Skopelos on the map of Greece. • Glossa

Enchanting, green landscapes, emerald waters of stunning coastlines, nature of extraordinary beauty, traditional architecture, majestic monasteries and an authentic island atmosphere - all this is Skopelos, one of the greenest islands in Greece. Almost 80% of it is covered with virgin pine forest. Fortunately for him, or vice versa, he is a little away from the frequently visited, popular tourist routes. Once here, you begin to think that paradise certainly has something from Skopelos, from the tranquility of the pines that create this green refuge in the midst of the Aegean immensity. Skopelos, a place special not only for its nature, but also for its history and culture, calls to discover it!

Skopelos is the second largest island in the Northern Sporades archipelago after Skiathos. It is located between Skiathos, which is 6-7 km away, and Alonissos - 3-4 km. The length of the island is about 15 km, the width is only 6 km. The area of ​​the island is 96 km 2, and its perimeter is 67 km. Skopelos lies on the same geographical longitude (380 o) with Sardinia, Spanish Mallorca and Ibiza, Portuguese Azores and California (USA). There are many small islands around it: Agios Georgios, Mikro, Dasia, Kasida, Paximada, Pleuro, Portes, Strongylo. Two mountains rise above Skopelos - Paluki (565 m) and Delphi (680 m). The ravines and depressions around them during the rains turn into small streams and rivers. Geographically, the island is considered a continuation of the Pelion peninsula, and administratively belongs to the periphery of Thessaly. About 5,000 people live here permanently.

There are 3 main ports on the island: Skopelos, Agnonda and Glossa. It is connected to the mainland by regular flights from the ports of Agios Konstantinos and Volos. In the summer season, ordinary ships go here from Thessaloniki. A permanent message connects with each other and all the islands of the Sporades. Skopelos has an excellent tourist infrastructure. But compared to neighboring cosmopolitan Skiathos, there are fewer tourists here. Therefore, the island has largely managed to maintain its traditional character.

The beauty of Skopelos did not leave indifferent even Hollywood producers who decided to shoot the film Mamma Mia here in 2008, which made the island one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world! Skopelos lives today under the star of the popular musical and dances to the music of Abba. In Ai Yanni, where the scenes of the famous film were filmed, hundreds of tourists come every day to wander the streets where Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan used to walk.

Skopelos also lives to the sounds of Rebetiko, a special style of Greek music, because Rebetiko and Skopelos are inseparable. It is believed that this style originated here, and it is no coincidence that the island itself is shaped like a saxophone. The sounds of the bouzouki from the tavern of the famous rembetis Giorgis Xintaris in the Kastro district of Chora even reach the city's port.

Local cuisine is a wide variety of dishes that are prepared from fresh products produced on the island. But the island is famous for its traditional specialty - "tiropita strifti". It is a crunchy puff pastry pie stuffed with local goat cheese in the shape of a spiral. Be sure to try it. Rofos stifado (fish in red sauce), meat with quince, pork with plums are some of the specialties that make the island famous. Various types of fresh fish and seafood and a salad from the local plant "kritamo" are served in all taverns. Jams are another advantage of the local cuisine. The most famous of them is "avgato", from one of the local varieties of plums. Plums are the main agricultural product of Skopelos. Be sure to try "Himalia" - a local sweet made from almonds, which is usually served at weddings.


The history of the island, like the whole of Greece, goes back centuries. The oldest traces of human presence on Skopelos date back to the 16th century. BC e. According to myths, the first to settle here were immigrants from Crete, from Knossos, led by Stafilos, the son of Ariadne and Theseus. This myth is an attempt to explain the origin of the famous wine of Skopelos - Peparitio, the connection of the island with Athens, as well as the existence of a city called Knossos on the island. The myth is also confirmed by the traces of the Minoan culture found in Stafilo - Mycenaean tombs and Asklepion.

At the beginning of the 5th century BC e. the island was a strong city-state called Peparítos, which prospered from the trade of its famous wine, Peparítio. He was also known in the ancient world for the fact that his resident Agnon Peparitios won the running competition at the 53rd Olympiad in 568, which brought him immortality. Running was one of the main competitions of the pentathlon (pentathlon), which also included wrestling, long jumps, discus throwing and javelins. The pentathlon was included in the program of all other athletic competitions in ancient Greece, because these skills were necessary for a skilled warrior. Therefore, the victory in the pentathlon at the Olympics was considered the most honorable, and the Olympics itself and the four years following it were called the name of the winner.

Sostratos, a Peparitian robber, was born on the island, who in 351 BC. e. captured the island of Cyra Panagia north of Alonissos and made it his refuge and Dioklis Peparitios, a historian of the III century. BC e.

The island is practically not mentioned in ancient sources. By the end of antiquity, in the Hellenistic period, it changes its name and appears under its current name. During the Roman and Byzantine periods, Skopelos was constantly subjected to pirate raids and was a place of exile for criminals. As part of the Duchy of Naxos, he was in the possession of the Franks. Then again, during the reign of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, for a short time he passed to Byzantium. In 1204 the island was conquered by the Venetians and the Gisi family ruled here. In 1538, Skopelos was conquered by the famous Turkish admiral Barbarossa, who completely ruined it and destroyed almost all the inhabitants. Travelers of the 16th century mention that the island was uninhabited for a long time after the disaster. The inhabitants of Skopelos took an active part in the national liberation war of 1821. Refugees from Macedonia, Thessaly and Evia settled on the island, and in 1830 it became part of the Greek state, along with other Sporades, according to the London Treaty.

Maritime traditions and shipbuilding art played a very important role in the economic and cultural development of the island. The local sailors brought stories and objects from distant cultures from their voyages, thereby opening a window to the world. Today Skopelos is less cosmopolitan than Skiathos, an island that has largely retained its traditional character. Combined with the natural beauty, this makes it a unique place, especially for those who love a relaxing holiday.


The city of Skopelos (or Chora) is the capital of the island, located in its eastern part. The beautiful amphitheater town starts from the port itself and climbs up three hills. From the sea, a breathtaking and forever memorable view of the city opens up. Picturesque cobbled streets winding like snakes from Panagitsa Pirgu, not far from the port, lead to Kastro. Churches scattered everywhere, beautiful houses traditional for the Greek islands with courtyards immersed in flowers, surround Kastro. The view of the city, the port and the church of Panagia Pirgu from the top of Kastro is charming. The old town has been declared a protected cultural monument. Traditional buildings are of interest not only to tourists, but also to artists, photographers, creative people and specialists. Due to the steepness of the slopes, they cannot be reached by car. You have to climb the stairs, climb the slopes, walk enough on foot to see 120 Byzantine churches, the walls of the Byzantine fortress of the 13th century. and quiet calm squares overlooking the Aegean Sea. Walk through the streets full of flowers and multi-colored bougainvilleas climbing the whitewashed walls, notice the beauty of each house, note the taste of the master who built it, enjoy their multicolor and simplicity. Admire the subtlety of decorations hanging over the streets of wooden balconies, impressive stone roofs. Feel the warmth behind the white lace curtains.

