Mulgore is a land of emerald pastures. Mulgore - Land of Emerald Pastures Location Music

Looking out over these tranquil meadows, shielded on all sides by a ring of golden mountains and shaded by clear blue skies, it's hard to believe that Mulgore was a battlefield just recently. Endless battles between two races of nomads - tauren and centaurs - have sprinkled blood not only on Mulgore, but also on many other lands of Kalimdor. Home to many generations of tauren, this fertile land was nonetheless not theirs.

But meeting the orcs who first set foot on these lands gave the tauren new hope. The Horde, desperate for a strong ally in the light of the raging Third War, helped the nomads drive away the bloodthirsty centaurs, and peace came to the Mulgore Valley for the first time in hundreds of years. Therefore, although tauren and orcs still do not find a common language in all issues, the brave of Mulgore will always fight loyally on the side of the Horde, remembering to whom they owe their beautiful golden plains.

To the south of Mulgore, overlooking the Red Cloud Plateau valley, stands this small village that houses a training camp for young tauren. Most of the inhabitants of this settlement are the Falconwind tauren. After the Cataclysm, this place became not as calm as before: now the locals constantly have to defend the village from quilboar and agam'ar - half-wild pig-men and bloodthirsty boars.

The gate through which the young tauren descended into the valley after their first training course is now destroyed and blocking the way with an impenetrable heap. Now, in order to go down, you have to resort to the help of shamans from the Vostroyeye plateau. After a breathtaking flight, the recruits land at Bloodhoof Village, the largest settlement in Mulgore after the great Thunder Bluff, which lies on four giant mesas of the tauren capital.

This settlement bears the name of the great Cairne, the leader of the tauren, who gave peace, friendship to the Horde and hope for a calm future to the eternal nomads. Until recently, Bane Bloodhoof was the local ruler, lifting some of the burden off his father's shoulders. But the tragic death of Cairne made Bane the new chieftain of the tauren, and he left Bloodhoof Village.

This place has become a new page in the history of the tauren - eternal wanderers, forced to roam from place to place and flee from the centaurs on the tops of the pillar mountains, have finally been able to call their home a plain surrounded by meadows and hunting grounds. The village is not a fortress, does not grind with aggressive sharp teeth and does not hide the beautiful views of Mulgore with blank walls, but it cannot be called undefended. After all, it is here that the Brave ones train - the warriors of the tauren, the defenders of their homes. An area has been cleared in the southeast of the village, here young warriors stand in a circle and challenge each other to training battles under the guidance of experienced veterans. No barracks or military camps - the spirit of the tauren is tempered here, free, in the piercing clear air of Mulgore.

It is also home to one of the largest nurseries for kodo - huge mounts tamed by tauren hunters. Kodos look rather intimidating at first glance - however, like their masters - however, they are usually obedient and meek. However, wild kodos can still be quite dangerous, so it is better to buy an already tamed animal from the breeder. And do not be fooled by their seeming clumsiness - a well-trained kodo is not inferior in speed to either horses or riding wolves.

It should be noted that the basis of the diet of tauren is bread, vegetables and cereals. They rarely eat meat, but they cannot be called vegetarians. The tauren's relationship with nature is natural, and lacks the contrived piety that some night elves have. They care about their lands, but do not hesitate to use all their gifts - be it a healing myrrh flower or a wiry steppe wolf. Tauren consider themselves a part of nature and live by its laws - the laws of survival, which sometimes seem cruel to an outside observer. A faithful kodo can serve its master for a long time, but after death his skin will be used as covering material for a tent. Longbolt can be both a lovable pet and a great soup base. This pragmatism, which may seem barbaric to many - especially to the Alliance - is in fact devoid of cruelty and cynicism and is dictated by simple necessity.

Walking through Bloodhoof Village is a great way to immerse yourself in a tauren culture that's both naive and infinitely wise at the same time. Their faith in Mother Earth, reverence for their ancestors and respect for the world around them is a crushing refutation of the claims of some patriots of the Alliance that the Horde is only wild evil barbarians, destroying everything in their path.

At first glance, the life of the tauren is simple and unsophisticated, but they should not be underestimated. For example, ingenious wind turbine technology allows tauren to lift water from a well with ease and even spin heavy stone mills.

