Saint Kitts and Nevis. Only the most important about obtaining economic citizenship of saint kitts and nevis and about the federation of saint kitts and nevis in offshore business

Somehow, September passed imperceptibly, followed by October. It's time for the traditional diving trip and this time we are again going to explore the underwater world of the Caribbean Sea. Our ship starts from a small island state - Seth Keats and Nevis. We are starting to collect information about the new country.

General information:

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis) is a state in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis, belonging to the Lesser Antilles. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². Population - 50 thousand people (2010). The capital Basseterre is located on the island of Saint Kitts. She is a member of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. It borders Antigua and Barbuda in the east, Montserrat in the south-east, Sint Eustatius (a special municipality of the Netherlands) in the north-west, and Saint Barthelemy (an overseas community of France) in the north. All borders are maritime. The total length of the coastline is 135 km. The state language is English. Currency - East Caribbean dollar, rate 2, 7 for 1 US dollar. Time: - 10 hours to Yekaterinburg. American sockets with flat pins. About 80 percent of the population is of the Negroid race.

Security questions:

When analyzing the information, I did not identify any serious factors (terrorism, military actions, kidnapping, organized crime, epidemics) that pose a threat to a tourist. Of course, minor criminal acts are not excluded, but in our time there are not so many absolutely safe countries.

The fact of the climatic factor is important. This is the equator, the humidity is high, so there are a lot of mosquitoes, which means you need to be wary of all the terrible diseases that they carry. It is compulsory to use repellents.

Fraud related to the acquisition of a second citizenship is very common.

Interesting Facts:

- Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere, both in area and in population.

- Naturally Columbus discovered the islands, who would doubt ...

- He, sailing by the island of Nevis in 1493, named it "Nuestra Senora de Las Nieves", meaning "Our Lady in the Snow, mistaking the dense layers of clouds at the peak of the mountains for snow."

- The country has Citizenship by Investment Program... It was created to attract foreign capital to the country. To obtain a second citizenship, an investor can choose two ways.
The first method - Contributions to the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund does not imply a return on investment.
The second way - purchasing real estate in Saint Kitts and Nevis - THEORETICALLY (author's note) assumes a return on investment (real estate can be sold in 5 years).
The approval of real estate objects and verification of applicants for citizenship is carried out by the organization CIU (Citizenship by Investment Unit), a specially created structure that deals in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis ONLY with issues of issuing economic citizenship. According to the law, the minimum value of real estate for investment in order to obtain a second citizenship of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis must be from 400,000 US dollars or the purchase of land in the Christophe Harbor project worth more than 700,000 dollars. The CIU does not work directly with potential citizenship applicants, it is done by government-licensed agents listed on the ministry's website.
The money received in the form of grants to S.I.D.F, which is a state public charitable foundation, goes to the development of infrastructure. Minimum Grant to S.I.D.F. $ 250,000 per applicant, $ 300,000 for a family of up to 4 people, 350,000 for a family of five) prices are subject to change). The applicant's family - a spouse with an officially registered marriage, their children under 18 years old, or 18-25 years old, the child must be fully supported by the investor and study at the full-time faculty of the university, as well as parents over 65 years old.

9 Merits (VERY Doubtful) of Second Citizenship and Passport of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis:
1) Citizenship of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, it is also the citizenship of a country - a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations (The Commonwealth of Nations). The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis considers Elizabeth II to be its monarch, while remaining an independent sovereign state. Australia, New Zealand and Canada have the same status. The community includes 54 sovereign states. The total population of the Commonwealth countries is about 1.8 billion, about 30% of the world's population. The Commonwealth is an organization within which countries differing in the level of development and the nature of the economy can enter into close and equal cooperation.
2) Citizens of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, they are also citizens of a member country of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). CARICOM is a trade and economic union of the countries of South America for 2012, it includes 15 states and 5 more countries are associate members of the community. At the moment, countries such as Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia are active in joining the union.
3) Citizenship of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, it is also the citizenship of a country belonging to the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). Economic and Monetary Union of the Caribbean. The members of the union have a common currency - the East Caribbean dollar.
4) Citizenship of the Federation is given for life and is inherited by your children and grandchildren.
5) One of the options for obtaining a second citizenship, may be the purchase of real estate approved by the government for citizenship. On both islands of the Federation there are currently investment offers with a guaranteed (I Doubt - author's notes) income over the course of 5 compulsory years of ownership. There are offers for both full ownership and fractional ownership in resort real estate.
6) There is no need to be a resident of the islands and there is no need to visit the islands. Citizenship can also be obtained through a grant to the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund.
7) The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis recognizes dual citizenship, and does not require you to give up your first one when you receive yours.
8) Traveling without a visa and living in other countries without a visa with a passport of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
9) With the passport of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, opportunities open up for optimizing taxation and protecting capital.

- This opportunity has already been used by the well-known "VKontakte" Pavel Durov.

- Saint Kitts and Nevis is famous in the offshore world. Therefore, the legal and financial business on the islands is more profitable than the traditional sugarcane plantations.

- Looking at the national flag of the country, it would be logical to assume that the two stars represent Saint Kitts and Nevis, respectively. However, it is not. As conceived by the creator, two stars suddenly mean "hope and freedom."

- The wife of Admiral Nelson was born on Nevis and here they married in the presence of the King of Great Britain.

- They say that in order to rent a car on the island of Nevis ... you need to get a local license. The minimum term for issuing a license is three months and this pleasure will cost about $ 25.

- On the island of Nevis, Princess Diana with Princes William and Harry was recovering after a divorce from Charles.

Visa features:

Starting from May 24, 2013, Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Saint Kitts and Nevis, provided that the purpose of the visit is tourism or business travel, and the period of stay in the country does not exceed three months.

Tourist season:

The tropical climate of Saint Kitts and Nevis is shaped by the trade winds. The climate is humid and hot, with average monthly temperatures around 26 ° C, occasionally dropping to 18 ° C or rising to 32 ° C. Precipitation from 1500 mm per year in the lowlands to 3700 mm in the mountains. There is no rainy season as such. Precipitation is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. The relatively dry season lasts from December to April. The best time to visit the country is during the summer "low season" (June to August), when the weather is dry and cool. Although, the islands are in an equatorial climate and the weather is approximately the same.

Figali to do there:

- Lying on the beach, swimming in the wonderful sea.

- Scuba diving, of course.

Places of worship:

