Trip to Norway. Senja Island

It includes approximately 50 thousand islands and islets, some of which, despite their close location to the Arctic Circle, are inhabited by people and attract a large number of tourists to their open spaces.

Some of the islands are located in the Arctic Ocean, others in the waters of the Atlantic. Some of them are located close to or adjacent to the Scandinavian Peninsula, while others, on the contrary, are significantly removed from the Norwegian mainland.

10 most interesting islands in Norway

The list of the most famous islands in Norway includes:

  • It is the second largest island in Norway. It is distinguished by its amazing natural beauty, primarily the Enderdalen National Nature Reserve, surrounded by mountain peaks, as well as the Devil's Teeth bordering the bay, outlandish cliffs, sandy beaches and snow-covered meadows. Due to the richness and diversity of the landscape, the island of Senja in Norway has been called “Norwegian miniature”. About 8 thousand people live here. Tourists visit Senja all year round, admiring the unique coniferous forests, huge rocks, raging sea waters and famous. Among the attractions of Senja, the most popular are the Polar Zoo, the Senja Troll (this is the largest Troll in the world, reaching 18 m in height and 125 tons in weight) and the Malselvfossen National Waterfall.

  • Soroya Island. It is located in the far north and ranks 4th in size among all the Norwegian islands. The largest settlement on the island of Soroya in Norway is the village of Haskvik, which is very popular with fishermen. Every year, fans of catching large sea creatures, primarily halibut, come to the Big Fish Adventure fishing base from all over the world. Of the towns nearby to the island, Hammerfest is the most important.

  • One of the largest islands in Norway, located south of Lofoten, near the entrance to Trondheimsfjord. The population of Hitra Island in Norway is just over 4 thousand people. The landscapes are very diverse; you can see both rocky shores and pine forests. The island attracts tourists with its trout fishing lakes, the largest deer population in Europe, a variety of seabirds and white-tailed eagles.

  • The island of Tjetta in Norway is located south of Alsten, in the province of Nordland. It has a mild climate and fairly long summers. The island is best known for its military cemetery for soldiers who died during the Second World War. On the territory of this cemetery there are more than 7.5 thousand graves, mainly of Russian defenders who became prisoners in the camps of Nazi Germany. Another attraction is the monument to the MS Rigel, which was sunk in November 1944 by the British Air Force.

  • A unique “island of freedom for prisoners” of its kind. On the island of Bastoy in Norway there is a prison for especially dangerous criminals, where prisoners usually serve out their long sentences. They live in cottages of 8 people, can move freely around the island and have annual leave. Bastoy is located just 76 km from and 2 km from the nearest town of Horten.

  • This is an island of volcanic origin, located on the border of the Norwegian and Greenland seas. There is an active one on its territory. Jan Mayen is not inhabited and is mainly tundra, which occasionally gives way to meadow expanses.

  • It is located slightly north of the Lofoten Islands and includes several islands and municipalities. The landscape is predominantly mountainous, with several lakes and Møysalen. The climate is mild maritime with warm winters. Vesterålen is famous for its seal population.

  • An uninhabited island of volcanic origin, very remote from land. It is located in the South Atlantic Ocean and has the status of a dependent territory of Norway.

  • To the ferry that was supposed to take us to the island of Senja. There we planned to quickly take a ride along the northern coast, visiting two equipped observation platforms along the way. There was also an optional program: subject to good weather, climb one of the highest mountains on the island - Keipen. And finally, a mere trifle: we had to travel 450 kilometers to the cottage we had booked in Finland. Well, it's all simple, isn't it?

    And from the very morning everything went wrong. When I woke up and looked at the clock, the first fact became obvious: we had hopelessly overslept. While we were having breakfast and checking out of the hotel, a second fact was added to the first one - the Norwegian weather decided to once again show us its capricious nature, and instead of the “blue cloudless sky” performance promised by weather forecasters, it launched its own project - “hopeless gray clouds”.

