Boeing 737 800 aircraft layout. Cabin layout and seat layout

March 2018 was marked by a special event for the American aircraft industry: the 10,000th Boeing 737 model was assembled. This fact is interesting for many from a commercial point of view.

The fact is that excellent aerodynamic and performance indicators and a well-thought-out cabin layout have made the Boeing 737-800 NG (Next Generation) one of the most popular aircraft serving modern airlines.

Today, the Boeing 737, whose production has not stopped since 1967, is the best-selling aircraft in the entire history of the development of air passenger transport. Boeing is assembled at several factories, the largest of which are located in Everett and Renton. The 737th version of the airliner is produced in the city of Renton (Washington State).

The Boeing 737 is a narrow-body passenger jet that was originally designed for relatively short-range flights with a small number of passengers on board. However, constant market competition has led to the fact that at the moment the Boeing 737 is the name of an entire family of aircraft, including 4 generations of airliners.

The most popular aircraft of the third generation is the Boeing 737-800 - an improved version based on the 737-400. Work on its design began in the fall of 1994. Taking into account the wishes of the customer (the German airline Hapag-Lloyd Flug), the 737NG version was developed taking into account continuity with the previous generation of Boeings. However, the similarity is preserved only in appearance.

In fact, the aircraft of this generation were thoroughly modernized:

  • Thus, the 737-800 model has a larger fuselage, which made it possible to accommodate a larger number of passengers on board.
  • The engines were replaced.
  • The cockpit is equipped with EFIS (a fully digital electronic flight data monitoring system) manufactured by Honeywell.
  • Added Head-Up Display system.
  • The wing area has been increased by 25% and its geometry has been changed. In 2013, designers installed aerodynamic Split Scimitar Winglets on the wings. By reducing vortex resistance, the winglets allowed the airliner to increase lift, reduce fuel consumption by 5.5%, and reduce noise during takeoff.
  • 5 years earlier (in 2008), the Safran Messier-Bugatti company, specializing in the production of aircraft landing and braking systems, proposed installing an alternative brake system on Boeings (steel brakes were replaced with carbon ones), which reduced the weight of the aircraft by 250–320 kg, thereby reducing fuel consumption by another 0.5%.

As a result, the aircraft received the following technical characteristics:

Boeing model 737-800

Length 39.5 m
Wingspan 35.7 m
Fuselage width 3.76 m
Wing surface 128.3 sq. m
Weight 41000 kg
Maximum take-off weight 79010 kg
Fuel reserve 26000 l
Turbofan aircraft engine (2) version CFM56-7B24, produced by CFM International
Speed 870 km/h
Flight altitude (maximum) 12500 m
Flight range 5600 km

Assembly of the first 737-800 model was completed on the last day of June 1997, and a month later it took off for the first time.

Passenger cabin layout

The interior layout of each generation has its own characteristics. This depends on the wishes of the customer, the size of the aircraft, the emergence of new technologies and the desire of the manufacturing company to create the most comfortable conditions for passengers. The 737 NG series salons were created on the basis of the 757 and 767 versions.

The Boeing 737-800 cabin (like other representatives of this generation) is presented in two versions:

In the first case, the cabin has all economy class seats (the 800th model is designed for 189 passengers).

The second option assumes the presence of business class and economy class seats in the cabin. The most comfortable seats are in business class, which is always located in the bow of the aircraft and is usually separated from economy class by a plastic partition or curtain.

There are soft, comfortable chairs with an impressive reclining angle. The galley and lavatories for elite clients are also located at the front of the aircraft. In economy class, the seats are less comfortable. Above them are shelves for hand luggage. For the kitchen and toilet rooms, the designers allocated space in the rear of the aircraft.

The most comfortable seats in economy class are those located immediately after the elite cabin. These places are removed from the living quarters and there is fairly wide legroom. Tickets for such seats are sold by many airlines at a higher price or to holders of bonus cards.

The worst seats include those located in the last row. However, statistics call these places the safest in case of a plane crash.

General principles of passenger seating

When placing passengers on board an aircraft, airline employees must provide their customers not only with comfort, but also with safety. The seat number on the boarding pass is indicated during check-in. Each passenger has the right to choose the seat that he considers most convenient for himself. However, there are rules that must be followed.


One of the largest airlines in the world is considered to be the Russian Aeroflot, whose origins go back to the distant 30s of the last century. Today, Aeroflot operates 253 airliners, the average age of which is just over 4 years (data as of January 2019). Since 2013, the company has been served by 47 Boeing 737-800.

The transport fleet is constantly updated, so we can talk about high reliability and safety of passenger transportation.

The Boeing 737-800, whose cabin layout includes 2 classes of service, is used on medium-range flights. The board can accommodate 20 business class passengers and 138 economy class passengers.

