Average speed of a passenger plane. Summary of all common airliners

The Boeing 747 is a passenger aircraft that until recently ranked first in the world in size (currently inferior to the Airbus A380). It has an upper and lower cabin, and the upper deck is much shorter than the lower one, due to which the silhouette is absolutely recognizable: it cannot be confused with any other aircraft. The aircraft is a long-haul aircraft.

Jumbo Jet holds the record for carrying passengers simultaneously. During the war in Ethiopia, on May 24, 1991, 1,122 Ethiopian Jews were evacuated in one plane flight to Israel, out of a design capacity of 480 people.

History of the development of the Boeing 747 passenger aircraft

In the mid-1960s, due to an increase in passenger traffic and the development of jet aviation, a demand arose for long-range aircraft with increased passenger capacity. At that time, the world was flying mainly first-generation jet aircraft, such as the Boeing 707, Tu-104 and others.

However, such aircraft could no longer cope with the load, and the first generation aircraft also had many design and other problems. As a result, Boeing decided to begin developing a new modification of airliners. In 1966, a car was presented to the public, completely different from its predecessors, with a hump on the roof. Initially, they wanted to make the plane double-decker, but due to the lack of experience in producing such aircraft, the look for which the 747 is famous was adopted.

In connection with the entry into the supersonic passenger aviation market, the corporation was quite skeptical about the aircraft. The removal of the cockpit to the upper deck was caused by the considerations that if suddenly the aircraft is not sold, it will quickly be converted into a cargo model, and for this, the cockpit should not interfere with the loading of cargo through the bow ramp, which will be in the truck.

It was believed that the maximum required was 400 aircraft of this type. However, at the moment more than one and a half thousand aircraft have been sold. If it were not for the direct competitor - the A380, the number of aircraft sold would have been even greater. Pratt & Whitney created a turbofan engine specifically for this aircraft - the JT9D. The wing mechanization, “advanced” for those times, was developed, which made it possible to use a heavy side from standard runways (runways).

The production of the Boeing 747 made extensive use of government-owned US Air Force aircraft factories. The law prohibits the involvement of state-owned factories to fulfill commercial orders of other companies. Let us leave this fact without comment.

Description and technical characteristics

The aircraft is a four-engine turbofan low-wing aircraft with a swept wing and one fin (rudder).

Technical characteristics are given in the table:

Characteristic 747-100 (original version) 747-400ER 747-8
Length 70.6 m 70.6 m 76.3 m
Wingspan 59.6 m 64.4 m 68.5 m
Fuselage width 6.5 m
Height 19.3 m 19.4 m 19.4 m
Wing area 511 m² 541 m² 554 m²
Empty weight 162.4 t 180.8 t 214.5 t
Cargo capacity 170.6 m³ (5 pallets + 14 LD1s) 158.6 m³ (4 pallets + 14 LD1s) 275.6 m³ (8 pallets + 16 LD1s)
(number of passengers)
366 (3 classes)
452 (2 classes)
416 (3 classes)
524 (2 classes)
467 (3 classes)
581 (2 classes)
Power point 4 × Pratt & Whitney JT9D 4 × General Electric CF6-80 4 × General Electric GEnx-2B67
Engine thrust (4x) 222.4 kN (22.6 t) 281.1 kN (28.68 t) 296.0 kN (30.2 t)
Crew 3 2 2

The most interesting thing about this plane is that you can attach a fifth engine to it. This is used to transport a replacement engine to a remote airfield. The fifth engine is suspended at the root, that is, closer to the fuselage of the left wing. The engine is switched off during flight.

Flight characteristics of the Boeing 747

Interior layout and seating arrangement

Business class cabin

If you want to experience something unprecedented and ride on the upper deck of a Boeing 747, you should definitely take business class. It will be in the bow of the “hump” (upper deck). In our country, only Rossiya Airlines transports passengers on Boeing 747-400 aircraft. Let's look at the configuration of passenger seats using this airline as an example. The first three rows of the upper deck are business lounge seats. These are the best places. Comfortable seats that almost convert into a bed, large entertainment system monitors, passenger kits, delicious food - everything is available to business class ticket holders.

Economy class cabin

The remaining part of the upper deck and the entire lower deck is the realm of economy class. The best seats in economy are considered to be the seats in the first row after the business class cabin, since there is only a thin partition between the cabins and there will be much more legroom than in the middle rows.

Very good seats in the first rows of the lower deck. There are two, not three, places nearby, which is also much more convenient. The airline also recommends front row seats. These are rows 20, 31, 44, 55. They are positioned as seats with increased legroom.

Traditionally, the bad places are near the toilets, where passengers will constantly pass by you. Often in these rows the seat back does not recline. This must be taken into account when choosing places to fly.

Flight safety

Statistics include 63 aircraft lost in accidents and disasters. The total death toll is 3,746 people. But the record both in the history of the 747 and in all aviation is held by the disaster that occurred in the resort of Tenerife in 1977. In this terrible incident, two Boeing 747s collided on the runway due to a misunderstanding between pilots and air traffic controllers. The number of victims was 583 people.

Advantages and disadvantages of Boeing

The Boeing 747 is one of the best long-haul aircraft in the world. Although now it is actively stepping on its heels, and even overtaking Airbus, the 747 confidently holds its own. For example, cargo sides have very good load-carrying capacity. It is not for nothing that many aircraft are used in the cargo version. In the cargo version, it is very convenient to transport oversized cargo due to the wide fuselage.

In general, the Boeing 747 is a very durable and unpretentious machine, which is why it enjoys well-deserved love among many airlines around the world. Some experts call the Boeing 747 the safest type of aircraft (aircraft) based on the number of accidents.