    There were 50 minutes left to the ferry and exactly the same number of kilometers along a narrow winding road winding along the coast. The next ferry was supposed to leave only in an hour and a half, which did not suit us at all.

    The sleepy silence of the Norwegian villages was broken only by the roar of a gasoline engine. A silver Mazda with Russian license plates, brazenly violating all conceivable rules, flew along the smooth asphalt along the coast of the fjord, indented by bays. If she meets the police on the way, the driver is guaranteed a fine of about ten thousand Norwegian kroner. And in addition to it, there is also a moratorium on obtaining a Schengen visa for five years. But that morning the Norwegian gods were clearly on our side: when the ferry sounded a long whistle and began to move away from the shore, we were already climbing the stairs leading from the car deck to the stuffy cabin. Forty-five minutes passed and the silver Mazda, as if nothing had happened, following the rules, slowly drove along the road along the northern coast of the island of Senya.

    Our first stop is the fishing village of Husøy (in Norwegian - Husøy), located on a small island in the middle of a picturesque fjord. They say that the winds here in winter are so strong that sometimes the roofs of houses are torn off. The village is very small, population is about 250 people.

    Once upon a time, several Spanish ships were wrecked in these parts, and since then some village residents have looked suspiciously like Spaniards. Moreover, the village has been observing a siesta for several centuries - regardless of the time of year, the entire local population goes together to rest after lunch.

    While my crew members are studying the assortment of the local store, I’m trying to find a gas station - in the morning, rushing to the ferry, I completely forgot that there was almost no gasoline left. Having taken a victory lap around the village, I find everything, but not a gas station. There is a kindergarten, there is a school, there is a restaurant, there is no gas station.

    The next stop is a small parking lot at the base of a large mountain. Two routes start from here - to Mount Keipen and Mount Barden. We want to conquer Capen. Its height is 938 meters above sea level.

    The weather is not conducive to walking in the mountains, but the weather forecasters promised us good weather. Look, while we are climbing up, the sun will come out.

    We persistently climb through the swamp to the saddle, in the hope that the weather will change for the better, revealing the mountain to us.

    Here the route bifurcates. To the left is the path to Barden, to the right is to Keipen.

    Clouds hang directly overhead. We are thinking about what to do next.

    Suddenly the Norwegian sky decides to make our choice easier - it starts pouring rain. Continuing to climb in this weather is madness. We go back down.

    Along the way we admire the local flora.

    At the same time, we also reinforce ourselves with it.

    Having changed clothes and warmed up in the car, we set off in search of gasoline - the threat of being left without fuel in the middle of a deserted Norwegian island is becoming more and more real. To solve this problem we have to make an additional detour of almost a hundred kilometers. Finally, the car is fully fueled and you can continue your journey.

    We return back to the northern shore. The national tourist route "Senja" is located here.

    Suddenly the clouds break, and warm sunlight begins to stream along the opposite shore of the fjord.

    In less than ten minutes we arrive at the Tungeneset viewpoint (in Norwegian - Tungeneset). This is one of two equipped observation platforms on the island.

    The weather changes dramatically by this time.

    The observation deck consists of a small parking lot and a short wooden path leading to the coast of the fjord.

    There are two natural attractions here.

    The first is stone baths, partially filled with water.

    They say that tourists like to swim in them in good weather. During those twenty minutes, while the weather on Senya that day was good, we not only didn’t see anyone wanting to swim, we didn’t meet a soul at all.

    The second attraction is a pointed mountain range nestled on the opposite shore of the fjord.

    For some reason, they like to call it “Dragon’s Teeth,” although, in fact, this rock massif has an official name - Okshornan (in Norwegian - Okshornan), which translates as “Bull Horns”. Although, to be honest, these rocks still look more like dragon teeth than bull horns.

