All discounts on flights in July. When there are ticket sales - tricks and subtleties

Mega-instructions on how to find and buy plane tickets for the cheapest! 15 tricks that can significantly reduce the price of air tickets.

  • How to learn how to properly search and book tickets?
  • How to break the system and make airlines turn their cunning tricks against themselves?
  • How to deal a crushing blow to the empire of air travel, to know the Force and use it for the benefit of free travel?

Answers in this article!

I love to travel, I fly often and I always try to do it cheaply, and better even for free. Over ten years of active travel and six years of work on the MAKE-TRIP website, I have accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge. In this review, I'll tell you everything I know about finding the cheapest plane tickets. And if you are still not subscribed to my blog SINITSYN ▲ TRAVEL , subscribe! It has tons of life hacks and personal travel experiences - everything is free.

The article is long, so be patient. But it will definitely change your life, significantly increasing the time you spend traveling.


But nothing! Let's solve the problem :)

I hasten to pass on cosmic knowledge to you :)

1. Use search engines 100%

Where to find cheap plane tickets? On sites that compare prices of different airlines and agencies. These services are called search engines. In 10-15 seconds they will find you the best price and the most convenient flight.

The two most popular and convenient search engines are Aviasales and Skyscanner. If you use them when looking for cheap flights, this is about 80-90% of success. However, to get the full benefit from search engines, you need to use their capabilities 100% - and not everyone does this: even travelers who are familiar with them do not know about some of the great features of these aggregators. Next, I will tell you about all the cool features of search engines.

If you are looking for tickets only on the websites of airlines or, God forbid, go to your aunts at the air ticket offices, then do not expect a meeting with cheap tickets.

Before you buy flights, check the price on both search engines for greater reliability - this will increase your chances of finding the cheapest plane tickets. Usually they find the same options, but sometimes there is a difference in price - 2-5%.

It is useful to have a search engine for cheap tickets always at hand. I advise you to install the mobile application on your smartphone. Aviasales has convenient applications for Android (download), and for iPhone (download). In 2020, more than half of users are looking for and buying flights through mobile applications.

Let's remember! Cheap flight search engines are the easiest and most reliable way to find tickets at the lowest price.

Learn to cheat and fly cheap! Photo: © jrpboo /

2. Fly where it is cheaper

You will save: ≈ 20-70%.

: prices for the direction you need and specific dates are always angry. Faced this a thousand times already. The real law of meanness! But the system can be fooled - abandon specific plans and fly to rest where it is cheaper. If this approach is to your liking, then you will save a lot on tickets.

Advanced Search is the coolest feature on Skyscanner. I start many of my travels with her - I study all the cheapest tickets from the desired country / city and decide where to fly.

Do this:

  1. In the window "Where from" specify the whole country or city from which it is convenient for you to fly. Plus, you can check the box "Add airports nearby".
  2. In the window "Where to" write "Everywhere" or leave the field empty - now the search engine will search for the cheapest tickets to all countries of the world.
  3. In the fields departure and return dates specify "All month" or "All year".

Aviasales also has a similar tool: low price calendar \u003e\u003e

Or use the low price map for Air Sales and Skyscanner - the essence is the same, only all low-cost flights are displayed on the world map. There is something in this, it inspires!

Let's remember! Be flexible in your travel destination and timing and you will save a lot.

Here's an example of how to fill out the Skyscanner search form:

Search form for cheap flights in all directions at once.
List of cheap tickets from Moscow (round trip).
Photo: Eva Tushenkina ©

3. Watch for price drops

You will save: ≈ 10-40%.

Ticket prices jump like the pressure of a hypertensive patient - they change every day, and sometimes within an hour. You need to start hunting in advance and catch the ticket when the price is as low as possible.

There is no need to check the price changes daily or hourly, search engines know how to do it. Subscribe to Aviasales news by e-mail or to their bots on social networks. Set the direction and time of departure, set the size of the desired discount or the maximum price - the robot will send you a letter as soon as the ticket price drops to the desired level. Convenient and efficient!

Stick to the rule: as soon as there is a chance to buy cheap tickets, you need to use it. Don't hesitate - buy.

Remember the periods when plane tickets are cheapest:

  1. one year before the planned trip;
  2. 2-3 months before departure (especially for low-cost airlines);
  3. a few days before departure (for charters and for large a / c flights during an unpopular season).

The rule is not an ironclad, but rather a trend.

It is always risky to count on the latter option, so it is suitable only for the most free ones: those who are ready to fly anywhere, whenever they want, or not to fly anywhere, if they are not lucky.

