Route “Ship of the Bryusovs. Feedback about visiting the Brusov Ship - an art cluster on the water Krymskaya embankment art park museum museum the Brusov Ship

“Valery Bryusov”, by all appearances, was a fun place, and I’m a little sorry that I couldn’t catch the old days. According to the Austrian shipbuilders, it is a comfortable ship, adapted to Russian winters, with a cinema hall, a giant restaurant and a luxurious wardroom. He sailed to Moscow as part of a government procurement during perestroika, but spent the last part of his life laid up near the Crimean embankment - rather dirty and eternal, like a snowdrift on the side of the road. Years passed, the cinema hall was converted into a casino, Korean pickles in the restaurant were swapped with sushi, pylons appeared in the bar, cabins were rented out by the hour. Some rooms in the Moscow love hotel on the water were decorated with fantasy: there was a cowboy room, and with hallucinogenic mirrors, and with a stuffed zebra. A heap of forgotten passports and various types of identification cards moldied in the lost and found table: not only all regions of Russia were represented, but also former Soviet republics.

Photo: Ivan Erofeev

I got on the ship in April, when the time-worn cribs had already turned into a mountain of firewood: it was decided to turn the vessel into a cultural place for recreation on the water. This was orchestrated by people who had not yet crossed the threshold of their thirtieth birthday - and who were equally far from river fishing, and from Sergei Kapkov, and from the trade and restaurant sphere.

Photo: Ivan Erofeev

It all looked like an adventure, and it was an adventure. The Bryusov is managed by the Moscow River Shipping Company, a private company that has agreed with the owner of the Flacon design plant that his team will try to turn the ship into a worthy neighbor for the dramatically improved Muzeon Park and Crimean Embankment. The matter was complicated by the fact that the right to lease the landing stage is valid until the end of 2016, but already this spring Sobyanin decided to restore order on the Moscow River and dismantle all the fragile boats stuck to it. The mayor's office quoted experts who reminded that “alien objects of anthropogenic origin have a negative impact on the water area.” It is difficult to say whether Sobyanin planned to return the fish to the river, but he began cleaning the aquarium.

  • The captain of “Bryusov” Andrey Nikolaevich evaluates the work of designer Alexey Onatsko and the entire new team “in general positive; energetic guys"

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • Original “Bryusov” chandelier: the bulbs were ordered from the only German factory that still produces them

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • The sun deck is one of the best spaces of the Bryusov, it belongs to everyone

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • Among other things, at Bryusov you can simply sunbathe with a book

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • The main people of “Bryusov” break champagne in honor of the opening

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • The staircase openings are lined with copper: it has always been this way

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • The benches on the ship resemble the seats of the Wowhaus bureau installed on the Krymskaya embankment - this was done specifically to maintain the overall logic of the space

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • Maria Oleinikova worked on decorations on the ship and generally served as a muse

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • The equipment of the ship has miraculously not broken down to this day.

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • The captain claims that if we put the engine back in the Bryusov, it will float

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

  • By September the ship should be filled with tenants by 80 percent

    Photo: Ivan Erofeev

The task before the Bryusov team was difficult: to come up with a new mythology and design for the ship, preserve valuable original details, bring beauty to public areas, rent out holds and cabins to like-minded shops, cafes and creative bureaus - and explain to tenants that all this could be demolished until the end of the year. The Department of Culture did not support this story. There were more or less four of us. Alexey Kapitanov from Flacon was in charge of the business - but was forced to learn several new crafts and terms. For example, “Bryusova” shakes from time to time: Kapitanov explains that the whole point is a meter-long wave jump: when the Radisson pleasure boats exceed the speed even a little, the river, along with all its contents, begins to worry. Alexey Onatsko and Maria Oleynikova from the association Dreamers United they live between St. Petersburg and Moscow and do a lot of things: from forest raves and balls in the von Bismarck mansion in St. Petersburg to the Yeti Snow Station sphere in Krylatskoye and scenography for concerts like Kings of Convenience in the Green Theater. Now they had to transform the ship from a brothel into something amazing - not like either the Flacon or Gorky Park on market day. Maxim Levitin worked at the tiny book publishing house Lamartis, which produces books using such technologies as if neither the 20th nor the 21st century had yet arrived, and began communicating with the outside world. Although there is no engine in the belly of the Bryusov, according to the rules of the river register there must always be a captain, an electrician, a sailor and an engine operator - at first they watched the new crew with squinted eyes.