Main Boeing 747 models

During production, Boeing has developed many models of this type of aircraft.

Boeing 747-100

The first type of Boeing 747 was the 747-100 modification. A total of 250 aircraft of this type were manufactured and sent to customers, taking into account the SP, SR and B variations. The last aircraft, the 747-100, entered service with the operator in 1986. The plane experienced the joy of flight for the first time in February 1969, and already on January 1, 1970, the first passengers took to the skies on the new plane. After finishing its passenger service, some aircraft were converted to freighter 747-100(SF).

Boeing 747-100SR

The Boeing 747-100SR (Short Range) was created for short-haul lines. Almost all the ships went to Japan. A total of 29 aircraft of this modification were produced. By reducing the volume of fuel tanks and, accordingly, the weight of the aircraft, it was possible to increase the number of people transported on one flight. In total, this modification could transport up to 550 people at a time. Oddly enough, Japan became the main customer of the aircraft. The ships were often used on domestic flights.

Boeing 747-100SP

Aircraft of this model (Special Performance - the best characteristics) began to be produced in 1976 in the wake of competition with McDonnel Douglas and Lockheed Corporation. A total of 45 aircraft were produced. The aircraft's fuselage was changed (shortened), the keel was enlarged, and the wings were changed. The aircraft could transport up to 220 people over a distance of up to 10,500 km. With a plan of 200 aircraft, the corporation received orders for only 45 aircraft.

Boeing 747-200

Deliveries began in 1971. The engines were modernized, which developed more power, which increased the flight range. The modification turned out to be so successful that on its basis three air command posts (air command posts) of the US Army and two “Air Force No. 1” were created for flights of American presidents.

The aircraft was supplied in three versions:

  • 200V - passenger version;
  • 200C - could carry either passengers or cargo;
  • 200F(Frightener) - cargo;
  • The 747-200M Combi allowed cargo and passengers to be accommodated simultaneously by installing quick-release bulkheads in the cabin.

Boeing 747-300

After an unsuccessful attempt to develop a three-engine model 747, the index 300 moved on to a new modification of the 1980 model. By increasing the upper deck, it became possible to transport an increased number of passengers. Like the 747-200, the 300 featured the 747-300M (combi) and 747-300SR (short-haul) variants. The aircraft had a flight range of 12,400 km.

Boeing 747-400

The most frequently purchased model by airlines is the 747-400. This model has added Winglets - vertical wingtips, which improve the efficiency of the aircraft. During the design of this modification, the cockpit was changed, which made it possible to control the aircraft with the help of two crew members, instead of three pilots previously. Also launched into series are the 747-400M (combi), 747-400F and 747-400SF (freight).

A variant of the 747-400ER was created - an aircraft with an increased flight range.

Boeing 747-8

The 747-8 variant is the third generation of Boeing 747 aircraft. Production begins at the beginning of 2010. The plane received an extended fuselage. According to calculations, this model provides 10% more space per passenger and 11% less fuel consumption. The wings have also been redesigned. Due to the better wing profile obtained due to the use of composite materials, redesigned winglets (wing tips), improved avionics, control systems, etc., the aircraft has improved economic performance. A total of 2 modifications were made - 747-8F Freighter and 747-8I Intercontinental (passenger version). Currently in the United States, two 747-8I aircraft are being reconstructed to transport the US President, replacing the two existing 747-400 presidential pool aircraft.

Boeing 747 LCF Dreamlifter

Since the start of deliveries of the Boeing 787 aircraft, it became clear that parts of this aircraft, which were supplied by third-party contractors, must somehow be delivered to the assembly plant. Delivery of a set of wings from Japan by sea lasted 30 days.

To speed up the aircraft assembly process, in 2003 the Boeing Corporation announced the development of an air truck with increased cargo space. The 747 Large Cargo Freighter was developed for this purpose. Although the 747LCF began flying in mid-2016, the US Federal Aviation Administration issued an airworthiness certificate for the 747LCF on June 2, 2007.

By analogy with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the aircraft was named Dreamlifter. Upon receipt of the aircraft's airworthiness certificate, the 747LCF cargo flights were partially counted as test flights.

The plane, nicknamed the baby elephant (Jumbo is the name of the baby elephant from the Disney cartoon), has its own unique, recognizable face and some kind of romantic flair. I think that every passenger will be interested in flying on such an aircraft.

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Jumbo Jet, also known as Boeing 747, is a four-engine, wide-body passenger aircraft with two decks for long-distance routes. The Boeing 747 remained the largest passenger aircraft for a long time until the Airbus A380 appeared.

Boeing 747 interior photo

The Boeing 747 program started in 1966. And in January 1970, the first aircraft began to arrive to commercial airlines. When designing a new aircraft, Boeing had to build a new construction hangar near Seattle so that the first model, the Boeing 747-100, could fit there.

-100, -200 and -300 series

The first modification, 747-100, has a length of about 70 meters and a height of 20 meters with a wingspan of 60 meters. Its weight was 162 tons. In order to cover a flight distance of about ten thousand kilometers, special engines were developed for it by Pratt and Whitney. Later, engines from General Electric and Rolls Royce began to be used. The 100th version includes an improved 747-100B model, as well as a short-range variant with a passenger capacity of up to 550 people - the 747-100SR (Short Range), designed specifically for short flights between the Japanese islands.

