Flight school gta 5 online. Flight School GTA V

Summer school will be available only after completing the mission "Bomber". The lessons will allow you to strengthen the flying skills of the protagonist, with which they will be performed.

To start the lesson, you just need to get to Los Santos airport or follow the plane icon.
Stand on the yellow cone and press the right arrow to start training. To complete the game 100%, you can simply get a medal in all tests, but not necessarily gold.

1. Takeoff

In the first lesson, you will learn how to take off from any runway. A gold medal will be awarded after completing the test in less than 32 seconds. You just have to hold RT (360) or R2 (PS3).

After gaining sufficient speed, pull the left analog stick towards you to raise the plane, and then press the same lever to retract the landing gear. Go through the first checkpoint, trying not to get lost, then continue your way to the final checkpoint, located a few tens of meters.

2. Landing on the runway

In the second lesson, or "runway landing", you will learn how to land on any runway. A gold medal will be earned when the test is completed in less than 35 seconds. Once you are close to the runway, start to land a little by moving the left analog stick forward. Then press the left analog button to open the chassis and then hold L2 (PS3) or LT (360) to brake.

3. Inverted flight

In the third lesson, or “inverted flight,” you will learn how to perform some tricks. A gold medal will be awarded after completing the test in less than a minute and 40 seconds.

The San Andres State Flight School, located at Los Santos Airport, will be available after completing the Friends Reunited story mission. Passing the flight school will help "pump" the flight skills of each of the three heroes, which will be useful even for Trevor, despite the fact that he is an experienced pilot.

More importantly, the player himself will be able to learn how to operate air transport: air transport in the GTA series has never been easy to operate (just remember the "helicopter mission" from GTA VC), so the training will be beneficial even for those who regularly play flight simulators.

With the growth of the character's piloting skill, it will become increasingly easier to control air transport: aircraft will become more controllable, more responsive to the pilot's actions, and less susceptible to the effects of turbulence. Do not forget about the influence of weather effects on the handling of air transport - all lessons are best taken in clear weather. You should also immediately make a reservation that the control on the keyboard by default is not very convenient, and it should be changed by reassigning some actions to other keys.

The curriculum of the flight school has only 12 lessons, according to the results of each of which the pilot's progress will be assessed, as in other tasks of the game, with medals - bronze, silver and gold. Lessons are unlocked to be completed sequentially, and in order to access the next challenge, you must earn at least a bronze medal in the previous one.

Since you will have to fly a lot in the game, it is better not to hesitate with the passage of the flight school.

Lesson 1. Take Off

Cuban 800
Golden medal: 00:32
Silver medal: 00:50
Bronze medal: 01:00

The first lesson is about takeoff. The novice pilot will get acquainted with the instructor Jackson, stern but fair, who will give assignments and evaluate their performance. Before the first mission, as well as before each subsequent one, the player will be shown a short introductory video, which will demonstrate the maneuver that needs to be repeated, then a three-second timer will follow, after which control of the aircraft will be transferred to the player.

There is nothing difficult in the first lesson - you need to hold the gas all the way and do not let go until the end of the lesson, keeping the plane strictly in the center of the strip. With a little piloting skill, this task will become more difficult, since turbulence can change direction very much.

Approximately seven seconds after the start of acceleration, when the aircraft picks up the required speed, you can begin to lift the nose of the aircraft up. After lifting off the ground, the landing gear should be retracted - this will slightly increase the aircraft's speed and reduce drag, as the aircraft will become more streamlined. Then you just need to keep the course to the yellow checkpoint, continuing to gain altitude, and trying to drown out the effects of turbulence - at first they will be very noticeable: the nose of the aircraft will wag in all directions.

After the plane flies through the checkpoint, the lesson will be considered completed, and the task selection menu will reappear on the screen. Here you can see your progress and compare it with the achievements of other players in the leaderboard, or just move on to the next lesson.

Lesson 2. "Runway Landing"

First you should take off, and, gradually gaining altitude, fly through the first checkpoint, and then head for the harbor. At the same time, you should not climb higher - the nearest marker is at the same height, but after it you will have to descend to the water itself. Up to the eighth checkpoint, the flight path will be fairly straight, so no difficulties should arise. The only hindrance is turbulence, so the plane will have to be aligned all the time.

