Mechanisms for intensifying tourism development in the Republic of Crimea during the transition period. Mechanisms for intensifying tourism development in the Republic of Crimea during the transition period List of used literature

Council of Ministers
Republic of Crimea
dated December 9, 2014 N 501

Government program
development of resorts and tourism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015 - 2017

2. Current state and prospects for the development of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea is a unique region of the Russian Federation, which combines powerful natural-climatic and historical-cultural potential, which is the basis for the development of the resort and tourism sector.

Favorable geographical location of the peninsula, diverse landscape, favorable climate, natural resources (Black and Azov seas, water, forest resources), rich historical and cultural heritage (the total number of architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Crimea is about 11,500 objects), existing recreational potential (100 mineral water sources, 14 medicinal mud deposits), historical experience - determine the main directions of tourism development on the Crimean Peninsula.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are 825 collective accommodation facilities (sanatorium-resort institutions and hotels), of which 151 institutions provide specialized sanatorium-resort treatment, 316 facilities provide health-improving services, the remaining 358 institutions provide temporary accommodation services. Thus, the number of Crimean health resorts engaged in both treatment and health improvement is 467 facilities.

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the urban district of Yalta. At the same time, the majority of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in the urban district of Yevpatoria.

128 health resorts (including 77 collective accommodation facilities of state ownership of the Republic of Crimea) and 187 hotel establishments are intended for year-round operation.

The number of year-round collective accommodation facilities is not enough to realize the potential of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea, the work of tourist and recreational clusters, and the permanent employment of the population.

To implement the strategic goal of developing the resort and tourism sector, infrastructural restructuring, modernization (reconstruction) of the facilities of the sanatorium and resort complex, primarily of the republican form of ownership, are necessary.

There is a high level of depreciation of fixed assets (most of them are worn out by 70 - 90%) and medical equipment of health resorts. At the same time, the unique experience and traditions of sanatorium treatment and improvement of citizens have been preserved.

Carrying out an analysis of the structure of sanatorium-resort and hotel complexes in the Republic of Crimea, determining their compliance with the type and name will allow optimizing the tax base of the Republic of Crimea.

The development of the sanatorium-resort complex should be considered together with the development of the entire infrastructure of the peninsula, including access roads, power supply networks, communications and heat supply, water supply, sewerage, treatment facilities, and waste treatment plants. All this must be included in the unified territorial planning scheme of the Republic of Crimea.

Traditionally, over the past few years, collective accommodation facilities have accommodated an average of 1.2 million people, or 1,454 people per collective accommodation facility per year (121 people per month), which indicates that the available collective accommodation facilities are underutilized.

As a result of the transition to a year-round operating cycle of collective accommodation facilities, the number of organized tourists may reach 2 million people annually (an increase of 60%).

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are about 5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services and 14 thousand apartment landlords (the private sector in recent years has received over 80 percent of the total tourist flow (about 4 million tourists per year)), while the key problem of this sector is the high level of “shadowing” - private households are not subject to taxation, state statistical reporting is not applied to them, they are charged as private households in all municipal services. Over the past 20 years, the problem of regulating the activities and taxation of the private sector of the Crimean tourism industry has not been resolved. To solve it, it is necessary to introduce a number of legal instruments (for example, classification of accommodation facilities).

The total length of the beaches of the Republic of Crimea is 517 km. There are 563 beaches for mass recreation on the water.

In the Republic of Crimea, 208 tour operators carry out tourism activities. 1,147 tourist support specialists (tour guides and guide-translators) are included in the register of tourist support specialists. The database of excursion tours and routes developed by subjects of the tourism industry includes about 200 routes.

In 10 regions of the Republic of Crimea there are 21 tourist information centers (urban districts: Kerch, Saki, Simferopol, Yalta, Sudak, Evpatoria and Feodosia; municipal districts: Bakhchisaraysky, Chernomorsky and Leninsky), of which 11 are year-round.

The Republic of Crimea has all the resources necessary for the development of the following types of tourism:

medical and health (in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, 151 institutions provide tourists with specialized sanatorium and resort treatment);

cultural and educational (in the Republic of Crimea there are 16 state museums and more than 300 museums operating on a voluntary basis. About 800 thousand exhibits are stored in the funds of state museums alone);

eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held annually - music, wine, military, choreographic, theatrical, cinematic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become traditional for the Republic of Crimea - these are the festivals "War and Peace", "Genoese Helmet", "Theater . Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word", International TV Film Forum "Together");

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the Republic of Crimea there are 84 tourist sites, 39 places of mass recreation for the population, 284 tourist trails);

cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads creates conditions for cycling. The southwestern part of the Republic of Crimea is the most diverse for mountain cycling tourism);

automobile (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 40 campsites, about 100 parking lots and parking lots with a total number of places of more than 3.5 thousand, more than 250 gas stations, as well as more than 110 service stations and more than 210 roadside cafes);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools, children's camps with scuba diving training);

equestrian (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 20 equestrian clubs, which have developed one- and multi-day horseback riding routes for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives of 115 nationalities live in the Republic of Crimea, there are 92 ethnographic sites on the basis of which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);

rural (in the Republic of Crimea there are more than 80 rural tourism sites);

sports (international competitions in hang gliding, hot-air ballooning and others);

cruise (cruise ships in the Republic of Crimea can be received by 4 seaports located in the urban districts of Yalta, Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria.

Despite the presence of many prerequisites for the development of various types of tourism, at present there are a number of problems hampering the development of the resort and tourism sector in the Republic of Crimea:

1. Political instability in Ukraine.

Previously, out of 6 million tourists annually visiting the Republic of Crimea, the bulk of tourists (65%) were citizens of Ukraine. Currently, a reorientation of the tourist flow is being carried out - since 2014, the main tourists are citizens of the Russian Federation.

To develop domestic tourism, it is necessary to carry out large-scale work to form an objective image of the Republic of Crimea as a sought-after safe tourist destination.

2. Unsatisfactory state of tourism infrastructure.

Today, the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic of Crimea is characterized by uneven development, which is manifested in increased occupancy of accommodation facilities and infrastructure on the southern coast of the Republic of Crimea and, accordingly, minimal occupancy in the east and west of the peninsula (more than 60% of tourists prefer the southern coast of the Republic of Crimea, while while the Evpatoria and Saki health resorts are not inferior to the Alushta and Yalta ones).

The task for the further development of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex and the Republic of Crimea as a whole is the development of a Territory Development Plan with the definition of their specialization, the further development of the sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, taking into account existing tourist resources, infrastructure, types and volumes of services provided to tourists, market capacity with calculation of forecast demand.

To ensure the comprehensive development of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea, 6 tourism and recreational clusters have been developed, which are included in the Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”. The clusters will be implemented starting in 2015, with 28.1 billion rubles allocated for their financing. from the federal budget. It is planned to develop clusters for all resort regions, taking into account the characteristics of their development and the implementation of the task of year-round operation of enterprises, institutions (organizations) in the resort and tourism sector.

3. The problem of transport accessibility of the Republic of Crimea.

This year there is a structural reorientation of passenger traffic to the Republic of Crimea - from the previously priority railway transport to air transport and road transport.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the limiting capacity thresholds of transport hubs and communications of the Republic of Crimea in the direction of other regions of Russia. Based on these restrictions, we can conclude that the transport complex of the Republic of Crimea is able to receive no more than 4 million tourists from Russia per season until 2017, i.e. until the completion of key activities for the development of the transport complex.

The Republic of Crimea has all modern types of transport, but the location and structure of transport communications and transport infrastructure as a whole does not meet the necessary internal and external transport and economic connections and needs significant improvement.

3. Priorities, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators), results, stages and deadlines for the implementation of the State Program

In the Republic of Crimea, the development of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex is a priority direction for the development of the economy of the Republic of Crimea.

Tourism is considered as a source of financial income for the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, a means of increasing employment and the quality of life of the population, a way to maintain the health of citizens, the basis for the development of the socio-cultural environment and the education of patriotism, as well as a powerful tool for education and the formation of a moral platform for the development of civil society.

Traditionally popular holiday destinations in the Republic of Crimea increase the attractiveness of domestic tourism, which imposes additional responsibility on the executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea in the field of tourism for the quality of services and tourist infrastructure, the safety of tourists, ensuring the preservation of existing and creation of new jobs.

National priorities in the field of tourism, which should guide the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are currently established in the following regulatory framework:

5. Characteristics of state and legal regulation measures

In order to implement the main activity 1 "Comprehensive development of tourist territories of the Republic of Crimea" of the State Program, it is planned to develop draft resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea: "On approval of the Regulations on the districts of sanitary and mountain sanitary protection of medical and recreational areas, resorts of state and local significance of the Republic of Crimea" and "On approval of the Regulations on the recognition of territories as medical and recreational areas, resorts of state and local significance of the Republic of Crimea" (Appendix 3).

6. Forecast of summary indicators of government assignments by stages of implementation of the State Program

The implementation of the State Program activities does not imply the allocation of funds to government institutions of the Republic of Crimea for the provision of public services (work).

7. Participation of public, scientific and other organizations in the implementation of the State Program

The participation of public, scientific and other organizations in the implementation of the State Program is not provided for.

8. Justification of the amount of financial resources required for the implementation of the State Program

The implementation of the State Program is carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the budget of the Republic of Crimea. The volume of financing from the budget of the Republic of Crimea is subject to annual clarification in accordance with the law of the Republic of Crimea on the budget of the Republic of Crimea for the next period.

The total amount of financing of the State Program in 2015 - 2017 is 9,389,350.0 thousand rubles, including 9,246,000.0 thousand rubles. - from the federal budget, 137,550.0 thousand rubles. - from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, 5,800.0 thousand rubles. - from local budgets (Appendix 4).

The amount of funding by year of implementation of the State Program is distributed as follows:

in 2015 - 2,097,000.0 thousand rubles, including 46,000.0 thousand rubles. - from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, 2,000.0 thousand rubles. - from local budgets;

in 2016 - 3,188,150.0 thousand rubles, including 46,150.0 thousand rubles. - from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, 2,000.0 thousand rubles. - from local budgets;

in 2017 - 4,104,200.0 thousand rubles, including 45,400.0 thousand rubles. - from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, 1,800.0 thousand rubles. - from local budgets.

As part of the implementation of the State Program, it is provided for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet state needs at the expense of the republican budget in accordance with Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs".

Since 2015, local budgets have been provided with subsidies from the budget of the Republic of Crimea in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea arising in the exercise of powers of local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea on issues of local importance for the development of beaches in order to ensure comfortable access for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility.

The criteria for selecting municipalities in the Republic of Crimea for the provision of subsidies as part of the implementation of the State Program are:

the presence in local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea of ​​municipal territorial development programs or programs for the development of sanatorium-resort and tourist complexes;

submission by local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea of ​​a document confirming the financing of the corresponding expenditure obligation in the amount of at least 20.0 percent of the expenditure obligation;

availability of justification for the cost of the event;

availability of an assessment of the economic efficiency of the implementation of the event.

The distribution of subsidies between local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea is carried out according to the following methodology:

based on the results of the selection for the provision of subsidies within the framework of the implementation of the State Program, local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea are determined to be responsible for the implementation of the event;

subsidies are provided to local budgets within the limits of the funding amounts specified in the justification for the cost of activities, the funding volumes provided for the implementation of the relevant State Program activities, as well as the limits of budget obligations and budget allocations communicated to the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea responsible for the implementation of the relevant State Program activities.

