What's next to the Maldives. What is the ocean in the Maldives

Mira, you first need to find India on it. It is not difficult - the peninsula on which this state is located is located in the south of Asia and has the shape of a triangle. From the southernmost point of this exotic country, you must mentally draw a line to the southwest. It is there that a large group of atolls is located - coral islands, which are called the Maldives.

Atolls are a closed or broken ring formed by the mouth of an extinct volcano, that is, in the middle of such an "island" there is a lagoon filled with sea water.

The distance to India is about 700 km, it is worth noting that the atolls are located on a fairly large area, so the southernmost ones are 1,000 km away. The Maldives are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and, due to their proximity to the equator, have a unique climate with an almost constant temperature throughout the year and only two distinct seasons - dry and rainy.

Due to their volcanic origin, the islands have a low altitude (only about two meters) and a rather sparse fauna - only a few species of mammals live here. But the underwater world is very diverse.

State of the Maldives

All atolls located in this part of the Indian Ocean are united in the state of the Republic of Maldives. It is worth noting that its history began in 1965, when Britain, under whose protectorate the islands were, generously granted them independence, however, not just like that, but after fierce uprisings of the population against the rule of the empire.

However, much remains of the English, including the name, it is a distorted word in Hindi: "" - a palace and "diva" - an island. The capital of the state of the Republic of Maldives is the city of Male, which, by the way, is the only settlement that has such a status.

Maldives are Muslims, or rather Sunnis. In the 12th century, a Muslim preacher landed on the islands, who founded a dynasty that ruled until the arrival of the Portuguese, Dutch, and subsequently the British.

How to get to the Maldives

Traveling to the Maldives will require from the tourist not only the investment of time and money, but also patience, because a direct flight from Moscow to the capital of the state of Male lasts more than 8 hours. If a non-stop flight is not available for any reason, you will have to plan a route with a connection at an intermediate airport, usually Colombo in Sri Lanka, Abu Dhabi in the UAE or Dubai in Saudi Arabia. In any case, it should be borne in mind that from Male to the desired island will have to be reached by water transport or by seaplane.

Republic of Maldives.

Country summary

Capital Male. Founded 5 centuries BC. Political system Full name - Republic of Maldives. The state structure is a presidential republic, divided into 19 administrative regions (alotts) and 1 district (Male). The independence of the Maldives was proclaimed on July 26, 1965 (formerly a British protectorate), in 1968 the Maldives were declared a republic by a referendum. The unicameral parliament is the main legislative body, headed by a speaker. The head of state, head of government and executive branch is the president. Maumun Abdul Gayum - President of the Republic of Maldives since 1978, is very popular and revered among the local population. All citizens from the age of 21 have the opportunity to elect the president and other members of the government. Parliament appoints the president, but for this choice to be valid, he must be supported in a national referendum. The administration of the atolls is appointed by the government itself. There is not a single political party in the country, although this is not prohibited at all. There are also no military forces here. The post of prime minister has not existed since 1975. The Maldives Republic is a peaceful country that devotes a lot of effort to cooperation with world countries. She has close relations with Great Britain and Japan, with the Russian Federation - diplomatic relations. Located The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of India and Sri Lanka on both sides of the Equator. In total, there are 1190 islands of coral origin, forming 26 atolls, stretching in a double chain perpendicular to the equator. The local population lives on 201 islands, 88 islands are used as tourist resorts. They come in a variety of sizes and are designed to accommodate different numbers of tourists. The length of the Maldives archipelago from north to south is 820 kilometers, from east to west - 120 kilometers. The Maldives are washed by the Indian Ocean. Major cities Male is the capital of the Maldives, as well as a commercial and administrative center. This is the only settlement that can be called a city. Time zone UTC + 5. Flight time from Moscow Flight time to Maldives from Moscow (direct flight Moscow - Male) is 8 hours 30 minutes. Territory The total area of ​​the Maldives is 298 sq. km. Population There are only 339.3 thousand people in the Maldives: Maldives (Sinhalese, Indians) - 90%, Arabs - 9%. Language The official language is Maldivian (Dhivehi). It arose about 1500 years ago, belongs to the Indo-Aryan languages, has its own script called Tana, which is read from right to left. English is widely spoken in Male and in resorts. Main religions The state religion is Sunni Islam. In 1153 A.D. NS. the Buddhist king Kalamina, who ruled in the Maldives at that time, converted to Islam, which remains the main religion to this day. Any other sects and religions on the islands are prohibited. Islam in the Maldives has a liberal character similar to that practiced in India and Indonesia.