In contrast to the quiet quarters, in the upper part of the city, in the areas around the port and the waterfront, there is a vibrant life. There are restaurants, taverns, uzeri, pizzerias, pancake shops, pastry shops, cafeterias and bars. There are many shops offering ceramics, handmade jewelry, clothes and beautiful souvenirs of high quality and aesthetics. All this gives the city a cosmopolitan atmosphere.


Glossa is the second largest settlement of the island after its capital. It is located 25 km north of it. "High village", "covered with vineyards" - this is the name of this most densely populated village of the island. Narrow streets, rich traditional houses and colorful squares make up its picture. On the ascents and descents, there are many two-story houses, the architecture of which resembles that of Macedonian. It is a peaceful picturesque village, surrounded by vineyards and untouched by tourism, with magnificent sunsets. There is also its own breed of sheep, which is also called "glossa".

The name "Glossa" is believed to be a corruption of "Knossos" because the first inhabitants of the village were the Minoans. Locals joke that climbing such steep slopes, you involuntarily “stick out your tongue”, which is why the village is called that. "Glossa" in Greek means "tongue". It is worth visiting the monastery of Agios Taxiarchis (St. Archangels), built during the Turkocracy period. The surroundings of the village are of great archaeological interest. Remains of ancient towers and buildings have been found here.

If you have time, also visit cosmopolitan Skiathos or tranquil Alonnissos, home to the monachus monachus (white-bellied) seal marine park.


There is a lot to see in Skopelos. Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy the beautiful nature, which in itself is already an attraction. Together with the wonderful nature, you will discover traces of history dating back to the Bronze Age. Skopelos is a place where ancient religious traditions are carefully preserved. Scattered throughout the island are monasteries and chapels of great cultural significance. Most of them date from the Byzantine era. It is traditionally believed that there are 360 ​​churches here - one for each day of the year, just like on the island of Ios. This, together with some important monasteries, makes Skopelos a unique destination of religious interest.

24 monasteries

The ancient monastery of the Annunciation (Evangelistria) is located east of Chora. It was restored in 1712. It is famous for its Catholic cathedral and fortified wall protecting the monastery. From here you have a magnificent panoramic view of the port and the city of Skopelos. The Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Metamorphosis tou Sotira) was built in the 16th century. Behind it is the monastery of St. Barbara (XVII century), and 300 meters from it is the monastery of St. John the Baptist (Timios Prodromos) with icons of the XVI century.

Interesting is the monastery of St. Regin in the south of Skopelos, built on the ruins of an ancient temple. The Church of St. John in Castries (Ai Yanni) in the north of the island is a beautiful church on top of a cliff. This is exactly the church where many scenes of the famous musical "Mamma Mia" were filmed. After the release of the film in 2008, she became famous all over the world. It can be reached by steps carved into the rock. The view from here is fantastic. Many come here to have a romantic wedding in the famous church.

Truly countless churches amazes the city of Skopelos. The most interesting of them are: the Church of the Nativity, where the relics of St. Regin are buried, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas Vrahu with icons of the 17th century, St. Athanasius in Kastri with frescoes of the 17th century, the Church of the Holy Apostles "Vracho tis Rizanis" and the Church of the Nativity (Genisios tou Christou) - the Cathedral of Skopelos, famous for its unique carved wooden iconostasis of exceptional beauty, made in 1762.

Draconicism (Dragon Crack)

One of the legends says that 800 years ago a dragon lived on the island. He devoured people, because of which the island was deserted. Then Saint Reginos, patron and protector of Skopelos, pursued the dragon. Running away to save himself, he fell into the gorge. The ground at this point opened up and swallowed him up. Since then, it has been called Dracontoschizma (Dragon's Crack). In fact, it is a deep canyon that reaches to the sea. Steep cliffs, pine trees “hanging” on its slopes and turquoise waters create a landscape of unique beauty. It is located on the main road from Stafilos to Amaranto. On the edge of the gorge, almost hanging over the abyss, there is a small church.


Venetian building, which was intended for the Bishop of Skopelos. It remained unfinished due to the raids of the pirate Barbarossa.

Ethnographical museum

Located in one of the oldest buildings on the island, built in 1765. Exists since 1993. Most of the exhibits presented in the museum belonged to its owners, the Khadzistamati-Nikolaidi family, well-known on the island, while others were donated by the inhabitants of the island. The museum's collection includes local national costumes, a bed prepared for a wedding, household items, pottery, knives, paintings by folk artists and rich photographic material. Ship miniatures and a model of the traditional Skopelos shipyard - tarsana, represent local maritime and shipbuilding traditions.

Asklepion of ancient Peparitos

Asklepion is the most important archaeological find of Skopelos and all Sporades. This is one of the oldest sanctuaries dedicated to Asclepius, the god of medicine, which dates back to the 4th century BC. e. In 1961, the walls of ancient buildings were discovered, later destroyed by the sea. During subsequent excavations, the foundations of other buildings and the remains of ceramic vessels were discovered. The inscription "ASKL" on one of the shells found has led archaeologists to conclude that this is the sanctuary of Asclepius. This assumption is confirmed by the place where it is located. Among the finds at the Asklepion are the head of a statue of a girl, the torso of a statue of a boy, and a column with a relief depiction of human beings. Archaeological work continues today.

The climate on the island is Mediterranean, which is influenced by the winds blowing from the Aegean Sea. The average temperature in the summer months is about 30 o C. The heat is easily tolerated, thanks to the pine forests. Refresh the atmosphere and quite frequent thunderstorms here. In August, the “meltemi” blows during the day - the northern winds of a seasonal nature, so a light sweater in the evening will not hurt.

The big "trump card" of Skopelos is, of course, its beautiful beaches with crystal water, playing with all shades of turquoise, dense greenery and wonderful landscapes. The green pines surrounding them approach the very sea. They make Skopelos unique. With this feature, the beaches of Skopelos differ from the beaches of Kaklad, to which we are accustomed.

Skopelos has beaches for all tastes: cosmopolitan, family, secluded for nature lovers and nudists, sandy and pebbly. You can choose between crowded, organized with sun loungers, umbrellas, water sports, taverns and bars, and deep coves, ideal for exploring the beauties of the seabed with a mask or speargun. Most of them are easily accessible by public transport. You can rent bicycles, motorcycles or take a taxi.

