Types of armor. How to get armor Every assassin should know

Having escaped from the besieged Monteriggioni wearing only his shirt, Ezio must find new armor for himself. You can protect your legs, arms, shoulders and chest; all parts of different armor can be mixed together. However, it is better to replace weaker armor with stronger ones.

There are four types of armor that can be purchased from merchants and one type that can only be obtained after completing all the tombs. It seems you have already guessed which one it is. Yes, this is Brutus Armor. This is a unique costume that can only be worn in its entirety. This armor is more powerful than all the others, it cannot be damaged and does not need repair. A kind of Altair armor from the second part. To open this armor, you must collect 7 keys from the lairs of the followers of Romulus (Wolfman), and use them to open the gate.

Armor types

Armor types

Roman armor

Armor types

Armor types

Rondelle's armor

Armor types

Armor types

Plate armor

Armor types

Armor types

Seusenhofer armor

Armor types

Armor types

Brutus Armor

Everyone will decide for themselves which type of armor is more suitable for their playing style.

Some people will first put on all kinds of armor, while others may prefer to walk around without armor at all, or wearing only part of it. Speaking of parts. Each type of armor consists of 4 parts. These are bracers, pauldrons, breastplates and greaves.

Mittens and gloves restrict movement, so assassins protect only their forearms, leaving their hands free for climbing walls, stealing and other techniques that require special dexterity. Among other things, bracers can be used to fend off attacks from opponents well.

However, before equipping the bracers, you must purchase double blades from Leonardo.


Fast movement requires light armor that does not restrict movement. These greaves are worn over soft boots that promote silent movement. The greaves can reach to the knees and also have a spike on them that helps in climbing walls.


These flexible shoulder pads protect the neck from blows from swords and blades. They also prevent dislocations and injuries when falling from a height, overcoming a crowd or jumping into water.


Although a true chestplate reduces flexibility, it is the most effective in terms of protection. Assassins, on the other hand, wear a lightweight version of the breastplate, which protects the places most often chosen by enemies to strike. A knife in the back is not a rare occurrence, so the breastplate protects the body along the entire perimeter of the upper part.

The Renaissance is an amazing era. There is a place for both secret conspiracies and brutal murders - a real paradise for any self-respecting assassin. You can silently jump across the rooftops, instilling fear in the cowardly guards with your shadow, and bring justice to the snickering city officials.

However, punishing the conspirators is not the only entertainment for a professional killer. Each of them dreams of becoming an explorer and treasure collector, and then with renewed energy to sweep away all the enemies on the way. Renaissance Italy is the ideal place to realize these aspirations.

  • Hidden hiding place for a killer
  • Every killer should know...
  • Cthulhu, there you are!

In Assassin's Creed 2, treasures are literally everywhere. Already at the very beginning of the game, an inexperienced teenager from the Auditore family, under our guidance, will jump on balconies and empty the chests of the city nobility, heavy with florins.

But as we progress, our ward grows up, simple robberies are no longer a joy to him, and the soul of an assassin requires real adventures, deadly traps and truly royal rewards. The thirst for research needs to be quenched, and if you are not able to find all the secrets of the game, then this article is especially for you. Let's start with the main thing.

Hidden hiding place for a killer

The dream of every warrior is to become cooler than others. And when petty theft ceases to satisfy, the need arises to dig deeper and find something valuable. In our case, it will be the armor of Altair (the legendary killer), locked behind six locks in a villa in Monteriggioni.

All locks can only be opened using seals hidden in the tombs. We will now begin searching for them.

    The Mystery of the Novella. We will get to the first cache only thanks to the plot (4th sequence, 4th memory), and unlike the others, we will not be able to go through this test again by selecting a memory from the “DNA” section.

    There are a lot of guards waiting for us inside, as well as the need to jump often and accurately. However, this tomb is story-driven and introductory - you shouldn't expect any real difficulties.

    On a note: in each of the tombs you can find two secret places where additional chests with money are hidden.

    The passage can be divided into two stages: first we jump on the beams and pull different levers. If you want to find the first secret place, jump down, instead of grabbing the first bar, turn around, jump forward and go into the small room on the right. The second stage: reprisal against the guards and interaction with the mechanisms that will help us get to the goal. You can get to the second secret area immediately after getting acquainted with the first mechanism - just jump into a small depression nearby.

    Towards the end, we will have to chase the courier - if desired, we can catch up with him and kill him before he warns the others in order to avoid an unnecessary fight with the guards. Having overheard the conversation of the Templars, we can go into the crypt with peace of mind and pick up the first seal.

Everyday life of a city manager

Collecting figurines is a fascinating business -
new, but financially unjustified.

With proper management of finances, the problem of lack of money will disappear in the middle of the game. This is largely achieved thanks to the competent arrangement of the family villa of the Auditore family in Monteriggioni.

The key rule of a city philanthropist is that the more money you invest in the city now, the greater your income will be later. Therefore, first of all, strive to build and improve all trading shops. The second most important are city renovations - restoration of the well, mines, barracks, etc.

As you build upgrades, you'll also be able to reach previously inaccessible areas - some treasure chests can be reached once you've restored a well or barracks.

