City sculpture of Yerevan. Sights of Yerevan: photos and descriptions, the most interesting places, tips and reviews from tourists Main attractions of Yerevan: photos and names

In 1924, A. O. Tamanyan created a project according to which the capital of Armenia was reconstructed and rebuilt, and, unfortunately, all the ancient buildings, mosques, and churches were destroyed. And today's Yerevan is what was created during the USSR.

You can start getting acquainted with the city from the Great Cascade, an unusual architectural complex reminiscent of a majestic pyramid. The Grand Cascade is a large scale staircase made of milky tuff, connecting the city center with residential areas located high in the mountains.

Its openings are decorated with beautiful sculptures, fountains and flower beds. In the evening, thanks to the magnificent illumination, the cascade is visible from afar, illuminated almost all night with bright lights.

In front of the Great Cascade there is a small well-groomed square with multiple figures of hares. And having climbed to the very top of the cascade staircase, from the observation deck you can enjoy fabulous panoramas of the city and the symbol of Armenia - Mount Ararat.

The “Pink City,” as Yerevan is also called because of the buildings built of volcanic stone (tufa), which has a pinkish tint, is the oldest in the world, founded before Rome.

The building, built in 1959 by architect Mark Grigoryan, houses the Matenadaran named after. Mesrop Mashtots, or the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, is one of the most significant book depositories in the world (more than 17,000 ancient manuscripts and more than 100 thousand ancient archival documents) in various languages: Latin, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Japanese, Greek, Persian and others.

In Yerevan's Haghtanak Park, a favorite place for Yerevan residents to walk, there is a 54-meter monument in honor of the USSR Victory in the Great Patriotic War - Mother Armenia (Mayr Hayastan), made in hammered copper and symbolizing the greatness and power of the Motherland. This is a mother woman sheathing a sword, and at her feet lies a shield.

Is it okay that I come to you? A? Believe me, you will be pleased.)) And, for sure, interesting! Do you think this is just some kind of fifth point of a very attractive lady? But no, this is not just a lady, but a woman (I’ll clarify from my notes right now) smoking! Under the cut - you'll see for yourself! And she was quite possibly called “Artemis”! And, what is certain, several years ago it was on one of the squares in Copenhagen! Reclining, I mean. But either the climate there didn’t quite suit the “sultry woman - the poet’s dream”, or Gerard Cafesjian said “turn it up”... In a word, now this acquaintance of one of the most expensive sculptors in the world - Colombian Fernando Botero, who is in his ninth decade (!) , located in Yerevan. And with pleasure he exposes his bodies to the hot sun and numerous gazes on the sculpture alley at the foot of the Cascade, as the Cafesjian Center for Contemporary Art is called, which receives much more than a million visitors every year alone! The center, which opened in 2009, is free!)))

Gerard is an almost typical American Armenian uncle who earned his millions, but for some reason did not spend them on buying all sorts of Chelsea, but collected sculptures by contemporary authors from all over the world and placed this collection in Yerevan. As for whether I gave it or not, I don’t know, I won’t lie. But the fact that the Center with its works of art, guards and employees, several hundred flower beds is fully provided for by Cafesjian is a fact!

There are paintings by Marc Chagall, Arshile Gorky (another famous American of Armenian origin), Andy Warhol... All kinds of exhibitions are held. True, you can’t take photographs of the exhibitions, but you can take photographs of sculptures, as well as bas-reliefs and all kinds of figures made from Swarovski crystals, which I will show you. Plus - some beautiful panoramas of Yerevan from the Cascade...


If a woman smokes, then she probably felt either bad or good. In this case, rather, it’s good... Work from 1987, the sculptor was still young and full of energy)))


and this is a general view of the Cascade complex, which is located a few minutes walk from the Opera (the very center of Yerevan). The monument in the foreground is to Alexander Tamanyan, the people's architect of the USSR and Armenia, to whom Yerevan owes much of its layout and appearance... Located on Moskovyan (Moskovskaya) street. Behind the monument is an alley with sculptures, which we will now look at, and then the Cascade itself with the Cafesjian Center, lined with light tuff.


Many of the sculptures of the Spaniard Jaume Plensa are a plexus of words... from poems. This one is called "Shadows"...

And a few words about the collector, philanthropist and businessman Cafesjian. Gerard was born in 1925 in New York. Parents are from Istanbul. During the Genocide, the entire Cafesjian family died; only Gerard’s future father, who eventually ended up in the USA, managed to escape...

After serving in the Navy during World War II, Gerard graduated from the Economics Department of Hunter College and then from the Faculty of Law at St. John's University. In 1952, he began working at West Publishing, where he made an excellent career. In 1996, he sold his shares for almost $300 million and became involved in charity work. The Cafesjian Family Foundation has provided significant funds to ensure Armenia's energy independence, contributed to the development of renewable energy sources, stimulation of high-tech industries, and the development of the real estate sector.

Cafeschyan, as I read in the newspaper “Interlocutor of Armenia,” owns 35 companies, most of which do business in Armenia. Despite the fact that they are all profitable, Cafesjian personally does not use these funds, but uses them to create new jobs in Armenia and stimulate the economy of his homeland. The total volume of his investments in Armenia exceeds $50 million. Cafesjian invested another 43 million dollars in the creation of the Arts Center in Yerevan...


The work of Briton Lynn Russell Chadwick (1914-2003) is hard not to recognize. He created them from steel parts welded together. This one is called "Steps". There is another one on the alley - “Sitting”:


and another Briton, Barry Flanagan (1941-2009), became famous for his bronze hares. Here - on the bell, there is on elephants, boxing, acrobats... Let's look:



just a teapot)


and in this “Roman warrior” (work of 1986) you probably already recognized the author - Botero. And the bottom work is a satisfied cat (from 1999):


"Antelopes in the Jump" (2005) by Briton Saroj Guha (born 1966)


and this bird was recently in New York. It turned out to be a migratory one)))


life-size horses... made from horseshoes by the young Briton Tom Hill, who also designed the London Olympics... They galloped to Yerevan in 2012)


here we will simply cross the street (corner of Tamanyan and Isahakyan), separating the alley with sculptures and the Center for Contemporary Art. At the same time, let's take a look at the old and new buildings of Yerevan...


