Vichy France and Resistance France. Vichy: resort city in France (sights and photos) Vichy resort in france

The resort town of Vichy is an unusually beautiful corner, which for a long time was a resting place for French monarchs. For the nobility, wonderful theaters and museums were built here, numerous parks were laid out. Vichy is also famous for its unique mineral thermal waters.

SPA programs of the Vichy Celestins Spa Hotel 5 *


Located in the very center of the country, the resort town of Vichy France has been known for several centuries. Even the ancient Romans, who settled in this area, appreciated the extraordinary properties of the local mineral thermal water. Today Vichy thermal water is one of the most valuable sources in the world.

Vichy gained particular popularity during the reign of the French king Henry the Fourth, who valued rest in Vichy above other resort and medical places in France.

The emperor Napoleon also fell in love with the resort, thanks to whom the rest in Vichy acquired sophistication and luxury. It was under the emperor that the former settlement on mineral springs turned into a respectable resting place for all European nobility.

Today it is one of the most beautiful cities in the country, it is even sometimes called the second Paris for the abundance of places of cultural recreation and unusually beautiful parks. Today the city of Vichy is not only a vacation spot, but also a large medical center, using the healing properties of the local mineral thermal water.

The unique Vichy thermal water helps to cure a wide variety of diseases of the digestive system, it calms the nervous system, relieves fatigue and gives strength. In addition, in Vichy, treatment is also carried out with the aim of rejuvenating and improving the condition of the skin, since the optimally selected mineral composition of natural water is perfect for cosmetic procedures.

Vichy location

The beautiful city of Vichy is located in the very center of France, a fairly large Allier River flows through it. The resort has a convenient location, since it can be easily reached from the capital of the country - Paris, and the train journey will take no more than 3.5 hours. The city has theaters (including an opera house) and museums. In addition, here you can try your hand at some aristocratic sport, for example, golf, tennis, horse racing. For the convenience of tourists, an airfield was also built here, where private planes can land.

How to get there?

There is a daily passenger train from Gare de Lyon in Paris that passes through Vichy. The journey will take about 3.5 hours, and it will cost 50 euros in the second class carriage and 70 euros in the first one. You can stay on vacation in Sofitel, Novotel or Ibis hotels, the average room rate is 20 euros per day per person.

Vichy Wellness Centers

All Vichy France hotels, as a rule, are also health centers. The most popular health and wellness center is called Les Celestins, which is a hotel connected by a covered walkway to the spa. There is also a cosmetology department. The total area of \u200b\u200b"Celesten" is about 5 sq. km.

France Vichy resort has a developed hotel infrastructure. You can stop here in particular in the thermal center "Dom" (Center Thermal des Dômes). Both medical and cosmetology rooms are open here, where you can get help for various diseases, as well as just improve your health and have a great rest. Of the most beloved by the guests of the "House" procedures with mineral water, more than ten types of showers, hydro massage, bubble and mud baths can be noted.

In Vichy, treatment can also be obtained at the Kalu Clinic, located in the heart of the city, where they specialize in gastroenterology.

France Vichy resort is simply saturated with mineral springs, and from 6 wells water can be used for drinking. As for the thermal waters, there are springs with a temperature range from 16 to 75 degrees. Getting to the mineral wells is not difficult, since the Vichy France hotels are located in the immediate vicinity.

Excursions in Vichy at leisure

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe resort town of Vichy, there are many attractions that must be seen when visiting this extraordinary region.

About an hour and a half by car from Vichy, there is a unique park, on the territory of which there are several dormant volcanoes. Opened in 2003, every season it attracts many tourists who dream of visiting the crater. You can appreciate the beauty of this park by coming here on an excursion that will take a whole day (from 10 am to 6 pm).

In the vicinity of Vichy, there are two medieval castles with beautiful parks and unique collections of antiques. The Busse and Olterib castles, which used to be the residence of the French monarchs, are now open for visiting excursion groups. In addition, in Olteribe it will be interesting to look at the unique collection of antique carriages.

The fortress city of Sharu, located 140 km from Vichy, is also interesting to visit. Today, this extraordinarily beautiful village in France has become the habitat of numerous artisans and reenactors who live according to the laws and technical possibilities of the 18th century. There are excursions to numerous museums, you can see a soap factory, an old factory that produced mustard and oil, wine cellars of San Pursana.