Another local attraction unique to this area is the collection of figurines that need to be inserted into pedestals in the villa. For each pair of statues placed you will receive 2000 florins.

It is a myth: There are rumors on the Internet that after collecting all twelve figurines, Uncle Mario will give Ezio some kind of treasure map, but this is not true. For collecting these things, the player is rewarded only with money.

    The secret of the cathedral. Santa Maria del Fiore is a continuous long labyrinth of beams, ledges and chandeliers. Unlike the previous temple, in the cathedral the crypt with the seal is located at the top, under the very dome of the building.

    Before jumping onto the platform
    form, go to the left - one of the secret places awaits you there.

    First, climb up the door. Next, you need to move not only towards the goal marker, but also gradually upward, the road here is not straight, but the only one, just carefully inspect the location for all sorts of ledges and crossbars.

    Having meandered a little at the beginning and thrown one ladder down, you need to continue your way to the opposite part of the cathedral, jumping on the chandeliers. When we throw down the second ladder, the camera will hint that further we need to climb exclusively up. It is important not to get confused - from the stairs we jump onto the parapet and walk along it from left to right, jumping onto platforms and chandeliers along the way (do not jump onto the cross by the window - this is a dead end).

    Now we have a simple way up - we will have to climb the walls a little and carefully jump on the beams. There shouldn't be any difficulties, just move carefully - a fall is fatal. Before jumping onto the suspended platform, look to the left - you will see a chest with money. You can turn left and down, use the jump back (LMB + Spacebar) to grab the chandelier, and then jump into the secret area.

    When you reach the red wall with ledges, go down one level - there is a second secret area, take the money and climb up, and then boldly jump forward - Ezio will catch on to the platform. Take the seal and leave the cathedral through the window.

    The Mystery of Torre Grossa. Our next stop is San Germignano, or rather the tallest tower in the city. Again we have a journey from the bottom up, a fight with guards and an insidious camera.

    They call it a concept camera. To successfully jump from such a position is quite a test!

    The beginning is predictable - we move along the wall, and then open the door. In the wine cellar we kill the guards and run to the other side of the room. There are a lot of unnecessary beams and platforms here; you can find the right path by following the tricks of the game camera. If you notice a limitation in your viewing radius, then you are on the right track.

    After going up one level, kill the archer and climb onto the chandelier; If you now jump to the right into the small opening, you will find yourself in a secret area. We go to the library and deal with the crowd of armed “readers”. We climb along the wall and chandeliers to the upper tiers, dodging the arrows of archers. There is a second secret area just under the ceiling of the library.

    The further path is straightforward - we climb the tower, killing lone guards along the way. In the end there may be some inconveniences with the camera, but this should not stop us from taking the third seal.

    The mystery of Ravaldino. Rocca di Ravaldino is a fortress in Romagna, here we will look for the next seal to add to our collection. The place is wet, first we swim a little, and then we jump, using the bounce back. The first difficulty is the mechanism that blocks the gate. When we interact with him, we will have a few seconds to slip behind bars. I advise you to stay on the right side when moving, otherwise, due to the inconvenient camera, you can easily push Ezio into the wall, past the target passage.

    Rocca di Ravaldino. To get to the barracks, jump onto this shield and take another jump back.

    Immediately after this, turn the corner to the left - the level above is the first chest with money; use the back jump to get into the secret area. Then again there is a short swim, where you need to dive (wait and hold “Space” and press W). We deal with the guards, find a shield nailed to the wall and go upstairs.

    We again have to race against the clock, but it’s not difficult - by pulling the lever, we simply run forward along the beams. Now, if you turn left and make some difficult jumps to the side, you can get to the second secret location, and then exit through the secret door. If you don’t want to be distracted by the chests, then pull the second lever and take another run. In the barracks, suppress resistance and go into the crypt (the camera will kindly show the place where you need to jump).

    Finally, we have one more time trial left. The road is not straight, and the camera will always provoke awkward movements and jumps. It’s difficult to give advice here—you just need to get used to the surroundings and move carefully. Having completed the test, we will immediately find ourselves in a crypt with a seal.

Secrets of the Templars

Templar shelters are additional exclusive locations available to owners of the collector's edition of the game (one of the shelters is available in the DVD box). In essence, these are analogues of tombs, but here the labyrinths are even more intricate, the jumps are difficult, and at the end, instead of a seal, a treasury awaits us.

Here it is, the safe deposit box of the great Templars.

In total, you can find three shelters on the map; To visit them, you don’t have to go through the entire game; they appear as new areas open. The first cache is in Palazzo Medici(Florence) - you need to save Lorenzo, held by the Templars in his own house, which is full of secret passages. Two more shelters in Venice - one at the docks, in naval arsenal, the second - in the church Santa Maria dei Frari.

It is a myth: The shelters also have two secret areas with hidden treasures, but in the Medici house, one of the secret places contains two chests at once. This gave rise to a rumor that there was no second cache.

Exclusive locations include family Auditore crypt(it can be unlocked as content on Yuplay) - according to many eyewitnesses, this is the most difficult maze in the game, full of jumps of varying degrees of difficulty mixed with awkward camera angles. Unfortunately, its passage is of neither plot nor material value, only “sporting” interest.

