Learn to Fly in Legion. How to fly in Legion: guide to flying in WOW Legion level 60 how to fly

While playing WOW, your game character gets the opportunity to acquire several useful skills, some of which are horse riding and flying skills... The second skill cannot be obtained without mastering the first, so you should start with riding.

Horse riding training

Horse riding is acquired so that the character can control mounted animals. This allows you to quickly move across the vastness of Azeroth. You cannot pump this passive skill, but you can increase it - with any trainer for money. The higher the level of this skill, the faster the player's mounts will be transferred from one end of the game world to the other.

To learn to ride and to acquire the first mount, you need to get up to level 20, while having 4 gold in stock. You can buy a mount at the sawmill, which is located in Elvin Forest, or go shopping in some large city. Horse riding is divided into the following levels in the game: Apprentice, then Apprentice, then Expert, and finally Expert of riding.

When the student completes the tutorial, the mount speed will increase by 60%. If you want to get a course in the "category" of the Apprentice, you need to pay 50 gold coins and be sure to reach level 40. Once you complete the courses, the mount will increase your speed by 100%. After you get this level, you will be able to control not only those mounts that move on the ground, but also those that fly. If you want to become a Craftsman, upgrade your character to level 60 and pay 250 gold coins for the courses. At the end of the course, you will be able to purchase a flying mount with a movement speed 150% faster than usual. You will take these courses in Outland. And after you get to level 70 and can pay 5 thousand gold coins, you will become a Master of Riding, having previously completed a course in Northrend. Upon completion of this course, your mount speed will increase by 280%.

How to learn to fly

You can fully enjoy the beauty and splendor of the lands of Pandaria only on one condition: if you soar up and can look at the game world from the height of a bird's flight. Of course, for this you need to have the skill of flying and, as already mentioned, master the skill of riding at the Artisan level. In addition, flights will be available for your character from level 90, but you definitely need to master this wonderful skill.

If you have met all of these requirements, you should find an appropriate flight instructor. It depends on which faction your character belongs to. If to the Alliance - Claudrunner Leng will be the trainer; if to the Horde - Skydance Shan will become your instructor. After that, you will need to purchase a special course called "The Wisdom of the Four Winds" for 2500 gold coins. You should know that if your hero is on a hill during the purchase of the course, then he should go down, because on the mountain the course may not be counted for him. Enjoy the flights and beauty of Pandaria!

P.S. if you want a discount - write to the operator before buying :)

As with Warlords of Draenor, flying in WoW Legion are not open for players immediately, but right now (at the time of this writing - patch 7.1) they are not available at all. However, the achievements that need to be completed in order to fly where you want in the future can be obtained right now. This guide will be useful for those who want to prepare in advance for flights in Legion.

To begin with, I would like to tell you about a couple of gizmos that can replace flights for you at least not for some time.

This toy has the effect that Aviana's Feather had in Draenor - it throws it high into the air. She is a reward for the achievement "Young Chick" - you need to find Aviana (32.3, 66.7) at the forest waterfall in Highmountain and complete her task.

You can buy it from the first engineer you come across or at the auction. This contraption will allow you to land without any special incidents, falling from any height, the main thing is to activate it in time. Some class spells that reduce falling speed and other items with the same effect can also come in handy.

Now let's move on to achievements and the method of obtaining them. Unlike Draenor, here you do not need to look for hidden treasures everywhere, which makes the task much easier.

Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part 1

A prerequisite for obtaining this achievement is obtaining all of which we will discuss below. Please note that you will have to run well and complete a lot of quests. You can buy the achievement "Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part 1" on our website. This allows you to significantly speed up your movement across the Broken Isles.

One of the easiest achievements to get by unlocking all the main Legion locations on the map. For opening the location, you will be given one of the achievements of Azsun, Val'sharah, Highmountain, Stormheim and Suramar - only they are needed to achieve the "Broken Isles".

You will discover most of these locations simply by completing quests there, so there shouldn't be any difficulties. You can find the remaining areas by looking at the undrawn areas of the map or using the TomTom add-on to find hidden areas.

Remember that you need to open locations with the same character, otherwise the achievement will not be counted.

This achievement will take a lot longer than the research one, but it can mostly be done while leveling the character. The condition for obtaining are the achievements “Vrykul story, bro! "," Azsuna Matata "," Full Val'shara "," Knee-deep Mountains "and" The Good Suramaritan ".

All these achievements can be obtained by completing the stages of the plot development marked in the list of tasks. As a rule, the available quests that start these stages are marked directly on the map, with the only exception being Suramar.

The stages of the development of the plot in Suramar cannot be completed immediately, since some of them are tightly tied to the reputation of the Nightfallen, and sometimes they require you to go to a raid or mythic dungeon and bring something from there.

Buy achievement Loremaster of the Legion for your character you can visit our website.

This achievement requires 100 World Quests to be completed. World Quests become available after completing the "Union of Factions" quest, for which you need to win the friendliness of all five major factions on the Broken Isles. It's quite easy to do - you just need to complete the main storyline in each of the main locations of Legion, and you are guaranteed friendliness (unless the Nightfallen resist a little).

You will complete 100 world quests anyway, sooner or later, so there is little point in completing them specifically for the sake of achievement.

This achievement is not very difficult, but it takes time. The 6 factions of the Broken Isles must be honored - Valarjar, Dreamweaver, Nightfallen, Highmountain Tribe, Court of Farondis, and the Wardens. You can read more about reputation and its leveling in our reputation guide.

The process of obtaining this achievement is made easier by the fact that, unlike in past expansions, there is no need to receive exalted from several factions here. It is much easier to receive respect.