This autumn turned out to be interesting for me: at first, I almost accidentally went to Vichy, a town in France, where the very same Vichy mineral water is produced, which is then used in the famous cosmetics (and there is also a whole recreation industry built around these waters). And then, almost immediately, I got to Baden-Baden with L'Etoile - also mineral waters, also a spa resort. (To complete the picture, it remains to visit only Karlovy Vary! -)). I can say one thing: as a result, I finally understood what spa - sanus per aqua - really is.

A travel company invited me to Vichy. Considering that the main thing people are doing there is getting healthier and gaining new beauty, I decided that it was worth going.

You can get to Vichy in two ways: by train from Paris (it takes three hours, there is first class and the usual, comfortable, with sockets for a laptop) or by car (the same 3 hours, if you're lucky with traffic jams). I tried both of them - on the train, perhaps, more comfortable, since you can work on a laptop or read at this time.

Vichy turned out to be an absolutely wonderful little French town, cozy and somehow very calm. Since I was there alone, I wandered through the streets and parks on my own - and it was somehow surprisingly pleasant. Moreover, I even managed not to get lost! Which, given my topographic cretinism, is absolutely amazing. But somehow rrraz - and every time I went back to my hotel. ( I will make a separate post about Vichy itself).

It is one of the best in the city and, as I was told, if the locals want to have a good rest themselves, they go there.

... and the view from it

There is a bar in the lobby where there is live music in the evening, and they also have a gastronomic restaurant there, excellent (in the evenings I had dinner there alone, in the company with the Kindle - I suppose the waiters saw this for the first time! -).

Another advantage of this hotel is that it is connected to the three-storey spa complex by a passage on the third floor. You change into a special robe and slippers in your room (I didn't immediately understand how to "put together" these slippers, by the way - their peculiarity is that they do not slip, which is important in a spa where it is wet and tiled), go up to the 3rd floor , attach your room card - and voila, they let you in, you are already in the largest spa in Europe, Les Celestins Vichy Thermal Spa. 50 rooms for various procedures. I asked them - they are reserved to the eyeballs and it was not easy to shove me there.

Those who stay at the hotel can visit some of the spa zones for free - these are saunas (next to them is a fountain with ice water) and a giant Jacuzzi (where, I must admit, I got soaked with great pleasure!). Still everyone drinks infusions of medicinal herbs and Vichy Celestins mineral water - several of its types can be taken without consulting a doctor, and in the spa complex in a special place there are taps from which it simply flows.

True, everything is in French - the French still pretend that they “do not understand” in English, only if you ask them very strongly (and only luck saved me from starvation in a gastronomic restaurant - one of the waiters was able to explain to me menu on the fingers -)).

From the hotel, along the corridor, you first get to the 3rd floor (and the reception is on the first) and you don't really understand where to go.

It turns out that you just need to sit down with your procedure sheet on comfortable sofas, and the girls will come for you themselves.

Spa day one

My first procedure was just at the Vichy Institute (funny, but then the Russian Vichy was very surprised at all this - how, they say, you got there, we haven't sent you there yet! -)).

The procedure was a facial treatment - according to the indications given by the diagnostic computer. In my case, it was a combination of cleansing pores and improving complexion. But since we are in the spa, each procedure begins with a bath - you lie in it in a special way, and the beautician does a light massage of the shoulders and neck. Then you are quickly transferred to the couch - and the mystery of applying masks-serums-spraying Vichy thermal water begins - a massage - something else just as beautiful. It was difficult to remember everything. Moreover, I almost fell asleep. Despite the fact that the beautician decided to cleanse me (she later said that, in fact, this was not included in the program, but she could not resist not cleaning my pores). And then another thick mask ... and again sprays of thermal water ... And now for some reason you have to leave!

To make my further enthusiasm understandable, I will say that the procedures for the face, all these "I applied a mask, slightly massaged", I do not particularly like. Unless you want to sleep under the pleasant hands of a specialist in the middle of the day ... But they do not give any tangible effect. And the maximum when I saw the effect of such a skincare procedure is three days (and even then I'm not sure what it seemed to me).