    The Mystery of San Marco. We will look for the fifth seal in Venice, but not immediately, but when we complete one of the sequences. The entrance to the tomb is located on the roof of the Doge's Palace and will not be difficult to find.

    We find ourselves inside a huge temple - there is no need to run around for a long time and look for the tomb, the entrance to it is located below, but will open only when we complete four tests. The task is to climb to the top tier of the palace to the lever within the allotted time and pull it. If the timer ends, the lever is hidden and you need to start over.

    The palace is divided into four wings - each of them has one test. The difficulty is not in the abstruse jumping, but in finding the way. Before activating the mechanisms, I would advise you to study the possible routes along which our hero will move.

    We'll start with the northern challenge, where Ezio activated the stone slabs. When we step on the nearest ledge in the floor, the game camera will kindly show the place where we can climb, and then the lever we need to reach. This race is the simplest - gradually climb along the only possible path to the top, but when you are on the same level with the upper tier, jump in the opposite direction from the one where the lever is located. Then we move along a peculiar path of statues and crosses to the other side, run to the lever, rise even higher and jump onto it.

    We go to the east wing. By activating the mechanism, we will see the lever appear at a great height next to a well-lit round window. We gradually move upward, once on the upper platform, we find that the direct path is blocked. We need to cross to the opposite side via massive hanging crosses. We run closer to the lever, climb the yellow window to the very limit, press the “Interact” and “Go” keys - Ezio will jump back and hang on the lever.

    The third test is the most disgusting and is located in the west - its path is not obvious and involves several difficult jumps. At the same time, we climb onto the structures in the center and fight the inconvenient camera, jumping onto the platform located under the lever. We move to the right and grab the ledge, move in the same direction and make a jump to the right, grabbing the ledge of the same shape. We go up, climb the rings almost to the ceiling and jump back to end up on the beam. We jump onto the lever.

    The last run is very short, but again you need to jump carefully. First, we climb onto the small platforms on the left, jump from them and grab onto a small ledge, make a difficult jump to the right and overcome the path of conveniently placed beams, climb to the upper tier. Now all that remains is to climb up to the top of the cross-shaped window and do the traditional jump back, hanging on the lever.

    There are two secret places here, like everywhere else. The first area is in the south wing; You can get to the chest using the jumping pull-up technique (hold down the left mouse button and W, press Space, and then Shift). The second chest is in the western wing, on one of the lower platforms - you can open it by going down from the upper tiers. When all the tests are passed, the door to the crypt will open, and all we have to do is pick up the seal.

    The Mystery of the Visitazione. To gain access to the final tomb, you first need to do a fair amount of running through the Venetian story quests. The entrance to the cache is located near the shipyard, and this area is initially closed.

    Visitazione. To get here, you need to run up the wall and jump back.

    A difficult test awaits us in this tomb, although the beginning does not foretell trouble. We jump down, kill the bruiser guard and make a short forced march, chasing the frightened courier. You can overtake him and kill him at the very end of the route by jumping on top of the fugitive.

    In the room in front of the large hall (where the showdown with the guards is coming), there is a secret area. You can get to the chest by making a series of tricky jumps (you will find the second secret place if you approach the mechanism with a lever near the temple and turn left). Having dealt with the guards, we go to the picturesque underwater temple.

    The location of the tomb has been established, but the problem is that the entrance to the temple is closed, and to get to the goal, you need to activate the mechanism (the beams will unfold and create a kind of “path” so that Ezio can reach all the target levers), take a dangerous walk, jumping on all sorts of ledges , and pull all four levers in turn, thereby opening the door to the tomb with the seal.

    The second problem is that you can get to some places only by using a special key combination, which you will have to learn here. Time is limited, you can’t hesitate, and any careless movement will lead to the assassin flopping into the water and the race will have to start over.

    Before starting the test, I would advise you to set the controls to “keyboard + mouse (two buttons)” in the settings - it will be easier. In total, on the route you need to make four jumps of increased difficulty - push off from the wall and jump in the right direction. The first of them, the simplest, at the beginning of the race: quickly run up the wall (W + “Space” + “left mouse button”), release all the keys, and then simultaneously press the key combination D + “Space” + LMB, where D - this is the direction of the jump. When you need to jump to the left, press A instead.

    The most difficult jump in Visitacion - you need to push off from the statue and jump here.

    It is important: all three keys must be pressed clearly and simultaneously - if you only click on D + “Space”, then Ezio may jump back (most likely into the water) and the test will have to start over. In theory, a jump is possible without clicking the mouse, but this is more reliable.

    The most difficult will be jump No. 2: it is next to the first, but in this case you need to push off not from the wall, but from a stone statue of an unpleasant round shape. You need to carefully run onto it (it’s better not to rush too much, because of the camera and sudden movement you can easily fall into the water) and jump to the left (this means that instead of D we press A).

    The rest of the jumps are simple: the third one awaits us after a short run along the beams and ledges - we need to push off to the right, and the last one will be near another statue - we run onto the wall and push off to the left. After this, all that remains is to pull the last lever, and the temple gates will open. We jump into the water, go inside and take the last seal.

When all the seals have been collected, our assassin can return to Villa Auditore with a sense of accomplishment and place the seals near each of the statues. New equipment for Ezio not only looks great, but also adds health!