The design of the tauren furnaces deserves a mention. The hearth is folded in such a way as to protect the surrounding space from open fire - after all, one coal accidentally rolled out onto the mat can burn the entire village. At the same time, the thick stone walls of the stove, coated with clay, keep heat well, and the small stove is able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the tent even on the coldest nights. Of course, you can also cook food here - and on the smooth walls of the oven, cakes are baked no worse than in a frying pan.

Of course, speaking of the material culture of the tauren, one cannot fail to mention their traditional leatherworking and leather dressing. Tauren make literally everything from the skins of wolves, pumas and wild kodos - casual clothes and light armor, bags, covering material for tents, canoe boats and, of course, their famous drums. Tauren learn the basic skills of hiding as a child. Peeled and scraped skins are first stretched on frames or on the ground to dry, and then treated with special solutions to make the skin soft.

Any kind of handicraft is incredibly popular with tauren - after all, these people live by subsistence farming, and it is easier to do any thing yourself than to buy, especially for those who live in small settlements. Potters make dishes from lake clay, firing them in a furnace and painting them with bright glaze. From the fine willow twigs of the master weaving baskets for storing grain and traps for small animals. The loom is also a frequent resident of Tauren tents. Tauren fabrics are not distinguished by sophistication and gloss, and the elves will only cause a smile, but still these thick, rough fabrics have an indescribable charm. Tauren love to combine natural texture with rich colors of natural pigments, their homes are often decorated with elegant mats and rugs, and totems standing here and there are always brightly colored.

Numerous dream catchers, kites and bells are breathtaking - these graceful ornaments slowly sway in the wind in every Tauren settlement. It's amazing how delicate and painstaking work these mighty warriors are capable of performing! After all, the tauren's strong fingers, awkwardly moving, can easily crush tiny beads. This is further confirmation that the people of Mulgore should not be judged by first impression.

This grim place east of Camp Narache has been a long-standing headache for the tauren. The Quilboar tribe who settled here used to disturb the camp with only rare raids, but the Cataclysm drove them out of their native lands, and now there are incessant battles between tauren and quilboars on the Red Cloud Plateau. Quilboar huts, already unpretentious, now represent a completely miserable sight, fires are blazing everywhere, and monstrous giant thorns growing here and there complete the picture. It is hard to believe that this eerie hollow is part of the beautiful Mulgore.

Gnolls - the scourge of all provincial territories of Azeroth - did not pass by Mulgore either. These unscrupulous poachers settled in a large cave west of Bloodhoof Village. Some saw a particularly large and ferocious gnoll, with a masterful air, walking in the camp by the cave - it is rumored that it is the Crooked Spear, the leader of the Palemane tribe. The gnolls are too cowardly to openly attack the settlements, but their boorish ruin of other people's hunting grounds is not to the liking of the tauren.

Great Gate

Heading east from Bloodhoof Village along the road to the Barrens, within a few hours you can see this man-made miracle of Mulgore - one of the most magnificent structures created by the tauren. The famous Great Gates block the path of any evil that decides to invade these lands. The material for the gate was Mulgore's tallest and slender trees - pine and redwoods. The gate looks formidable and impregnable, but the traditional Tauren style can be traced here too - the observation towers are elegantly painted and crowned with winged totems, ringing bells hang from the rafters, and the carved pillars on which signal lights are lit are also decorated with pendants. It seems incredible that such a monumental fortress is the work of nomads.

Mine trading company

The mountain range just north of the Great Gate was chosen by the notorious Trading Company. Here, far from the eyes of the Brave of Thunder Bluff, enterprising goblins have dug a huge mine, desecrating the sacred rocks of the tauren. Ugly goblin shredders ruthlessly cut down centuries-old trees like twigs. The slopes of the mountain are strewn with white specks of tents and awnings - a huge number of workers work here. The mine looks big from the outside, but only when you go inside, you realize how big it really is. It is unclear how the goblins managed to dig such a large shaft under the very noses of the tauren - perhaps they expanded and connected several natural caves with passages. There is even a railway built here, along which trolleys with ore scurry. The mine of the trading company has three exits and is well guarded, so it will not be possible to drive the impudent goblins out of Mulgore soon.

The plundered caravan, darkening the shore of Stone Bull Lake with a black smoky spot, is another unpleasant gift from the Trade Company to the tauren. Instead of accidentally removing (or not?) An exploded wagon train, mercenaries fiercely defend what's left of it.