  • Elite seats occupy 5 rows. Each row has 4 seats, arranged in pairs on both sides of the cabin. The width between rows is 1 m. This distance is sufficient for passengers of any height. The most comfortable seats are in rows 2, 3 and 4. Passengers in rows 1 and 5 may be disturbed by the proximity of the kitchen, toilet, or noise from economy class.
  • For passengers who have taken an economy ticket, we can recommend row 6 (or the first in the budget part of the cabin). It’s calm here, there’s plenty of legroom, and the back of the row in front doesn’t interfere.
  • There are usually no complaints from passengers about rows 7 and 10.
  • As for 8 and 9, the window seats can be frustrating. If on 9 the location of the porthole is shifted to the row in front, then on 8 they are completely absent.
  • Rows 11 and 12 will not suit those passengers who planned to spend time in a reclining seat during the flight. The backs of the seats in these rows are fixed, as there are emergency hatches behind them. The only thing that can please passengers in the 12th row is increased legroom.
  • The 13th row (contrary to superstitions) is very comfortable: the chair reclines well, a great distance from the 12th row. However, due to safety precautions, passengers with disabilities, the elderly, with children, animals, and pregnant women are not accommodated here.
  • The seats in the 28th row may be uncomfortable: the proximity of the kitchen, toilet, and the back of the chair does not always recline sufficiently.
Comfort level Rows (seats)
The best
  • 14–27
  • 8 (A, F), 9 (A, F)
  • 11–12,
  • 27 (C, D), 28

"S7 Airlines" (brand name of Siberia Airlines)

This Russian carrier owns the largest network of domestic routes based at the air transport hubs of Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk. Provides both domestic and international passenger transportation. In total, the company operates 92 aircraft, including 21 Boeing 737-800, which have 2 slightly different layouts.

The Boeing 737-800 (the cabin layout of one variant differs from the other only in that one of the rows has not 6, but 4 seats) is equipped with two classes of service. There are 8 seats allocated for business class, and 168 for economy class (a total of 176 seats).

  • In one of the layouts, the business class compartment includes 8 seats arranged in 2 rows.
  • Economy class starts from row 3, which can also be considered the most comfortable.
  • 4–11 and 15–29 have a good level of comfort. The only thing that should be clarified during registration is the presence of portholes in row 9 (they may not be there).
  • Rows 12 and 13 cannot be called comfortable due to their location in the emergency exit area. Therefore, the backs of the seats in rows 12 and 13 do not recline to the desired position.
  • 14 – very comfortable row: reclining backrests, enough legroom.
  • The last 30th row is not very convenient due to its close proximity to the wall, kitchen and toilet areas.


The low-cost airline Pobeda (a subsidiary of Aeroflot) was founded in September 2014. In 2017, the daily flight hours of Pobeda aircraft were higher than those of other global air carriers.

The company's passenger transportation is carried out only by Boeing. At the end of 2018, there were 23 aircraft in the fleet and 7 more Boeing 800 models were ordered.

The aircraft serving the company have an economy class configuration.

The Boeing 737-800 (standard cabin layout) can carry 189 passengers. There are 32 rows in the cabin. There are 3 chairs on each side of the cabin.

In the 1st row there are only 3 seats on the left side. You can choose your own seats, but for a fee.

The distance between the rows is small, the backs of the seats are static. However, here you can find more comfortable places.

  • The most expensive and comfortable seats (with increased legroom) are those located in the 1st row (A, B, C), 2nd (D, E, F), as well as seats in the 15th and 16th rows.
  • Seats in rows 3–14 and row 2 (seats A, B, C) are cheaper. But in the area of ​​the 12th row there are no portholes. The listed seats are suitable for passengers who are in a hurry to get to the gate at the end of the flight.
  • For those who are not in a hurry and save money, you can buy tickets for seats in the rear section, located from row 17 to row 30 inclusive.
  • Seats in rows 31 and 32 are priced at a high price by the company, although there are no visible amenities here.


Rossiya Airlines began operating flights in 2006. In 2017, it took second place in terms of the number of passengers carried. There are 17 Boeings in the aircraft fleet. Airplanes of two configurations: with and without business class.

The interior layouts of airliners with different side numbers have differences in the numbering of seats:

  • A, B, E, F for a liner with registration number VP-BUS;
  • A, C, D, F for VQ-BUV, VQ-BVV.

In Rossiya Boeings, business class is designed for 12 people: 3 rows of 4 comfortable wide seats (a pair on each side of the cabin). Fastenings for cradles are installed in front of the first row. Particularly picky passengers will be more comfortable in the 2nd row.

Salons of different service levels are separated by a solid partition. Economy class starts at 4 and ends at 29. The layout of passenger cabins for aircraft with different tail numbers is slightly different.