On each terrace of the cascade water flows from numerous pipes... In the heat this is especially pleasant:


We are already inside the Cascade. This is a giant orchid (1962 work, ceramics, pebbles...) Miley Christie


You can move up and down by escalators. There are four or five of them (I don’t remember exactly). Or you can take steps inside and outside. The vertical height of the Cascade is 100 meters, and the length is 500 meters. In the side halls there are separate museums, where you can go down by high-speed elevators designed for 8 and 21 people...


on the terraces of the Cascade there are fountains and also sculptures, for example, like these: the British David Breuer-Weil - "Visitor" (created in 2011 specifically by order of Cafesjian for his center) and the Frenchman Francois-Xavier Lalanne, France - "Carp" ( 2000)


and these are the works of our friend Plensa - “Sitting in Tattoos”. Moreover, this sitter is illuminated from the inside and changes colors, and all over his body, as I noticed, are the names of rivers...


on another terrace there is a lion by the South Korean sculptor Ji Yong-Ho (work 2008), which seemed “metallic” to me. But in fact it is made of tires!


and also this kind of girl who is trying to get out of her everyday life, which has surrounded her with walls...


and two beautiful panoramas of Yerevan. The top photo shows a view of the alley we just visited. In the background is the gray marble Opera building. The bottom photo is slightly to the right. And on both of them you can see the soaring silhouette of Ararat...


unidentified version of "Nutcracker"))


trees made of metal and glass...


behind the “trees” above and to the left of the Cascade is the building of the Charles Aznavour Center (the decoration is being completed), where various concerts will be held...


“The Ear” by the British Crispin Foy and “Black Gold” by his fellow tribesman William Lazard:



look down, and we are going up!


illuminated crystal tower. And - large:


again the terrace. We went out to the swimmers...


"Divers" (2006) by Briton Martin Waller


and on the last, 5th floor of the Cascade I find myself in the world of Swarovski crystals:



in a black, black room they hang in these nets, glowing from within...


I wasn’t too lazy and went up the steps and to the left - to the monument. Behind it is Victory Park. Having taken a shot where the thick wiring did not interfere with me, I returned a little lower and took another panoramic shot:


and I would like to end today’s report with this photo: Love! (All you need is Love)

Previous photo walk around Yerevan -

Don’t know what to see in Yerevan, but are you already planning a visit to this hospitable city? Then read our review about the most popular attractions of Yerevan, and you can create an excursion route yourself.

What to see first in Yerevan?

1. Complex "Cascade"

Complex "Cascade" of five open terraces

A unique architectural composition that unites two parts of the city. This landmark of Yerevan, located on the top of the Kanaker Hills, includes artistically designed and organized flower beds, artificial fountains, sculptural compositions (including a monument to the architect Tamanyan) and staircase structures. There is also a main building and a memorial erected in honor of the Armenians killed in the 1915 genocide.

2. Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

View of the Tsitsernakaberd memorial complex

More than 50 years ago, a memorial was created on the top of Mount Tsitsernakaberd in honor of the one and a half million Armenians who died from the Turkish genocide. Today it is a sacred place of pilgrimage for many thousands of believers from different parts of the world.

3. Republic Square

Oval Republic Square with singing fountains in the evenings

The real decoration of the square is the main clock of the state with bells and 2,750 small fountains. If you don’t know what to see in Yerevan in 1 day, come here. Within walking distance from each other are: the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Post Office of Armenia, the Government building with city chimes and the National Museum of History. By the way, if you are interested in the best hotels in Yerevan, Marriott Armenia will offer its services here.

4. Armenian government building

The facade of the Armenian government building faces Revolution Square

Luxurious polygonal building with a spacious courtyard. The building, with a basalt base, is constructed from white and pink felsite tuff. The internal space is reserved for a reception hall, a press center and rooms for government meetings. In addition to the meetings themselves, exhibitions are often held here for residents and guests of the city.

5. Charles Aznavour Square

Charles Aznavour Square is named after the famous singer GeoO

Let's continue compiling the rating with a story about one that is especially loved not only by tourists, but also by the Yerevan residents themselves. About 15 years ago, the beautiful semicircular square was renamed in honor of the country's honorary citizen - Charles was personally present at its re-opening. The central part is decorated with 12 fountains. There are also majestic statues of a bull and a spider, and a huge chessboard. In good weather, youth festivals, shows and performances of rock bands are held on the square.

See the beautiful places of Yerevan in this wonderful video!

6. Northern Avenue

Northern Avenue - a pedestrian street for shopping lovers Dmitry Karyshev

The entire avenue is a pedestrian zone. On the left and right sides there are high-rise buildings with bars, souvenir shops, restaurants and business centers. All high-rise buildings are decorated with pink tuff and travertine. The width and length of the pedestrian street is 10 m and 1.5 km. respectively. We especially recommend traveling along this avenue to shopping lovers.

7. Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque symbolizes the strength of Armenian-Iranian friendship

The territory of the temple complex is about 7 thousand square meters. m. This includes: a library, a minaret, a dome, an exhibition hall, a ritual building and a well-kept courtyard. The only Muslim cathedral in Armenia got its name thanks to the cladding of the corresponding color. Whatever religion you are, you should not refuse to visit the Blue Mosque. As the reviews say, here every tourist feels calm and happy.

8. Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator

Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator in one of the picturesque parks of the city

Your trip to the capital cannot be complete until you visit one of the city's most impressive and significant sites. Inside the cathedral are kept relics that were formerly located in the Naples monastery and are associated with St. Gregory the Illuminator. The temple buildings have a picturesque and incredibly breathtaking view, including because they are located against the backdrop of mountain peaks.

