Fishing tricks and crafts: interesting ideas and recommendations


Fishing tricks and homemade products that exist today can be divided into several categories, each of which is distinguished by its practical application. In the first of them are various gear. These can be products that successfully copy foreign analogues, the cost of which is simply fabulous, or real inventions of fishing enthusiasts. This group includes floats and hooks, leashes and spinners, donks, mormyshkas and much more.

The second category contains fishing tricks and homemade products that have already been sufficiently tested by experience. This also includes complementary foods, various types of baits and baits, as well as invented methods and methods of fishing. This is a fairly large topic that discusses how to fish in one place or another and at one time or another of the year.

The third, rather extensive group includes various accessories - either invented or copied from existing samples. They are a variety of devices that allow you to:

Increase the shelf life of fish in hot weather;
- dress properly so as not to freeze on the ice in winter;
- save the bloodworm and other bait by placing it in special containers.

So, what are the most popular fishing tricks and crafts that are made from improvised materials?

Toothbrush poppers

Very often, fishing tricks and homemade products literally amaze with the fantasy of the craftsman who made them. So this surface bait of a foreign manufacturer can be quite expensive. That is why it makes sense to make it yourself. Poppers, which are also called walkers, being surface baits, should not sink. Only a slight melting is permissible. What kind of material can be used that will keep well on the water? These are toothbrushes that are first tested for buoyancy. To do this is quite simple. It is enough to fill an ordinary bucket of water and throw a brush into it. It should stay on the surface and not sink.

The work is done using a small grinder with interchangeable nozzles, which looks like a micro grinder. Making this tricky fishing tackle begins with sawing off the bristle part from the brush. The resulting edge should be processed with a sandpaper nozzle. You will need to make a small hole in the top and bottom. It is necessary for fastening the tee with a ring with a swivel. Next, the homemade bait needs to be tinted. Colors should certainly be bright, such as green and red. Tees are inserted into the almost finished product. If you test the resulting design in the bathroom, it turns out that due to the large weight it is pulled to the bottom. A narrow strip of foam glued on top with superglue will help to avoid this. In this embodiment, the popper will keep well on the water and stop sinking.


In the fisherman's workshop, homemade fishing tricks can be made from a variety of materials. However, for wobblers it is best to take a birch. This tree is superbly processed and does not splinter during operation. At the first stage of manufacturing the future bait, its body is machined with a cutter. After that, the resulting workpiece is processed first with coarse, and then with fine sandpaper. In this case, the wobbler will turn out smooth and will not have any burrs.

The product will require mounting loops, which can be made from a cornice string. The wire is bent in the form of a slightly sinuous letter "P" (to hold better). In addition, for strength, one end of the letter should be somewhat longer than the other. Next, the bracket is driven into the wobbler. To do this, use "nails" cut from wire of the same diameter.

Wobbler must have a certain weight. That is why they load it, inserting a small tin plate into a cut triangular recess in the abdomen.

At the next stage, the wobblers are painted with gouache. In the most critical places, it is advisable to use a gel pen, which will give clarity to the color. After that, the bait should be varnished in 2-3 layers.

The blade is inserted last. It can be made from unnecessary computer disks on one side of which the paint was removed with a needle. Next, a cut is made in the disk with a manual jigsaw and the part is inserted into the wobbler.

Spinner for pike perch

Fishing tricks and crafts for fishing can be crafted from just about anything. Sometimes even broken tweezers are used for this. By itself, this tool is of high quality and is made of stainless steel. That is why it can serve as an excellent lure for pike perch. As you know, this fish is a predator, which is distinguished by a narrow throat. So the spinner is also needed not wide. Tweezers in this case are just perfect. From one leg of this cosmetic tool, you will need to cut off a workpiece of the required length. It is polished a little. This allows you to give the part the desired shape and save it from small burrs.

The next step is to drill holes. They are needed for attaching fishing line and tee using swivels and rings. It should be borne in mind that this procedure is not easy. The selected material is strong enough, and a thin drill can even break during operation.

At the end of this stage, a tee is screwed on. It is better to do this from the heaviest side, otherwise the lure will not hold well in the water. For those who wish to give their product an aesthetic appearance, it is recommended to cut flakes on it. There are already transverse layers on this piece of tweezers. It remains to make only a few longitudinal uniform cuts and a shiny lure for perch or pike perch will be completely ready for catching fish. It is worth noting that such homemade products are no worse than branded ones. And made of tweezers can even be called the best. After all, in it the tee is located on the heaviest side, which allows you to avoid spinner coups and overlaps.

Summer little things

There are many fishing tricks and a huge number of homemade products have been invented, which are used not only by beginners, but also by experienced fishermen in the warm season. Summer fishing has its own specifics. During its implementation, special attention must be paid to the preservation of the catch. After all, fish quickly deteriorates in the heat, and by the evening it may simply have to be thrown away.

Saving the caught

After the fish has been pulled out of the water to the shore, it should be carefully (so as not to pinch the insides) to get rid of the hook. And if the prey was severely injured, then it should not be placed in a bucket with the rest of the catch. Such actions will lead to the fact that after a few hours all the fish will deteriorate in the heat.

Wounded prey must be killed and gutted, then wrapped in fresh grass (preferably nettle). It is better to store such fish in the shade, where it will be blown by the breeze and be cool. If there is no such place nearby, then the gutted prey should simply be salted.