There are many secluded coves and windless bays on the island, which cannot even be reached on foot. Remote and less known, they have so far escaped human intervention and remain in their original form. To get there, you can rent a boat with an outboard motor. In the same way, you can get to the deserted island of Ai Georgi (St. George), located between Skopelos and Alonissos. Maybe the best way to spend a quiet relaxing day is to stock up on food, rent a small boat, choose a small deserted beach and share the rest on it only with seagulls.

There are usually no winds on Skopelos in the summer, the famous meltemyas do not blow, as in the Cyclades. But even if there is wind, you can always find a beach protected from it. With a north wind, the north coast is an ideal place for lovers of big waves, while the south, on the contrary, is calm, and vice versa. Scuba diving with oxygen tanks is prohibited on the island. It would be better to contact the port authorities for information before engaging in your favorite sport.

Northern and Eastern beaches

Agios Konstantinos(Glyfoneri)

Less known to the general public, relatively quiet, not crowded. Ideal for families. It is located just 2.5 km from the city of Skopelos. The beach offers a beautiful view of the neighboring island of Alonissos and the bay. The traditional tavern of Ms. Stella, located nearby, makes the best pitas on the island. The parking lot is full during high season. You can get there by car. And if you are not in a hurry, you can take a walk and walk. Have fun!


This is a small and closed bay with large pebbles, 4.5 km from the city of Skopelos in the north of the island. Also not very well known to tourists, so not crowded and quite quiet. On the beach there is a traditional tavern, umbrellas and sun loungers for rent, showers. Enough parking space even in August. You can get there by car on an asphalt road. Romantic lovers can get in by sea on a boat that departs from the port of Skopelos at regular intervals.


These are two beautiful beaches with many seagulls, completely deserted. The man has never intervened here, thanks to which they have preserved their original state and natural beauty intact. Located along the northern coast of the island, near the city of Skopelos, almost at the very port. They can only be reached by boat. Every winter, strong winds and violent waves, combined with rain and landslides, create amazing beach outlines, pebbles and various grottoes. So next season, the view of the beaches may be different from the previous one, but always impressive. Hundreds of shells live in huge smooth rocks, half hidden in the water and half protruding from the sea. The beaches are ideal for nudism.

South and West Beaches

Most of the best beaches are located on the southern and windless coast of the island.


Milia Beach is one of the best beaches in Skopelos. It is located 25 km northwest of Chora. This large coast can be called exotic. Small white pebbles and turquoise water, characteristic rocks protruding from the water, greenery of countless pine trees around beautifully complements the landscape and allows the eye to rest. A large rock divides the coast in two. The left side is crowded, the right side is quieter. The beach is organized, there is a beach bar, rescue service. Directly opposite it lies the small green island of Dasias. Stay on the beach until the evening and you will be able to admire the magical sunset, which will undoubtedly remain in your memory forever. From the capital of the island - Hora (port) to the beach 20-25 minutes. by car.


The most famous beach of Skopelos. Located next to Milia, 21 km from Hora. On the shortest road to it 15 km. The beach has become famous all over the world due to the fact that many of the shootings of the famous musical Mamma mia took place here. The beach is smaller than Milia. Pine trees descend to the sea, the water is wonderful. Recently it has become one of the most organized on the island, with many amenities in the Castani Bar and many landscaped areas. Getting to the beach is easy along a dirt road that ends at the car park. The distance to Chora is about 15 km (22 min. by car).


One of the most popular and crowded beaches of the island and one of the most beautiful beaches in the Aegean. Panormos is a large windless bay with a pebble-strewn shore and crystal water, which deepens sharply right at the very shore. It impresses and delights almost everyone. The beach is organized, there is a lifeguard. Hotels, apartments, restaurants are located along the entire length of the coast. There is a car park, relatively small. It is worth enjoying swimming on the beach in the evening when the sun goes down. The sunsets here are magnificent. In ancient times, on the hill of Paliokastro in Panormos, there was an acropolis surrounded by a fortress wall, which has been perfectly preserved. Panormos is 18 km from Skopelos on the Stafilos-Agnonda road and 12 km on a shorter road from Agios Righino. But don't let the miles intimidate you - trips around the island are pleasant and short, and pass through dense forests and natural areas of exceptional beauty. In addition, the words "traffic light" and "traffic jams" are unusual here. From the capital of the island to the beach 15-20 minutes drive. The natural bay of Blo near Panormos is considered one of the most beautiful places, truly unique in the beauty of nature because of the natural bay. And from here you can admire the most beautiful sunsets on the island. Unfortunately, on one of the slopes visible from the beach, a forest fire broke out a few years ago. But the forest is recovering itself - a new growth of pines has already appeared.


This is the first beach that you meet 4 km from the city of Skopelos - one of the most famous and crowded beaches of the island. It received its name from the name of King Stafil. This beautiful pine-covered bay with sandy and pebbly coastline and clear water is a great choice for swimming. The beach is organized, with a beach bar, there is a lifeguard.

If you are coming by bus (7 min from Chora), keep in mind that it stops at the top, on the Skopelos-Glossa road. From there you will have to walk about 500 m. Don't be alarmed: the path goes through a dense pine forest and is certainly impressive. Going down the stairs, you reach the beach. Directly above it is a restaurant with good food. There are 2 other restaurants nearby.


If you pass Stafilo beach along the coast and the path on top of the hill, you will find yourself on the second beach - Velanio, which is worth a visit, despite the fact that it takes a short walk to reach it. This is the only beach on the island where nudism is officially allowed (it has been declared a nude beach). It starts right immediately after the first rock, which in some way divides the coast. Of course, those who do not want to swim naked come here to relax, because the beach is one of the favorites among the population.

There is a beautiful cave on the right side of the beach, and water flows from the rocks at the end of it, a sign that ancient baths existed here in the Roman era.

Velanio has its own interesting feature: when the sun sets and there are fewer bathers, wild goats often descend to the edge of the beach to drink water from the sea. On the coast of Velanio, as well as on most of the beaches of the island, you will not find high-rise hotels and tourist infrastructure, which in general can change their natural beauty. It seems incredible, but it's true. Therefore, when you swim in its waters, you see only a beautiful coast and a slope with a dense pine forest. This is the Skopelos of your dreams. The beach is very long. The farther, the more beautiful it and the seabed.

If you have a boat or a boat and want to anchor off the coast, be careful. Mooring is not possible everywhere. Therefore, it is a good idea to have detailed navigation maps with you. Distance from the city of Skopelos (from the port) – 4.4 km (about 7 minutes by car).


At a distance of 9.5 km from the town of Skopelos, one turn after Agnonda, you will see a sign that announces another beautiful beach - Limnonari.

There is a legend that the name of the beach comes from the name of the god of war Aris (Lake Aris), who was fascinated by its beauty. There is another version of the origin of the name. Since the bay is closed and completely protected from the winds, the name Limnonari, meaning a small lake, accurately describes the generally quiet and calm waters of the bay.