"It is rather inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is obvious that it is the Ocean." Artur Clark - Hello friends, this is "Heads and Tails"! And we continue to teach geography even to geography teachers. “We're in the Caribbean again, but this time Saint Kitts and Nevis. - Look, this sounds like the name of some law firm - Saint Kitts and Nevis and partners. - Look, this is great, it suits me. So this time everything will be fair. So that you don't cheat with your gold card. And if there is suddenly some kind of a swindler, we will sue you with Saint Kitts and Nevis and partners. - Eagle! - Tails! - Give me a map! Here you are! I already forgot what you look like. Here you are right to be holy all! Far, far away between the sea and the ocean live two brother islands. Locals call them egg and chicken leg. And tourists believe that here are the most beautiful volcanoes on earth and the most unusual beaches in the world. Well, shall we see? The East Caribbean dollar runs to Saint Kitts and Nevis, but there is no need to queue at the exchanger. The dollars that you bring here can be easily exchanged for local money anywhere. The coefficient is 2.7 and no one here will even try to deceive you. Pay 100 bucks at the supermarket - get change at a factor of 2.7. To buy a seed from my grandmother - change at a coefficient of 2.7. Everything is good with this here. And now it remains to figure out how to get to the city. There is no expensive car on the island that I could surprise you: Lamborghini Ferrari. And I don't see the point in taking a simple one for half a day. Therefore, the good old and popular taxi here. This is a taxi fare board. On average, a taxi costs about 12 bucks. I think this is not the best way to spend 12 bucks. So I'll take myself a minibus. Rationally. Moreover, it is only ten minutes to drive to the capital of the island - a town called Baster. Taxis on St. Kitts and Nevis look like this. They pick up groups of tourists who come with cruise ships and then travel around the city. It turned out that minibuses and taxis on the islands look the same. Pasteur? In taxi mode, local buses circle you individually around the island. And in the minibus mode, they are taken along with other passengers to the desired stop. The trip will cost me two and a half dollars. Well, the moment of reckoning has come. They didn't give me back. I would say that this is a life hack, but this is not a life hack. Cashing in on decent, kind people is not a life hack. Accident. I really wanted to pay. But they have no change. Saint Kitts and Nevis is a two-island state. Each of which has a volcano. These sleeping titans are the parents of Saint Kitts and Nevis. It was from their passion that the islands were born. Today, the ancestral volcanoes sleep peacefully on the pillows of the clouds. While their island children are serenely splashing in the warm sea waters. Sea sea sea sea sea! Oh, how beautiful. In fact, I see a very big plus that these islands are not yet so popular for tourism, because here you can retire. Such a heavenly place with even such wild beauty. The capital of the country, the city of Baster, is located in the valley of the Llamiuga volcano. Four centuries ago, bloody battles were fought here between the British colonialists and the indigenous tribes, the Caribbean. As a result, the latter were completely exterminated. But the British themselves did not stay on the islands for long. African slaves brought to the islands soon proclaimed their independence from Britain. The city is small. Such small, colorful houses. The influence of the English colony is immediately visible, because everything is in this style. All the sights of the city are also somehow connected with the British. For example, the local Big Ben. Moreover, this is not only the main clock of the city, but also a well with drinking water. And here is the same red telephone booth. Almost like London. True, the phone was stolen, and the glass was broken. But, on the other hand, they paint regularly. And this is the local Independence Square. I cannot pass by and not depend here. Independence Square From the very British who brought the booth and built Big Ben. But, the main attraction of the capital is the port, where almost the entire population of Baster works. Look here they are in green shirts working as tour guides, because two ships have arrived and someone has to earn money from tourists. St. Kitts is, in fact, a stopover for cruise ships that ride tourists in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. And while the big cruise ships replenish their supplies of fuel and fresh water, tourists are offered excursions around the island and souvenirs in local shops. But, this is far from all you need to know about these islands. Friends, you know that we are just sharks in search of information and therefore have now prepared facts about Saint Kitts and Nevis for you. Toothy facts. - The total area of ​​the islands is 261 km square kilometer. It is as large as Odessa. - Size doesn't matter. - It has. Imagine if Colin's hand was bigger than your head. Saint Kitts and Nevis has its own army of three hundred. 299. - Citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis can be obtained for only 250 thousand dollars. -Total. -Total. - Total. - We are a shark business we have money. - A. Yes. Total. Saint Kitts and Nevis is the 3rd largest country in the world for the number of prisoners. There are 334 per 50,000 people of the population. That's all. The most expensive entertainment on the island is also linked to the history of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Excursion on the so-called sugar express. The British colonialists fully developed the sugar industry on the islands. Therefore, a railway was built here. It stretches twenty-nine kilometers along the coastline. And this is a great opportunity to gaze at the local beauty. At one time, a lot of palm trees were cut down here for the extraction of this sugar cane. But even so, it is very beautiful here: these clouds hanging over the hills. But most importantly, during this two-hour trip, you can see both the azure edge of the Caribbean Sea and the raging waves of the Atlantic Ocean. It's the ocean! Oh, Alina, in order to see the sea and the ocean, you don't need to shake for two hours in an old train. You just need to take a taxi and come to Timothy Hill. Friends, to my right is the Atlantic Ocean, and to my left is the Caribbean Sea. But that's not all ... And over there, in the distance, you can see the second island of Nevis. I'll get there again. Nevis, I'll get to you! In the meantime, Kolya is only threatening, I already rented a boat and went to get acquainted with Nevis. It is so beautiful that it’s a pity that it’s just a short time to sail. About ten minutes at most Nevis, like its older brother, also has a dormant volcano. But, unlike St. Kitts, this island is more fortunate. The sugar refiners did not destroy the palm trees here. Therefore, the entire island is surrounded by greenery and looks like a small emerald from afar. But most importantly, one of the best hotels in the country, Paradise Beach, is located here. These are twelve exclusive thatched wooden villas set along the azure trail of the Caribbean Sea. Friends, welcome to Paradise Beach Resort, otherwise this place cannot be called! Ahhh! Now let's see the villa itself. Oh, it's so beautiful that I want to see it again. For four thousand dollars, I get a two-bedroom Balinese-style villa. Hand-finished Italian tiles, but the most important thing is that the Villa is not only beautiful, but also eco-friendly. All natural materials are used here, they are directly fighters for the environment. Every inch of this home can be recycled and reused. Or disposed of safely. It is also important that the electricity here is powered by solar panels, which are located right on the roof. Well, here's to admire and admire this place. But, and that's not all ... Swimming pool. It is made of copper. Do you see such green streaks? It's not dirt at all, it's such oxidation. Because it is believed that, thanks to this copper material, it cleans itself. There is no need to use chemicals for cleaning, because it essentially cleans itself. And finally, the bedroom. Here, wherever you look, a window with a beautiful view. Well, if suddenly, well, you never know, you get tired of the view of the sea or the ocean, then you can do it like this. But this is unlikely to happen to me. This is the second season, and I still can't stop looking at it. With both sea and ocean at your disposal in St. Kitts, it's time to get to know the local beaches. And I'll start with the Caribbean. Hahah, what do we have such an interesting beach and all alone? The density of visitors to the beach. Very strange. Nobody here. Maybe out of season, maybe people are just afraid of black sand, bewitched? Here they are, here they are, look, two visitors. But what can we say about them? Elderly people, quite pleasant, most likely newcomers. Thanks. Infrastructure. Sun loungers, homemade umbrellas and a bar. And nothing else is needed. Banana for a ride? I cannot imagine these people. “- Listen, let's go to the black sand beach. - Is there a banana? - No, no. - So we won't go. " A-ah-ah-ah! The sand is very hot, very hot! Maybe because this is the former lava and it did not have time to cool down. Most likely because the sun has warmed up. Such a sand. I don't really like it. Surely the most tolerant of you will say this because he is black? No, this is because it is not very pleasant to the touch. The water is perfect. This is the Caribbean Sea. Here the water is warm, transparent and so that I could hardly restrain myself so as not to run away to swim. That's it, I can’t hold back any longer. Well, how not to put the highest score here? Of course, my villa also has a beach. And private. The population density is plus or minus 20 people. That's all, because there are only 12 villas in the resort. Good. 2,3,46,47. Infrastructure - 47 steps from my villa. 5 is five. For the infrastructure, for sure. Nevis is a volcanic island from that and the sand is like coffee grounds. I would not recommend doing a photo session in a white bathing suit. So, to sum up, I put this beach ... stop the water. Well come here. The Caribbean Sea is not subject to any assessment. It is always beautiful. It would seem that Saint Kitts is a paradise on earth - palm trees, the sea and the ocean. But there is one problem ... These are green monkeys. Green monkeys are not native to the island. The monkeys came here with slaves from Africa. Locals generally do not like monkeys very much, because they are pests, eat up plantations, and interfere with farmers. And they interfere so much that the locals equated monkeys with rats and mercilessly exterminate them. But tourists love monkeys and feed them very much. Monkeys, I brought the goods. The snack is over, you can move on. Bye! They say that diving is fabulous in Saint Kitts and Nevis. So I rented a boat again and went into the depths of water. Once upon a time there was a Corinithian - a sea tug. The meaning of his life was other ships. He helped to repair them, rescued them from the traps of underwater rocks and shallows. But, once a trouble happened to the tug itself. He was caught in a violent storm. Corinithian trumpeted the SOS with might and main, but due to bad weather, no ship could come to his aid. So he ended up at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. The last twenty-three years have been his home. An underwater harbor that he would never leave again. Here is such a sad tale. But the tug continues to work for the benefit of others even now. It has become home to stingrays, turtles and hundreds of fish. And also great fun for divers. I have already bathed in the Caribbean Sea, the turn of the Atlantic Ocean has come. I decided to take a walk and see what is happening on the side where the ocean is: what beaches are there, what waves are there, water activities and tourists are resting. Come with me! This beach is different - it is less welcoming. The ocean wants to pounce on everyone who comes here. Look with foam at the mouth. Sickness! Well, the beach itself is dirty. There are a lot of dry algae, which no one can see at all. Why doesn't anyone take them away? Because no one needs the beach. Why doesn't anyone need it? Because you can't swim here - the current is very strong. Therefore, the infrastructure is not developed and people come here to enjoy the wild nature. And I came to enjoy the