Which body of water does not flow into any river. Where is the Red Sea on the map

  • South of France.
    Van Gogh dedicated more than a dozen paintings to the towns of the French Camargue region: fishing schooners on the coast of Sainte-Marie-de-la-Mer and streets under the scorching sun of Arles inspired him year after year.
  • St. Petersburg residents Olga and Alexey Valyaev took a year and a half vacation. During this time they traveled to 45 countries.
  • Finns know a lot about winter activities and, no matter what kind of winter it is, they are always ready for it. Local residents do not go to warm countries in January - February, but take out skis, skates and... golf clubs.
  • If you want to explore several European capitals, travel through picturesque corners of the Old World and take a peek at small towns while staying within a certain budget, it’s time for you to take a bus tour.
  • One of the parks' features is the so-called Hidden Mickeys - stylized images of Mickey Mouse, consisting of three circles representing Mickey's head and ears, which can be found literally everywhere, there are even bushes in the shape of a mouse's head.
  • Vasca da Gama, the famous navigator, was Portuguese. Now one of the attractions of the capital of Portugal is the bridge named after him. The length of the bridge is 17,185 m. It is the longest bridge in Europe.
  • The kilt, the traditional clothing of the Scottish Highlanders, is a piece of fabric fastened around the waist with belts. The Scots believed that the kilt gave a person majesty and masculinity.
  • In Thailand, the most respected part of the body is the head; only parents or monks can touch it. And the feet are considered the dirtiest part of the body, so they should not be shown.
  • There is an ancient Greek legend about the creation of the world: God sifted all the soil on Earth through a sieve to create countries. When each country received its share, he threw the stones remaining in the sieve over his shoulder - thus Greece was born.
  • A direct flight from Vladivostok to Saipan lasts five hours. But Tokyo and Seoul are much closer to it, so the majority of vacationers on the island are Japanese and Koreans. This is a convenient neighborhood: Asians rarely go into the sea, preferring swimming pools, so there are always plenty of free sun loungers on the beach.
  • Many people are afraid to travel abroad on their own. But this is the 21st century, and a person who has mastered the Internet has many opportunities! Moreover, as recent examples show, travel agencies can fail.
  • Sakhalin is Russia's largest island off the east coast of Asia. It is washed by the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. Sakhalin is home to about 100 species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book.
  • Altai is a unique mountainous country with vast spaces untouched by civilization. In ancient Turkic languages, Altai means “golden”.
  • Breakfast on the grass, as well as lunch, afternoon tea and dinner will bring a lot of joy to a group of friends or a close-knit family. True, spending time in nature requires following some rules. 1
  • In addition to well-known sights, new sculptures are constantly appearing in St. Petersburg, which the townspeople immediately endow with magical properties, and new “places of power” are opening up.
  • In South Australia, on the edge of the Great Victoria Desert, in one of the most deserted and sparsely populated places on the continent, lies the city of Coober Pedy.
  • Many of our citizens love to relax and travel abroad. But it’s not enough to buy a ticket and fly or arrive to the chosen country and city. In other countries, many pitfalls may await you 1
  • Brazil
    In Brazil, it is not customary to pay in cash; almost everyone always uses credit cards. If you pay in cash, it is almost impossible to wait for exact change. Everything, even groceries, can be purchased in installments for 2-3 months.
  • India
    India has 150,000 post offices, making the postal delivery network the largest in the world. But it often happens that a letter takes two weeks to travel a distance of 50 kilometers.
  • Egyptian pyramids
    Some 19th-century English astronomers argued that the pyramids were astronomical observatories and could have been used as sundials.
  • Mariana Trench
    The Mariana Trench is called the fourth pole of the Earth in addition to the North, South and Everest - the highest peak. Earth
  • Lake Titicaca
    Today one of the most visited cities on the lake among tourists is Puno. It was founded in 1668 near a mine where silver was mined.
  • America
    In some states in America, it is legal to grow hemp at home. In these states, small amounts of home-grown cannabis are considered home-grown medicinal products. About the same as horseradish or mint.
  • Official nicknames of US states.
    Each US state, in addition to its name, has an official nickname (some even several), reflecting a feature of history or geography.
  • Geographical names
    Off the coast of Alaska there are several rocky islands with very expressive names in Spanish: Albreolo - “look both ways”, Alargetto - “stand aside”, Kita Sueño - “don’t sleep”.
  • Geographical facts
    The Philippine and Caroline Islands are named after the Spanish kings Philip II and Charles II. And one of the largest rivers in South Africa - Orange - is called so not at all for the color of its water, but in honor of the Prince of Orange from the royal dynasty of the Netherlands.
  • Islands and countries
    The area of ​​Saint-Michel in northwestern France is an island twice a day and a peninsula twice a day. This peculiar phenomenon is caused by strong ebbs and flows in this part of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • And in the hot tropics...
    Coffee is grown in approximately 80 countries around the world, which are located in the zone between the northern and southern tropics: it is in this zone that the coffee tree grows best and produces beans of the highest quality.
  • From the history of the islands
    In 1568, the Spanish navigator A. Mendaña de Neira landed on then unknown islands in the Pacific Ocean. The Spaniard bartered gold from the locals and named these islands Solomon, comparing them to the “Golden Country of Solomon.”
  • Islands and states
    The largest island state in the world is the Republic of Indonesia. It consists of 18,108 islands, of which about 1,000 have a permanent population.