Immediately, the skin glowed. No, she really shone! You know, as if I'm in love. This is how very enamored women glow. And, despite the cleaning, the face was a calm pink color, and the pores seemed to have disappeared from it. In the following days I even stopped using foundation - SO everything was fine. And the effect lasted 10 days. I managed to fly away, dismantle my suitcase, sort things out, immediately fly away again, hand in a couple of urgent texts at night in Baden-Baden, not sleep enough, fly again - and my face still made me happy. For the first time, I wanted to go to facials again. Dear Vichy, open your institute in Moscow!

The last treatment of the first day spa was the BodySculptor, but I did not appreciate or understand it. You can also try in Moscow, whoever wishes - just in the Les Celestins spa, given its size, there seems to be everything (and the organizers really wanted me to try something for the body). This is already hardware cosmetology. First you undress, you are stuffed into a disposable overalls, and then, in this overalls, they are folded into a huge analogue of an envelope blanket for newborns. Only this "envelope" is connected with a bunch of wires. The beautician regulates the level of pressure - and that's it, then this "envelope" begins to consistently squeeze you throughout the body from the tips of the toes to the chest (and arms too!). It is assumed that from this, fat cells should, apparently, be frightened and leave the body (but what - I was scared when I was suddenly squeezed in this "envelope" from all sides! -)). But with my weight there wasn't much to leave. So after half an hour I got out of this frightening device and went to soak in the jacuzzi.

It is worth noting that cosmetologists in the spa (not at the Vichy institute) do not speak English either, and the girl and I on BodySculptor tried to understand each other for a long time (I asked if I should take off everything from myself, but she was scared and babbled about “I don't understand , Horrible" -)). But at the reception in the spa there is a Russian-speaking manager (polka), so in extreme cases you can connect her.

Spa day two

On the second day at the spa, a lot of interesting things awaited me too! It all started with a hydromassage. It takes place in a separate room on the 2nd floor, where there is a water treatment zone. I was waiting in the company of French people of different ages on a chair in the corridor - almost like in a clinic at a doctor's appointment, only you are in a dressing gown and slippers (on the second day I finally understood how to fold them!), With a wet towel on my shoulder with a piece of paper with procedures, which you are trying to show to the passing girls-cosmetologists (what if she came for you?).

The water in the hydromassage bath is the same Vichy mineral water that is beneficial to health and skin. Essential oils are also added to the bath - they are selected individually: for weight loss, for relaxation or for stimulation. The most pleasant thing is all these streams, which are somehow amazingly massaging - and softly, and it does not hurt, and you relax. I have already been to the hydromassage (and in general I love it) and then I was only convinced of the pleasantness of the procedure (sorry, it only takes 15 minutes).

The second procedure was mud plant-mineral wrap... I also did wraps before, however, not mud wraps (the closest to this is chocolate, but it is done more for the smell, and not for some kind of benefit). There is also a separate room for wraps in the spa - and this is no accident: firstly, there is a specific bed. It seems to be watery, but at the same time it warms! Covered with a film on which you lie down. You are covered with a thick layer of this mega-useful mud with minerals, then wrapped in a film. You need to lie down for a few minutes (it can be very warm and even hot - I don't like heating, this was perhaps the only negative in this procedure). And then, with skillful movements, you are freed from this dirt and sent behind the wall - into the shower. A shower is at once, it seems, 12 jets of water gushing from different angles, because otherwise, apparently, this dirt is washed off for a long time. It is difficult for me to evaluate here the leaving effect of the procedure, but the experience was interesting!

Warm Vichy mineral water (35C) pours from it - right at you, all the time of the procedure. And two balneotherapists give you a general body massage at this time. It is interesting that they do it using a special means (sesame oil) so that their hands slip - it is not washed off immediately with water, an interesting feeling is obtained. I really regretted it very much when the procedure was over (the shower lasts 30 minutes) - I would lie and lie there, enjoying, this is excellent relaxation and some kind of complete reboot of the mind and body.

Finally, I went once again to the shared Jacuzzi (I would have lived there, to be honest!) - there were already floundering French and Germans of all ages, from young people to very elderly grandfathers and grandmothers. The main age of those who come to Vichy is, of course, older, it is about 45 years old. People go to really get healthier (and not show off). I thought I'd gladly send my mom and dad here for a week and drive them to all these spa treatments every day, if I had the opportunity to give them such a gift.

