In the late evenings, foam parties are held there, after which you will be left with a lot of emotions and impressions. There are special slides for children and children's show programs with animators are held.

It is always pleasant to live and relax in Sudak, despite all its shortcomings. It can rightfully be on the list of the best tourist cities in Crimea!

Based on personal experience, I will try to convey to you as much useful information as possible regarding holidays in Sudak, namely about the most important thing - about housing.

When looking for housing in Sudak, I decided to use the following scheme:

Finding the area with the largest concentration of private landlords in Sudak - this is what I did at home, after monitoring the Internet.

Arrive in the area and walk the streets in search of visually pleasing housing (view of the neighboring hotel or the sea, the presence of a balcony or swimming pool, numerous vegetation in the garden, etc.)

Knock on the door of your favorite private house and negotiate with the owner on a price that is favorable for both of you.

Where to rent housing in Sudak.

After walking around the city for almost a month, I can draw the following conclusions.

1) If you need a quiet hotel near the sea, then feel free to consider streets such as: Admiralskaya, Gagarina, Tavricheskaya, it’s calm there, the sea is close, but there are no large shops, but there are many small ones, you can buy food. If you come across a hotel on Gul-Tepe Street or Firey Mountain, it’s fine, but it’s on the mountain, keep this in mind. And there are almost no shops there at all.

2) For lovers of active, hectic recreation, as well as the urban pace of life, you need to look for housing near such streets as Biruzova, Yablonevaya and Lenina in the very center of Sudak. The dynamic rhythm of life is given by a huge number of all kinds of clubs, large and small shops, and there is also a market and a temple.

3) The part of the city that is closer to the Genoese fortress is Morskaya Street and the surrounding area, Turistskoe and Kurortnoe highways, but there are not very many shops there either, but it is still closer to the city than point 1

Sudak can also be divided into several conventional zones according to the distance to the sea and the beach.

Let's say you're looking for housing near the bus station. In principle, this is an acceptable option, but far from the best: waiting for a minibus at a bus stop and spending 15-20 minutes on public transport on the way to the sea, and then also back, is not for me personally. We rate this housing option in Sudak a C.

The central part of Sudak, somewhere between the bus station and the embankment. In this review I will not indicate the names of streets and not particularly important objects, since in order to get acquainted with such information, you can use an interactive or regular map. In general, the central part is closer to the sea, but this is not ideal. I give it a 4.

Take off housing in Sudak in close proximity to the embankment- already much better. This item deserves a 4 plus. Why? It’s easy to guess: 2-3 minutes – and you’re on the beach. The disadvantage of this option is also obvious. Price)))

Now - about the option housing near Cape Alchak. I do not advise. The sea is a couple of kilometers away, this is the first nuance. The second is algae, some kind of thin, long and nasty on the beaches in the immediate vicinity of the cape.

And the last option to rent housing while vacationing in Sudak is Cozy. Here is 5 (five) with a fatty plus. This is a village separated from the main part of Sudak by a fortress, where we lived during our vacation. Quiet, calm, cozy, much less traffic, next to the fortress, which you see when you go out in the morning to have breakfast, drink coffee and smoke. From there, a 10-15 minute walk and you are at the sea. But if you want, you can go to the beaches along the embankment, or to the beaches in the other direction.

In the south-eastern part of the Crimean peninsula, 100 km from Simferopol, there is a cozy resort town of Sudak, which annually attracts tourists with its stunning landscapes, clean and transparent sea, mild climate, abundance of attractions and, of course, developed tourist infrastructure. To the north of the resort there are mountains covered with dense forest vegetation, the Kapsel Valley stretches to the east, and the western Mediterranean landscapes are already familiar to Russian tourists.

The population of Sudak is more than 16,500 people, but during the holiday season this number increases significantly, and the guests of the resort are both family vacationers and groups of young people who value high-quality, eventful and interesting holidays. It is worth noting that Sudak is a favorite place among vacationers with average incomes, because prices here are much lower, for example, in Yalta, but the beaches and entertainment here are no worse, and can easily compete with each other. Creative people who write poetry, draw, and maybe look for their muse quite often come to Sudak hotels; historians and geologists also come to the resort during archaeological excavations, because the city has a rich history and is of great interest to them.

Pike perch attracts with its stunningly beautiful landscapes, always gentle sun and warm sea. It is worth noting that this is where the longest swimming season is observed. At the resort, sandy beaches coexist with forests and groves, a walk through which on a hot summer day will give you moments of coolness and peace. We should not forget that a large number of orchards and vineyards grow on the territory of Sudak. Guests of the city will receive a lot of positive emotions from walking around its surroundings, because Sudak has preserved a large number of ancient buildings of great historical value. The main attraction of the city is the Genoese fortress, which everyone who stays in Sudak should definitely see.

On the territory of the Sudak resort area there are several resort villages, each of which is attractive in its own way:

If we talk about the beaches of Sudak, they stretch from Fortress Mountain to Cape Alchak for 2.5 km. Due to the presence of breakwaters and the location of the resort surrounded by mountains, there are no high waves here; it is also worth noting that the descent into the water is gentle and the depth is shallow, which is why the resort’s beaches are the optimal place for families with small children. They are pebble and equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay - sun loungers and umbrellas, changing cabins, showers and toilets, equipment rentals and, of course, a cafe where you can order ice cream, fresh beer and other drinks and light snacks.

