Drive to bulgaria. How to get to bulgaria

By car in Europe, bypassing Serbia
Good day, people, returned by car to the Russian Federation from Bulgaria by the route Bulgaria - Romania - Hungary - Slovakia - Poland - Belarus - Russian Federation. I will make a reservation right away that the route through Romania was chosen taking into account "something to see", and not the speed of travel, so I think the Romanian part may be faster, but in order.

Start from Bulgaria (Burgas), at about 08.30., The car is roomy, so they shoved a lot into it, including what they didn't finish on vacation (which they regretted after, but ... About that later), the route went through Karnobat - Shumen - Rousse (in Rousse we stopped at a familiar winery, bought the wine we love), the transition to Bulgaria - Rousse is about 20 minutes, more than ever.

We got to Bucharest through Romania, with a fool again I went along the ring road, because it was necessary to drive only 13 km, but never do this, even if the road along the Bucharest district is only 5 km better, go through the city itself. On the Bucharest district I lost about 1 hour, then the way to Brasov, through the city of Bran (the so-called Dracula's Castle), the road is especially closer to Bran, a mountain serpentine, but very picturesque and original around. The castle "Dracula" itself turned out to be not as impressive as it is being promoted, in general, an ordinary publicized tourist hub in a bare place, to the people of the breakthrough (mainly Romanians), although not a day off, around the castle and throughout the town there is a "sale" of Chinese consumer goods with symbols of Dracula and about this topic from pots to T-shirts and from magnets to toys ... Quickly tired and an hour later drove on. Tired by Mr. Bran, they did not stop by in Brasov, maybe in vain. From Brasov, they moved towards Hungary through Cluj-Napoca and Oryadya. Part of the path goes along the not yet completed autobahn, but a fairly large part of the road also goes along winding mountain serpentines, so I think it's not worth going here in winter. We spent the night in a Romanian road hotel before reaching about 100 km to Hungary at about 22.00. Rise at about 07.00 and at 08.30. We left in the direction of Hungary. Around 11.00. Border crossing Romania - Hungary, about 5 minutes for both border services and 10 minutes for the purchase of a Hungarian vignette and a toilet, a total of 15 minutes.

The road in Hungary is rather boring and monotonous and allows you to keep a decent speed, a couple of stops to buy Hungarian Tokay, pepper and lecho, and further - Debrenets - Miskolc and to Slovakia.

We pass Slovakia non-stop, in places a light serpentine, not comparable with the Romanian, but still ... Kosice - Presov - Svidnik and now - Poland.

In Poland, too, everything is boring in a European civilized way, Rzeszow - Lublin, although in some places along the way there are not a few villages, which does not allow the car to be overclocked, in one place before reaching Lublin on the highway there is a major accident with an overturned timber truck and a completely blocked road, we make a small detour , about 30 kilometers and we are moving towards Parchev (Poland) - Domachevo (Belarus).

We stop for the night in Poland, before reaching about 60 km of the Belarusian border, a little early around 20.00, but realizing that there is a problem in Belarus with hotels, and we do not risk any trouble with good hotels. And they didn’t miss it, not a big but good Polish hotel with an excellent dinner and helpful staff charmed. We also changed it around 08.00. We left in the direction of Belarus P / p Domachevo.

The Poles missed in exactly 3 minutes, there was no queue at all.

But a tough guy went with the Belarusians, a full search with unpacking of suitcases and then I got caught on a large consignment of contraband! But it was not heroin and not a weapon, but 6 kg of raw potatoes, which were not eaten in Burgas and, regretting to be thrown away, was put in the trunk. What started here is difficult to describe, only combat helicopters from above and two dozen rabid reporters from Minsk TV were missing. Arrest, seizure, weighing and study of each enemy potato, drawing up acts and protocols ... I used to think that this is an anecdote about Belarusians and potatoes, it turns out this is a terrible reality. Further it gets worse. The seized large consignment of counter-gang cannot be disposed of on the territory of Belarus, and they turn me towards Poland so that I can dispose of potatoes there on my own. They say that three hours before us, they returned to Poland one penny with only two potatoes, we never saw him, perhaps he himself was disposed of there ... Having arrived at the end of the line of cars (about 10 pieces) in the direction of Poland near I was turned on by a dummy and I persuaded the last Belarusian to take the potatoes from me and throw them out in Poland, it worked, so I didn't really have to enter Poland, but I lost an hour for all these rehearsals. The Belarusian customs was surprised that I returned so quickly (5 minutes after the expulsion to Poland) and asked where I was doing the potatoes, I said that I had eaten, but all 6 kg, will you check the feces for potatoes? They said no, we left for another 10 minutes, once again examined everything, but not so thoroughly, depicted the work on their cameras and let it go.