In any case, you will certainly be captivated by the turquoise waters and the fine white sand of the coast that the winter waves leave behind. After winter, there is a good chance that a strip of pebbles will appear on the beach for several meters to the water's edge, which you must cross or carefully enter directly into the water from a shallow area. But this is not an obstacle at all and you will definitely enjoy the beach. Limnonari is one of the organized beaches of Skopelos: there are sunbeds and umbrellas, two small taverns next to the beach and a car park. The road leading to Limnonari is narrow and winding, so caution is required. You can get from Skopelos in 15 minutes.


Below Amaranto, at a distance of 8 km from the city, there is the Agnondas beach surrounded by pine trees. Here the pines literally hug the sea, and the sunsets are unique. It got its name from the ancient Olympian from Peparitio Agononda, after he returned victorious in the pentathlon from Olympia in 568 BC. e. and disembarked from the ship at this place. The whole area was named after the winner, and his image was minted on silver coins of the classical era.

Agnontas is also a fishing port. Every night, dozens of boats go out to sea to catch fish and squid, which you can enjoy if you stop by one of its many fish taverns. Distance from the port of Skopelos town 8 km – about 10 min. by car.

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Enchanting, green landscapes, emerald waters of stunning coastlines, nature of extraordinary beauty, traditional architecture, majestic monasteries and an authentic island atmosphere - all this is Skopelos, one of the greenest islands in Greece. Almost 80% of it is covered with virgin pine forest. Fortunately for him, or vice versa, he is a little away from the frequently visited, popular tourist routes. Once here, you begin to think that paradise certainly has something from Skopelos, from the tranquility of the pines that create this green refuge in the midst of the Aegean immensity. Skopelos, a place special not only for its nature, but also for its history and culture, calls to discover it!

Skopelos is the second largest island in the Northern Sporades archipelago after Skiathos. It is located between Skiathos, which is 6-7 km away, and Alonissos - 3-4 km. The length of the island is about 15 km, the width is only 6 km. The area of ​​the island is 96 km 2, and its perimeter is 67 km. Skopelos lies on the same geographical longitude (380 o) with Sardinia, Spanish Mallorca and Ibiza, Portuguese Azores and California (USA). There are many small islands around it: Agios Georgios, Mikro, Dasia, Kasida, Paximada, Pleuro, Portes, Strongylo. Two mountains rise above Skopelos - Paluki (565 m) and Delphi (680 m). The ravines and depressions around them during the rains turn into small streams and rivers. Geographically, the island is considered a continuation of the Pelion peninsula, and administratively belongs to the periphery of Thessaly. About 5,000 people live here permanently.

There are 3 main ports on the island: Skopelos, Agnonda and Glossa. It is connected to the mainland by regular flights from the ports of Agios Konstantinos and Volos. In the summer season, ordinary ships go here from Thessaloniki. A permanent message connects with each other and all the islands of the Sporades. Skopelos has an excellent tourist infrastructure. But compared to neighboring cosmopolitan Skiathos, there are fewer tourists here. Therefore, the island has largely managed to maintain its traditional character.

The beauty of Skopelos did not leave indifferent even Hollywood producers who decided to shoot the film Mamma Mia here in 2008, which made the island one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world! Skopelos lives today under the star of the popular musical and dances to the music of Abba. In Ai Yanni, where the scenes of the famous film were filmed, hundreds of tourists come every day to wander the streets where Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan used to walk.

Skopelos also lives to the sounds of Rebetiko, a special style of Greek music, because Rebetiko and Skopelos are inseparable. It is believed that this style originated here, and it is no coincidence that the island itself is shaped like a saxophone. The sounds of the bouzouki from the tavern of the famous rembetis Giorgis Xintaris in the Kastro district of Chora even reach the city's port.

Local cuisine is a wide variety of dishes that are prepared from fresh products produced on the island. But the island is famous for its traditional specialty - "tiropita strifti". It is a crunchy puff pastry pie stuffed with local goat cheese in the shape of a spiral. Be sure to try it. Rofos stifado (fish in red sauce), meat with quince, pork with plums are some of the specialties that make the island famous. Various types of fresh fish and seafood and a salad from the local plant "kritamo" are served in all taverns. Jams are another advantage of the local cuisine. The most famous of them is "avgato", from one of the local varieties of plums. Plums are the main agricultural product of Skopelos. Be sure to try "Himalia" - a local sweet made from almonds, which is usually served at weddings.


The history of the island, like the whole of Greece, goes back centuries. The oldest traces of human presence on Skopelos date back to the 16th century. BC e. According to myths, the first to settle here were immigrants from Crete, from Knossos, led by Stafilos, the son of Ariadne and Theseus. This myth is an attempt to explain the origin of the famous wine of Skopelos - Peparitio, the connection of the island with Athens, as well as the existence of a city called Knossos on the island. The myth is also confirmed by the traces of the Minoan culture found in Stafilo - Mycenaean tombs and Asklepion.

At the beginning of the 5th century BC e. the island was a strong city-state called Peparítos, which prospered from the trade of its famous wine, Peparítio. He was also known in the ancient world for the fact that his resident Agnon Peparitios won the running competition at the 53rd Olympiad in 568, which brought him immortality. Running was one of the main competitions of the pentathlon (pentathlon), which also included wrestling, long jumps, discus throwing and javelins. The pentathlon was included in the program of all other athletic competitions in ancient Greece, because these skills were necessary for a skilled warrior. Therefore, the victory in the pentathlon at the Olympics was considered the most honorable, and the Olympics itself and the four years following it were called the name of the winner.

Sostratos, a Peparitian robber, was born on the island, who in 351 BC. e. captured the island of Cyra Panagia north of Alonissos and made it his refuge and Dioklis Peparitios, a historian of the III century. BC e.

The island is practically not mentioned in ancient sources. By the end of antiquity, in the Hellenistic period, it changes its name and appears under its current name. During the Roman and Byzantine periods, Skopelos was constantly subjected to pirate raids and was a place of exile for criminals. As part of the Duchy of Naxos, he was in the possession of the Franks. Then again, during the reign of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, for a short time he passed to Byzantium. In 1204 the island was conquered by the Venetians and the Gisi family ruled here. In 1538, Skopelos was conquered by the famous Turkish admiral Barbarossa, who completely ruined it and destroyed almost all the inhabitants. Travelers of the 16th century mention that the island was uninhabited for a long time after the disaster. The inhabitants of Skopelos took an active part in the national liberation war of 1821. Refugees from Macedonia, Thessaly and Evia settled on the island, and in 1830 it became part of the Greek state, along with other Sporades, according to the London Treaty.

Maritime traditions and shipbuilding art played a very important role in the economic and cultural development of the island. The local sailors brought stories and objects from distant cultures from their voyages, thereby opening a window to the world. Today Skopelos is less cosmopolitan than Skiathos, an island that has largely retained its traditional character. Combined with the natural beauty, this makes it a unique place, especially for those who love a relaxing holiday.