Spa in the classical sense, the same sanus per aqua at such resorts - these are completely different establishments. For example, Les Celestins Vichy Thermal Spa, which is considered almost the most-the-best (and in terms of prices), is by no means a posh place. It is primarily functional. As a health resort. Yes, everything is nice and cozy there, but the goal is not to amaze your imagination with a stunning interior design, but to improve your health: baths, massages, body wraps, fitness (there are separate rooms for classes, it seems, with everything possible), and other special procedures. Mantras are not sung over you and aromatic candles are not burned - you simply soak in healing mineral water, here and there, in the company of other people. And as a result, you feel very good.

Since the 19th century, with the participation of Napoleon Bonaparte's mother, her sons, Maria Teresa, Charles X and many other influential personalities, Vichy has developed and gained more and more popularity. But the final impetus for the creation of the world famous balneological resort was made by Napoleon III, who rested in these places for five years in a row. A railway was laid and a station was equipped, a dam was built on Allya, landscape parks were laid out, pavilions for receiving healing waters were created, a casino was opened, and prototypes of hotels - chalets for temporary stay were built. All this made it possible to increase the flow of tourists by 10 times!

Further, the growth only continued - if at the beginning of the century 40,000 tourists came to the waters a year, then before the First World War - already 100,000. The First World War, of course, reduced the popularity of the resort, but in the 30s active growth began again - the Opera House was opened the theater, where the stars of the first magnitude performed, new thermal centers were built and the existing ones were restored.

During World War II, Vichy took on a role other than a thriving resort - the city became the capital of a collaborationist government, the so-called Vichy regime, controlled by Germany. This was facilitated by the relative proximity to Paris, the availability of a prepared infrastructure, farms in the area, a large number of hotels and the most modern telephone exchange and telegraph in the country, created to provide communication between the rich and famous guests with the rest of the world.

After the war, the resort flourished again, planes even from other countries flew to the modest airport. Despite a pause in development in the 70s and 80s, in 1989 the city was transformed and improved in connection with modern requirements. The fruits of these labors can still be enjoyed today, and their level can be judged by the fact that in 2008 Vichy hosted the European Union Summit.

How to get there

Vichy is located 300 kilometers southeast of Paris and 120 kilometers from Lyon, while the city is located at a distance from major highways, respectively, the bus service will be long and with changes. Therefore, it is better to get to the city by rail.

From Paris

You need to go to Bercy station (you can reach it from the Gare de Lyon on the 14th metro line), then take a train to Clemont-Ferrand to Vichy station. Travel time is about three hours.

From Lyon

Trains depart from Lyon station to the same Clemont-Ferrand, the journey time is just under two hours.

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Its warm mineral springs were known to the Romans. The large hydropathic establishment is the largest mineral baths in Europe. "Vichy" cosmetics are famous all over the world.

Vichy mineral waters belong to the category of sodium bicarbonate waters. In total, Vichy has 15 springs, of which six are with drinking mineral waters, the medicinal properties of which are highly appreciated by experts from all over the world. The water temperature in the springs ranges from 16 to 75 degrees Celsius.

An endless view of greenery: fields, forests, lakes ... The largest natural park in France invites you to relax in nature and go for a walk, by bike or along the river. Experience the beauty of Vichy and its mineral waters alone, with friends or with your family.

The city was built on the initiative of Emperor Napoleon III on the shores of Lake Allier, surrounded by 140 hectares of parks and gardens, which are suitable for relaxation, reading, sports and watching rare species of wildlife. Did you know that two thousand trees of the Allier parks are listed as historical monuments?

In July and August, the "Célestins" beach opens with fine sand: beach cabins, volleyball area, picnic tables, a bar with drinks and ice cream .... This bathing area, supervised by lifeguards, has a small bathtub and a shallow pool for children. Also, throughout the season, the beach offers an entertainment program for the whole family.

Travel time: train Paris - Vichy about 3 hours, from the train station in Vichy to the hotel - 5 minutes. by car. The price of a train ticket is about 2 801 rubles. * per person one way in the second grade and about 3,602 rubles. * in 1st grade. Transfer Vichy station - hotel Celestin 800 rub. * (net price).