People do not bring potatoes through Belarus, they are very offended by this and will try to make your life as nasty as possible for this! And in general, do not carry anything superfluous, because with this they will be sent back to Poland or Ukraine, well, or hide it better at your own peril and risk.

Well, something like this. In total, the speedometer is 2770 km and about 34 hours of driving without much rushing with a good rest.

Recently, in connection with the well-known events in Ukraine, it is unsafe to travel through it in a private car to Bulgaria, an increasing number of our customers ask us many questions about this.

In this short article we will analyze:

  • How to get to Bulgaria by car bypassing Ukraine.
  • What documents are needed for travel.
  • Possible routes from Moscow to Bulgaria.

We have already written about how to get to Bulgaria by car, but due to the changed situation, now we consider this route not safe.

We offer two options for travel to Bulgaria by car bypassing Ukraine.

Option one.

For the first option, you must either have a valid Schengen visa, or obtain a transit Schengen visa with a multiple entry Bulgarian visa.
We recommend opening a Schengen transit visa at the Polish consular service but! To kill two birds with one stone, it is more expedient to apply for a Schengen visa of such a country that will give it at once for a year or even five years, for example, Schengen in France or Greece.
There are a minimum of difficulties and do not be afraid, if you do not have a visa, contact us for visa support, we will do everything (Schengen visas - details)

Required travel documents:

International passport with Schengen or Bulgarian visa, in case of absence we can issue a visa with a minimum number of documents. For more information on obtaining, see the section visa to Bulgaria or Schengen

Medical insurance for traveling abroad for the entire period of stay (and multi is better).
If you only have a Bulgarian visa, you need to obtain either Schengen or transit Schengen (for example Poland, for which a completed application form for a Polish visa)
For transit, in addition to standard Schengen documents (except for hotel reservation and a ticket, we are going by car), you need:

A copy of the registration certificate of the vehicle on which the border crossing will be carried out
Copy of Russian passport all pages
A copy of your passport with a Bulgarian visa.

Many people think about their own car in Bulgaria, because driving every year to the sea, across numerous borders in your car is tiresome, especially for people of age, and without a car, many cannot imagine their existence

There are several route options - we recommend that you consider the trip as a journey, and not as a teleportation from point A to point B. You will pass through many wonderful places that are worth visiting and enjoying the trip.
The minimum distance is 2700 km. but after extending it for 400-500 km, you can visit wonderful cities such as Krakow, Budapest or Bratislava, drive through the Romanian Transfogares pass, which is the most beautiful pass in Europe, and visit Dracula's castle in Bran, near the city of Brasov, or Sighisoara castle. The choice is yours.
The roads are flat along the entire route, but it should be borne in mind that there are heavy fines on the territory of the European Union and you should not exceed the speed - the fine will find you everywhere!

Route map through Romania, faster route below.

Despite the greater distance, the easier and faster route.

Option two.

For the second option, you only need to have a Bulgarian visa.

Required documents:

Passport with a Bulgarian visa, in case of absence we can issue a visa with a minimum number of documents. For more information on obtaining, see the section on visa to Bulgaria.
Green card (Greencard car insurance, an analogue of our OSAGO);
Medical insurance for traveling abroad for the entire period of stay.

So, the route - I’ll say right away, do not be intimidated. I have personally completed this route and can assure you that it is safe throughout its entire length. It is less preferable due to its much greater distance, but no less interesting. Istanbul, Tbilisi, old Turkish cities full of local flavor. There are few Russians here, but many interesting places.
As well as everywhere else - we go strictly according to traffic rules but!
Practice has shown that the Turks do not control the payment of fines, and there are no problems with unpaid fines when entering and leaving. The roads are perfect. There are very few cars. Borders - 15 minutes.

Plan your trip in advance. Make a list of the countries and cities you want to travel through. Decide how you go, transit or sightseeing. In the "Google maps" application, you can plan a route to specified points and understand the approximate travel time and traffic congestion. Take a navigator with up-to-date maps with you. Select hotels for overnight stay. Collect documents and things for the trip.