The level of co-financing from the budget of the Republic of Crimea of ​​the expenditure obligation of a local government body of a municipality in the Republic of Crimea cannot be higher than 80.0 percent of the expenditure obligation.

Subsidies to local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea are provided subject to the following conditions:

target direction of use of budget funds;

the presence in local budgets of budgetary allocations for the fulfillment of the corresponding expenditure obligation, including a subsidy;

conclusion of an agreement between the executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea, responsible for the implementation of the State Program, and the administration of the municipal entity in the Republic of Crimea on the provision of subsidies from the budget of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred to as the agreement).

The agreement must include:

an indication of the municipal legal act establishing the expenditure obligation of the local government body of the municipality in the Republic of Crimea, for the fulfillment of which a subsidy is provided;

the amount of the subsidy provided, the conditions for the provision and expenditure of the subsidy;

timing and procedure for transferring subsidies to local budgets;

the volume of budgetary allocations from local budgets allocated to comply with the conditions of co-financing;

deadlines and procedure for submitting reports on the implementation of local budget expenditures, the source of financial support for which is a subsidy;

values ​​of performance indicators for granting subsidies;

the consequences of failure by the local government body of a municipal entity in the Republic of Crimea to achieve the established values ​​of performance indicators for the provision of subsidies, as well as the effectiveness of the use of subsidies;

responsibilities and duties of the parties;

other conditions determined by agreement of the parties.

As part of the State Program, it is also planned to provide subsidies to local governments of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea for the implementation of activities for which expenditure obligations may exist for several years.

Transfer of subsidies to local budgets is carried out in the prescribed manner to the accounts of territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury, opened to record revenues and their distribution between the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, for subsequent transfer in the prescribed manner to local budgets.

The local government body of a municipal formation in the Republic of Crimea is responsible for compliance with the goals and conditions established when providing subsidies.

Subsidies provided to the local government body of a municipal entity in the Republic of Crimea must be used for their intended purpose before December 30 of the current financial year.

Subsidies that are not used or used for other purposes are subject to return to the budget of the Republic of Crimea in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea are recipients of subsidies:

develop and approve network plans-schedules for the implementation of the relevant activities of the State Program, and also quarterly, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting month, submit to the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea responsible for the implementation of the relevant activities of the State Program, information on the implementation of network plans-schedules for the implementation of such events;

submit to the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea, responsible for the implementation of the relevant activities of the State Program, on a monthly basis, before the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, a report on the fulfillment of the conditions for the provision of subsidies and a report on the results of the implementation of the activities of the State Program in the forms established by the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea , responsible for the implementation of the State Program activities.

The main manager of budgetary funds ensures compliance by the local government body of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea with the conditions, goals and procedures established when providing subsidies.

Control over compliance by local self-government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea with the goals and conditions established when providing subsidies is carried out within the competence established by law by state financial control bodies.

An assessment of the effectiveness of the use of subsidies by the local government body of a municipal entity in the Republic of Crimea is carried out at the end of the financial year in which the subsidies were provided, by comparing the actual values ​​achieved and the planned performance indicators for the provision of subsidies established by the agreement.

Achieving the planned values ​​of indicators for the implementation of State program activities in the reporting financial year is confirmation of the effectiveness of using subsidies from the budget of the Republic of Crimea in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of local governments of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea.

The effectiveness of providing subsidies is assessed by the indicator: the number of local government bodies of municipalities in the Republic of Crimea that received support from the budget of the Republic of Crimea in the form of co-financing of expenditure obligations for the purpose of organizing the arrangement of places of public recreation for the population.

If the local government body of the municipality in the Republic of Crimea does not achieve the indicator specified in the agreement, then next year the local government body of the municipality in the Republic of Crimea is not allowed to be selected for the provision of subsidies.

9. Risks of implementing the State Program and measures to manage these risks

The implementation of the State Program is associated with the emergence and overcoming of various risks that can significantly affect the achievement of planned results. Risk management for the implementation of the State Program includes:

preliminary identification of risks, assessment of the likelihood of occurrence and the degree of their impact on achieving the planned results of the State Program;

current monitoring of risk occurrences;

planning and implementation of measures to reduce the likelihood and negative consequences of risks.

The progress of implementation of the State Program is significantly influenced by the following groups of risks: financial, legal and organizational.

1. The most significant financial risk is the lack of funding for the State Program, the causes of which are largely determined by external factors: shortfall (loss) of budget revenues of the Republic of Crimea, an unplanned increase in expenses, and, as a consequence, an increase in the budget deficit of the Republic of Crimea, which leads to a revision of funding previously accepted expenditure obligations.

The occurrence of this risk may entail complete or partial failure to implement measures and, as a consequence, failure to achieve the target values ​​of indicators (indicators) of the State Program.

Reducing the likelihood and minimizing the consequences of risks associated with a lack of funding for the State Program is carried out using the following measures:

rational use of available funds (obtaining savings when purchasing for government needs);

drawing up and executing a monthly financing schedule and timely use of funds in the implementation of State Program activities;

raising additional funds to cover the emerging deficit, cash gap, etc., including from extra-budgetary sources;

adjustment of the State Program in accordance with the actual level of funding and redistribution of funds between priority areas of the State Program.

2. Legal risks of implementing the State Program are associated with possible changes in budget legislation at the federal level.

First of all, this risk may have an impact on increasing the planned time frame and/or changing the conditions for the implementation of State Program activities.

Reducing the likelihood and minimizing the consequences of risks associated with changes in budget legislation is carried out using the following measures:

regular monitoring of changes in budget legislation (including recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation);

implementation of measures taking into account the results of ongoing monitoring, and, if necessary, making adjustments to the State Program.

3. The organizational risks of implementing the State Program include the following:

3.1. Inconsistency and lack of proper coordination of the actions of the responsible executor and participants in the implementation of the State Program. This risk may have an impact on the effectiveness of interaction between participants in the implementation of the State Program, which may result in failure to achieve goals and objectives, a decrease in the efficiency of resource use and the quality of implementation of State Program activities.

identifying intermediate stages and drawing up detailed operational plans for the implementation of State Program activities, carrying out subsequent monitoring of their implementation, including the use of software and hardware systems;

ensuring the proper level of coordination of the actions of participants in the State Program with the help of existing (formation of new) coordination and advisory bodies under the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea;

drawing up a public procurement plan in advance, selecting and attracting qualified performers to perform work (provide services), forming clear and comprehensive requirements for the results of work (services), tightening the conditions for fulfilling contractual obligations and applying penalties, and, if necessary, replacing performers of work (services) .

3.2. Limited human resources, insufficient qualifications of financial workers of the responsible executor and participants in the implementation of the State Program.

The risk has a significant impact on the implementation of almost all activities of the State Program.

Reducing the likelihood and minimizing the consequences of risk occurrence is carried out using the following measures:

appointment of permanent responsible executors, ensuring the possibility of their full participation in the implementation of State Program activities;

improving the qualifications of direct implementers of State Program activities (conducting training, seminars, providing them with open access to methodological and information materials);

involving representatives of public, scientific and professional communities in the implementation of events;

if necessary, rotation of direct executors of State program activities.

10. Assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the State Program

The implementation of the State Program is assessed in the following areas:

assessment of the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives of the State Program as a whole based on the indicators of the State Program aimed at solving the corresponding problem;

assessment of the degree of compliance of actual budget costs with the planned level;

assessing the efficiency of using budget funds;

assessment of the degree of achievement of immediate results from the implementation of State Program activities;

assessment of compliance with the established deadlines for the implementation of State Program activities.

Assessing the achievement of goals and solving the tasks of the State Program is carried out annually, as well as based on the results of completion of the implementation of the State Program.

An assessment based on this methodology is carried out in relation to the goals, objectives and activities of the State Program.

An integral assessment of the effectiveness of the State Program is carried out annually before March 1 of the year following the reporting year, as well as upon completion of the implementation of the State Program and is carried out on the basis of the following formula:

Integral indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of the State Program;

0.8 and 0.2 - indices of significance (weight) of indicators, determined by the coordinator of the State Program based on expert assessment.

Assessing the efficiency of using budget funds

An assessment of the efficiency of using budget funds () in the period under review is calculated using the formula:

Indicator of efficiency of use of budget funds;

Indicator of achieving goals and solving problems of the State Program;

An indicator of the degree of fulfillment of the planned level of costs.

The higher the level of achievement of planned values ​​of indicators (indicators) and the lower the level of use of budget funds, the higher the efficiency.

Assessment of the degree of achievement of goals and tasks of the State Program

Assessment of the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives of the State Program () is carried out in accordance with the following formula:

Indicator of achievement of planned values ​​of State program indicators;

k - number of indicators of the State Program;

F - actual values ​​of the State Program indicators for the period under review;

P - planned values ​​for achieving the State Program indicators for the period under review.

In the case when a decrease in the value of the target indicator is a positive trend, the indicators F and P in the formula change places (for example, P1 / F1 + P2 / F2 + ...).

Assessment of the degree of compliance of actual budget costs with the planned level

Assessment of the degree of compliance of actual budget costs with the planned level - assessment of the implementation of the planned level of costs for the implementation of the State Program - is calculated using the formula:

F - actual use of budget funds in the period under review for the implementation of the State Program;

P - planned budget expenditures for the implementation of the State Program in the period under review.

Assessment of compliance with the established deadlines for the implementation of State Program activities

Assessment of compliance with the established deadlines for the implementation of State Program activities - assessment of the degree of timeliness of the implementation of State Program activities - is carried out using the formula:

Degree of timeliness of implementation of State Program activities (percent);

SSN - the number of activities completed in compliance with the established planned start dates for implementation;

CVD - the number of State Program activities completed in compliance with the established deadlines;

m - number of State Program activities.

In the course of monitoring the implementation of the State Program in relation to each of the activities, the completeness of the use of budget funds and the degree to which the immediate results of the implementation of the activities have been achieved are assessed.

Assessment of the degree of achievement of the immediate results of the implementation of activities is carried out using the formula:

Indicator of the degree of achievement of immediate results of the implementation of the State Program activity;

Direct results actually achieved;

Planned immediate results.

The specificity of the goals, objectives, activities and results of the State Program is such that some of the effects from its implementation are indirect, indirect and relate not only to the development of tourism and resorts, but also to the level and quality of life of the population, the development of the social sphere and the economy.


tourist Crimean peninsula

Crimea has a variety of healing resources, many of which are unique. The presence of diverse natural resources has made it possible to create a multifaceted system of sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation in the region.

Tourism in Crimea is traditionally an integral part of state policy and an important section of the national economic system.

Regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination, the resort institutions of Crimea, in solving a common task, act as a single recreational complex, requiring management and organizational and methodological support for control over the implementation of state guarantees to various populations, regulated by a number of legislative documents of the Russian Federation.

The main purpose of writing this work is to reflect the process of managing recreational activities in the Republic of Crimea. To achieve this, the following tasks were set:

analyze the current state of recreational activities in the Republic of Crimea

analyze the state policy of the Republic of Crimea regarding recreation

make proposals for its possible modernization

1. Main characteristics of the tourist flow to the Republic of Crimea

In the conditions of independence of the Republic of Crimea, the methodology used for counting tourists, which is based on an estimate of the number of arrivals in Crimea by rail, lost its relevance in 2014-2015 due to structural changes in passenger traffic: a reorientation of transport links with the Republic of Crimea was noted from the previously priority railway transport to air transport and ferry crossing. Appropriate adjustments will be made to the methodology for counting tourists. In this connection, comparison of the number of people who had a rest on the peninsula in the 2014 season with the seasons of previous years in the current conditions of the independence of Crimea is incorrect.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea for 2014, 4.78 million passengers arrived in the Republic of Crimea. Of the total number of passengers arriving in Crimea in 2014:

% arrived by rail,

% - by ferry crossing,

% - by air.