Boeing 747 photo

The “200th” series received a higher initial weight and a longer flight range. In the 747-200B version it is 10,800 kilometers. An undoubted advantage was the ability to easily adapt passenger aircraft into cargo (747-200F), as well as combined (747-200C, 747-200M). And the -200C variant has undergone further improvements in terms of cargo transportation. One of these improvements was the folding nose. In 1983, the Boeing 747-300 took to the skies. Ego's main characteristics have been increased. The flight range was now 12,300 kilometers. The upper deck was expanded. And consequently the number of passenger seats has increased. The series also includes cargo-passenger variants - 747-300M and 747-300SR, intended, like the -200SR, for domestic flights in Japan.

Boeing 747 interior diagram

The most successful versions of the 747-400 and the new 747-8

The 747-400 boasts of being Boeing's best-selling aircraft. It was put into operation in 1989. Compared to the 747-300, it has an improved wing, more powerful engines, and improved interior quality. The 747-400 reaches a maximum flight range of 13.5 thousand kilometers without stopping for refueling and can fly at speeds of up to 913 kilometers per hour. The decks of the “four hundredth” can accommodate up to 524 passengers. A cargo version of the airliner was also released, model 747-400F, combined, model 747-400M, for short flights - 747-400D and version 747-400ER for longer flights. Production of the Boeing 747-400 ended in December 2009, with the introduction of the new Boeing 747-8, which first flew in February 2010. Two versions of the aircraft are presented, the passenger 747-8I and the cargo 747-8F. Both models feature new, energy-efficient GE engines for improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

The modified Boeing 747 of the American president is capable of speeds of up to 1000 km per hour. Thanks to its excellent technical characteristics, it is called the “plane of the Apocalypse”.

Characteristics of the Boeing 747-400ER:

  • Length: 70.6 m.
  • Height: 19.4 m.
  • Wingspan: 64.4 m.
  • Wing area: 541 sq.m.
  • Empty weight: 180.8 tons
  • Fuselage diameter: 6.5 m.
  • Maximum speed: 988 km/h.
  • Flight range: 14200 km.
  • Number of passenger seats: 416-524 seats
  • Crew: 2 people

Boeing 747. Gallery.

The Boeing 747 is considered to be the first wide-body aircraft in the history of world aviation. For almost forty years, no aircraft has been able to exceed the capacity of the Boeing 747, and to date, no aircraft on the planet has been able to beat its size record.

American scientists began working on the creation of the Boeing 747 in the late 60s of the last century. It was during this period that the number of air transportation increased and the air transport available at that time could not cope with the transportation of numerous passengers.

During the first developments, American engineers planned to create the Boeing 747 as a cargo-passenger transport. After all, many analysts argued that large airliners would soon be supplanted, and they would be replaced by more modern aircraft with supersonic speed. Therefore, the engineers’ developments included a procedure for converting an airliner into a cargo aircraft. It was for this purpose that the cabin in which the crew would be located was moved to the deck located at the top of the ship. Such a transfer, as planned by scientists, should simplify the process of changing the nose of the aircraft into a ramp for cargo air transport.

By the beginning of 1967, engineers had completed work on the project and brought up for discussion a new model of the aircraft, which was called the Boeing 747. The project under discussion was a two-deck air transport, but after much debate it was decided to change the original configuration as it presented some complications. After changing the layout, the airliner acquired the shape of a “humpbacked” aircraft, and the first order came from a well-known airline for 25 units of equipment.

The customer not only ordered a large batch of aircraft, but also asked to make changes to its design and to the technical characteristics of the Boeing 747, which are still used by modern engineers. The changes affected the following:

  • wingspan size;
  • transferring chassis supports;
  • increase in take-off weight.

The creation and development of an airliner required enormous costs, so the developer company was forced to borrow money from creditors. But despite this, the finished airliner was able to recoup all costs threefold, because unprecedented success awaited it. It was this wide-body airliner that occupied the first positions in a similar global segment for several decades. And its first flight took place in early 1970.

The creation of the Boeing aircraft

Brief description of the Boeing 747

The Boeing 747 wide-body jetliner is equipped with four powerful engines and, as previously mentioned, has a special shape for the upper flight deck. The technical characteristics of the Boeing 747 and operational data far exceed those of previous models, and therefore make this aircraft the most popular among its many analogues. The following improvements should be noted:

  1. Aerodynamics indicators.
  2. The end surface is aerodynamic, which reduces induction drag.
  3. The interior features updated avionics and a more comfortable cabin for the crew.

The most noticeable improvement of this model was seen in the wings of air transport. After the procedure, their height reached 6 feet, and the end aerodynamic surface began to bend upward and protrude slightly outward. Thanks to these changes, it was possible to reduce fuel consumption and increase the flight duration several times. Fuel consumption decreased by approximately 3.5%. If you calculate the savings over the entire period of operation of the aircraft, it turns out to be a colossal amount.

It is this type of air transport that is the fastest, because the speed of a Boeing 747 in flight can be up to 940 km/h.

Boeing 747 tests

Technical characteristics of air transport

As mentioned earlier, the capacity of the Boeing 747 is several times greater than previous models due to the special shape of the upper deck, which is made in a stretched form. Thanks to this configuration, economy class can accommodate up to 580 passengers, while business and economy class can accommodate 495 passengers.

The dial instruments located in the cockpit were replaced with modern ones. Thanks to this, control became much easier, important information was displayed on liquid crystal displays. The presence of a digital control system made it possible to reduce the number of pilots to 2 people.

The airliner is equipped with a straight stairway for lifting to the upper part of the deck, rather than the screw design of its predecessors, which undoubtedly adds convenience to passengers and crew members.