People have always been attracted by mystical places, covered in legends, tales, and stories of miracles. And the more dangerous the place, the more daredevils sought to solve its mystery

To be afraid of spirits - do not go to the steppe

People have always been attracted by mystical places covered in legends, tales, stories of miracles. And the more dangerous the place, the more daredevils sought to solve its mystery. In this regard, Kazakhstanis, one might say, are lucky - there are a huge number of such “mysterious islands” on the territory of the republic, like a magnet attracting curious tourists. In the “K” collection we will talk about the most mystical of them.


The village of Ungurtas is 100 km from Almaty.

Another name for Ungurtas is the “Navel of the Earth,” since it is here, as many claim, that the celestial system connects with the Earth system. According to legend, it was on the site of Ungurtas that Ahmed Yasawi lived at one time. They say that at the age of 63, feeling the approaching decline of his life, he began to look for a calm, secluded corner. The ideal option was Ungurtas, where Ahmed Yasawi spent the rest of his life in an underground cell. Near the dungeon, his relatives and numerous students settled, who listened to the instructions and teachings of the thinker. The place where the monastery stood is now called Aidarly Aidahar-Ata.

Aydarly Aydahar-Ata is an energy column with a diameter of 8 meters. “The place where a flow of energy rushing into the sky emerges from the earth, which cleanses, replenishes, and strengthens the human energy field,” the official explanation says.

People who visited Ungurtas are sure that the radiation coming from the depths charges and cleanses them. The place for “energy recharging” was chosen by both psychics and astrologers, and ordinary pilgrims from all over the world.

True, there were cases when Ungurtas refused to accept people. The so-called gate became the border. The book-shaped stone invites everyone to stop in front of it. “Kneel and pray. For you are ascending the Mountain of Reason,” the inscription reads. But not everyone can go beyond the gate. You may get a headache, blurred vision, and feel suffocated. People describe their feelings differently at the moment when they could not climb the mountain. Some people see a thick wall that makes no sense to break through. Others talk about the feeling of chains that bind their arms and legs and do not allow them to move further.

In addition to the energy flow, each of the Ungurtas caves is a unique place with its own unique energy and healing properties unique to it.


Zhambyl region.

According to local residents, Lake Kol-Kol is home to a water spirit - Aidahar. Modern researchers of anomalies say that a prehistoric creature lives in the reservoir, miraculously preserved to this day - a relative of the Loch Ness monster. This is precisely what explains the stories of fishermen and shepherds, who claim that they often saw waterfowl and animals drinking water near the shore being “dragged” into the lake.

In fact, Lake Kol-Kol has quite strange physical properties: the water in it is constantly fresh and “alive”, although not a single river or source flows into the lake. Sometimes large funnels appear on the water, drawing in various floating objects. Often the smooth surface of the lake is instantly covered with small ripples.

Hydrologists are thinking about a system of underground caves, but have not yet been able to thoroughly explore the lake: in some areas it is bottomless.

However, a group of divers from Irkutsk managed to get some answer. Researchers tried to find the bottom of the lake, but all attempts were unsuccessful. During one of the dives, a giant funnel suddenly appeared and swallowed one of the divers in a matter of seconds. Searches in the depths of the lake yielded nothing. A decision was made to stop the rescue operation.

However, quite unexpectedly, the members of the expedition received news that their friend was alive. It turned out that a kilometer from the lake there is a valley through which a fast river flows. It was there that the missing diver was found. Alive and unharmed, he said that the lake carried him through the underground depths and pushed him up. At that moment he felt the action of some unknown force...

Singing Dune

Altyn-Emel National Park is 182 km northeast of Almaty.

According to one legend, the great Genghis Khan rests under the Singing Dune along with his warriors, and the singing sand is the soul of the khan, which from time to time reminds his descendants of himself and his exploits. Another legend says that Shaitan, who was returning through the steppe to his home after “a successful day,” turned into a dune. Tired, he stopped and lay down to rest. He fell soundly asleep, after which he turned into a dune, and the sound was a groan of dissatisfaction emitted by the shaitan that they were trying to disturb him.

