Passport information when purchasing an air ticket. What documents are required to purchase an air ticket?

To issue an air ticket, you will only need your passport. Please note that the details of the passport on which you will fly are entered into the booking. Accordingly, if you fly abroad, you cannot enter the details of your internal Russian passport on your ticket. You only need to enter the details of the passport you are using on your ticket.

To issue an air ticket for a flight within Russia, you will need the following data: Last name and first name, date of birth, passport number along with the series (ten digits). To issue an air ticket for a flight abroad of the Russian Federation, you will need the following data: Last name and first name (in Latin as in passport), date of birth, passport number along with the series (nine digits), and the date until which the passport is valid.

There is also a rule that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have the right to buy a one-way ticket without existing reasons to stay in the country he wants to visit. The basis is a residence permit in that country, a document confirming the purchase of a car, a return ticket for another type of transport, etc. Otherwise, you may not be allowed to board the flight at the airport, in which case the airline agency does not bear any responsibility for the air ticket sold.

Please note that many countries require an embassy visa to visit. When purchasing an air ticket, the airline agency selling the ticket is not responsible for its availability.
Transportation of passengers by air, taking into account the immigration requirements of countries, along the route (points of initial departure, transit stops, destination) is carried out according to passport, visa and transportation documents - air tickets, boarding passes, luggage tags, etc.

Passport and visa documents that ensure legal entry into the country of destination or transit through the territories of other states include: visas, identity cards for temporary or permanent residents, refugee documents, certificates of return for one-time trips to replace lost ones, work permits, crew documents, international passports organizations, military IDs, diplomatic and official documents, etc.

A passport is the most common document identifying a passenger, recognized as necessary and/or sufficient when flying domestic or international flights.
For citizens of the Russian Federation when flying
Domestic flights:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • international passport
  • birth certificate (for children under 14 years old)
  • temporary identity card issued by internal affairs bodies

International flights

  • international passport
  • diplomatic passport
  • service passport
  • seaman's passport (sailor's identity card) and extract from the ship's role
  • certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation

If a citizen of the Russian Federation loses his passport outside Russia, the consular office of the Russian Federation or a diplomatic mission will issue an entry (return) certificate that identifies him and gives him the right to return to Russia.

Mutual trips for citizens of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic are permitted according to:

  • general civil or foreign passports
  • birth certificate for children
  • a certificate of entry (return) to the country of citizenship on the basis of the “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic,
  • The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on mutual visa-free travel of citizens” in the presence of migration cards confirming the right to temporary stay.

For citizens of Russia and Ukraine, mutual trips are possible if:

  • general civil or foreign passports
  • birth certificates for children
  • certificates of entry (return) to the country of citizenship
  • migration cards confirming the right to temporary residence

To return to the Russian Federation or CIS countries, valid entry visas are required.

For citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, travel to foreign countries is in most cases possible if they have:

  • foreign passports
  • entry visas of the destination country
  • round-trip airline tickets with confirmed seats
  • for transit stops along the way
  • air ticket with confirmed seats on the next flight within no more than 24 hours
  • transit visas if you need to go to the city.

For foreign citizens to leave the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, the following is required:

  • passports for international travel
  • entry visas of destination countries
  • transit visas for transit countries
  • air ticket for the next flight out of the destination country, if required.

Foreign citizens entering the territory of the Russian Federation must have valid Russian visas, which must be obtained in advance (before departure to the Russian Federation) at consular offices of the Russian Federation outside its borders.

At international airports of the Russian Federation there are consular service offices, where legal representatives of the Russian Federation consider emergency situations regarding the issuance of visas for the departure of foreigners from the Russian Federation.

First, let's conditionally divide the question into two parts: the documents necessary to purchase an air ticket and the documents necessary to board the plane.

What documents can you use to buy a plane ticket?

An air ticket can be issued using any document that proves your identity. Below we present a list of these documents. When booking a ticket online, the buyer usually needs to select the type of document (for example, passport or birth certificate) and fill out the document details. Sometimes data is simply indicated (for example, series and number), the type of document is not indicated. And foreign air agencies usually allow you to issue a ticket by indicating only your first and last name without any passport information. The registration process is simplified as much as possible for your convenience.