From checkpoint 8 to checkpoint 11, you need to make a long turn to the left, for which the plane needs to be slightly tilted to the left wing - first by about 45 degrees, maintaining the altitude so that Mallard does not fall more than required. Thus, this entire segment can be traversed in one smooth movement. At first glance, it seems that the control points are more convenient to touch with the left wing, but this will slightly increase the distance. Accordingly, the total flight time will increase. To save time, narrow the turning radius by touching the checkpoints with your right wing.

After the 12th checkpoint the pilot will face a small obstacle - a palm tree growing on the side of the road. To avoid hitting it, the nose of the aircraft should be raised up, letting the tree under the wing pass. The next section of the route is the most difficult - it goes over the port, where there are a lot of lamp posts and harbor crane supports. You need to fly very carefully - it is best to slightly raise the plane, and then abruptly lower it to the checkpoint, especially since you still have to go down - the next control point is again directly above the water.

After that, you need to head for the airport where the last marker is located. It is not worth reducing the speed, since you will not need to land the plane.

Lesson 6. Touch Down

There are 21 checkpoints along the route. Start and finish are at the same point - on the helipad at the airport. As soon as the timer expires, you need to hold down the throttle so that the helicopter rises vertically upward. When the aircraft is over the roof, it must be tilted forward, setting the direction of flight, and "take" the first control point. As in the case of an airplane, you do not need to fly directly through the checkpoint, it is enough to walk a couple of meters from it.

Next, you just need to fly in the direction of the bridge, holding the throttle and forward tilt keys. Despite the fact that the next markers are lower than the first one, you shouldn't let go of the throttle - the helicopter will pick up maximum speed, but will slightly lose altitude, just having dropped to their level. If, on approaching the marker, it becomes clear that the aircraft is too low, release the forward tilt key for a couple of seconds - this will force the helicopter to rise and reduce its speed. In the event that the aircraft opposite is too high, you need to release the gas button for a few seconds until the car drops to the desired level.

The third control point is under the bridge, but, fortunately, there is enough room for maneuver here - it will not be difficult to take this checkpoint. In addition, this bridge is one of 50 you can fly under. To reach 100 percent in the statistics of passing the game, it is enough to fly under 25 bridges.

With the 5th and 6th points, which are between the bridge supports, there should be no difficulties - the place is easily accessible. By the seventh checkpoint it will be necessary to turn over the concrete bed. The maneuver is sharp enough, so it must be done carefully and accurately. It's not worth flying under bridges here, as this will only complicate the task, so you won't be able to gain time.

The path from the 11th to the 13th control points is simple, it passes between buildings and above the road. Despite the fact that the gaps between the houses are relatively small, it is quite easy to fly here. The main thing is not to allow the main rotor to catch on the facade of the building. On this segment, you should start to climb to reach the 14th control point, which is located directly above the roof of one of the skyscrapers in the center of Los Santos.

The next leg of the path is straight. Difficulties will not arise here, but you should not accelerate too much, since the most difficult stage of the task will begin immediately after it. To normally "take" the 17th control point, before the 16th, which is located above the airport control tower, you need to start turning the aircraft to the right. Thus, the 17th marker can be taken in a steep bend, this will save time.

It is not difficult to go through the remaining checkpoints, but you need to descend carefully. These control points will return the helicopter to the same area from which it took off.

Lesson 9. "Helicopter Speed \u200b\u200bRun"

The lesson begins in the air over the Palomino Freeway. Once the countdown is complete, tilt the helicopter forward and press the throttle, quickly picking up speed. Since the first checkpoints are conveniently located, there shouldn't be any problems with them. But it should be borne in mind that there are two timers in this task at once: one counts down the time for awarding a medal based on the results of the test, and the second - the total time allotted for the passage of the lesson.

When the aircraft reaches the city border, it will be necessary to make a rather sharp left turn, for which it is necessary, without releasing the gas, to bank the helicopter to the left and hold down the left turn key. Then, after a short straight section, you will need to make an even sharper turn to the right. The eighth marker is located above the arch of the bridge, and the next control points stretch to the Miriam Turner suspension bridge connecting the La Puerta area with the port island of Elysian Island.

This part of the route is the most difficult, and the final grade depends on its passage. There are two checkpoints in the bridge supports, which are very difficult to "take". The problem is that the space is limited in height and the chances of crashing the helicopter are very high. At the same time, there is no time for braking, so you need to go through the section at full speed, accurately calculating the flight path. Most likely, even experienced pilots will need several tries.