You can increase the amount of reputation earned by attending the Darkmoon Fair and riding the carousel there or by wearing a Darkmoon Cylinder on your head. Well, do not forget about the racial ability of people to increase the influx of reputation by 10%.

To get this achievement, you just need to complete the campaign of your class hall - as a reward you will also receive a title corresponding to the chosen class. By the way, we have a guide to class halls.

You will hardly miss the quests of the class hall if at least sometimes you appear there, but remember that you need to complete them all if you want to get the achievement.

According to the developers, the first part of the conditions required to obtain

Prepared a guide on how how to learn to fly in WOW Legion: where to learn to fly in the Broken Isles, what achievements you need to complete, how much it will cost.

In 7.0.3 and 7.1, flights in the Legion are not available - it will be possible to fly in patch 7.2.

Detailed information on what remains to be done for the Broken Isles Pathfinder Part 1 achievement can be viewed using a special tool at wowhead.com.

1. Broken Isles

This achievement requires you to explore several locations in the Broken Isles: Azsuna, Highmountain, Suramar, Stormheim, and Val'sharah. It is not necessary to research the Eye of Azshara to get the achievement.

2. Variety is what gives the taste of life

4. Loremaster Legion

This achievement is also account-bound, but as with the Broken Isles, there are certain restrictions. In each location, the storyline must be traversed by the same character - i.e. it will not be possible to make the first character go through, say, 2 quest lines in one location, and the second went through all the others.

What conditions must be met for flights in the Legion:

  • Complete the first part of the Broken Isles Pathfinder.
  • Defend Legion Invasions in Each Zone (Defender of the Broken Isles, available after April 4th).
  • Explore All Broken Shore - Patch 7.2 Location (Explore Broken Shore)
  • Achieve reputation Revered with the Legionfall (Legionfall Commander) faction.

Broken Isles Protector

You need to fight off the invasions of the Legion in several locations. You need to be level 110 to complete the 3 stages of Legion Invasions. At the end there will be a 3-man scenario in which you need to destroy the Legion ship.

Legion Invasions can occur in any area of \u200b\u200bthe Broken Isles (for example, in Valshara: Assault on Val'sharah). During an invasion, the location is filled with demons, and local quests in this area are replaced with other ones related to demons.

After completing 6 world quests, you will be sent to a special location area, where you will need to kill special demons. Then you destroy the special device and the final scenario is launched (different for each location).

Example of an invasion of Azsuna:

Explore the Broken Shore

Easy achievement, you just need to open all areas of the Broken Shore location (added in 7.2). Discs floating in the air can be found throughout the Broken Shore, which will help you reach hard-to-reach places.

Legionfall Commander

You can find out all the ways to level up your reputation with the Legionfall Armies in our guide. Mainly:

  • Completing the Broken Shore introductory quests
  • New Order Order Champion Quest
  • World quests (normal - 75 reputation, in the Tomb of Sargeras raid - 500 reputation)
  • Handing over resources to build buildings on the Broken Shore
  • Completing quests to achieve Breaching the Tomb

To access the Legionfall Armies Quartermaster, your character must be level 110 and have completed the Assault on Broken Shore scenario in patch 7.2.

One of the effects of the Mages Tower building - Worthy of Respect - can help in pumping reputation.

Class mounts

In patch 7.2, the Legionfall Army faction will appear, pumping reputation with which will open access to new class mounts and skins (relevant for some classes, for example, for shadow priests and arcane mages).

Flights ... somehow imperceptibly since the days of WoD, flights have become a real luxury from everyday life. Fortunately, soon - after the release of patch 7.2, we will be able to fly in WoW: Legion! Blizzard promised this at Blizzcon 2016 and in this post Kuvaldych will tell you how to fly in the Legion and what you can do right now to bring the cherished moment closer - lifting into the air!

First and foremost, you need to complete the Broken Isles Pathfinder achievement to gain access to the flying mounts in the Broken Isles. The first part of the achievement is available now, and the second will appear in the game with the release of patch 7.2.

Broken Isles Pathfinder

If you haven't completed this achievement yet but want to start flying someday, it's time to start doing it. Moreover, after obtaining it, you will be able to ride the ground mount much faster. A brief summary of the required criteria is provided. For example, you need to pump your reputation. Let me remind you that in patch 7.2, for pumping your reputation and its subsequent increase, you will receive cute chests, apparently with useful and valuable rewards.

Broken Isles Pathfinder. Part 2

This part of the achievement will be available after the release of patch 7.2. Here's what we know about him:

  • To get it, you need to complete the first part of the Pathfinder, which is logical.
  • It is necessary to explore the Broken Coast - a new global location where we have to complete various tasks, contain the Burning Legion and make our way to the Tomb of Sargeras.
  • Players will have to reflect in each of the Broken Isles locations - from Azsuna to Highmountain! By "reflect" is meant a complete set of several world quests + the final scenario with the suppression of demons on their basis.
  • You also need to pump Exalted with the new faction Legion Overthrow Army. There are several ways to gain reputation with this faction, including completing quests on the Broken Coast.
  • And finally, it is necessary to complete the Infiltration of the Tomb campaign, which naturally leads us inside the Tomb of Sargeras - the new raid of patch 7.2.

Once all the criteria are met, you will unlock flights in WoW: Legion. Thus, as in Draenor, Blizzard adhere to the principle: first watch all the content from the ground, and when there is nothing left to watch - get “wings” and fly to your health!

And now for the nicest part of the post: flights will be shared across the entire account. For the entire account! So you can fly not only the main character, but all the altos. Once you complete all the criteria once, you can fly across all the Broken Isles for all characters!

P.S. There is only one little question left ... In patch 7.3 we are sent to Argus. Into a completely different world. I wonder if they will let you fly there? \u003d) Unfortunately, this moment has not been specified yet.