If, when purchasing a plane ticket, you filled out the details of a certain document, and you are going to fly by presenting another document, then you must contact the airline in advance with a request to enter the details of the second document. This must be done in advance, before checking in for the flight. The airline is required to enter the details of the new document; usually all you need to do is call them. This is not a change to the air carriage agreement, so the procedure is free or may cost very little money just for the service provided.

Why is this being done? As was said, you can buy a ticket for basically any document, but you can only fly with certain documents (we’ll talk about them below), and on the other hand, you must fly with the document for which the ticket is issued. Therefore, in advance we are obliged to enter into the air ticket the details of the document with which we are going to board the plane.

We will describe why this is needed below, in the “Questions and Answers” ​​section, when we look at practical examples.

What documents are needed when checking in for a flight and boarding the plane?

Let us immediately note that here we do not touch upon the issues of visas, permission to enter a particular country, a ban on leaving the country, customs issues when transporting certain goods, etc.

Which document needs to be presented upon departure depends on the type of flight: domestic or international. You need to understand that domestic and international flights are fundamentally different. During a domestic flight, you move within the country, you do not cross the state border. Relatively speaking, this is almost the same as moving around the country on another transport. “Almost” - because air transportation, of course, has its own specifics. During domestic flights you are subject to air travel regulations.

To check in for a flight and board the plane, you need to have an identification document with you:

  • General internal passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Birth certificate (up to 14 years);
  • Identity card of a Russian military personnel;
  • Military ID (if you are serving and not in the reserve);
  • Russian Seafarer Identity Card;
  • Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • National passport (domestic or foreign) of another state, if you are a citizen of another country and fly within the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Residence permit of the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate of release from prison;
  • Travel document of a stateless person, refugee;
  • Other identification document.

When flying internationally, you cross the state border and go through border control, so in addition to the rules of air transportation, you are also subject to the rules of entry and exit from the country. Accordingly, you must have with you an identity document abroad:

  • General civil foreign passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Diplomatic passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Service passport of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal passport of the Russian Federation when flying to some countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, South Ossetia);
  • National passport (domestic or foreign) of a citizen of another country;
  • Another document (for stateless persons, refugees, for persons expelled from the Russian Federation).

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of your passport. Some states prohibit entry if there are less than 3 months left before the expiration date.

If you are going to fly with a child, be sure to read the article Required documents for flying with a child

Questions and answers

I'm going to fly abroad, I found a suitable ticket at a low price, but my passport is not ready yet. What should I do?

You should issue a ticket for any other identification document (internal passport, expired international passport, for children - birth certificate, etc.) so as not to miss the ticket. After receiving your international passport, you must contact the airline to enter your passport data into your air ticket. This is usually done free of charge, the airline is required to make changes.

I bought a ticket for an international flight, indicating the details of my internal passport. Can I fly with both documents: an internal passport and an international passport?

No. You just need to call the airline and your passport details will be included in the ticket. Then you can fly safely, presenting only your international passport, otherwise you may not be allowed on board, even if you present both passports.

Is it possible to buy a plane ticket with an expired passport?

You can buy it, but you cannot fly with this passport. You can buy with an expired passport, then when you receive a new passport, enter the details of the new passport into the ticket, as indicated above.

Is it possible to fly with a foreign passport on domestic flights?

A foreign passport certifies the identity of a citizen abroad. It is not intended for internal use. However, this issue is not clearly regulated. In practice, there are no problems, especially if you can select a foreign passport when purchasing a ticket on the website. Many people fly with an international passport within the country. For your peace of mind, you can call the airline in advance and make sure.

In general, on domestic flights the rules are not so strict, and depend more on the airline (and the airline, of course, is interested in transporting you). The main thing is that the document is valid and proves the person’s identity.

When booking and issuing a ticket, the system requires you to enter only your first and last name. This is doubtful. Will I be allowed on the plane if my passport details are not indicated on the ticket?