wild nature. That's it, I'm enjoying the wild. The ocean is the only interlocutor in the world with whom there is always something to be silent about. It doesn't matter what's in your head. Superfluous thoughts will carry away the waves. Look at how much rubbish. Moreover, a strange combination of garbage: rope, bottle, dead crab, seaweed. More like a bachelor's soup. Well, I have such soups, I don't know about you. And the water is still nothing, you can still finish it. As a result, this beach receives a consolation prize from me in the form of a triple. I was about to finish my dive, when suddenly. An unpleasant surprise awaited me. Left and right, front and back, I was surrounded by a school of sharks. These are nurse sharks, they are nurse sharks. These predators got their name because of the unusual breathing process. In addition to the gills, they have a special buccal pump. Which emits a characteristic smacking sound, reminiscent of the kiss of a caring nanny. And although divers consider nannies to be the safest of sharks, cases of attacks from their side on people are not uncommon. They say a nurse shark, like a bulldog hangs on your hand, and drags you to the bottom until the air in the tank runs out. So I will not abuse the hospitality of these ladies and rather go upstairs. Without leaving the ticket office, or rather from the sea, I decided to spend the night right on the beach. Local coastal eateries offer tourists like me budget lodging options. For example, such a large tent. Cool tent. Huge. A small circus can fit here. Oh well, beauty is. Minimalism. This is where the backpack will live. Well, how can I tell you, I'm somewhat shocked. There are quite a few items in the tent: a mattress, a pole, and a flashlight. Going to sleep. It's good that we can sleep without a blanket in a warm country. Girls, I almost forgot to tell you about the trick of my villa. If you would come with your fiancé and he, such an infection, lingered in the bar. Ha! Sit there at the bar! Perfectly! Wonderful, isn't it? Oh, Sasha, I'm sorry. Everything is fine, do you agree? Everything, good night. Quiet shh. Ahhh dawn is right here. Thank you, my sweetheart. I slept so sweetly that I didn't even want to get up. And now I don't want to, I'll go get some more sleep. No-no-no adventure awaits me. Good morning! I'm going to wash myself. Good morning! I decided to start my morning with breakfast. It's good that this can be done in the same establishment where I rented a tent yesterday. Breakfast is ready. Rastaman breakfast, by the way. I'm not kidding, really, the breakfast is rastaman. And what does rastaman mean? There is no meat, no fish, anything or animal origin. That is, all food is vegetable. Did you think Rastas are just guys who wear such strange hats with dreadlocks? However partially you are right. Rastafarianism is a widespread religion in the islands. Rastafarians have no church, their God is where they are. Rastafarians don't have prayers, they listen to reggae instead. Here, in fact, is a brief summary of the Rastaman religion. But the fact that they do not eat food of animal origin is a huge plus. They cook vegetarian meals so cool that you can't tear yourself away. Very tasty. Plain cinnamon bananas. And you try unusual bananas with cinnamon. Common green beans - Common green beans. Mushrooms. The mushrooms are spicy, but tasty. Broccoli. While you went there to fry zucchini and boil broccoli, I milk it all. Another popular activity in Saint Kitts and Nevis is sailing yacht cruises. Well, you must agree, what can be more romantic than a sailing boat, and even on the Caribbean islands? Nothing. That is why I am here. To fly to Saint Kitts and Nevis and not visit Nevis is the same as coming to grandparents and not going to grandfather's room. I can't do that, so right now I'm taking a ferry ticket and sailing to Nevis. I could of course save some money and swim to Nevis. But how to deny yourself the joy of gazing at all this beauty. , getting to the island is only part of the journey that I have to do today. I went to the highest point of the island - Nevis Peak volcano. It last erupted a hundred thousand years ago. But, despite this, the volcano sometimes spews out rare clouds of smoke from its mouth and heats up the slopes with the heat of a hot heart. But most importantly, Nevis Peak volcano took first place in the list of natural beauties according to the authoritative Forbes magazine. And they say that from the top of the volcano a beautiful view of the whole Caribbean opens up. Well. A start. Daisy's yacht is a single-deck, two-masted vessel with three scarlet sails. And part-time the family nest of a couple in love, Ben and Nicky. The couple have been together for ten years. They sold all their movable and immovable property, bought a yacht and have been living on it ever since. During this time, the couple managed to visit 15 seas and cross the Atlantic 14 times! This is, of course, a dream. Such a couple help each other, they do everything harmoniously on this sailing boat. You know, such a rosy dream of meeting old age on your boat or yacht in the Karabakh Islands. The family earns by renting out their boat to wealthy tourists ... giving them punch to drink. Entertaining with sea fun ... And, of course, takes them to the most interesting snorkeling spots. Where we headed. Climbing wall, and adventure, and travel, and entertainment, and extreme. How did we save, huh? And if you are lucky enough to fail, there is also free medical insurance. I'll go to bed, fatten, three meals a day, comfortable beds, maybe there will also be plasma in the ward. The height of the volcano is 985 meters, that is, almost a kilometer. The way to the top will take about two hours. But at least it is cool in the shade of the jungle. Of course, tourists who have more than a hundred dollars with them usually order a guide and climb to the top of the volcano with him. But, if you, like me, dare to repeat such an adventure alone, here are some tips for you. Advice one: before climbing, change into comfortable, waterproof shoes. Second advice. Friends, if you decide to repeat the route, please warm up well. Don't repeat my mistakes. Actually, my little pause is over, let's move on. One, two, three, one, two, three at the pace of a waltz. And finally, the third tip. The road is long and difficult, so in order to make it more fun, more cheerful to walk, you need a song. Because, as they say, go ahead with the song. Hiking in the rain. Woo. Let's push it. Woo. And there, at the top, we will touch the sun with our hands. [sings] And if Kolya does not return, no one will condemn him. Wuhuhu. Maybe he will be a hero. Of course, you will be a hero here with you. I would say something about the ascent right now, but all the same, everyone beeps. Therefore, you will not appreciate. You go up, you go up, but the ascent does not end. It feels like it's an endless climb. It's like going to the library to become smarter: you read, you read, and you just get dumb. I'm good ... we almost reached the top with my friend operator Artem. One small step for a person and a big step for the whole Heads and Tails. Half an hour - and I'm there. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing remarkable in the local waters: a couple of fish and a few stones. But it was not always so. The fact is that just a few years ago, there was a magnificent coral reef here. But, in 2014, a virus previously unknown to science came here, which scientists called the white plague. This infection attacks the corals, turning them into lifeless limestone. One of the reasons is the sewage sewage that people send to the ocean. For the past five years, scientists have been struggling with this problem, and now, finally, the first results are visible. The reef gradually began to recover. And, perhaps, very soon, he will be able to regain his former beauty. Three cuts, four scars, a punctured toe, a knocked knee and two hours of climbing later. I finally climbed the Nevis Peak volcano. To enjoy the stunning views of the Caribbean. But the weather had other plans for today. The joy of the path is not in its final result, but in the path itself. I, of course, puffed, was indignant, but I got great pleasure from these overcoming difficulties, from these slippery stones and slippery snags. Well class. It's already halfway done. Because there is still a way back. And as you have seen, it is no less difficult than the way up. In addition to the volcano, Nevis has another attraction. However, you will not find it in guidebooks. Locals try to bypass this place. And they ask tourists to follow their example. I came to Edward Huggins' estate. So why do the locals bypass these ruins? Because a terrible story happened here: slaves, money and love were involved. Edward Huggins was a wealthy and respected sugar refiner. And now it's time for the young rich man to get married. He found a bride in England and brought her to his estate. On the night after the wedding, when the girl was already asleep, she was awakened by a terrible cry. Coming to the sound, she saw an eerie scene: her lover was having fun, torturing his slaves with fire and a knife. The bride rushed to the aid of the unfortunate and, in a fit of anger, killed her husband. As a result, the girl was left alone and committed suicide. Since then, here from time to time people see a figure in a wedding dress. Of course, during the day, these ruins do not inspire fear, but at night I would not stick here. Tyoma, I was just scared. Confused. You just have similar dresses to her. In the evening I returned to St. Kitts. In St. Kitts there are special secluded places where difficult guests come. More precisely, they come by boats. Ugh what kind of boats are you? To meet the sunset on elite yachts. One of these is a luxury establishment called Salt Plage. It's beautiful here, so calm. So, you need to choose the best place. Here and there! Class! Here! Ideally! It's like a VIP cinema for me. And the fish can be seen oh generally. A cocktail would be ... This is the thrill of the unlimited card With it you can just sit like that, take your time and enjoy the sunset! And yet this island has its own magic. Sunsets are beautiful everywhere, you say, but no. There is some kind of special energy here. Saint Kitts and Nevis are islands for those tired of the bustle of the city. And he just wants to spend time alone with himself and the sea beauty. The beauty! I'm hiding $ 100 for you in the most popular place in St. Kitts - near the observation deck. To find the bottle in St. Kitts, head to Timothy Hill, overlooking the city. Focus on the TV tower. There, in front of the cliff, in a pile of stones, our treasure is hidden. I put the bottle here between the large boulders and cover it with a couple more. Therefore, who will be looking, please do not disassemble the mountain. The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis are so far away that only a rare tourist comes here. - Maybe people are just afraid of black sand, bewitched? - It's the ocean! But if you are here, then an unusual weekend is definitely guaranteed for you! - Nevis, I'll get to you! - Pink dream. - A start. “The sand is like coffee grounds here. - Is there a banana? - So beautiful. It’s a pity that it’s not a long time to sail. - The joy of the path is not in its end. - These clouds hanging over the hills. - Monkeys, I brought the goods. - Perfectly! - Well, the moment of reckoning has come. - And yet this island has some kind of magic of its own. Guys, we are discovering so many interesting and unusual places for you. Yes finish you taking these package tours. Break the piggy banks and come, even to this distant place, but so beautiful. The heart just vibrates with pleasure. Kolya! - Hello, Alinka! - I’m just telling you that you definitely need to come here. - You clarify, when there is a gold card, you need to come, is that what you wanted to say? I spent two days trying to find something to do here. You know, I had all hopes on Nevis Peak that I would rise, see this beauty and my heart would freeze. - Oh, did you climb straight yourself? - I went out and what did I see? Nothing. - Well, Kohl, and the sunsets? Very beautiful sunsets! - You know, there are a lot more places .. You screw up the whole concept. Guys, you definitely need to come here. Kolya is simply not in the mood. - Yes, I have everything. In fact, friends, come with a gold card. And if you do not have a gold card, then you will not be able to come here. - We must, we must go, Kohl! Very cool place! Trust me!