People come to hotels in the center of Sudak not only to relax and see local attractions, but also to improve their health. The main specialization of the local boarding houses and sanatoriums is the treatment of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and the main resource is the unique climate of the resort.

Holiday season in Sudak

Sudak is an excellent place for family recreation and recreation. The prices here are reasonable compared to other resorts, the climate is favorable, and the tourist season lasts from May to October. We will consider holidays in Sudak at all times of the year, so that you can choose the optimal period for your trip.

Holidays in Sudak in summer

The period of high tourist activity lasts from the end of June to the end of August. At this time, vacationers swim in the Black Sea and sunbathe, and also attend various festivals. Accommodation prices at this time are the highest, however, they are much lower than at the resorts of Greater Yalta, which is good news. The markets, beaches and streets of the resort become crowded, but if you don’t mind the large number of tourists, welcome to Sudak at the height of the holiday season!

Sudak is the sunniest city on the Crimean peninsula, with about 2,550 hours of sunshine per year. Summer at the resort is hot, the air temperature rises to +30°C and this is not the limit. Fresh breezes blowing from the sea help withstand the sweltering heat. As for the water temperature in the Black Sea, at the beginning of June it is +20°C, but by the end of the month it rises to +24-+25°C, and later even increases to +26°C.

Velvet season in Sudak

The beginning of autumn is the ideal time for a calm and measured holiday. During this period, you can enjoy cool weather and deserted beaches, because there are significantly fewer vacationers. Another advantage of a holiday during the velvet season is the prices, which drop by about 25-30% compared to the summer, for example, in the fall you can stay in a 4-star hotel for the price of a 2- or 3-star one, and there is no longer a rush for purchasing tickets. If we talk about the weather, the Black Sea temperature in September is +21-+23°C, the air temperature is +23-+25°C.

Holidays in Sudak in spring and autumn

Spring in Sudak is a very beautiful time, but at the very beginning of this season the vagaries of the weather cannot be avoided, fogs often fall, it can rain, and so on. Towards mid-April, the weather becomes stable, the sun shines almost every day, trees and shrubs bloom, and the sea air emits the aromas of flowers and herbs. Crocuses and irises bloom in the juniper valleys in spring, making it an ideal time for walks and recovery. Autumn is no less attractive in this regard, and it is much warmer than spring. Noticeable cooling occurs only towards the end of October, when the thermometer drops to +14°C. Autumn Sudak is very beautiful and romantic, bright leaves fall from the trees, and stunning landscapes appear.

Holidays in Sudak in winter

Winter Sudak is characterized by cool and windy weather. Snow, on the contrary, falls extremely rarely; it rains much more often and the sea is stormy. The air temperature on a winter day varies from +3 to +8°C; abnormal frosts are extremely rare. If we talk about the water temperature in the Black Sea, it varies from 0 to +5°C.

10 things to do in Sudak:

  • Visit the pride of the entire Crimean peninsula - the Genoese fortress in Sudak.
  • Go fishing on the open sea.
  • Visit the famous New World champagne factory.
  • Visit the most interesting show at the dolphinarium.
  • Take the whole family to a water park.
  • See the Sudak party from the top of the Ferris wheel.
  • Enjoy the natural beauty on horseback riding.
  • Play volleyball or table tennis.
  • Spend the evening in one of the resort's cozy restaurants.
  • Have a good rest and get a charge of positive emotions for the whole coming year.

Where to stay - hotels in Sudak

The greatest demand is for hotels located near the sea - in the area of ​​​​Cypress Alley, the water park and the Sudak shopping center. There are a large number of 3-star hotels, as well as boarding houses and mini-hotels. The cost of living varies widely and depends, first of all, on the category of the chosen accommodation facility and the range of services provided. If you prefer quiet areas, pay attention to hotels on the second and third coastlines. The road to the beach will take 15-20 minutes, and as a bonus you will receive much more pleasant prices and tranquility, which is sometimes so lacking for residents of big cities. Many hotels in Sudak offer their guests equipped kitchens and cots for little guests. To select the number that best suits all criteria, use

Choose a vacation in Sudak 2019 without intermediaries. Resort city Sudak (Crimea) - all on one site. There are prices, reviews, photos and phone numbers for booking.

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Sudak (Crimea) 2019

This city in the southeast of Crimea is considered a center for wine production, as well as a cozy seaside resort, which is rightfully considered beautiful and clean. Sudak has a mild climate and clean air. Feodosia is located 42 km to the southwest, and Alushta is 47 km to the northeast. The city stands on the river of the same name; in the north there are chains of mountains covered with forests. In the east stretches the Kapsel Valley. In the west, the landscape resembles the familiar Mediterranean view.

If you go to Crimea, you can visit Sudak to enjoy the natural beauty and feel the spirit of the times.