Certainly. There are no problems. Many foreign airlines issue tickets requiring only your first and last name.

Is it possible to fly with a copy of my passport?

No. You must present the original document. In exceptional cases, only on domestic flights, the airline may accommodate you.

I lost my passport, can I fly with a military ID?

Theoretically, it is possible if you are an active military personnel and not in the reserves. But in practice there will be no problems, and you will be allowed on board with a military ID, regardless of whether you are currently serving or in the reserves. For peace of mind, call the airline in advance to make sure. Of course, we are talking exclusively about domestic flights.

If you indicated your passport details when purchasing a ticket, you need to contact the airline in advance to enter your military ID details into your air ticket. Otherwise, you may not be allowed on board.

Sometimes they ask: is it possible to buy a ticket if there is no registration or “such and such” registration?

Registration does not affect air travel either within the country or abroad.

Is it possible to buy a plane ticket if the visa is not ready yet?

Of course you can. One has nothing to do with the other, but if you are suddenly denied a visa, you will have to return your air ticket.

What should I do if I changed my last name after purchasing an air ticket?

This often happens when a girl gets married and takes her husband’s surname. However, the first and last names can be changed for completely different reasons. In all these cases, you need to follow the general rule: if you have a new document (not the one for which the ticket was issued), then you must contact the airline to enter new data into the ticket. In this case, in addition to the new passport, you must also present the document on the basis of which the name or surname was changed. If the girl took her husband's surname, then such a document is a marriage certificate.

What to do if your passport has expired during a trip abroad?

Be sure to contact the consular service of your country's embassy. Usually they will give you the appropriate certificate. Otherwise, you may not be allowed on board the plane.

March 08, 2017

Air travelers have long come to terms with the fact that without a passport, flying on passenger planes is impossible. However, questions about the relationship between these documents arise very often, including among users of our portal...

We publish answers to the most, in our opinion, relevant of them.

Do you need a passport when buying a plane ticket?

To order and purchase an air ticket, you need not the passport itself, but the passenger’s passport data: series, number, last name and first name of the owner, expiration date. It is enough to make a copy of your passport or write down its details. If this data is not at hand, and you need to buy a ticket urgently, you can enter any data, observing the current format, for example, the number of characters in the series and number. In booking systems on the Internet or at an agency, they will sell you a ticket using these arbitrary data, but in the future they must be replaced with genuine ones by contacting the seller. There are usually no problems with replacing data.

Which passport, foreign or domestic, should you use when purchasing an air ticket?

When flying within Russia - an international passport or an internal (general civil) passport if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation. When flying abroad - only an international passport. The exception is air tickets to Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Armenia; you can fly to these countries using an internal passport.

Sometimes potential air passengers are confused by the fact that some foreign companies do not request passport information when booking and selling air tickets. The fact is that to identify a passenger, they only need the passenger’s first and last name, air ticket number and date of sale. But when landing at the airport, passport data will still be checked.

What to do if your passport is expired?

Definitely: change! An expired passport is not considered a valid document. And under no circumstances should you try to travel with such a passport; you simply will not be allowed on the plane.

Moreover, when planning a flight, pay attention to the expiration date of your passport, even if it has not yet expired. In many countries, a rule has been adopted: a passport can expire no earlier than six months after a foreigner enters the country.

What passport details are needed to purchase a ticket?

It depends on the carrier and the place of booking. If the air carrier is Russian, or you buy a ticket on one of the online booking resources (for example, on our portal), you should indicate the number and series of the passport, the validity period of the document, the last name and first name of the passenger (in Latin letters, as in the international passport). At the same time, be careful - one incorrectly written letter can cause a lot of trouble in the future. On the websites of foreign airlines, most often only the first and last name is required.

The ticket was purchased using the data in my old passport, but I have to fly out using a new one, what should I do?

It's okay, there is a way out, and even two. First: the ticket is rewritten and the details of the new passport are indicated in it. If we are talking about an electronic ticket, the service is free, but if we are talking about a paper ticket, you will have to pay, for different airlines, from 150 to 300 rubles. And the second way out is to travel with two passports, old and new. Both must be presented: one to confirm the purchase of the ticket, the other to prove your identity.