Here, as elsewhere in Mulgore, birds sing and wild grasses sway merrily, the sun shines or it rains. However, any traveler - even a cynical goblin, an arrogant elf or a talkative dwarf, who knows how wandered into this place - will stop in respectful silence. The tauren cemetery resembles neither the gloomy crypts of people, nor the mysterious elven graveyards - an amazing calm reigns here, reconciling the living with what they all have to come. Here lies the great leader of the tauren, who fell victim to betrayal, but to the end faithful to the ideals of his people.

Bael'dan's excavation

The dwarves who settled in the Barrens at Bale Modan Hold were excavating here, annoying the Bloodhoof tauren. Periodic attempts at negotiations did not lead to anything good, but in the end the tauren did not have to expel the dwarves by force - the spirits of the land, angry with the invasion, punished the hapless archaeologists on their own, killing the entire expedition. Now the camp, over which the flag of Ironforge still flutters proudly, is strewn with dead bodies, the only living here are the furious stone elementals.

Windfury Ridge

Harpies. These deceptively beautiful creatures are aggressive and unscrupulous, in addition, they fiercely defend their territory, so one flock of harpies is able to control an entire forest. Having settled in the forest, they draw life out of it, and soon the beautiful green trees turn into dead dead sticks, hung with hideous nests. The Windfury swarm that has taken up residence in Mulgore has given its inhabitants a lot of trouble. The practical tauren, however, have benefited from even this unpleasant neighborhood, hunting harpies for their beautiful feathers.

A small hunting camp north of Thunder Bluff. Locals - shamans and hunters - protect northern Mulgore from harpies, quilboarms and the unfriendly Grimtotem tribe, as well as hunt.

Grimtotem black tauren have camped here - fierce enemies of the Bloodhoof tribe since Magatha Grimtotem's betrayal took the life of Cairne Bloodhoof. The Stoneclaw Trail leading into the mountains trembles with the ongoing battle between the two tribes. Meanwhile, the one who manages to pass through the battlefield unharmed and climb the path to the end will find himself in an amazing place. The top of the mountain offers breathtaking views of the Mulgore Valley.

The large smooth cobblestone marking the descent is covered with very ancient images, which must have been left many years ago by the first tauren to come here. A bull is depicted on the north side, and a horse and several large Tauren palm prints on the south side. The images are done with a golden brown pigment, most likely derived from clay. Despite the constant exposure to bright sunlight, the paint has not yet faded and the images are visible quite clearly.

No one can explain what is happening to the forest animals in this highlands, but sometimes it seems that local prairie dogs and rabbits are running after each other ... with weapons? No, it must be hallucinations from the thin mountain air.

Is a tauren starting area filled with grassy plains bordered by high mountains. The quests teach players the spirituality of Tauren and the Earth Mother, cover the political changes associated with Bane, and introduce players to the vast amount of wildlife and hunting in the area.

Once upon a time, the lands of Mulgore belonged to the centaurs, but the new allies of the orcs helped the tauren to expel them from the lands and they settled here. As you level up your character, you will immerse yourself in the history of this land, you will see that tauren have many enemies: centaurs, thorny boars, harpies. Note that they worship and honor nature and enjoy its gifts like no other WoW race. This location has a lot of interesting things about the expedition of gnomes, mines and this is a great land for fishing.

I hope you like the sections by location, I try to reflect in them a certain spirit of this place and even music

Mulgore Map

The area is made up of many tauren villages, lakes (rivers) and hills. Here, the inhabitants are always in suspense, as it is necessary to defend their lands from the occasional raids of centaurs and bristles. Therefore, they always build massive wall structures in the form of logs and rods to repel attacks. There are places in the cities where they give the last respects to the fallen defenders, you can see this in the video above.

Music from Location

How to get to Mulgore

You can get to this area in different ways, from ordinary portals that are located in Dalaran to airships that circulate almost throughout Kalimdor. They are located near Ogrimmar and not far from the Undercity. You can also fly or mount on a mount to the Barrens Location in Kalimdor and see how to get to Mulgore on the map.

Neighborhood Gallery

The surroundings of Mulgore are striking in their beauty, even the night is magnificent here. The place is surrounded by hills around and you can only pass through the frontier guarded by the tauren warriors directly into the steppe. But be careful not to leave too early, otherwise serious difficulties await you.

Mine Trade Campaign Affiliation (Thunder Bluff) LocationWest southern steppes

Green plains Mulgore became home to tauren , who changed their nomadic way of life to a sedentary one and united the tribes together. Mulgore is at the southern foot Clawed Mountains and is protected by natural mountain peaks from all sides. The only passage through these mountains is currently closed By the Great Gate leading to southern steppes.