Let's remember! Start tracking prices 2-3 months in advance, and preferably six months or even a year before the trip. Sign up for price cut alerts to buy the cheapest ticket to your destination.

I believe in cheap flights and budget travel! This is me on Penang Island in Malaysia, my first winter in Asia.

4. Buy hot tours for tickets

You will save: ≈ 20-40%.

Traveling on our own is more interesting, but last-minute tours promise us good savings. Often a ticket to the most popular resorts (Sochi, Crimea, Turkey, Thailand, Greece, Dominican Republic and others) can be bought very cheaply - a full tour package sometimes costs less than air tickets. In this case, the flight will always be direct, and the bonus will be accommodation, transfer and insurance. It's worth using!

Feel free to buy the cheapest tour to the most seedy hotel solely for the return flight. Nobody forces you to live in a Zadripan hotel - book yourself what you like and relax there.

Look for last minute tours for a penny on the services and - they compare prices for tours among all the most popular tour operators.

Let's remember! Check the hot deals for the resort you need. If a ticket is cheaper than tickets, buy it.

Such prices are not uncommon, especially in the off-season.

5. Make a difficult route

You will save: ≈ 30-70%.

: flying abroad from Russia is not cheap, especially if you live in the regions (like me). For each flight you have to pay a tidy sum.

But flying between different cities and countries abroad can be very cheap. Therefore, I always try to capture several countries in one trip. It is much cheaper to visit 2-5 countries in one trip than to fly from Russia to one country after another every time. So I save tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles a year on flights.

My experience... For example, on a trip to Asia in the spring of 2019, we spent 160 thousand rubles on air tickets for two. A huge amount at first glance. But let's count. We flew from Perm, and returned to it, visited 5 countries: Georgia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, South Korea. In total, we came up with only 16,000 rubles per person for each country. It's very, very cheap! If we flew to each of these countries separately 5 times, we would spend 2-3 times more on tickets.

So make difficult routes and save!

This feature is available on search engines Aviasales and Skyscanner. It allows you to create routes with three or more flight segments and fork routes when the city of arrival and subsequent departure are different (open flights). Also, thanks to this function, you can purchase tickets with a stopover (connecting for more than a day).

  • An example of a simple route: Moscow - Barcelona - Moscow.
  • An example of a complex route: Moscow - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBarcelona - Paris, Paris - Moscow.
  • Example "fork" (open-jaw): 1) Moscow - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid - Moscow; or 2) Moscow - Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBarcelona - St. Petersburg.

My experience... I use this technique on almost every trip. At times, he allows you to visit a place for free. For example, having bought tickets Moscow - Bangkok with a stopover for 4 days in the UAE, i.

Such manipulations are especially beneficial when traveling in Europe and Asia. For a flight from one country to another, you can buy very cheap air tickets - from $ 10. Of course, you won't always find a ticket for $ 10, but for $ 30-100 you can fly anywhere.

How to make a difficult route easily... Let's take a look at the example of Europe.

  1. We go to Skyscanner, set flights from Moscow to "Everywhere" for the desired month in one direction. Usually for 2000-4000 rubles there are tickets to Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Slovakia. Let's say we are especially interested in Hungary and Italy.
  2. Now we will open two new search windows on Skyscanner: in one we will indicate the country of departure - Hungary, in the other - Italy. In the "Where" field, write "Everywhere" again. Now we see a list of places where cheap plane tickets from these countries are available. The list of destinations will be huge: all of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East - choose what you want. The main thing is that there are inexpensive air tickets home from the last country you fly to.
  3. Now you just have to choose interesting countries and cities and connect flights by dates.

An impressive example of a "fork"... A friend of mine flew to me in Asia, buying very cheap tickets with a difficult route: Moscow - Manila, Hong Kong - Minsk. I paid only 10 thousand rubles. It is very cheap to travel such distances. Of course, he still needed to buy tickets for domestic flights in Asia, but it still came out inexpensively for such an interesting route.

Let's remember! Fly to several countries in one trip, buying the cheapest flights between them.

Knockin 'on Heaven. We are standing with a friend on the shores of the South China Sea.

6. Extra segment

You will save: ≈ 10-20%.

By adding an extra final segment to your route, sometimes you can buy tickets for less. For example, the Etihad airline has several times appeared tickets "Moscow - Asia - Moscow - Yekaterinburg" for 14-20 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to fly to Yekaterinburg on the way back - a flight via Moscow, and there you can get off. Saving about 3-5 thousand rubles. Here's the news about it. This is rare.