There are unusually beautiful mosques on the islands, and if you spend a little time on the islands, you can immediately feel how important religion is here. On all islands, residents pray several times a day.

When visiting a mosque, you can see what interesting ancient paintings cover their walls. They depict scenes from history and are designed to strengthen the spirit of the inhabitants of the archipelago, to control their upbringing and thoughts. The mosques also host important official meetings and events.

But religion quite peacefully coexists with modernity. For example, the minaret of the famous Islamic Center, built more than twenty years ago, peacefully adjoins the post office. The Islamic Center belongs to the list of the most beautiful Asian mosques. The authorities took special care of its erection in order to strengthen the nation in this way.

Official currency Rufiyaa (Maldivian rupee) = 100 lari, 1 USD = 12 rufiyaa. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rufiyaas and coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. Mains voltage Mains voltage - 220 V. Climate The climate is tropical, warm, even due to the proximity of the equator, without significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. The best weather conditions are from November to the end of April (northeastern monsoon): the sea is calm, the weather is sunny, hot and dry. Sometimes in June-July there are short-term rains, but they are not so long - 20-25 minutes, and the sun is shining again. From May to October - monsoon season: heavy rains, high humidity, storms. The average daily maximum is + 30.4 ° С. The average night minimum is + 25.4 ° С. Water temperature + 24–27 ° С all year round.

During the monsoon period (spring and autumn), intense tropical storms and thunderstorm rains have recently become more frequent.


What kind of money to take with you Dollars. Dollars are accepted everywhere, there is no need to exchange them for rufiyaa, because even in souvenir shops on the local islands, purchases can be paid in dollars. Euros are accepted only in resorts, as well as in some souvenir shops.

Where to change US dollars are almost universally accepted. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.

The American dollar is preferred especially by banks, where only dollars are exchanged for you. Exchange offices sometimes accept other world currencies, but this is not the rule.

In the resort areas, you can find exchange offices at almost every corner. Money can also be exchanged in large hotels. The exchange rate is almost the same everywhere, a little more profitable in Male than in hotels.

Credit Cards Most hotels, shops, gas stations, car rentals, large shopping centers and restaurants accept payment cards, especially American Express, VISA, MasterCard and EuroCard. There is only one ATM in the Maldives, from which you can draw from the accounts of foreign banks. You will find him in Male in front of the HSBC bank building. Shopping Souvenir products can be purchased at special shops in the resorts, which are open until late evening hours, souvenir shops in fishing villages and Male (Chandani Magu Street).

The diverse craft hobbies of the locals will give you a rich selection of all kinds of trinkets and truly beautiful rare items.

Typical souvenirs, as a rule, are beautiful seashells, shark jaws (a favorite souvenir of tourists), coconut oil, original silk clothes, sculptures carved from coconut wood, beautiful wooden dishes, painted souvenir plates, colorful fish figurines, paintings by local artists, coral decorations, sarongs, wood crafts (hand-cut red and black figurines), coconut monkeys.

One of the islands produces lovely painted caskets and jewelry. They are made from a tree called funa.

On another island, you will find another original souvenir - woven rugs, which are very light and cute, they are made, like the boxes by hand from reed.

Tourists often buy wooden miniatures of Dhoni ships or sailboats. Usually Sri Lana or Indian teas, pipes, fans or sets are brought from the Maldives. You can also purchase a CD of local traditional or contemporary music.

Things made from different stones will suit your taste. This is not surprising, since the tradition of carving is very old here, it is carefully passed on to the younger generations.

In Male, you can profitably buy high-quality equipment and equipment for scuba diving of foreign production.

Export from the country of black corals, products made of tortoiseshell is prohibited.

Tipping Tipping is not officially accepted in the Maldives. But if the service was worth it, then unofficially, no one forbids to thank the service personnel with a small amount: the hotel employee - $ 10, the waiter - 5%.