The city of Skopelos (or Chora) is the capital of the island, located in its eastern part. The beautiful amphitheater town starts from the port itself and climbs up three hills. From the sea, a breathtaking and forever memorable view of the city opens up. Picturesque cobbled streets winding like snakes from Panagitsa Pirgu, not far from the port, lead to Kastro. Churches scattered everywhere, beautiful houses traditional for the Greek islands with courtyards immersed in flowers, surround Kastro. The view of the city, the port and the church of Panagia Pirgu from the top of Kastro is charming. The old town has been declared a protected cultural monument. Traditional buildings are of interest not only to tourists, but also to artists, photographers, creative people and specialists. Due to the steepness of the slopes, they cannot be reached by car. You have to climb the stairs, climb the slopes, walk enough on foot to see 120 Byzantine churches, the walls of the Byzantine fortress of the 13th century. and quiet calm squares overlooking the Aegean Sea. Walk through the streets full of flowers and multi-colored bougainvilleas climbing the whitewashed walls, notice the beauty of each house, note the taste of the master who built it, enjoy their multicolor and simplicity. Admire the subtlety of decorations hanging over the streets of wooden balconies, impressive stone roofs. Feel the warmth behind the white lace curtains.

In contrast to the quiet quarters, in the upper part of the city, in the areas around the port and the waterfront, there is a vibrant life. There are restaurants, taverns, uzeri, pizzerias, pancake shops, pastry shops, cafeterias and bars. There are many shops offering ceramics, handmade jewelry, clothes and beautiful souvenirs of high quality and aesthetics. All this gives the city a cosmopolitan atmosphere.


Glossa is the second largest settlement of the island after its capital. It is located 25 km north of it. "High village", "covered with vineyards" - this is the name of this most densely populated village of the island. Narrow streets, rich traditional houses and colorful squares make up its picture. On the ascents and descents, there are many two-story houses, the architecture of which resembles that of Macedonian. It is a peaceful picturesque village, surrounded by vineyards and untouched by tourism, with magnificent sunsets. There is also its own breed of sheep, which is also called "glossa".

The name "Glossa" is believed to be a corruption of "Knossos" because the first inhabitants of the village were the Minoans. Locals joke that climbing such steep slopes, you involuntarily “stick out your tongue”, which is why the village is called that. "Glossa" in Greek means "tongue". It is worth visiting the monastery of Agios Taxiarchis (St. Archangels), built during the Turkocracy period. The surroundings of the village are of great archaeological interest. Remains of ancient towers and buildings have been found here.

If you have time, also visit cosmopolitan Skiathos or tranquil Alonnissos, home to the monachus monachus (white-bellied) seal marine park.


There is a lot to see in Skopelos. Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy the beautiful nature, which in itself is already an attraction. Together with the wonderful nature, you will discover traces of history dating back to the Bronze Age. Skopelos is a place where ancient religious traditions are carefully preserved. Scattered throughout the island are monasteries and chapels of great cultural significance. Most of them date from the Byzantine era. It is traditionally believed that there are 360 ​​churches here - one for each day of the year, just like on the island of Ios. This, together with some important monasteries, makes Skopelos a unique destination of religious interest.

24 monasteries

The ancient monastery of the Annunciation (Evangelistria) is located east of Chora. It was restored in 1712. It is famous for its Catholic cathedral and fortified wall protecting the monastery. From here you have a magnificent panoramic view of the port and the city of Skopelos. The Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Metamorphosis tou Sotira) was built in the 16th century. Behind it is the monastery of St. Barbara (XVII century), and 300 meters from it is the monastery of St. John the Baptist (Timios Prodromos) with icons of the XVI century.

Interesting is the monastery of St. Regin in the south of Skopelos, built on the ruins of an ancient temple. The Church of St. John in Castries (Ai Yanni) in the north of the island is a beautiful church on top of a cliff. This is exactly the church where many scenes of the famous musical "Mamma Mia" were filmed. After the release of the film in 2008, she became famous all over the world. It can be reached by steps carved into the rock. The view from here is fantastic. Many come here to have a romantic wedding in the famous church.

Truly countless churches amazes the city of Skopelos. The most interesting of them are: the Church of the Nativity, where the relics of St. Regin are buried, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas Vrahu with icons of the 17th century, St. Athanasius in Kastri with frescoes of the 17th century, the Church of the Holy Apostles "Vracho tis Rizanis" and the Church of the Nativity (Genisios tou Christou) - the Cathedral of Skopelos, famous for its unique carved wooden iconostasis of exceptional beauty, made in 1762.

Draconicism (Dragon Crack)

One of the legends says that 800 years ago a dragon lived on the island. He devoured people, because of which the island was deserted. Then Saint Reginos, patron and protector of Skopelos, pursued the dragon. Running away to save himself, he fell into the gorge. The ground at this point opened up and swallowed him up. Since then, it has been called Dracontoschizma (Dragon's Crack). In fact, it is a deep canyon that reaches to the sea. Steep cliffs, pine trees “hanging” on its slopes and turquoise waters create a landscape of unique beauty. It is located on the main road from Stafilos to Amaranto. On the edge of the gorge, almost hanging over the abyss, there is a small church.


Venetian building, which was intended for the Bishop of Skopelos. It remained unfinished due to the raids of the pirate Barbarossa.

Ethnographical museum

Located in one of the oldest buildings on the island, built in 1765. Exists since 1993. Most of the exhibits presented in the museum belonged to its owners, the Khadzistamati-Nikolaidi family, well-known on the island, while others were donated by the inhabitants of the island. The museum's collection includes local national costumes, a bed prepared for a wedding, household items, pottery, knives, paintings by folk artists and rich photographic material. Ship miniatures and a model of the traditional Skopelos shipyard - tarsana, represent local maritime and shipbuilding traditions.

Asklepion of ancient Peparitos

Asklepion is the most important archaeological find of Skopelos and all Sporades. This is one of the oldest sanctuaries dedicated to Asclepius, the god of medicine, which dates back to the 4th century BC. e. In 1961, the walls of ancient buildings were discovered, later destroyed by the sea. During subsequent excavations, the foundations of other buildings and the remains of ceramic vessels were discovered. The inscription "ASKL" on one of the shells found has led archaeologists to conclude that this is the sanctuary of Asclepius. This assumption is confirmed by the place where it is located. Among the finds at the Asklepion are the head of a statue of a girl, the torso of a statue of a boy, and a column with a relief depiction of human beings. Archaeological work continues today.

