Sofia, Bulgaria: description and attractions. Sophia statue National Museum of Military History

Sofia is the largest city and capital of Bulgaria. The city was founded centuries ago. Today, Sofia is the cultural and economic center of the country. There are a large number of historical monuments located here. Among the most popular can be identified. For example, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

Sights of the city of Sofia

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

This historical monument is located in the center of the capital. In appearance, it is a copy of the monument of the same name to Russian soldiers, located on the Shipka Pass. The cathedral was built in honor of the memory of two hundred thousand Russian soldiers who died in battles with the Turks one hundred and thirty years ago. The Russians and the Bulgarians themselves spared no expense on the construction. The result was a grandiose cathedral, which became the largest cathedral in the country. The cathedral can simultaneously accommodate five thousand people. The bells weigh twenty-three tons. There are no such bells in any other cathedral in Bulgaria. The height of the temple reaches fifty meters. The cathedral was built from granite and white stone. The royal and bishop's thrones are very skillfully made. And also the altar barrier. The marble ornament was made in Italy according to the design of the Russian artist-architect Yakovlev. The cathedral crypt contains unique icons. You will not see such a number of all kinds of monks anywhere else.

Church of Hagia Sophia

The next attraction is Church of Hagia Sophia. At first glance, it will seem like a nondescript church, which, unknowingly, can be mistaken for a museum, an ordinary house, or, for example, a prison. In fact, this church is the main temple of Sofia. The city owes its name to this church. The Hagia Sophia Church is a contemporary of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. It was built one and a half thousand years ago, also by order of the Emperor of Rome, Constantine the Great.

National Gallery of Foreign Art

Also worth a visit National Gallery of Foreign Art. The gallery is located on Alexander Nevsky Square, in a building that once served as the Tsar's printing house. The exhibits are presented in nineteen halls. More than ten thousand works of sculpture, graphics, and painting are collected here. It contains works by Picasso, Rodin, Rembrandt, Dali, Miro and many others. Here you can see a French collection of paintings. In addition, African art, Buddhist and Indian sculpture are collected here. The pride of the museum is the huge number of examples of Christian sculpture brought from Goa.

Banya Bashi Mosque

Another interesting attraction is Banya Bashi Mosque. The minaret and large dome of this building are visible from afar. The mosque has been perfectly preserved since the time of Turkish rule. It was built in 1576. The mosque owes its name to the famous Turkish baths. The mosque is still operational. Muslims who live in the capital come here. During prayer, non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering. The name of this mosque translates as “many baths.” The uniqueness of this building is that it was built on the site of a natural thermal resort. If you look closely, you can see steam coming out of the vents at the base of the mosque. The diameter of the dome is fifteen meters. The interior walls are decorated with sayings from the Koran and oriental-style paintings.

Monument to the Unknown Soldier

The list of attractions of the capital continues monument to the unknown soldier. This is a symbol of the long road to freedom for Bulgaria. The monument was erected in memory of the Bulgarian soldiers who died during the Ottoman siege. This memorial complex is located on St. Alexander Nevsky Square, near the Hagia Sophia. It was inaugurated in 1980. This monument is a sign of Bulgarian gratitude to those who valiantly fought for the freedom of their country. A poem by Ivan Vazov, a famous Bulgarian poet, is carved on the base of the monument. The author dedicated these lines to all the fallen defenders of the Motherland. The pedestal depicts a lion, which is a symbol of Bulgaria. Near the lion there are two urns containing soil from battle sites. The eternal flame completes the memorial ensemble.

National Archaeological Museum

Located in the center of Sofia National Archaeological Museum. It is located in the building of a former mosque, which has been preserved since the Ottoman rule. To accommodate all the exhibits, the building was rebuilt and expanded more than once. During the Great Patriotic War, the building was damaged, but it was restored. The museum displays more than fifty-five thousand exhibits of historical value. On the ground floor there are finds related to Roman and Greek. Thracian and Byzantine periods. The most valuable exhibit is the Vulchitrun treasure, consisting of thirteen golden vessels. Each vessel weighs approximately twelve and a half kilograms. The second floor of the museum is occupied by finds from the Neolithic era. These include pottery, ceramics, and ancient weapons. Explanations are given for all exhibits in both Bulgarian and Russian.