Some resorts add payment for services to the bill (usually 10%), in which case there is no need to tip.
Taxi services A classic auto taxi is available only in the capital Male, on the atolls of Gan and Addu. The trip is paid at the rate of 15Rf plus 5Rf for luggage during the day and 20Rf after 24:00. Any stop, even for a minute, automatically ends the trip, which must be paid for immediately. If you want to continue your trip, you will have to pay all over again.

There are several taxi services (operating around the clock), all cars are air-conditioned. Taxis can be stopped on the street or called by phone (in this case, the trip will cost 10Rf).

Public transport Public transport does not exist as such. Because most of the islands are so small that transport is simply not needed there. There is no sight that we are used to - a large congestion of cars; the most common types of land transport are bicycles and motorcycles.

Basically, they use the services of water transport - a local taxi can be called a wooden boat with a flat roof - dhoni. This is a traditional multipurpose vessel, nowadays enhanced by diesel engines. On this modest boat, you can sail to the island you need. As a rule, tourists, as a sign of greeting, are immediately put on a wreath of pink or white flowers, offered refreshing, fragrant napkins and coconut milk. Large boats are called Vedis and are used for long journeys to remote atolls.

You can safely bargain with private carriers. There is no timetable, ships leave as they fill up with passengers.

Car rental In Male and other major islands, you can rent a car.

Traffic is practically unregulated, markings and road signs or not, or they have long been destroyed, traffic lights are also absent. The speed is low, but drivers never give way to pedestrians, so you should be extremely careful on the few Maldivian roads.

customs control

To pass customs control at the airport of Male, you must present all things for inspection, including hand luggage. It must be remembered that:

Prohibited import:

Any narcotic substance, including psychotropic
- pornographic materials recorded for viewing video cassettes with films, etc. Only sealed cassettes are allowed
- anti-Islamic literature
- military paraphernalia
- any pork products
- alcohol
- animals
- gunpowder / explosives / firearms / piercing, cutting objects and - - weapons for spearfishing.

With regard to "objects of religious worship", then this can mean anything that can harm the official religion of the Maldives - Islam. A small decorative cross on the neck is unlikely to be considered dangerous, but a large cross with a conspicuous figure of the crucified Christ may be banned from import. The same applies to images of Buddha: a small table figurine may not cause objections from customs officials, unlike a large and noticeable one. They will probably confiscate the Bible, although they do not search specifically for this subject. In any case, it is better to respect the feelings of Muslims.

If the above items are present in your luggage, when passing through customs control, they will be seized from you and placed in a special department at Male airport in exchange for a receipt with a description of the seized item. When leaving the country, you can get the withdrawn back by presenting this receipt.

Allowed to import into the country:
- goods for personal consumption within reasonable limits (no more than one item per person);
- goods of 200 cigarettes;
- 125 ml of perfumery products.

It is forbidden to export from the country:

Black corals and products from it (except for souvenirs made by manufacturers officially certified by the government);
- items and things found at the bottom of the sea.

It is allowed to export from the country:

Gifts and souvenirs (shells; shark jaws; postcards, posters, shorts, T-shirts with local symbols, etc.);
- household items: thin reed mats; wooden boxes; baskets woven from palm leaves;
- Coconut oil;
- jewelry.


The Maldives is a network of islands, both inhabited and uninhabited, completely surrounded by water. There are no regular transport links on the islands.

Transportation in the Maldives is a boat. The only human invention that can move tourists and locals to a specific island. Tourists on arrival in the Maldives can rent boats for independent movement, but before you rent a boat, do not forget to agree on the price in advance, so as not to get into a conflict situation. The islands are scattered very close to each other, so the trip will not be exhausting.

Almost all tourists visiting the islands arrive here by plane. Male International Airport is located on the island of Hulule, at a distance of 1 km (10 min ride on the national dhoni boat) from the capital of the Maldives - Male.