In 2013, 66% of all vacationers came to Crimea by train, 10% of tourists by air, and 24% by road (including via the Kerch ferry crossing).

In previous years, the Republic of Crimea was visited annually by 6 million tourists. The dynamics of visits are shown in Figure No. 1

Rice. 1 Dynamics of tourist visits to the Republic of Crimea

It is worth especially noting that 20% of all tourists are organized vacationers, the remaining 80% are tourists who prefer to stay in private mini-hotels and apartments.

The distribution of the flow of tourists in Crimea is also not uniform. (Fig. 2). Among the regions, the greatest load is noted:

in the Yalta region - 34.8% of tourists choose holidays in the region,

in Alushtinsky - 19.2%,

in Yevpatoriya - 19.2%,

in Feodosia-Sudak - 10.4%,

in Saki - 4.9%.

Rice. 2 Distribution of tourist flow in Crimea

The average duration of a holiday in Crimea is 10-14 days.

The duration of the season in Crimea is 5 months a year (from May to September), of which the most active holiday season is observed in July-August.

The main purpose of staying in Crimea in most cases is a “beach” vacation - 55% of all tourists choose a “beach” vacation. 20% of tourists come to the resorts of the peninsula for the purpose of recreation, entertainment and travel, and about 25% for treatment.

The share of incoming tourism accounts for 34.4%, while in 2009 the share of foreign citizens in the total tourist flow of Crimea was 26.2% (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3 The ratio of tourist flows in the Republic of Crimea

According to the geography of tourist arrivals in Crimea in 2013, tourists from Ukraine dominated - 65.6% of the total tourist flow. 26.1% of the total tourist flow are citizens of the Russian Federation, 4% are citizens of Belarus (Fig. 4). The flow of tourists arriving from other foreign countries is distributed as follows: Turkish citizens - 34%, Baltic citizens - 15%, German citizens - 15%, British citizens - 10%, Israeli citizens - 7.5%, US citizens - 6% .

The most popular mode of transport (Fig. 5) for Crimean tourists is the railway - 66% of all vacationers come to Crimea by train, 10% of tourists arrive by air and 24% by road (including via the Kerch ferry crossing). At the same time, there is an increase in the number of tourists arriving by air. Air traffic in 2013 amounted to 604.4 thousand people, which is 7.7% more than in 2012 and 1.6 times more than in 2009 (Fig. 6)

Rice. 4 Structure of tourist flow by geography of arrival in the Republic of Crimea

Rice. 5 Distribution of tourist flow by mode of transport

Rice. 6 Air traffic for 2009-2013, thousand people.

Every year, in the structure of tourist traffic by motor transport, the share of tourists arriving in Crimea by the Crimea-Parom ferry account for about 28% - more than 350 thousand people arrive annually. However, already in 2014, there was an increase in passenger traffic through the ferry crossing (2-2.5 times).

1.1 Crimean accommodation facilities and tourist enterprises of Crimea

There are 825 sanatorium-resort and hotel establishments located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. Of these, 467 institutions provide specialized sanatorium-resort treatment or health-improving services, the remaining 358 institutions provide temporary accommodation services.

Of the 467 Crimean health resorts, 151 institutions provide specialized sanatorium-resort treatment, 316 institutions provide health-improving services.

From the perspective of tourism development, the category of health resorts, which provide various health and medical services, is of particular interest. This category is represented by the following main types of accommodation facilities: sanatoriums, boarding houses with treatment, children's sanatoriums, hotels with treatment, medical rehabilitation centers, medical and health centers, health complexes, tourist and health complexes (Fig. 7).

In addition, from the perspective of tourism development in the Republic of Crimea, the category of institutions providing health-improving services is of interest. This category consists of 224 facilities (boarding houses, tourist and health complexes, tourist and health centers, hotels), which provide primary medical consultation, SPA services, dietary nutrition programs, a beach, swimming pool, sauna, etc.

Rice. 7 Classification of Crimean accommodation facilities

In addition, there are 92 children’s health camps in Crimea (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Distribution of children's health camps by region of Crimea

There are also 31 separate children's sanatoriums. As a result, the total number of child care institutions in Crimea is 123.

According to the year-round principle, 315 year-round facilities operate in Crimea (of which 128 are sanatorium-resort), 510 seasonal (of which 465 are sanatorium-resort).

The territorial distribution of health resorts by region of Crimea is as follows:

there are 168 objects in the Yalta region,

in Feodosiya - 112,

in Alushtinsky - 107,

in Yevpatoriya - 103,

in the remaining 12 regions - 335 accommodation facilities (including the cities of Simferopol, Stary Krym and Sovetsky district).

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the Yalta region - 33 (44% of the total). At the same time, 70% of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in Yevpatoria.

Crimean health resorts provide treatment for bronchopulmonary, neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gynecological and other diseases. In addition, on the territory of the Republic there are 4.5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services, and 14 thousand apartment landlords (private sector). The peculiarity of this sector is that it receives over 80% of the total tourist flow (more than 4 million tourists per year).

There are 208 tour operators carrying out tourism activities in Crimea. 1,147 tourist support specialists (tour guides and guide-translators) are included in the register of tourist support specialists. The database of excursion tours and routes developed by business entities includes about 200 routes.

In Crimea there are 21 tourist information centers in 10 regions of the peninsula: Kerch, Saki, Simferopol, Yalta, in the Sudak, 9 Evpatoria, Feodosia regions, as well as in the Bakhchisarai, Black Sea and Lenin regions. Of these, 11 are year-round.

1.2 Functioning of the beaches of the Republic of Crimea

The total length of the beaches of the Republic of Crimea is 517 km.

As of April 1, 2014, there are 560 beaches on the territory of the republic, of which, according to their functional purpose, 69 are therapeutic (beaches of sanatoriums), 58 are recreational (beaches of other medical and recreational institutions), 71 are children's (beaches of children's health institutions), 332 - general purpose beaches, the functional purpose of 30 beaches is currently being determined (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9 Crimean beaches as of 04/01/2014

The largest number of beaches are located in the Yalta region - 123, Evpatoria region - 96, Alushta region - 87, Feodosia region - 77.

In 2013, 10 beaches in the republic received Blue Flag certificates from the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), thereby confirming their compliance with international requirements for safe and comfortable recreation.

1.3 Development of tourism in Crimea

The basis for the development of tourism is a special geographical location, a varied climate (the climate of the southern coast of Crimea is subtropical Mediterranean type) and huge natural potential: the Black and Azov seas, the Crimean mountains, about 900 caves, the largest - Krasnaya, Mramornaya, Uzundzha, Emine-Bair -Khosar, 1657 rivers and temporary watercourses with a total length of 5996 km, 30 natural lakes and 1554 artificial reservoirs, 15 waterfalls, the most significant of which are Uchan-Su and Jur-Jur, 6 nature reserves (Crimean, Yalta mountain forest, Cape Martyan, Karadag , Kazantipsky, Opuksky).

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are over 11.5 thousand historical, cultural and architectural monuments belonging to various historical eras, civilizations and religions. There are 26 deposits of medicinal mud and brine, more than 100 sources of mineral waters of various chemical compositions. In Crimea there are 6 state reserves, 33 reserves (including 16 of national significance), 87 natural monuments (13 of national significance), 10 protected tracts, 850 karst caves (50 of them are recognized by experts as suitable for development and visiting by tourists), mines , wells and more than 30 parks - monuments of landscape art of national and world significance.

The following types of tourism are developing in Crimea:

cultural and educational (in Crimea there are 17 state museums, more than 300 public and departmental museums. About 800 thousand exhibits are stored in the funds of state museums alone);

eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held in Crimea every year: music and wine, military and choreographic, theater and cinema, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become traditional for Crimea - these are the festivals “War and Peace”, “Kazantip”, “Genoese helmet”, “Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta”, “The Great Russian Word”, International TV Film Forum “Together” and others);

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of Crimea there are 84 tourist sites, 39 places of mass recreation for the population, 284 tourist trails); eleven

cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads create conditions for cycling. The most diverse region for mountain cycling tourism is South-Western Crimea);

auto tourism (in Crimea there are more than 40 campsites, about 100 parking lots and parking lots with a total number of places of more than 3.5 thousand, more than 250 gas stations, as well as more than 110 service stations and more than 210 roadside cafes);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools, children's camps with scuba diving training);

equestrian (there are more than 20 equestrian clubs on the territory of Crimea, which have developed one- and multi-day horseback riding routes for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives of 115 nationalities live on the peninsula, there are 92 ethnographic sites, on the basis of which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);

rural (there are more than 80 rural tourism sites in Crimea);

sports (international competitions in hang gliding, hot-air ballooning and others);

cruise (four seaports located in the cities of Yalta, Sevastopol, Kerch, Evpatoria can receive cruise ships in Crimea. In 2013, a record number of cruise ships entered Crimea

144, which is 45% more than the number of navigation vessel calls in 2012. The number of tourists amounted to 63,009 people (in 2012 - 62,984 people).

The traditional leader among the port cities of Crimea is Yalta; in 2013, 108 ocean liners and 16 river-sea class cruise ships were serviced.

There are 6 water parks operating on the territory of the Republic of Crimea:

Water park “Banana Republic “Aquaparkos” (Saki district)

Water park "Almond Grove" (Alushta)

Water park "Zurbagan" (Sevastopol)

Water park "Blue Bay" (Simeiz village, Bolshaya Yalta) 12

Water park "Water World" (Sudak)

Water park "Koktebel" (Koktebel village, Feodosia)

More than 100 festivals and events are held in Crimea every year. In addition to the already well-known ones - “Genoese Helmet”, “War and Peace”, “Jazz-Koktebel”, more than 30 (festivals of the arts of peoples, crafts, culinary skills) are held during the “velvet season”, which gathers large target audiences and is attractive factor

2. Features of tourism management

The relevance of the theoretical and sociological understanding of management in the tourism industry at the present stage is determined both by the practice of functioning of the tourism industry, which experiences a growing need to systematize knowledge on organizing the activities of tourism management subjects, and by the need to determine ways to improve tourism management, search for the optimal vector of development of the industry, taking into account the balance of interests all participants in the process: consumers, service providers, state authorities and local governments.

Management in tourism has a number of features due to the specific properties of the services provided by tourism organizations. As an integrated activity, tourism includes the activity of subjects at different levels and can be aimed at achieving different results. Issues of organizing effective interaction between participants should be the focus of attention of all tourism management entities interested in coordinating their actions and implementing joint industry development programs.

Firstly, the peculiarity of management in the tourism industry lies in the great depth of penetration and complexity of the relationships between the constituent elements of the tourism industry: the management of many tourism organizations should develop a unified management system, which includes both regulatory activities on the part of government bodies and self-government at the level companies and their associations.

Secondly, the specificity of management in the tourism industry is reflected in the fact that it is anthropocentric in its essence - a person, with his needs, value system, mentality, appears as the core of this entire system. This is exactly what management subjects in the industry should take as a starting point.

Thirdly, an equally important feature of tourism management is its seasonality. The supply of tourism services is characterized by inflexible production; they can only be consumed directly on site. A hotel, airport, or recreation center cannot be moved at the end of the season to another region; they cannot adapt in space and time to changes in demand. This circumstance must be taken into account by the managers of tourism enterprises, since fluctuations in demand can significantly worsen the operating conditions of the entire tourism complex.