According to historical data, the name of the city was given by the Turks. The Slavic name sounds like “Surozh”. During the XII-XIII centuries, the city was the most important trading center, including on the famous Silk Road. He has seen a lot: the attack of the Asia Minor Seljuks, devastation by the Mongols and major restoration.

The city was then conquered by the Ottomans. During this period it transformed from a prosperous city with a large population to a small village. After joining the Russian Empire, the city began to rapidly develop and prosper.

Sudak 2019 still retains the memory of famous and great people who lived in this amazing place. These include I.K. Aivazovsky, A.K. Glazunov, K. Paustovsky, A. Green, A. Akhmatov. They all lived and worked in this amazing city. There were also those who visited him periodically, for example, M. Bulgakov.

The uniqueness of Sudak is associated, first of all, with the diversity of its landscapes. Here you can see beaches with hot sand and warm water, the scorching sun, from which it is difficult to hide. But also in Sudak there are green forests and groves, in the shady coolness of which tired tourists can relax.

Sudak will help you make your summer vacation in Crimea the longest, since it is here that the longest swimming season on the peninsula.

Sudak is very popular among tourists. But despite this, the city is calm and life flows smoothly. There is no fuss here, but peace reigns. If you choose a vacation in Sudak 2019, be sure to enjoy the Genoese fortress, the main pride of the city. It amazes with the beauty and elegance of architectural solutions.

Walleye continues to build and thrive. This is noticeable in the construction of new hotels and boarding houses. The beauty of the mountains and the freshness of the gardens and vineyards will give you a lot of pleasant impressions, and a light breeze will refresh you on a hot day.

In addition to a beach holiday, which perhaps occupies a priority place, tourists enjoy walking around the outskirts of the city, learning a lot of new and interesting things. Guests of the city enjoy structures erected in different time periods - towers, temples, barracks and walls, everything that Sudak is famous for. A holiday in this city will definitely be interesting and educational.

The "Temple on Consoles" as well as the Bashi are in good condition. Of the Watchtower and Maiden Towers, only ruins have been preserved, which are located on the top of the Fortress Mountain. However, it is still worth visiting the ruins, as they will be enough to immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of that distant time.

Whatever vacation you choose, Sudak is primarily a resort town and therefore there is a fairly large Sudak water park, which is sure to brighten up your vacation.

The pools have three depth levels, various cascades and curtains. You will also be pleased with the geysers and jacuzzi located at the entrance to the water park. There is also a children's pool with slides and a water disco.

Active and young people will also enjoy relaxing here; they go to Sudak, among other things, for thrills. Here you can go hiking, as there are tent camps and shelters in the mountains above Sudak. There is also the opportunity to go rock climbing. Here are ideal conditions for both amateur and sport climbing.

How to get to Sudak

The bulk of tourists get to Sudak by rail. They use the railway stations located in Feodosia and Sevastopol.

The disadvantage of the road through Sevastopol is that it is much further away than Feodosia. However, the road Simferopol - Sudak is smooth, only when approaching the city does the serpentine start.

There are several ways to get from Feodosia. However, the road passes through Old Crimea. It is very popular among taxi drivers. On the last section, starting from the village of Grushevka, the route is identical to the Simferopol - Sudak road. The other road is quite difficult. It passes through Koktebel and Shchebetovka. This is a mountain serpentine road most often used by bus drivers.

Buses depart from Simferopol to Sudak quite often, every 15 minutes, while the station in Feodosia is not so busy and the interval between flights here is an hour. Some people prefer not to wait so long and go to Sudak by taxi. Despite the fact that it will cost a little more, finding a suitable taxi will not be difficult.

Still, the bulk of tourists come to Sudak through Simferopol. If you travel by train, it is best to choose the station you arrive at based on your personal tastes and the availability of relevant flights.

The Sudak region is located on the southeastern coast of the glorious Crimean peninsula, and also slightly covers its mountainous zone. On the eastern side, the Sudak Valley is limited by the high mountain Ai-Georgiy, and a little further, near the sea, it is limited by Cape Alchak. The valley of the city of Sudak is covered on the western side by the wooded Perch. Resort town of Sudak- This is a very popular place where tourists from all over Europe come to relax. The summer holiday season here is quite long; sea bathing at this resort lasts for 138 days (they begin in June and end somewhere in mid-October).

The resort region of Sudak is notable for its unique, very peculiar landscapes, a large abundance of various monuments and beautiful sights. On the territory of this wonderful city there are many protected areas; there are more than a hundred cultural and historical monuments, many of which are of great global significance. To organize an unforgettable holidays in Sudak there is absolutely everything: this is the healing air that juniper and relict groves give the city, and the gentle, bright sun, and the warm, welcoming sea, and wonderful, comfortable beaches. It is at this resort that there are one-of-a-kind beaches covered with quartz, gray sand.

Neighborhood of the resort Sudak simply abound with a variety of species of animals and plants. Among this set there are more than a hundred species of birds, and the same number of varieties of fish. This city has a well-developed network of establishments designed for entertainment - these include nightclubs that are open until dawn, cozy bars, and fashionable restaurants with the highest level of service. In addition, in Sudak there are numerous billiard clubs, as well as bowling clubs. On the territory of this sunny resort there is a wonderful, modern water park. Among other things, from the numerous Sudak bays you can go on interesting excursions to absolutely any place on the Crimean peninsula. Large-scale youth festivals are held annually in the city.