Having overcome the dangerous section, the aircraft must be sharply turned to the left - the next marker is located between two buildings on the approach to the helipad. The penultimate checkpoint is quite simple, which cannot be said about the landing.

The easiest way to land is by flying over the roof of the building and using the map. In this case, the helicopter will descend vertically to the landing site, so you need to slow down in advance. And, although this is the easiest way to land, this method is longer. It will be much faster to land the helicopter in a different way: after "taking" the penultimate marker, you need to move straight, gradually descending, and when the airport building remains on the left side, you need to sharply turn the rotorcraft to the left so that it reaches the finish control point. The risk of overshooting is high enough, especially if the speed is not canceled, but if everything is calculated correctly, the final time will be better by a few seconds.

Lesson 10. Skydiving

The lesson begins on the runway. The first two checkpoints are warm-up points, in order to “take” them, you just need to take off and gain altitude. But the third checkpoint must be passed in the "on the knife" position. It is best to bank the aircraft to the left as suggested by the silhouette in the marker. At the same time, pull the elevator toward you to make a sharp turn and touch the fourth marker. Also, do not forget about the rudder - it will help maintain altitude during the maneuver. The fifth control point, located above the bridge, is blue, that is, it must be “taken” in an inverted position. The easiest way is to make a barrel, especially if you can't fly upside down for a long time. To be in an inverted position immediately at the time of flight over the marker, the maneuver should be started a little in advance.

The seventh checkpoint must be passed "on the knife". Since there is a completely straight segment of the route further, it does not matter which wing to land the aircraft on. At the same time, to fly "on the knife" through the tenth marker, it is better to land the plane on the left wing, because otherwise you can miss the next control point. After that, you need to fly between buildings, so that the flight should be aligned so as not to catch the wing on the facade.

The next few markers will not be difficult to pass, but the 16th control point, which requires passing on the knife, can create a problem. If you land the plane not on the right wing, as the marker recommends, but on the left, it will be more difficult to return to the track if you deviate from the route, especially since the next checkpoint requires an inverted flight.

To successfully pass the last blue marker, you need to beware of tall palm trees and rooftops - it's very easy to collide with them when upside down. Then turn with the passage on the "wing" to the airport and the finish checkpoint. You do not need to land the plane on the runway.

This completes the missions of the GTA V flight school. See you again at the GTA Online Flight School!

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Not only a fun pastime, but also a useful action that allows you to pump the flight skills of your characters. Trevor is a better pilot than Michael or Franklin, but even he wants to go through flight school to make it easier for you to stay in the game.

Completing 12 lessons (8 in an airplane, 2 in a helicopter, and 2 with a parachute) of flight school affects, as well, it will help you in passing other necessary tasks - and "".

Each lesson can be awarded a bronze, silver or gold medal. The faster you complete the task, the better the reward you get. A new lesson opens only after completing the previous one.

Training takeoff off the runway

Gold: 00:32
Silver: 00:50
Bronze: 01:00

First flight school lesson - you need to get off the landing strip, retract the landing gear and go through two checkpoints. All you have to do is fly straight.

Landing on the lane

Gold: 00:35
Silver: 00:55
Bronze: 01:10

In this lesson, you need to land the plane on the runway. To do this, start braking in the air and slowly descend into the lane, not forgetting to release the landing gear.

Inverted flight

Gold: 01:40
Silver: 02:00
Bronze: 02:20

The lesson in which you need to do the "barrel". Everything is very simple, the main thing to remember is that when you are upside down, then all the controls are inverted, and since you will be pulled down to the ground during a coup, press “down”.

Flight "on the knife"

Gold: 00:54
Silver: 01:15
Bronze: 01:40

Quite similar to the previous lesson - you need to put the plane on its side and fly that way, keeping the altitude. Thus, it is necessary to put both the left and right fenders on the knife.

Air recklessness

Gold: 02:15
Silver: 02:35
Bronze: 03:00

Before this lesson, we recommend that you just fly on airplanes in order to improve the pilot skills of your character. You need to fly over the city at an extremely low altitude through the checkpoints. Do not try to hit the markers directly, as their range is slightly larger than shown graphically.

There are sharp turns between 8 and 11, 12 and 13, 15 and 16 (the most difficult moment), 17 and 18 checkpoints.

There is no need to land the plane at the end.