  • The 4th row seats are considered the best. The distribution of in-flight meals begins from there, the backrests of the row in front, close to the exit, do not interfere. In addition, VQ-BUV, VQ-BVV have a mount for bassinets on the partition separating business class (this is very important for passengers with small children).
  • Seats with fixed backs are not very comfortable. These are rows 12, 13, 29 for Boeings with onboard designations VQ-BUV and VQ-BVV. And the VP-BUS liner has rows 11, 12, 29.
  • The most comfortable seats in economy class (called “SPACE+”) are located in row 13 (VP-BUS) and 14 (VQ-BUV and VQ-BVV).
  • The most uncomfortable (due to proximity to the toilet) are rows 28 and 29.

Boeing 737-800s, equipped with only one class of service, also have a slight difference in the cabin layout. An aircraft with the number VQ-BUE has 3 seats in the first row - D, E, F. For other airliners, the seats in the first row are designated A, B, C. The aircraft cabin is designed for 32 rows. Each row (except 1) has 6 seats: 3 on each side of the board.

  • The absence of business class allows us to classify the seats in the first 4 rows (in the cabin diagram they are designated as “front rows”) as the most comfortable. They are sold at an additional cost.
  • For passengers with small children, it is better to choose rows 1 and 2. In front of them there are mounts for cradles.
  • Not very comfortable seats in rows 14, 15, 32 (the backs of the seats are fixed).
  • Passengers in row 16 will feel comfortable. There is plenty of legroom here.
  • It won’t be news that passengers don’t like the last two rows.

"Nordwind" (Nordwind, North Wind)

Nordwind (North Wind) is a Russian carrier that began operating in 2008. The company is now one of the ten largest in terms of passenger turnover. Northern Wind flights are provided by 7 Boeings of the same class of service. The park is being updated. At the end of July and beginning of August 2018, the carrier received 2 more Boeing 737-800 NG of the latest assembly.

The Boeing 737-800 (standard cabin layout) accommodates 189 passengers on board.

Comfort level Rows (seats)
  • 1, 2 (D, E, F). Inconveniences include static armrests)
  • 15 (large gap between rows, but seat backs do not recline)
  • 2 (A, B, C)
  • 3, 4, 17, 18, 19
Regular (uncategorized)
  • 20–30
  • 14 (standard legroom, not reclining chairs)
  • 30, 31 (close to toilets)

An additional convenience in newly received aircraft is that the windows on the emergency hatches close from bottom to top.

Azur Air

Azur Air is a very young Russian airline that began operating independently in 2015. Before that, it was a division of UTair airline. The company's air travel is provided by Boeings with one class of service.

The cabin has 32 rows with a standard seating arrangement:

"NordStar" (NordStar)

NordStar is one of the 15 largest Russian air carriers. Its fleet includes 9 Boeing 737 800 models. The salons are presented in two layouts. Up to 180 passengers can be accommodated on board.

Layout 1

Business class has 6 seats, economy class has 174 seats.

  • On all planes, the most comfortable seats are in business class. In Boeings servicing NordStar, these are rows 1 and 2.
  • The 3rd row, which begins the economy section, also belongs to very comfortable seats (close to the exit, large distance for the legs). The distribution of food begins from the bow.
  • The most comfortable seats are located in row 15 (“SPACE+”, folding chairs).
  • 13 and 14 (“SPACE+”, but the seat backs are fixed).
  • The seats in the 31st row are considered the worst (the backs of the seats rest against the wall and the proximity of the toilet).

Layout 2

There are 10 seats in business class, 162 in economy class.

  • Rows 1–3 in business class and row 5 in economy class are considered the most comfortable.
  • Rows 14 and 15 have plenty of legroom, but the backrests are locked.


UTair airline is one of the largest in Russia. As of October 2018, the carrier’s fleet included 9 Boeing 737-800s. They are presented in two configurations: with and without business class. The cabin of the aircraft, equipped with two classes of service, accommodates 159 passengers.

  • With this arrangement, rows 1–3 of business class are the most convenient.
  • Rows 4–9 are already in economy class, but this part of the cabin is still in the comfort zone (that is, economy comfort): comfortable seats, sufficient distance between the rows, a larger selection of dishes. The best seats are in the 4th row.
  • From rows 10 to 28 – economy zone. The best seats here are in row 12. The worst are at 27 and 28.

The single-class cabin accommodates 186 seats. Rows 1, 14 and 15 in the diagram are marked as the most convenient.


Yakutia is a Russian airline whose fleet at the beginning of 2018 included 5 Boeing 737-800s. The aircraft have two configurations: 170 and 172 seats. The difference lies in the two additional seats that complement business class.