The southeastern Crimean city of Sudak is one of the best places to relax, and at any time of the year. This resort is considered practically the sunniest place in Crimea. In terms of the number of warm days when the sun shines brightly here, Sudak can “outdo” even such a popular resort as Yalta. An ideal place for a summer holiday at this resort - pebble and sand Sudak beaches, stretching for many kilometers. Here you can find both landscaped beach areas and completely wild places, which are located in the most picturesque places glorifying the Crimean peninsula.

The sunny corner of Ukraine - the Crimean Peninsula is washed by the gentle waters of the Black Sea and the warm waters of the Azov Sea, it is famous for its unsurpassed romantic and exotic flora and fauna. Nature in the city of Sudak, as well as in all its surrounding environs, has absorbed only the best features of the nature of the peninsula. This resort is surrounded by picturesque rocky peaks, which are former coral reefs that have remained here since the Jurassic period. These include Cape Alchak, which resembles a stone sphinx in appearance, the majestic Mount Bakatash, very similar to a stone frog, and the high Mount Taraktash, which is also called the “Rocky Crest”.

Also here rises Mount Eagle, and in its depths there is the famous Crimean Golitsyn Grotto, there is also Mount Fortress, on the slope of which there is a popular medieval one, and, of course, one cannot help but recall the most powerful coral reef, located in the vicinity of the city of Sudak - this is a majestic Falcon. Simple walks along the most beautiful and winding mountain paths around the resort of Sudak will serve as an excellent means for active recreation. Vast Crimean evergreen groves spread over hundreds of hectares around the city, filling the air of Sudak with the unique aromas of amazing tree-like junipers, as well as Crimean pine. Walking through the groves of pines and junipers will give you a healing beneficial effect, which will also serve as a prevention of diseases of the pulmonary system, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Crimea has repeatedly served as a location for the filming of numerous famous, well-known feature films. And the most important filming location on the peninsula has always been Sudak, which inspired and still inspires filmmakers, thanks to which they create many legendary and cult films. While relaxing at the Sudak resort, you can see the places where such films as “Scuba Tank at the Bottom”, “Treasure Island”, “Pirates of the Twentieth Century”, “Amphibian Man”, “Sportloto-82”, “Marco Polo” were once filmed ", "The Gadfly", "The Master and Margarita", "A Cheerful Chronicle of a Dangerous Journey" and others.

Beautiful, comfortable stay in Sudak Today they can offer various prestigious private or public health resorts, which are located in the most beautiful places, they are surrounded by fragrant, blooming parks filled with exotic plants. Most of these parks are real monuments of garden and park art. In the resort area of ​​the city there are establishments of high resort demand, the level of service in which is at the highest level, these include fashionable restaurants, inexpensive cafes, concerts, spacious venues, and a modern, well-equipped Water Park.

Mountain and unforgettable horseback riding will also be available to you in Sudak. In the most picturesque places of the sea coast you will be able to use the services diving schools, while you will be able to dive into the sea depths of the colorful bays of Sudak, as well as the New World. Your acquaintance with the unique beauties of Crimea will be complemented by boat trips on ships, boats and pedalos. The Crimean Peninsula is widely known throughout Europe for its wine-making traditions. The city of Sudak is the birthplace of domestic production of Crimean wine.

Back in 1804, the first school of winemaking and viticulture was founded in this city. Already in 1878, Grand Duke Golitsyn founded the first champagne wine factory, which was called the "New World". A winemaking enterprise such as Sudak is an integral part of the famous Crimean Massandra. A holiday at this resort can be perfectly combined with wonderful, educational wine tours held in the tasting rooms and cellars of the New World, Sudak, Koktebel and Sunny Valley. A wide trading network of branded supermarkets of local wineries, which offers you to purchase the best Crimean wines, can make your Sudak holiday even more memorable and richer.

The Crimean peninsula is known for its long, unique history. City of Sudak is one of the most ancient cities on the peninsula, as well as throughout the CIS. It was founded back in 212 from the Birth of Christ. While vacationing in Sudak, you will be able to get up close and personal with numerous, varied historical monuments, as well as cultural monuments. The most majestic of them can be called the Genoese fortress, which is famous even far beyond the borders of sunny Crimea. This attraction is vying to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Today, this majestic fortress in Sudak serves as a wonderful venue where knightly festivals, all kinds of concerts and other cultural events are held.

So that you can fully experience all the splendor nature of the Crimean peninsula, as well as to make the most of all the time allotted for summer vacation, it is recommended to book accommodation in Sudak in advance. Accommodation at this resort is offered either in comfortable apartments, furnished on a turnkey basis, or in a private cottage, or in a small boarding house, hotel or mini-hotel, the rooms of which are equipped with all amenities, or in the private sector of Sudak. In addition, you can agree in advance to organize a transfer from such Crimean cities as Feodosia or Simferopol.