Saint Sophie Cathedral

Another attraction of Sofia is the Hagia Sophia. It represents the first Christian church, which was built here at the beginning of the fifteenth century. After this, Emperor Constantine was the first to order the construction of the Hagia Sophia Cathedral on this site. In the fifth century, the cathedral was destroyed by the Huns. The cathedral was restored by Justinian the first in the sixth century. In the nineties of the last century, it was possible to completely restore and restore the cathedral.

Sofia (Bulgaria) is not only the largest city in the country, but also its capital. A large number of tourists visit the local attractions every year. Travelers are attracted to this city by the beautiful architecture of historical buildings, harmoniously combined with modern infrastructure.

Sofia (Bulgaria) is considered the cultural center of the state. The population here is more than one and a half million. At the same time, there are about 20 educational institutions providing higher education in the city. The capital's Opera House, which was founded at the end of the 19th century, is famous throughout the world. Those who are interested in Bulgaria will not leave Sofia indifferent, because in this city you can get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the local population.

In the capital, travelers can visit the Philharmonic and enjoy the sounds of classical music at the conservatory. In addition, tourists are recommended to visit local museums. One of the largest is Historical. Also interesting are the exhibitions in the Ethnographic, Archaeological, and Zoological Museums.

The location of the city of Sofia (Bulgaria) is amazing. Photos of the capital show the beauty of not only the local architecture, but also the nature spread around.

The metropolis is located at the foot of Mount Vitosha, the slopes of which were turned into

There are also quite a lot of parks and squares in the city itself. Green lovers will be delighted with the local vegetation.

The Church of St. Sophia is considered one of the most ancient buildings in the capital.

It dates back to the 5th-6th centuries, and is considered the hallmark of the modern city. All travelers first of all go on an excursion to this temple.

The Church of St. George is also of interest to tourists. The unique atmosphere and beautiful paintings and frescoes will appeal to almost all travelers interested in the city. There are also Turkish mosques, the walls of which are several centuries old.

The most beautiful boulevard is considered to be Vitosha Boulevard, which begins near the cathedral. Past numerous shopping galleries, it stretches directly to the Square of the Palace of Culture. The city of Sofia (Bulgaria) is considered one of the most beautiful European cities. Tourists are recommended to visit the quarter on the southwestern outskirts, called Boyana. It adjoins directly to the foot of Vitosha and is home to a small church that is listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO. The wall paintings here date back to the 13th century.

The mountain itself is an excellent place for a winter holiday. It has hotels with developed infrastructure, ski lifts, and observation decks. After the onset of the season, this area is quite lively. Tourists come to Vitosha from all over the world.

Sofia (Bulgaria) attracts a huge number of travelers every year. And not in vain, because all conditions have been created here for cultural recreation, walks through beautiful places and getting to know the history of the country. In the city you can find a huge number of monuments of church and historical architecture.

Your story about an amazing and wonderful land - Southwestern Bulgaria— I’ll start with a story about the weather, because every tourist wants to know what can await him in a particular region. As they say, “there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.” Bulgaria has long become a coveted holiday destination for Russians; every year they travel to this country for two to four weeks on tour packages, rent housing for the whole summer, or purchase houses and apartments in Bulgaria as their own. One of the reasons is the excellent ecology and pleasant climate of the region.

The climate here is mostly changeable and changes from north to south every 40-45 km. Traveling from Sofia to the south, towards Greece, along the E-79 highway, you immediately notice this, and it is noticeable both in summer and winter. In the north of the region, in Sofia, The climate is continental - warm in summer, cold in winter, a lot of snow and often rains. And already after 45-50 kilometers to the south, passing by the city Dupnitsa, you notice how suddenly it suddenly becomes warmer and the rains stop.

Even further south, near the city Blagoevgrad, the temperature in summer is already over +30 o. Continuing the journey another 30 kilometers to the south, we enter Kresna Gorge, where the air temperature immediately drops to +20-25 o. We are leaving in the temperate subtropics, where the average temperature reaches +40 o. In the far south, starting from the city Sandanski and to the Greek border, in summer over +40 o, and in winter it never drops below +10-12 o.

You can imagine how nature and landscape changes behind the car window. I wish you to see this beauty!

Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria

Story Sofia is very rich, and cannot be recounted in a small article, but the general picture can be drawn. The first mention of Sofia dates back to the Neolithic era. Several settlements dating back to this period have been discovered on its territory.