Once we were particularly lucky with an extra segment. For reasons unknown to science, tickets Moscow - Penang (via Doha and Kuala Lumpur) were much cheaper than similar ones just to KL. And we just needed it to the Penang island. We took tickets to another part of the world for only 8700 rubles. The beauty!

Durian is one of the main reasons why I fly to Asia every year. I fly from Russia to some place (Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Colombo), and then fly inexpensively from country to country across Asia on low-cost airlines.

7. Forget about airline promotions

Ticket promotions are often cheating.

The belief that they will help you save money is self-deception.

Reason # 1... Most of the promotions are a stupid marketing ploy of the airline to remind you of yourself and make you buy tickets as soon as possible. The price decreases slightly, the dates with cheap tickets are inappropriate and few of them, the directions are uninteresting, and so on. Airlines are not going to be your sponsors, they only want PR and sales growth. Finding an advantageous offer for your dates and interests is almost impossible.

Reason # 2 (most important). Groups in social networks about airline promotions bombard their subscribers with a flurry of news. This stream of information clogs the brain, confuses and burdens the person with a sense of missed opportunities. You see dozens, hundreds, thousands of shares, but the trouble is that somehow they always do not fit. And it starts to seem to you that you are missing out on profit. Pain and frustration comes. An avalanche of information on social networks, messengers, and news sites is falling on each of us every day. To keep our peace of mind, we must filter this flow.

Reason # 3... Yes, sometimes you can buy a cheap air ticket for a promotion, but get ready - it will entail inconveniences and costs. A night flight, a distant airport that still needs to be reached, a tedious transfer, inconvenient departure and arrival dates that cut off part of the vacation, and so on. Like? I don’t.

I fly a lot, but I don't buy special tickets. At first I watched them every day, and then I left them, because none of them ever came to me. I no longer waste time on news about promotions, but I myself find inexpensive tickets to the right place.

Let's remember! Don't subscribe to airline promotions - it's a deceiving prospect. It is better to subscribe to notifications of price changes for the routes you need, look at the price calendar or a list of countries where you can fly inexpensively from your city. You will save time and hassle, which is more valuable than anything else.

8. Fly in low season

You will save: ≈ 50%.

The most expensive tickets are in summer, for the New Year and for May. Do not fly during this time if you want to save money.

You can buy cheap tickets to any country at a time when the demand for flights is falling as much as possible. For example, fly to Europe in winter or off-season and Thailand in summer. In addition to low prices for flights, you will receive discounts on accommodation, excursions and entertainment - all prices fall during the low season. The third bonus is few tourists.

Read up on the weather in the destination country for the month you want and everything will be cool.

Let's remember! Fly on vacation in low season or at least in velvet.

My trip to the Maldives - sailing the Indian Ocean. I flew to the Maldives from Sri Lanka to save on air tickets. I specially chose the very end of the high season for rest: the weather is perfect, and there are few people.

9. Fly cheap charters

You will save: ≈ 40-80%.

Charter flights are flights ordered by a tour operator at the height of the tourist season to popular destinations. Package tourists fly by charters, but an independent traveler can buy a ticket for some of them at a profit.

Charters have situations when there are several days left before departure, and the plane is not fully loaded. In this case, the airline can throw on the market a portion of very cheap air tickets. Most often these are one-way tickets. Such options may appear during the high season, but especially often at the end of the season. For example, every September you can buy cheap tickets to Bulgaria, because half-empty planes fly there to pick up tourists. Tickets cost 1000-2000 rubles. The savings are especially great when you fly to Asia or the Dominican Republic - tickets are for 10-12 thousand rubles. True, it will be necessary to conjure up a return ticket: from Europe it is easy to find an inexpensive option, from distant countries it is more difficult.

Let's remember! Fly during high season with charters.

Cheap charter to Bulgaria at the end of the season. Only 1300 rubles!
Cheap charter to Dominican Republic at the end of the season. 12,000 rubles for a 12-hour flight is almost free.
Cheap charter to Thailand at the end of the season. 3900 rubles! For that kind of money, you can't always fly away even to Sochi.

(Photo: Rennett Stowe /

10. Fly from a nearby town

You will save: ≈ 20-50%.

Always check how much tickets departing from neighboring cities cost. Residents of St. Petersburg can save money by flying from Moscow, Helsinki and the Baltic countries. It is often cheaper for Perm to fly from Yekaterinburg. For Siberians - from Novosibirsk or Irkutsk.

Muscovites shouldn't yawn either. Yes, in 9 out of 10 cases, flights from the capital's airports are the cheapest, but there are exceptions. Check ticket prices from Pulkovo before booking.

