Sport beach volleyball. Beach volleyball

Beach volleyball- an Olympic sport, a sports team game with a ball on a sandy court divided by a high net, the goal of which is to direct the ball towards the opponent so that it lands on the opponent's half or to cause a mistake on the part of the opposing team player.

The International Volleyball Federation (from the French Fédération Internationale de Volleyball, abbr. FIVB) is an international federation that unites 220 national federations. The headquarters is located in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

History of the emergence and development of beach volleyball

Beach volleyball originated in the early 1920s on the beaches of California (USA). In 1927, beach volleyball became known in Europe, first in France, and then in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Latvia.

The first official beach volleyball tournament was held in the USA in 1947, after which the game began to gain popularity and almost became equal to surfing.

In 1965, the California Beach Volleyball Association was created, and it also developed the first rules for beach volleyball. In 1983, the Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) was created.

In 1986, beach volleyball received the status of an international sport, and in 1987, the first, not yet official, world championship was held in Rio de Janeiro. The first official championship was held only in 1997 in Los Angeles.

In 1996, beach volleyball made its debut at the Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA).

Beach volleyball rules (briefly)

Let's look briefly at the rules of playing beach volleyball. Let’s immediately make a reservation that the rules in beach volleyball are the same for men and women. Beach volleyball teams consist of two people; if one of the players is injured and cannot continue playing, then that team is considered defeated.

Teams take turns serving, with the first team serving until they lose the right to serve due to a loss of a point or an error. After the team plays the serve again, another player serves, etc.

A beach volleyball match consists of two games with a score of up to 21 points. If the game reaches the third set, then the score is kept to 15 points. To win in each game, a difference in score of at least two points is required. Teams change sides more often than in regular volleyball. The change of sides occurs after every seven points in the first two games, and every five points in the third.

Rules for receiving the ball: in beach volleyball, the ball can be hit with any part of the body, but players of one team can touch the ball no more than three times, after which they must return it to the opponent’s side.

For violations of the rules or inappropriate behavior, players receive warnings (yellow card), reprimands (red card), expulsions (red and yellow cards at the same time, means loss in the game) or disqualification (red and yellow cards in different hands at the same time, means loss in the match) .

Beach volleyball court

The dimensions of the beach volleyball court are 16 meters long and 8 meters wide. The site is covered with sand at least 40 cm deep and divided into two equal parts by a mesh. The net in men's beach volleyball is at a height of 2.43 meters, and in women's at a height of 2.24 meters.

The marking of the volleyball court is carried out using 5 centimeter tapes, which are secured using metal pegs or special wooden disks.

Uniforms and equipment for beach volleyball

A beach volleyball ball is slightly larger than its classic counterpart (66-68 cm), and, on the contrary, the pressure in it is less. The ball must have a bright color.

Beach volleyball equipment consists of shorts or swimsuits, without any shoes on the feet.


Refereeing in beach volleyball is carried out with the help of two main referees, one of whom (the first) ensures that techniques during the game are performed in accordance with the rules. He can also correct the decisions of the second referee.

The second referee monitors the progress at the net and at the halfway line, as well as the behavior of coaches and substitute players, and provides comprehensive assistance to the first referee. In addition to the main referees, there are line judges on the field.

In the warm season, many are not averse to combining business with pleasure and running around in the scorching sun for a ball. Beach volleyball not only pleasantly diversifies a serene holiday on the coast, but also helps to compensate for barbecues and other high-calorie delicacies that certainly accompany outdoor recreation. The more often you play, the better you will get at it. In addition, you will perfectly develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction. And it’s more pleasant to exercise your muscles in a fun team game than running alone in the park with a player.

Beach volleyball: subtleties

Beach volleyball, which has a second, less common name - beach volley, is currently very popular. Good beaches certainly have special areas that allow everyone to have fun and exercise, and even make new acquaintances.

A game like beach volleyball is much simpler than usual: here all the rules are quite flexible, and even the ball can be hit not only with your hands, but with anything else you need. You can play with two or ten players. The main thing in this case is only the presence of two teams. The goal of the game remains classic: you need to hit the ball behind the net, to the opponents' side, so that they do not have time to pass it back, and the ball touches the ground.

There are a number of features that are worth paying attention to to make the game enjoyable and safe:

  1. The size of a beach volleyball court should be about 16x8m and divided in half by a high net. Please note that the court should not be paved or sown with grass: beach volleyball involves sand.
  2. Beach volleyball sand should be inspected before the game: if you notice various sharp pebbles, glass or shell fragments in it, it is better to abandon the game so as not to spend the rest of the day in the nearest emergency room.
  3. The height of the beach volleyball net is standard - 2.24 m. This is not too low, but not too high either. In a word, participants of any height can easily throw the ball over such a height.
  4. A beach volleyball ball should be slightly larger than a standard ball.
  5. Women's beach volleyball uniform is your swimsuit. Some girls wear shorts, but you can do without them.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, no expensive equipment is required - you just need a great mood!