The layout for 170 seats includes 10 seats in business class (3 rows of 2 seats on the left side of the board and 2 rows on the right). "Economy" has a capacity of 162 seats.

  • The most successful choice would be seats in rows 2 and 3, since seats A and C in the first row are close to the restrooms.
  • The best budget seats are in row 5: spacious, you can choose the right food. All front rows (up to 12) are also a good choice: less engine noise, close to the exit, good menu.
  • In rows 12–18, there is less turbulence, but the view from the windows is partially blocked by the wings of the aircraft. When choosing a comfortable seat, it is better to stay in row 15. The only inconvenience is that the table is built into the arm of the chair. The 13th and 14th rows are located in the emergency exit area, which does not allow the backrest to be reclined. If the flight is short, then the seats in these rows are quite comfortable.
  • Seats from rows 19 to 31 belong to the lowest level of comfort (at least due to increased engine noise).


State-owned airline serving at budget rates. It began its work in 2008. If you believe the 2018 rating, Flydubai is in 77th position in the list of the top hundred safest air carriers. Since the summer of 2013, passengers have been served by Boeings of 2 configuration types. At the beginning of 2018, the company’s fleet included 12 aircraft with one class of service and 43 with two.

The economy cabin has 32 rows.

  • Row 16 is considered the best.
  • The seats in the 15th row are good, but they have a drawback: non-folding seats.
  • For many, the convenience of seats A, B, C of the first row seems dubious (proximity to the toilet; a table built into the armrest reduces the area of ​​the seat). Therefore, it is better to take a ticket for seats D, E, F of the second row.
  • The most undesirable seats are those located in the 14th and 32nd rows (small legroom, non-folding seats, and there is also a toilet behind the 32nd row).

Boeings with a VIP area have 12 business class seats arranged in 3 rows. Here, the most comfortable seats will be business class and the first rows of economy class. If tickets for these seats have already been sold, then you can stay in rows 15 or 16 (next to the emergency hatches).


Alrosa is a Russian regional carrier that has been operating as an independent legal entity since the beginning of 2013. The airline operates airplanes and helicopters from the period of Soviet aircraft construction. But the air fleet is being updated.

At the moment, air routes are served by 3 Boeing 737-800. The aircraft cabins are designed for 156 passengers: 12 business class seats, 144 economy class seats.

With this configuration, the distances between the rows are sufficient, so the seats are quite comfortable. When choosing the most convenient ones, you should pay attention to business class seats, the initial row of economy class and rows 11 and 12 at the emergency exits.

In the interior diagram, the last row (27th) stands somewhat apart, which suggests folding seats and increased legroom.

To ensure that your flight experience remains as positive as possible, a balanced choice of passenger seat should be given top priority. Boeing 737-800s serve many airlines. However, each carrier expresses its own requirements and wishes when purchasing an aircraft. Therefore, aircraft of the same modification have a number of nuances in the layout of the passenger cabin.

To find a comfortable place for yourself, you should use some tips:

And one more secret. It is important to make a good impression on the check-in staff, and they will indicate on the cabin map the best seats on board the Boeing 737-800 that serves their airline.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about Boeing 737-800

Along with the Boeing 737 800 airbuses, it is the basis of the fleet of the Siberian company S7. It operates 19 aircraft of this model. Narrow-body aircraft are widely used in the world to transport passengers (passanger) and cargo (cargo). The liner operates on short routes (up to 5,765 km) and carries up to 190 passengers. The high demand for the aircraft has led to the fact that, with improvements and modifications, it is being produced to this day.

Only a small number of passengers do not care where they are seated on the plane. For almost everyone, it is important to feel like you are in an aircraft according to your personal ideas of comfort.

Interesting! C7 received its last Boeing 737 800 quite recently, in 2014, straight from the plant in Seattle.

737 800 S7 passenger compartment configuration

Each airline determines the cabin layout independently when ordering an aircraft. For the Boeing 737 800 S7, the interior layout looks like an internal space divided into two compartments with 30 rows of seats.

General characteristics:

The center aisle is wide enough in both classes to accommodate carry-on luggage.

Business Class

The Boeing 737 800 S7 uses a 2-2 layout for business class. The chairs are soft and wide with a large reclining angle. Elite class travelers use a separate toilet located in front.

The 1st row has the advantage that there is no one in front. But closer is the kitchen block, from which odors can be heard;

The 2nd row is separated by a thin partition from the economy class, and noise from the more hectic cabin can be heard.

Overall, the minor advantages and disadvantages balance each other out and all seats are considered equal in terms of comfort.

Economy class

Economy class seats are arranged in a 3-3 configuration. This means there are window, aisle and middle seats. The seats are not as comfortable and wide as in the elite class, but they provide a minimum acceptable level of comfort.