Call of Cthulhu

The monster has found adventures in its tentacles, but they won’t let you fight it.

The game pleases with an abundance of secrets, but none compares to what we will talk about now. While passing through one of the Assassin's tombs, you will not only visit the underwater temple, but also get the opportunity to see one of its mysterious inhabitants. Remember the test in Visitacion with difficult jumps? That's where we'll go.

After the fight with the guards, open the gate and go to the temple. Activate the mechanism, but do not rush to run to the obstacle course, but immediately go to the water and lean down a little. Now just wait and don’t pay attention to the passing time.

In a few seconds, a game video will begin, where we will see how a huge monster, very reminiscent of Cthulhu in shape and appearance, swims past our assassin under the surface of the water. But that is not all! When the video ends, go to the mechanism and pull the lever again, and then return to the place where you just stood, or walk along the water.

If everything is done correctly, then you will again see a video where a huge tentacle emerges from the water and tries to touch Ezio. Such monsters live in Venetian waters...

On a note: the secret does not work on the pure boxed version of the game from Akella; To play the easter egg, you need to first activate additional content in the game.

Every killer should know...

    All the riddles of “Truth” are not tied to specific signs and are opened in strict order. For example, the last, twentieth riddle will always be about hieroglyphs, no matter what sign you open.

    Blacksmiths in the game have healing properties. At the same time as you repair your armor, your entire health bar will be restored.

    Knowing some tricky tricks is never a bad thing. For example, you cannot climb to this point without pulling yourself up in a jump.

    When playing as Altair, in order to jump onto a beam, you need to climb onto the balcony railing, stand directly under it, press the left mouse button and “Space” - the assassin will grab the beam, and then the way up will not be a problem.

    To watch more spectacular scenes where Ezio kills enemies, use counterstrike.

    You cannot replay story missions, but the most spectacular episodes can be repeated by visiting “special memories” (they are displayed on the map after you are accepted into the Order of Assassins).

    The guards blocking the passage can be bribed. You just need to throw money, and the main one will let you through.

    Knocked weapons can be picked up in the armory at the villa in Monteriggioni. If, after you have lost your weapon in battle, you pick up an enemy one, it will not disappear after some time, and Ezio will hang it on his belt.

    The poison blade is great in situations where you need to avoid giving yourself away or kill someone unnoticed. We simply poison one of the guards, he attracts attention to himself, and in the meantime we can quietly pass through the guarded place or get to the desired goal.

    During the carnival in Venice, you can steal money from passers-by with impunity, the alarm level will not increase, just like at the beginning of the game.

First, I’ll say a few words about the features of armor in Assassin’s Creed 2 in general.

The armor “pumping” system is entirely built on the “further is better” principle. What does it mean? This means that the further the player moves along the event branch, the better types of armor open to him. So, at first we can only afford leather armor, then Helmschmid's armor opens, etc. Thus, at the beginning of the game you will never be able to walk around, for example, in metal armor. Everything is fair.

Now about the features of the armor itself. As I said - the further the better. This is true. The better the armor, the stronger it is, the better and easier it is for the player. The armor takes part of the damage upon impact and adds a couple of “squares” of health. Below you can see more details. In order not to mislead you, I’ll tell you right away what the symbols mean:

+1 - the bluish color shows how many “squares” of health this or that piece of armor adds when worn.
+3 - the reddish color shows the overall strength and durability of a particular part of the armor. Naturally, the more, the better.

Another subtlety: you can combine parts of different armor. So, if you have all the armor in the set, you can wear, for example, leather shoulder pads, a metal breastplate, Helmschmid bracers and Missalia greaves. No one forbids, everything is limited only by your imagination. The exception is Altair's armor - it is prohibited to “mix” it with other parts. This is correct; there is no need to discredit the name of an ancestor.

Any armor needs maintenance. The game took this into account and did it very correctly. So, with strong impacts or falls, the armor can break: crack, tear, etc. At the same time, in the health indicator you will see that the maximum health bar has decreased. Of course, what's the use of broken armor? No problem! We go to the blacksmith and repair the armor for a relatively small fee.

Altair's armor

Shoulders: +4 +?
Bib: +6 +?
Bracers: +2 +?
Greaves: +3 +?

The best armor in the game. Armor of Altair's distant ancestor. Here is what he himself writes about it on one of the pages of the code (written by him, by the way):
“...I made another breakthrough in metallurgy and created armor that the world has never seen before... They have incredible strength, but at the same time they are so light that they do not restrict movement at all... Surprise and fear are fighting in me: here in front of me lies an armor that makes its owner almost invulnerable. War will never be the same as before... Maybe I shouldn’t have created this thing. What if it falls into the hands of enemies? Perhaps the risk is too great for me. All formulas should be destroyed..."
In general, you can judge the effectiveness of this armor from the words of the creator himself. You should know that you won’t be able to just show off in black armor - you’ll have to jump more than once in search of seals from the tomb of the assassins. But it's worth it.