9. Church of Saint Zoravor

Altar in the Church of Saint Zoravor Diego Delso

The ancient medieval temple with well-kept grounds has a strict appearance and no less ascetic interior decoration. In the halls of the three-nave basilica without domes, under the foundation slab, rest the relics of the Apostle Ananias, who founded the Church of St. Zoravora as early as the 7th century. The vestibules are decorated with domed belfries, the walls are decorated with khachkars from the 17th century.

10. Monument “Mother Armenia”

The “Mother Armenia” monument was erected in 1967 in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War

To find this architectural and historical monument, you don’t need the navigator’s recommendations. The statue, 22 m high, rises on a pedestal more than 50 m high: it can be seen from anywhere in the capital. The pedestal is made of black granite with carved patterns, and “Mother Armenia” itself is made of forged copper.

11. Matenadaran

Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran named after St. Mesrop Mashtots

It is impossible to call the Matenadaran an ordinary museum. The ancient exhibits on display are examples of ancient medicine and art, manual craftsmanship and science, and the first writing. It is in this research center that the most ancient manuscripts of the Armenian people are stored.

12. Sculpture “Smoking Woman”

Sculpture “Smoking Woman” at the Cafesjian Arts Center (Cascade) Dmitry Karyshev

One of three sculptures by the famous master Fernando Botero, made in the form of a rather plump naked lady reclining with a cigarette in her hands on her stomach. If you are interested in the best sights of Yerevan, be sure to come take a look, Colombian Botero is one of the highest paid contemporary sculptors in the world.

13. Yerevan Brandy Factory “ArArAt”

The building of the Yerevan Brandy Factory "ArArAt" Vicuna R

Visitors are invited to buy and try local alcoholic drinks, watch the process of their production and listen to the history of the founding of the legendary enterprise. Even if you don’t want to inspect the cognac barrels in the cellar or visit the tasting rooms, be sure to come to this distillery. You can walk along the alley of evergreen trees in the courtyard, planted by the plant’s honored guests.

14. Yerevan Railway Station

Yerevan railway station stands on David of Sasun Square Clay Gilliland

On the station square stands the majestic monument of Sasuntsi David - a masterpiece of Armenian architecture. The modern Yerevan station can be called a complex with a long history. The main building with the administrative building and side porticoes is made of pink tuff, familiar to the capital. External cornices and columns attract attention with their decor - stone bunches of grapes and national Armenian ornaments.

15. Historical Museum and Art Gallery of Armenia

Historical Museum and Art Gallery of Armenia on Republic Square Rita Willaert

One of those attractions where you should go in Yerevan with a guide. The fact is that almost all the exhibition captions are presented not in English or Russian, but in Armenian. The museum shares a common area with a gallery of unique paintings. Its territory is divided into several departments, including the department of historical architecture, numismatics, ethnography and archeology. The samples belong to completely different eras - from the Stone Age to the end of the 19th century.

16. Armenian Opera and Ballet Theater

Southern facade of the Armenian Opera and Ballet Theater and Freedom Square

A wonderful place for those who are passionate about music and don’t know what to visit in Armenia. If you don't want to buy fairly inexpensive tickets for opera and ballet performances, enjoy the building's unique architectural appearance. Nearby there is a beautiful square, many outdoor cafes, playgrounds and the most beautiful Freedom Square in the city.

17. Sergei Parajanov Museum

The museum is dedicated to the avant-garde director who glorified Armenian cinema throughout the world.

It is most interesting to visit this private museum as part of an excursion group. The two-story building is located above the gorge, thanks to which the windows offer wonderful panoramic views. The house was built for the great director, but he did not have time to live there. More than one and a half thousand exhibits and exhibition archives are related to the life, work and thoughts of Parajanov.

18. Dalan Art Gallery

Entrance to the Dalan Armineaghayan art gallery building

In addition to permanent exhibitions of post-Soviet art masters, temporary exhibitions of artists of our time are held here. In the art halls you can not only enjoy paintings, but also taste national dishes and buy traditional souvenirs.

19. Museum “Megerian Carpet”

Armenian carpets from different schools Lori-m

The collection features over 50 rare ancient carpets, including a unique hand-woven carpet from the 17th century. During the tour, you can hear a lot of fascinating stories about the production of products, as well as buy your favorite carpet made from natural materials or place an order for its creation (the cost of offers varies). All products are woven exclusively by hand. Master classes are held for those who want to try their hand at weaving carpets. The complex combines a restaurant, a museum, a shop and a factory. You can try baking lavash, or simply enjoy national dishes and drinks, dance and listen to music.

20.Flea market "Vernisage"

Handmade dolls at the Vernissage flea market

By visiting such And interesting places in Yerevan, it is impossible to leave the capital empty-handed. It offers tourists' favorite handmade dolls, national musical instruments, plates, dishes, paintings, carpets, ceramics, board games, and wood products. There are also antiques. The cost of products in most cases is affordable and low (unless we are talking about collectibles, of which there are also many). Market opening hours are every day. However, we recommend coming here on Saturday and Sunday – the number of goods will be maximum.

Sights of Yerevan: what else to visit in Yerevan?

We told you briefly about the main attractions of Yerevan. Besides them, you should also visit:

21. Yerevan Zoo

Vultures in Yerevan Zoo Tiia Monto

The date of construction of the zoo is more than 75 years ago. Now on an area of ​​25 hectares there live more than 200 species of different inhabitants. You can look at animals and birds and take pictures with them. In addition, the landscaped park offers plenty of entertainment for guests of all ages. The zoo has an excellent reputation, thanks to the cleanliness of the picturesque territory, the well-groomed animals and the impressive size of their enclosures.