Get to neighboring cities by train, bus or car.

Let's remember! Check ticket prices from nearby cities.

(photo © cheelah /

11. Go through different cities of arrival

You will save: ≈ 20-50%.

Tickets to the city you need can cost significantly more than to neighboring ones. Therefore, it is worth looking at the prices for flights before them.

  • It is cheaper to fly to Bratislava than to Vienna. There are only 80 km between the two capitals and can be easily covered by bus for a few euros. We do that often.
  • "Pobeda" flies to Karlovy Vary, from which it is easy to get to Prague.
  • European low-cost airlines and Pobeda fly to Bergamo airport. It is almost always possible to buy tickets to Bergamo cheaper than to Milan or Venice.
  • Etc...

Let's remember! Check tickets not only to the city you need, but also to the neighboring ones.

(photo © sewyerown /

12. Low-cost airlines: good or evil?

You will save: ≈ 10-50%.

Low-cost airlines are low-cost airlines, their tickets can cost as little as 10 €. To reduce the cost of their flights, low-cost airlines refuse additional services: food on board, baggage, free check-in at the airport, and others. All this can be bought additionally, but the flight will no longer be so cheap.

There is only one low-cost airline in Russia - Pobeda, a subsidiary of Aeroflot. In free countries there is no monopoly, and there are many low-cost airlines - there is competition between them, which means the lowest prices and the best quality. But we are not complaining! Previously, we did not have budget a / c at all, but now we have Pobeda, and it helps a lot. Plus, other airlines have introduced super-economy fares in recent years and have become a kind of semi-low-cost airlines.

All the scary stories that low-cost airlines are deceiving people, mocking people and almost making them fly while standing are complete nonsense. Every year, two-thirds of my flights are low-cost airlines. There was never a problem or cheating. Just read the carrier's rules and you won't get into trouble.

My experience... I have flown many times with Pobeda, Wizz Air, Ryanair, Air Asia and other state employees. My cheapest tickets cost $ 10-20 for 1-2 hour flights.

How to fly low-cost airlines correctly:

  1. Read the airline's rules carefully!
  2. Take a minimum of things and do not pay for luggage.
  3. Check your carry-on baggage for compliance with the permissible dimensions - see them on the airline's website.
  4. If you can't do without luggage, add it to the order when buying tickets - then it will cost 500-2000 rubles more. When traveling with a company, take one piece of baggage for all.
  5. Buy tickets 2-4 months before departure - these are usually the lowest prices.
  6. Find out the check-in rules for your flight. If it is paid at the airport, register yourself on the carrier's website and print your boarding pass.
  7. When buying tickets from low-cost airlines, a 1-5% commission for payment by card is almost always added to the final price. There is nothing you can do about it, just take it for granted.

Let's remember! Feel free to buy cheap flights from low-cost airlines, read their rules and enjoy impressive savings.

Typical dialogue between a passenger and a Pobeda employee.

13. Fly company

You will save: ≈ 5-20%.

Some airlines are ready to make discounts for passengers if they fly with a company and book tickets for several people at once. I know examples like this:

  1. Low-cost airline EasyJet usually gives a 7-10 € discount to each passenger when booking flights for two or more people.
  2. Wizz Air has a loyalty program - Wizz Discount Club. Membership costs € 30 for two, € 60 for up to 6 people. It gives the right to purchase any tickets at least € 10 cheaper throughout the year and other benefits. Membership pays off in 1-2 flights, and then there are savings.

In addition, when you fly with a company on a low-cost airline, you can save a lot on luggage - check in one bag for 2-3 people.

Let's remember! Fly with a company to get a discount and save on your luggage.

(photo © demandaj /

14. Tricky deceiving zigzag

You will save: ≈ 10-20%.

Airlines love to make money on direct flights, because many are willing to overpay for convenience and time savings. Let's use this to our advantage and get the airlines to sell us the cheapest tickets. All you have to do is pretend. Pretend we don't want to go where we really need to.

Let's say we need to go to Riga. Best price - 7341 rubles (direct flight by airBaltic).

An expensive ticket to Riga for 7300 rubles.

But do you remember that a passenger has to pay more for the pleasure of flying a direct flight? The solution to this problem is simple: knowing that Riga is the hub (base airport) of airBaltic, and also that tickets for its flights from Riga to Tallinn are usually quite inexpensive, we just check the cost of air tickets from Moscow to Tallinn. Voila, they only ask for 6099 rubles! Flight on the same day and at the same time. The plane flies with a dock in Riga - we arrive there, pick up our luggage and forget about Tallinn. Congratulations, we saved 17% from the cost of a ticket for a direct flight to the city we need!