The resort of Sudak, as befits any resort town, has a wide selection of different hotels, most of which are private. In the last few years, in terms of quality, as well as the number of private hotels, the city of Sudak has taken a leading position on the Crimean peninsula. The most prestigious area for living at the resort is, naturally, the area of ​​the city's central embankment. There are beaches in close proximity and a developed resort infrastructure is always at hand. There are a sufficient number of hotels in Sudak that are located on the first, second, and third coastlines (this means that you are only ten minutes away from the beach on foot).

The further the hotel is from the sea coast, the lower the prices for accommodation there. If you want to save a little on your vacation in Sudak, then you can stay a twenty-minute walk from the beaches. Options for such accommodation are not at all difficult to find, however, it is worth preparing yourself in advance for the fact that certain remote Sudak areas do not have such a developed infrastructure. The city's public transport, shops, entertainment and other amenities of civilization gravitate closer to the sea. Many hotels in Sudak include a service such as organizing transfers to the beaches of the resort and to any outskirts of the city. In addition, among the most common services are meals, organization of various types of outdoor activities (such as diving, excursions and fishing), as well as transfers from railway stations or bus stations in the Crimean region.

Private sector of the resort town of Sudak very diverse. There are new, comfortable private guest houses and fairly modest households here. On the narrow, winding streets in the city center, housing is available for rent at almost every turn. The full range of existing offers for rental housing in the private sector can be found on our website. In the category of this site, there are such options for private accommodation in Sudak as economy and luxury rooms, separate comfortable apartments in the private sector, as well as entire houses. This Internet resource differs sharply from other sites in its ease of use and speed of search.

In addition, here you can find and read reviews about holidays in Sudak, as well as contact people who have already been lucky enough to visit this resort, and find out all the detailed information, as they say, “first-hand.” Among other things, the website Zagar.net.ua presents photographs of Sudak in Crimea, thanks to which you can get the most complete picture of this city. Due to this, when you arrive in Sudak for the first time, you will be able to at least somehow find your way around the most popular places of the resort. Also, by looking at the photos of the beaches of Sudak, Crimea, offered on the site, you will know in advance in what picturesque setting your summer holiday will take place.

The cost of living and prices for private holidays in Sudak are generally close to average prices in Crimea. The resort itself, as well as its private sector, are actively developing and rapidly being improved. Every year you can observe a gradual increase in prices. The cost of housing in the private sector, which is listed in the Sudak category, are the prices that are set by the direct owner of the home, that is, the owner determines them independently. Before booking the selected room or suite, it is best to directly contact the owner or the administrator, and check with him the current prices.

Naturally, people often go to Sudak for sea swimming and a Crimean tan, but to this beach holiday at this sunny resort you can add a variety of educational holidays. In this case, you will be able to visit all the existing attractions of the city, as well as the surrounding area. There are quite a lot of them, so you can discover a lot of unforgettable things and learn a lot of interesting things. The attractions of the city of Sudak in Crimea are very diverse and numerous, since this place is one of the most ancient European cities. According to some data, Sudak was founded in the third century, which is why it is possible to find a huge number of interesting, historical places here.

One of the most famous places in the city of Sudak can be called the Genoese fortress, which is located on a picturesque, steep cliff. You should visit this attraction for a number of reasons. Firstly, you can take an educational and very interesting excursion here, since there is a museum on the territory of the fortress, where all the objects ever discovered in the vicinity of this fortification are exhibited. This museum is located inside an ancient, preserved temple. Secondly, this fortress is the best place from which a uniquely beautiful view of the city of Sudak and the entire Sudak valley opens. Entrance to the territory of this ancient fortification as part of an excursion for adults costs thirty hryvnia, and children can enter for only fifteen hryvnia.

The Genoese fortress is an ancient fortification consisting of two tiers. The first, lower, tier is a massive outer wall, the height of which reaches eight meters and the thickness of two meters. This wall is fortified with fourteen battle towers, fifteen meters in height, as well as the Main Gate complex. The next, upper tier of the fortress consists of towers and the Consular Castle, which are connected by a wall. In addition, this includes the Watchtower complex, located at the very top. During its entire existence, the Genoese fortress suffered a lot and also saw a lot. On the stones of the building you can still see traces left by sharp blades and cannonballs. Over time, it became clear that the Genoese fortress was built conscientiously.

If you decide to organize your holiday in Sudak as actively as possible, then you should definitely conquer the peak of Mount St. George (another name is Mount Ai-George). The Turkic name of this mountain sounds like Manjil. Ai-Georgiy rises above Sudak from its eastern side; the height of the mountain is five hundred meters above the level of the Black Sea. You can see this Crimean landmark from anywhere in the resort city. You can conquer the peaks of St. George either on your own (it is advisable to do it in a group, or at least together). With average physical fitness, the entire climb to the top of the mountain will take you about three hours, and you will be able to descend in just an hour and a half.

The climb to the top of Ai-Georgia is quite gentle, and on the way you will meet juniper plants, mighty Crimean oaks, hornbeams, as well as artificial pine plantings. After you overcome this vegetation, somewhere in the middle of the path, mostly rocky ground begins, so besides juniper, you will not encounter any more flora here. From this point on, the climb up the mountain will become quite steep. The top of Mount St. George is rocky and there is absolutely no vegetation here. From this peak in any direction you will have a stunning view of the city, Cape Meganom, the coast of Kapsel and the village of Dachnoe. Having conquered Mount Ai-Georgiy and climbed to its very top, you will be able to admire the beauty of the Sudak landscape. While on vacation in Sudak, you should definitely take a trip to Mount St. George.