Beach volleyball: rules of the game

Let's look at the basic rules of beach volleyball, which will help you easily navigate the battlefield:

By learning to play beach volleyball, you will gain self-confidence, learn about the spirit of competition and will have a much more interesting time on vacation.

Beach volleyball, despite its status as a professional sport, is highly popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

About beach volleyball

Nowadays, beach volleyball (also called beach volleyball) is not only a professional and commercial sport, but also one of the popular types of outdoor activities. Having emerged as a variation of classic volleyball, beach volleyball has become an independent sport. Despite the similarities between these two sports, there are also significant differences between them.

Athletes playing beach volleyball, in addition to the traditional jumping ability, good reaction, strong serve and feel for the ball, must have a number of other qualities:

Athleticism (playing on sticky sand requires athletes to be in excellent physical condition)

Endurance (the game takes place in all weather conditions, and substitutions are not provided during the match)

Universalism (a beach volleyball team consists of only two people, and the players do not have a clear division by role)

Beach volleyball is a unique sport; its players are often called “one big family.” The virtually unchanged composition of participants in professional competitions and the busy calendar of games leads to the fact that they spend most of their time together - on planes, airports and hotels. Often, volleyball players from different countries can be connected not only by friendship, but also, for example, by a common coach. Therefore, during matches, players of opposing teams invariably exchange friendly handshakes and try to cheer each other up, but of course, all this does not in any way affect the desire of each team to snatch victory.

Rules of the game

In official competitions, beach volleyball is played by two teams, each with two people and no substitutions. The game takes place on a sandy court (8 by 16 meters), divided by a net (height for men - 2.43 m and for women - 2.24 m). The goal of the game is to ensure that the ball touches the court on the opponent's side, and in turn prevent the ball from falling on your side. The ball can be hit with any part of the body.

The ball is put into play by the serving player. When the ball is on someone's side, the team can hit the ball three times in order to throw it to the opponent's half. Moreover, the player does not have the right to hit the ball twice in a row (except in cases of blocking or on the first touch).

The ball continues until the ball touches the court, goes out of bounds, or one of the teams makes a mistake. The winning team earns a point and the right to serve the ball. Serving players must change during service transitions.

In beach volleyball, a match is played over 2 sets, and the team that wins two sets wins the match. And if after the first two games the score is 1:1, then the decisive third game is played. The game is considered won if one of the teams scores 21 points with a difference of 2 points. But if the score in the game is 20:20, then the game continues until the score reaches a difference of two points. If it comes to the third game, then victory is awarded to the team that scored 15 points with a difference of 2 points. If the score is 14:14, the game continues until the score reaches a difference of two points.

As for amateur games, the rules can be anything, the main thing is to get a charge of a good mood from the game!

Beach volleyball ball

The main requirement for a ball for playing beach volleyball is that it must be waterproof, since playing on the beach requires it to regularly fall into the water. Most often, balls are made from elastic materials: synthetic leather, polyurethane or
polyvinyl chloride, sometimes made of genuine leather (such balls are more expensive and at the same time inferior to synthetic analogues in a number of characteristics). The color for the ball is chosen in bright shades, usually orange, yellow or white.

Balls used for international competitions under the auspices of the FIVB have the following parameters:

Circumference: 66 - 68 cm.

Weight: 260 - 280 cm

Internal pressure: 171 - 221 Mbar or kPa (0.175 - 0.225 kg/cm2).

This is interesting

The world record for serve power belongs to Russian Igor Kolodinsky; the ball after his serve reaches a speed of 114 km/h. There are currently only 6 players in the world whose serve speed exceeds 100 km/h.

The content of the article

BEACH VOLLEYBALL(English beach-volleyball: from beach, beach + volleyball, other designations - beach-volley, BVB), a team sports game with a ball, a type of classic volleyball. Athletes play barefoot on a sandy area divided in half by a net. The goal of the game is to use your hands to direct the ball through the net so that it lands in the opponent’s half (or the opponent is unable to hit it correctly), and to prevent the ball from falling on their part of the court.

Beach volleyball (men's and women's) is practiced in more than 150 countries. Included in the program of the Olympic Games, Goodwill Games, Universiade and other major international competitions.

Modern scourge is not only a sport, but also a serious business in which a lot of money is invested. Beach volleyball tournaments (often held at prestigious resorts) arouse huge spectator interest. The stars of professional whip-willing receive large fees.