A cheaper ticket to Tallinn via Riga for 6100 rubles.

How to find such cheap flights? To do this, you need to be a little in the subject:

  • know which airlines fly to the city you need;
  • whether his airport is the main one for them;
  • in which directions do these airlines fly from the city you need at the lowest fares (in order to correctly substitute the destination city in the ticket that we will buy).

Use this knowledge and logic to design such workarounds.


  1. Check in your baggage not to the final destination, but to the intermediate one. You can think of any argument: you are carrying a gift that you want to pass along the way, the thing you need in your bag, etc. Better fly light, without luggage.
  2. If you skip any segment of the flight, remember that after that the ticket will be canceled. Therefore, if you bought a round-trip plane ticket and missed a segment when flying there, then you will not fly back on this ticket. For example, you have an air ticket "Moscow - Riga - Tallinn - Riga - Moscow": by refusing to fly from Riga to Tallinn, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to fly from Riga to Moscow later. Therefore, for such purposes, you need to separately buy a ticket there, and separately - a return ticket.

Let's remember! Buy cheap flights with a connection in the city you want and get off halfway.

(Photo: benjaminlansky /

15. Earn miles from all airlines at once

You will save: up to 100%.

I have been a client of Tinkoff Bank for over three years. I think it offers the best conditions for travelers. On his debit cards, I withdraw cash around the world without commission, and on a credit card I get 10% cashback on all hotel reservations, 3% on air tickets and free annual medical insurance. Cashback is miles that can be spent to pay for air tickets of any airlines.

My personal experience... Thanks to the miles accumulated with the All Airlines card in 2017-2019, I flew to Istanbul, Phuket, the Maldives, Bali, and South Korea for free. Also, for the third year now, I have been receiving a free insurance policy - also a good saving of money and time for those who often fly abroad.

This bank is scolded only by financially illiterate people who did not bother to read the rules and study the tariffs. They take cash from a credit card, exceed the limits, overdue the payment deadline, connect unnecessary services, and the bank is to blame. Well, what to take with fools?

Let's remember! Get a travel-friendly bank card, earn miles and fly for free.

Be careful with night flights. Usually tickets for them are cheaper, but do not forget that you will have to spend money on a taxi to / from the airport.

Buy tickets when you have planned the entire route and connected all flights. It happens that you buy inexpensive tickets to one city, and in order to fly out of it somewhere else on the right dates, you will have to spend a lot.

Take an external battery with you on the flight to charge your phone - you may not always find an outlet at the airport. Check out our reviews: and.

Do not buy insurance that the airline imposes on you when booking - a waste of money.

It is often cheaper and more comfortable to rent a house or apartment instead of a hotel - many interesting options from the owners can be found on the popular Airbnb service. This is definitely beneficial if you are traveling with your family or company.

Rent a car to see all the most interesting and beautiful without excursions and public transport. Skyscanner Car Hire compares prices from different car rental companies and finds the best one.

Friends, I travel a lot and willingly share my experience and knowledge with anyone who needs it. Join

In our time desire save on flights it is not alien to anyone, nor ordinary citizens, nor businessmen, nor even big leaders.

But where to find cheap tickets? How do I get them? I am sure that not everyone knows the answers to this question.

Thanks to the site, you can save a lot.
Companies offer cheap tickets for domestic flights and flights abroad of our country. To sell more tickets airlines often arrange promotionseg at the end of winter on summer flights.
When planning your budget for six months in advance, you can allocate funds to buy cheap air tickets for vacation
True, the timing is very short - from a few hours to one, maximum two days.
To fly from provincial cities on such a budget flight is a great success. There are many more offers with flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Vilnius, and other capital cities.

By purchasing tickets at discounted prices, be prepared for restrictions on baggage, carry-on baggage, etc.
They don't save on the planes themselves. It is more profitable for air carriers to maintain new aircraft - they need to be serviced less often, there are less repair costs, and fuel costs too (new generation engines can significantly save money). Passengers who bought tickets from a discounter or low-cost airline will have to come to terms with the lack of seat numbers in the tickets or lack of food. The risk of flight cancellations is significantly higher than that of other carriers.

Lack of comfort is the price you have to pay for the discount

Air carrier discounts: what to look for
Most airline companies have ticket sales in early spring and early autumn, sometimes on the eve of big holidays. They do not last long, but ticket prices during this period are significantly reduced.