In the 7th century BC. A Thracian city arose, named Serdonpolis, later Serdika. In the 4th century BC. the city was ruled by Philip II, and after that by his son, Alexander the Great. In 29, the city became part of the Roman Empire. During the time of Marcus Aurelius, and later, under the emperor. Komodeb grows greatly and becomes the capital of Inner Dacia. Even later, under the emperor. Aurelians, in 271 - the capital of all Dacia.

Serdica is the favorite city of Constantine the Great. Emperor Justinian expands the city and builds new fortress walls. At the same time, during his reign, the Basilica of St. Sophia was built, which later gave its name to the city.

In 809, Khan Krum annexed the city to the Bulgarian Khanate.

Today Sofia is an administrative, cultural and university center. 18% of production is concentrated here. The city has a huge number of excellent hotels that offer excellent service. A double room in a 3* hotel, with breakfast included, can easily be found for 40-50 leva (20-25 euros). There are a lot of excellent restaurants where prices are affordable, as well as many interesting taverns in the national style, where the food is very tasty, and where one lunch for two with salads, first, main course and including alcohol and dessert will never exceed 60 leva.

The city has a lot of museums, theaters, cinemas, historical, architectural and cultural monuments. Some of them will be discussed below.

Church "Hagia Sophia"

The church was built in the IV-VI centuries. It is a cross-domed basilica with a narthex and a three-walled apse. Near the southern wall there is a monument to the “Unknown Soldier”. In 1955, the temple was declared a cultural monument.

National History Museum

The museum was created in 1973. The museum has 32 halls, in which 650,000 exhibits are exhibited from the prehistoric era to the present day.

Boyana Church

The church was built at the end of the 20th century, is located in one of the suburban areas of Sofia and is known for its paintings from 1259. The surviving painting is a second layer on top of the older one. In 1979, UNESCO recognized this church as a world cultural heritage.

Kremikovsky Monastery

The monastery is located 3 km from Sofia, founded in the 14th century and is one of 14 monasteries built at the same time around Sofia. Currently the monastery is operational. It has two residential buildings and two churches - “St. George" (XV century) and "St. Dormition of the Theotokos" (early 20th century).

Church "St. Nicholas" (known as the "Russian Church")

The Church of St. Nicholas in Sofia is also known as the Russian Church.

This is one of the most beautiful churches in Bulgaria, built in 1912 by Russian craftsmen in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The church has a non-standard architectural color scheme: the tiles are bright yellow, the Main dome is green, and 5 small domes are covered with gold. The bells are a gift from Nicholas II.

Sofia. Cathedral Church "Alexander Nevsky"

Let's start our journey with Sofia. There are many interesting places in Sofia that are not only worth visiting, but also worth visiting and seeing, but you cannot miss the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, built in 1912 in honor of Russian soldiers who died in the liberation war of 1877-1878. This majestic and very beautiful building is located in the very center of the city. Its area is 3170 m2, its height is 45 meters, and can accommodate 5000 parishioners.

The temple is a five-box church in the neo-Byzantine style. The interior uses exclusively high-quality and expensive materials: multi-colored Italian marbles, onyx from Brazil. Around the drum of the dome, the prayer “Our Father” is engraved in thin gold letters, and one of the most valuable collections of ancient icons is collected in the temple’s vault.

Kurilovsky Monastery

It was built at the very beginning Iskar Gorge, on the right bank of the river Iskar 15 km from Sofia. The monastery began to be built in the 9th century, in the vicinity of the old Bulgarian fortress Beligrad (White City), it is one of the oldest monasteries in the Sofia diocese.

According to legend, in 1469 the relics of St. Ivan Rila were placed here for some time. This happened during their transportation from Tarnovo to the Rila Monastery. In the 15th century, during the Turkish yoke, the monastery was destroyed. It was later restored by the monks in 1593.

In 1596, the monastery was painted by Pimen Zografsky of Sofia, the most famous Bulgarian icon painter. The icons of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, Saints Constantine and Helen belong to his hand.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery became a nunnery. It is still active today and has been declared a cultural monument.

History buffs will be interested in visiting the National History Museum. It is considered the richest Balkan treasury. The museum is located in the picturesque Boyana quarter. The numerous exhibits presented here cover the history of Bulgaria from the ancient times of the Thracian period to the present day. The museum is open seven days a week, from 9.30 to 18.30. The exception is national holidays. Admission for children under 7 years old is free, for adults - 6 levs (4 dollars).