The main secret of Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni is the Sanctuary, where Altair's light and durable armor. After some time, Mario decides to show them to Ezio. To obtain Altair's equipment and armor, stored behind bars, you need to find six key seals of the legendary assassins - Kulan-Gala, Darius, Wei Yu, Amunet, Iltani and Leonia - buried in Italy. Uncle, no matter how hard he tried, could not find them, but he still does not lose hope, although he gave up active searches long ago. The locations of Assassin Seal Tombs are marked on the map with special black icons in the shape of the letter A. The icons appear immediately or after visiting viewpoints, starting from the fourth sequence.

Before receiving each seal, you must pass a test to prove the seriousness of your intentions. Challenges consist of overcoming obstacles against the clock or finding a way. An unpleasant surprise during the hunt for seals will be the behavior of the camera, which at key moments will choose unsuccessful angles and viewing angles, leading to annoying breakdowns, snags and marking time. Each location, in addition to the main reward, hides one or two secret areas where treasure chests are hidden. It is not necessary to look for them; in this case, only the reward will be missed - several hundred gold coins (replaying the tombs of the assassins in AC2 is available through “Caches” in the “DNA” section in the main menu of the game). Collected seals are placed in slots on the Assassin statues in the Sanctuary in the basement of Villa Monteriggioni. All seals can be collected in the ninth sequence, before the carnival in Venice.

Legendary Assassins:

  • Mongol Kulan-Gal- shot Genghis Khan's horse with a bow.
  • Persian Darius- killed Xerxes with a hidden blade.
  • Chinese Wei Yu- killed the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, with a spear.
  • Egyptian Amunet- killed Cleopatra with the help of a snake.
  • Babylonian Iltani- poisoned Alexander the Great.
  • Roman Leonius- Stabbed Caligula with a dagger.

Location of the Assassin's tombs in Assassin's Creed 2:

  • Seal of Darius(story mission “The Secret of the Novella”, sequence 4.4):
    • Florence: Catacombs under the Cathedral of Santa Maria Novella in the quarter of the same name in the eastern part of the city, entrance through a guarded courtyard on the eastern side of the building.
  • Seal of Iltani(task “The Secret of the Cathedral”):
    • Florence: Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in the San Giovanni quarter in the central part of the city, entrance at the northern wall.
  • Wei Yu Seal(task “The Mystery of Torre Grossa”):
    • Tuscany / San Gimignano: At the base of the Torre Grossa tower on the south side of the central square with the Church of Santa Maria Assunta.
  • Seal of Kulan-Gala(task “The Secret of Ravaldino”):
    • Forli: Behind the northern wall of the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress in the southwestern part of the city.
  • Seal of Amunet(task “The Mystery of San Marco”):
    • Venice [

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Altair's armor

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Let's lie down in the Animus.

Florentine Republic.
First sequence.

Bachelor party.

You should have seen a different guy.

A glass before bed.


Payback for treason.

The Mystery of Petruchio.

Family friend.

Special delivery.


Turn on Eagle Vision.

Assassin's Creed 2 "Golden Armor of Altair"

We go into the secret room. We take out a letter, an assassin suit and a weapon from the chest. Two guards are trying to stop us at the porch. We kill them. We deliver the letter to Ubert.

Last Hero.

Florentine Republic.
Second sequence.


Ace in the hole.

Judge, jury, executioner.

In the shelter.


Third sequence.

Help on the road.

Home Sweet Home.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Inevitability of punishment.

New plans.

Florentine Republic.

A living example.

Fox hunting.

See you.

Let's run after La Volpe.

Secrets of the Novella.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

Goodbye Francesco.

Florentine Republic.

Workaround maneuver.

Behind closed doors.

Hiding from enemies.

Town Crier.

Come out and play.

With such friends...

Florentine Republic.

Fifth sequence.

Holidays in Romagna.

We play as Desmond. We communicate with Sean and Rebecca. We go down to Lucy. Now Desmond is great at climbing walls and fighting. You need to activate the scanners (2 below, 2 above). We speak with Lucy.

Venetian Republic.

Mark for memory.

Cleaning the house.

They greet you by their clothes.

Decisive assault.

Birds of a feather.

If it doesn't work right away...

We are clearing 4 zones.

Brave flyer.

Venetian Republic.
Ninth sequence.

Knowledge is power.

Damsels in distress.

Wise nun.

Collection of ribbons.

The race has started.

Capture the Flag.

You can't make good by deception.

Stormy fun.

Venetian Republic.
Tenth sequence.

Fighter in a cage.

No one is forgotten.

Two birds with one sword.

Venetian Republic.

Patience pays off.



Warm welcome.


Defense of the fortress.


We need to save Katerina's children. Let's save the girl first. Then she will tell us where her brother is. Let's go to the lighthouse. There are a lot of guards around, you can ignore them and go to the very top. We kill one of the brothers (Ludovico) and save the boy.


An apple from an apple tree...

Florentine Republic.

Fiasco in Florence.

Kill 9 lieutenants:

Power to the people.

The place is marked with a cross.

In Bocca Al Lupo.

Assassin's Creed 2: Walkthrough

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The plot of the second part begins exactly from the moment where the first ended. While watching the video, we remember the backstory. Lucy suddenly comes into the room and asks to come with her. After a short dialogue, we lie down in the Animus. We watch the birth of the main character (Ezio Auditore). We are offered to get comfortable with management. So, moving your legs is a spacebar, moving your hands is shift, hitting with your hand is the left mouse button, moving your head is the Russian “u”. We get up from the Animus and run after Lucy. Along the way, we observe her skill in hand-to-hand combat. You'll have to fight in the parking lot. Once at headquarters, we meet the rest of the team. We talk to them one by one.