One of the types of active recreation at the resort is sea ​​fishing, boat trips, as well as swimming in the open sea. You will have the opportunity to take a sea sightseeing excursion, accompanied by swimming in the clean, open Black Sea. Sea fishing is so exciting that once there is a good bite, you will simply forget about everything else. A team of professionals will provide you with all the necessary marine equipment that will help you get a rich catch. This sea tour will appeal to any vacationer, especially children. If you are an ardent fan of fishing, then try your fishing luck during the spring or autumn months, when red mullet and horse mackerel are actively caught.

At the foot of the Sudak Frog Mountain, which offers a unique panoramic view of the sea and the valley of the city of Sudak, there is a horse base. Horse rides are organized here, which last for an hour, and you can also go on a two-hour route that runs along the Tarak-Tash ridge and leads to the local lake. Experienced, qualified instructors will introduce you in detail to all the necessary rules on how to behave with a horse and how to control it. During the route, the group may sometimes stop to take photos or make videos.

On the central embankment of the resort town of Sudak is located water park, which is called “Water World”. This local attraction fits perfectly into the southeastern part of the sea coast of Sudak Bay. The opening of this water park took place back in 2003. The territory of the water park stretches over twenty thousand square meters. The large area of ​​the “Water World” houses several large entertainment complexes; there are also swimming pools equipped with high-speed slides, geysers, fountains, water curtains, and cascades. The water in all attractions is exclusively fresh, and it is changed twice a day.

The water park's water attractions with various slides are designed for both beginners and active lovers of thrilling, unforgettable sensations. For vacationers who prefer a relaxing holiday, the Water World has swimming pools with a total area of ​​up to 1,600 square meters. They have three depth levels, a counter-current river option, water curtains, “mushrooms” that provide a light shower, cascades, and bubbling jacuzzi geysers. All water park attractions are marked with their technical characteristics. They also present the rules by which you should go down the slides, the correct body position when making the descent. The use of any attraction takes place under the strict supervision of experienced, qualified instructors.

Around the pools of the water park there are sun umbrellas, shade awnings and comfortable sun loungers for a comfortable stay. There are a lot of flowers, greenery and palm trees on the territory of Water World. After nine in the evening every day a big man starts working here entertainment center, where a disco, dance programs and performances by various stars are held. The Sudak water park has everything necessary for a comfortable and complete holiday. There are pizzerias and bars, lockers and retail outlets, toilets and changing rooms, a medical center and showers, as well as guarded parking for personal vehicles. The Water World water park in Sudak guarantees each of its guests a great mood, a sea of ​​delight and a lot of fun.

A natural attraction of Sudak is its protected area, which is called “Alchak-Kaya” (or in other words "Cape Alchak"), it is located a little east of the city. The territory of this cape was declared a protected area back in 1988, which is of local importance. This protected area covers a total area of ​​55 hectares, and it also has environmental status. Along the perimeter of this Cape Alchak, going around it, a convenient ecological and tourist trail has been laid, its length reaches 800 meters. You can get to this path from the central embankment of the city, where the long-lived Sudak oak towers.

Further from this oak tree the path lies through the Devil's Gorge, here there is a bridge over the cliff. Then the trail will take you a little along Kapsel Bay, and after that it will take you to the very top of Mount Alchak-Kaya. From here there is a charming, wonderful view of the city of Sudak, the bays of the New World, to the Genoese fortress, to Mount St. George, to Cape Meganom and to the Kapsel Valley. Then the hiking trail descends into the valley of the city, while it passes by the bizarre, amazing grotto of the Aeolian Harp. This creation of nature is a large through hole located directly in the rock. It was formed due to the weathering of limestone rocks. This grotto was named after the patron saint of the winds - Aeolus.

Animal and flora of the Sudak region basically the same as in all other areas of the southern Crimean coast. The region is home to a variety of fruit and horticultural trees, including wild varieties of walnuts, local grapes and almonds. A significant part of the trees growing in the flat area are deciduous, such as maple, oak, hornbeam, elm and others. There are also a large number of shrubs (including juniper), and in the foothill areas relict Sudak and Crimean pines are still preserved. Green vegetation growing on rocky areas of land, illuminated by the bright rays of the summer sun, or standing out against the backdrop of the blue sea hiding behind the horizon, are the favorite scenic views for any tourist in Sudak.

At this resort you can see such unique landscapes that will forever be etched in your memory. Fresh sea breezes and healing air, carrying the smell of juniper and pine trees, attract holiday in Sudak tens of thousands of travelers, tourists and ordinary vacationers. The climate in this city is quite mild, here you will not feel sudden changes in temperature, since the Sudak climate can be equated to the Mediterranean, this is due to the fact that the valley of this area has a length of thirteen kilometers, and on the northern side it is reliably protected by several mountain ranges.