Due to the peculiarities of the geography of the archipelago, most of the transportation is carried out by seaplanes, helicopters and boats. The seaplane is possible only during daylight hours according to the schedule (from 07:00 to 16:00). It should be remembered that hydroaviation does not fly to all atolls. The deHavilland Twin Otter seaplane, notable for its robust construction and high maneuverability, also known as the DHC-6, is capable of descending smoothly and carrying up to 20 passengers. The plane will land on the water, and a boat will take you to the pier (jetty).

There are 2 air carriers in the country - Maldivian Air Taxi and Hummingbird Island Airways. The prices are quite high, it is somewhat cheaper to order a plane through the hotel administration or a travel agency. In addition, the companies offer sightseeing flights and one-day excursions with picnics to uninhabited islands for $ 250. (tentatively). You can take up to 20 kg of luggage with you free of charge, plus 5 kg of hand luggage.

Any Maldives can be crossed in 1.5 - 2 hours. However, tourism in the Maldives is regulated and independent island hopping is discouraged as it could have a negative impact on traditional island communities.

If you decide to have a full vacation, and are not constrained in money, then a rather expensive helicopter is at your service, but on the other hand, you will not only quickly arrive at the desired place, but also admire the Maldives from above.

You can make a trip to remote islands, but it is impossible to see everything at once. A travel between atolls is required to visit the islands located outside the tourist area; permits are issued by the Ministry of Atoll Management only to those people who are invited by the inhabitants of these islands and atolls.


Telephone communication The entire territory of the Maldives is divided into several telephone zones. The cost of a call within one zone is approximately Rs 0.25 per minute, between different zones - from Rs 0.55 to 3 per minute.

For local and international calls, it is recommended to buy Dhiraagu calling cards (cost 30, 50, 100, 200 and 500 rufiyaa). You can buy cards at the special store "Dhiiraagu Teleshop" in Male, as well as from vendors of cards on any of the major islands.

On a number of islands there are no payphones, and communication is carried out from call centers (usually work from Sunday to Thursday from 7.30 to 20.00, on Fridays - from 14.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays - from 9.00 to 18.00), served by telephone operators. The cost of a call depends on the distance and is slightly higher than from a pay phone. From 24.00 to 06.00 the cost of a call is 20% cheaper.

In the Maldives, there is also a mobile connection of the GSM-900 standard. Most standard mobile phones do not work in the Maldives, but you can rent a phone from the local Dhiraagu office. More detailed advice can be obtained from the office of your mobile operator.

Calls to Russia To call to Russia: +7 - area code - subscriber's number. Calls from Russia To call the Maldives, dial: 8 - 10 - 960 - the subscriber's number. Area Codes The dialing code of the Maldives is 960. Useful Phones Useful Phones

Reference phones:
Information telephone network - 110.
International telephone operator - 190.
The communication operator between the atolls is 188.
Weather Service - 317-171.
Male airport information desk - 332-211.
Maldives Tourism Development Bureau - 323-228.
Customs Office - 322-001, 310-045.

Emergency services:
Police (rescue service) - 119.
National Security Service - 313-281.
Fire department - 118.
Ambulance - 102.

National cuisine

The cuisine is based on two pillars: Arabic and Indian. Local cuisine usually includes rice, fish curry made with coconut milk. Lime, chili and small onions add spice to the dishes. No dish is unthinkable without spices. An important place in cooking is occupied by sauces, their preparation is akin to the sacred rite of a cook in the Maldives.

Rice is used in cooking in all variations - boiled in coconut milk, with various vegetables, peppers, all the same fish or marine arthropods, as well as bananas, papaya, mango, pumpkin, sweet potatoes or breadfruit.

Local roshi bread is very popular and is usually eaten with mashuni, a fish cocktail flavored with coconut, onion, chili and lime.

The main and favorite dish for the islands - tuna with rice - may not be the same at all, because this time it can be seasoned with a completely different sauce.

The dishes in which fish is the main ingredient are very diverse, from simple boiled fish, cutlets and soups, to fish cocktails and fish pies.

Popularly hikimas - dried and smoked fish. Pie with fish, coconut and badgia onions, the most delicate fish pie kulhi borkihaa are also good. Also traditional fish soup and garudia rice, tuna cutlets with coconut gulu, baked fish with chili paste fihunu mas, fried kimia fish rolls, rihaukuru fish paste, fried fish with pepper and garlic teluli mae and dr.