22. Lovers' Park

Waterfall in Lovers' Park iretina

A wonderful public place for recreation, the amphitheater of which regularly hosts exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, and musical performances. One of the decorations of the park is a sculpture in honor of G. Emin. The landscaped area has a small outdoor restaurant, fountains, sculptures and an artificial lake with several islands. Free Wi-Fi is provided to all guests of the lovers' park. The main author of the project is the famous Swiss Pierre Rambach.

23. Erebuni Fortress

Ruins of an ancient city in the Ararat Valley

The “Bloody” fortress got its name due to the fact that it is located on the top of the Arin-Berd hill, covered with poppies. When the plants bloom, the mountain appears drenched in blood. Having arrived to explore the fortified city, you should visit its museum - there are exhibits here that tell about the traditions and way of life of the culture of Urartu. At the foot of the mountain there are many unusual monuments (modern sculptural compositions). From the fortress itself you can see panoramic views of Ararat and the capital.

24. Khor Virap

Khor Virap Monastery with Mount Ararat in the background

An Armenian temple located near the border with Turkey. One of the reasons for its popularity is its location near Ararat. It was at the foot of the biblical mountain that Noah found himself on his ark after the Great Flood. Visitors are invited to take part in ceremonies for the release of snow-white doves; they can also visit the historical underground dungeon where St. George the Illuminator, and to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

25. Church of St. Anne

Church of St. Anne in the Kentron district of Yerevan Valen1988

A real treasury of Armenian cultural sites and ancient monuments is the ancient city of Yerevan. The mountains surrounding the capital frame the urban landscapes with a picturesque frame, and the best way to relax in nature is to go outside of Yerevan. But having limited time to get to know the city, it’s still worth starting with the city’s historical monuments and shrines. Church of St. Anne - new building, 2015. The decoration of the temple from light stone in the traditional style of Armenian architecture conveys a certain spirit of antiquity. The building is located in the Kentron area next to the 12th century Katoghike Church. The original design of the building belongs to the architect V. Movsisyan - it was according to his idea that the Church of St. Anne was located next to the ancient chapel, and visually “embraced” the ancient shrine. The structure is a single-domed temple in the shape of a cross.

26. Freedom Square

Freedom Square and the southern facade of the Opera House building in Yerevan Spetsnaz 1981

Golden autumn is an epithet that best describes the second autumn month in Yerevan: yellowing foliage gives local parks and squares a special charm. And in October, citizens celebrate the birthday of Yerevan - one of the favorite local holidays, when interesting events are held in various parts of the capital, and one of the epicenters of the holiday is in Freedom Square. Knowing this, visitors don’t think twice about what to see in Yerevan in October , and plan their trip in such a way as to visit Freedom Square on the days of the holiday. This is a cozy place in the very heart of Yerevan, where the bulk of the city's attractions are concentrated - for example, here you can see the Armenian Opera and Ballet Theater, a number of monuments to cultural figures, there is even a small lake called Swan, which in winter becomes a large skating rink. There are also a number of cafes and restaurants here - in short, this is the best area of ​​Yerevan for exploring the Armenian capital.

27. House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian

House-museum of the Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian in the center of the capital of Armenia Yerevan Armineaghayan

The capital of Armenia is full of contrasts - the hot spots of Yerevan coexist with cultural institutions, and a network of ancient streets with colorful oriental architecture is woven into modern city blocks. One of the precious pearls of Yerevan is the house-museum of the great composer Aram Khachaturian, who is especially revered in Armenia as the author of world-famous musical works and as a genius who opened a fundamentally new perspective on the ancient folk music of Armenia. The museum was created in 1982 after the death of the composer in the very center of the capital, so that the glory of the musical genius would not fade for many years. These walls contain the most valuable exhibits reflecting the composer’s life - things from his personal account, letters, and photographs. There is even a personal conductor's baton and a piano at which the composer created. The museum has a library with a collection of scores.

Exhibition halls of the Museum of Russian Art in Yerevan Armineaghayan

Usually tourists try to come to Yerevan in spring or summer, but what to see in Yerevan in winter? Winter is a low tourist season for Armenia, but some tourists like it. Fortunately, in winter, Yerevan museums operate as usual and you can combine business with pleasure, escaping the winter cold during an educational excursion. For example, visit the Museum of Russian Art, the exhibition of which is based on the collection of the famous doctor and public figure Aram Abrahamyan. The best period in the history of Russian art is presented here, during which world-famous masters of the Russian art school created their masterpieces. The museum was founded in 1984, located on the first floor of one of the most beautiful city buildings. The exhibition is based on the works of 120 painters of the 19th-20th centuries, with many works grouped according to the associations in which the artists belonged during their lifetime.

29. House-Museum of Martiros Saryan

House-museum of the outstanding artist of the 20th century Martiros Sarian in Yerevan Sophie Sarian
Collection relating to the life and work of the famous Armenian artist M. Saryan Armineaghayan

Another cultural institution deserves to be included in the top 10 attractions of Yerevan - the house-museum of Martiros Saryan, which is a collection of works of fine art by the great Armenian artist. Saryan was a master of decorative landscapes, colorful still lifes, characteristic portraits, theatrical scenery and literary illustrations. For his special writing style, this artist was called a master of solar art. In total, Saryan wrote about 5 thousand works, which are today presented in many museums in Russia and Armenia. But those works that are displayed in the House-Museum are quite enough to study the creative path of the master. On the ground floor of the building there are graphic sketches, illustrations, sketches for decorations, as well as a memorial room with the painter’s personal belongings. The second floor contains the author's main masterpieces - landscapes, portraits, still lifes. The third floor shows the earliest period of his work.