National Museum of Military History

The National Museum of Military History is also very popular. Many consider it one of the most impressive museums in Sofia. It was opened in 1916 and offers visitors a unique exhibition of military exhibits, located on three floors. There are rooms dedicated to military equipment, uniforms, awards and firearms. The entire military history of Bulgaria is fully presented within the walls of the museum. The museum welcomes visitors from Wednesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00. Admission for children under 7 years old is free, for adults - 8 leva ($5). You can also book an individual tour in Russian, which will cost around 40 levs ($25).

Mosque on Banski Square in Sofia

There is also the only functioning mosque in Sofia, which is an architectural monument. It was built 500 years ago according to the design of a Turkish architect. According to some information, he was a Bulgarian who later converted to Islam. The mosque is located in the center on Banski Square and is open to visitors at any time except prayer hours.

Pirotska Street

Lovers of an authentic atmosphere should take a stroll through Pirotsk street in the historical center of the capital. Here Sofia has retained its old appearance from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is a small shopping street consisting of buildings in neoclassical and art nouveau styles.

Bypassing this street, you can go out to a beautiful square where the central Sofia Khalis are located. Nowadays it is a modern, indoor bazaar and a favorite place for shopping among residents of the capital. Nowadays, few people remember that this building in the style of national romanticism (as defined by its architect) was designed to emphasize the splendor and grandeur of the Bulgarian medieval palaces located in Pliska and Preslav. The building is considered one of the brilliant examples of Bulgarian national architecture.

Of course, familiarizing yourself with a small number of attractions cannot give a complete picture of this beautiful city. Therefore, many tourists who have visited Sofia at least once strive to come here again and again.

Sofia is the largest city and capital of Bulgaria, located in the western part of the country. The city is considered one of the oldest in all of Europe, because a settlement existed on the territory in the 3rd century BC. Throughout history, periods of prosperity and complete ruin alternated.

By now, Thracian, Bulgarian, Ottoman and Roman monuments coexist with modern buildings. The city is located more than 250 monuments history and architecture, so we can highlight the most interesting objects among them. It's no wonder that Sofia attracts many people for active trips.

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is a cathedral belonging to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. The religious landmark was built at the beginning of the 20th century in honor of the Russian soldiers who died liberating Bulgaria from Turkish rule during the war in the late 1870s.

Features of the cathedral:

  • The façade is based on white stone and granite.
  • Cornices, columns, and friezes are used to decorate the building.
  • The interior is refined with Italian marble, Brazilian onyx, and African alabaster.

The building surprises with its beauty. In addition, since 1964, the Museum of Icons has been operating in the underground crypt, which displays more than 300 icons and frescoes from around the world.

Location: St. Alexander Nevski Square.

The monument is dedicated to the emperor Alexander II From Russia. It was the Russian emperor who liberated and gave freedom to Bulgaria, which had previously been subordinate to the Ottomans.

The monument has existed since 1907. This architectural object is recognized as the best by the Italian sculptor Arnold Zocchi. It should be noted that the monument was created based on the principles of the Renaissance. In addition, at the top there is an equestrian statue of the emperor, just below - the army, at the very foot - a bronze wreath. As a result, the monument perpetuates the memory of the Romanian soldiers who died in the war, and is not only dedicated to the Tsar Liberator.

The Russian church is considered one of the most grandiose in the whole city. It has existed since 1912. In addition, it was built under the leadership of the architect Preobrazhensky after receiving the appropriate order from Russian emigrants in Sofia.

The church was built taking into account the principles of the pseudo-Russian style, decorating the building with five domes. In the premises you can find ancient frescoes.

Among the Russian religious sites in Sofia, only the Russian Church of St. Nicholas works.

The church was built during the era of the Roman Empire. The religious site is made in the form of a low building with a dome, which represents the foundation of the oldest Bulgarian temple.

The Rotunda originally appeared in the 4th century. After the arrival of the Turks, the church was given over to the building of a mosque. At the end of the 19th century, the Rotunda was finally returned to the Orthodox Church. Nowadays, services are held regularly in the church.

Location: “Prince Alexander Dondukov” Boulevard - 2.

In the central part of Sofia there is Vitosha Boulevard, which is a tourist and pedestrian area. The only transport along the boulevard is trams and private cars, so there is practically no traffic flow.

On both sides there are boutiques, cafes and restaurants, and museums. Near the Serdika metro station there is a statue of Hagia Sophia.

Throughout its history, the church has survived a fire, an earthquake and even a terrorist attack.