Round off your meal with suji, a delicious local drink. Locals brew raa, a sweet and delicious palm juice extracted from the top of the trunk of a palm tree. In the heat, juices are very good, the local sweet milk kiru sarbat, sweet palm juice raa, suji drink and a low-alcohol drink haa made from fermented palm milk. Alcoholic drinks can only be bought in hotels, and it is advisable to drink them only indoors, otherwise you risk getting into trouble.

The dessert dish is likely to be any form of coconut. Areca nut (oval nut with betel leaves, cloves and lime) is eaten after dinner. If you would like to taste local sweets, try bondi - white coconut sticks - very tasty! Coconut milk, various puddings, vegetable and fruit salads and pastries are widely used.

Tea is considered a popular drink in the Maldives; it is served with milk. Another drink that can be seen more often than others is coffee brewed in Arabic.

In addition to coconuts and bananas, few vegetables and fruits grow on the islands, so most of the products offered at tourist resorts are imported by the Maldives.

Work of institutions

The opening hours of the shops are inconsistent. Most, especially on the larger islands, are open from 07.00-08.00 to 21.00-23.00, but in the summer, many shops are open from 13.00-15.00 to 18.00-20.00.

In Male, banks and exchange offices are concentrated on Marine Drive. They are open from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm, Sunday through Thursday (like in many other Muslim countries, Friday and Saturday are weekends in the Maldives).

Holidays and non-working days

Holidays in the Maldives are based on the Islamic lunar calendar. This means that every year the holidays are on different days. You will feel the festive atmosphere mainly in the capital, as on this day most of the shops will be closed. In other cities or regions, you will hardly experience all the greatness of the holiday.

Usually, families gather on holidays, they all prepare food for the festive table, decorate and organize fun. Traditional music is playing, people are dancing, all can be heard wooden instruments and modern jazz and pop music.


January 1 - New Year.
January 8-10 - Eid al Fitr (End of fasting Ramadan).
March 15-18 - Eid al Kebir (Day of Sacrifices).
April 6 - Islamic New Year.
June 4-5 - National holiday.
June 15 - Mulud (Prophet's birth day).
July 26-27 - Independence Day.
November 11-12 - Republic Day.
September 1 - Khuravi Day.
October 28 - Martyrs Day.
November 3 - Victory Day.

Customs and orders

Despite the fact that the Maldives as an Islamic state is relatively liberal, visitors to the country must carefully observe the laws.

Rightly considered one of the oldest states in the world, the Maldives today can tell you a lot and surprise you a lot. Here one must constantly remember that the main religion is Islam. And therefore you need to adhere to the established etiquette.

The usual form of greeting the Maldivians is shaking hands, they officially greet "salam aleikum", with the word "kihenen" they greet each other in an informal atmosphere. A carefree and simple existence in harmony with nature is the Maldivian way of life.

The Maldives has a musical tradition that dates back to the old days. This applies to music, crafts, dancing. Musically, the Maldives is unique and inimitable. You will learn that three styles of song performance have been preserved here, each of which is individual and has its own name.

You will undoubtedly hear about Bodu Beru. This is both a song and a dance performed during the holidays. Once upon a time it was brought from the African continent. The dances are also performed according to tradition, there are several different popular national dances that you will be advised to watch. For example, Bodu Beru, a costume dance, is danced by fifteen people, in addition, there is a singer and three drummers play.

There are both female and purely male dances - this is what tradition prescribes. The male-only dance, Dhandi Jaehun, lasts about an hour and is performed without reference to any event. But the female dance - Boaymalafas Neshun, reflecting a long-disappeared, but existing tradition - bringing gifts to the Sultan. This dance is considered one of the most important and interesting dances in the Maldives.

Artistic Maldivians complement the natural beauty of the exotic coral islands. Fishing for them is both a leisure and a profession at the same time. The local hospitality is especially striking. This trait is passed down from generation to generation among the Maldivians. The Maldives is a place where a tourist is always a welcome guest.