30. Museum of Modern Art

Collection of Armenian sculpture and painting of the 20th and 21st centuries at the Museum of Contemporary Art Preacher lad

July is a sunny time in Yerevan, the time for out-of-town trips to nature. Guests of the capital will not have to choose for long what to see in Yerevan in July - the choice of destinations is very large. These are the Jemruk waterfalls, mineral springs, the enchanting forests of Dilijan, and much more interesting things. But a country trip can be supplemented with an evening promenade along city avenues, when the heat of the day goes away and the long-awaited coolness sets in. On Republic Square - admire the magnificent show of singing fountains, or dilute your relaxing holiday with an educational visit to the Museum of Modern Art. Delving deeper into history, it is worth noting that the museum was founded in the 1970s solely on donations from artists. Today, these walls house one of the largest collections of Armenian painting and sculpture of the 20-21st centuries. And the exhibition is based on the works of the “sixties”, from which the museum collection originated.

We will be glad if the sights of Yerevan we have indicated, photos with names and descriptions of which you have just seen, are of interest to you and your family.

Yerevan is one of the oldest cities in the world, the construction of the Erebuni fortress dates back to 782 BC, the city on the Seven Hills arose in 753 BC.

Yerevan is a sea of ​​sun and fruit, the snowy peaks of Ararat, the ancient stones of the Erebuni citadel. The aroma of coffee filled the streets of the city. Yerevan - the Sergei Parajanov Museum, Christian monasteries, the pantheon of geniuses of the Armenian spirit and Muslim shrines.

The outskirts of Yerevan are the legendary Echmiadzin, the Noravank monastery complex and the “inverted sky” - Lake Sevan.

Yerevan is safe, the stereotype that a trip to the Caucasus is associated with the risk of encountering crime does not work here. Many residents of the capital speak Russian well.

Yerevan is a city with a million people, but not a metropolis in the usual sense of the word. Yerevan is a city of jazz, small cafes, open terraces, street fountains. City of museums and historical monuments.

The sacred symbol of the entire Armenian land. The legendary ark of Noah landed here, and Armenians consider themselves direct descendants of the biblical righteous man.

In good weather, the top of Ararat is visible from anywhere in the capital, but you won’t be able to get closer to the sacred mountain and take a pebble “as a souvenir”. Masis-Ararat is located in Turkey.

Republic Square and Singing Fountains

Republic Square is the calling card and “highlight” of the capital. The main square of Yerevan has repeatedly been in the lead in the ranking of the most beautiful squares in the world. The originality and its uniqueness are in the buildings made of pink tuff, decorated with carved ornaments. On Republic Square there is a museum of the history of Armenia and the “main buildings” of the country - the Government House and the House of Ministries.

It is always crowded here, the square is a favorite walking place for the townspeople. Married couples come here to get some fresh air, meet and fall in love here. But all the charm of Republic Square is revealed in the evening during the light and music show of the Singing Fountains. Performances where three artists - water, light and music - play three main roles. Thousands of lights and thousands of water jets, changing height and shape, and music flying over the square - classical, modern, national Armenian. And - as a conclusion - “Eternal Love” by Charles Aznavour.

There are a great many fountains in Yerevan. Large, smaller, very small drinking water fountains. Not far from Republic Square there is a small square where it has been working properly since 1968 2750 crumb fountains. Their number is not accidental and symbolic - Yerevan turned so many years old in the year of their installation.

The famous chansonnier was born in France, but every Armenian considers him a fellow countryman. One of the most beautiful and unusual squares in Yerevan bears his name. There is no pomp of Republic Square here. People come here to relax, sit on benches and admire the fountain with the Armenian zodiac signs.

The square is surrounded by unusual semicircular buildings - the Grand Hotel and the Moscow cinema. At the entrance to the cinema there are two charming figures - a spider and a bull. The most interesting time to visit is Charles Aznavour’s birthday – there is live music and French chanson. On the square there is a huge chessboard with giant pieces, between which children walk as if in a forest.

A giant “stairway to heaven.” The cascade is surrounded by flower beds, fountains, and inside there are premises with restaurants, cafes, small museums, and exhibition halls. And there are observation decks that offer stunning views of both peaks of Ararat. For those who are unable to climb 675 steps, there is an escalator that will take guests more than halfway up.

And along the street leading to the Cascade there is a garden " Cafesjian sculptures" Many funny figures “live” here: acrobat hares, gymnast hares on the backs of elephants, a blue penguin. At one of the levels of the Cascade, a wonderful lion made of car tires found a “permanent residence”.

The landmarks of the Cascade and Yerevan are the works of the Colombian sculptor Fernando Botero: “Smoking Woman”, “Roman Warrior” and “Black Cat”. The attitude of Yerevan residents towards corpulent sculptures was in many ways ambiguous: jokes were made about them, people laughed at them, and they were demanded to be removed. Over time, people got used to the large naked forms of the gladiator and the smoking lady, and the sculptures became an integral part of the city.

On the top tier of the Cascade there is a five-story house-museum of Charles Aznavour with a concert hall. Chansonnier was personally involved in its furnishings during his visits to Armenia.

Location: Tumanyan street - 10.

Armenia adopted Christianity in time immemorial. Monuments of early Christianity have been preserved in the country. Some things were restored by the state, others “we didn’t get around to.”

In the north of Yerevan, in the Avan district, the ruins of a 6th century cathedral have been preserved - one of the first five-domed cathedrals in Armenia, comparable in age to the Constantinople Church of St. Sofia. Even in its dilapidated state, the cathedral makes a strong impression with the power of its stone walls. The temple can be called “active”. Believers still come here, services are held and makeshift altars are created.

The only functioning mosque in Yerevan and all of Armenia. “Sister” of the famous Istanbul “Blue Mosque”. Walls, arches, everything is decorated with ornaments. And above all this external splendor is a blue dome and a 24-meter minaret.

As rich as the exterior is, the interior is so modest and even ascetic. But inside there is a wonderful library of spiritual literature, and wonderful objects of Iranian art are displayed in the courtyard.

Location: Mesrop Mashtots Ave - 12.