Fourthly, management in the tourism industry is distinguished by its two-level nature, the combination into a single system of two qualitatively different states of social reality - artificially planned and consciously organized activities of people to solve certain problems, and the emerging system of relations between participants in joint activities as relations of self-government and self-organization. This relationship between intentional and spontaneous components constitutes the main social quality of the sociocultural “body” of management. (Tikhonov, 2001)

Fifthly, special attention requires taking into account such a feature as the non-primary nature of the tourist service. The tourism product is not an essential commodity; the demand for tourism services is extremely elastic in relation to income levels and prices, and therefore changes in the purchasing power of the population affect tourism services, and timely receipt of information will allow adjusting the volumes and goals of management.

Sixthly, this is the specificity of tourism marketing. Marketing is of greater importance for management in the tourism industry. The seller of a tourist service, not being able to present a sample of it, as is practiced when selling goods, must find an opportunity to demonstrate the advantages of his product - service, which can only be done with a well-established marketing system. The consumer, as a rule, cannot see the tourism product before consuming it, and the consumption itself is carried out directly at the place of production of the tourism service.

In addition, due to the variability of service quality and subjectivity in evaluation, there is a need for its constant monitoring, that is, this management function acquires special significance. The same tourist trip can be assessed differently by two different people. The tourist service itself is unique; it is not possible to repeat it in all aspects. In this regard, management in the tourism industry should be focused on creating a system for collecting, processing and disseminating information.

Seventh, the effectiveness of the tourism industry does not appear immediately, as E. Sheremetyeva rightly notes, but with a time delay due to a long period of return on invested funds, and if the development goal is social in nature, then the effect will not be expressed in monetary form. (Sheremetyeva E, 2008)

The next, eighth, feature is that due to the fact that the tourist environment, despite its social orientation, is predominantly commercial in nature, most tourism business entities define the main goal of their activities as, of course, making a profit. Therefore, in our opinion, it is especially important for management subjects to understand the consequences, including economic ones, that may arise as a result of ineffective interaction between all representatives of the tourism market (for example, in the case of late submission of documents for a visa, the entire package of tourism services may be canceled ; if the flight schedule changes, the host party makes the changes). It is personal interest in the effective organization of interaction between management subjects in tourism during the development of management decisions that can motivate tourism enterprises to look for mutually beneficial options for cooperation, recognizing the priority of common interests over individual ones. A well-built, streamlined and reliable network of communications between all partners allows each individual participant in the tourism market to protect themselves, their consumers and partners from the instability of the external environment and crisis consequences.

Ninth, a feature of management in the tourism industry is dependence on the macroenvironment (natural, political and economic situation, force majeure), which, firstly, is reflected in the elasticity of demand; secondly, it emphasizes the need for trust in the provision of tourism services, since the relationship between all suppliers of individual services that make up the integral tourism product and consumers of services are built precisely on trust, since the quality of the tourism product itself can only be assessed in the process of consumption.

Considering the tourism industry, it should be noted that it is one of the riskiest activities in the provision of services, as a result of which the number of risk cases specific to tourism increases. Risk is present at all stages of the provision of tourism services and covers all subjects of the tourism industry. In the tourism industry, the risk of undesirable events and their negative consequences is especially high because the very nature of the provision of services is often associated with the stay of tourists in various exotic, extreme and unusual places, where it is difficult to foresee the presence of factors unfavorable to the health of tourists. In addition, when interacting with a large number of business partners (foreign tour operators, consular services, hotels, transport and excursion companies), the coordination of their actions becomes difficult, which also explains the importance and relevance of the category “trust” for the tourism industry.

Modern tourism is subject to globalization processes, which means the increasing interdependence of states and individual regions that form the world community, their gradual integration into a common system with common rules and norms of economic, political and cultural behavior for all, and therefore the question of increasing the level of trust between the subjects of management and strengthening partnerships seems particularly relevant.

Globalization in tourism is characterized by a single information space for market entities, the presence of service consumers in different parts of the world, international representative offices of tourism business entities and product distribution channels, production location taking into account the maximum possible implementation of competitive advantages, savings obtained from the international scale of activity, high costs of product development and rapidly changing technologies, government regulation of the industry (introduction of uniform standards for the provision of services, stimulation and support of certain types of tourism, protection of consumer rights).

The market is saturated with offers of various types and price levels. Local and international carriers compete in national markets. It should also be noted that the tourism industry is open to external influences that are beyond the control of tourism entities. As a result, cooperation is actively developing between them in the form of coordination and integration of partners’ interests to implement joint projects and strengthen positions in the market. In the future, competitive advantages will be provided only to those organizations in the tourism industry that will be able to compete on equal terms for consumers with foreign companies, both in the domestic and foreign markets.

Globalization gives rise to interdependence of participants in the tourism market - today, changes in demand in the market of one country can stimulate or, on the contrary, restrain the market of another. This relationship explains the need to develop a system of measures aimed at giving stability to the tourism industry. The categories “trust” and “risk” are beginning to play a special role for tourism subjects, without which the industry cannot exist today.

Thus, the listed features of management in the tourism industry indicate that it is necessary to create a favorable climate for its functioning and development, and this is only possible with close cooperation of all interested parties - tourism organizations, consumers and the state, and the implementation of state policy in relation to the tourism sector in based on its recognition not only as a promising economic sector, but also as a significant component of the social sphere, implementing a number of important social functions in its activities. These factors actualize the issue of the effectiveness of the management system in the tourism industry. However, at present, as analysis of management shows, this activity lacks consistency, management is characterized by fragmentation.

Intense competition for consumers, globalization and integration of the tourism business pose the task of organizations in the world tourism industry to improve methods for making and implementing decisions, increasing the efficiency of their activities, which can be divided into two categories: technical techniques aimed at increasing consumer demand, and organizational managerial, related to reducing investment risks by optimizing management and introducing new organizational forms of management (strategic alliances).

As T.V. Duran rightly notes, the jointness of productive activities makes it possible to compensate for the weaknesses of each individual subject, therefore, dependence on others for the implementation of joint activities can be called a compensatory connection. Subject - subject connection reflects the dependence of individuals on each other for different reasons: they either carry out common activities, although at the same time they perform different functions, or exchange the results of activities (Duran, 2011)

Based on the above, we can propose 3 theoretical models of interactions within the provision of tourism services:

A one-way model, characterized by the influence of one of the subjects of the tourism industry (consumer of services, government agency, subject of tourism activities) on others, in order to satisfy their interests;

A bilaterally directed asymmetric model, characterized by the interaction of two actors to achieve common goals, taking into account each other’s interests in the absence of coordination of interests on the part of the third;

A bilaterally directed symmetrical model, characterized by the interaction of these subjects of the tourism industry in the process of achieving common goals, taking into account each other’s interests.

The identified features of management in the tourism industry lead us to the conclusion that in tourism a two-way symmetrical model makes sense, conditioned by an understanding of the significance and necessary dominance of compensatory ties due to the interdependence of subjects. In practice, multidirectional actions and spontaneity of management prevail, resulting in bankruptcies of enterprises, their inability to withstand crises and force majeure situations, which entails insecurity for consumers of services and violations of legislation regarding the protection of their rights.

Of the theoretical models, three management models are found in practice to a greater or lesser extent.

The first model assumes the absence of central state administration; all issues are resolved locally based on the principles of market “self-organization”, i.e. decisions regarding the development of the industry are made on the basis of intuition; a unified concept for the development of national tourism is not implemented, as a result of which the tourism sector develops spontaneously and unsystematically. The self-regulation model was chosen by the United States in 1997, but currently the United States has revised the principles of state regulation of the tourism sector, recognizing that tourism is a significant component of the national economy, and it can only develop successfully with significant support from the state.

The second model provides for the presence of a strong and authoritative ministry that controls the activities of the industry based on the principles of partnership between the state and the tourism market. This model (“partnership”) assumes recognition of the tourism sector as a significant sector of the national economy and provides significant government support for high growth rates of national tourism production.

The Central State Tourism Administration actively interacts with local authorities and private businesses. Another essential component of this model is the clear division of state tourism administration bodies into two branches. One branch deals with global issues of public administration: the regulatory framework for the industry, processing of statistical information, coordination of regional activities, international cooperation at the interstate level. The second branch is marketing. Its competence includes everything that is necessary to create the image of the country abroad: participation in exhibitions, management of tourist offices abroad. To implement the partnership model, certain conditions are required: large financial investments in the tourism industry, investment in tourism infrastructure. The main goal of such interaction is to reduce the role of the central executive in economic processes and reduce government spending by attracting financial resources (investments) from private business. In addition to tourism administrations and national tourism organizations, which, as a rule, include representative offices abroad, numerous industry associations have a significant influence on the processes of regulating the tourism business. The partnership model has been costly but effective for many years, and is being implemented in countries such as Spain, Italy, France (Saak, 2007)

The third model for organizing the management of a tourism complex - the “administrative model” - represents the inclusion of management tasks at the level of central executive authorities within the competence of a multi-sectoral ministry. This model assumes the recognition of the tourism sector as a priority sector of the national economy. When implementing this model, it is very important to choose effective schemes for interaction between federal and local authorities. A vertical chain of responsibility is formed for the implementation of activities within the framework of federal tourism development programs. In this case, administrative levers of macroeconomic regulation prevail, namely laws, federal tourism development programs, licensing, certification and other mechanisms of legal regulation of the tourism business. An important role is also played by economic instruments: preferential taxation, government loans, etc. The administrative model is common in a number of countries with high tourist traffic - Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, China (Evdokimov, 2004)

The practice of world tourism confirms that no country is able to ensure the successful development of tourism without active and constant cooperation between the developers of legal acts and tourism business practitioners. The preparation of regulations for the development and regulation of tourism activities, carried out without preliminary scientific analysis, is also not optimal.

In modern conditions, given the decline in tourist arrivals to Russia over recent years and the insufficient development of the national tourism market, meaningful government intervention in the tourism business is, in our opinion, a necessary lever for increasing the efficiency of the industry. In terms of the scale of international tourism, the federal structure and the method of organizing the tourism industry, the third management model is most acceptable for Russia. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the interaction between government authorities, the private sector and associations - representatives of the tourism business has not reached European proportions either in matters of public administration or in the field of marketing.

The tourism industry was one of the first to feel the consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. At the same time, the crisis exposed the predominance of a situational management model, inconsistency in the actions of management participants and weakness of planning, as well as the need for coordinated regulation of the industry by all management subjects, since most of the tourism market suffered significant losses as a result of the current situation. In such conditions, the stability of the functioning of the industry could be ensured only if a model of social partnership was built between all management entities in the field of tourism services - government bodies, representatives of tourism organizations, their associations and consumers of services.

In the Russian tourism industry, most companies do not yet have a systematic technological approach to brand management - spontaneous processes aimed at consolidating the company in the market are increasingly characteristic, and therefore the current situation in the tourism industry requires the development of techniques and methods of management influences that are adequate new realities.

3. State tourism management in the Republic of Crimea

Connecting the factors of tourism demand and supply should be carried out by regulating the sphere of tourism and travel in the interests of the development of the country as a whole or the region.

Regulation of tourism activities in most foreign countries occurs with the participation of the public and private sectors. The results of studies conducted by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) showed the growing participation of private structures in the development of international tourism with their active support from the state.

Russia, despite its colossal tourism potential, occupies a very modest place in the global tourism market. It accounts for less than 1.5% of the world's tourist flow. Among the tourist enterprises of the Russian Federation there are 350 foreign companies or companies with 100% foreign capital, which are mainly engaged in outbound tourism.