Traveling to Bulgaria by car through Europe

Northern route:Russia - Belarus - Poland - Slovakia - Hungary - Romania or Serbia (optional) - Bulgaria

≈2900 km, if you count from Moscow. Traveling along the "Northern Route" without a Schengen visa is not possible. The road in Belarus is excellent, but there are many cameras and radars, observe the speed limit. Brest has the longest queues at the border, choose neighboring border checkpoints to save time. When entering Poland, the Schengen area begins. There will be no border control before Serbia. But there will be speed control radars all the way. Don't forget to buy vignettes if you plan on using motorways. The roadside infrastructure along the route is not just well developed, but excellent.

Southern route: through Turkey

≈3200 km, if you count from Moscow. If you have a Bulgarian visa, but not a Schengen visa, then you cannot get to Bulgaria from Russia by land (without a ferry) otherwise than through Turkey to Bulgaria. You need to keep your way to Vladikavkaz and further through Georgia to Turkey, having overcome Turkey, you will immediately get to Bulgaria from the side of Malko Tarnovo. You can use the ferry that runs from Sochi to Trabzon. It can carry passengers and cars of all kinds. The optimal route from Trabzon to Bulgaria: to Samsun along the seashore, then along the E95 (D795) road to Havza - Merzifon, then along the E80 (D100) road follow the signs to Istanbul. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Yenichaga, there is a paid high-speed highway that will lead directly to Istanbul. After Istanbul follow the signs for Edirne. After about 170 km from Istanbul you need to turn to the town of Kirklareli (if your path lies on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast). Indicators "Bulgaristan" (Bulgaria) will appear, which are easy to navigate. The roadside infrastructure along the route is well developed.

Get to Bulgaria by car through Ukraine

Travel route through cities: Moscow - Kiev - Uman - Odessa - Kaushany - Chimishliya - Cantemir - Cahul - crossing Oancha - Galati - Braila - Constanta - Varna - Sunny Beach

≈1900 km, if you count from Moscow. The navigator usually plots the main route to Bulgaria through the territory of Moldova. Maybe because of the bad road Odessa - Bolgrad (Odessa - Reni). The main stream of cars goes to the Romanian border through Lighthouses - Palanca. From Moscow to Kiev and from Kiev to Odessa you drive in a straight line, using the navigator, as if you will not get lost. At the entrance to Odessa on a roundabout you will see two signs: to Chisinau and to Izmail, you need to go to Izmail. On this route there is a section of the road Mayaki - Palanka, approximately 2 km long, on which passport control. Everything is fast, no stamps are put in the passport. They say that recently in Palanca it is already possible to fully cross the Moldovan border and go to Causeni on the Moldovan side. Be sure to pay for road vignettes in Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova when entering these countries. In Ukraine and Moldova the roads are very bad, there are many holes. In Romania, there are many radars in settlements. The road infrastructure, starting with Romania, is good, in Ukraine and Moldova there may be difficulties.

Choosing a hotel to spend the night on the way

When planning a route, look out for your accommodation in advance. If you decide to get there quickly, without sightseeing, then choose hotels along the route on highways or near highways. Keep in mind that there are sections of the path of 100-200 km where there are no hotels, usually these are places where there are no major cities. Do not forget about the guarded parking at the hotel. If you are traveling with visits to cities and excursions, then it is better to choose a hotel closer to the center. Arrive and check in at about 16 o'clock so that there is time for a walk while it is still light. There will also be time to see the surroundings in the morning. Usually the hotel asks to vacate the room at 11-12 hours. Have breakfast, take a walk and drive on. In this case, it is optimal to travel about 700 km per day.

Traveling to Bulgaria by car attracts tourists. It takes just a few days to get from the European part of the Russian Federation to this country. Independent travel allows you to relax in different resorts, take part in festivals, see ancient temples and admire the chic monuments of Bulgaria.

Routes to Bulgaria

You can get to this country by different routes. The shortest route is through Ukraine. To bypass Ukrainian land, people travel from Russia in transit through other European countries.

Through Ukraine

There are 3 main roads to travel. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Through Zhitomir, Chernivtsi, the city of Suceava. This option stands out for the number of border crossings, the absence of uneven sections and the excellent road quality.
  • Through Odessa, the southern part of the country and Moldova,. Many roadways along this route can upset tourists.
  • Through Kiev. The best route will not be able to go quickly, as border crossing takes a lot of time.

Bypassing the country

To bypass Ukraine, people use the highways of Belarus, Poland and Slovakia, and later drive through Hungary and Romania. The bypass route from Moscow to Varna takes three days (the distance from Moscow to Bulgaria by car is 3050 kilometers). But if you decide to go this way, it will allow you to see cities such as Bucharest and Budapest along the way.