According to the project, the interior was also modified. Thanks to them, each passenger received more free space, the shelves for things were increased several times. For the convenience of passengers, special multimedia systems were installed to watch video clips and exciting films.

Since they decided to lengthen the upper deck, 2 additional exits were installed on its surface. For the power plant, two-circuit turbojet engines (4 pieces) and updated engines from well-known manufacturers were used. As a result, the maximum speed of the Boeing 747 passenger aircraft was 940 km/h, and the take-off weight was 350 tons.

Technical characteristics of the Boeing 747:

  • 70.7 – length of the airliner in meters;
  • 19.5 – aircraft height;
  • 60 m – span of one wing;
  • 6 m – width of the passenger compartment;
  • 511 sq. m – area of ​​one wing;
  • 940 km/h – maximum speed;
  • 12500 km – airliner flight range;
  • 175,000 kg - the aircraft weighs unloaded;
  • 13755 m – ceiling height in the cabin;
  • 910 km/h is the cruising speed of the aircraft.

Economy class has seating for 580 passengers. The aircraft crew consists of 3 people - 1 engineer and 2 airliner pilots. American engineers, in addition to passenger air transport, invented the cargo-passenger Boeing, as well as a model that provided for a shorter flight range - the 747-300.

In contact with

Boeing 747- the very first wide-body aircraft in the history of aviation, as well as one of the most recognizable airliners in the world. He even received an informal nickname - “Jumbo Jet”. For 37 years, the Boeing 747 held the record for maximum passenger capacity, and today it is the longest passenger aircraft on the planet. Its history began in 1969, and since then Boeing has been constantly improving the design of this airliner family.


The need to develop the Boeing 747 arose during the explosive growth of air travel in the 1960s. The Boeing 707, which dominated the US air travel market at the time, was already struggling to cope with the growing flow of passengers. Before this, the Boeing Corporation was already developing a large transport aircraft for the US Army, but then the corporation lost to the Lockheed project and their C-5 Galaxy aircraft.

In 1965, development engineer Joe Sutter, then working on the Boeing 737, was appointed chief designer of the Boeing 747. He began his work by understanding the needs of airlines. At that time, it was believed that huge aircraft would soon be replaced by supersonic aircraft. Therefore, the 747 was originally developed as a cargo-passenger aircraft. Over time, it was even planned to completely convert all aircraft into cargo aircraft. The cockpit was placed on the upper deck specifically to be able to convert the nose of the aircraft into a cargo ramp.

In 1966, Boeing completed the design and presented the configuration of a new aircraft, designated the 747. The original design was an all-double-deck aircraft, but there were some difficulties with this configuration, and the design was abandoned in favor of a “humpback” version. The first customer was Pan Am, which ordered 25 Boeing 747-100 aircraft.
Moreover, thanks to Pan Am's recommendations, important changes were made to the aircraft's design, in particular: the wing span was increased, the placement of the landing gear was changed, and the maximum take-off weight was increased from 272,155 kg to 308,443 kg.

Jumbo Jet

It is not surprising that the first press reports following Boeing's official announcement were heavily peppered with adjectives that connoted significance. Everything about the Boeing 747 was on a gigantic scale, and it was soon dubbed a “jumbo-sized” aircraft, leading to the nickname “Jumbo Jet”.


The decision to start production of the Boeing 747-100 was made on July 25, 1966. after receiving additional orders from Japan Airlines and Lufthansa.

Boeing promised Pan Am to deliver the first aircraft by 1970 - that is, it was necessary to design, build, test and certify the aircraft in less than 4 years. The work proceeded very quickly, but the corporation’s enormous costs for the construction and development of the aircraft almost brought Boeing to the brink of bankruptcy.

The problem was that Boeing did not have the hardware capabilities to produce such giant aircraft. Especially for the production of the Boeing 747, a new plant was built in the small town of Everett, Washington, which became home to the new family of aircraft. For reference, today in this workshop Boeing assembles models: 747, 767, 777, 787. And the building itself has a record volume of 13.3 million cubic meters.

Pratt & Whitney developed a huge high-bypass ratio turbofan engine, the JT9D, specifically for the Boeing 747. In order to increase the level of safety and flight performance of the aircraft, 4 backup hydraulic systems and slotted flaps were installed on the 747, which allowed the aircraft to be used on relatively short runways.

While testing the aircraft for airworthiness certification, Boeing developed an unusual training device known as the "Waddell Van", named after Boeing 747 test pilot Jack Waddell. The device consisted of a mock-up of a Boeing 747 cabin mounted on the roof of a truck. This simulator was designed to teach pilots how to steer a giant airliner from a high position in the cockpit.

On September 30, 1968, the Boeing 747 was rolled out of the hangar for public display, and on February 9, 1969, it made its first test flight.

Boeing invested enormous amounts of money in the development of this aircraft. Several months before delivery of the first 747-100, the company was forced to turn to bankers for additional financing to complete the project. During this period, Boeing's debt to investors amounted to about $2 billion. Later, Boeing President William Allen explained: “It was too big a project for us.”

But, despite all this, the Boeing 747 was a massive success. In the wide-body aircraft segment, the airliner held a monopoly for many years. And, of course, it paid off.

Airlines and Boeing 747

At first, major airlines were somewhat skeptical about the new aircraft. The fact is that at the same time, McDonnell Douglas (absorbed by Boeing in the 90s) and Lockheed were also developing three-engine wide-body aircraft much smaller in size compared to the 747. Many airlines believed that the 747 would not justify itself on long-haul routes and would not be so economical, like the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed L-1011 TriStar aircraft. In addition, there was doubt that, due to its size, the 747 may not fit into airport infrastructure.