Parks, reserves
Official name: Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Capital: Buster
The area of ​​the land: 261.6 sq. km
Total population: 49.9 thousand people
Population composition: 90% are Africans, 8% are Europeans.
Official language: English.
Religion: 80% are Anglicans, 20% are Catholics.
Internet domain: .kn
Mains voltage: ~ 230 V, 60 Hz
Country dialing code: +1-869
Country barcode:


Tropical trade wind, hot and very even. Fluctuations in average monthly temperatures are insignificant - from +18 C to +24 C, and the air temperature in summer rarely drops below +27 C even at night and rarely exceeds +30 C in the daytime.

Precipitation falls from 700 to 1200 mm per year. The distribution of rain directly depends on the altitude of the place above sea level and its geographic location. The maximum rainfall occurs in the period from May to October-November, and during this period up to 70% of the annual precipitation rate can fall on the northeastern slopes of the mountains (in some years - up to 2000 mm), and in the south the weather differs little from the rest of the year ... The relatively dry season lasts from December to April.

Like other Leeward Islands, Saint Kitts and Nevis is in the midst of severe tropical hurricanes, which are most likely between August and October.


The state of Saint Kitts and Nevis is located on the territory of the islands of the same name, lying in the northern part of the Leeward Islands group. In the east they border on Antigua and Barbuda, in the southeast - with Montserrat, in the northwest - with the Netherlands Antilles (Sint Eustatius), in the north - with Saint Barthelemy, which is part of French Guadeloupe (all borders are sea). It is washed on all sides by the waters of the Caribbean Sea (the total length of the coastline is 135 km). The total area of ​​the state is 261.6 sq. km (St. Christopher - 168 sq. km, Nevis - 93 sq. km). It is the smallest country in the western hemisphere.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world. The slopes of the mountains are occupied by plantations of sugar cane and cotton, higher - shrubs and small mountain rainforests.
The vegetation in the inland mountainous regions of the islands is represented by dense tropical rain forests (vines, mangoes, bread and cinnamon trees, tamarind, avocado, bananas, papaya grow). On the tops of the mountains, forests give way to meadows, and in the lower parts they have been cleared and replaced by plantations of sugar cane and other agricultural crops. They are especially common in the northern part of St. Kitts, which is a gentle undulating upland. The southern slopes are steeper and are mostly covered with dense forests and orchards.
On the western slopes of the island of Nevis, rows of palms rise to form a veritable coconut forest. The eastern slopes have retained more natural forms of native vegetation and are mostly occupied by tropical forests, shrubs and relatively small farmland.

Animal world. The forests are inhabited by numerous tropical birds and butterflies, monkeys are found. Many seabirds nest on the coast, including pelicans. The waters abound in fish.


The islands known today as Saint Kitts and Nevis were inhabited by Indians from South America long before the new millennium. For Europeans, they were discovered by Columbus in 1493, and since the beginning of the 17th century they have become the arena of confrontation between Great Britain and France, with some participation of the Spanish crown. In 1628, the British colonized the island of Nevis, and in 1783 - St. Christopher (St. Kitts), thus becoming the first British colony in the West Indies. French settlements that also existed on the islands were either withdrawn from the islands or fell under British jurisdiction under the Treaty of Paris in 1783, and by the early 19th century the islands had become a thriving center for the sugar industry in the eastern Caribbean. In 1816 Saint Kitts and Nevis became part of a single colony with Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands, forming a powerful center of influence of the metropolis on the countries of the region. In 1958, Great Britain attempted to unite Saint Kitts and Nevis with other islands into the Federation of the West Indies, but failed - the population of Anguilla categorically opposed such a merger, and after numerous attempts to restore the unity of the three islands, lasting almost two decades, September 19, 1983 the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence.

Today these two small islands are perhaps one of the quietest and most pastoral places in the region, being one of the few places in the West Indies where agriculture still prevails over tourism and commerce is retreating under the pressure of tradition. The calm and unhurried way of life of local residents remains practically uncorrupted by the influence of civilization, and the beauty of nature is only emphasized by the pristine beaches, sea, sunlight and fantastically abundant vegetation.