The two-kilometer beach, covered with small pebbles, in Sudak gradually turns into sand. It is quite easy to endure the summer heat here, since cool, gentle breezes come from the sea. Somewhere in the middle of the day a sea breeze begins to blow, and in the evening it changes to a fragrant forest breeze. This is what makes the climate at the resort of Sudak unique. The city's beaches have undergone a large number of changes in recent years, some have completely changed their infrastructure, and some simply received a different name. Popular in Sudak is the Wild Beach, which is a picturesque, chaotic pile of large and sharp stone blocks overgrown with algae.

Mostly teenagers relax on this beach, catching sea creatures among the boulders, as well as young couples and cheerful groups of young people. Immediately behind this beach strip is the municipal “Free” beach, on which two tall concrete structures rise. Vacationers use them as shelter from direct sunlight. The next beach area was rented by the Arza cafe. Entrance to this beach is free, however, it is very clean, there are showers, changing rooms, colorful, bright sun loungers that can be rented for a fee. There are wooden paths along the beach, there are fungi that protect from the sun, and shade umbrellas. There is also a summer terrace for the Arza cafe. It is very landscaped, has artificial turf, comfortable chairs, umbrellas, tables. Scooters and catamarans moor to the seashore of this beach, which you can ride on for a small additional fee.

If you want to relax in Sudak more calmly, as quietly as possible, then you can stay in the village of Uyutnoye. The attraction of this place is its unique location, since the village is located at the very foot of the ancient Genoese fortress. In addition, in Uyutnoye there is a sanatorium at the Ukrainian Department of Internal Affairs. It has a very picturesque exterior; you can see this sanatorium when you are heading to the beach. Sudak, Crimea, Uyutnoye have both free and paid beaches, and on the free beach you can always find a convenient place. Not very far from the main, central beach of the village, there is a beach nicknamed “Turtle”.

There are always quite a few people here, and to get here you will have to overcome some descent from the mountain. Therefore, tourists who are afraid of heights will find it difficult to relax on this beach. This place benefits from the fact that it is possible to be almost alone here. The water off the shores of this beach is clean, and the beach itself is covered with small pebbles. There are no problems with food in the village of Uyutnoye, since there are small, comfortable cafes at every step. There are also a sufficient number of mini-hotels and private hotels that offer visitors “home-cooked meals”. Moreover, the cost of such a meal is quite affordable, it is about forty hryvnia per person. At the same time, the food here is truly delicious, and every day you will be offered a completely different menu.

Not far from the village of Uyutnoye, there is the New World - the Crimean sparkling wine factory, as well as Golitsyn trail. It is very difficult to forget it, because from this trail you can see simply amazing views, in addition, there is a nature reserve in which a large number of junipers grow. The village of Uyutnoye in Sudak is an amazing place that you should definitely visit if you are planning a summer vacation at this resort. Having been here once, after that you will remember and admire these wonderful places all your life and will definitely want to visit this place again.

Finding a suitable place to stay in Sudak is very easy. Numerous hotels, recreation centers and boarding houses are ready to receive guests at any time. In the picturesque Sudak Valley, opposite the ancient Genoese fortress, there is a tourist and health complex called “Horizon”. Boarding house "Horizon" in Sudak is one of the most popular vacation spots in this resort, since vacationers are offered a wide range of resort and tourist services. The six-floor dormitory building is designed to accommodate three hundred tourists at a time. There are 147 rooms for this purpose, and half of them have a gorgeous view of the sea. The main building of the boarding house is equipped with two elevators.

“Horizon” offers its guests accommodation in a one-room double standard room, which is equipped with a shower and a bathroom, has two single beds (or one double bed), several bedside tables, chairs, a table, a refrigerator, a TV and a comfortable balcony. The boarding house also has one-room triple standard rooms (the room configuration is similar to a double room). In addition, guests can stay in a superior two-room double room, where a wardrobe, air conditioning, and a living room equipped with upholstered comfortable furniture are added to the standard furniture.

The price of staying in any of the rooms includes two meals a day, use of the swimming pool, access to an equipped beach, use of the library and playroom for children. Two meals a day includes dinner and breakfast, decorated in a buffet style, which is served in the restaurant of the boarding house "Horizon". For an additional fee, you can order lunch, which is served from a set menu. When staying in a boarding house in the off-season, tourists will be offered a comprehensive meal plan.

On the territory of the boarding house there is an outdoor swimming pool filled with fresh water, which is heated. Its area reaches 250 square meters. Beach adjacent to Horizon, sand and pebbles, it has shady canopies, comfortable sun loungers, changing rooms, and sun umbrellas (all these services can be used for an additional fee). The access system to the beach is carried out through a turnstile. The distance from the beach to the boarding house is six hundred meters. This establishment can accommodate children aged five years and older. The list of services provided at the Horizon boarding house includes excursion services, a playground for children, and a conference room that can accommodate 260 people. Also on the territory of the boarding house there is a cosmetology room, a massage room, a luggage room, a gym, a tennis court, a video salon, a pharmacy kiosk, parking, a library, a restaurant, a bar and a sauna.