How much the road to Bulgaria costs depends on the travel speed and gas mileage. During a long trip, you will need at least 2 stops and several gas stations, so 300 euros is the minimum amount to get from Russia to Sofia.

In transit countries, tourists are required to purchase stickers for driving on local roadways. A vignette from Moldova is paid 3 euros per week, 8 euros for two weeks and 14 euros per month. A sticker for hitting in Romania costs 4 euros per week and 7 euros per month.

A little about the border

Bulgaria has long been a member of the European community, but it is not part of the Schengen area. To enter the country in 2018, citizens of the Russian Federation must apply for a Bulgarian visa. It is drawn up within a week, the process is quite simple, you just need to prepare all the papers:

  • foreign and Russian passport;
  • questionnaire;
  • the photo;
  • medical insurance;
  • hotel booking confirmation and route direction;
  • income data;
  • documents for the car and a copy of the Green Card.

The national visa of this country costs 35 euros + 19 fee. For an urgent document, they pay 70 euros. If moving by car passes through the lands of Poland, as well as Slovakia, you will need Schengen. Experienced travelers recommend not wasting time and immediately make a multivisa to Poland.

There are many places to see in Bulgaria. It will not be difficult to reach them by car.

Beglik Tash

The oldest place on the Black Sea. Previously, rituals were performed there, during the full moon one could hear chants. Thanks to the Thracians, various artistic types of stones arose. According to various experts, even underground in this place you can find caves with large, specially stacked stones... The boulders in the main glade are numbered and named. There is a marriage bed, a solar circle. There are 14 important objects in total.

Beglik Tash is an unusual and mystical place. Access to a place with large stones was closed for a long time even to archaeologists. People heard about this place only in 2003, and tourists were allowed here even later.

Now you can walk along Beglik Tash, climb over boulders, walk along stone labyrinths and take pictures. Most of the stones are in a huge clearing, the path can lead to the seashore.

It is necessary to search for Beglik Tash in Rapotamo. For those wishing to organize excursions by jeeps and ships, there is a special ferry center. On a private car, you can also safely ride through the forest.

Stone Forest

Another great place to see. The stone forest can be found 18 kilometers from Varna, not far from the highway. And this place is more amazing than Beglik Tasha - a sandy area, stunted vegetation and columns of various shapes and sizes.

Even manhood can be seen here - almost all travelers are looking for it with increased zeal, realizing what should be hidden behind such an ironic phrase. There is also a Cheburashka and a crevice, into which only decent people can get through. There is even a magic circle. If you get to it, walk around all the structures, and freeze in the central part, you can feel a sudden surge of strength.

How did these stones come about? They say that there used to be a sea here, at its bottom layers of various rocks were formed, at first they were hewn, then, when everything was gone, the wind took over. Someone thinks that the columns were once huge corals.

Ether Museum

A theme park shaped like a simple nineteenth century village. The park is old, opened in 1964 to reproduce the life and architecture of the Gabrovo region. If a tourist has a car, he must visit here. This museum will be fun for all tourists, regardless of age.

In Ethera, you can visit the village streets, as well as inside the huts. You can look at various masters. Any product can be purchased, but nothing is imposed here.

Transport prices

Car prices in Bulgaria are reasonable due to the absence of customs duties and due to the membership in the European Union. You can have a cheap rest and rent a car.

Transport prices vary depending on the car brand, but since a car is not a luxury for the citizens of Bulgaria, second-hand foreign cars are very popular. The price depends on the year and model of the car: since 1990 from BGN 1,000 (EUR 550), from 2003 onwards from BGN 4,000 (EUR 2,000). The auto market is mainly represented by popular manufacturers in Germany and England.

You can save a lot by using the help of professionals who can ride with tourists to buy a car in one of the countries. They can help you legally correctly draw up all the necessary documents for the purchased transport. These services can cost from 700 to 1000 BGN. Whether a trip to Bulgaria by car is worth the effort and money spent, it is up to the person to decide.

Through which countries can you get to Bulgaria by car? What is the route through Ukraine and bypass? Documents for border control in 2020, Bulgarian roads, resting places and popular routes. Advice and reviews of tourists.

Rent a car is the best way to travel! - reliable and convenient car rental service in Bulgaria. Choose a car according to your taste and budget - there is a wide choice. Car rental cost from 8 euros per day. Do you have any questions? The Russian-speaking support service will help you with everything.