Let's lie down in the Animus.

Florentine Republic.
First sequence.

Bachelor party.

We fight with Vieri Pazzi's people. We practice various combinations. After victory, we collect money from the bodies of defeated enemies.

You should have seen a different guy.

We speak with Frederic. Let's go get him to the doctor. We are being treated, and in the future it will be possible to purchase medicine and poison from him.

My brother and I race to the church. We do this until we win. We climb to the very top.

A glass before bed.

We synchronize the area and go to Christina. At her invitation, we climb into her room. Seeing all the “beauty” of the game is possible only through timely pressing of buttons (QTE). In the morning, Christina’s father discovers us. We run away from the guards.


We talk to father. He asks us to deliver a letter to Lorenz. After the transfer we return to Giovanni. Let's meet Uberto.

Payback for treason.

We talk with my sister (Claudia). We learn that her husband is cheating on her. We find Duccio and beat him.

The Mystery of Petruchio.

We talk to my brother (Petruchio). We get eagle feathers for him so he can go to sleep.

Family friend.

We talk to mom (Maria). Let's go after her. Let's meet Leonardo da Vinci. We pick up the box and return back home.

Special delivery.

You need to deliver 2 letters and a message from the dovecote for your father.

Entering the house, we learn the most unpleasant news: our father and brothers were taken to prison, we need to rescue them. We go to the cell where the father is kept. The level of alertness of the guards has increased, so we move around the city carefully. We deal with the enemies on the roof and talk to our father.


Turn on Eagle Vision. We go into the secret room. We take out a letter, an assassin suit and a weapon from the chest. Two guards are trying to stop us at the porch. We kill them. We deliver the letter to Ubert.

Last Hero.

We're going to court against Ezio's relatives. Uberto, instead of presenting documents proving their innocence, on the contrary accuses and orders the death of his father and brothers. We don't have enough experience fighting a large number of guards yet, so the smart solution would be to run away.

Florentine Republic.
Second sequence.


Meet Paola. We do a little training. We learn to hide in the crowd and steal.

Ace in the hole.

Let's go to Leonardo. Having provided him with a damaged object and a scroll, he makes a new weapon for us from it - a blade. A guard knocks on the door. He starts beating Leonardo, we sneak up from behind and kill the guard.

Judge, jury, executioner.

We begin surveillance. I use the crowd, sneak into the backyard and kill Uberto.

In the shelter.

We need to leave Florence, but before that we need to reduce our popularity among law enforcement officers. To do this, we tear down the posters, bribe the heralds and kill the bribe-takers.


We urgently need to leave the city. We accompany our mother and sister to the very outskirts.

Third sequence.

Help on the road.

On the way we meet Vieri Pazzi. We fight with a couple of enemies. And it would seem that now there is an unequal and very difficult battle with dozens of Vieri’s subordinates, but Ezio’s uncle Mario comes to the rescue. We kill the remaining enemies.

Home Sweet Home.

We follow Uncle Mario, while simultaneously looking at the new town. We get some money from him, buy equipment and medicine at the market.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

We are going through a little preparation. We learn to evade attacks, carry out counterattacks, tease the enemy and suddenly run away from attackers. At the end of the training, we practice new techniques on Uncle.

Inevitability of punishment.

Let's go get Mario. We get throwing knives. We penetrate into the city through the fence. We kill the archers and open the gate. Let's go get my uncle. We kill all the guards who will interfere. We learn about the ambush from one of the soldiers and quickly go to help our uncle.

Let's go to the gate. We watch a small screensaver. We climb the tower and kill Vieri Pazzi.

New plans.

Let's go get Mario. We read the letter. We climb onto the roof of the mansion and synchronize the area. We find 4 pages of the code. It’s very easy to find them, just look at the map – “TAB”.

We look around the house. We communicate with my sister, an architect. Uncle will show us a secret sanctuary, which contains a large monument to Altair and his armor. To get them you need to find 6 artifacts; their storage locations will be available as you progress through the story.

Florentine Republic.

A living example.

We go to the courtyard. We are testing new types of murder on mannequins. We return to Leonardo and get a new weapon.

Fox hunting.

We turn on eagle vision and find a person highlighted in yellow. He steals our money and tries to escape. We set off after him. In order to catch him, you need to quickly press the Shift key when approaching him.

See you.

Let's run after La Volpe.

Secrets of the Novella.

You need to go down into the catacombs. We go through a series of simple tests. Let's watch the video. We climb the wall to the left of the door. There are also enemies at the levels, so we try to act without attracting the attention of enemies or silently eliminating them. Having opened the door, we kill all the enemies below. Next you have to catch up and kill the runner, otherwise he will call the rest of the guards and then you won’t be able to go further without a fight. Having overheard the conversation, we go to open the first sarcophagus (there are 6 of them in total, as mentioned earlier, they are necessary to open the grate in Uncle Mario’s villa). We leave the catacombs.