Gold: 10:00 and stop exactly at the last checkpoint
Silver: 45:00
Bronze: just finish

You need to land on a bridge in the countryside, and it is likely that you will not succeed the first time. The easiest way to do this is to decelerate the plane after the first checkpoint to such an extent that even the propellers do not rotate, and direct it towards the bridge. Make sure you land early enough so you have time to slow down.


Gold: 01:35
Silver: 01:40
Bronze: 02:05

The problem posed in this lesson can be read immediately from the title. The loop will need to be done three times, and the third, plus another barrel.

Helicopter piloting course

Gold: 02:40
Silver: 03:15
Bronze: 03:45

In this lesson, you need to fly over the checkpoints (rather high altitude, but busy Los Santos and sometimes you will be forced to fly under the bridge) and land the helicopter at the airfield.

Between 14, 15 and 16 checkpoints there is a straight line on which you can accelerate as much as possible.

High-speed helicopter flight

Gold: 02:10
Silver: 03:00
Bronze: 03:30

Similar to the previous tutorial, however, this time you need to go through the checkpoints as quickly as possible.

The first four checkpoints allow you to develop pretty good speed potential, but the fifth one is already at a high altitude and you will have to gain it, losing acceleration. After 7 checkpoint there will be a different turn, and then, at 8, you should fly quite low under the bridge.


In this lesson, you need to jump from great heights and land on a stationary target.

Drop zone

Gold: land exactly on the trailer
Silver: 07:00
Bronze: 20:00

Similar to the previous lesson, however, this time you need to land on a target that moves on the ground - a truck.

Spread your wings

Gold: 02:50
Silver: 03:15
Bronze: 03:40

The last lesson of the GTA 5 flight school. You fly from the starting point, go through checkpoints, and perform all the tricks that you learned in the previous lessons.

When the checkpoint is yellow, you need to fly through it normally, when green is on the knife, when blue is upside down.

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What is San Andreas without a flight school? (Is that the CA in the first part). Not without her and V. Piloting, as before, means a lot, so you need to learn it thoroughly. The basics of aerobatics will be learned in the story mission, and you can start your lessons at the flight school right after Ron calls after. The educational institution is located on the territory of the airport, it is marked with an airplane icon on the radar and map.

The training course consists of 12 lessons. First, a recording is played with the instructor's explanations. For the task to be counted, you need to fulfill its conditions for "bronze", "silver" or "gold".

01. Training take off

Gold: invest in 32 seconds
Silver: invest in 50 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute

On the Cuban 800 maize, you need to take off from the airport runway and fly two checkpoints. Half a minute is more than enough.

02. Runaway landing

Gold: invest in 35 seconds
Silver: invest in 55 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute and 10 seconds

Now we sit down on the same maize. It is necessary to smoothly reduce the speed, do not forget to release the chassis before landing and before the first checkpoint you need to be on the ground. You need to drive up to the finish checkpoint.

03. Inverted flight

Silver: invest in 2 minutes
Bronze: invest in 2 minutes and 20 seconds

After taking off and flying the first checkpoint, level the plane. After the instructor's signal, we make a "barrel" until the strip is full. To complete it, you need to move the right or left wing so that the plane completes a full revolution. Then we align the plane and wait for the signal. Now you will need to complete three "barrels" in a row. This is a flight over high-rise buildings, therefore, you need to coordinate well the movements - we perform the "barrel", equalize, perform the second time and fix it last. There is no hurry, otherwise everything will end in a plane crash.

04. Knife flight

Gold: invest in 54 seconds
Silver: invest in 1 minute and 15 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute and 40 seconds

We continue to trick over Los Santos. After taking off and flying the first checkpoint, level the plane. This technique represents the position of the aircraft, equal to a quarter of the "barrel". More information about such a trick as flying "on a knife" is written in. After filling the strip, align the plane and do the same technique, but on the other side.

05. Flat hatting

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 15 seconds
Silver: invest in 2 minutes and 35 seconds
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes

In this lesson, you need to fly a route of 20 checkpoints that are located at a low altitude. After takeoff we leave to the left and, having flown over the industrial zone, we return to the starting one. You need to be careful with maneuvers and always step on the gas - that will be enough.