Look for excursions on Sputnik and. Individual and group, without crowds of tourists and in Russian.

Traveling to Bulgaria by car attracts more and more tourists. It takes just 3-4 days to get from the European part of Russia to this country. An independent autotrip allows you to sunbathe on sandy beaches, relax in thermal resorts, take part in national festivals, see ancient temples and admire the natural monuments of Bulgaria.

How long to go to Bulgaria by car

Routes to Bulgaria by car

You can get to Bulgaria in different ways. The shortest route runs through the territory of Ukraine. To bypass Ukraine, autotourists travel from Russia in transit through several European countries.

Through Ukraine

The fastest way to get to Bulgaria is through Ukraine. There are three main roads for independent travel by car. Each of them has its own advantages and weaknesses:

  • Through Zhitomir, Chernivtsi and further - through the Romanian city of Suceava. This option is good for the small number of border crossings, the absence of mountainous road sections and the good quality of the road surface.
  • Through Odessa, southern Ukraine and Moldova, Romania. Some roads on this route are poor.
  • Through Kiev, Dubossary (Transnistria), Chisinau (Moldavia) and Romania. Unfortunately, the shortest route in terms of distance cannot be traveled quickly. Crossing borders takes a lot of time.

Border Romania - Bulgaria. Checkpoint Negru Voda (Romania) - Kardam (Bulgaria)

By car to Bulgaria bypassing Ukraine

To bypass the Ukrainian territory, tourists use the highways of Belarus, Poland and Slovakia, and then travel through Hungary, Romania or Serbia. The bypass route from Moscow to Varna takes 3 days (3050 km). On a long journey, you need at least two nights. It is convenient to get up for rest in Lublin and Budapest.

The journey is long, so a lot of gasoline and money is spent on it - from 300 euros you need to get from the cities of the European part of Russia to Sofia.

In transit countries, motorists are required to purchase a vignette to use local roads. A Moldovan vignette is paid for 3 euros for 7 days, 8 euros for 15 days and 14 euros for 30 days. A vignette for driving on the roads of Romania, or rovinieta, costs 3 euros for 7 days and 7 euros for 30 days.

From Russia (Moscow) to Bulgaria by car - route on the map

Border crossing

Visa. Bulgaria is a full member of the European community, but it is not included in the Schengen area. To enter this country in 2020, Russian citizens must apply for a Bulgarian visa. It is done within 5 working days.

The package of documents for a visa includes a passport, application form, photo, medical insurance with coverage of 30,000 euros, confirmation of hotel reservations, information about financial security, documents for the car and a copy of the Green Card. A national visa for Bulgaria costs 35 euros plus 19 euros for a service fee. An urgent visa is paid 70 euros.

If a trip to Bulgaria by car passes through the territory of Poland, as well as Slovakia and Hungary, it will be required. According to the rules existing today, it is allowed to enter Bulgaria on a double or multiple Schengen visa. Experienced tourists are advised not to waste time getting a national visa, but to immediately apply for a Schengen multivisa to Poland.

Border control and customs regulations. Checkpoints at the borders of transit countries operate around the clock. Border control and queuing usually take one and a half to four hours. Romanian customs change shifts from 7:00 to 8:00 and from 19:00 to 20:00. At this time, cars are not allowed across the border either at the entrance or at the exit.

According to customs rules, meat and milk products cannot be imported to Romania, Bulgaria and all EU countries. Take only food with you on the road, as all products are easy to buy on the road and in Bulgaria itself.

Duty-free allowed to transport up to 1 liter of strong alcohol, 2 liters of wine and 5 liters of beer per adult tourist. Each can have up to 40 cigarettes (2 packs) and for a period of 3 months. If you have a chronic illness, take your prescription for medication with you.

(Photo © Balcon del Mundo / / CC BY-SA 2.0 License)

Roads in Bulgaria

All motorists in Bulgaria like good roads, clear markings and clear road signs. Travelers are especially impressed by the Burgas - Sofia and Varna - Sofia autobahns. Vacationers note that Bulgarian drivers are more disciplined than Romanian ones, and they always warn oncoming cars in advance about traffic police posts by flashing their headlights.

Vignettes. You have to pay for using the Bulgarian road network. A vignette for a car for 7 days costs 8 euros, and for 30 days - 15 euros. The vignettes are sold at the Bulgarian border and at gas stations. According to the rules, the driver is obliged to attach the vignette to the lower right corner of the windshield and remove it when the validity period expires. The presence of a vignette is checked by special cameras, and a fine of 150 euros is charged for its absence.