St. Christopher Island

The small and unremarkable capital of the islands lies on the shores of a wide bay surrounded by green hills, home to almost half of the population of St. proportions). The city's name, meaning "lowland" or "lowland", is one of the few remaining traces of the French presence on the islands. The dominant European influence in Basseterre is unambiguously British, which is reflected in the buildings and even in the very layout of the city's streets. Buster is surrounded by the Sökes ring road, but even with the naked eye you can see that the place in front of the bronze clock of the Berkeley Memorial is copied from Piccadilly, and even the congestions seem to be the same (only older cars, but no traditional Lodnon smog). Although most of Basseterre's historic buildings were destroyed in a fire in 1867, a number of Victorian stone buildings have survived, with second floors made of wood and decorated with intricate trellises or exquisite ornate stucco moldings. Many of these houses were built with a certain amount of imagination and ingenuity, most evident at Fort Street, where the old ramparts were simply incorporated into the construction of the houses during construction. Some buildings seem very ancient, but this impression is deceiving, since they were erected at the end of the 19th century from the smoked stones left over from the city ravaged by fire.

The center of the city is Independence Square - a small public park with a fountain in the center, earlier this place was used as a slave market (1790), and now it is a reminder of the colonial past of the island. The fountain crowned with the statue of the virgin is a gift from Queen Elizabeth II for the Independence Day of the Islands (1983) and marks the very place where the center of the largest slave market in the Antilles was previously located. The two-domed Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (1927) overlooks the square. The French parish of Notre Dame (1670), which originally stood on this site, was burned by the British in 1706, and in its place in 1856-1859 an Anglican church was built, of which only the Gothic window openings on the first floor of the modern cathedral have survived ...

Some of the city's history is featured in the St. Christopher Heritage Sisayeti Museum, which contains a large collection of historical photographs, shell tools and pottery shards from the Caribbean culture that inhabited these islands before the arrival of Europeans. The domed colonial building of the Treasury rises on the coastline as a reminder of the important place that the sugar industry of the island occupied in the past (St. Christopher in the 17th and 18th centuries was the largest supplier of sugar and tobacco to the European market). Almost the entire trade of the island and, until recently, all its visitors passed through its arches.

Also in the area of ​​the capital are the House of Crafts, the Center for Primate Research and the volcanic crater of Mount Liamuiga or Misery (1156 m). Liamuiga ("fertile land" - as the Carib Indians called this whole island) rises above the city blocks like a huge natural frame around a painting by a painter, and today the lush volcanic peak of this mountain serves as one of the favorite places for active recreation of the inhabitants of the island, many hiking trails, horse trails, bike trails and simple climbing sites (however, access to its northern and northeastern slopes is limited by local environmental legislation).

Old Road Town

The northern part of St. Christopher is framed by the Seckle Island Road strip along the entire perimeter, which can be driven, and in some places even walked, in just a day. The narrow-gauge railway passing next to the road, the old "sugar trains" that still haul cargo from nearby reed plantations, as well as numerous fields and factories (rather "factories") form a rather impressive landscape for which the places adjacent to Cycle Island Road are famous ...

The old town (rather - a seaside village) Old Road Town, which lies just a few kilometers west of Buster, is considered one of the best historical and natural attractions of St. Christopher. The town grew up on the very spot where the first British settlers landed in 1623. Sir Thomas Warner, who led them, established here the first permanent European settlement on the Leeward Islands. Oddly enough, but the inhabitants of the colony were able to establish good-neighborly relations with the Caribbean (although this friendship did not last long) and began to grow tobacco here, which created the wealth of the Warner clan and the island itself. Until 1727, Old Road Town served as the capital of St.Christopher, and after the transfer of capital functions to Buster, it became just a beautiful and calm town that retained most of its colonial charm, although from all its old buildings only the Government House of red brick and marble the crypt of Sir Warner himself, lying in the old cemetery in the courtyard of the modest St. Thomas Church, 1.5 km north of the main road.

Petroglyphs of the Caribbean Indians are found in abundance on the surrounding rocks, who settled here long before the new era and by the 10th century had a fairly developed and distinctive civilization. The batik produced in Old Road Town is also famous, here you can watch the process of creating fabric, its design and painting, as well as buy the finished product at the Caribel Batik factory, located north of Old Road Town, in the suburb of Wingfield -Estate. Originally, the Romney Manor sugar plantation (17th century), in which the complex is now located, belonged to the great-grandfather of Thomas Jefferson, a prominent lawyer and the third president of the United States. Around "Caribel Batik" there is a small botanical garden, the main decoration of which is considered to be a 350-year-old adobe tree (the oldest on the island). And from the ruins of a sugar plantation that belonged to William Jefferson (brother of Thomas Jefferson) and its picturesque aqueduct (the only one in the entire Caribbean region), many excursions to the nearby rainforests begin.

7 km north of Basseterre, between the capital and Old Road Town, lies the picturesque islet of Middle Island and the village of Challengers, the site of the brutal massacre of the Caribbean Indians in 1626. Here, among the green rocks, there are huge boulders and even entire sections stone walls, many of which bear ancient petroglyphs, widely known for their unique compositional structure - scientists believe that these are the first animations on Earth, in the sequence of signs of which some religious or historical events of Indian peoples are narrated.

Brimstone Hill Fortress

Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park is located approximately 13 km northwest of Buster. The basis of the park was not forests or reefs, but a large and rather chaotic fort of the same name of the 18th century, known at one time as the "Gibraltar of the West Indies". The main British outpost in the region was built on top of a 244-meter ancient volcanic massif, and its walls are surrounded by outcrops of sulfur sulfurs, which, apparently, gave the fort additional impressiveness in the face of a potential enemy. Moreover, the fort was under construction for almost a hundred years - its foundation was made in 1690 and until its capture by French troops (the fort capitulated in 1782 after only one month of siege, however, a year later the French themselves left both the island and the fortress), new walls were constantly being erected here and bastions. After the catastrophic fire of 1867, which engulfed almost all of the vicinity of Basseterre, some of the fort's structures were partially dismantled, and the stones were used to rebuild the capital. The main tower of the fortress - The Citadel is equipped with 24 guns and provides a superb panorama of Sint Eustatius and Sandy Point. Inside the old barracks of the Citadel, there is now the Museum of Colonial History, which displays cannonballs, blades and other weapons and equipment from that period. There is also a small collection of items from the Native American period, several fragments of pottery and recovered fragments of petroglyphs from Old Road Town. In 2000, the entire complex of fortifications was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Sandy Point Township is St. Christopher's second largest town. In the 17th century, Sandy Point was the largest tobacco trading center on the island, so its main attraction is considered to be the large warehouses for storing tobacco, built at the same time by the Dutch West India Company. There seems to be nothing more to see here, but the nearby coral reef is considered one of the best diving spots on the island. And the coastal strip between Newton Ground and Sandy Bay evokes associations with the era of colonization of the New World, with its shores not protected from the wind, fantastic ocean vistas, fields of wild sugarcane and ruins of plantations, many of which (which survived, of course) have been rebuilt today. to inns. The northernmost bay of the island, Dieppe Bay, marks the beginning of the Atlantic coast, and a little to the south begins one of the main natural attractions of St. Christopher - Black Rocks. Black waves of solidified lava fall right into the sea here, forming a chaotic and mesmerizing landscape.

South East Peninsula

The southeastern peninsula of St. Christopher stretches in a long and flat strip from the mountainous northern part of the island to Nevis. At the isthmus, the coast is sandwiched by Friget Bay (or rather, by four bays, each of which differs from its neighbor only by the prefix to the name denoting its geographical position), and to the south it expands noticeably, forming a "blade" of St. Thomas Lowland. The peninsula is wild and strikingly beautiful. Scattered with barren salt ponds, grassy hills and sparse vegetation, it is inhabited, for the most part, only by vervette monkeys, whose flocks sometimes even manage to block the only major road here, deer and wild goats grazing on the hilly plain of the southeastern region. The shores of the South East Peninsula were quite difficult to reach until recently, but the construction of the road brought here some elements of civilization, although the development of the region as a tourist destination is artificially restrained by the country's authorities. The country has quite strict environmental protection standards, so it is planned to leave these snow-white shores and pristine reservoirs as a natural reserve, developing tourism only within the framework of a careful attitude to nature (now only 3 resort complexes are open here).