Live storage

For many fishermen, it is important to bring home a live catch. To do this, the fish must be stored in the water, while being in a kukan or in a cage. The mesh of the latter should not be metal, as the prey will attempt to get out into the reservoir, which will lead to severe injury. You need to hang the cage in the shade, deepening it into the water so as to allow the fish not to fight against each other when swimming. In addition, in close quarters, the catch is in danger of self-poisoning by products released as a result of metabolism.

Homemade cage

This fishing item is offered by all specialized stores. However, if the cage is branded, then the price for it is set such that not every fisherman can afford to purchase it.

For the summer season, this accessory can be made independently. At the same time, it will be wide enough, long, and, if desired, folding.

How to make this fishing craft? To do this, take a strong wire. You can use ready-made metal rings. To create a compact tackle, you will need three of them at once, but with different diameters - large, medium and small. You will also need a nylon mesh. The one that was previously used for windows as protection against mosquitoes will come in handy. A sock-like product is sewn from such a mesh. It should correspond to the diameter of the rings. They need to wear such a sock and attach with small stitches. To keep the fish in the cage, you will also need a lid. It is made from a nylon mesh stretched over another wire ring. Small tricks must be used by the fisherman to fasten the entire structure. They consist in the use of a nylon rope tied to the structure with a reliable knot. Otherwise, the cage with the catch may float away with the flow. And so that the prey does not go to the bottom, a small children's life buoy can be attached to the upper ring.

DIY floats

This is a small device that signals a bite, fishermen like to make their own. First of all, because there is no point in buying something that you can make yourself. In addition, fishing crafts and do-it-yourself tricks are a hobby of many water hunting enthusiasts. And this does not mean at all that buying a float in a store is impossible because of its high cost. Many fishermen can afford to buy the best that a modern manufacturer offers. However, the peculiarity of fishing tricks and tackle made at home is that they are sometimes the most suitable option for successful fishing.

For many anglers, homemade floats are much better than store-bought ones. After all, they can be made in any shape and painted in the most pleasing color for the eye. And to make this tackle is quite simple. Just keep in mind that the first products are unlikely to be perfect. But then, as you gain experience, each fisherman will be able to refine their crafts, as well as come up with various and most unusual options for floats.

Similar gear made of goose feathers is good. This material is easy to find on any body of water that these birds prefer. Feathers lost by them sometimes just float on the surface of the water. It remains to bend down and pick up this unique natural material.

Floats made by hand can be of different sizes. Big ones are for big fish and vice versa. It will be necessary to cut off everything unnecessary from the pen, and leave only its base. As a result, only a light, thin, but at the same time quite strong stick will remain in the hands. Everything unnecessary should also be cut off from its upper side. From below, that is, in the place where the feather should be attached to the skin of the bird, you cannot touch it. Otherwise, the resulting float will constantly get wet. To perform these works, which will allow you to make the main part of the float, you will need a sharp clerical knife. After the work is completed, the product is painted in bright colors, which will allow it to be much more noticeable on the water. It is easier to do this with nail polish, which is water resistant. In the trimmed part of the float, a fastening for fishing line is provided.

Carp fishing

This fish is one of the most popular among professionals and novice fishing enthusiasts, as it lives in almost every reservoir. You can ensure a successful pastime with a fishing rod if you use a few tricks for catching crucian carp.

And start with food. It should be borne in mind that crucian carp is very sensitive to odors. That is why he does not always respond to the complementary foods offered by specialized stores. The little tricks of anglers when catching crucian carp are to use ordinary compound feed, to which pre-ground roasted seeds are added. This mixture is pre-wetted. This allows her to settle to the bottom of the reservoir. The crucian does not peck very actively when using the usual dough on grain flour. To remedy the situation, you can add a little tincture of valerian to complementary foods.

One of the unusual ways to get an excellent catch is singeing the hooves of cattle on a fire. Still smoking, they are thrown into the water, which contributes to an excellent bite.

There are other fishing tricks and homemade carp crafts. So, for a good catch, so-called spring teats are often used. Such tackle is designed for the fact that crucian loves to suck food from the bottom into its mouth. That is why hooks are taken on short leashes and then hidden in the bait, located in feeders made from bottle caps, as well as from a wire twisted into a spring with a concave lead plate. During feeding, the crucian swallows the bait, and with it the hooks.

In the cold season

There are also winter fishing tricks and crafts. They facilitate fishing and create a certain comfort when a person is in difficult weather conditions. One of the accessories that is not difficult to make with your own hands is a hook. For him, you will need a handle from an old umbrella and a sharpened metal rod. You can take an electrode from which the insulating layer is first knocked off. One end of such a metal rod must be sharpened and bent in the shape of a hook, and the other end flattened on an anvil. You will also need a plastic dowel for the hook. It is put on the rod, shifting to its flattened part. Next, the dowel is inserted into the tube of the umbrella. It is fixed on it with the help of flattening.

Many fishing tricks and homemade products for winter fishing protect a person with a fishing rod from various kinds of dangers. So, every fisherman moving on the ice needs to carry the so-called lifeguards with him. These are two wooden handles, turned on a lathe, in each of which a sharpened steel pin is fixed with epoxy glue. These parts are interconnected by a rope, the length of which is 30-50 cm less than the height of the fisherman. Lifeguards are worn around the neck. If the fisherman fell through the ice, he must stick the pins into the edge near the water and climb up, standing on the rope as if on a step.

Many fishing tricks and homemade products, the ideas of which are presented above, have been actively used by anglers in many countries for more than a dozen years.