The second artifact can be obtained immediately after this mission. It is marked on the map with the corresponding symbol.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

Let's go to the square. In the green area we find Lorenzo. We help him deal with his enemies. It is best to use a blade, and while the assistants are fighting with the guards, we sneak up from behind and kill them. Next, we take Lorenzo to a safe place.

Goodbye Francesco.

Let's go to the palace. We climb onto the roof on the back side of the palace. We kill the guards or, ignoring them, run straight to Pazzi. Clinging to the ledges, we go down. We catch up and kill him. Let's watch the video.

Florentine Republic.

We speak with Lorenzo. He tells us the names of the escaped conspirators whom we have to find.
Let's go to Leonardo. We get a new weapon - a poisoned blade.

Workaround maneuver.

We learn to dodge attacks and take away weapons from opponents during battle.

A man in a cassock is not yet a monk.

You need to go to the abbey and kill Stefano da Bagneno there. We receive smoke bombs from our uncle's assistant. They are great for quickly evading enemies. We go into the temple, quickly find Stefano and kill him. After this, we use a smoke bomb to break away from the enemies.

Behind closed doors.

We order our assistants to attack the guards guarding the gate, while we ourselves climb up the wall and activate the lever on the back side. We kill Francesco Salviate.

Hiding from enemies.

Town Crier.

Antonio Maffei climbed a tall building and is trying to convince people of unimaginable things. You need to climb into that very place and kill the herald. And then hide.

Come out and play.

We go to the green area. We find Bernardo Baroncelli and kill him. We're hiding.

With such friends...

We follow Jacopo without attracting attention. Let's watch the video. We kill the guards and finish off Jacopo.

Florentine Republic.

Fifth sequence.

We speak with Lorenzo. We receive the Medici cloak from him. While you are wearing it, the guards will not pay attention to you. We learn from a passerby that Leonardo was invited to another city to paint.

Holidays in Romagna.

We need to accompany Leonardo to the city. We drive the cart. Do not swing the cart too much, otherwise it may tip over. In no case should you hit obstacles; this does not help shake enemies off the wagon. After the trip, so that Leonardo can escape, we hold off the enemies. We speak with Leonardo. To enter Venice you need a pass.

We find a boat and save the woman on the island. In return, she negotiates with the boatman to allow us to sail to Venice.

We play as Desmond. We communicate with Sean and Rebecca.

Assassins Creed II Altair Armor.

We go down to Lucy. Now Desmond is great at climbing walls and fighting. You need to activate the scanners (2 below, 2 above). We speak with Lucy.

We play for Altair. We follow an unknown girl. We turn around and run up the wall, turn on our eagle vision and find it. Let's follow her. We climb the tower.
We play as Desmond. Let's lie down in the Animus.

Venetian Republic.

We accompany Leonardo to his new home.

Mark for memory.

Let's help Rose. We run after her, dealing with the guards along the way. When she is unable to go further, we lift her and carry her to her destination. We accompany the gondola. We lift Rose and put her on the table. Antonio will pull the arrow out of her leg.

We speak with Rose. Learning to pull yourself up while jumping.

Cleaning the house.

We find three traitors and kill them. The first is on the ship, the second is in the market, and the third is on the roof.
We speak with Rose. We rise to the tower for a while, and then go down.

It is necessary to free the prisoners who were arrested by Emilio.

We kill the guards, open the cage and deliver the prisoner to a safe place. 1 out of 4 must survive.

They greet you by their clothes.

You need to find 3 chests. We kill the guards and search them. Next, we get on the boat and deliver it to the pier.

Decisive assault.

First you need to kill the archers so that Antonio's men can take their places. We speak with Antonio. We go up to the roof of the palace, and from there we go down to the courtyard. We kill the guards and Emilio himself.

Birds of a feather.

We follow the Templars, eavesdropping on their conversations. Don't forget to hide in the crowd. Along the way, guards will block the road, so we quickly hire dodgers to distract them so that we can move on. Having reached the square, we watch the video and continue surveillance.

If it doesn't work right away...

We run together with Antonio to the square. We examine the palace from different angles in order to find the best place to penetrate. Having found such a place, we climb through the scaffolding to the roof.

Those who don't take risks don't drink Marsala.

Let's test Leonardo's flying car. Unfortunately, you won't be able to fly far. We watch the video, Antonio said that the enemies have already obtained poison. We need to hurry.

A good start is half the battle.

We are clearing 4 zones.

Brave flyer.

We fly in a miracle car to the palace, from fire to fire. Along the way, you can use your legs to knock enemies off the roof. Having landed, you need to sneak into Doge without attracting attention and save him. We hide behind the columns and kill the guards one by one. The Doge cannot be saved; Carlo Ghirmaldi managed to poison him. Of course, murder hangs us. We need to catch up and kill Carlo. A couple of smoke bombs will not be superfluous to hide.

Venetian Republic.
Ninth sequence.

Knowledge is power.

We get a new weapon - a pistol. Let's practice using it. We aim at the dummies and shoot. The longer we hold it, the greater the likelihood of a hit. However, the probability of a hit also depends on the distance. For example, if you approach an enemy point-blank, then it is not at all necessary to hold down the mouse button, just click on it and the probability of a hit will still be very high. Let's return to Leonardo.