Passengers place their luggage on spacious shelves above their seats or under their seats.

Important! In the front and middle zones, the shaking of the aircraft when entering turbulence zones is not so pronounced.

Choosing the best seat on a Boeing 737 800 S7

Almost every airline customer has individual preferences regarding their window or aisle seat. Average neutral seats are more suitable for a small percentage of indifferent passengers. They are a combination of the advantages and disadvantages of aisle seats - you don't feel as much anxiety from moving in the aisle, but you have to stand up if your window seat neighbor decides to leave. Having neighbors on both sides, if they are strangers, will create some discomfort for those who do not want to talk on the road.

Advantages of window seats:

The most relaxing chair with a companion on one side only;

The opportunity to take photos of landscapes and observe them from the window of the aircraft;

Convenience of sleeping during the flight, no one will bother you with requests to get up to clear the passage;

Good lighting for reading.

The only drawback of the window space is the unpleasant sensation of disturbing fellow passengers if the passenger needs to get out.

Important: Not all window seats have a good view. You may end up with a seat near the wall of the airliner without a window at all or with a view blocked by parts of the aircraft. For rows 12 to 20, the liner wing is at the bottom. And there is no porthole near seats 9A and 9F.

Characteristics of good seats by row:

3rd row. The best economy class seats. No reclining front seats and increased personal space. The C7 company calls these seats “extra space”, which means a sign of maximum comfort in economy class. Their cost is a little higher, or you need to have a company card above the silver level;

Important! There are no facilities for attaching bassinets. And passengers with small children will not be allowed to occupy these seats, as they may cause inconvenience to elite travelers.

13th row. Located next to the emergency exit. Advantages - more space in front. On the seats in the previous row, the backrests are fixed, making it impossible to recline the chair for those sitting in the back. Disadvantages: you cannot sit comfortably in the chair due to the hard backs; it is forbidden to put personal items under the seats. Due to safety reasons, elderly passengers, children, and disabled people cannot sit in the 13th row;

14th row. Comfortable seats due to the increased distance to the previous row. At the same time, you can sit comfortably in the chair by reclining the back. Disadvantages - a small protrusion in the wall of the liner associated with the emergency exit in seats 14A and 14F, and the absence of an armrest on them.

The general disadvantage of seats near emergency exits is that they always feel slightly cooler than the rest of the cabin.

Bad places: how not to make a mistake

According to the general conditions of accommodation on board the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, the entire tail area is considered the least comfortable. But some places have worse characteristics:

12th row. Located in front of emergency exits. In this regard, the back is rigidly fixed. If the backs of the seats in the previous row are still reclined, you won’t be able to have a good rest;

29th row. Places 29C and 29D are excessively noisy and disturbing due to the proximity of bathrooms and utility rooms.

30th row. Worst choice. The seats in the last row cannot recline their backs. The location of toilet rooms nearby creates constant movement of passengers in this area, noise from closing and opening doors and flushing. Another neighborhood, a kitchen block, will not add peace to the flight.

Passenger reviews note that it is a little colder in the tail of the aircraft. Usually you have to think about additional insulation.

  1. It is good to study the layout of the Boeing 737 800 cabin before registering. Now there are websites where you can even go on a virtual tour on board the aircraft. Using a 3D panorama, the air traveler will see how the seats are located in reality and evaluate all the strengths and weaknesses of the selected seat.
  2. The window seats are under the letters A and F, the aisle seats are C and D, and the middle seats are B and E.
  3. Aisle seats are recommended for passengers who wish to walk undisturbed. In addition, you can get off the plane faster from here.
  4. Those occupying the seats in the front rows of the aircraft are the first to leave. The distribution of food begins with them.
  5. Online registration is available on the company's website. The sooner an airline client starts checking in, the higher the chance of choosing a suitable seat. But this can not be done from all cities. The list is presented on the S7 website. If, nevertheless, check-in is carried out from a city not specified in the list, the passenger will be changed seats at the airport.
  6. Despite the reduced overall noise level in the Boeing 737 800, even less noise is felt in the nose area.
Important: Online registration opens 30 hours before departure.

Of course, not everyone will be able to get the best seats on the plane, but if you think about it, the vast majority of seats can have their positive sides. For example, in the tail, when the plane is not fully loaded, it will be spacious and comfortable. The main principle when choosing a good seat is to do it as early as possible.

Aeroflot began acquiring aircraft into its fleet starting on September 24, 2013. Now there are 11 aircraft of this popular model, making daily flights over medium-range distances.

Popularity of the model

These aircraft have been produced by Boeing since 1967. During this time, a huge number of such aircraft were purchased by airlines around the world. It is estimated that in the global airspace every five seconds a Boeing 737 takes off somewhere and somewhere is already landing. This is the most massive passenger airliner in the world history of aircraft manufacturing.