Friget Bay, the main resort and beach area on the island, spans the northern end of the peninsula. The best shores of the island are located here - Turtle Beach (besides the most beautiful beach area, there is a picturesque restaurant Pepl Turtle), the coast of Bubi Island (a great place for water sports), Cockleshell Beach, the modest white beach of White House -Bay (one of the best snorkelling spots on the island), North Freis Bay and South Freis Bay, which enclose the narrowest point of the peninsula, the long beaches of Sand Bank Bay and many others. The stunning pink saltwater lakes that are abundant in this part of St.Christopher provide a vibrant alternative to the colorful seashores. The color of the water is determined by the myriad of tiny crustaceans that inhabit these "lakes". This protected and rarely visited area is also inhabited by a huge number of tropical birds, white-tailed deer and monkeys.

Island of nevis

The island of Nevis (area 93 sq. Km) lies south of St. Christopher, approximately 350 km southeast of Puerto Rico and 80 km west of Antigua. The Indians called this island Ouali ("Land of beautiful waters"), and the first British settlers - Dulsina ("Sweet"). It received its modern name from the light hand of Christopher Columbus, who named it Nuestra Senora de Las Nevis in 1493 ("Our Lady of the Snow" - Columbus believed that this peak, hidden by clouds, was covered with snow). Since the 18th century, the island of Nevis has been known as the "Queen of the Caribbean", becoming over the past 100 years one of the most fashionable resort areas on the planet. Fertile soil and warm climate made it possible to form here the richest plantation "fiefdom", which, along with prosperity and peace, allowed the islanders to survive rather calmly the earthquake and tsunami of 1680, which almost completely destroyed its capital Jamestown. Intensive deforestation for plantations led to the fact that many areas of the once green island were markedly desertified (the east coast, for example, almost completely lost its forests and even part of coral reefs), but with the withering of the sugar industry, the island gradually began to regain its natural charm, turning into one of the most picturesque places in the region. Moreover, unlike its northern neighbor, farmland is not visible at all on the island, which further enhances its natural charm.


The largest city, educational and commercial center on the island, Charlestown lies in the middle of the west coast of the island, between the forts of Fort Charles and Fort Black Rocks. The city is famous as a real open-air museum of colonial architecture - many small, but very well-preserved structures of the 17th-19th centuries form its central part. Some of them have now been converted into museums, making Charlestown a good place to study local history. Numerous earthquakes, which repeatedly caused considerable damage to city blocks, led to the formation of a special architectural style here - most of the city's old houses are built on stone foundations, but with wooden structures on the upper floors - such a "composite" is much more resistant to seismic activity.

The city center is quite compact - most of the historic quarters are concentrated around Cotton Ginnery Mull, on which most of Charlestown's shopping outlets are located, and Main Street. Usually, all city tours begin with a visit to the Nevis Historical Museum, which occupies a Georgian-style building on the very site where the American statesman Alexander Hamilton was born in 1757 (the Hamilton house itself was destroyed by the 1840 earthquake). In addition to Hamilton's portraits, the museum contains a collection of photographs from the period and an exhibition of Nevis culture and history. Another very popular object among visitors to the island is the Horatio Nelson Museum, located in the southern part of the city, next to the Government House. The famous British admiral stayed on Nevis in the 80s of the 18th century, fell in love with the niece of the governor of the island, Fanny Nisbet, and married her. The collection of the museum consists largely of various tableware, painted with portraits of the admiral, ceramic sculptures and several personal items of Nelson. However, it contains the largest collection of Nelson's memorabilia in the Western Hemisphere, as well as a rather interesting exhibition dedicated to the influence of "Lady of the Seas" on the fate of the Caribbean.

A short walk east of the city center, on Government Road, is the small and largely forgotten Jewish Cemetery, which is a simple grassy field dotted with horizontal gravestones inscribed in Hebrew, English and Portuguese. The oldest graves date back to 1684-1768, when up to 25% of the free population on Nevis were Sephardi Jews. A path that runs around the cemetery, commonly known to locals as Juish Walk, leads from the cemetery to a nearby gray stone building (built in 1684), which scientists believe was the site of the first synagogue in the Caribbean. The memorial square, located a little closer to the city center, was created in honor of the citizens of the island who died on the fronts of the world wars.

The Bat House, located a short walk south of downtown Charleston, is an old hotel dating from 1778 (one of the oldest hotels in the Leeward Islands). The complex was erected over a thermal spring, the healing qualities of mineral water of which were the main attraction of the island in the colonial years, when rich tourists came here even from Europe. It is still operational these days, however, in order to swim in the hot waters of Hot Springs, you need to bring your own towel and other accessories, as there are no facilities at the moment. Charlestown Market, stretching between Market Road and the coast of Gallows Bay, is a real commercial hub and is open Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday mornings, when it seems to be the city's crowd.

Also noteworthy are the Courthouse (1825), the luxuriously decorated building of the Public Library (18th century), the Alexander Hospital building, the Nevis Philatelic Bureau (stamps issued on the island are widely known among collectors around the world), Eva Wilkin's studio, Eden building -Brown Great House, Grave Park with its cricket fields, and Newcastle Potter and a whole block of craft workshops south of Prince Charles Street. Some of the old plantation buildings, which frame almost the entire perimeter of the city, have now been rebuilt into cozy guesthouses, among which the Nisbet Hotel is the most famous.

The chaotic landscape of the area, which for obvious reasons received the name Gingerland ("the land of ginger"), stretches south from the walls of Eden Brown Great House, skirting almost the entire southern coast of the island and even part of the western one. This area is famous for the largest concentration of old sugar plantations, the tranquil charm of green hills and gentle seashores. The main attractions here are the Fig Tree Church (1680, the wedding place of Nelson and Fanny Nisbet), located to the north of the capital of the island, Nevis Botanical Gardens (open from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 16.30) near the Montpellier hotel, where terraces of purple orchids interspersed with groves tropical trees, as well as once formidable Fort Charles (XVII-XIX centuries), guarding the southwestern part of the island.

The coast north of Charleston is decorated with a string of small forts and fortified settlements, the largest of which is Fort Black Rocks, and the most picturesque is Fort Ashby, which was built approximately in 1702. It is Fort Ashby that is considered the only surviving section of the old capital of the island - Jamestown, washed into the sea by an earthquake and tidal wave in 1680. Located practically on the very shore of the luxurious Pinney Beach, it has retained several of its old guns and partially restored walls.

Banks and currency

Banks are open from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 14.00, on Fridays from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00-17.00, however, some banks stop working with individuals as early as 13.00. Some bank offices in airports and seaports are open Monday through Friday from 07.00 to 17.00, and exchange offices are open from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00 on weekdays.

Currency can be exchanged at almost any bank in the country, with the best rates usually being offered for US dollars and euros.

Credit cards (Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, etc.) are accepted for payment in most restaurants, in almost all hotels and in many large stores. ATMs can be found in most banks in the country.

Travel checks can be cashed almost everywhere - in bank offices, hotels and large stores. To avoid additional conversion costs, it is recommended to use US dollar traveler's checks.

East Caribbean dollar (XCD or EC $), equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins in denominations of 1 dollar, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent. The East Caribbean dollar is pegged to the US dollar and has not changed since 1976 (EC $ 2.7 = US $ 1).

The US dollar is freely circulating on the islands, many prices are indicated simultaneously in US dollars and in the Eastern Caribbean.

There are no entries to display.