The Institute of Ancient Manuscripts named after Mesrop Mashtots is a unique place. A holy place for those who want to touch the origins of Christianity, and for those who are not indifferent to world history.

Ancient manuscripts of the 9th, 11th, and 13th centuries are kept here. The museum's oldest manuscript is the 7th-century Gospel of the Virgin Mary. The presidents of Armenia take their oath on it during their inauguration.

In the halls of the museum you can see luxurious ancient bibles and miniatures, and get acquainted with examples of ancient oriental calligraphy. The most interesting rooms to visit are those of ancient maps, medieval medicine, and archival documents.

Location: Mashtots Avenue - 53.

The main museum of the capital. It is beautiful in appearance and has impressive collections: archaeological, numismatic, ethnographic. The museum contains objects from the ancient Urartian civilization found during excavations.

On the second floor, in the halls of modern and recent history, you can admire wonderful carpets, fabrics and embroideries.

Location: Republic Square - 4.

Dedicated to the most beloved composer of Armenia. Personal belongings that belonged to the maestro, scores of his works and the famous piano are kept here. The instrument traveled from Argentina to Brazil and at the end of the journey ended up in Armenia.

In addition, the museum is proud of its extensive collection of musical instruments from different countries and peoples.

The museum hosts festivals, exhibitions, performances by artists, and its music library includes more than 2,500 recordings of classical and modern music.

Location: Zarobyan Street - 3.

An intimate, very cozy museum dedicated to the famous Armenian, who never lived in Armenia - Sergei Parajanov. His films are a riot of colors and imagination. His museum in the Dzoragyugh quarter is just as unusual and has the same charisma.

The museum has a unique and unusual collection - dolls, collages, hats, paintings created by the hands of a master. Here is the famous “La Gioconda” by Parajanov, created by the maestro in prison. The museum's exhibitions are the artist's thoughts about the world and existence embodied in things, in matter.

Location: Dzoragyugh Street 15-16.

The Armenian Genocide Museum and the Tsitsernakarbed Memorial are a tribute to those who died in the tragic years of 1915-192. Photographs, archival documents, demographic tables tell about Armenians arrested, hanged, and shot by the Young Turks.

The main exhibition is located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building, and in the semi-basement there is a hall dedicated to the great composer and one of the first victims of the Genocide Soghomon Soghomonyan - Komitas.

On a hill with the impressive name “Bloody Fortress” once stood the ancient Urartian city of Erebuni. To this day, the remains of fortress walls, temples and irrigation canals have been preserved. The paintings have been preserved, centuries later, without losing the brightness and freshness of their colors.

Despite the fact that every piece of this land is “as old as the world,” Erebuni does not give the impression of desolation. The fortress walls and temples at the top of the hill have been restored and there is a museum with a rich collection of Urartian antiquities.

The monument to David of Sasun is another symbol of Yerevan. It was installed in 1939 and is fully consistent with the tradition of monumentalism of that era. Huge basalt blocks of the pedestal, a massive horse and an athletic rider. The monument will make some people smile, others will wince with displeasure. But Yerevan residents are proud of their David, the legendary leader of the popular uprising against the Arab caliph. They are proud of a person in a fair and equal battle of a victorious enemy.

It is worth visiting to pay tribute to the memory and respect of famous and beloved Armenians: Sergei Parajanov, Martiros Saryan, Frunze Mkrtchyan. The great composer of Armenia, Komitas, is also buried here.

Without a horse there is no Armenia. Museums are museums, parks are parks, but the cognac factory is a separate issue. The factory museum has a wonderful exhibition. Tours and tastings are held here. There is also a shop here where you can buy elite varieties of Armenian cognac. Actually, there are two of them – “Noah” and “Ararat”. Tours are held here and there, and the factories are located opposite each other.

Location: Admiral Isakov Avenue - 2.

The outskirts of Yerevan are mountains on which snow does not melt even in summer. Plum and apricot orchards. Monasteries of architecture unusual for European eyes, monuments of the pre-Christian era, an ancient cave city.

The 2nd century AD is an antiquity about which almost no material evidence has survived. Etchmiadzin has been preserved - a living, functioning monastery. No, a whole monastery complex with a marvelous cathedral and the Church of St. Hripsime included in the UNESCO protocols.

The world's only Theological Academy of Holy Etchmiadzin operates here and the residence of the Catholicos of All Armenians is located here.

In the village of Oshakan there is a great shrine of Armenia - the temple of the founder of the Armenian alphabet, poet, teacher, scientist - Mesrop Mashtots. The relics of the saint himself rest in the crypt of the temple. And in Oshakan, monuments from the Urartu era have been preserved.

The “upside down sky” of Sevan attracts both Armenians and guests of the country. There are the most beautiful places and two ancient monasteries - Sevanavank and Hayravank. There are excellent fishing spots and delicious fish kebabs. There is a ski resort here. But swimming in the lake is difficult - the water is too cold, which requires getting used to.

Temple of Mithras in Garni and Garni Gorg

The only pagan temple has survived in Orthodox Armenia. The temple of the solar god Mithras in the village of Garni is the “little Parthenon”. It really looks like the Greek Parthenon - the same columns, the same aspiration towards the Sun. During the time of King Tiridates, the temple was decorated with the figure of Mithras, installed so that during services it was flooded with bright sunlight. For a long time, the Garni complex was a “house of coolness,” a resting place and summer residence of the Armenian kings. The temple has been completely restored; you can book a guided tour here, or you can come on your own.

Not far from the temple there is a natural miracle of the Armenian land - “Basalt Organ”, “Stone Symphony” - the Garni Gorg gorge. Colossal hexagonal pillars with a height of 50 meters hang over the river. Moving along a narrow path, you feel the full power of the volcano that was active here. Nature has placed huge stone pipes in a symmetrical order, and if you look at the gorge from afar, it really resembles a huge stone organ.