Damsels in distress.

We are offered to strengthen our skills in using a pistol. The criminal takes hostages; if you try to get close to him, he simply kills them. Therefore, we take out a pistol and punish the villain from a distance.

Wise nun.

We follow Antonio and Teodora. A man on stage announces the competition. To get a golden mask you need to win 4 competitions. And then we can go to the Doge's ball.

Collection of ribbons.

In the first test you need to collect the most ribbons. The mini map shows places where women gather, from whom ribbons should be taken.

The race has started.

In the second test you need to break the record for completing checkpoints.

Capture the Flag.

The third test is not easy. You need to capture the flag 3 times and deliver it to your base. The opponent is also not asleep, if he still took the flag faster than us, then we need to catch up with him and take the flag. So, the opponent runs faster than us. With each round he will get closer to the flag. Immediately after the start of the game, without sparing your health and first aid kits, turn left and jump from the roof, this is the only way to win this game.

You can't make good by deception.

The last test. The only rule is no weapons, fight only with fists. We have no equal in this competition! Dante turned out to be a weak opponent. Silvio bribes the judge. 4 guards with short swords enter the arena. This means that we can also get weapons.

The competition has ended, it would seem that the mask is already in our hands, but Silvio’s influence is much higher than the principles of fair play. Dante Moro takes the mask.

Stormy fun.

On the way to the ball, we stealthily steal Dante's mask. We put on a mask and go to the Doge’s holiday. Suddenly Dante appears. The guards are looking for us. We hire courtesans and wait exactly one minute (preferably in some corner). We get as close as possible, take out a pistol, kill Mark Barbarigo. We return to the brothel.

Venetian Republic.
Tenth sequence.

Fighter in a cage.

You need to free Bartolomeo from the cage and then escort him to a safe place. We kill the captain of the guard and his deputy. We open the gates of the headquarters.

No one is forgotten.

We free the remaining prisoners.

We place mercenaries in specially marked places for Bartolomeo.

Two birds with one sword.

We climb the tallest building in the city. From there we signal to the mercenaries. Let's help Bartolomeo. Let's catch up with Dante. Having crippled him a little, we run after him again. We kill Silvio and Dante.

Venetian Republic.
Eleventh sequence.

Patience pays off.

We are following the courier. He often turns around, so you need to be alert and actively hide in the crowd. Having arrived at your destination, you need to quickly enter the courtyard and kill the courier. You are given 90 seconds for this task. You can climb onto the roof to kill the archers, jump onto the hay and quietly kill everyone. Or you can hire courtesans to set them on the main guard and kill everyone in the yard in the same way.


We select the box and take it to the Spaniard. While moving, you should never touch people carrying boxes, because in this case the guards will start pushing you, and you will drop your cargo and you will not be able to catch up with the person accompanying you. We fight with Rodrigo. Our entire team comes to the rescue, including Uncle Mario. Let's watch the video. Taking a leap of faith.

Twelfth sequence.

Warm welcome.

We accompany Katerina to Forli. From passers-by we learn about the attack of the Orsi brothers on the city. We head to the gate. We turn right and sail to the pier. We kill the guards (red). We continue to sail east. We make our way into the city by swimming under the bars. We climb the wall and open the gate.


We run after Katerina and Nicolo. We kill all the guards. We enter the church.

Defense of the fortress.

We destroy the arriving enemy reinforcements.


We need to save Katerina's children.

Let's save the girl first. Then she will tell us where her brother is. Let's go to the lighthouse. There are a lot of guards around, you can ignore them and go to the very top. We kill one of the brothers (Ludovico) and save the boy.


We find Cecco Orsi. We kill him and take the Apple back.
Let's watch the video. The apple is taken by an unknown monk. We need to find him!

An apple from an apple tree...

We go to the abbey, which is located in the lowlands of Romagna. We approach the church and look for a monk in black, without attracting the attention of the guards. We go to the abbey in Forli. The monk tries to escape, we catch him.

Florentine Republic.
Thirteenth sequence.

Fiasco in Florence.

We are wanted in Florence. It won't be possible to enter the city so easily. If you hurry, you can pass unnoticed along with the monks. Next we go to the bridge, where we will meet with Machiavelli. After the conversation, we follow him. We accompany Nicolo to the palace.

Kill 9 lieutenants:

Priest, merchant, farmer, doctor, condottiere, artist, priest, nobleman,

Power to the people.

After a direct hit, the apple slips out of the monk's hands. The trickster picks him up and tries to escape. We kill him and take the apple.

Fourteenth sequence.

The place is marked with a cross.

We arrange the pages of the code correctly.
In Bocca Al Lupo.

We climb onto the roof. We kill the guards, activate the lever and move on. We repeat this operation several more times. Next, we get on the horse and break forward as quickly as possible. We enter the hall. We make our way closer to Rodrigo. We attack him. There are now 5 times more of us! And all thanks to the powerful power of the artifact. We fight the Spaniard. We turn on eagle vision and find a secret passage. We finish him off in hand-to-hand combat. Let's watch the video.

Don't rush to finish the game after the credits start, there's a small bonus ahead.

We play as Desmond. Let's follow Lucy. We deal with the enemies. We are leaving the base.