First of all, air carriers were concerned about the high fuel consumption of the Boeing 747 (compared to the three-engine aircraft described above). Many airlines immediately announced their reluctance to purchase this aircraft due to the threat of a sharp increase in ticket prices.

As a result, the concerns of air carriers were justified. The fuel crisis of the 1970s caused a rapid rise in oil prices, and as a result, a reduction in air travel. Airlines were faced with the problem of the unprofitability of the Boeing 747: due to high ticket prices, the planes flew half empty. American Airlines installed pianos and bars instead of seats in order to attract passengers, but these measures were not enough. Subsequently, the company converted all the aircraft into cargo planes and then sold them. After some time, Continental Airlines did the same with its planes.

New aircraft: the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, and later, captured most of the wide-body aircraft market. Many air carriers with the release of these aircraft almost immediately abandoned the 747 in their favor.

Evolution of the Boeing 747

Since its introduction to airlines in 1970, the Boeing 747 has continued to be modernized. Almost immediately after the base model 747-100, modifications appeared: 747-100B (a model with increased take-off weight), as well as 747-100SR (a model with an increased number of passenger seats, but a shortened flight range).

In 1971, Boeing released a modification, which differed from the base model in more powerful and reliable engines, as well as increased take-off weight. The aircraft was offered in both passenger and cargo versions. The 747-200SR modification appeared in 1976.

In 1980, the model was released. The upper deck of the aircraft has become longer, and accordingly the passenger capacity has increased. More modern engines were installed on the plane, due to which the speed and take-off weight of the airliner also increased.

But the design of the airliner underwent serious changes with the release of the modification. First of all, the cockpit has changed: computers were installed on the aircraft, calculating various flight parameters, the data of which is displayed on displays (Glass Cockpit). Thus, the control of the aircraft was optimized, and the crew was reduced from 3 to 2 people.

As for the fuselage, composite materials were used in its design, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the aircraft. The wing span was increased by 4.8 meters compared to the 747-300. The liner received modern powerful and reliable engines. Take-off weight and flight range, compared to previous modifications, were significantly increased.

The cabin interior has been redesigned to provide the passenger with as much personal space as possible. And in general, the aircraft has become quieter, more powerful and faster than all previous modifications of the Boeing 747.

In 1996, Boeing demonstrated designs for modifications to the 747-500X and 747-600X. However, developing these versions would cost about $5 billion, so there hasn't been much interest in them. Ultimately, many of the ideas proposed for the 747X family were implemented on the 747-400ER (extended range version), which began commercial operation in 2002.

The last aircraft of the 747-400 modification was produced in 2009.

747-8 – a new generation long-haul airliner

On November 14, 2005, Boeing announced the launch of a program to develop a new airliner. The aircraft was completely redesigned in accordance with the technologies introduced into the new airliner. It was assumed that the 747-8 would have the same engines and cabin as the 787, and it would also partially use fly-by-wire (in some channels). Boeing said the new plane will be quieter, more fuel-efficient and more environmentally friendly than previous versions of the 747. An evolution of the existing 747-400, the 747-8 will save on training costs and interchangeable parts.

In October 2006, Boeing approved a cargo version of the 747-8 Freighter. Construction of the first 747-8 Freighters began at the Everett (Washington) plant in early August 2008.

The Boeing 747-8F cargo aircraft made its first flight on February 8, 2010. And on March 20, 2011, the passenger Boeing 747-8 took off on its first flight.

Technology in the 747-8

When creating the 747-8, Boeing's new advances in technology and aerodynamics were applied. Let us remember that both versions of the aircraft began to be developed back in 2005, and by 2006, both of them differed from the 747-400 in having a fuselage extended by 5.6 m.

After receiving all the certificates, the 747-8 became the longest passenger airliner in the world, surpassing the previous record holder by 90.5 cm.

With a maximum take-off weight of 442 tons, the 747-8 is the heaviest aircraft (among both civilian and military) created in the entire history of the United States. Compared to the 747-400, the main technical changes lie in the wing, which is completely redesigned. The wing's sweep angle and power set have been retained to reduce costs, but the wing has become thinner and wider, with completely redesigned aerodynamics. The pressure distribution and bending moments of the wing are different, moreover, it now holds more fuel. The outer sections of the flaps on the wing are single-slotted, and the inner sections are double-slotted.

The 747-8 uses ridge wingtips similar to those used on the , and they differ from the winglets of the 747-400. The design of these winglets reduces tip vortices, reducing wake and drag, and thereby reducing fuel consumption. Another effort to reduce weight was the inclusion of a fly-by-wire control system for most of the lateral controls.

The increased fuel capacity in the redesigned wing, compared to the 747-400, avoids radical changes to the stabilizer design to accommodate additional fuel, allowing for additional fuel savings.
The keel of the 747-8 remained the same, with a height of 19.35 m. To reduce weight, a composite material, carbon fiber, was partially used in the design of the 747-8 airframe.

Boeing 747 modifications

Let's summarize: the development of the first modification, the Boeing 747-100, began in 1966. In 1971, the 747-200 began operation. In 1980, the 747-300 model was born, and in 1985, the 747-400. Operation of the new generation of Boeing 747-8 aircraft began in 2010.

On the upper deck of the first modification of the Boeing 747-100 there was a living room. It is noteworthy that it had only 6 portholes (3 on each side). Later, when airlines adapted the upper deck for business class, Boeing offered the installation of 10 windows as an option.

Boeing 747-100 aircraft are equipped with Pratt & Whitney JT9D-3A engines.