Khndzoresk is a strange and unusual place - a cave city. Until the early 50s, people lived in stone caves underground. New Khndzoresk is no different from thousands of Armenian villages. The old one still reliably keeps its secrets. Here, in the ancient cemetery, the national hero of Armenia Mkhitar Sparapet is buried, who saved the inhabitants of the city from the Persian and Turkish yoke.

On the slope of Mount Aragats there is an amazing monument to the Armenian alphabet. 39 huge tuff letters and a monument to their creator Mesrop Mashtots. Until now, scientists are at a loss as to whether Mashtots created the Armenian alphabet “from scratch” or used the oldest Armenian writing. But what is known for certain is that titanic work was undertaken, a long journey to Ethiopia and Mesopotamia, and the outlines of the letters were suggested by God himself.

Small monuments

Monument to Arno Babajanyan, the beloved Armenian composer. Extravagant and emotional, and next to him - in the park, entwined with greenery and covered with turf - “green monuments” - a guitar, a piano and a saxophone.

“Backgammon Player”, “Belated Photography”, “Antelopes in a Jump”, “Flower Seller” - there are many small sculptural compositions on the streets of Yerevan. Each of them is not just a composition cast from metal, but that zest, without which the city would lose its sophistication and originality.

Small, cozy and one is not like the other. Here you can try lamajo and magalepi, kololik, tapaka, bozbash - national Armenian dishes. In each cafe they are prepared according to their own recipes, with different herbs and spices.

The streets are saturated with the smell of coffee. Coffee with cardamom, ginger, cinnamon. Cooked over an open fire and on sand. Large restaurants use coffee machines; in small cafes the drink is brewed the same way it was brewed 100 years ago.

Each district has its own market. The large city market is located on Khorenatsi Street. Meat, dairy, fruit rows, stalls with dried fruits, spices and seasonings. Everything is very colorful and festive. You can try everything, and there are small cafes nearby where you can have a snack for a very small fee. Very reasonable prices and mandatory bargaining. Everyone haggles, they bargain not because it is expensive, this is an integral part of Eastern culture, without it the best purchase will not bring joy to either the seller or the buyer.

Yerevan is the oldest Armenian city in the region of mountain peaks and ancient monasteries, which is called an open-air museum.

Capital of Armenia attracts tourists with an abundance of attractions that have preserved national characteristics and history. Armenian culture. True, little remains of the ancient buildings, since Yerevan has been destroyed and rebuilt dozens of times throughout its life. The atmosphere of the city is conducive to making guests of the country feel at home. In Yerevan you can see how and how the Armenian people live.

Cascade Museum

The pride of Armenia and the most important attraction of Yerevan is the Cascade.

Cascade is a museum of modern art built in 2009 year. Its distinctive feature is, without exaggeration, a pompous staircase with artificial fountains-waterfalls made of milky tuff. This structure connects the upper and lower city, which is located high in the mountains.

The cascade is located on Tamanyan Street behind the Opera and Ballet Theater. Climbing to its top, you will be able to see with your own eyes the fabulous views of Yerevan against the backdrop of the legendary Ararat. The Great Cascade, on top of which the obelisk of the Revived Armenia is installed, is compared by art historians with the famous Babylonian pyramid. They plan to turn this place into a park and an art gallery: works of ancient sculptors will be exhibited inside the structure, and works of contemporaries will be displayed outside.

A little advice for guests of the capital: entrance to the park itself is free, but in order to visit the museum halls, you need to purchase tickets on the first floor (it is advisable to do this right away so as not to waste time).

Historical Museum of Armenia

The most visited attraction in Yerevan is Historical Museum of Armenia, which houses incredible exhibitions within its walls that can transport a modern person into the distant past for a few minutes.

In this museum, rich in exhibits, the curious tourist will find a lot of interesting things: the following are carefully preserved here:

  • ancient monuments,
  • manuscripts,
  • works of monumental painting,
  • coins from different eras,
  • all kinds of jewelry and tools from the Bronze Age.

The museum is located on Republic Street, 4.

Prices and tickets are affordable: 1000 drams – for adults; 300 drams – for schoolchildren, students and pensioners.

Yerevan is a city of attractions and museums. Armenia can be compared to an old bag of gold: at first glance it may seem to you that this country is pale, still hiding behind the shadow of the Soviet Union, but if you dare to look into this bag, you will find a lot of interesting and even precious things.

House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian

This is considered a gold bar House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian, famous Armenian composer XX century.

Not only in the heart of Yerevan you will find interesting places. In the vicinity of the city, tourists are given the opportunity to go to the mountains with professional guides and look at the breathtaking views Ararat valleys(this is quite expensive and not every tourist can afford it).

Near the monument to architect A. Tamanyan you will be greeted by a cozy Khachaturian Museum, which was created in 1982 after his death as a sign of gratitude for his work and greatness of talent. On the site of this museum there used to be a mansion in which Aram Ilyich’s brother lived with his family, and the composer himself often stayed here after tiring tours and trips.

Here visitors will be able to appreciate not only the exhibits, but also hear music written by Aram Ilyich. And for those who like to read, there is a small library with a collection of works A. Khachaturyan.

Believe me, in Yerevan and its surroundings, inquisitive tourists have places to go and things to see.

Genocide Museum

A “sore topic” for any Armenian is the memories of the events of the genocide in Armenia during the First World War. This is a terrible period in Armenian history, which took thousands of innocent souls. At the Genocide Museum Armenians in Yerevan, you will feel the sadness and tragedy of this event.

The museum was built on the mountainside on the territory of Tsitsernakaberd, a memorial to the Armenian genocide. This museum has a rather symbolic form. The building itself is completely underground and resembles a tomb, and the round structure inside is the circles of hell through which the victims of the terrible genocide had to go.