Precautionary measures

Precautionary measures:

Buy water in plastic bottles.
- The Maldives is a Muslim country, therefore the laws, therefore, are appropriate, therefore, for those who like to drink, the road here is either simply closed or he must refrain from this unhelpful pleasure.
- to collect corals and, moreover, to take them out of the country is a criminal offense
- it is forbidden to break, tear live and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast, damage shells and raise them to the surface, fish near the islands, throw any garbage on the islands, for this you need to use garbage bins to avoid problems
- you cannot visit the capital of Male and the islands where the locals live, and are in beachwear
- it is also forbidden to wear things that do not cover the body from shoulder to knee
If you are going to the beach, regular beachwear will do. But if you suddenly want to visit the fishing villages and the capital of Male, then you must respect local laws and wear modest clothes.
- while diving and swimming, you should pay attention to the sharp edges of the coral reefs, and also do not touch the marine life, they can be poisonous

Fines are charged for violation!

Republic of Maldives presents by myself nothing more than a group of atolls - rings covering sea lagoons. The archipelago is located south of India, and the sea of ​​the Maldives is the majestic and vast Indian Ocean, which here merges with the sky, making a line the horizon almost invisible.

Paradise vacation

Which sea washes the Maldives? This question ask myself one of first happy holders of tours to luxury Maldivian resorts. The Indian Ocean is the third largest among the world's oceans and it is its waters made beach holidays on the islands awesome and memorable.

The main visitors to the local resorts can be roughly divided into three groups:

Newlyweds who decided to spend honey month royally. The sea of ​​the Maldives, the white sand of the beaches and the bright sun, complete with magnificent hotels and the opportunity to retire for two on the whole island - weighty arguments in favor of choosing this particular tourist directions.

Divers, for which in the first and only place is the rich underwater world of the Indian Ocean in the area of ​​the Maldives. Other aspects of them few disturbing, and diving at the local resorts is possible in any season.

Fans of high-class recreation and ideal services for which the issue price does not matter.

Ocean of dreams

Indian Ocean in the Maldives islands can be called ideal. Have him beautiful color, the water is clear and transparent, the underwater world is striking in its variety, and the water temperature makes bathing pleasant and comfortable. A thermometer in its waters on local resorts not descends below +26 degrees throughout the year, from which and beachgoers and the divers are delighted.

Maldives (Republic of Maldives) is an island state in the Indian Ocean, located on a group of atolls south of the Indian subcontinent, just north of the equator. The archipelago consists of 20 atolls, which include almost 1200 small islets formed by the skeletons of coral polyps on the seamount. Only about 200 islands are permanently inhabited by people.
All the islands of the atoll archipelago barely rise above the ocean surface - the highest point is 6 m above sea level.
The capital of the state is the city of Male, located on the atoll of the same name.

The question is which seas in the Maldives usually puzzled and those who like to go out on yachts. On the archipelago there is an opportunity to even stay on a yacht, and its rent will not exceed cost good room in the hotel here.

This kind of rest allows see many new islands and get a real ocean of impressions.
Indian Ocean rich the most diverse representatives of fauna.

In the early 70s, the Maldives were “discovered” for tourism by diving travelers, discovering the most beautiful corners of the underwater world. Gradually, the tourism industry on the islands has reached a high level and at the moment tourism in the Maldives occupies 98% of the country's economy. The Maldives is one of the best diving destinations in the world.

There is everything here: uninhabited islands, warm and crystal clear waters, a huge number of reefs and an endless variety of marine life. Excellent visibility under water, sometimes exceeding 50 meters, and warm water temperature + 26 ... + 27 ° С all year round make diving in the Maldives extremely attractive. Those who wish are offered a variety of excursions: visiting Male, fishing villages, trips to uninhabited islands for half a day or a whole day, fishing (in the morning or evening), helicopter tours. The Maldives is considered one of the safest holiday destinations in the world.

Here you can find not only sea turtles and dolphins, but even blue whales and sperm whales. In the Maldives region, the ocean waters are inhabited by plankton, some of which can glow at night, making the waves especially picturesque.

Dangerous animals there are no islands on land, but cetaceans sharks that can swim close enough to the shores only feed on plankton and do not pose a threat to swimmers.

After the vacation, I could not find the strength to talk about. Collected my thoughts, I tell you.