Among the many hotels, inns, sanatoriums and boarding houses, it is worth noting a compact but wonderful mini-boarding house in Sudak, called “Frigate”. This establishment is located in a calm and quiet place in the city, at a distance of 450 meters from the sea coast. You can get to an equipped, modern sand and pebble beach in just a five-minute walk from the main building of the boarding house. Throughout the year, the hospitable owners of this establishment accommodate all vacationers who dream of spending happy days on the Black Sea coast. Boarding house "Fregat" in Sudak is an excellent choice for families with children, because it can accommodate children of any age.

This boarding house is not a very large building on four floors, with spacious, bright balconies, where any vacationer has a separate entrance to their own room. Due to this design of the boarding house, every guest will be able to feel peace and privacy, even despite the overcrowding of this establishment. In total, the Fregat boarding house has sixteen rooms that can accommodate two or three people. The owners of this establishment have created all the necessary conditions here for a comfortable stay. The rooms are equipped with comfortable furniture, large LCD TVs, refrigerators and split systems. Any of the four floors of the main building has its own balcony-terrace, from where you can admire unsurpassed panoramic views of the sea and mountain Crimean landscapes.

In addition, to admire the Crimean nature, the boarding house has a comfortable, landscaped roof, which offers a wonderful view of colorful sunsets and sunrises. Here you can sunbathe, take pictures, or have a romantic dinner. Everyone will enjoy a holiday in this Sudak boarding house, because any guest will leave a small part of themselves here, and in return will take away a lot of positive emotions. Thanks to a fairly high level of service, as well as due to the well-developed infrastructure, reviews of this boarding house "Fregat" are filled with gratitude and positive feedback.

For the convenience of guests, the boarding house has a large parking lot for vehicles. In the yard of the "Frigate" there is equipped recreation areas, there are also several cozy gazebos, a barbecue grill and a barbecue grill. There is no curfew at the boarding house. There is a cozy cafe on the ground floor of the main building. There is free internet within the boarding house. The Fregat staff offers guests a number of different beauty services, which include facial cleansing, body massage, spa treatments, depilation, hair removal, mesotherapy and mesobotex. Outside the boarding house there is an excellent beach, a modern Sudak water park, a small market and a central, large-scale market.

In the very center of the resort Sudak is located private boarding house "Moskovsky", at a distance of 700 meters from the seashore. Three hundred meters from this hotel there are cafes, shops, the central city street Lenin, as well as Cypress Alley. The boarding house is only two kilometers away from the Sudak bus station. The morning for visitors to the boarding house begins with a hearty breakfast. Throughout the day, the cafe will offer you delicious homemade dishes prepared according to recipes from Ukrainian and international cuisines. In addition, you can always order light snacks and local Crimean wines.

You can sunbathe and swim on the beach, which is located next to the boarding house. There is also a gym on site. After sunbathing, it is very pleasant to relax in a cozy, shady gazebo, of which there are several on the territory of Moskovsky. In addition, you can cook barbecue on the grill or play billiards. In the silence of the local library you can retire and enjoy reading a book. The Moskovsky boarding house in Sudak offers to book any room out of sixteen possible. The balconies and terraces of these rooms offer beautiful views of the Genoese fortress and the Black Sea. Each room has a refrigerator, TV and a split system. Vacationers in some rooms will be able to use shared showers, which are located on the floor.

Guests of the boarding house will have access to a variety of different entertainments. This includes all the attractions located on the beach, active walks, and numerous excursions. It is better to book rooms at the Moskovsky boarding house in advance, before the start of the expensive season. The price of accommodation here is quite moderate, but increases significantly during peak season. Hotel services include the use of a washing machine, free Internet, secure parking, ironing facilities, safes, and specially equipped smoking areas.

Holidays in the resort of Sudak simply cannot be compared with other Black Sea resorts. This city has absolutely everything to make you feel cheerful and happy. The cleanest air, moderately mild climate, generous and bright sun, wonderful Crimean weather, the rich history of the city, the most beautiful landscapes of the Sudak Valley make your stay at this resort unforgettable and indescribably pleasant. The city of Sudak has always been distinguished by its own special atmosphere, it is not built up with industrial buildings, cozy valleys and bays prevail here, and the beautiful Crimean nature simply fascinates and makes you fall in love with this wonderful place.

For vacationers who do not like to sit still, all kinds of excursions and exciting trips throughout the Crimean peninsula are offered. During these excursions you can visit unique, wonderful, picturesque Crimean places that will leave impressions for a long time. It will be a great holiday in Sudak with children, because at almost every step you will come across all kinds of attractions and other entertainment places where little children can have a lot of fun. And in the evening you can leisurely stroll along the evening Sudak embankment, listening to the pleasant, soothing whisper of the sea surf. Also in the evening you can swim in the warm waters of the Black Sea, and at night it fully lives up to its name.

Tourists who visit Sudak every year are also unlikely to explain to you in words what the attractiveness of this city is. The Black Sea washing the Sudak Valley, you need to see it in person to experience all its charm. Thanks to the excellent climate and excellent natural conditions of Sudak, as well as due to its affordable pricing policy, thousands of vacationers come here every year to vacation. A holiday at this resort will definitely bring a lot of joyful, positive emotions and impressions.