Objective and subjective economic and political circumstances in the last year have caused a reduction in the incoming flow of tourists to the Republic of Crimea. To this should be added the instability of the development of domestic tourism in the Russian Federation. In particular, there is a demand for sanatorium-resort and tourist-excursion services in the Russian Federation, but the supply of these services has sharply decreased in recent years. The modern network of tourist establishments (1.4 million places), together with sanatorium-resort establishments, boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, is in great need of reconstruction. The price level that has developed in the domestic tourism market is so high that it practically does not differ from foreign supply. This largely determines the choice of consumers not in favor of domestic supply.

Targeted social tourism, carried out in the interests of people with low incomes, is practically disappearing. It involves government assistance and is thriving in many foreign countries. In particular, the clients of social tourism include, for example, schoolchildren, youth, pensioners, and the disabled. According to domestic experts, in the Russian Federation there are over 80% of the country's population as potential consumers of social tourism.

Social tourism- travel, other tourist trips for the purpose of recreation, health improvement, familiarization with the natural, cultural and historical heritage, sold to citizens of the Russian Federation at the price of a social tour or carried out independently and subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs.

Social tour- the minimum required set of tourist services, not exceeding the basic standard of accessibility for citizens of the Russian Federation.

Basic Social Tour Accessibility Standard- a set of calculated indicators of the minimum required set of tourist services; is established by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms of this Federal Law.

Social tourism participant- a tourist who is a consumer of a social tour; organization of social tourism, public association, social movement as a set of public associations of participants in social tourism, educational institution for training specialists for the field of social tourism, research institution on the problems of social tourism.

Organization of social tourszma - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that forms, promotes and implements social tours on the basis of a license, provided that their sales in the aggregate constitute at least 70% of all tourist services and the rate of return when setting the price of a social tour does not exceed 10%.

The emergence of the noted negative circumstances is mainly due to the fact that at the present stage the market levers that ensure the further development of tourism are weak. Strengthening the action of market levers is associated with the need to provide conditions for the priority development of domestic and external tourism in order to revive traditional tourism centers and develop new tourist areas. The weak effect of market levers and the clearly insufficient social orientation in the tourism sector require active government intervention.

It is assumed that it is necessary to carry out government regulation globally in two main generalized directions.

First directionis associated with the adjustment of market self-regulation by drawing up plans (forecasts) and government programs, taking into account the fairly high degree of spontaneity of the current relationships in the supply-demand systems for many important types of products and services provided.

Second directionensures the implementation of social programs and social orientation of the market economy. Market self-regulation without proper government intervention leads to: increased monopolization, accelerated stratification of the country's population into rich and poor, and a reduction in those industries that are not sources of immediate profit (science, culture, art, healthcare, education, etc.).

Thus, government regulation in the field of tourism can be carried out by influencing the expansion of the tourism market and implementing appropriate social policies.

State policy in the field of tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea is carried out by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea.

The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) is an executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea, accountable, controlled and responsible to the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

The Ministry carries out state policy and carries out functions on legal regulation, control in the sanatorium-resort and tourism industry, sectoral management in this industry, provides public services, manages state property, and also coordinates, in established cases, the activities of other executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea in the health resort and tourism industry

The Ministry organizes, within its powers, the implementation of legislative acts and exercises systematic control over their implementation, summarizes the practice of applying legislation on issues within its competence, develops proposals for improving legislation and, in the prescribed manner, submits them for consideration by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

Impact on the expansion of the tourism market requires the development of a market strategy for promoting the tourism product. Strategy is the choice of a long-term optimal model of behavior in the tourism market, based on its characteristics. In any strategic approach, appropriate interventions from the public and private sectors are required.

The impact from the Ministry is decisive in the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the Crimean tourism sector.

Specific tasks that can be attributed to government regulation are as follows:

making decisions on the development of organizational, economic and social policies in the field of tourism development, as well as preparing and adopting a plan for such development;

creating conditions for solving problems of social, targeted tourism;

development of development programs for the public and private sectors, taking into account the above areas;

ensuring effective investment by the public and private sectors;

ensuring constant monitoring of the progress and direction of tourism development, taking into account its prospects, both in the economy and in the social life of society.

The private sector, as a rule, is assigned to the creation of tourist facilities and services (hotels, travel agencies, restaurants, commercial tourist facilities, etc.).

The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” defined the principles of state policy aimed at establishing the legal foundations of a single tourism market in the Russian Federation.

The state, recognizing tourism as one of the priority sectors of the Russian economy, is guided by the following principles:

) promotes tourism activities and creates favorable conditions for its development;

) determines and supports priority areas of tourism activity;

) forms an idea of ​​the Russian Federation as a country favorable for tourism;

) provides support and protection of Russian tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations.

At the same time, the main goals of state regulation of tourism activities are:

) ensuring the right of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling;

) environmental protection;

) creating conditions for activities aimed at the upbringing, education and health improvement of tourists;

) development of the tourism industry that meets the needs of citizens when traveling;

) creation of new jobs;

) increasing the income of the state and citizens;

) development of international contacts;

) preservation of tourist attractions, rational use of natural and cultural heritage

The priority areas of state regulation of tourism activities are the support and development of domestic, inbound, social and amateur tourism.

Specific areas of state regulation of tourism activities have been identified.

This is done by:

creation of regulatory legal acts aimed at improving relations in the tourism industry;

assistance in promoting tourism products in the domestic and global tourism markets;

protecting the rights and interests of tourists, ensuring their safety;

standardization in the tourism industry, certification of tourism products;

establishing rules for entry into the Russian Federation, exit from it and stay on its territory, taking into account the interests of tourism development;

direct budget allocations for the development and implementation of federal target programs for tourism development;

tax and customs regulation; providing preferential loans, establishing tax and customs benefits for tour operators and travel agents engaged in tourism activities in the Russian Federation and attracting foreign citizens to engage in tourism;

assistance in staffing tourism activities;

development of scientific research in the tourism industry;

facilitating the participation of tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations in international tourism programs; provision of cartographic products.

Since the tourist receives a range of services provided to him in a certain place where the tourism event takes place, the activities of municipalities to support the provision of these services can be quite important, both at the local level and at the regional (interregional) level.

Tourism services are provided, as is known, in places representing the geographical territory that tourists or a market tour segment choose for the purpose of travel. Such an area contains all the facilities necessary for the stay, accommodation, food and leisure activities of tourists. There is thus a single market for tourism supply, a competitive market unit.

The distribution of municipal tasks for the provision of tourism services may be as follows.

At the local level (at the locality level):

area planning for tourism events, infrastructure measures;

marketing (market offer of the area);

coordination of the work of travel agencies;

information for tourists, their support;

organization of leisure time for tourists;

organization of tourist congress meetings.

At the regional and interregional level:

development of the region, tourism regional planning, measures to preserve nature and culture;

market analysis, development of marketing concepts;

measures to implement cooperation and provide interests in joint services and departments;

professional consultations, organization of internal marketing;

working with the press, with domestic and foreign travel agencies, transport companies, organizing services for hotel and catering companies, tour operators and intermediaries.

The Ministry has developed a Program for the development and reform of the recreational complex of Crimea 2014-2016. In accordance with this program, it is possible to identify the main directions of development of tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea

List of used literature

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“Report on the implementation for 2015 of the State program for the development of resorts and tourism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015-2017 Responsible executor: ...”

Implementation report for 2015

State program for the development of resorts and tourism in

Republic of Crimea for 2015-2017

Responsible executor: Ministry of Resorts and Tourism

Republic of Crimea

I. Information on achievement of target values ​​in 2015

indicators (indicators) of the State Development Program

resorts and tourism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015-2017

State program for the development of resorts and tourism in the Republic

Considering that to date, information on the results of 2015 has not yet been prepared by Crimea Statistics, the analysis is carried out based on available data (18 indicators).

In 2015, 4 million 598 thousand tourists vacationed in Crimea, which is 21% higher than last year and 7% higher than the planned value.

According to operational information from local government bodies, the number of people accommodated in collective accommodation facilities in the Republic of Crimea amounted to 957 thousand tourists, which is 11.3% higher than planned.

The number of collective accommodation facilities and their capacity corresponds to the planned indicators - 770 accommodation facilities with a capacity of 158.2 thousand beds.

Tax revenues from the activities of the subjects of the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex of the Republic of Crimea for 2015 amounted to 2,041.9 million rubles, which is 13.4% (241.9 million rubles) more than planned.

In accordance with the additional agreement between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 25, 2015 No. S-892-SN/D08 to the Agreement dated March 30, 2015 No. S-3-OS/D01 on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget in 2015 In 2015, the budget of the Republic of Crimea allocated only 700.94 million rubles for the implementation of federal targeted program measures. for activities to create infrastructure for the development of only three tourist and recreational clusters: the shopping and entertainment complex “Children's recreation and health improvement” (Evpatoria), the shopping and entertainment complex “Therapeutic and recreational recreation” (Saki), the shopping and entertainment complex “Bakhchisaraisky”.

As of December 31, 2015, 18 contracts were concluded for 14 federal target programs in the amount of RUB 608,227,956.07, for which financing was provided in the amount of RUB 421,967,134.37.

Due to the lack of budgetary allocations in 2015, no measures were taken to give health resorts the status of resorts of state and/or local significance.

Measures to develop beaches to ensure comfortable access for people with disabilities have not been implemented, because due to the lack of applications for subsidies from local governments, the funds were redistributed for other purposes.

The number of image events held in 2015 exceeded the plan. Due to the incomplete allocation of funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea (out of the planned 500 thousand rubles, 450 thousand rubles were allocated), 7 new tourist routes were developed instead of the planned 10.

Due to improper execution, the contract for the production of social advertising banners for Crimean resorts was terminated. Therefore, the target (50) was not achieved.

The number of organized and conducted scientific and other studies for the purpose of studying and developing the resort and tourism sector has been exceeded by 1.5 times - methodological recommendations have been developed and published for subjects of the tourism industry (3 collections) on the implementation of tourism (tour operator and travel agency) activities, excursion activities and on organizing children's tourism.

Due to the lack of budget funding, programs of additional professional education in the field of resorts and tourism for state civil servants and municipal employees of the Republic of Crimea were not implemented.

In 2015, 17 training and advanced training programs were developed and implemented for specialists of the Republic of Crimea in the field of resorts and tourism, incl. in the first half of the year, 7 training events were held, within which about 730 people were trained free of charge, and between December 16-18, a training marathon (10 seminars) for hospitality industry personnel called “Hospitable Crimea” was held in Yalta, which was attended by more than 300 people.

Work is underway to create a unified system of tourist navigation to the cultural heritage sites of Crimea. In 2015, funds from the federal budget provided for the installation of 7,075 signs in the regions of Crimea.

At the request of resort regions, by the end of the year, another 105 signs were manufactured and transferred to municipalities at the expense of the republican budget.

II. Explanatory note on the results of the implementation for 2015 of the State Program for the Development of Resorts and Tourism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015-2017 The State Program for the Development of Resorts and Tourism in the Republic of Crimea for 2015-2017 (hereinafter referred to as the State Program) was developed with the aim of forming a modern international tourist center of the Russian Federation. Federation, which will meet the criteria of year-round availability, demand and competitiveness.

The main objectives of the State Program are:

Ensuring comprehensive sustainable development of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment;

diversification of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea, focused on various segments of the tourism market;

Improving the quality of tourism services, systematic methodological staffing of the tourism industry, meeting the needs of the modern Crimean tourist;

Promotion of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea on the international and domestic tourist markets, development of various types of tourism aimed at expanding the scope of the active period of the tourist season.