The modification does not have a cargo version, although later old passenger aircraft were converted into cargo ones. A total of 167 Boeing 747-100 series aircraft were produced.

747SR (Short Range)

Japanese airlines have asked Boeing to create a version of the aircraft that can carry large numbers of passengers on domestic flights. Thus, the Boeing 747SR was born - an aircraft with a shorter flight range, but significantly increased passenger capacity. Early versions of this modification could accommodate up to 498 passengers, while later ones were equipped with 550 or more seats. The Japanese accepted this modification with delight. It was very fuel efficient, and most importantly, the aircraft's service life was provided for a longer period of time than that of conventional modifications of the Boeing 747, thanks to the reinforced structure of the fuselage and landing gear.

747SP (Special Performance)

The Boeing 747SP modification was developed in 1976. This aircraft was created to be a serious competitor to the DC-10 and L-1011. The fact is, due to its size, Boeing was often unprofitable on medium-load routes, and lost to McDouglas and Lockheed on them. The development of the Boeing 737 and 747 took too much money from the company, so Boeing did not have the opportunity to create a fundamentally new aircraft. Instead, the 747 had a shorter fuselage and some optimization of the aircraft's parameters specifically for light-traffic routes.

In addition to the shortened fuselage, the 747SP has an increased fin surface area and modified wing mechanization. The 747SP carried up to 220 passengers. The maximum flight range was 10,500 km at a cruising speed of 980 km/h.

Before the introduction of the Airbus A340, the 747SP had the longest range of any passenger aircraft and was popular with transoceanic transport companies. Despite its technical advantages, the 747SP did not become as popular as the manufacturer had hoped. Only 45 aircraft of this modification were built. Most of them are still operated mainly in the Middle East. One aircraft was later converted into a flying astronomical laboratory - SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). It houses a telescope with a diameter of 2.5 meters.


The 747-100B modification was developed simultaneously with the 747SR. It differs from the usual modification of the 747-100 by increased take-off weight and additional fuel tanks. For Japanese airlines JAL and All Nippon Airways, a modification of the 747-100B SR was specially produced, intended to transport 550-624 passengers on routes of 3000-3500 km. The 747-100B aircraft served as the basis for the creation of various modifications of passenger and cargo aircraft 747-200B, -200F, -300, -400, SP and others. The aircraft is equipped with a conventional avionics complex with electromechanical data display devices.

Introduced in 1971, the Boeing 747-200 had more powerful engines and increased take-off weight, allowing for a longer flight range. The first 747-200 on the upper deck had only 3 windows on each side, but later Boeing finally abandoned this design and new passenger aircraft already had ten windows on both sides. The latest modification, the 747-200B, produced since the 1980s, has increased its flight range to 10,800 km. Based on the Boeing 747-200 airframe, modifications were built for the US Air Force: E-4A - a military command post, VC-25A - an airliner for transporting the US President.

Boeing 747-200B is an improved version of the 747-200 with more powerful engines and a larger fuel capacity.
Boeing 747-200C and 747-200F were designed to transport cargo. The 747-200F is a purely cargo aircraft, while the 747-200C is a convertible version, the aircraft can be easily converted from a passenger to a cargo aircraft.
The 747-200M Combi modification can carry passengers and cargo simultaneously. The ratio changes by rearranging the bulkheads.

Like the 747-100, many 747-200 passenger aircraft were later converted to freighters.

Boeing 747-300 was originally conceived as a three-engine version of the Boeing 747SP, but this idea was quickly abandoned due to low demand for such a model on the market.
The designation 747-300 was assigned to the new aircraft, which appeared in 1980. The upper deck of the liner was significantly enlarged, thereby increasing passenger capacity.

Based on the 747-300, the 747-300M (freight-passenger) and 747-300SR (short-haul) variants were created. A distinctive feature of the new aircraft was the straight staircase connecting the upper and lower decks. On earlier aircraft, a spiral was installed. The maximum flight range of the Boeing 747-300 is 12,400 km.

Model 747-400 is the most popular modification. This aircraft has added vertical wingtips (winglets). The flight deck was upgraded with new avionics, eliminating the need for a flight engineer. Additional tail fuel tanks and improved engines were installed. In addition, the aircraft is distinguished by an increased degree of comfort.

The Boeing 747-400 is 25% more fuel efficient than the 747-300 and is twice as quiet.

The following variants of this modification exist: 747-400M (freight), 747-400F and 747-400SF (freight). The 747-400D, specially designed for domestic routes in Japan, held the world record for passenger capacity until 2005, accommodating up to 594 people. It was then replaced by the Airbus A380, which seats 853 passengers in a single-class configuration.

The 747-400ER modification is an aircraft with an increased flight range.

747-8 Intercontinental

The 747-8 Intercontinental, or simply 747-8I, began construction on November 14, 2005. The aircraft is capable of carrying up to 467 passengers in a three-class configuration, over a distance of up to 15,000 km, at a speed of 0.855 Mach. Compared to the 747-400, the 747-8I carries 51 passengers and 2 more cargo pallets, and the cargo compartment has increased by 26%.

Despite initial plans to make the passenger version shorter than the freighter version, both versions are the same length, making it easier to convert the 747-8I into a freighter version (a convertible version that allows conversion from one variant to the other and back again). The upper deck of the 747-8I has been extended. Compared to the 747-400, Boeing said the 747-8I is 30% quieter, 16% more fuel efficient and has a 13% lower cost per passenger kilometer.