The climate on the island is Mediterranean, which is influenced by the winds blowing from the Aegean Sea. The average temperature in the summer months is about 30 o C. The heat is easily tolerated, thanks to the pine forests. Refresh the atmosphere and quite frequent thunderstorms here. In August, the “meltemi” blows during the day - the northern winds of a seasonal nature, so a light sweater in the evening will not hurt.

The big "trump card" of Skopelos is, of course, its beautiful beaches with crystal water, playing with all shades of turquoise, dense greenery and wonderful landscapes. The green pines surrounding them approach the very sea. They make Skopelos unique. With this feature, the beaches of Skopelos differ from the beaches of Kaklad, to which we are accustomed.

Skopelos has beaches for all tastes: cosmopolitan, family, secluded for nature lovers and nudists, sandy and pebbly. You can choose between crowded, organized with sun loungers, umbrellas, water sports, taverns and bars, and deep coves, ideal for exploring the beauties of the seabed with a mask or speargun. Most of them are easily accessible by public transport. You can rent bicycles, motorcycles or take a taxi.

There are many secluded coves and windless bays on the island, which cannot even be reached on foot. Remote and less known, they have so far escaped human intervention and remain in their original form. To get there, you can rent a boat with an outboard motor. In the same way, you can get to the deserted island of Ai Georgi (St. George), located between Skopelos and Alonissos. Maybe the best way to spend a quiet relaxing day is to stock up on food, rent a small boat, choose a small deserted beach and share the rest on it only with seagulls.

There are usually no winds on Skopelos in the summer, the famous meltemyas do not blow, as in the Cyclades. But even if there is wind, you can always find a beach protected from it. With a north wind, the north coast is an ideal place for lovers of big waves, while the south, on the contrary, is calm, and vice versa. Scuba diving with oxygen tanks is prohibited on the island. It would be better to contact the port authorities for information before engaging in your favorite sport.

Northern and Eastern beaches

Agios Konstantinos(Glyfoneri)

Less known to the general public, relatively quiet, not crowded. Ideal for families. It is located just 2.5 km from the city of Skopelos. The beach offers a beautiful view of the neighboring island of Alonissos and the bay. The traditional tavern of Ms. Stella, located nearby, makes the best pitas on the island. The parking lot is full during high season. You can get there by car. And if you are not in a hurry, you can take a walk and walk. Have fun!


This is a small and closed bay with large pebbles, 4.5 km from the city of Skopelos in the north of the island. Also not very well known to tourists, so not crowded and quite quiet. On the beach there is a traditional tavern, umbrellas and sun loungers for rent, showers. Enough parking space even in August. You can get there by car on an asphalt road. Romantic lovers can get in by sea on a boat that departs from the port of Skopelos at regular intervals.


These are two beautiful beaches with many seagulls, completely deserted. The man has never intervened here, thanks to which they have preserved their original state and natural beauty intact. Located along the northern coast of the island, near the city of Skopelos, almost at the very port. They can only be reached by boat. Every winter, strong winds and violent waves, combined with rain and landslides, create amazing beach outlines, pebbles and various grottoes. So next season, the view of the beaches may be different from the previous one, but always impressive. Hundreds of shells live in huge smooth rocks, half hidden in the water and half protruding from the sea. The beaches are ideal for nudism.

South and West Beaches

Most of the best beaches are located on the southern and windless coast of the island.


Milia Beach is one of the best beaches in Skopelos. It is located 25 km northwest of Chora. This large coast can be called exotic. Small white pebbles and turquoise water, characteristic rocks protruding from the water, greenery of countless pine trees around beautifully complements the landscape and allows the eye to rest. A large rock divides the coast in two. The left side is crowded, the right side is quieter. The beach is organized, there is a beach bar, rescue service. Directly opposite it lies the small green island of Dasias. Stay on the beach until the evening and you will be able to admire the magical sunset, which will undoubtedly remain in your memory forever. From the capital of the island - Hora (port) to the beach 20-25 minutes. by car.


The most famous beach of Skopelos. Located next to Milia, 21 km from Hora. On the shortest road to it 15 km. The beach has become famous all over the world due to the fact that many of the shootings of the famous musical Mamma mia took place here. The beach is smaller than Milia. Pine trees descend to the sea, the water is wonderful. Recently it has become one of the most organized on the island, with many amenities in the Castani Bar and many landscaped areas. Getting to the beach is easy along a dirt road that ends at the car park. The distance to Chora is about 15 km (22 min. by car).


One of the most popular and crowded beaches of the island and one of the most beautiful beaches in the Aegean. Panormos is a large windless bay with a pebble-strewn shore and crystal water, which deepens sharply right at the very shore. It impresses and delights almost everyone. The beach is organized, there is a lifeguard. Hotels, apartments, restaurants are located along the entire length of the coast. There is a car park, relatively small. It is worth enjoying swimming on the beach in the evening when the sun goes down. The sunsets here are magnificent. In ancient times, on the hill of Paliokastro in Panormos, there was an acropolis surrounded by a fortress wall, which has been perfectly preserved. Panormos is 18 km from Skopelos on the Stafilos-Agnonda road and 12 km on a shorter road from Agios Righino. But don't let the miles intimidate you - trips around the island are pleasant and short, and pass through dense forests and natural areas of exceptional beauty. In addition, the words "traffic light" and "traffic jams" are unusual here. From the capital of the island to the beach 15-20 minutes drive. The natural bay of Blo near Panormos is considered one of the most beautiful places, truly unique in the beauty of nature because of the natural bay. And from here you can admire the most beautiful sunsets on the island. Unfortunately, on one of the slopes visible from the beach, a forest fire broke out a few years ago. But the forest is recovering itself - a new growth of pines has already appeared.


This is the first beach that you meet 4 km from the city of Skopelos - one of the most famous and crowded beaches of the island. It received its name from the name of King Stafil. This beautiful pine-covered bay with sandy and pebbly coastline and clear water is a great choice for swimming. The beach is organized, with a beach bar, there is a lifeguard.

If you are coming by bus (7 min from Chora), keep in mind that it stops at the top, on the Skopelos-Glossa road. From there you will have to walk about 500 m. Don't be alarmed: the path goes through a dense pine forest and is certainly impressive. Going down the stairs, you reach the beach. Directly above it is a restaurant with good food. There are 2 other restaurants nearby.


If you pass Stafilo beach along the coast and the path on top of the hill, you will find yourself on the second beach - Velanio, which is worth a visit, despite the fact that it takes a short walk to reach it. This is the only beach on the island where nudism is officially allowed (it has been declared a nude beach). It starts right immediately after the first rock, which in some way divides the coast. Of course, those who do not want to swim naked come here to relax, because the beach is one of the favorites among the population.

There is a beautiful cave on the right side of the beach, and water flows from the rocks at the end of it, a sign that ancient baths existed here in the Roman era.