Let's take a closer look at the Boeing 737 800 purchased by Aeroflot, the interior layout and good seats for travelers.

Description of the aircraft

People always experience some stress before a flight. I would like to be 100% confident in the quality and technical characteristics of the device. Therefore, for the peace of mind of passengers, let's look at what such a We will describe the interior of a Boeing 737 800 aircraft.

The company, competing with Airbus, manufactured it with wings extended by 5.5 meters. The group of Boeing 737s is called “Next Generation” because they have improved engines and are distinguished by the presence of digital cockpits.

Aircraft from this series are manufactured not only for transporting passengers; there is also a military modification, produced under the number "Boeing 737-800ERX". In air travel, there are two types of this model, designed for different numbers of travelers: for 189 and 160 passengers. They also differ in that on a plane with a larger passenger capacity there is only one category of seats. The smaller version has seats in two comfort categories: business class and economy.

The aircraft flies to a maximum range of 5,400 km. By the way, the Boeing 737 800 (passenger reviews often remind us of this) has very narrow aisles between the seats, because the cabin width is only 3.54 meters. Let's take a closer look at the interior and available seats.


First, let's look at the two-class Boeing 737 800 aircraft, the cabin layout, and good seats. The first five rows are occupied by 20 business class seats. They are located two in a row on each side. The backs of each seat have their own monitor, which is a big advantage and distinguishes the comfort of these chairs from the rest of the cabin, where there is one monitor for everyone at the beginning of the row.

At the front of business class there is a room for flight attendants with a kitchen and toilet. The distance between the chairs here is quite large - about 1 meter, so it is convenient to stretch your legs. A lowered backrest for lying down will also not cause any inconvenience to anyone.

Reviews of business class flights available online indicate that some experienced slight discomfort when sitting in the front row of the aisle seats. People walking past them to the toilet, they could hear doors slamming, and the smells of food and coffee could be heard from the kitchen.

Next are the economy class seats. Seats of this comfort category are located from the 6th row. They are located with 3 chairs on each side, which significantly narrows the passage. And at the end of the salon there are two toilets.

In the middle of the building there are emergency exit doors. Let's take a closer look at the quality of the seats on the Boeing 737 800, the layout of the cabin, good seats, and where they are located.

Best Economy Class Seats

All economy class seats are, in principle, comfortable, especially if the flight is not very long or long. According to passenger reviews, many people like the seats in the 6th row, which are located immediately behind the business class. Since there is a fabric partition between the salons, sitting here you can freely stretch your legs forward - there is enough space even for tall people. But there is also a significant disadvantage noted in the reviews - the eyes here rest on the partition all the way.

Such seats are considered when purchasing luxury tickets, and the price for them is marked up by 25-50 euros.

In the aircraft cabin (the photo demonstrates this well) there are several more rows of relatively comfortable seats. This is the row located near the emergency exit. Looking at the presented photo of this place, you can see why they are good. There is plenty of legroom. But here passengers are also in for a surprise. There is no armrest on the wall side of the plane. And the cost of such seats is also more expensive than regular tickets by 25-50 euros.

Inconvenient places

In the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, we have looked at the layout of the cabin, we have looked at the good places, and now we will turn to the problem areas. Many passengers note the inconvenience of the rear row. It is located next to the toilets available for all economy class passengers. In the narrow passage there is often a queue of people wishing to visit these offices. Doors slam, tanks drain, and the smells are not always pleasant. In addition, although the backrests are lowered, they are limited, unlike those of all other passengers.

The same problem applies to places in front of the emergency passage. The outer seats near the wall do not have one armrest, and the backrests do not yet fully lower. There are also restrictions for the carriage of passengers. People with children, animals, and disabled people are prohibited from sitting in such places. This is due to safety precautions, because the seats are located right next to the emergency exit.

After a detailed study of the aircraft cabin, photos of its comfortable and less comfortable seats, all that remains is to give some recommendations for purchasing plane tickets. Before each trip, you need to find out which plane will take you. You need to find its diagram on the Internet, read which seats are convenient and which are problematic, decide on the price, and only then go book a ticket.

You also need to consider your row seat selection. If you don’t need to go to the toilet often, then it’s good to sit by the porthole. If you are traveling with a child, or you need to get up often, then take aisle seats to disturb your neighbors less.

The Boeing 737-800 is a medium-haul passenger aircraft, one of the most popular American airliners in the fleets of Russian airlines. Produced by Boeing Corporation since the late 1990s.