    The way back is always long. Our return home from Northern Norway was no exception. Having left Senya, instead of calmly heading back along the short road, for some reason we went to look. While we were getting back, night fell. We only got there in the morning. The day that replaced it was devoted to rest. Some were leisurely walking around the immediate surroundings, others were sleeping. The evening was marked by a festive dinner in honor of the imminent return home. The night was calm.

    The eleventh day of our expedition has arrived. Having said goodbye to the owners of the cottage, we moved on. Another evening found us in the Finnish city of Iisalmi, where something unexpected happened in the local culture of drinking alcoholic beverages. The morning passed in the fight against a natural hangover. I didn’t want to get up at all, and only at the cost of incredible efforts did I find the strength to have breakfast, after which the journey home continued. Finally, on the evening of the twelfth day, we solemnly returned to St. Petersburg. Our journey north is over.

    Stretched in a thin, jagged line in the Norwegian Sea, the Lofoten Islands are an excellent place to relax for a few days. It has a surprisingly mild climate for the north and plenty of accommodation in fishermen's cottages (rorbuer), which are now well equipped and sleep 2-6 people. In addition, there are five hostels and many campsites on the Lofoten Islands. Coastal ships Hurtigrute call at the ports of Stamsund and Svolvær, and from Bodø they sail to the southern islands of Moskenes, Värøy and Røst. Slightly cheaper high-speed passenger ships are also connected to Svolvær. An intercity bus service connects the mainland and the islands (from Bodø to Svolvær via Fauske and from Narvik to Svolvær).

    The town of Svolvær and the village of Henningsvær on the island of Eustvågøy

    The main town on the largest of the northern islands (Eustvågøy) is Svolvær, an unremarkable place where all the island buses stop. Ships from Bodø moor about 1 kilometer west of the town centre, while Hurtigrute boats moor in the centre, next to the bus station and tourist office where you can get information about the island and check bus schedules (from late May to mid June Monday-Friday 9.00-16.00 and Saturday 10.00-14.00; from mid-June to mid-August Monday-Friday 9.00-16.00 and 17.00-19.30/21.30, Saturday 9.00/10.00-14.00/16.00, Sunday 16.00-19.00; from mid to late August Monday-Friday 9.00-19.00; , Saturday 10.00-14.00; from September to mid-May Monday-Friday 9.00-16.00).

    It's nice to live in the old water houses Svolvoer Sjohus on the shore near Parkgata, 5 minutes walk from the square. The price of accommodation includes the use of a well-equipped kitchen. In the eastern part of the harbor, a dam leads to the islet Svinoya. On the island there is Svinoya and Rorbuer, these are simple fishing huts and luxurious houses with all amenities. From Svolvær you can take a bus to the much more attractive village of Henningsvær, 23 kilometers to the southwest, with winding streets and brightly painted wooden houses on the harbour. It’s worth spending the night here: in the very center there is accommodation available in Den siste Viking, Misvaerveien 10, on the right is the Klatrekafeen cafe.

    Stamsund village on Vestvågøy island

    The next large island in the southwest, Vestvågøy, attracts tourists in no small part due to the charm of Stamsund, where old buildings line the rocky coast. This is the first stop of the Hurtigrute coastal boats on their way north from Bodø and the best place to stay on the islands. It's easy to get here from Estvogøy by bus, although with a change in Leknes, 16 kilometers to the west.

    In Stamsund, the first step is to go to a friendly hostel (closed from mid-October to December), consisting of several fishermen's houses (rorbuer) on the shore of a small bay, about 1 kilometer from the port and 200 meters from the Leknes bus station. The fishing here is first-class: the hostel rents boats and nets, so you can cook dinner from your catch on the wood-burning stoves in the hostel.

    The islands of Flakstadøya and Moskenesøya in Norway

    The next two Lofoten islands, Flakstadøya and Moskenesøya, are surprisingly good. The E-10 highway follows a rocky coastline with tunnels and bridges to the port of Moskenes, halfway between Bodø and the bird islands of Värøy and Røst to the south. After about 6 kilometers, the highway ends at one of the most charming villages on the islands, called “O,” with a row of old buildings nestled between grey-green mountains and stormy seas.