In 2015, out of 46 million rubles planned by the State Program for the year, 14 million 920.1 thousand rubles were allocated from the budget of the Republic of Crimea.

In 2015, 770 million 160.0 thousand rubles were allocated from the federal budget. for the implementation of activities of the federal target program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020.”

In 2015, activities under the State Program were financed from the budget of the Republic of Crimea by 25.4% of the planned amount (actually 11 million 667.2 thousand rubles were financed), from the federal budget - 43.1% of the plan (421 million). 967.1 thousand rubles).

Main activity 1. “Ensuring comprehensive sustainable development of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment” for 2015 was financed from the budget of the Republic of Crimea in the amount of 558.2 thousand rubles, from the federal budget - 421 million 967.1 thousand rubles.

Federal target program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city.

Sevastopol until 2020" provides for the implementation of measures to create 6 tourist and recreational clusters and four R&D activities on the territory of the Republic of Crimea:

TRC "Bakhchisaraysky", Republic of Crimea;

shopping and entertainment complex in the area of ​​Lake Chokrakskoe;

TRC "Chernomorsky", Republic of Crimea;

TRC "Koktebel";

- “Development of a project for the sanitary and mountain sanitary protection district of the Saki resort”;

- “Work on preparing the concept for the development of the city’s tourism cluster.

Saki and the necessary urban planning documentation, Republic of Crimea";

- “Work on preparing the concept for the development of the tourism cluster of the city of Evpatoria and the necessary urban planning documentation, Republic of Crimea”;

- “Work on preparing the concept for the development of the tourism cluster in Koktebel and the necessary urban planning documentation, Republic of Crimea.”

As part of the subsidy allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of the federal targeted program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city.

Sevastopol until 2020" funds are provided for 3 events:

TRC "Children's recreation and recovery", Evpatoria;

TRC “Therapeutic and recreational rest”, Saki;

TRC "Bakhchisaraysky", Republic of Crimea.

In total, for 3 Federal Targeted Program activities in 2015, funds under the additional agreement dated September 18, 2015 No. S-448-ATs/D14 to the Agreement dated March 30, 2015 No. S-3-OS/D01 were allocated for 19 capital investment objects (design and survey work ), including:

1) Objects of supporting infrastructure of the tourist and recreational cluster “Children’s recreation and health improvement”, Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea - 12 objects (out of 13 planned for implementation in 2015);

2) Objects of supporting infrastructure of the tourist and recreational cluster “Therapeutic and recreational recreation”, Saki, Republic of Crimea - 6 objects (out of 7 planned for implementation in 2015);

3) Objects of supporting infrastructure of the tourist and recreational cluster “Bakhchisaraysky”, Republic of Crimea - 1 object.

Taking into account the late deadlines for bringing budget funding limits to responsible executors and customer-developers, it was proposed to postpone the start of implementation of 5 of the 19 projects for which funds were allocated in 2015 to 2016-2017.

In 2015, 14 objects were implemented within the framework of two enlarged Federal Targeted Program activities:

1) Objects of supporting infrastructure of the tourist and recreational cluster “Children’s recreation and health improvement”, Evpatoria, Republic of Crimea - 9 objects.

2) Objects of supporting infrastructure of the tourist and recreational cluster “Therapeutic and recreational recreation”, Saki, Republic of Crimea - 5 objects.

For 14 objects in 2015, design and estimate documentation was prepared, which for various objects is currently under the state environmental and state construction expertise. A total of 421 million 967.1 thousand rubles were spent for these purposes.

Completion of work (receipt of a positive conclusion from the State Expertise) on these objects is planned until 03/31/2016.

The main reason for the incomplete utilization of subsidy funds is the late allocation of appropriations by the main manager of the Federal budget funds (additional agreement dated September 18, 2015 No. S-448-ATs/D14), which did not allow the completion of work on the Federal Targeted Program objects taking into account the regulatory deadlines for the preparation of design estimates and passing the state construction examination (2 months). The funds unused in 2015 are planned to be used by March 31, 2016.

The Ministry is working to ensure the attraction of investments in the health resort and tourism sectors of the economy of the Republic of Crimea, including within the framework of the tourism and recreational clusters being created.

Thus, in 2015, the ministry reviewed 152 investment applications (projects, proposals, ideas) for a total amount of 128.9 billion rubles. According to information from the Center for Investment and Regional Development, investment agreements are being prepared for 33 projects in the field of resorts and tourism for a total amount of more than 38.0 billion rubles. To date, 10 investment Agreements in the field of resorts and tourism have been signed between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and investors for a total amount of 1.7 billion rubles.

Based on the analysis of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea, about 20% of all initiators of investment ideas submitted for consideration today relate to the sphere of resorts and tourism. First of all, everyone is interested in the lease of sanatorium-resort institutions.

As part of the event “Implementation and development of a tourist navigation system to tourist infrastructure facilities of the Republic of Crimea”

105 signs indicating the type and name of a tourist infrastructure facility, indicating the distance to it and QR-2 were produced and handed over to local authorities.

In order to ensure the formation and maintenance of a register of subjects and objects of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea and a register of tourism resources of the Republic of Crimea, an appropriate software package has been developed. It is currently being filled and undergoing trial operation.

Main activity 2. “Creation of tourism products” was financed from the budget of the Republic of Crimea in the amount of 613.7 thousand rubles. out of 1 million 305.0 thousand rubles planned for the year.

Every year in Crimea, travel companies, historical and cultural sites, and tourism support specialists develop new tourist and excursion routes. Monitoring of existing tourist routes with active modes of transportation on the territory of the Republic of Crimea was carried out. A systematization of such routes was carried out and on its basis a corresponding information base was created, which includes 100 tourist routes for 5 types of tourism.

Time to relax in a new way,” the results of the competition for the best tourist route in Crimea were summed up, which was held to determine the best routes to various tourist destinations and encourage tourism entities.

The winner in the category “Best Winter Route” was the route “Golden Ring “100 Wonders of Crimea”, developed by Travel Agency “VOK TOUR” LLC, which introduces the history of Crimea in Russian poetry.

Route “Crimean sketches. Around Crimea in 6 days" became the winner in the category "Best spring route". The route begins in the capital of Crimea and runs along the entire coast from west to east, including a walk along the famous “Little Jerusalem” route in Yevpatoria and tasting Crimean wines in Koktebel.

The four-day route “Kaleidoscope of Peoples and Cultures”, which became the winner in the category “Best Autumn Route”, provides tourists with the opportunity to taste dishes of national Crimean cuisine, take part in master classes on pottery and ceramic painting, and learn about the traditions of the peoples of Crimea.

In the category “Best military-patriotic route dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War”, the winner was the excursion “Kerch Hero City”, which introduces the unique monuments of the city’s history - the Adzhimushkay quarries, the Obelisk of Glory, the museum of the history of the Eltigen landing.

In addition, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea initiated the “Golden Ring of the South of Russia” project, which made it possible to combine the tourism opportunities of the regions of the South of Russia and create unique tourist routes. These tours were presented as part of the business forum “South of Russia 20:15. Time to relax in a new way.” Leading Crimean tour operators together with tour operators of the Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Region took part in the development of the “Golden Ring of the South of Russia” routes.

Among the proposed routes one can highlight the historical and educational tours “Southern Vacation: from the Caucasus to the Crimea”, “Grand Voyage in the South of Russia”, “Golden Ring of the South of Russia”, as well as the military-patriotic route “War and Peace, or Let them know and descendants remember." These tours include visits to display sites in Crimea, Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Their duration ranges from 6 to 12 days.

The Ministry of Resorts and Tourism has compiled catalogs of tours - winners of the competition for the best tourist route in Crimea, a catalog of tours of the “Golden Ring of the South of Russia” project, as well as tours offered by tour operators of the Crimean Federal District in the 2015 tourist season.

A cycling route developed by the administration of the city of Yevpatoria to places of military glory “I remember! I'm proud!" became one of the winners of the All-Russian competition of projects for organizing cultural and educational cycling routes. As part of the route, it is planned to examine the monument to motorist soldiers, the Red Hill memorial and other monuments related to the liberation of Yevpatoria from the Nazi invaders.

In order to form the civic position of the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and develop interest in the military-historical past of Russia, as well as fostering national self-awareness through collective cognitive and creative activities, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea has developed a military-patriotic route “Places of Partisan Glory.”

On April 29, 2015, a methodological excursion for guides of the Republic of Crimea took place along the route “Places of Partisan Glory,” which includes little-known objects of the Simferopol and Bakhchisarai regions. Thus, as part of a methodological excursion, monuments dedicated to the defenders of Crimea in Simferopol, the Museum of Partisan Glory in the village were examined. Partizanskoe (Simferopol district) and the People's Museum "4th sector of the defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942" in the village of Verkhnesadovoye (Bakhchisarai district).

On November 19-20, 2015, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea held seminars on the development of tourist routes for tour guides (guides), guides-translators, instructors-guides, as well as specialists from travel companies. On November 19, the seminar “Development of religious tourism in the Republic of Crimea” was held, on November 20 – the seminar “Development of pedestrian tourism in the Republic of Crimea”. The total number of participants was 100 people.

On December 10-14, 2015, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea held presentations of new excursion routes. On December 10, 2015, the excursion route “The Land of Health and Feat” was presented in the Saki district, on December 11 - “Tell us legends, Tarkhankut” in the Black Sea region, on December 14, 2015 - “The Country of Sivashya” in the Sovetsky district. The total number of participants is 150 people.

Main activity 3. Methodological support and training.

The amount of financing for the event amounted to 1 million 99.3 thousand rubles, which is 32.1% of that provided for by the State Program (3 million 425.0 thousand.

The following events were organized and carried out as part of the event:

On May 28-29, 2015, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea held seminars for tourism entities. The total number of participants is 120 people.

On May 28, 2015, a seminar was held for tour operators and travel agents of the Republic of Crimea, within which there were presentations on the topics: “On the basic requirements of current legislation in the field of consumer protection in the provision of tourism services”, “Features of organizing transport services for tourist groups, including children’s groups ", "Tourist insurance in the Russian Federation", "Features of taxation in the field of tourism", "Overview of the main provisions of the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs ", "Tourist formalities. Rules for crossing the customs border of the Customs Union” were presented by representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, Rostransnadzor, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, insurance company, Competition Policy Committee of the Republic of Crimea, Crimean Customs.

On May 29, 2015, a seminar was held for subjects of excursion activities of the Republic of Crimea, within which with reports on the topics: “On the basic requirements of current legislation in the field of consumer protection in the provision of excursion services”, “Features of organizing transport services for tourist groups, including children’s groups ”, “Insurance of tourists in the Russian Federation”, “Interaction between museum institutions and subjects of the tourism industry”, “Organization of tourism in the mountain-forest zone, registration of tourist groups”, “Procedure for visiting objects of the mountain-forest zone for tourism purposes” were presented by representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, Rostransnadzor, insurance company, Association of Nature Reserves and Museums of Crimea, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea, State Committee for Forestry and Hunting of the Republic of Crimea.

On November 26, 2015, a seminar was held for specialists from local governments and tourism industry entities “Development of tourism activities in Crimea: successful experience and new projects.”

On December 3, 2015, a seminar was held for specialists from local governments, subjects of the tourism industry “Application of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” in the field of tourism” .

On December 4, 2015, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea held a seminar for specialists from local governments and tourism industry entities “Alternative excursion methods”. The total number of seminar participants was 150 people.