The game takes place on a 16x8 m court, limited by side and end lines made of elastic bands laid around the perimeter. The court is surrounded by a free zone with a width of at least 3 (in international matches - 5) m, covered with sand (at least 40 cm deep) and divided into two equal parts by a net (at a height of 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women). On both sides, the space above the net is limited by special antennas: the ball must fly within this space.

Beach willy is played with a ball, which consists of a leather (or other similar material) tire and an inflatable bladder. Ball diameter: 66–68 cm, weight: 260–280 g.

Each team has two players. There are no substitutions in beach volleyball: if one of the athletes receives an injury that does not allow him to continue the game, his team is considered defeated. By the rules of beach volley - unlike classic volleyball - the positions of the players on the court are not determined in any way: they are absolutely free in their choice.

Playing a point begins with one of the players serving the ball (partners serve in turns: first one - until the team loses the right to serve; after the team plays the serve again, another player serves, etc.). The ball can be served by hitting from below or from above; hand or forearm; standing or jumping. The serve is made from behind the back line of the court (when serving in a jump - after the strike has been made - it is allowed to “land” on the court). The ball after serving must not touch the net or the serving player's partner. The server's partner does not have the right to interfere with opponents by obstructing the server at the moment of service or the trajectory of the ball.

You can hit the ball with any part of your body. As in “regular” volleyball, the three-touch rule applies: in order to return the ball to the opponent’s half, players of one team can touch the ball no more than three times (including unintentional touches), a block being one of these three touches. The fourth touch of the ball means the loss of a point (loss of serve). The same player also does not have the right to hit the ball twice in a row (exception: after a block and on the first touch). Teammates can touch the ball at the same time, but this counts as two touches.

In addition to the fourth touch, the team also loses a point (the right to serve) if: the ball after its hit goes out of bounds; one of its players has touched the net or boundary antenna; the ball fell in her half.

The course of a beach volleyball game depends to a certain extent on weather conditions. To equalize the chances of the opponents, during the first two games they change sides after every ten points are played, and in the decisive game - five.

The game is played according to the principle “every play is a point”: if successful, the team receives a point regardless of whose serve it was. If the receiving team wins the rally, it receives the right to serve in addition to a point.

A beach volleyball match consists of two games, which are played to 21 points (if the difference in the score is at least two points: with a score of 20:20, the game continues until the gap reaches two points). To win the match you need to win two games. If the score (in games) is 1:1, the third ( decisive) game – up to 15 points. When the score is 14:14, the game continues until the advantage of one of the teams in the score reaches two points.

Breaks between games last 1 minute. During the game, each team has the right to two time-outs (30 seconds each). The maximum allowable “pause” between points is 12 seconds.

Beach volleyball matches are served by a refereeing team consisting of the first and second referee, the secretary, and four (two) line judges.

For unsportsmanlike (rude, etc.) behavior, penalties may be in the form of a warning, reprimand, removal or disqualification player . The judge signals the assigned punishment using yellow and red cards. Possible consequences of penalties: loss of serve (loss of a point), loss of the game or, if a player is disqualified, the entire match.

Some features of beach volleyball technique and tactics.

According to experts, classic volleyball is more interesting from a sports perspective than beach volleyball. But whip-will is undoubtedly a more dynamic game (as research shows, here the player has to make more jumps and jerks on the court). It requires jumping ability, mobility, endurance, strength, feel for the ball, good reaction and striking technique.

The basic skills and requirements for training an athlete in beach volleyball are similar to classical volleyball (it is no coincidence that many bvb masters have previously completed the school of the “regular” game: for example, the best, according to the International Federation, volleyball player of the 20th century. Karch Kiraly), but at the same time have a number of features.

The small number of participants in the game, playing without substitutes, and the conditions of the match (open air) leave a noticeable imprint on the technique and tactics of beach volleyball. Thus, the lack of substitutions does not give the team the opportunity to build and adjust the game by varying the composition, and incorrect actions in a given situation by an individual player (for example, a blocker, who in a matter of seconds must decide whether to block or not) have more serious consequences than a “classic” volleyball player’s mistake. Beach volleyball also has its own specific technical elements, for example, the “skyball”, a very difficult shot to receive - a high serve in the wind when the ball comes towards the receivers from the direction of the sun.

A “beach volleyball player” must have universal skills. Although in some teams there is a clear division into playing roles: a blocker and a defender operating in the “deep” of the court. But in any case, clear interaction and teamwork between partners is required. Along with the technique of hitting (serving) and receiving the ball and moving around the court, deceptive movements occupy an important place in the athlete’s arsenal (in attack and defense), provoking the opponent to make incorrect actions.

Competent tactics are no less important for overall success than the physical data or technical skills of the players.

Historical reference.