Some characteristics (from the official Boeing website):

  • Length - 39.5 meters;
  • Wingspan - 35.8 meters;
  • Height - 12.55 meters;
  • Cabin width - 3.5 meters;
  • The maximum capacity of fuel tanks is 26035 liters;
  • Take-off weight limit - 79015 kg;
  • Flight range is up to 5449 km.

Boeing 737-800 aircraft with vertical wingtips (winglets) have the additional marking W.

In Russia and abroad, aircraft of this model fly on both domestic and international flights, often serving the most inexpensive destinations, and therefore the question of the best seats on a Boeing 737-800 is especially relevant: those who are about to fly for the first time are also looking for information.

Boeing 737-800 cabin layout for different airlines

The choice of comfortable seats on an airplane always depends on the airline, since the layout of the passenger cabin is different for all carriers.

There are always 3 toilets on board, and they are located the same way: 1 in the front on the left side, 2 in the rear.


Aeroflot uses a single layout on all its flights operated by Boeing 737-800 aircraft. The aircraft are named after artists, poets and writers, and folk artists.

According to Aeroflot's seat plan for Boeing 737-800:

  • Each plane has 28 rows;
  • Business class - rows 1 to 5, 10 seats in total;
  • Comfortable Space+ seats are located on row 13, there are 4 of them - B, C, D, E;
  • Seats with limited seat backrest recline are on rows 11 and 12.


The S7 carrier operates the Boeing 737-800 on several routes. Like Aeroflot, all aircraft of this type in the company are equipped in the same way:

  • The total number of rows is 30;
  • Business class - 2 rows, 8 seats;
  • Economy - 168 seats, rows 3 to 30;
  • Seats at the emergency exits in the center - on rows 12, 13, 14 (A, F).


Pobeda Airlines operates only Boeing 737-800 aircraft. There are 12 aircraft in total, they were produced in 2014-2015.

The first domestic low-cost airline takes into account all the pros and cons of seats in the cabin. The choice of seat is already at the stage of ticket registration, for a fee. And if you buy tickets for several passengers at once, the system will automatically seat them further away from each other if you do not pay for seat selection.

According to the tariff schedule, the best seats are at Pobeda:

  • Rows 1, 15, 16 - with increased legroom, for the same price and preferred seats that are located at the exits - rows 12-14 (only seats D, E, F), rows 17-18 (all seats);
  • Seats at the front of the aircraft - rows 2-7;
  • All seats are at the porthole (in the diagram - A, F).


On Rossiya Airlines flights, 4 types of Boeing 737-800 aircraft configurations are used.

The main differences are in the placement and number of business class seats. The number of rows also depends on this - from 29 or 32.

Comfortable places:

  • At the beginning of the cabin - business class (12 seats in 3 rows) or 21 seats FRONT ROWS in rows 1-4;
  • In the middle of the cabin there are SPACE+ seats on row 16 (with increased legroom).

Nordwind (Nordwind, North wind)

Nordwind's fleet includes 6 Boeing 737-800 aircraft with a passenger capacity of 189 people each.

The scheme is common to all the company’s vessels. There is no business class, and the best seats (with increased legroom) are in rows 1, 15 and 16. However, the seat backs do not recline in rows 14 and 15.

Azur Air

A charter airline uses aircraft for international flights, mainly to resorts and popular tourist destinations.

The flight layout is as follows:

  • Number of rows - 32;
  • There is no business class;
  • Comfortable seats (AZUR Space, with increased legroom): 1st row - A, B, C; 2nd row - D, E, F; Rows 15 and 16 - that's it.

NordStar (NordStar)

NordStar Airlines flights always have business class. There are two layout options.

  • The total number of seats is 172, rows are 31;
  • Business class - 10 seats in rows 1-3;
  • Total seats - 180, rows - 31;
  • Business class - 6 seats in rows 1, 2;
  • Comfortable seats with increased legroom (but the backrests are blocked) - rows 14 and 15.


Boeing implements two seat layouts on UTair flights - with and without business class (mono-class). In total, the carrier has 9 such aircraft in its fleet.

In the first case, there are a total of 159 passenger seats on board, of which 12 are business class (2 rows at the beginning of the cabin). Comfortable seats are also located in the common cabin: on the 12th row - with the distance between the seats increased to 99 cm, on the 4th row - 40.5 cm.

In mono-salons, the most spacious seats for legs are row 1 (58 cm), rows 14 and 15 (96.5 cm). It is convenient that the airline indicates this distance - most carriers do not have such information.


5 units of these aircraft are used on Yakutia flights.

  • The total number of passenger seats is 170;
  • Business class - 10 seats;
  • Spacious (legroom) seats in economy class are on rows 14 and 15.

You can only select a seat through online check-in, which is only available for domestic flights.