On December 16-18, a training marathon (10 seminars) for hospitality industry personnel called “Hospitable Crimea” was held in Yalta, in which more than 300 people took part.

Main event 4. “Marketing and image policy”

for 2015, 61.4% of the planned amount for 2015 was financed (actually 9 million 396.1 thousand rubles were financed out of a total of 15 million 300.0 thousand rubles planned for 2015).

In order to promote the positive image of Crimea as a comfortable and accessible tourist destination, ensure that potential tourists are aware of the opportunities for recreation and recreation on the peninsula, create conditions for the occupancy of Crimean collective accommodation facilities, and present the benefits of recreation and recreation in Crimea based on a variety of competitive tourism products, the following was carried out:

1. On January 20-21, the Tourist Business Forum “South of Russia 20:15” was held in Yalta. Time to relax in a new way.”

The main theme of the forum was devoted to interregional cooperation between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the tourism sector, including the implementation of projects aimed at combining tourism potential for the purpose of jointly promoting and creating new tourism products.

The forum included:

A plenary session at which the results of the 2014 tourist season in Crimea were summed up and promising directions for the development of the tourism industry in 2015 were discussed, including the presentation of the concept of the projects “Golden Ring of the South of Russia” and “Resorts of the Black Sea Coast of Russia”.

8 thematic sections, including those on cluster development of the tourism sector, taxation in tourism, presentation of new tourism products, development of spa tourism, etc.

Interregional tourism exhibition, the exhibitors of which were about 250 tourist enterprises from all resort territories of the Republic of Crimea, as well as 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, the Republic of Khakassia, the Republic of Tatarstan, the cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Rostov, Smolensk, Samara , Moscow, Tomsk regions). The total number of visitors to the exhibition was more than 1.5 thousand people. The results of the exhibition - more than 80 agreements and about 700 agreements of intent on cooperation were concluded in the 2015 season. There was also an exchange of contacts and a study of the competitive environment between accommodation facilities in the Republic of Crimea and representatives of other regions of the Russian Federation. The work of the tourism business forum “South of Russia 20:15. Time to relax in a new way” was covered by 27 media representatives: 7 federal, 13 republican, 7 local.

2. A workshop was held with collective accommodation facilities of the republican form of ownership and tour operators of the Crimean Federal District (March 4, 2015, Alushta).

The event was attended by 31 sanatorium and resort institutions in Crimea, as well as 21 tour operators from Simferopol, Evpatoria, Feodosia, Alushta and Sevastopol.

As a result of the Workshop, more than 45 agreements were reached between tour operators and accommodation facilities.

3. A workshop was organized and conducted for managers of republican accommodation facilities and tour operators working in the Crimean direction (April 20, 2015, Simferopol).

It was attended by more than 80 representatives of accommodation facilities of the republican form of ownership, 51 tour operators: “Alean”, “Pegas Touristik”, “Coral Travel”, “Biblio-Globus”, “Genova-Tour”, “Tandem Tour”, “TessTour Crimea” ", "Kandahar", "Laspi" and others.

During the meeting between tour operators and accommodation facilities, more than 50 agreements were reached on the further conclusion of contracts.

4. The participation of the Republic of Crimea with a single stand (120 m2) at the International Tourism Exhibition “Intourmarket” (March 14-17, Moscow) was organized.

40 participants of the Crimean stand represented more than 200 health resort and tourism enterprises. These include: tourist territories Alushta, Yalta, Evpatoria, Saki, Black Sea region; enterprises “Solnechnaya Tavrika”, “Russia”, “Artek”; health resort institutions and tourism enterprises. The Crimean stand was visited by more than 5 thousand people.

Results: more than 2,000 cooperation agreements have been concluded with tour operators in Moscow, the Moscow region, Orenburg, Volgograd, Samara and other regions of the Russian Federation, more than 1,000 trips have been booked.

Cooperation agreements were signed between the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea and the Department of Investment and Entrepreneurship of the Rostov Region, as well as with the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Orenburg Region.

5. Organized participation in regional exhibitions:

Result: 10 agreements of intent.

As part of the exhibition, the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea took part in the VII meeting of the Coordination Council for Tourism under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and a cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea and the Tourism Committee of St. Petersburg.

- “YugraTour 2015” (Khanty-Mansiysk, November 11-15). As part of the exhibition, meetings were held with the Federation of Trade Unions, as well as the Public Chamber of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, the non-profit partnership “Union of Tourist Enterprises of Ugra”, industrial enterprises of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, and the Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

In addition, a presentation was made of the resort and tourism potential of the Republic of Crimea and a cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

6. “Days of Crimea” were held:

In the Irkutsk region. Result: agreements were reached on sending groups of children on vacation to Crimea, direct flights were opened, cooperation agreements were signed between the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea and the Tourism Agency of the Irkutsk Region.

In the Sverdlovsk region. Result: agreements were reached to conduct an information and familiarization tour for representatives of trade union organizations of the Sverdlovsk region in order to familiarize themselves with the sanatorium-resort and tourist potential of the Republic of Crimea.

In the Tyumen region. Result: agreements were reached on placing an exposition of Crimean tourism in the regional administration, as well as posting information about Crimea on Internet resources and on regional television channels. Cooperation agreements were signed between the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea and the Department of Investment Policy and State Support of Entrepreneurship of the Tyumen Region.

In the Republic of Tatarstan. Result: direct flights have been opened, cooperation agreements have been signed between the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea and the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Tourism. More than 20 publications about Crimean tourism have been published in the republican media of Tatarstan.

In the Republic of Buryatia. Result: negotiations were held on organizing recreation and recreation in Crimea for employees of government agencies of the Republic of Buryatia.

7. Information tours organized and conducted:

For participants of the forum “South of Russia 20:15. Time to relax in a new way"

from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (authorities and tourism enterprises). About 70 people took part.

For tour operators from China (19 people).

8. An exhibition of tourist routes and excursion programs “The New Face of the Ancient Resort” was organized (May 20, 2015, Evpatoria).

The exhibition included presentations of expositions of tourist territories, historical, cultural and natural sites of Crimea, new tourist routes and events for the 2015 season, as well as an exhibition-fair of products of folk crafts and crafts, manufacturers of souvenirs, an exhibition of national dishes of the peoples of Crimea.

More than 120 exhibitors and 100 guides from Alushta, Evpatoria, Kerch, Saki, Simferopol, Sudak, Feodosia, Yalta, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai, Saki, Simferopol and Black Sea regions took part in the exhibition. The tourism exhibition was visited by a delegation from Bratsk (Irkutsk region) headed by Mayor Sergei Serebrennikov.

9. On June 05-07, the Days of St. Petersburg took place in Crimea. As part of this event, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea, together with the Committee for Tourism of St. Petersburg, organized a round table

The program is published with abbreviations (indicated by .....), for the purpose of research and methodological work of university teaching staff, and educational work of students. The full text is published in pdf format on the official website of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea

to the resolution of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated December 09, 2014 No. 501
(as amended by the resolution of the Council
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
dated June 29, 2015 No. 358)


  1. Program passport


Sources of financing of the State Program: funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea, funds from the federal budget in the amounts determined by the Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”

Total amount of financing of the State program (thousand roubles.)

For 2015 - 2017 8,243,110.0

Federal budget 8,105,400.0

budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan 137,550.0

local budgets 160.0

Extrabudgetary funds are not provided.

Expected results of the implementation of the State Program

Ensuring comprehensive sustainable development of an accessible and comfortable tourist environment:

  • ensuring the development of resorts and health-improving areas with the protection and rational use of available natural healing resources, arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;
  • ensuring innovative development of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of public-private partnership;
  • modernization (reconstruction) of the existing potential of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea;
  • development of development concepts and the corresponding investment portfolio for the development of tourist destinations in the Republic of Crimea;
  • diversification of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea, focused on various segments of the tourism market;
  • expanding the scope of the active period of the tourist season, increasing the volume of sales of the Crimean tourist product;
  • creation of a unified information base of the Crimean tourist network (including route);
  • development of tourism products focused on the needs of the modern tourist;
  • improving the quality of tourism services, the efficiency of activities of Crimean subjects of the tourism industry;
  • formation of a modern, competitive, transparent structure of the tourism business;
  • creation of a new system of methodological staffing for the tourism industry that meets the needs of the modern Crimean tourist;
  • bringing the professional training of state civil servants and municipal employees of the Republic of Crimea, structural units responsible for the development of the resort and tourism sector, into compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
  • bringing the quality of service in line with international standards;
  • promotion of the tourism product of the Republic of Crimea in the international and domestic tourism markets;
  • development of types of tourism aimed at ensuring a year-round tourist season, including medical and recreational, cultural and educational, event, active, business and social;
  • formation of a recognizable tourist brand of the Republic of Crimea and its promotion;
  • development of scientific business concepts that describe the mechanisms for the development of the resort and tourism sector, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the tourism business.

2 . Current status and development prospectsresorttourism sector of the Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea is a unique region of the Russian Federation, which combines powerful natural-climatic and historical-cultural potential, which is the basis for the development of the resort and tourism sector.

The favorable geographical position of the peninsula, diverse landscape, favorable climate, natural resources (Black and Azov Seas, water, forest resources), rich historical and cultural heritage ( the total number of architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Crimea is about 11,500 objects ), available recreational potential ( 100 mineral water springs , 14 deposits of therapeutic mud ), historical experience - determine the main directions of tourism development on the Crimean Peninsula.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 40 salt lakes , the bottom sediments of which are formed by mud deposits. As promising deposits for use 6 objects can be considered in sanatorium-resort treatment(lakes Saki, Chokrak, Uzunlar, Koyash, Tobechik, Dzharylgach ), the total reserves of medicinal mud are 28.0 million cubic meters. Currently, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the only developed deposit of medicinal mud is Saki healing lake.

The resort resources of Crimea, along with favorable climatic conditions and healing mud, also include mineral waters.

More than 100 mineral springs are known: chloride, calcium-sodium, thermal sodium chloride and others. Currently, about 20 mineral water sources are exploited on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, including in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria, Yalta, and the Bakhchisarai region.

The existing deposits of mineral waters are underutilized, mainly for internal and external use in health resort institutions. Mineral water pump rooms are equipped in the cities of Saki, Evpatoria and Yalta. For industrial bottling, only the well of the Saki mineral water deposit, located on the territory of JSC Beer and Soft Drink Plant Crimea (mineral water is known as Crimea), is currently used.

The effective functioning of the health resort industry remains one of the priority areas for the development of the Republic of Crimea.

It is based on the use of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, beaches, climatic and landscape resources, sea and mountain air.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea there is 770 collective accommodation facilities(sanatorium-resort and hotel institutions) total capacity 158.2 thousand seats, of which 144 institutions provide spa treatment, 216 facilities provide health services, the rest 410 institutions – temporary accommodation services. Thus, the number of accommodation facilities providing treatment and rehabilitation services is 361 an object.

For year-round functioning are intended 139 sanatorium-resort (including 73 means of placing the state form of ownership of the Republic of Crimea) and 162 hotel establishments.

The number of year-round collective accommodation facilities is not enough to realize the potential of the resort and tourism sector of the Republic of Crimea, the work of tourist and recreational clusters, and the permanent employment of the population.

It's hard to resist commenting here. Let's limit ourselves to interjection ugh. No sane investor will build hotels in Crimea. For the sake of 2 months of the season?

To implement the strategic goal of developing the resort and tourism sector, infrastructural restructuring, modernization (reconstruction) of the facilities of the sanatorium and resort complex, primarily the state (republican) form of ownership, is necessary.