Who owns the Maldives?
Nobody, this is an independent state, located on 2000 islets, right on the equator (only a hundred islands are inhabited). The country is run by the president. Religion is strict Islam. Population - 300 thousand people, mostly descendants of the Dravidians (the ancient Austroloid population of South Asia), who are colloquially called "black Hindus". Tourism and fishing are the main sources of income for the treasury.

Are there cities?
There is, but only one, it is the capital. The main problem of the country is that all the islands are very small, there is nowhere to build cities. The city of Male is located on one of the largest islands (also called Male). Airport - on a neighboring island, 15 minutes by ferry. Male is very densely built up; in terms of population density, this island ranks second in the world after one of the islands of Hong Kong. Male is home to 100 thousand people, a third of the population of the Maldives. There are practically no single-storey houses, they are being built in 5-6 floors, there are also 10-storey buildings. There are a lot of cars on the island, including jeeps and trucks, although there is normal asphalt everywhere, and the entire island around the perimeter can be walked around in an hour. The sports cars were especially surprising, because on Male it is difficult to accelerate faster than 40 km / h. Typical street:

Why is everything so expensive there?
Everything is very expensive, because each island is self-sufficient. Male has its own large CHP, on the islands - only small diesel power plants. There are wells on Male, and desalination plants on other islands, just like Tatooine from Star Wars. And all the water in the water supply is from the desalination plants. On the tourist islands, all products are imported, including fish and fruits (except for coconuts, nothing grows). There are no factories for the production of, say, drinks in the Maldives - bottled drinks from abroad. To get from island to island, you need to overcome many kilometers of the ocean surface, and travel by speed boats and, moreover, by seaplanes are also not cheap. Prices for a tourist in Sri Lanka, where I visited on the same trip, are one and a half to two times lower than the Maldivian ones.

Is there really heaven on earth?
Depends on how you envision paradise. In any case, paradise is not on Male, but on the tourist islands. One island, according to the unwritten rule of the Maldives, is one hotel. The tourist lives in a bungalow, a simple one-story structure, the splendor of the decoration of which depends on the "star rating" of the hotel. From the bungalow, there is direct access to a white beach with clear water, around the vastness of the ocean, coconut trees and helpful hotel workers. Food and drink in the restaurant bars. For some, Crimea is a paradise. On the beach:

But what about the pristine nature?
Do not deceive: there is a lot of nature. Colorful equatorial fish and fatty tuna swim in the sea next to you. We saw a reef shark at a depth of 1.5 meters on the very first day. Moray eels and stingrays were not noticed, but they were heard about. The sand is strewn with pieces of coral, you can admire the living ones by diving with a mask. Hefty crabs swarm on the beach in the evening. A palm-sized tropical cockroach and lizards were walking around the bathroom. Most of all I liked the unafraid herons, ignoring the beach goers, and the flying foxes - huge bats (wingspan more than a meter), hanging in the trees and sweeping overhead at dusk. Foxes do not drink blood, but love fruits.
Tourists are encouraged to take good care of the local nature. For offending a fish, you will receive a fine of several hundred dollars. At the same time, the locals catch fish with impunity wherever and whatever. Central sewers on Male and other islands drain directly into the ocean. Since there are no incinerators in the Maldives, garbage is also drowned in the sea. But tourists, of course, are in no hurry to tell about this.

What other pitfalls are there?
An ordinary tourist who comes to the Maldives does not see the country - he is taken from the airport to the island-hotel, and then back. As a curious tourist, I spent a day and a half in the capital. Few people know that the Maldives has its own currency “rufiyaa”, because in hotels the settlement is in dollars. Since the water supply system on the islands is connected to desalination plants, in the event of a breakdown, the entire island loses not only the shower, but also food - there is nothing to wash the dishes. Yes, remember I was talking about strict Islam? The import of alcohol into the country is prohibited, that is, it is useless to buy a bag of booze in the Moscow duty-free shop - they will be taken away at the entrance. Alcohol is only available in tourist hotels on the islands, and at an exorbitant price ($ 7 for a pint of bad beer, $ 5 for 50 g of whiskey). In Male, alcohol is not sold at all, but there is a wide range of "non-alcoholic beer". It tastes like lemonade lemonade. Here, for example, is Holsten's choice (Holsten is not local, but brewed in Hamburg especially for the Maldives!):

The flight to the Maldives is 8.5 hours; only Transaero makes a direct flight from Moscow, twice a week. Is it worth it? Well, I've always wanted to know what it is like - heavenly life on the islands. I found out. There is nothing to do. :)

Endless white sandy beaches, warm and transparent sea surface, picturesque lagoons and bays in the Maldives speak for themselves, but most of all tourists are attracted by high-class service and comfort in hotels.