The current building was built in the 19th century on the foundations of a church that completely burned down in 1856. The date of construction of the first church is unknown, but it is believed that a significant event took place in the 10th century.

The architectural style of the religious landmark is difficult to describe. The main differences are:

  • An arched canopy symbolizing the entrance.
  • Antique stained glass windows created on the basis of colored glass.
  • A high dome, complemented by miniature windows.
  • Bell tower.

The mixture of styles is explained by the repeated reconstruction of the building. The interior of the church is typical of an Orthodox religious building.

Location: Sveta Square Week - 20.

One of the existing Orthodox churches is the Church of St. Sophia. It was this religious landmark that gave the name to the city, which is the capital of Bulgaria.

The construction of the first temple dates back to 313. A few years later, instead of a wooden church, they managed to build a stone cathedral. However, the religious site was converted into a mosque during the Turkish yoke. In the 19th century, the Ottomans used the temple as a center for the city's fire service. Today the temple is active, but archaeological research is sometimes carried out there.

Location: st. "Paris" - 2.

The National Archaeological Museum is located in the building of a medieval mosque. The museum has been operating since 1905.

The Archaeological Museum is divided into several halls:

  • Central.
  • Ancient.
  • Medieval.
  • Special, intended for temporary exhibitions.

The museum displays cultural and archaeological exhibits.

Location: st. “Sborna” - 2.

The building of the National Palace of Culture has only existed since 1981. Nowadays it is considered an architectural monument of the Soviet era.

The Palace of Culture includes 16 large halls and more than 50 medium and small rooms. The halls are used for the following purposes:

  • Exhibitions.
  • Congresses.
  • Concerts.
  • Movie shows.
  • Auctions.
  • Birthdays of government members.
  • Festivals.

There is a park complex around the building, from where a panorama of Mount Vitosha opens.

Location: Bulgaria Boulevard, 1463.

Boyana Church, consisting of three chapels, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The eastern part has existed since the 10th century. At the beginning of the 13th century, a 2-story part of the church was added to the building. The third church was built only at the beginning of the 19th century, but it does not shine with luxury.

The Boyana Church became famous thanks to its murals, which were made in an original way.

Location: Boyansko Lake - 3.

The gallery began work in 1934, but was moved to its current location only in 1946 after the end of the monarchy.

In the gallery you can see exhibits of Bulgarian fine art, medieval painting, icons, and sculptures.

Location: Prince Alexander I Square 1.

Independence Square is located in the central part of Sofia. The main government buildings are located here:

  • Parliament.
  • Government House.
  • Presidential residence.

There is a beautiful fountain in the center of the square. Even in the hot season, people love to stroll around the landscaped square, enjoying the shady corners, comfortable benches, and a fountain.

One of the most popular places in Bulgaria is Slaveykov Square. The first mentions appeared in 1515, but at that time there were only a coffee shop, a mosque and two police stations. The square acquired its current appearance only in the 1920s.

The museum center has been operating since 1973. The collection was created thanks to research in the field of ethnography and archeology.

The exhibition includes:

  • Art objects.
  • Books.
  • Photos.
  • Church items.
  • Jewelry.
  • Household things.

The exhibition reveals the features of the development of Bulgaria, from the Neolithic era to the 21st century.

The total number of exhibits reaches 650 thousand, therefore the museum is considered one of the largest in all of Europe. The exhibition is divided into six periods: Stone Age, Thrace, Greek and Roman periods, Bulgarian kingdoms, Bulgarian revival, 20th century.

Location: Vitoshko Lale street - 16.

The ruins of the Roman Amphitheater in Sofia are accessible to tourists. Travelers can see not only the ruins, but also coins and ceramic objects that were found during excavations.

The construction of the amphitheater dates back to the 3rd – 4th centuries, but it was subsequently destroyed. Until the time of destruction, gladiator fights with wild animals were regularly held here.

The Museum Center opened in 2011 and is a branch of the National Art Gallery. The exhibition represents the end of the communist past in Bulgaria, which made it possible to transition to a democratic future. It should be noted that Bulgaria was the latest to open a museum dedicated to its communist past. The museum displays exhibits promoting communism.

Location: Lachezar Stanchev - 7.

Sofia is not only the capital, but also one of the most interesting cities in all of Bulgaria. Everyone has the right to enjoy a trip to the capital of Bulgaria and understand not only the city of Sofia, but the whole country.