There is a high level of depreciation of fixed assets (most of them are worn out by 70-90%) and medical equipment of health resorts. At the same time, the unique experience and traditions of sanatorium treatment and improvement of citizens have been preserved.

As a result of the transition to a year-round operating cycle of collective accommodation facilities, the number of organized tourists may reach an additional 2 million people annually (an increase of 60%).

From the perspective of tourism development, the category of health resorts that provide sanatorium-resort treatment is of particular interest. This category is represented by the following main types of accommodation facilities:

  • sanatoriums – 93,
  • children's sanatoriums, medical centers – 31,
  • boarding houses with treatment – ​​16,
  • hotels with treatment – ​​4.

A distinctive feature of the territorial location of specialized sanatoriums is their concentration in the urban district of Yalta. At the same time, the majority of children's sanatoriums are concentrated in the urban district of Yevpatoria.

  • boarding houses – 130,
  • children's health camps – 77,
  • sports and recreation complexes – 8,
  • educational and health center - 1, where primary consultation with a doctor, SPA services, dietary nutrition programs are provided, there is a beach, swimming pool, sauna, etc.

In particular SPA services in the Republic of Crimea are provided by 42 institutions .

In addition, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more than 4.5 thousand households providing temporary accommodation services, and about 14 thousand apartment renters.

Traditionally, in collective accommodation facilities over the past

for several years, an average of 1.2 million people were accommodated, or 1,454 people per

one collective accommodation facility per year (121 people per month), which

indicates that the available collective resources are underutilized


The total length of the coastline of the Republic of Crimea, suitable

for organizing a beach holiday is 452 km. For mass recreation

There are 560 beaches for people on the water. Length of coastline

The number of equipped beaches in the Republic of Crimea is 103 km.

There are 354 subjects of tourism activities, of which:

88 tour operators (included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators) and

266 travel agents (notified Rospotrebnadzor about the start of travel agency


2015 the provision of public services is carried out

“Certification of tour guides (guides), guides-interpreters and instructors-

conductors operating on the territory of the Republic

9 instructor-guides and 594 tour guides (guides, guides-


In 6 regions of the Republic of Crimea there are 9 tourism

information centers (municipalities: urban district

Evpatoria, Saki urban district, Sudak urban district, urban district

Feodosia, Chernomorsky district and Leninsky district). Besides, in

In the city of Evpatoria, activities are carried out by 3 tourist information

The Republic of Crimea has all the resources necessary for

development of the following types of tourism:

medical and health care (in the territory of the Republic of Crimea

144 institutions provide tourists with specialized sanatorium-

spa treatment);

cultural and educational (in the Republic of Crimea there are 15 state museums and more than 300 museums operating on

public principles. The funds of state museums contain about 800 thousand exhibits);

eventful (more than 100 different festivals are held annually -

musical, wine, military, choreographic, theatrical,

cinematic, sports and folklore. Many of them have already become

traditional for the Republic of Crimea are the “War and Peace” festivals,

“Genoese Helmet”, “Theatre. Chekhov. Yalta", "The Great Russian Word",

"Bosporan agony");

pedestrian (in the mountain-forest zone of the Republic of Crimea there are

84 tourist sites, 26 places of public recreation, 193 tourist

cycling (an extensive network of hiking trails and rural roads

creates conditions for cycling. Most varied for

mountain cycling tourism in the southwestern part of the Republic of Crimea);

underwater (local diving, dive cruises, training schools,

children's camps with scuba diving training);

equestrian (on the territory of the Republic of Crimea there are more

20 equestrian clubs that have developed one- and multi-day routes

horseback riding for tourists);

ethnographic (representatives live in the Republic of Crimea

115 nationalities, 92 ethnographic sites are located, based on

for which cultural and ethnographic routes have been developed);

sports (international hang gliding competitions

sports, hot-air ballooning and others);

cruise (acceptance of cruise ships in the Republic of Crimea can

operate 4 seaports located in the urban districts of Yalta,

Sevastopol, Kerch and Evpatoria).

Despite the presence of many prerequisites for the development of various

types of tourism, currently there are a number of common problems,

hindering the development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Political instability in Ukraine.

Previously, out of 6 million tourists annually visiting the Republic of Crimea,

the bulk of tourists (65%) were citizens of Ukraine. IN

Currently, a reorientation of tourist flow is being carried out - since 2014

the main tourists are citizens of the Russian Federation.

To develop domestic tourism, it is necessary to carry out

large-scale work to form an objective image of the Republic

Crimea as a popular safe tourist destination.

  1. Unsatisfactory state of infrastructure on the territory

tourist regions of the Republic of Crimea.

To ensure the comprehensive development of the resort and tourism sector

The Republic of Crimea has developed 6 tourism and recreational clusters,

which are included in the Federal Target Program “Social

economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020.”

Creation and operation of new tourist and recreational

clusters will allow you to create the necessary objects providing

infrastructures that correspond to current and future

requirements and needs of regions as tourist territories,

intensify investment and tourism activities in Crimea.

The formation of clusters is carried out locally throughout the territory

Republic of Crimea.

Clusters will be implemented starting from 2015, with their financing

more than 22.5 billion rubles were allocated. from the federal budget. Planned

develop clusters for all resort regions, taking into account their characteristics

development and implementation of the task of year-round operation of enterprises,

institutions (organizations) of the resort and tourism sector.

  1. The problem of transport accessibility of the Republic of Crimea.

This year marks a structural reorientation

passenger traffic to the Republic of Crimea – from priority previously

railway transport to air transport and road transport.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the limiting throughput thresholds

abilities of transport hubs and communications of the Republic of Crimea in

direction to other regions of Russia. Based on these restrictions,

we can conclude that the transport complex of the Republic of Crimea in

able to receive no more than 4 million tourists from Russia per season for a period of up to

2017, i.e. until completion of key development activities

transport complex.

The Republic of Crimea has all modern types

transport, but the placement and structure of transport communications,

transport infrastructure as a whole does not meet the necessary

internal and external transport and economic relations and needs

significant improvement.

In addition, a number of problematic issues in

tourism industry of the Republic of Crimea:

  1. Seasonality of the tourism industry.

Seasonal fluctuations in tourist flow to Crimea are reflected in changes

trends in job generation in the service sector, intensity

loading of means of transportation, accommodation, restaurants and attractions. In high

season there is an overload of tourist centers, prices rise,

Reservations for services for this period must be made in advance. B low

the season is the other way around.

In order to overcome the seasonality factor, it is necessary to develop and

promote new types of tourism products that are not subject to seasonal

fluctuations. This is, first of all, the development of medical and recreational,

cultural-cognitive, eventful, active, business and

social types of tourism.

Gradual modernization of the accommodation sector is also necessary.

  1. High level of depreciation of fixed assets and medical facilities

collective accommodation facilities. First of all, this concerns objects

sanatorium-resort complex located in the state

property, fixed assets and medical bases of which are worn out

70-90%, but at the same time maintaining the unique experience and traditions of the sanatorium

treatment and recovery.

Of the 188 collective accommodation facilities owned by the Russian Federation and state property

Republic of Crimea, need modernization and reconstruction of at least 107

health resorts The amount of investment in the reconstruction or modernization of one

object ranges from 85 to 200 million rubles. Estimated total cost

works on reconstruction and modernization of hotel rooms and medical

the base of these objects is from 18 billion rubles.

Reconstruction (modernization) of sanatorium and resort facilities

complex of the Republic of Crimea on a public-private basis

partnership as the most promising way to join forces

authorities and private business will ensure the main transition to

year-round operating cycle of industry enterprises, which in the future, with

strategically built development policy will entail an increase

number of domestic and foreign tourists, number of jobs,

volume of sales of services by both tourism enterprises and

enterprises operating in related industries

(transport, agriculture, trade, service sector, etc.).

  1. High level of “shadowization” of the service provision market

accommodation for tourists.

More than 4.5 thousand operate on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

households providing temporary accommodation services, and

about 14 thousand apartment landlords (private sector in recent years

received over 80 percent of the total tourist flow - about 4 million.

tourists per year), while the key problem of this sector is

high level of “shadowing” - private households are not subject to

taxation, state statistical data do not apply to them

reporting, they are charged as private households in all

municipal services.

Over the past 20 years, the problem of resolving

activities and taxation of the private sector of the Crimean tourism

the industry did not dare.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop a system

identification of “shadow” subjects of the tourism industry, control systems for

activities of identified “shadow” entities in the tourism industry, as well as

one of the tools is to classify funds


Formation of a modern, competitive, transparent

structure of the tourism business will increase tax revenues in

budgets of all levels, create comfortable and understandable working conditions for

all participants in the tourism services market.

  1. Uneven development of the Republic's tourism potential

Today the tourist and recreational complex of the Republic

Crimea is characterized by uneven development, which is manifested in

increased load on accommodation facilities and infrastructure in the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea and, accordingly, minimal load on

east and west of the peninsula (more than 60% of tourists prefer the South

coast of the Republic of Crimea, while Evpatoria and Saki health resorts

not inferior to Alushta and Yalta).

The task of further development of the sanatorium-resort and

tourist complex and the Republic of Crimea as a whole is the development

Territory development plan with definition of their specialization, further

development of the sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, taking into account

existing tourism resources, infrastructure, types and volumes

services provided to tourists, market capacity with calculation

forecasted demand.

First of all, this concerns the development of development concepts

tourist territories of the Republic of Crimea. Lack of concepts

allows for comprehensive development of tourism for the long term

perspective, disrupts the coordination and actions of tourism participants

The development of concepts for the development of tourist areas will allow:

— assess the potential of the territories of the Republic of Crimea (including its

competitiveness) in general in the provision of tourism services;

— clarify the parameters of territories (including borders,

infrastructure support, etc.);

— identify priority types of tourism that have the greatest

potential and competitiveness;

— identify potential territories favorable for location

(or reconstruction) of tourism infrastructure;

— identify priority areas for tourism development;

— prepare indicative plans (business plans) for development

individual territories;

— investment passports of territories.

Realization of the clear tourism potential of the Republic of Crimea

specific target groups of tourists, ensuring the development of tourism in

based on public-private partnership will allow to attract more

financial flows not only to tourism, but also to other industries

economy of the republic, which will affect the increase in direct effect

development of tourism in the form of tax revenues to budgets of all levels.

According to the UN World Tourism Organization

(UNWTO) currently the volume of sales of tourism services is equal to or

even surpasses the export of oil, food or cars.

Tourism has become a major player in international trade and

represents one of the main sources of income for many

developing countries.

Thus, the development of tourism taking into account the synergistic effect

will be an incentive for the development of the economy of the Republic of Crimea as a whole and will allow the Republic of Crimea to be withdrawn from the subsidized territory into

  1. 3 . Priorities, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators),

results, stages and timing of the implementation of the State Program

In the Republic of Crimea, the development of sanatorium-resort and tourism

complex is a priority direction for economic development

Republic of Crimea.


National priorities in the field of tourism, which should

be guided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, currently

established by the following regulatory legal acts:

tourism activities in the Russian Federation";

Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to

2020, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian

Federal target program “Development of internal and entry

tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, approved

2011 No. 644;

State program of the Russian Federation “Development

culture and tourism" for 2013-2020, approved by order

“On tourism activities in the Republic of Crimea”;

“About resorts, natural healing resources and health-improving

localities of the Republic of Crimea";

Federal target program “Socio-economic development

of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, approved

2014 No. 790;

Action plan for the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy in

of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11

2014 No. 2246-r.