One has only to buy a ticket on time - and it will cost much less!
When planning their trip, tourists are advised to keep track of promotions, for example, by subscribing to airline news.

Check out these tips:
For example, it will be possible to fly only in the “low” season. Also, airlines offer discounts not on all flights and days, sometimes for certain categories of citizens (students, schoolchildren, pensioners).

Students are often more likely to benefit from discounts
It is quite possible that there will be a restriction on the weight of transported baggage and carry-on baggage.
Another important point is the inability to reissue or return a ticket, in extreme cases, they will take a separate fee for this. If there is a possibility of a sharp change in plans and, accordingly, the departure date, it is better to play it safe and take a regular ticket or with an open departure date.

When deciding to take advantage of discounts and promotional offers, you should carefully weigh everything

Ticket metasearch or how to buy a ticket with a discount?

Ticket aggregators are services that accumulate information on prices for flights of different airlines. The optimal time for purchasing a ticket is 80-100 days before departure. The rule works here: the earlier a ticket is booked, the lower its cost. And there is more choice.
Learn to look for great deals and use them effectively
There is one more secret: it is better to select flights at night when the load on aggregator sites decreases.
To find tickets at a low pricewill have to work a little at night.
Ticket metasearch engines Is another link in the ticket purchase and sale chain.

Metasearch engines- a convenient tool for finding cheap flights
They are engaged only in providing information, but you will need to purchase a ticket on the site from which the information was taken. Metasearch enginehelps to save money.

When purchasing tickets for promotions or special offers, there are several rules to keep in mind.

Buying tickets over the Internet has its own characteristics
At first, it is best to select a flight and book tickets 2.5-3 months before the expected departure date, while the return flight should be no earlier than 7 and no later than 30 days.
Good planning is essential for successful booking
Good planning is essential for successful booking
Secondly, the lower the price, the more restrictions the air carrier imposes.
The number of restrictions is closely related to the ticket price
Thirdly, tickets purchased online using credit cards or electronic money are cheaper than those that can be purchased with cash.
Paying in cash is less profitable

By purchasing tickets online, it is better to use plastic cards

Value your time and save money by booking tickets at reduced fares!

"Victory" - discounts on tickets
Pobeda Airlines regularly holds promotions for tickets... During the promotions, tickets "Pobeda" can be bought at the minimum fares of the airline.
Depending on the workload of the aircraft airfare price rises, promotions allow airlines fill in flights, advertise yourself and new destinations.
Tickets of the airline "Pobeda" are sold out instantly, sometimes even in the first hours of sales. Be careful when booking and purchasing, Victory tickets are in most cases non-refundable.

Fly with discounts? Really with Aviasales!

Ticket search service well known to travel lovers: special offers Aviasales from Russian airlines, near and far abroad I will help you find the cheapest flight to almost anywhere in the world. The service searches for plane tickets in 728 airlines, 200 ticket offices and 5 booking systems, which allows us to offer the user the most tempting price. At the same time, the company acts exclusively as an intermediary, but works without extra charges in order to keep tariffs affordable. The site contains only the best flight options: reliable and economical. The buyer's task is to buy tickets where the service advises, using interesting offers: the site receives information about many promotions directly from airlines.
Aviasales promotions are indispensable for traveling abroad, because for many travelers buying air tickets is associated with considerable expenses. Special offers for buying tickets are always in demand.

There are many known ways to save on flights:
buying tickets long before the departure date;
purchase of round trip tickets;
less comfortable, longer flights;
using the services of less expensive airlines.
All of the above methods really work, but the most profitable trip is possible only with discounts from Aviasales... If you have ever bought tickets using this service, you know that the site will definitely offer the most profitable option available at the moment. Even though tickets are always at a bargain price here, you can save even more if you use a promo code.

What are Air Sales promo codes and coupons?

Most travelers are happy about the opportunity to save money - for this you need to use promo code when buying a ticket... There are not so many good flight websites, and all of them are united by the opportunity to get a good discount. The essence of the promo code is as follows: the owner of a secret combination of letters and numbers can enter the code into a special window when placing an order for a ticket - this simple action will instantly make the purchase more profitable. Sounds very tempting, doesn't it?

Do not hesitate: if you are planning a long-distance trip, get a promotional code to purchase an air ticket. You can find it on various coupon / promotional sites such as CupoNation. We always have great deals for those who book tickets online.

How to use a ticket search engine?