06. Landing / Touch down

Gold: stop the plane no further than 10 meters from the checkpoint
Silver: stop the plane no further than 45 meters from the checkpoint
Bronze: land the plane on the bridge

In this lesson, you will land an airplane on the bridge over the Raton Canyon. Having flown the first checkpoint, we gradually descend and press the brake. With the engine muffled, we get to the finish checkpoint as close as possible.

07. Loop the loop

Gold: invest in 1 minute and 35 seconds
Silver: invest in 1 minute and 40 seconds
Bronze: invest in 2 minutes and 5 seconds

Learning another classic figure of complex aerobatics - a loop. We take off at the airport, fly over the checkpoint and level the plane. At the instructor's signal, we direct the nose of the aircraft upward, watching the filling strip. Returning to the previous position, the maneuver will be performed. Then, having aligned the plane, the instructor will command to repeat. After the second time, you will need to complete a loop, named "Immelman" in honor of the pilot who first performed it. It is a half loop and half roll. Having directed the plane upwards, we follow the strip. When the plane flies upside down, we perform a half roll, which will return the plane to its normal position.

After successful completion, you can return to the same lesson and, ignoring the task, complete everything.

08. Helicopter course

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes and 45 seconds

The lesson consists of take off, a 20 checkpoint route and landing. We fly under the bridge to the Los Santos river, then along it, then we turn to the city center and return to the airport helipad. It is important to slow down when landing.

09. Helicopter speed run

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 10 seconds
Silver: invest in 3 minutes
Bronze:invest in 3 minutes and 30 seconds

Despite the fact that there are fewer checkpoints (13), this lesson is harder. The main thing is speed. We start our flight north-east of the city and fly to the airport. The most dangerous section is two checkpoints in the bridge support. Having decently accelerated during the flight, you need to slow down at the finish line, since there you will also need to land the helicopter on the site.

10. Skydiving

Gold: land no further than 3 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Silver: land no further than 10 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Bronze: land no more than 20 meters from the center of the checkpoint

The lesson is a normal parachute jump. We jump from a helicopter hovering over the airport. You need to land at the airport's multi-level parking lot. Since there are no checkpoints from the helicopter to the target point, you yourself need to decide on the height of the parachute opening. It is better to do this without tightening, since the landing zone is far ahead. Accurate landing (a hint explaining which keys are responsible for this will be shown on the screen) will help you land exactly in the center.

11. Drop zone

Gold: land exactly on the platform
Silver: land no further than 7 meters from the center of the checkpoint (near the platform)
Bronze: land no further than 20 meters from the center of the checkpoint (near the platform)

The same parachute jump, from the same helicopter over the airport. One amendment - you need to land on the platform of a truck that is driving along the runway. It drives slowly, so it won't be difficult to get there. It is better to open the parachute as soon as possible - this will give more time to "aim". Most likely, at first, being at an altitude, it will be possible to fly the truck, but a few 180-degree turns will help to catch up with the platform. Before landing, do not forget about the exact landing. Hitting one of the sectors of the circle, even if the platform misses, will also be counted.

12. Earn your wings

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 50 seconds
Silver: invest in 3 minutes and 15 seconds
Bronze: invest in 3 minutes and 40 seconds

The lesson is similar to "Air recklessness", the 5th lesson - you need to fly through checkpoints over the city and from the runway the course goes to the left. But there is a fundamental difference - during this flight there will be not only the usual yellow checkpoints that you just need to fly, but green and blue ones. Green checkpoints - those checkpoints where you need to fly to the position "on the knife" with the indicated position of the wings (right or left wing up). Blue checkpoints are places where you need to fly in an inverted position - a half roll. If these requirements are not met, there will be a penalty of 5 seconds to the total time for each wrong checkpoint. If you ignore the requirements at all, then the lesson will not be counted. With the correct passage of the special checkpoint, there will be a bonus - 2 seconds will be taken away from the total time. Below are the checkpoints as they are:

Numbers 1 and 2 are regular (yellow);
number 3 - "on the knife", left wing down;
number 4 - regular (yellow);
number 5 (over the bridge) - inverted (half roll);
number 6 - regular (yellow);
number 7 - "on the knife", right wing down;
numbers 8 and 9 are regular (yellow);
number 10 - "on the knife", left wing below;
numbers 11, 12 and 13 (between skyscrapers) are ordinary (yellow);
number 14 - "on the knife", left wing below;
number 15 - regular (yellow);
number 16 - "on the knife", right wing down;
number 17 - inverted (half roll);
number 18 - "on the knife", left wing below;
number 19 - finish.