Tax haven and harbor. For US residents and citizens, this country became a financial Mecca 10 years ago. For residents of the CIS countries, Nevis, as a place for registration of special LLC companies-champions in asset protection, and the entire Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis for economic citizenship, are just beginning to become favorites.

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is an East Caribbean independent country located on two islands with a population of about 53 thousand people and a total area of ​​261 square kilometers. The capital of the Federation is the city of Buster, which is located on the island of Saint Cyst. On another island - Nevis, the second most important city is located - Charlestown. This country declared its sovereignty in 1983 when it became independent from Great Britain. The state language is English. The main sources of income are the following activities: tourism, agriculture and light industry, offshore financial sector.

These are the facts that you can read on Wikipedia, and now let's move on to the facts that a person who regularly visits the islands can tell you about, and which you need to take into account if you decide to deal with the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis:

  1. Offshore Nevis is the Caribbean. With beautiful weather, a tourist season that feeds half of the island for the rest of the year, and the slowness that characterizes warm islands around the world. Great rum, fresh fish in restaurants, Caribbean cuisine (Jamaican cuisine is especially popular among locals), do not make everyone everywhere desperate workaholics.
  2. All the work is done by meticulous Latvians and Estonians, and the islanders only need to enter the data. However, the documents are checked again before being sent to the client. At the same time, efficiency remains - northern colleagues set a positive example for the Caribbean and companies register quickly and without errors.
  3. It is possible that the secret of the insufficient popularity of companies from the Island of Nevis in the Russian market is that these companies did not feel a special need for clients from the CIS countries - they are already practically the most popular in the United States. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why people are interested in the first place, who attract the most attention.
  4. Nevis is becoming more and more popular with Russian tourists thanks to its economic citizenship program. The fact is that on the island there is an opportunity to receive and theoretically fully recoup all expenses for it in 5 years. In order to recoup, you need to invest in real estate on the island of Saint Kitts or the island of Nevis. When many citizens of the CIS countries understand how profitable it is, some buy real estate, including for resale in 5 years, when prices for it are almost guaranteed to rise.
  5. The Internet on the islands of Saint Kitts and even on the island of Nevis, which according to the Kittyans is 10 years behind Nevis, is high-speed and can be caught under almost any palm tree. By the way, the literacy of the population on the islands is a record - 97%.
  6. You will better understand the rules of work and life on the islands if you know the following facts. Going out on Sunday at about 10 am on the island of Saint Kitts or Nevis, you will not see a soul. The entire population is without exception in the churches. Until now, on the streets of Nevis, you can find animals that are not customary to restrict to pens on the islands. But you will find out if you live on the islands. If you come to St. Kitts just as a tourist, then most likely you will only come across tourist attractions.
  7. The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest INDEPENDENT country in the Americas. Monaco is also a small country, but you should have seen how life and tourism is developing on the islands. Very soon, these islands will be popular among the rich and famous, no worse than neighboring St. Barts, where Abramovich loves to relax with his family so much.
  8. The first treasurer in the history of the United States was born on the island of Nevis, Admiral Nelson married here and was hiding from the press after the divorce, Princess Diana and her children. Oprah Winfrey, Sylvester Stallone, Britney Spears love to rest on the island of Nevis.
  9. The island of Nevis and the island of Saint Kitts are not as far from Russia and Europe as they might seem. For example, the most successful botanical garden in the Caribbean, which is located on the island of Nevis, is run by an elderly Lithuanian woman. Almost all villas and apartments in the project belong to the Russian-speaking population of the planet. And every second - third villa in the settlement also belongs to the Russian oligarchs.
  10. The Economic Citizenship Program of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis does not work at all in the mode "You pay - we take and issue our citizenship to everyone." In 2001, almost ALL economic citizenship programs present in the Caribbean were closed. Some programs, like Grenada, are just starting to resurrect. But the economic citizenship program of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis in 2014 will celebrate 30 years of continuous experience. For comparison, the next longest longevity program of economic citizenship is only 20 years, but this is 20 years multiplied by the absence of a visa-free Schengen. By the way, the international community is closely monitoring the program to meet its interests. For example, after the recent events in Afghanistan, on July 29, 2013, economic citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis can no longer be obtained by citizens of Afghanistan, nor residents of Afghanistan, nor even people who were born in Afghanistan. Canada has already closed visa-free travel to all citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica once, and Saint Kitts and Nevis will not risk it.

In addition, all applicants for citizenship undergo the strictest check on the subject of a non-criminal background, for which they themselves pay. In general, the program is waiting only for those wealthy investors who do not have a criminal record. And there are enough of such investors!

  1. Finally, all sites advertise that the program will be completed within 3 months. Sorry, but it's not. Perhaps this will be the case when the program of economic citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda, as well as Grenada, begins to compete with the program, but at the moment the period is being delayed for at least 5-6 months. The period is greatly influenced by both the tourist season and the carnival and national holidays, which are still less in the Caribbean than in Russia, if you look at the statistics.

Saint Cyst and Nevis: naked facts

  1. Location : The islands of Saint Cyst and Nevis are located in the Caribbean and are a Federation. On the south side of Saint Cyst and Nevis is the island of Montserrat, on the north - Saint Eustatius.
  2. Square : The island of Saint Cyst is larger and has an area of ​​about 168 square kilometers, while the smaller island of Nevis is 93 square kilometers.
  3. Population : According to the data of July 2013, 53,000 people live here.
  4. Official language - English.
  5. Islands are part of CARICOM and OECS. It is membership in the OECS that gives the right to live, work and buy real estate without a special license in 8 countries.
  6. Industries: Previously, the main industry was the sugar industry, which in the changed conditions had to be closed, with an emphasis on tourism services, light industry and agriculture, and the offshore financial sector.
  7. Main city Federations - Buster on Saint Cyst Island. The island of Nevis has its capital - Charlestown.

History of Saint Cysts and Nevs: the most basic facts

  1. The first inhabitants these islands were the Caribbean or Kalinagoes.
  2. Columbus discovered the island Saint Cyst in 1493 and gave him the name Saint Martin. During the same voyage, Columbus discovered the second island, called Nevis. By the way, especially for our clients, who become economic citizens of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, we are writing an exciting history of the islands. Firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, the Commonwealth of Dominica already has an exam on knowledge of history and life in the country for the main applicant. There is no such exam on the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis, and most likely there will not be, but those who become citizens of this country are usually curious about its history.
  1. Fight for land: Beginning in 1623, the British began to develop these lands, then the French joined them. This led to a confrontation between the two peoples, where the victory remained on the side of the British subjects in 1782. The Versailles Treaty was signed.
  2. Federation was formed from the islands of Saint Cyst, Nevis and Anguilla in 1967. After Anguilla's decision to leave the Federation in 1980, only two islands remained in the composition. They gained independence from Great Britain three years later. The third island of Anguilla is still a British colony.

Government of Saint Cyst and Nevis

  1. Country leadership located on a larger island - Saint Cyst.
  2. Form of government of the state - a constitutional monarchy headed by the Queen of England, whose duties are performed by the governor.
  3. Government has only 14 members, of which 3 are appointed by the Senate, the rest are elected by the residents.
  4. According to the latest data, the country has four parties : Labor Party, Concerned Citizens' Movement, Reformation Party, and Popular Movement.
  5. Head of the Federation is a Labor Party led by Honorary Prime Minister Denzil Douglas.

Why Saint Cyst and Nevis attracts tourists?