Buy plane tickets with discounts Aviasales will not be difficult. It is no coincidence that the service is in great demand: the system works quickly, and a child can also use it. You don't have to pay to find the best option - the search site is free. You don't need to register on the website either: you just need to enter information about the upcoming trip. Select the points of arrival and departure, date and number of passengers: after entering the information, the system will very quickly sort all possible options, arranging them in ascending order of price. Thanks to the clarity and smoothness of the search system, the client obtains the most profitable options for flights to anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. No more problems with finding tickets at a good price - the system will do everything by itself, taking into account the interests of buyers and the desire to save money.

The subtleties of working with the ticket selection service

If the coupon does not work for the direction you need, do not despair: there is another way to save your money and get cherished tickets cheaper... One of the advantages of the site, which is very much appreciated by Russian travelers: the system offers to use best price calendar ... Each month there are specific dates when ticket prices will be lower. Usually the more expensive tickets are “on the weekend”, and on weekdays it is cheaper to fly. You can fly cheaper by choosing the desired date on the best price calendar!
Experts advise - before you go to the search ticket site, always check if there is an opportunity to pay less? All special offers from Aviasales placed on time - it's easy to fly cheap with CupoNation!

From our website, you can easily go straight to buying tickets: in many cases the code is not even required. We work to ensure that our clients spend as little time as possible looking for the best price.

How does Aviasales keep prices low?

Modern buyers are always glad to have the opportunity to use a promotional code, but they often ask themselves the question - how does the service manage to keep rates favorable? After all, tickets here are an order of magnitude lower than in the usual ticket office. The point is in the company's special approach to solving the issue of tariffs: Aviasales cooperates with many airlines, and often informs its customers about profitable options even before the information is posted on the official website of the carrier. This is the secret of low prices. Convenient and fully automatic service completes the picture - it seems that the choice in favor of buying electronic tickets on a modern service is obvious!
In order not to miss the opportunity to purchase tickets at favorable prices, follow aviasales promotions... The system allows the client subscribe to the newsletter, (the subscription form on our website on the right in the side column) to engage in tracking the dynamics of prices for tickets to a specific city and regularly receive information about the slightest changes by e-mail.

Cheap flights from Moscow

Where to departure date Find a ticket





St. Petersburg








Mineral water



Naberezhnye Chelny




The search is carried out on 5 booking systems and 40 travel agencies. The client will certainly receive several options for the desired date, among which there is the most profitable one. It is also possible to choose a flight on a difficult route with several transfers.

When issuing an electronic ticket, there is no need to go to the ticket office of the airport or agency, it is enough to print the itinerary receipt, which must be presented at check-in for the flight immediately before departure. Such a ticket has the legal force of a paper ticket in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

In addition to plane tickets, the site has the opportunity to book places in the hotel, rent a car or take out insurance. With Aviasales promo codes, you can save a lot on these services.

Ticket prices are inclusive of taxes and fees and do not include hidden fees. Payment takes place directly on the partner site, whose offer you have chosen, payment is possible with Visa and MasterCard.

  • Use a variety of filters - choose flights with landing and departure from a specific airport, the airline you trust and a convenient transfer time.
  • Look for Aviasales promo codes before buying to reduce travel costs.
  • Do not hesitate to make a reservation, as all offers on the site are changing in real time, and the service is used by more than 200,000 travelers from 233 countries every day.

Discounts on airline tickets with Aviasales promo codes

Promotional codes are a common way to save money on online purchases. With their help, buyers receive various benefits - discounts, free services or gifts.

There are two types of promotional codes on Aviasales:

  • with discounts in percentage or money equivalent (applies to tickets, hotel accommodation, transfer or car rental);
  • with links to pages with special promotional selections.

In the first option, a unique combination of symbols is indicated inside the promo code. You need to enter it when booking on partner sites.

In the second case, an online link is located inside. To activate such a coupon - click on the words "Go to Aviasales". After that, the user becomes available:

  • a selection of the cheapest tickets to certain destinations;
  • special offers from airlines with savings of 30% or more;
  • lists of "hot" destinations with reduced prices for flights;
  • the best rates of the week;
  • promotional prices for hotel booking and car rental.

Here are some examples of popular Aviasales promo codes for 2020:

  • Flight Moscow-Istanbul for only 9000 rubles.
  • Top 100 cheapest tickets from St. Petersburg.
  • 50% discount on hotel reservations in Thailand.

All promotional codes have a limited validity period, so hurry up to use one or more of them and make a reservation.

5 more proven ways to save money with Aviasales

  1. Check out the Low Price Calendar. Specify the desired period of time, after which the system will show on which day the cost of the flight is minimal.
  2. Use the "Low Price Map", it shows the best deals in different parts of the world.
  3. "Follow the price change" - using this function you will be notified of any price change for the selected route by e-mail.
  4. Buy round trip tickets and get discounts from airlines.
  5. Book a hotel at the same time as buying air tickets and get additional bonuses.