The 747-8 features some changes to the decks. Most noticeable are the curved staircase connecting the decks and the larger main entrance for passengers. The 747-8's main cabin interior is similar to the advanced interior of the Boeing 787. The overhead bins are curved, with the center row appearing to be attached to the curved ceiling rather than integrated into the curved ceiling as on the 747-8. The windows are the same size as on the 777, that is, 8% larger than on the 747-400. The 747-8 is equipped with an LED lighting system that can create a psychologically comfortable stay on board the aircraft. The LED system also provides greater reliability and lower operating costs.

747-8 Freighter

The cargo version of the new generation airliner 747-8. As on the 747-400F, the upper deck is shorter than on the passenger version, inserts with a total length of 5.575 m are made directly before and after the wing in the fuselage. The total load capacity of the aircraft is 140 tons, and the flight range is 8130 km. On the main deck there is space for four more cargo pallets, and on the lower deck there is space for two additional containers and three additional pallets.

Compared to the 747-400ERF, the 747-8F has a larger payload capacity but a slightly shorter range. When Boeing released the −400ERF, with a maximum take-off weight 16 tons higher than the 747-400F's 397-410 tons, it allowed carriers to carry more fuel, burn more fuel during flight, and land at the same landing weight as a 747. -400F. This increased the range of the 747-400ERF compared to the 747-400F. Cargo aircraft often transport machinery or monoblock cargo, which requires an aircraft with a larger payload and landing weight.

For transport aircraft, it is customary to indicate the flight range with maximum load, and not with maximum fuel. An increase in the maximum take-off weight of the 747-8 by 29 tons directly determines the weight of the aircraft without fuel, but with cargo. This has resulted in the 747-8 taking off with less than full fuel tanks when fully loaded. On flights without maximum load, the aircraft can take on more fuel and increase its flight range.

When compared with the 747-400ERF (the cargo version of the 747-400 for longer distances), the 747-8F has more payload capacity, but a shorter (900 km) flight range.

747 LCF Dreamlifter

The 747 LCF Dreamlifter is a special version of the Boeing 747 aircraft designed to transport large aircraft parts.

In October 2003, Boeing announced that, due to the significant length of sea transportation, Boeing 787 parts would be transported by air to final assembly. For these purposes, they decided to convert the Boeing 747-400. The first test flight of the aircraft took place on September 9, 2006.

During the plane's testing, Boeing President Scott Carson jokingly apologized to the "father of the 747," Joe Sutter: "We're sorry for what we did to your plane."

Thanks to the Boeing 747LCF (Large Cargo Freighter), a 787 wing manufactured in Japan can be delivered to the United States in just one day, not a month. The volume of the Dreamlifter's transport compartment is 1840 cubic meters.

Special versions of Boeing 747

Boeing VC-25 is a special designation for the military version of the Boeing 747 passenger aircraft.

The VC-25 is best known for its role as Air Force One, the US Air Force's name for the aircraft carrying the US President on board. The two aircraft produced with tail numbers 28000 and 29000 are an early modification of the Boeing 747-200B, but with flight equipment and engines from the Boeing 747-400ER. Although the name "Air Force One" technically refers to the aircraft only when the President of the United States is on board, the term is often applied to the VC-25 as a whole.

The VC-25 often operates in conjunction with Marine One, the helicopter that transports the US President to the airport in circumstances where ground transportation is not suitable. If the First Lady or Vice President of the United States is present on board, but not the President himself, the aircraft is assigned the code designation "Air Force One Foxtrot".

Although the VC-25, like a regular Boeing 747, has 3 decks with a total area of ​​370 m², the interior has been converted for presidential needs. The lowest deck is intended for luggage and food supplies. The aircraft has a food warehouse with a refrigerated compartment with a total capacity of more than 2,000 standard rations. Food can be prepared in two kitchens, which together can feed about 100 people at a time. Since an airplane's baggage capacity is limited to that of its passengers, a presidential flight is usually preceded by an air convoy of transport aircraft (usually at least one C-5 Galaxy) that carry helicopters, a motorcade of cars, and other equipment necessary for the presidential entourage.

The VC-25A is capable of traveling 12,600 km without refueling (equivalent to 1/3 the length of the equator) and can accommodate more than 70 passengers. Each VC-25A costs approximately $325 million.

The main passenger area is on the middle deck, and the communications system and aircraft cabin are on the upper deck. There are 3 exits on the plane - two on the lower deck and one on the middle deck. Typically, the President enters through the main entrance on the middle deck, while passengers and journalists board through the aft entrance on the lower deck. Conditions for the press and other passengers are the same as in the first class cabin of a regular Boeing 747.

On board the VC-25, medical equipment includes an operating table, a supply of medications and other medical supplies that may be needed during medical emergencies.

President George W. Bush equipped Air Force One with a treadmill while in office. There are medical personnel on board on every flight. The aircraft cabin is divided into areas for guests, senior staff, US Secret Service, security and media representatives.

The presidential department includes a bedroom with two sofas that can be converted into a bed, a toilet, a shower and a personal office. These rooms, including the presidential office, are mostly located on the starboard side, with a long corridor on the port side. The aircraft facilities are fully equipped with telecommunications systems (including 85 telephones and 19 televisions). Secret and non-secret fax and digital communications are also available.

The US Air Force is currently looking to replace Air Force One with the Boeing VC-25 (two heavily modified Boeing 747-200Bs). Along with the 787 variant, Boeing is reportedly considering offering the 747-8. On August 11, 2010, the South Korean government announced that it was considering purchasing the 747-8 as a presidential aircraft.

E-4B - airborne command posts (ACCP) for the President, Secretary of Defense and other members of the US senior leadership, in the event of the outbreak of nuclear war and the destruction of ground control structures. Among themselves, these airliners are sometimes called “doomsday planes”.