    Islands of Norway: Lofoten Islands, Spitsbergen Island, Senja Island of Norway.

    • Last minute tours to Norway

    Norway owns about 50 thousand islands, islets and simply huge stones, brazenly sticking out and claiming the loud status of an independent piece of land. The largest and most popular are the Svalbard archipelago, the Lofoten Islands and the island of Senja.

    Lofoten Islands

    They are a chain of islands with a population of 24 thousand inhabitants, which are famous for their mild climate (thanks to the Gulf Stream) and amazing underwater life. The sea never freezes here. The archipelago consists of many islands, the largest of which: Moskenesey, Vestvogey and Austvagey - are connected by ferries. The main city of the archipelago is Svolvær.

    Lofoten has preserved unique traditions of northern culture. Here you can, for example, visit a traditional fisherman's hut "rurbu", learn how cod is dried, take a boat trip on the sea or visit Trollfjord.

    Lofoten Islands

    Spitsbergen Island (Svalbard)

    A nature reserve where seals, polar bears, walruses, owls, deer and arctic foxes live. Here are the world's largest bird colonies, whales splash near the shores, and the only inhabited island - Western Spitsbergen - has no more than 3.5 thousand inhabitants, half of them Russians.

    Today, about two thousand tourists come to the island every year to enjoy unique sea rafting, go to glaciers, kayak and dog sledding.

    Senja Island

    This is Norway's second largest island, famous for its amazing nature and the Enderdalen National Park, which is surrounded by fantastic mountain peaks.

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    The Kingdom of Norway is located in Northern Europe. It occupies the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and many small islands that are adjacent to it. The islands of Norway are also located in the Arctic Ocean (Bear, Jan Mayen). The country owns the large archipelago of Spitsbergen. Its overseas territory in the Atlantic is Bouvet Island. Norway lays claim to Queen Maud Land and Peter I Island - Antarctic territories covered by the 1961 convention. In total, this country includes at least 50 thousand islands of various sizes. The most famous and largest are the islands of Senja, the Lofoten Islands, and the Spitsbergen archipelago.

    a brief description of

    The Lofoten Islands are located above the Arctic Circle. The nature of those places is distinguished by its unique beauty. The islands are located one after another in a chain, forming a barrier between the North Sea and the mainland. Near their eastern shores passes the North Atlantic Current, which interacts with tidal waves and forms the most dangerous whirlpool on the planet - the Maelstrom. The population of the Lofoten Islands is 24 thousand people. The climate is mild due to the Gulf Stream. This segment of the sea never freezes. The largest land areas of the archipelago are considered to be Outsvagey, Westvogey and Mosknesey. Ferries run between them. The main city of the archipelago is Svolvær.

    When considering the islands of Norway, special attention should be paid to Spitsbergen. It is located at a great distance from the Scandinavian Peninsula, in the Norwegian Sea. This is a huge reserve where representatives of the northern fauna are preserved. Walruses, polar bears, deer, seals, and arctic foxes live there. Whales come right to the shores, and large bird colonies are located on the rocks. Only Western Spitsbergen is an inhabited island. About 3.5 thousand people live on it, half of them have Russian roots. Svalbard annually welcomes at least 2,000 tourists, who are attracted by sea rafting and dog sledding.

    The second largest island in the country is Senja, famous for its stunning nature. The Enderdalen National Park was created on its territory.

    To the north of Lofoten lie the Vesterålen Islands. Tourists go there to see the seals. On the border of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas is the island of Jan Mayen, which is of volcanic origin. It has an active Berenberg volcano. The nature of this landmass is tundra, interspersed with rare meadows.

    Climatic conditions

    The country is characterized by a not very harsh climate, despite its northern location. Many of Norway's islands have a maritime climate with mild winters. The reason for the relatively warm weather is the action of the Gulf Stream.