Aviasales promo codes - where to look?

All the most current promotional codes are available on the site around the clock. Our site is a specialized resource that daily publishes free promotional codes and coupons from hundreds of online stores and services. Thanks to partnerships with them, information about all the latest promotions and sales immediately appears on our pages.

From the site look for coupons:

  • fast - all stores are categorized;
  • convenient - thousands of discount coupons are located in one place;
  • reliable - codes are checked by our specialists before publication;
  • profitable - only for our users unique promotional codes with exclusive discounts.

This page contains all the latest special offers on air tickets around the world. Here you will find both special offers of airlines from Moscow and other Russian cities, as well as promotional offers with flights from other airports. To buy tickets at the indicated prices, contact the operator via Skype or one of the phones listed at the bottom and top of this page.

Important: the lower the ticket price, the stricter the purchase conditions are usually. If you are interested in a special offer of an airline from St. Petersburg, Moscow or any other city, pay attention to the dates of sales: within the framework of some promotions, you can purchase a ticket only within a day or several days. Also, many airlines limit the number of inexpensive seats: if you want to take advantage of the special offer, try to pay for the flight as soon as possible.

It is profitable and convenient to buy cheap air tickets with special offers for several reasons at once:

1. Here you will find cheap air tickets at a cost that most other agencies cannot offer.
Thanks to established partnerships with airlines, we get access to confidential fares - lower than regular ones and hidden from most other agencies.
Thus, you can buy air tickets with us cheaper than on many other sites.

2. You can purchase tickets for special airline offers from any city in the world.
You can pay the invoice with Visa, MasterCard, Maestro cards through the PayOnline payment system. An electronic ticket (itinerary receipt) can be received by e-mail or fax and printed on any printer.

3. Even if there are no valid promotions during your trip, we will still help you save on your flight.
Our operators work for you around the clock: call at any time, in whatever time zone you are now. The cost of a flight can fluctuate significantly even for neighboring dates - having a complete list of all flights, the operator can often find a ticket cheaper than can be found through electronic search forms on the Internet.

4. You receive the entire package of documents required for reporting.
If necessary, we provide an incoming cash order, as well as a receipt for payment on the TCH form.

Finding cheap flights from Moscow to any corner of our planet where a plane can land can now be quick and easy. It is enough to use a telephone or computer connected to the Internet. The digest of special offers in the field of tourism will present the most interesting and profitable airline promotions for 2016 and 2017 from Moscow.

Here you can find special offers that will interest both “professional” tourists and business people. Those who have long dreamed of going on a romantic or family trip, but constantly postponed the fulfillment of their desire due to lack of funds, should carefully consider the options presented on the site. Here are collected shares of airlines from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg ... Lots of interesting offers from foreign air carriers: Qatar Airways, Lufthansa, Aegean, Alitalia, AirFrance, Singapore Airlines and others. Some of the promotions apply only to a one-way flight, there are options to fly there and back for ridiculous money, there are travel packages that include, in addition to delivery, transfer and hotel accommodation, and even a traveler's medical insurance. The validity periods of special offers cover both whole seasons and individual holidays: the new year and the Brazilian carnival, May weekends and the coming summer. A businessman who is accustomed to counting profits, and not overpaying for services, will certainly be interested in the opportunity to go on a business trip to Europe and Israel, the USA or neighboring countries, paying a minimum of funds.

How to buy cheap air tickets from Moscow and other megacities?

It is worth approaching the process deliberately in order to save as much time and money as possible. There are two simple search algorithms:

  • We choose the special offer you like. Singapore and Thailand, India and France, Australia, Mexico and Finland - the destination is so different that everyone will find their “dream trip”.
  • Follow the link to go to the website of the carrier or tour operator.
  • We buy tickets or a tour.
  • We are planning a trip exactly on those dates on which there are promotions for plane tickets from Moscow.

The opposite option will have to be used by those who have a strictly regulated rest time: in this case, it is worth looking for interesting offers for specific dates.

Promotions for air tickets from Moscow are much more common than from other Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Ufa, etc. This is logical, because the capital has several large airports, including some international passenger air terminals Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. In addition, a huge number of airlines, including foreign ones, with a large transport fleet are represented there. Often, it is more convenient, faster and cheaper to buy cheap air tickets from Moscow on a special offer and from there go by plane to another country, it is more convenient, faster and cheaper than expecting a direct flight in a small town.