Maldives on world map

The fabulous Republic of Maldives is located near the equator in the South region.

This island state, consisting of a small number of picturesque atolls, has long been one of the most coveted holiday destinations for honeymooners.

In total, there are about 26 atolls in the state, one of the most significant and largest among them is the atoll called Male. It is here that the capital of the Republic of Maldives with the same name Male is located. Since ancient times, a king lived on these island territories, so many ancient masterpieces of architecture have been preserved here. This region is also home to most of the local population.

Republic of the Maldives

The total number of islands that make up the state reaches almost 1.2 thousand. All of them are interconnected in a single double chain of atolls, and are also formed on the basis of an underwater ridge with a length of about 1000 kilometers. The largest island in the country is called Gan. Not all of the island possessions of the Maldives are inhabited by people. Hundreds of small paradises are still waiting in the wings and shine with unprecedented and untouched beauty. Only one sixth of all Maldives is inhabited. The total area of ​​the territories occupied by the Maldives is about 300 square kilometers, the local population barely reaches 393 thousand people.
The relief of the country is flat, so you should not look for massive mountains and lowlands here. Sandy and only slightly rise above sea level. The high-altitude peak of the Maldives archipelago is rightfully considered a point called Siena with a height of about 2.5 meters. It is located in the southern part of the luxurious Addu Atoll. As for fresh water sources, they are represented by groundwater and several rivers, which can be observed only after the rainy season. In especially dry periods, they completely disappear.
The flora in the Maldives is rather scarce and is represented by only a few herbaceous plants, banyans and palms. The hardworking local population is also diligent in cultivating papaya, tropical fruits, hot peppers, eggplant and many other crops. There are no forests in the Maldives, but the luxurious branches of palm trees along the beaches shelter travelers from the scorching sun and bring a welcome coolness.
Separately, you should talk about the features of the local animal world. Tourists simply adore these islands not only for their natural splendor, but also for the absence of dangerous wild animals and reptiles. The birds living on the islands, flying foxes and mice delight the eye, and the underwater world opens up an even more mysterious and fascinating world for travelers. That is why the Maldives is a favorite destination for divers from all over the world.

Flag of the Maldives

Until 1965, the Maldives were part of the territorial possessions of Great Britain (the remnants of the British Territory are located south of the islands), but in July of the same year, the republic received its long-awaited independence and state flag. The fabric of the national Maldivian flag is a deep red rectangle, in the center of which is another bright green rectangle with a snow-white crescent in the middle.

Recently, these islands have become especially popular with honeymooners. Couples in love prefer that no one bothers them, therefore they choose deserted deserted islands, of which there are more than enough in this country. Particular attention should be paid. Tourists have a wide choice of comfortable rooms in picturesque wooden bungalows right on the water or in more modern hotel complexes, but sailing enthusiasts can even settle on a yacht so as not to break away from their favorite business.
Diving is one of the trendiest local activities. The endless ocean expanses and the nearby and Laccadian Seas attract experienced divers from all over the world here, and especially for beginners there are several professional specialized diving schools, where you can acquire all the necessary equipment and equipment.
True gourmets will certainly be delighted with the traditional Maldivian cuisine with its spicy Indian sauces, abundance of fruits and all kinds of delicious seafood and fish cooking. There are no local alcoholic beverages in the Maldives, since they are prohibited by Islam, but tourists can enjoy imported goods in hotels.
can hardly be called inexpensive, but all this luxury is worth the money. Shopping lovers should look into the souvenir shops and shops on Male, where they will be greeted by the brightest selection of products made from coral, shells, palm trees and other traditional materials. Also in the Maldives, fabulous cultural and historical dizzying attractions!

Have a good travel!