Velanio has its own interesting feature: when the sun sets and there are fewer bathers, wild goats often descend to the edge of the beach to drink water from the sea. On the coast of Velanio, as well as on most of the beaches of the island, you will not find high-rise hotels and tourist infrastructure, which in general can change their natural beauty. It seems incredible, but it's true. Therefore, when you swim in its waters, you see only a beautiful coast and a slope with a dense pine forest. This is the Skopelos of your dreams. The beach is very long. The farther, the more beautiful it and the seabed.

If you have a boat or a boat and want to anchor off the coast, be careful. Mooring is not possible everywhere. Therefore, it is a good idea to have detailed navigation maps with you. Distance from the city of Skopelos (from the port) – 4.4 km (about 7 minutes by car).


At a distance of 9.5 km from the town of Skopelos, one turn after Agnonda, you will see a sign that announces another beautiful beach - Limnonari.

There is a legend that the name of the beach comes from the name of the god of war Aris (Lake Aris), who was fascinated by its beauty. There is another version of the origin of the name. Since the bay is closed and completely protected from the winds, the name Limnonari, meaning a small lake, accurately describes the generally quiet and calm waters of the bay.

In any case, you will certainly be captivated by the turquoise waters and the fine white sand of the coast that the winter waves leave behind. After winter, there is a good chance that a strip of pebbles will appear on the beach for several meters to the water's edge, which you must cross or carefully enter directly into the water from a shallow area. But this is not an obstacle at all and you will definitely enjoy the beach. Limnonari is one of the organized beaches of Skopelos: there are sunbeds and umbrellas, two small taverns next to the beach and a car park. The road leading to Limnonari is narrow and winding, so caution is required. You can get from Skopelos in 15 minutes.


Below Amaranto, at a distance of 8 km from the city, there is the Agnondas beach surrounded by pine trees. Here the pines literally hug the sea, and the sunsets are unique. It got its name from the ancient Olympian from Peparitio Agononda, after he returned victorious in the pentathlon from Olympia in 568 BC. e. and disembarked from the ship at this place. The whole area was named after the winner, and his image was minted on silver coins of the classical era.

Agnontas is also a fishing port. Every night, dozens of boats go out to sea to catch fish and squid, which you can enjoy if you stop by one of its many fish taverns. Distance from the port of Skopelos town 8 km – about 10 min. by car.

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How to get there

You can sail to Skopelos by ferry or "flying dolphin" from Agios Konstantinos, Volos, Skiathos and Alonissos, and in summer also from Kyma, Skyros and other islands.

Search for flights to Athens (nearest airport to Skopelos)

The beaches of Skopelos

Limnonari is a deep bay with a sandy shore, characterized by wild beauty.

Panorm is a picturesque bay on the island, 16 km from Chora. There is a wonderful beach and an island overgrown with greenery.

Milia is the most beautiful and longest beach in Skopelos. Dense pine trees, sharply descending to the sea, a green island and a beautiful color of water.

Elios - sandy beach 21 km from Chora.

Popular hotels in Skopelos

Entertainment and attractions of Skopelos

There are more than 100 churches in Chora, many of which are real masterpieces. Among them are the churches of the Life-Giving Source, the Archangel Michael, Christ, and between the ruins of Kastro - the church of St. Athanasius. An old Skopelos house deserves attention, where you can see its interior decoration, which is made up of local folk art products - fabrics, embroidery and ceramics.

Stafil is a bay named after the legendary commander King Minos, who founded the city of Skopel and became its first king. From Stafil you can go to the bay of Agnoita and the bay of Panorma, at the entrance to which there is an island densely overgrown with greenery. Beyond the Panorm lies Milia with its endless sandy beaches.

The northeast coast of the island, with its steep ravines and cliffs, can only be visited by boat.

It is also worth visiting the famous monasteries of Skopelos with rare frescoes, icons and carved wooden iconostasis.

Maps of Skopelos


There are more than 12 monasteries on Skopelos, the most interesting of which are: the monastery of St. Regin, 3 km south of Chora. On its territory is the tomb of St. Regin, who is considered the patron saint of the island and suffered martyrdom on Skopelos in 362. Episkopi Monastery is only 10 minutes from Chora. There was an episcopal see here. Evangelistria Monastery is one of the most significant monasteries of the island. And also: the Transfiguration Monastery and the Monastery of the Forerunner.

Decided to spend your vacation in ? Amazing! We advise you to go to the island of Skopelos. Attractions and its beaches will not leave you indifferent. We will talk about the features of recreation in 2020 on Skopelos in this article.

Skopelos is an island that is located in the northern side of Greece and is practically unexplored by travelers. Remarkably, this has been the case for a long time. For example, in ancient times this place was located at a very distant distance from key trade routes, and until the 13th century it generally played the role of a place of exile.

Thanks to this, it is precisely in the unknown that the whole charm of the island lies, because the primary natural territories have remained intact here, there are almost no vacationers, and there is an opportunity to see the true Greece without tourist comfort, and the locals stand out for their special friendliness. Skopelos is still popular due to the ceramics made in these places, the specific-tasty plums and other fruits growing.

Skopelos is considered perhaps the greenest of the Greek islands.

Here, according to legend, King Stafil once ruled, who was the son of the god of winemaking, Dionysus. This island is still famous for its wine.

Today, about 5,000 people live on the island.


The weather on the island of Skopelos stands out due to a certain softness and small temperature differences, which regularly pleasantly surprise vacationers at any time of the year. The Mediterranean type of climate is characterized by pleasant coolness and is suitable for tourists of any age category. Thanks to this, Skopelos is a climatic resort area, which is in demand among travelers from all over the world.

If you get to rest in 2020 exactly here, you will be able to feel the gentle and cool breeze that blows from the sea surface. In addition, the shady area in the mountains is able to envelop with unique ranges of impressions, which will give the rest a huge amount of positive emotions.

How to get there

You can get here by ferry or "flying dolphin" from Alonissos and Agios Konstantinos, and in the summer from Skyros and other islands in the vicinity.


In these places, three methods of transportation are especially popular: own car, public transport or boat.

Personal transport

A car, motorcycle or ATV is the most comfortable way to get around the island. All these types of vehicles are most often rented. The average cost of renting a motorcycle and an ATV is about 1,400 rubles per day. On the island, local offices and large networks (EuropCar and others) offer to rent transport. In addition, they actively move around with the help of taxis.

Car rental

On the island, it is possible to rent a car both from local private traders and at specialized rental offices. The rental price of transport is from 2,800 rubles. The offices of the rental companies are located in the port of Skopelos and Glossa. It is important to remember that the roads here are not of very high quality, and therefore it is sometimes easier to use the services of taxi drivers.