The UAE budget airline's passenger fleet includes 40 Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

  • Capacity - 189 seats, maximum flight time - just over 6 hours.
  • Business class - 12 seats;
  • The best seats in the main part of the cabin (with extra legroom) are on rows 6, 15, 16.


Boeing 737-800 airliners are the basis of the passenger fleet of Alrosa Airlines, which is engaged not only in charters, but also in passenger transportation throughout Russia.

Distribution of seats:

  • Rows 1-3 - business class, 12 seats;
  • Rows 4-27 - economy class, 144 seats;
  • Opposite the emergency exits in the center of the cabin are rows 11 and 12.

"Boeing 737-800" started flying in 1997. This is a medium-sized, narrow-body aircraft with a capacity of up to 189 passengers. It entered the 737 NG (Next Generation) series of aircraft and replaced the out-of-production 737-400.

Options "Boeing 737-800"

  • Length– 39.5 meters.
  • Wingspan– 34.3 meters.
  • Height– 12.5 meters.
  • Maximum flight range – 5,400 kilometers.
  • Maximum speed – 850 km/h.
  • Empty weight – 41,140 kg, with maximum load – 61,680 kg.
  • Takeoff weight– 79,000 kg, landing weight – 63,320 kg.
  • Fuel volume– 26,020 liters.

"Boeing 737-800" can accommodate passengers of one - economy class or two - economy and business classes. Passenger seating varies by airline. Most often, the first 3-5 rows of the cabin are reserved for luxury seats. The rest of the space is occupied by ordinary chairs. The distance between the backs of the seats is 72-80 cm. The rows of seats are separated by 2 emergency exits on each side. The chairs that surround them have their own characteristics. We'll talk about this below.

Kitchens are located at the beginning and end of the salon. There are two toilets at the rear of the plane and one next to the cockpit. It is usually used only for business class.

Most Russian airlines have in their fleet "Boeing 737-800". We will talk about three of them: Aeroflot , "Siberia (S7)" And "Victory" .

Aeroflot considered the flagship of Russian aviation. It has the newest aircraft and excellent service on board. Its seating plan in the cabin is the most optimal for passengers, taking into account all the design features of the aircraft.

Rows 1 to 5 are occupied by business class seats. They are installed 2 pieces on each side of the passage. There are 20 seats in total. They are distinguished by more comfortable seats and increased distance between rows. The compartment has its own toilet room and kitchen.

Aeroflot has 138 seats in economy class. From 6 to 28 rows. They are located in two rows of 3 chairs each.

The most convenient places

U Aeroflot there is a service "Space+". These are 4 seats that are located in the 13th row. 2 aisle chairs on each side. What are they good for? Due to their location next to the emergency exit, they have a large distance between the seats. These seats are sold at an additional cost.

The 12th row seats, also in a more advantageous position due to the large distance between the seats, have 2 disadvantages: immobile armrests and a backrest with a smaller angle of inclination. If this is not a problem for you, choose them.

The most uncomfortable places

Perhaps they can be called the seats in the 27-28th row - near the toilet. Firstly, the neighborhood itself is not very pleasant. Secondly, a constant queue does not add positivity.

Passengers in row 11 and row 12, which we have already discussed, will also not feel very comfortable. The backs of these seats will be in an almost vertical position throughout the flight.

The seating arrangement of this airline is similar to the previous one, but with its own characteristics.

Business class here occupies only 12 seats in the bow of the plane. They are arranged in 3 rows of 4 chairs each. The compartment has a separate toilet and kitchen.

The remaining 154 seats - from rows 4 to 29 - are economy class. The cabin has 2 rows of seats, 3 on each side. Row 13 also has a special status here. Due to the fact that there are emergency exits nearby, there are only 4 seats. The airline removed one seat against the wall. Seats with their backs to the emergency aisle have a limited reclining angle. Therefore, despite the convenient long distance, these places are not very comfortable.

The airline does not list luxury seats on its website, but you will be charged a fee when purchasing a ticket or at check-in if you choose to sit in them.

In some Boeing 737-800s the ratio of business and economy classes is 8/168 seats.

The fleet of this airline consists of Boeing 737-800 aircraft produced in 2014-2015. This is an excellent indicator, despite the fact that it is considered budget. U "Victory" There is no business class, but it is possible to purchase tickets for an additional fee for XL seats, namely those in the middle, at the emergency exit and in the first row. But there are some restrictions; they apply to all airlines. They won't put you here:

  • a pregnant woman;
  • passenger under 18 years of age;
  • a passenger with a child;
  • passenger with disabilities.

It will be inconvenient for people who bought seats at the very end - near the toilets and for those whose backrests do not recline at a large angle. For example, those sitting with their backs to emergency exits.
You can choose a decent seat on the plane a day before your flight by making an online reservation.

Pleasant flight!