This concludes the aerobatics course. Having earned another plus sign for yourself, it is advised to try out the flight school lessons in GTA: Online, next to which the above tasks are just child's play.

Not hardcore enough? Then the flight school will be just right. Listening to instructor J.T. Boyd will not be enough - you need to have good skills initially. In spite of belonging to "Online", the added school is passed alone. A total of 10 lessons await players, each of them is focused more on military aviation than civilian. To complete the lesson, you need to get a medal. For successful completion RP (reputation points) and money are given. The better the result (bronze, silver or gold medal), the greater the reward.

01. Outside loop

Gold: invest in 58 seconds
Silver: invest in 1 minute and 20 seconds
Bronze: invest in 2 minutes

Having saddled the P-996 Lazer fighter, you need to perform a loopback, a maneuver similar to that performed in. The fundamental difference is that the nose of the fighter should not be lifted up, but taken down, under oneself. We fly past the first checkpoint, keeping the plane level, and dive. Then we fly past three checkpoints, and dive so that we would fly around the bridge. To perform this trick, you need to fly straight and perform actions on time.

02. Engine failure

Gold: stop the plane no further than 10 meters from the checkpoint
Silver: stop the plane no further than 30 meters from the checkpoint
Bronze: to land the plane

The Miljet with the engine inoperative must be planted at the Fort Zancudo military base. The main thing is not to bridge the lane at once, otherwise you may not reach the checkpoint. We stretch out further and sit down.

03. Chase parachute

Gold: land no further than 2 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Silver: land no further than 4.5 meters from the center of the checkpoint
Bronze: land no further than 7 meters from the center of the checkpoint

The lesson is a normal parachute jump, but with one unusual difference - at the beginning the player jumps from the plane compartment without a parachute. He can be seen in free flight, he needs to be caught. It's a trifling matter - in order to catch a parachute, it is enough to slow down and accelerate. After the parachute is captured, we open it and head to the target point, fenced off by two military trucks.

04. City landing

Gold: stop the plane no further than 10 meters from the checkpoint
Silver: stop the plane within 30 meters from the checkpoint
Bronze: Land a Plane

The task is not easy, but completed after several attempts. It is necessary to plant the Titan in terrible weather (rainstorm, lightning). Even after the first checkpoint, the left engine breaks down, and after the second, the instructor says that he will have to sit on the beach. There will be two more checkpoints in the air. Having made a turn to the right, we go down, but so as not to crash on anything, flying over the pier. Then we sit down, after releasing the chassis, and on a quiet ride we get as close as possible to the finish line.

05. Moving landing

Gold: invest in 19 seconds
Silver: invest in 25 seconds
Bronze: invest in 1 minute

This lesson requires the Swift Flying Bravo to land on the platform of a moving truck. At the same time, time is running out - the truck is driving towards the tunnel. The key to success is low speed and platform alignment. It is necessary to correctly straighten the helicopter after the truck has entered the bridge, and also, be careful with the lights that can interfere.

06. Formation flight

Gold: score 600 points
Silver: score 450 points
Bronze: score 300 points

Not the easiest lesson. On the Besra training fighter, you need to fly in a formation of four aircraft. Here it is important to get acquainted with each element of flight, and hone skills to automatism. We hold down the gas pedal during the countdown, so when the other three pilots begin to move, it will be possible to start at the right moment. We take off and fly behind the line. We hold the gas pedal, as otherwise you can lag behind the others. Having flown the first checkpoint, a yellow circle will appear in a certain place (now - behind the three). You need to fly to keep within it, then it will turn green, and points will be gained. Having flown a diamond, the pilots will line up one after another. Our place is the last. We just fly after everyone, without wagging or making unnecessary maneuvers. After that, the circle will disappear, and, having flown the next checkpoint (between the end of the exercise and the checkpoint there is time to rebuild and level up), in the horizontal position of the wings we leave to the right after other pilots. Having reached the city, you will need to rebuild - our place will be the position of the second, if we count from above. After that we line up, taking the position of the extreme right. Flying over the bridge, you also need to perform a dead loop in the formation, as you did before the checkpoint. The last checkpoint and the last thing to do in formation is to perform an inverted flight. We repeat - the lesson is far from easy, but it can be done. Practice, practice and practice again.