Traffic rules. Before traveling to Bulgaria by car, study the Bulgarian traffic rules. It is convenient that they are in many ways similar to the Russian ones.

  • The car must have a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher (they can check the expiration date), two emergency stop signs and a reflective vest.
  • The maximum permissible speed when driving within the boundaries of cities and towns is 50 km / h, outside settlements - 90 km / h, in the pedestrian zone - 20 km / h, and on the autobahns - 120 km / h.
  • It is forbidden to use a radar detector and ride on studded tires.
  • From November to March, the car must have winter tires.
  • The driver must turn on the dipped beam at any time of the day, otherwise a fine of 10 euros.
  • You cannot use your mobile phone without a headset.
  • Tinting of the windshield and side windows of the car is prohibited.
  • Everyone is obliged to use seat belts, including passengers in the back seat.

Parking. In almost all Bulgarian cities, parking is paid, and at the peak of the tourist season it can be difficult to find a free space. Cost per hour - 0.5-1 euro. You can pay in cash to the valet, through special machines or via SMS. Parking is free on Sunday. For parking in places for the disabled, a fine of 10 euros is charged.

Petrol. In 2020, diesel fuel in Bulgaria costs 1.17 euros per liter, gasoline 95 - 1.15 euros, and petrol 98 - 1.30 euros. About the same will have to pay for fuel in transit countries.

(Photo © / @ptochka)

Where to visit during a car trip to Bulgaria and what to see in the country? Tourists like to travel to sunny Beach - the largest seaside resort on the Black Sea coast. People come here to swim in the clear sea and sunbathe on excellent sandy beaches. Near Sunny Beach is one of the first cities in Europe - the old town Nessebar, which today is under the protection of UNESCO.

From the most popular Bulgarian resort along the sea, it is convenient to go to Burgas... The distance of 35 km can be covered in just 40 minutes. In the ancient city it is interesting to see Orthodox churches and visit an exhibition of sand sculptures.

(Photo © Scowl Broccoli / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

A little more than 100 km separates Nessebar from Varna, where there are several beautiful churches, an ecopark and green parks. The ancient rocky monastery of Aladzha is located near a large coastal town.

From Varna, many tourists head to the ancient capital of the country - Veliko Tarnovo... The distance of 221 km is easy to travel in 2.5-3 hours on the A2 motorway and E772 highway. The beautiful city on three hills attracts travelers with narrow streets and ancient architecture, the residence of the Bulgarian kings, the patriarchal cathedral, the craftsmen's quarter and the Tsarevets fortress.

(Photo © Złota Bułgaria / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

During a trip by car in Bulgaria from Veliko Tarnovo, an interesting route to the south through the capital of laughter Gabrovo and the famous Shipka pass in Kazanlak... If you drive along a picturesque road through the mountains from the second half of May to June, you can see the blooming Rose Valley.

Some travelers visit Pleven... The ancient city is famous for the Skobelev Park, the Pleven Epic panorama, and the Museum of Russian and Romanian Warriors. Tourists love to taste wines at the Wine Museum, which is open in the Kailik Park. The return route home from Pleven or Veliko Tarnovo can be conveniently laid through the capital of Romania - Bucharest.

Travel itinerary in Bulgaria

You can visit Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo and Kazanlak on the way back or when driving to the south of the country.

Holidays in Bulgaria by car

Recreation areas. Along the Bulgarian highways, there are equipped places for stops and rest. There are cafes, free toilets, technical and drinking water.

Hotels. There are many hotels and guesthouses with parking in Bulgaria. In any Bulgarian city, suitable accommodation is easy to find locally. The most expensive hotels are located on the first line from the sea. A room in a 3 * hotel, located 500 m from the beaches, costs 15-18 euros for two, and accommodation in an apartment - 8-10 euros per day. Keep in mind that during the high season in coastal villages, budget accommodation options are in great demand among vacationers, so it is worth booking rooms in such hotels and guesthouses in advance.

Camping sites. When traveling to Bulgaria by car in 2020, it is convenient to stay at campsites. These are special recreation areas with areas for tents, shared toilets, showers and a kitchen. In some places, vacationers are offered wooden houses. A bungalow for four costs 15-22 euros. There are equipped campsites in Varna, Plovdiv, Sozopol, Rila Monastery, Tsarevo, Duni, as well as in some other cities and towns of the country.

(Photo © Gatanass / / CC BY-SA 2.0 License)