Photo: Ivan Erofeev

Three months later, all the same people, including the captain and sailor, only considerably exhausted, smashed a bottle of champagne on the side and invited everyone to the opening. It turned out great, it seems.

What's so special about Bryusov? Firstly, the views. Quite unexpected panoramas open up from the round portholes, where the monument to Peter, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - and even “Red October” looks somehow new. Secondly, the ship’s surroundings save everything: doing yoga in the morning on the waxed deck overlooking the water, the park and lifeboats (and there is already something like that here, and for free) is in every way more pleasant than even in the park. There really are a lot of noble old things preserved here: dashboards made of yellowed plastic, sliding doors like something out of a Cold War spy movie, brass-clad stairwells and strange lamps. Thirdly, a very nice model has been invented here: the Adidas corporation can afford to rent a cabin or two, which is opening a concept store here on August 7

A new place of power and concentration of interesting events in the city. There will be a garden city, coworking space, event space, family restaurant, prof. program. lectures and seminars from residents.


The project is based on the idea of ​​transforming the ship into a multifunctional public space, securely sewn into the fabric of modern Moscow and being an integral part of the creative and business industry of the central part of the city. In fact, it is the world's first cluster on water, a unique space for citizens in the heart of Moscow.

We create a place for creativity, business and recreation, which is organized on the principle of a professional community. Carefully taking into account an integrated approach to the formation of a community of residents, the logic of zoning office and public spaces, industrial and recreational areas of the ship, we together create its unique appearance and meaning.

A clear understanding of the structure of the cluster, the relationship between its functions, residents and their audience, close cooperation with adjacent institutions, modern design and correct positioning will give us the opportunity to create a solid product with a large share of practical and semantic benefit for the city and its citizens.


The Bryusov ship is located on the Crimean embankment in the very center of Moscow. The embankment was restored and opened according to the design of the WowHouse bureau in October 2013, as part of the overall project for the reconstruction of the recreational and park area of ​​the Moscow River and is the beginning of the combined pedestrian line Muzeon - Gorky Park - Vorobyovy Gory.

The ship's mooring area is located in an accessible and comfortable place. Within a radius of one kilometer there are four metro stations: Kropotinskaya, Park Kultury, Polyanka, Oktyabrskaya, as well as the office block on Yakimanka, Muzeon Park, Central House of Artists - Tretyakov Gallery, Red October, Gorky Park.

Ample car parking is adjacent to Muzeon Park.

After the completion of the reconstruction of the Crimean embankment, this territory of Moscow can rightfully be considered a new place for active recreation, cultural excursions, family and business meetings of Muscovites and city guests. Modern infrastructure, a wide program of urban activities, a relevant and fresh ideology - all this points to high potential.

The ship "Valery Bryusov", which received its name in honor of the famous Russian poet, is a multifunctional space organized on a spacious three-deck motor ship. Built in Austria more than thirty years ago, it began to operate in Moscow only in 1993 - then it served as a floating restaurant and hotel at the same time. And in 2014, the spectacular ship turned into a popular public space. There is a cinema hall, a lecture hall, a co-working space, shops, a variety of creative studios, a cozy family restaurant, a first-aid post, a travel agency, an architectural bureau and even a men's hairdressing salon! Moreover, the ship "Bryusov" invariably delights its guests with its own cultural program! It should be noted that culture is very harmoniously combined here with creativity and innovative technologies!

In order to visit the Bryusov ship, you need to get to the Crimean embankment - it stands on the Moscow River not far from the Kremlin. At the moment, other sites are being actively considered for the possible relocation of this unique project, so it would not hurt anyone who wants to visit the unusual ship to periodically monitor its deployment.

"Valery Bryusov" is a three-deck passenger ship with a rich past, which has already served its time as a floating craft. It was once considered one of the most comfortable in Russia and carried tourists, including foreign ones, on cruises. Then it became a hotel and restaurant, as well as the world's first public platform for Moscow residents and city guests. But now the ship has left the capital and will be moored at the port of the city of Kimry. We will tell you about the history and past of this cruise ship below.