Entrance to the museum is free


Those who want to relax their souls and get aesthetic pleasure should definitely visit Blue Mosque in Yerevan. This is the only Muslim cathedral in Armenia, which by its existence indicates that the inhabitants of this country respect God and are tolerant of their choice of religion.

This mosque is called Blue because of the color of the dome. The cathedral has a cozy courtyard with apricot trees, where the great Armenian poet loved to seek inspiration for his poetry Yeghishe Charents. They say after the visit Heavenly Mosque people feel happy and find peace of mind. This mosque is a home for those who want to talk with God and find harmony.

Free admission

Every tourist in Armenia should visit one of the most mysterious attractions of Yerevan and its surroundings - Zvartnots Temple, also known in narrow circles as the “Temple of the Vigilant Angels”.

This amazing temple was built during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Constantine II, however, unfortunately, it did not last long - only 300 years. The foundation of the building could not withstand the earthquake and collapsed like a house of cards. Until the 20th century, it was completely buried under a pile of earth and sand.

Today, the Zvartnots Temple is being actively reconstructed: the first tier of the building has already been revived thanks to the work of architects. Now there is a museum there that anyone can visit.

If you decide to get to know Yerevan in 2 days and you have time to see its sights, understand what influenced the formation of Armenia, then hurry to Zvartnots Temple.

It is located outside the city and you will most likely spend a lot of time getting to this place. Excursions most often also take quite a long time, because, you see, you cannot tell the history of the temple and the Armenian people in half an hour.

Be sure to take something to snack with you (especially if you are with children), since there are no shops nearby.

Free admission

Erebuni Fortress

If you are visiting Armenia or are just planning to visit this country, then you should definitely see it with your own eyes Erebuni fortress.

Erebuni Fortress is a historical monument that has preserved in every stone, in every wall inscription the strength and spirit of the ancient people living in the city of Erebuni. Legend has it that a thousand years ago, on the orders of the king Argishti I The Erebuni fortress was built as a symbol of the above-mentioned city, in which the proud and invincible people of the Ararat Valley lived.

This city is not only a landmark, but also a real descendant of the capital of Armenia, since the name of the city of Yerevan comes from the name of the Erebuni fortress.

This monument is still a real mystery for historians, since it is fraught with many questions, the answers to which they have yet to find.

It is advisable to take a taxi to the fortress so that there are no difficulties on the road (it is located outside the city).


As soon as you leave the train station, you will be greeted by a copper monument to David of Sassoun, riding on his faithful horse Kurkika Jalali.

Yerevan residents are proud of this monument, since the image of Sasuntsi David is a symbol of the invincible spirit of the Armenian people. Even if you are not familiar with the heroic epic of Armenia, then when you see the monument you will still feel all the greatness of this hero, who raised an iron sword against the enemy and defeated him in a fair fight.

The famous copper monument stands proudly in the center of Yerevan "Mother Armenia".

This is a symbol of the homeland, depicted in the image of a mother woman sheathing a sword.

The monument is located in Haghtanak Park (city center).

One of the most amazing places in Yerevan, which never ceases to fascinate tourists and citizens, is Singing Fountains.

Singing Yerevan fountains is a small Venice in the heart of Armenia. If you want to feel like the heroes of a romantic film, then invite your loved one to this special place, you will find yourself in a fairy tale. You will remember this magnetic place for a long time.

If you want to see in 3 days the life of people in Yerevan, what they love about their city, then this is the place for you.

  1. You will not only have time to visit all the sights of Yerevan, but also spend the whole night among the Singing Fountains.
  2. At dawn, go up to your room and see Mount Ararat greeting the sun.

The fountains operate every day from late May to September.

What to see in Yerevan in 4 days

Yerevan residents are trying in every possible way to make their capital a European city, so at almost every step you will come across different unusual places that will allow you to find out how Armenia and its inhabitants live.

I would advise tourists who plan to see the sights of Yerevan in 4 days to find out what Armenians consider their pride. And you can understand this by going to Tatev Monastery.

It is located in the Syunik region (in the small town of Tatev), it is advisable to go there by taxi or pre-book an excursion (you will be taken there by bus along with a group of tourists).

The peculiarity of Armenians is that they try in every possible way to preserve their national traditions and, importantly, are proud of their people.

A little advice for tourists!

If you only have 1 day to see the sights of Yerevan, then you better visit:

  • Grand Cascade;
  • Blue Mosque;
  • house-museum of A. Khachaturian.

Since they are located in the very center of the city, you will have time to relax and continue your journey further.

Where to go in Yerevan

Armenians invest a lot of work and money into improving their capital in order to become part of Europe. On the streets of Yerevan, tourists can encounter not only modern sculptures (for example, the famous sculpture "Letter Man"), but also street musicians playing unusual Armenian jazz.

In Yerevan, you won’t have to think long about where to go, since you can easily find some newfangled restaurant in the center, or go to shopping centers, amusement parks, where you can have a good rest and have fun with your children.

And if you are a budget tourist, then you will discover Armenian fast food, although instead of hamburgers and cola you will be offered national Armenian meat dishes.

Yerevan is a miniature piece in the middle of the Caucasus Mountains. In winter we recommend visiting the Western Caucasus. And also, when going to the mountains, don’t forget about the equipment:

Where to go in Yerevan with children

If you come to Yerevan with children, then you definitely need to take them to Yerevan Zoo. Believe me, you will not only make your children happy, but you will also return to childhood.

In order for the animals to feel comfortable within the walls of the zoo, workers created living conditions as close as possible to wild nature. The amazing thing is that here the animals can get their own food in their own spacious cages. This is a very memorable sight that visitors often watch.

Today, the Yerevan Zoo is home to approximately 2,749 animals (about three hundred species).

In the evenings, zoo workers will not let you get bored: there are interesting puppet shows, mime shows, live sculptures, and performances by the animals themselves together with experienced trainers.

The zoo receives visitors every day (it is located quite far from the city, but free buses for visitors go there)