There are 3 parking lots here. The first is located in the port of Skopelos, the second in Loutaki, and the third in the main square of Glossa. In other cases, it is much better to ask the staff of a cafe or hotel to call you a car. Be sure to write down the driver's phone number immediately, as you will be able to communicate with him directly in the future. The price of a taxi ranges from 350 to 3 thousand rubles. The fare is fixed and do not forget to clarify it in advance. You can only pay for the trip in cash.

Public transport

There is only 1 bus route in Skopelos, which runs from the port of the island to the city of Glossa. On this route, the bus runs close to all key beaches and stops at 37 stops. The fare varies from 100 to 350 RUB. The maximum duration of the journey (from the first to the last stop) is on average 1 hour, sometimes a little more.

It is worth noting that using public transport is very comfortable. The price is very affordable and you can get to any desired point in Skopelos, of course, except for the mountain peaks, because they get there only on foot. Public transport has only one drawback - buses do not go to Agios Ioannis.


Many travelers advise using the water type of transport at least once, because this is not just a comfortable method of transportation, but at the same time a real sea voyage, and besides, some of the beaches can only be reached by water. In the ports of Loutaki and Skopelos there is a regular chance to find a boat of any size (number of passengers from 5 to 150).

All these boats ply on different routes, so it is imperative to find out in advance where the ship is going. The price of this sea trip is from 1000 RUB. If there is a desire to order a small yacht (with a capacity of up to 5 people) with a skipper for a few hours, the cost will vary from 8,500 to 10,500 rubles plus fuel.

Where to stay

Most of the territory of Skopelos is mountain peaks. Since ancient times, people settled near the coast, and in the mountains they built shelters from various kinds of temptations - monasteries. In this regard, even today, almost all hotels and apartments are located near the water.

In the central part of Skopelos, you can walk for hours in the mountains and never meet a person.

So, for example, in the town of the same name with the island, most of the hotels and villas are located right in the city, in the vicinity and on the nearby beach of Stafilos. We can say with confidence that it is here that the whole life of this place is concentrated. From the city to the beach is only 4 km, in this regard, Stafilos is the most crowded beach.

The city consists of the Old (absolutely walking) district, in which there are practically no hotels, but a huge number of villas are rented out. Since an almost new city has formed around the old area, all hotels, bars, shops and other establishments are located nearby. It is in this area that there is a high probability of finding any type of housing; both the inexpensive segment and luxury hotels are located here.

The island has a very developed network of hotels, so you do not have to worry about where to stay for the night. One of the well-known hotel booking services will help you choose a suitable inexpensive hotel. Or you can contact one of the Greek tour operators right on the spot.

In terms of the cost of holidays in 2020 in Skopelos: Its remoteness from the main infrastructure attracts a small number of travelers, and therefore the owners of hotels and other establishments significantly reduce prices. For example, the price of a room in a 1-2 star hotel or affordable villas ranges from 1,700 rubles even at the peak of the holiday season. On average, prices for hotels of the 3-4 star category vary from 3,500 to 10,500 RUB. The price for accommodation in five-star hotels starts from 14,000 per day.


Most of the establishments on Skopelos offer Greek cuisine that has become a tradition. You will definitely find octopuses, gyros, tiny gavros fish, as well as various seafood on the menu. The local dish - skopelitiki resembles a snail with cottage cheese, meat and cheese and is considered a dish to go. However, in reality, it is a very nutritious and high-calorie snail. Food is common in almost all institutions of Skopelos.

They do not make wines and liqueurs for external sale, however, local owners of individual establishments often like to treat their guests with homemade drinks, so you should not refuse local liqueurs, as they are very excellent.

Despite the fact that the number of tourists coming to the island is constantly increasing, the traditional way of life has been preserved here. In local towns, you can easily find many traditional taverns with delicious Greek cuisine and local wine.

The cost of visiting the establishment here is not too different from that offered by other islands. The price for a snack will cost a tourist approximately 350-400 RUB. For this money it is possible to order pancakes and some drink. For 650-950 rubles you can enjoy a moussaka dish, a Greek salad and a glass of wine in a restaurant with an amazing view. You can spend a chic evening with your soul mate for about 4,000 rubles.

Here you can find your own fruits, olive oil and seafood. Others are brought from the mainland, and therefore there is an extra charge in supermarkets for the category of imported goods, but quite moderately. Travelers can buy local olive oil for 700-1000 per liter.


All retail facilities are located on the central promenade of Skopelos. It will not be possible to find shops of popular brands here, and there are no various shopping malls, since only tiny private shops operate on the island, most of which sell the goods that vacationers need in the first place (panama hats, swimwear, shorts, and so on). Occasionally, locally made clothes come across - often in piece form and handmade from quality fabrics.

From the island, it is mandatory to bring goods made of ceramics and products made of precious stones.

Attractions and entertainment

Many churches were built on the island at different times. Each of them has its own history, which will be of interest to both ordinary tourists and pilgrims. For example, the church of Panayia Papamelitou is famous for its amazing interior and carved iconostasis by the master Agorastos from the island of Crete. This church was built in 1662.

Not far from the main city is the monastery of Agios Ioannis Prodromos, which is the main attraction of the area. It stands on top of a cliff, which can only be climbed by a very steep staircase. The surroundings of this monastery became the film set for some scenes in the film Mamma Mia.

The beaches of Skopelos

If you choose the island of Skopelos for your vacation, you can be sure that the local beaches will give you great pleasure. All of them are surrounded by pine forests, providing an atmosphere of privacy. Here you can also relax in the picturesque harbor or bay. The beaches of Milies and Panormos are especially popular with tourists; they are always crowded and full of tourists. Not far from the capital, you can relax on the beaches of Stafilos and Velona, ​​the pebble beach of Limonari is also popular. Another picturesque place is the ferry pier in the harbor of Agnodas.

The largest beach on the island and the most beautiful is Milia. Here you will be met by a dense pine forest descending directly to the sea, an island overgrown with greenery and the blue water of the bay.

On the island of Skopelos, all beaches are suitable for families with children, thanks to a smooth descent and shallow water near the shore. But unfortunately, there are no water parks, zoos and similar entertainments for young travelers. Therefore, deciding whether to take children with you on vacation in 2020 is completely individual.

What else you need to know about vacation

Here, in general, the roads are of very dubious quality, and therefore the most comfortable transport is an ATV, but at the same time it is also considered the most unsafe.


Recently, there have been no difficulties with accessing the Internet on the island, so almost every cafe and hotel has free Wi-Fi.


The island of Skopelos is the safest among the islands of the Mediterranean Sea, the degree of crime is reduced to a minimum. In addition, there are no wild animals and sharks, but in any case, you must adhere to elementary safety standards.

Skopelos - in the video:

Holidays in 2020 on the island of Skopelos - amazing, green mountain peaks, azure water and nature of extraordinary beauty. The place is ideal for fans of ancient architecture, as well as for those who like to sunbathe on the velvet sand.