The first 3 E-4As were built based on the Boeing 747-200 airframe at the Boeing plant in 1974-1978.
In 1979, a modernized E-4B was built. Externally, it was distinguished by the presence of a large fairing that covered the satellite communication antennas on top of the fuselage above the upper deck. In 1980, all three E-4As were redesigned as E-4Bs. All aircraft equipment is protected against electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a nuclear explosion. There is a filtration system for radioactive dust in the outside air intake and air conditioning systems for ventilation of the cabin and compartments.

The aircraft is equipped with equipment for receiving fuel from tanker aircraft. With periodic in-flight refueling, the aircraft can stay in the air for a week (possibly more). Its service life in the air is limited only by the working life of the oil in the engine oil systems. To fully refuel an E-4B in the air, two fully fueled KC-135 tanker aircraft are required.

Military experimental version of the Boeing 747, with a high-power chemical laser installed in the nose of the aircraft. The aircraft is designed for US missile defense.

747 Shuttle Carrier

The aircraft is used to transport the Space Shuttle aerospace aircraft from alternate spaceports to the main launch site at Cape Canaveral. The shuttle is mounted on the top of the fuselage.

The KC-33A is a tanker aircraft designed to refuel fighter aircraft in the air.


SOFIA stands for Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. In a word - an observatory plane. It is intended for space research. It is a joint project between NASA and the German Aerospace Center.

The aircraft is based on a modification of the Boeing 747SP. The airliner was fitted with a large door at the rear of the fuselage, designed to be opened in flight so that scientists could study the sky through a telescope mounted behind it.


The number of seats on the Boeing 747-400 (Boeing 747-400) varies (depending on the model and configuration) from 320 passengers in a three-class cabin and up to 526 people in a two-class cabin. Also, it is worth considering that there are variations of this airliner with a single-class cabin that can accommodate up to 624 passengers.

As a rule, each airline orders aircraft to suit its needs, and the number of different modifications of the same aircraft can reach hundreds of options.

For example, Rossiya Airlines. And the largest European airline already has 30 such aircraft, with a capacity of 322 and 344 passengers.

In order to understand which seats are comfortable and which are not, you need to carefully study the interior layout of the airliner in which you are going to fly. After all, everyone has their own seating arrangement.

Boeing 747-400 Rossiya Airlines

We have analyzed the interior layout of the aircraft used by Rossiya. For a detailed diagram of the interior, explanatory comments and photographs, see here -. If you are flying in Russia, we highly recommend studying this article.

So, let's start with the bow of the aircraft and business class. Places marked in green ( 1st and 4th row), slightly better than the standard seats (indicated in white) due to the fact that there are no seats in front of them and therefore there is additional large legroom.

Seats in row 9- the same. However, the proximity of toilets always implies unnecessary fuss and anxiety.

Seats in rows 24 and 27(marked in yellow) - The proximity of stairs, toilets and other technical rooms can cause inconvenience. Also, discomfort may arise due to the noise that occurs in economy class, if we are talking about the last row.

Economy class.

Places in 32 row have additional legroom. Also, from any of these places, you can get up at any time without disturbing your neighbors.

Despite the fact that they are located close to the toilet, we think that the freedom of movement and the extra space (which is important on a long flight) make them more advantageous.

33A and 33K- the best option on board. There is no row of seats in front of you, there is a porthole, technical rooms are located at a distance. Even a long and long flight will take place in a comfortable environment.

Seats in row 34 (yellow) not as comfortable as standard ones, as they are located right behind the wall of the toilets.

Because of this, there is not enough free space for the legs and the tables, which are usually located in the back of the chair in front, are mounted on the armrests. For this reason, the seats can be reduced and the armrests fixed. Not very comfortable. Also, the sounds of the tank and the slamming of toilet doors will not add to your comfort.

Seats in row 42 not so good, the backs of the chairs do not recline back at all or have a limitation in this. This is because there are escape hatches and a wall right behind them.

Seats in row 43 may have limited legroom.

The seats in the last, 56th row are definitely not the best. They are located in the tail, near the toilets and have limited reclining, or do not recline at all.

Standard seats

Now about the advantages and disadvantages of standard places, indicated in white.

We are not talking about business class, everything is simple there - all seats are good.

The seats that are located near the window have the advantage that you can look out of it and enjoy the flight and views (depending on the weather and flight time). No one will bother you when sitting down or getting up from your seat. These places have one drawback - it is difficult to get up from it without disturbing the neighbors.

Seats located in the middle - there is no direct access to the window, but also do not disturb people scurrying along the aisle and flight attendants with carts.

Aisle seats have another advantage - it is easy to leave your seat, for example to go to the toilet. Disadvantages: there is no access to the window, and flight attendants with trolleys and people passing through the cabin can also disturb you.

The seats, which are placed 4 in a row (in the middle of the cabin), have the same advantages and disadvantages. It’s convenient to get up from the extreme ones (both left and right), and those in the middle are not disturbed by people scurrying about.

In principle, using these simple rules, you can determine good and bad seats in the cabin of any airliner.

  • If possible, carefully study the diagram of the airliner on which you will fly. See section -
  • Studying the interior layout, choose the optimal seats, guided by the same rules that we have given
  • Do not take seats at the very end, close to toilets, kitchens and other technical areas.
  • Do not take seats in which the seats do not recline or are limited in this.
  • Do not take seats in front of or behind which there is a partition
  • Before the flight, decide what is more important to you: looking out the window or being able to go to the toilet without hindrance

We wish you a successful landing!

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