Building a ship

"Valery Bryusov" is a motor ship created by the Austrians. His homeland is the city of Korneuburg, at the shipyard of which he saw the light. The ship was built in 1985 and sold to the Moscow River Shipping Company. True, there is some information that all these five were received as a “load” for other orders. After all, this project was planned back in the Soviet Union, and there were slightly different economic calculations. Initially, the ship was intended for tourist and cruise purposes. They named it in honor of the famous Russian poet Valery Bryusov. In those years, the ship was one of the highest quality and was built at a famous Austrian shipyard that specialized in such ships.

Project Q-065: what is it?

This was the name of the plan to build similar cruise ships. They were created in 1984-1986 in Austria specifically for Russian shipping companies. A total of five were built. They served the Moscow, Ob-Irtysh and Lena shipping companies. These are “Sergey Yesenin”, “Alexander Blok”, “Demyan Bedny”, “Mikhail Svetlov” and the motor ship “Valery Bryusov”. The ships of this project were the property of the Moscow and Lena tourist fleets. The project at that time was considered ultra-modern and was intended to serve the so-called “blue ring”.

"Valery Bryusov" during cruise operation: description of the vessel

This ship, like all five of its brothers, can accommodate one hundred and eighty people. It was intended for inland river cruises. On its decks there were cabins designed for one, two and four people. Luxury rooms were also provided. All cabins had showers, toilets and sinks, as well as radio points. The suites had sofas, as well as refrigerators and televisions. "Valery Bryusov" is a motor ship, the equipment of which also included the provision of various services on board. Passengers had at their disposal: an ironing room, a cinema, a sauna, a dance floor, a bar and a restaurant for 80 people. The ship also had a salon with panoramic windows.

The ship was launched in 1985. Its length is 90 meters, width - 15. It can reach speeds of up to 22 km per hour, and its displacement was 1342 tons. The draft during navigation was a little more than one and a half meters.

"Valery Bryusov" (motor ship): route

The ship operated on tourist lines until 1991, and according to some sources, until 1992. He took walks and also cruises along the route Moscow - St. Petersburg. On this ship you could stroll along the rivers and lakes of the European part of Russia. There was a ship on the Volga, Oka, Neva, Kama, and Don. I walked along Lakes Ladoga, Onega and White. Cruise routes varied - from 1 (pleasure) to 22 days. The program included visits to ancient cities and cultural and historical centers of Russia - Ples, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Murom, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl.

But the ship turned out to be economically unprofitable. The elite, handsome motor ship “Valery Bryusov” (photos from 1985-1989 testify to this) consumed too much fuel. Although its size was small and made it possible to travel along rivers, its services were abandoned after a few years. In addition to the financial problems, there were also repair issues. There was a shortage of spare parts of the required type in Russia. Austrian or German ones were in short supply, and replacements could not be found. In the end, it became easier to take the ships out of service. The only vessel of this type that is still used for its intended purpose in the European part of Russia is the Sergei Yesenin.

The ship after “retirement”

Since 1993, the ship was no longer used as a cruise ship. It did not change owner, but became a floating hotel and restaurant on the Moscow River. His new address was a place not far from the Kremlin, the vernissage and the House of Artists: 10. The motor ship "Valery Bryusov" turned into a landing stage. It is interesting that in order to deliver the ship to the center of Moscow, it was specially prepared for this, and the river level was lowered so that the ship could pass under bridges. For the sake of the latter, the management of the shipping company even had to commit malfeasance. In 1994, all necessary work on connecting communications was completed, and a hotel, restaurant and casino were opened on board. A lot of money and work was invested in this business. But in the 2000s, many hotels were built in the capital and gambling was banned. The hotel became unprofitable, and its comfort standards did not meet modern requirements. In the end, its services were used only by budget tourists and students, and even then less and less often. It was closed in 2009, and the restaurant in 2011.

Controversy over reconstruction

When the embankment began to be rebuilt, the ship caused numerous discussions among both architects and the public. There have been proposals to remove it from the river altogether. But since 2014, two companies - Dreamers United and Flacon - decided to make something special out of it. This concept considered the Valery Bryusov, which had outlived its tourist career but was still functional, photographs of which illustrate this article, as a new type of public space. Thematically and architecturally, it had to fit into the new style of the center of Moscow, and also become part of the nearby Muzeon park. This concept was approved by the city authorities and brought to life.

Public space

What was the motor ship "Valery Bryusov" like until recently? lecture hall, place for walking, shopping and training center? A little bit of everything. There were creative studios and a cinema hall, and almost every day various cultural programs were implemented. It can be said that this was the first example in the world of using a ship that is laid up in this way. Boutiques, a hair salon and a health food restaurant were on the main deck. On the lifeboat there are various bureaus, agencies, lecture halls and training centers. Above are workshops, fast food with Greek cuisine, as well as panoramic areas where cultural and festive events were held.