The question of whether it is possible to buy an air ticket without a passport arises among many Russians. As a rule, we are not talking about a sudden change in travel plans. You won't go far without a passport.

The situation when a foreign travel document is in the process of being issued, and you urgently need to purchase flight tickets, is typical for those who found on the Internet that they need to buy right now, without delay.

To the delight of travel lovers, they have no reason to worry that the airline will not allow them to buy a ticket without a passport. Most reputable air carriers do not need your document numbers to issue your travel pass. The main information you must provide is:

  • surname (Latin);
  • Name (-"-);
  • address;
  • contact number;
  • the mailbox you use.

We draw an unambiguous conclusion: any citizen can buy a plane ticket without a passport.

At this stage, another important thing is to provide correct information about yourself.

Requirements of various airlines

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have up-to-date information on your foreign travel document. The stage at which you purchase tickets is important and can be problematic. But these questions have nothing to do with whether or not you have a passport. This document is completely unnecessary when purchasing seats on flights of the following airlines:

  • Airberlin;
  • WizzAir;
  • EasyJet;
  • Lufthansa.

In order to book a ticket, enter the information listed above, pay the cost of the flight, and wait for that wonderful moment when your plane arrives for boarding.

There are airlines whose applications require you to enter your passport details. These include Aeroflot and Montenegro Ailines. In order to book tickets, you need to write your passport number in the appropriate fields. However, this is not a problem either.

Aeroflot Airlines

If you entered incorrect data, you will need to correct it later to be correct. So, for Montenegro Ailines, after receiving a new passport, you need to immediately call the company’s office and ask that your data be corrected.

To issue Aeroflot tickets, after receiving your international passport, you should go to the airline office and present the document you received so that they can print out a new ticket with the correct numbers. You can also take both passports with you on your trip and show them when checking in for your flight. You will be allowed on the plane.

If you purchased tickets abroad in S7, you can correct the data by sending an application to the company office with a request to change the old numbers to new ones. They do not need to be included in the application. A copy of your new passport should be attached to the document. The procedure is free of charge. The same action can be carried out through ticket offices, but you will have to pay 500 rubles.

In cases where you order air tickets using old passport data, be sure to make a note about this in the note.

This will motivate you to correct the information you have entered in the future.

Other problems when ordering air tickets
The question of whether it is possible to buy a plane ticket when a new passport is not yet ready can be resolved very easily. Sometimes people who are preoccupied with this problem forget about other, no less important things. These include the correct spelling of the name on the ticket.

You will be able to come to an agreement with some companies if mistakes are made, but not with all of them. Just because of one letter you may not be allowed on the plane. And this is an extra waste of money, and, what’s even worse, wasted time on your vacation or business trip.

Not all airlines allow people whose documents do not literally match what is written on the ticket to board the plane. Due to the fact that the company pre-booked the ticket without a passport, you could have entered the wrong letters in the reservation. It’s easy to make a mistake, since some Cyrillic letters may sound similar to several Latin letters at once.

When filling out, it is very important to find the alphabetical transliteration and strictly follow it. Especially often mistakes are made with the rewriting of I, Yu, Y, Sh, Shch, X, Ch, b and Ts. It is very easy to make an erroneous marking, but it is not always possible to correct it without problems. In some cases, it is worth consulting with linguists.

Representatives of Asian airlines are especially scrupulous about the correct spelling of names and surnames. This is due to the fact that they have hieroglyphic spelling of words. It is enough to change one symbol and the meaning is lost. If you purchase tickets from China Southern Airlines, be extremely careful when entering your information. Cases when passengers are not checked in because of one letter happen often.

Vietnam Airlines is no less demanding. In this case, even with spelling errors, you can board the plane, however, you will have to pay 15 euros for correction. Moreover, adjustments can be made exclusively at the company’s office located in Moscow and no later than 7 hours before the scheduled departure.

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