P.S Do not forget to raise the landing gear after takeoff (left stick button), otherwise you will not be able to complete the gold mission.

07. Shooting range

Gold: hit 25 targets
Silver: hit 15 targets
Bronze: hit 10 targets

Now on the Assault Buzzard you can frolic at the construction site. Although no, the word "frolic" is not chosen correctly. Rather sweat. Yes, we will shoot from the guns of a magnificent helicopter, but the guidance system will not work, since we will not destroy vehicles, but ordinary targets, as in a shooting range. To begin with, there will be a training in which you need to deal with three (in fact, now - two, since guidance does not work) firing modes and the location of targets. After that, the lesson itself will begin. The targets will move vertically and horizontally, they will hide behind cover, some of them will be much higher than the construction site - on the crane. It is better to use missiles to destroy a group of targets (three pieces go out), but otherwise it is more convenient to use a machine gun - the fire will be more aimed. It is vital in this lesson to keep the helicopter steady, not letting it go to the side or shoot down the sight.

08. Ground level

Gold: invest in 1 meter deviation from checkpoints
Silver: invest in 3 meters deviation from checkpoints
Bronze: invest in 10 meters deviation from checkpoints

Not an easy exercise, consisting of 23 very low checkpoints that need to be flown with minimal deviation. To get zero or minimal deflection, you need to point the nose of the training Besra directly between the bottom edge and the checkpoint arrow. The sum of all deviations is summed up and divided by the number of checkpoints. The flight begins on the Los Santos River, there are two dangers - the bridge supports and water (if you fly too low, you will "sink" the engine, and the lesson will not be counted). After the river there will be several checkpoints in the gorge, the site is difficult. Here, and throughout the entire flight, you need do not press on the gas pedal. After the gorge and the dam - a couple of checkpoints above the water, and then a "roller coaster" of checkpoints over the pipeline, after which there will be a sharp turn to the right. If you are not sure that you will be able to enter the turn, it is better to turn to the left, turn around and fly directly to the next checkpoint. There is no time limit. When flying wind turbines, it is important to be careful with wind turbine blades, which can ruin the entire flight right before the finish line.

09. Collect flags

Silver: invest in 3 minutes
Bronze: finish

The next lesson, also on Besra, will not be easier, if not harder. There are 30 flags scattered over the city center to collect. There is a timer. There is no consistency. All flags are located at different heights, and many have obstacles in the form of lanterns or construction cranes. This activity can be said to be creative - you will need to choose the route yourself. In their review of the flight school lessons, Rockstar suggested its own route (see screenshot below). It is not difficult to complete the task, it is difficult to get a gold medal. Even silver can be considered good results.

10. Follow the leader

Gold: invest in 2 minutes and 25 seconds
Silver: invest in 2 minutes and 40 seconds
Bronze: finish

Transfer to the P-996 Lazer for a lesson so similar to the final flight lesson. The differences are that we have another, more difficult, route and you will need to follow the instructor. This is the danger of a collision. Otherwise, everything is the same: yellow checkpoints are normal, green ones are flying "on the knife", blue ones are inverted flight (half roll), the system of bonuses and penalties is also in force. For an ignored checkpoint or its demand, there will be a penalty - +5 seconds to the total time. For fulfilling the requirement of green and blue checkpoints, there will be a bonus - -2 seconds of the total time. The route consists of 27 checkpoints, and some of them are in very dangerous places, so it is better to take off the gas pedal in front of them.

Number 1 - regular (yellow);
number 2 - inverted (half roll);
number 3 - regular (yellow);
number 4 - regular (yellow);
number 5 - "on the knife", left wing below;
number 6 - regular (yellow);
number 7 - "on the knife", left wing below;
numbers 8, 9 and 10 are regular (yellow);
numbers 11 and 12 - inverted (half roll);
number 13-16 - regular (yellow);
number 17 - "on the knife", left wing below;
number 18 - regular (yellow);
number 19 - "on the knife", right wing down;
number 20-26 - ordinary (yellow);
number 27 - finish.

The reward for completing the flight school is quite serious. If you complete all the lessons for the "gold", the total earnings will be about 300,000 GTA $. Plus a solid amount of Reputation Points (RP) and a small bonus - a free Elitas Travel T-shirt at the clothing store. But the main thing is a reason for pride, because to go through a flight school GTA: Online on the "gold" not anyhow what an achievement.