Current state

However, recently it turned out that the capital authorities decided to tow the ship from the Crimean embankment. This decision was made by the court, accusing the ship's owners of violating the Russian Water Code. All tenants of offices and public areas on the ship, according to the prosecutor's claim, which was satisfied, were required to leave its territory by May 27 of this year. Now the ship has given up mooring lines from the Crimean embankment for the first time in many years. This time, in order to conduct it under the bridges of the capital, the wheelhouse was dismantled. The ship was taken to the port of Kimry, where its status as a public space will be restored. But no longer in Moscow. There are some suggestions that the ship could be used again for cruising purposes, with new engines installed and repairs made. After all, this has already happened to ships that were laid up. Well, as they say, wait and see!

Latest news from Crimean embankment. The ship, moored at the Muzeon art park, will soon be sent to the most distant backwater of the capital. And we are not talking about the ship on which Peter the Great stands. And about the one who is white and pointed-nosed. With cabins. Decks. And the Russian flag. Tourists willingly take selfies against its background. And Muscovites too. Someone goes inside to get something to eat. Or look for some new things. Because there are even shops and cafes on board the non-self-propelled vessel. He was brought to the center of Moscow in 1993 from Austria. At that time, “Bryusov” was not only a restaurant, but also a hotel.

And in recent years, a whole art object has been made from it! The guys from the team of the Flacon design plant came to Muzeon, on whose territory the ship is located, and asked to give them several decks and cabins. Well, to hold various events there. Yoga and choreography classes. Film screenings. Lectures. Discos. Exhibitions. In general, create a cultural center inside this bandura. Muzeon said that they are not against it, but the owner of the ship is the Moscow Tourist Fleet. The guys applied there and soon, having paid a certain amount for rent, received permission. The activists do not admit how much they paid. They say it's a trade secret. Two years have passed since then. And only now it became clear that “the vessel operates in the format of an art center on the water and is operated without a water use agreement.” This is stated in the official statement of the Moscow prosecutor's office.


In general, it turned out that “Valery Bryusov”, despite his big name, does not have the right to stand on the Crimean embankment. Why such a check was carried out only now is anyone's guess.

In addition, the owner will have to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles to the state treasury, the supervisory department added to KP. - And another 10 thousand will be paid personally by the general director of Mosturflot.

Yes, indeed, the prosecutor’s office is closing “Bryusov,” one of the art ship activists confirmed. - But we do not intend to lose heart. We will look for another location for deployment.

- What do you even do?

The art ship was invented to organize cultural events on it. If they were paid, we prepared all the necessary documents. But there were also free ones. In fact, this is the world's first creative cluster! And we are glad that we were given the opportunity to expand. Well, it doesn’t matter that the prosecutor’s office is closing the ship. We do not intend to curtail our activities.

-Who are you? And how many of you are there?

We are a group of caring young people. We all work in different places. Now there are seven people.


“The Bryusov Ship is one of the last ships to be removed from the Moscow River,” Nikolai Matushevsky, owner of the Flakon design plant, told KP. - Now the project is faced with the task of maintaining friendly relations with all partners and finding a new place for the ship. Among the possible locations for the future action of the project, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary are considered. We are also open to any proposals from regions that would be ready to take over the management of this project.

The ship "Valery Bryusov", by the way, is already 32 years old. Although experienced sailors say that this is not age for such a vessel.

If, of course, he is properly monitored,” Andrei Sharov, head of the international association of public organizations of naval veterans and submariners, told KP. - It all depends on the conditions of detention and on the attitude of the crew. Look, the sailing ship “Kruzenshtern” is almost a hundred years old, and everything is underway. In this case, the vessel is not used for its intended purpose. And this almost always leads to the death of the ship.

The famous motor ship will remain near the Muzeon park for about another month. At least that’s what representatives of the Flakon design plant say (Mosturflot does not report this).


Passenger cruise ship

Date of construction: 1984

State: not in use, moored vessel

The vessel was taken out of service in 1992

Since June 1993, moored as a rack-mounted vessel at the Crimean embankment on the Moskva River in Moscow

Passenger capacity: 100 passengers, 14 crew