Beach willy originated in the 1910s in Hawaii. While waiting for a good wave, members of the local surf club often played volleyball right on the beach. One of the most avid players was the famous swimmer ( cm. SWIMMING) Olympic champion and record holder Duke Kahanamoku.

Later, as the sports director of the beach club in Santa Monica (California), he did a lot to transform beach volleyball from fun for vacationers into a real sports game: dynamic, spectacular, requiring good physical preparation from the participants. It was in Santa Monica in the 1920s that a net was first installed on the beach and a volleyball court was marked out. This is how the second birth of the scourge-will took place - already in a new capacity.

Special sites have begun to appear on public and private beaches in Southern California. The bulk of the players (in the “serious” matches the game was played in a 6x6 format) were students from local colleges. Since 1924, private clubs began to hold regular local competitions.

In Europe, beach willy was first discovered thanks to French nudists: in 1927, the game became the main entertainment on the beach in Franconville, a place northwest of Paris. Over time, the game became widespread in other European countries: primarily in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Latvia.

In 1930, the first match took place in Santa Monica, in which two people competed on each side. It is noteworthy that at first the participants in the 2x2 game used only a quarter of the court, then half, and gradually “mastered” it entirely. Over time, the 2x2 format has gained incredible popularity.

In the second half of the 1940s, several beach will tournaments were held in California. In the early 1950s, beach volleyball began to boom in the state; it became almost as much a part of the “California lifestyle” as surfing, being associated not only with sports, but also with music and fashion. It is starting to be played in Northern California and Florida. Several – still unofficial – commercial tournaments with small prize money are organized. Women are joining the scourge: first they play in “mixed doubles”, then in women’s teams. The popularization of the game was greatly facilitated by the beauty contests and various performances that accompanied the athletes' performances, as well as the interest in the scourge of show business stars (for example, the Beatles) and such representatives of big politics as President Kennedy.

In the 1960s, the traditional 2x2 and 4x4 variants of the game were supplemented by one more - 3x3. In 1965, the first beach volleyball organization in history was created - the California Beach Volleyball Association, which developed the first unified rules.

In the mid-1970s, commercial tournaments were held in the United States with the support of major sponsors. Some competitions already attract up to 300,000 spectators. In 1976, the first – still unofficial – World Championship took place in the USA. Beach Volley goes international. Along with America, Brazil is one of the leaders in world beach volleyball, which has long been involved in the popular game: the first tournaments were held there back in the 1950s.

In 1986, beach volleyball received recognition from the FIVB (International Volleyball Federation), and in February 1987 the first official World Cup was held, won by Americans Randy Stokloss and Christopher Smith. Since 1989, under the auspices of the FIVB, the World Series of whiplash has been played among men's teams (for women - since 1993). In December of the same year, the world championship in beach volleyball among club teams was played for the first time in Parma (Italy).

In 1990, a new structure appeared in the FIVB - the International Beach Volleyball Council.

In 1992, whiplash was part of the unofficial program of the Olympic Games in Barcelona. A year later, at the IOC session in Monte Carlo, it was recognized as an Olympic sport, and in 1996 it made its official debut at the Olympic Games - with the participation of 24 men's and 18 women's teams. The first Olympic champions were the Americans Karch Kiray - Kent Steffes (men) and the Brazilian pair Jacqueline Silva - Sandra Pires (women). At the 2000 Olympics, success in the men's category again accompanied athletes from the United States (this time the pair Dane Blanton - Eric Fonoimoana), and in women, the hosts of the tournament, Natalie Cook and Kerry Pottharst, excelled. (Both 24 teams competed in both the women's and men's tournaments in Sydney.)

Since 1997, the FIVB has held the Beach Volleyball World Championship every two years. Among men, the Brazilians won in 1997, 1999 and 2003, and the Argentines in 2001. In women's competitions, Brazilian athletes won the championship title three times, and in 2003 the best were US volleyball players.

World tours organized by the Federation are held in various countries of America, Europe and Asia on a serious commercial basis: the prize fund for both the men's and women's series is approaching $2 million.

Competitions are organized among amateurs, as well as various satellite, challenge, etc. tournaments.

Beach volleyball in Russia.

In the USSR, beach volleyball was known back in the 1930s, but the first official competitions were held only in 1986. In 1989, the Moscow Cup and the USSR Cup among men were played. That same year, Soviet volleyball players made their debut at the World Cup and the World Tour.

The first Russian beach volleyball championship took place in 1993, at the same time our volleyball players competed in Spain at the first European championship among men. A year later, the Russian women's teams in beach willy made their debut at the European Championships, and in 1995 - at the World Tour.

Currently, the calendar of competitions of the All-Russian Volleyball Federation (VFV) in beach volley includes the Russian Championship (since 1995, played as a national series with stages in different cities), a championship among boys, girls, veterans, etc.

K. Tatyanichev