Nearest airport: Clermont-Ferrand

Features of the resort: one of the world's most famous thermal spas, rightfully bears the name "King of French spas". Developed infrastructure: an opera house, a casino, a hippodrome, tennis courts, luxurious parks, many shops, bars and restaurants. Vichy has one of the oldest golf courses. Today Vichy is the capital of beauty and slender figure. Over the past two years, the Weight Loss and DETOX programs have been successfully developing in Vichy with the joint efforts of nutritionists, doctors and sports coaches.

Indications for staying at the spa

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults (peptic ulcer, chronic hepatitis, chronic colitis, biliary dyskinesia)
  • Diseases of the spine and joints
  • Chronic fatigue, stress.
  • Breast cancer (outside of treatment).
  • Increasing body weight, preventing aging.
  • Metabolic diseases (gout, increased blood cholesterol).

Vichy mineral waters are classified as sodium bicarbonate waters. The water temperature in the springs is 16 ° -75 °.

Modern scientific research has shown that sodium bicarbonate does not cause an increase in blood pressure in hypertensive patients. In addition, bicarbonate waters increase the water content of the skin by 7.5% and significantly reduce muscle fatigue during exercise by reducing the acidity of the whole body. The high content of lithium in Vichy waters helps to normalize sleep, regulate mood swings, and general relaxation.

Vichy Opera Cultural Season: the marvelous Art Nouveau opera house offers a program of operas, theatrical performances and a variety of concerts.

Vichy -- new wave: The Célestins beach and town center offer a series of recreational activities throughout the summer (program for the whole family).

Vichy Themed Tours: "The Belle Epoque of Vichy", "Palaces and Hotels", "Napoleon III", "History of Springs, 2000 Years of Thermalism", "Trees and Fragrances" (botanical or historical tour of the parks), "Vichy Art Deco", "Vichy through poetry and prose "etc.

The world famous Vichy resort is located in the center of France, on the shores of a picturesque lake and the Allier River. This is one of the coziest French towns, surrounded by greenery, proud of its opera house, casino and hippodrome, water sports, golf. The springs of Vichy have been known since ancient times, but it became a resort city only in the 17th century, at the time of Henry IV.

Vichy Sources

Vichy would not be Vichy without sources. They are the foundation of its existence. Where do the Vichy springs originate?

The springs of Vichy originate at the foot of the Auvergne volcanoes, they sprout from a depth of 3,000 meters and, upon contact with magma, heat up and become saturated with carbon dioxide. The unhurried path of water flow underground takes about 10,000 years, and during this time the water is saturated with mineral salts and trace elements. Due to the carbon dioxide content, the Vichy springs flow naturally.

How many thermal springs are there in Vichy?

Today, nine main thermal springs are used. Five of them are used for medicinal and drinking purposes: Celestan (bottled water), Shomel, Grand Grill, Opital and Luca. The other four springs supply thermal centers, water with temperatures from +60 to 70 ° C is also supplied to the Celestins Thermal Spa. Surplus energy is used to heat thermal pools and hotels.

How are Vichy sources useful?

These are natural carbonated waters rich in sodium bicarbonate. Their use neutralizes acid naturally, and in addition:

  • improves digestion - a glass of Vichy water reduces stomach discomfort on a par with well-known pharmaceuticals;
  • useful for athletes, as Vichy water slows down the formation of lactic acid in the muscles, which causes cramps and pain;
  • regular use of Vichy waters restores the acidity level in the body, which is often disturbed by an improper lifestyle. The waters are recommended for people suffering from kidney stones and chronic renal failure;
  • due to the lithium content, Vichy waters have a calming and relaxing effect. Their regular use helps to moisturize the skin. Sodium bicarbonate (soda) gives the water a salty taste, not sodium chloride (salt), which is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities.

Vichy Laboratories use the anti-inflammatory properties of the waters for the production of skin care products, as well as baths and herbal-mineral mud wraps.

The source of good health... As one of the prettiest spa resorts in Europe, Vichy has a lot to offer beyond its proven sources. Surrounded by an unparalleled rural landscape, the city also offers an impressive list of cultural, sporting, recreational and tourism activities ... all just three hours from Paris.

Proudly maintains the traditions of exquisite hospitality in resort towns. Guests from all over the world enjoy wellness treatments under the guidance of leading healthcare professionals, health professionals and nutritionists.