Mulgore is a land of windy meshes and grassy plains. Often centaurs warriors are sent here to fight the tauren, but with the help of new allies from the Horde, the inhabitants of the lands manage to repel attacks. The variety of wildlife that populate the plains and foothills makes Mulgore an excellent hunting ground. Hills rise in the northern part of the area Thunder Bluff casting long shadows. In the central zone is located Bloodhoof Village , surrounded by the clear waters of the Stone Bull Lake. In the south, next to the Red Cloud Plateau is Camp Narache, which serves as a training location for young tauren.

Despite the placid landscape and the scented breeze, walking on Mulgore is a dangerous activity. Sacred Red Rocks captured quilboars of the Rampant Bristles clan, and their fellow Palemane cousins \u200b\u200bare located in the mountains to the southeast. Trade company Goblins extract minerals from a mine on the eastern slope of the mountains, and the Grim Totem tribe pollutes the purest water of local wells, trying to take revenge on their fellows. Harpies from the Windfury flock actively attack travelers in the northern part of the zone.


Third war and after

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This rich plain was once used by the night elves as prime hunting grounds. When the great Sundering shattered the world, mountains pierced the earth and the night elves fled north. The mighty tauren made their home upon the low valleys and high plateaus after the night elves left. In time, the ash of upheaval disappeared and the once fertile grasslands returned. The aggressive centaur claim the right to the grasslands and have warred constantly against the tauren for supremacy of the land, but the tauren "s mesa strongholds have so far proved impregnable. Mulgore is a landlocked region, with Desolace to the west, the Barrens to the east, the Stonetalon Mountains to the north, and the Thousand Needles to the south. Mulgore is the ancient homeland of the tauren, who live on the windswept mesas and roam the grassy valleys. Below the mesa "s ridgeline are the vast emerald plains , which hold an abundance of life including prairie wolves, young kodo beasts, and tallstriders.

The centaur forces mercilessly hound the tauren throughout Mulgore. The tepee-like tents and crude hide huts that comprise tauren towns stand in stark contrast to the turning windmills and pulley structures that keep the tauren gristmills operating. Large, ornately carved totems dot every street and stand above every major structure.

Toward the eastern border, quilboar displaced from Durotar have started creating dens with thorned hedgerow barriers. For now, it is a small concern for the tauren, but if the bristly "boar men" encroach too far, there will be a price to pay. At present, the tauren are far more interested in what the centaur are up to. Mulgore is filled with a variety of antelopes, rabbits, and wild boar, making it the ideal place for game hunting. A tauren pastime involves hunting these animals to improve one "s combat skills. The tauren rarely eat their prey, preferring to graze on wheat and grass that grow wild in the valley.

A land of windswept mesas and grassy plains, Mulgore is the tauren "s ancestral homeland. Centaur often send raiding parties into Mulgore, and the tauren, with the help of their Horde allies, beat them back. Tauren are naturally a nomadic people, and their tent cities are scattered across the landscape and change with the seasons and the weather. Now that they are members of the Horde, the tauren have constructed several permanent settlements, including fortified Dalsh-Beran and their capital of Thunder Bluff.

Mulgore is temperate with hills, plains (grassland), and some rugged mountains.


Mulgore is a sheltered and pastoral valley dotted with mesas and surrounded by mountains on all sides, and accessible only through a pass to the southeast. Resembling a huge pasture, the area is covered with verdant green grass and few trees. An oddity of the landscape, the tall cliffs of Thunder bluff tower over the fields in the center of the zone.

Mulgore contains no dungeons of any type and no battlegrounds.

Maps and sub-regions

Mulgore Map

Great gate · Thunder Bluff · Windfury Ridge · Bloodhoof Village · Dolmen Kodo Golden plains · Wildmane Well · Thunderhorn Well · Hoof Hoof Well · Red rocks · Sun Pasture Camp · Stone Bull Lake · Red Cloud Plateau (Warboar corral · Blackberry hollow · Camp Narache · Lair of Thorns · Vostroglazoy plateau · Spiked Trap) · Plundered caravan · Excavation Bale "given · Mine Trading Company · Stoneclaw Trail · Palemane cliff · Hilly plains

Transport hubs

ABOUT Airways of bloodhoof villages

ABOUT Airways of Thunder Bluff