  1. Saint Cyst and Nevis attracts residents of Canada, Europe and the United States precisely as a tourist destination. Guests will find beautiful and original hotels with modern services, beautiful villas and other unique buildings. The past years of independent existence have made it possible to make a breakthrough in terms of increasing construction programs. New projects for the construction of holiday complexes have started, many of which are approved for investment in real estate with the possibility of obtaining federal citizenship.
  2. Entertainment: Visitors to the islands are offered entertainment in the form of diving, snorkeling, mountain climbing, golf, excursions and horseback riding. Lovers of relaxation will find white sand beaches, most of which are privately owned. Especially interesting and informative on the islands you can spend time with children:
  1. The attitude of the local population towards tourists: The inhabitants of the islands are hospitable. They respect the past of their country, value the culture and traditions of their people.
  2. Why the capital? The main city of Basseterre attracts tourists with buildings of European and Creole architects that have remained in their original form. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful settlements among the Caribbean islands.
  3. The following are presented to the attention of vacationers Attraction like: Independence Square, the Clock Tower, St Georges Anglican Church, The Circus and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
  4. An airport: An airport named after the first prime minister, Robert L. Bradshaw, has been built near the capital, St Cyst. The airport has everything necessary for international flights, which ensures the availability of the island for tourists, both from neighboring countries and from other regions. Direct air communications have been established with a number of states. The island of Nevis also has its own airport.

A little about the banking system of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

  1. Schedule: Banking institutions on the territory of the Federation accept clients from Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, on Fridays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. On Saturdays, banks are open from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.
  2. Payment can be made using the most well-known types of bank cards.
  3. ATM machines work around the clock, you can find them in almost any bank.
  4. Monetary unit of the state is the East Caribbean dollar, the Central Bank of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States is located at Saint Kitts.
  5. The island's banks also accept currencies from other countries. : Canadian dollar, British pound sterling, and also the euro.

If briefly and succinctly about banks on the islands of Nevis and Saint Kitts, then on the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis we find the best. On the island of Nevis we find the first classic offshore LLCs in the world and the best legislation for them. We also find the world's only multi-form funds, as well as international business companies, exactly the same that were once insanely popular in the British Virgin Islands. But, there is no good banking service with a normal online bank on the islands. There are no banks that will be ready to serve you in Russian in the next 5 years, and are not expected here either.

Economic Citizenship of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
The country's leadership, from the moment of obtaining sovereignty, offers the opportunity to obtain citizenship on an economic basis. The acquisition of citizenship by investment in the benefit of the state of Saint Cyst and Nevis is known as a project that has been in operation for almost thirty years. The purpose of the program is to provide financial assistance to the development of the country. There are two areas of investment for those people who wish to obtain citizenship: investment in real estate and investment in the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund (S.I.D.F.).

We buy real estate and get Caribbean citizenship!

  1. Main expenses: This option for obtaining citizenship involves investing in real estate in the country in an amount not less than US $ 400,000. The property must be approved by the federal government, a list of approved properties is available on the website of the Citizenship by Investment Agency. In addition to investing in real estate, you will need to pay for a number of other services, such as: professional services of a citizenship agent, administrative costs and state fees.
  2. Additional expenses: In the case of acquiring citizenship at once by the whole family, in addition to the contribution of the head of the family, you need to pay extra for each participant in the project. Anyone who wants to obtain citizenship over the age of 16 is required to undergo due diligence, which will cost US $ 7,500 for an investor and US $ 4,000 for each family member over 16 years old. State fee US $ 50,000 for an investor, US $ 25,000 for a spouse and each family member under the age of 18, if children are over 18 and under 25, then an additional US $ 50,000.
  3. Term: The procedure for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the country of Saint Cyst and Nevis by investing in housing takes from 4 to 6 months.
  4. A significant plus should be called investment in real estate, the value of which is constantly growing. Deposits of this kind can give the owner several options for making a profit: receiving rent, using the home as a resale property or as an existing asset.
  5. Term of compulsory ownership of real estate 5 years from the date of obtaining citizenship.

Citizenship of the islands of Saint Cyst and Nevis is an excellent choice for those who are looking for the opportunity to obtain citizenship of a politically stable country in exchange for a material contribution. Federation citizenship will allow you to visit more than 120 countries without a visa, including the Schengen countries, Great Britain and other countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Investing in the Sugar Fund is the second and faster way to obtain citizenship

  1. One participant the citizenship acquisition program on an economic basis must make a contribution of US $ 250,000, which cannot be returned after obtaining citizenship.
  2. For a family of four the investment will amount to 300,000 US dollars.
  3. If, except for the head of the family apply for citizenship of the country 5 more people , then the size of the deposit will increase to 350,000.
  4. An investment of 450,000 US dollars will allow you to obtain citizenship family of 7.
  5. If the children are over 18 to 25 years old, then for each additional 50,000 US $ must be paid.
  6. Anyone who wants to obtain citizenship over the age of 16 is required to undergo due diligence, which will cost US $ 7,500 for an investor and US $ 4,000 for each family member over 16 years old.
  7. With a donation to S.I.D.F. state fees are already included in the amount of subsidies. Investments in the sugar industry diversification fund will make it possible to obtain the citizenship of Saint Cyst and Nevis in a period of at least 4 months.
  8. Sugar Fund was founded not so long ago, in 2006, to help the unemployed employees of the sugar industry. This is due to the cessation of the functioning of this industry, which deprived many of the inhabitants of the islands of a source of income.
  9. The main task of the fund - help create jobs by investing in industries that create jobs on the islands.

We can debate for a long time on what is better to choose, but if you do not have a business with very high profitability and fast turnover, then investment in real estate will be much more profitable and logical.
Submission of applications for the acquisition of Saint Cyst and Nevis citizenship is carried out only with the help of official intermediaries who have received a license. You can apply for citizenship remotely, to choose an investment in real estate, it is recommended to visit the islands, for citizens of the Russian Federation, a visa-free regime has been introduced since June 2013.

5 main advantages of the second citizenship of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

  1. Confidentiality ... The fact that you received citizenship is not reported to the government of the country of your first citizenship, and this information is not published anywhere. All checks are conducted through private investigation, without intergovernmental inquiries.
  2. Timing ... You get citizenship once and for all. The passport is valid for 10 years, for children under 16 years of age 5 years, after the expiration of the term it is exchanged for a new one almost free of charge.
  3. Accommodation ... It is not necessary to reside permanently in the territory of the jurisdiction. In general, it is not necessary to come to the islands to obtain economic citizenship.
  4. Taxation ... If you still want to live on the islands, then there are no taxes such as inheritance, property, income tax. Territorial taxation applies. The passport gives the right to reside in 15 Caribbean countries with similar taxation.
  5. Visa-free regime ... You can visit more than 120 countries without obtaining a visa: the Schengen countries, the British Commonwealth of Nations and others.

Real estate investments and grants in the Saint Cyst and Nevis Sugar Fund - who benefits from it?

Why is the Economic Citizenship Program introduced?
Federation of Saint Cysts and Nevis. Until September 1983, it was an English colony. The main income of the state treasury consisted of the profits of the sugar industry since the time of the British conquest of the islands. With the decline in sugar prices in 2005, this industry had to be closed. The offer of citizenship by investment provides the government with the funds necessary to implement social policy on the islands, and provides an opportunity to develop tourism infrastructure, which will allow the country to provide residents with jobs and compensate for losses from the closure of the sugar industry.
What will the government of Saint Cyst and Nevis get?
In addition to the opportunity to purchase property on the island, the government creates favorable conditions for investors. The goal is to attract foreign citizens to invest not only their own savings, but also to promote a more significant development of all spheres of activity, which will avoid unemployment and guarantee stable profits for a long time. The program of obtaining citizenship of Saint Cyst and Nevis on an economic basis has become the main resource for replenishing the treasury.
What will the investor get?
Investing in the housing stock of this country will become profitable, as real estate increases in value due to the interest of foreigners and its residents. Hotels, hotels, golf clubs, villas, condos and apartments have begun to attract the attention of investors thanks to the development of the tourism business on the islands. The state has developed a scheme of attractive conditions for investors in the form of tax and customs benefits.

Protect yourself, your assets and your family members through a second economic citizenship. If you have any questions about the program, we will be happy to answer them. Write to e-mail [email protected] .