The sound produced by a unique dune is always different. Sometimes it resembles a barely perceptible squeak, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from a sophisticated melody, close to the sound of an organ, and sometimes it is a terrifying roar.

Presumably the dune creates musical works using discharges of electricity. The strength of the sound depends on the number of moving grains of sand; the greater their mass, the clearer and louder the sound of the Singing Dune.

Dead Lake

District of the village of Gerasimovka, Almaty region.

They say that about a century ago, a certain groom, suspecting his beloved of infidelity, became so distraught that in a fit of jealousy he drowned the innocent maiden in the lake. Since then the lake has become Dead.

In fact, one of the features of this small (60 by 100 meters) reservoir is that even in the hottest summer its water remains icy and its level remains unchanged. Although other reservoirs in this region in the summer under the scorching rays of the sun noticeably dry out, and sometimes dry up, turning into a small puddle. In addition, there are no fish in Dead Lake, no algae or other vegetation.

There is a version that all living things in it are killed by toxic gas released from a crevice at the bottom. However, she has not yet received confirmation - divers diving into the waters of the Dead Lake say that it is impossible to stay in it for more than five minutes, even with a tank full of air.


Karaganda region, five kilometers west of Karkaralinsk.

According to one legend, one day the famous Kazakh hero Er Targyn spent the night on the shore of a mysterious reservoir. At night, he was awakened by a naked girl of unprecedented beauty and lured into the lake. In the pond itself, the beautiful stranger suddenly turned into a terrible old woman, who dug her claws into the young man and dragged him into the depths. However, the hero dealt with the witch, smashed her head with his fist, climbed ashore and threw the dead body of the old woman back into the water, after which she immediately came to life and began to threaten Er Targyn.

According to another legend, the lake was formed from the tears of mothers mourning their sons who died in battle with the Dzungars.

Be that as it may, newspapers wrote about the mysterious lake back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since all sorts of devilry happened in its vicinity and people disappeared, in 1905 it was decided to consecrate the reservoir and then rename it the Holy. However, this turned out to be not so easy. During the prayer service, suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a terrible whirlwind came, knocking the people gathered for prayer off their feet. However, as soon as the prayer service stopped, the hurricane subsided.

The water of the lake is an amazing bright blue color and is surrounded by dilapidated granite rocks. Shaitankol has no feeding rivers or springs, but the water level here never decreases or rises, despite the abundant melting of snow, heavy rains or, conversely, long periods of summer drought. And, according to the old-timers of these places, the volume of Shaitankol’s water is capable of flooding the entire Karkaralinsk and its surroundings.

The literature indicates that the lake has a double bottom. Depth unknown. It looks like water flooded the mouth of a long-extinct volcano. Extreme sportsmen from Ersain Shygaev’s group once tried to measure the depth of the lake. Having gone out on an inflatable boat to the middle of the reservoir, they began to lower the load on a rope three hundred meters long. The homemade lot went completely under water, never reaching the bottom.

Then Ersain Shygaev decided to explore the bottom of the lake with scuba gear. “The bottom of the lake turned out to be very beautiful. Huge boulders, algae, schools of fish. The water was quite clear. I immediately rushed to where our lot fell into the abyss. And I saw a semicircular “bowl” the size of a football arena, in the center of which there was a bottomless abyss. I did not dare to swim over the abyss. So he froze on the edge of the cliff, like an idol. And suddenly I saw something strange in the center of the pit. It was as if the back of a huge whale appeared for a moment from the darkness and disappeared into the darkness again... I pulled the rope so that my friends would pull me to the surface, and then I felt that oxygen had stopped flowing from the cylinders for no apparent reason. I barely suppressed panic and, trying not to look back, rushed upstairs,” he said in an interview.

Esotericists believe that at the bottom of the lake there is a portal, a “funnel”, or a wormhole through which various entities from alternative universes enter our world. According to eyewitnesses, the lake comes alive at night. A quiet evening is suddenly interrupted by a hurricane, strange shadows rush across the surface of the lake, running into people spending the night on the shore and touching them with cold limbs, luminous objects appear above the water.

02.08.2017 - 19:53

Become a gold miner. The largest gold deposits in the world and Kazakhstan

This summer, a new Code “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use” came into force in our country. One of its most important innovations is the prospecting license, which allows citizens who receive it to independently mine gold. the site will tell you which regions of Kazakhstan and the world have the largest gold reserves

Not long ago we asked the heroes of the Gold Rush program. And this summer, a new Code “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use” came into force in our country. One of its most important innovations is the prospecting license, which allows citizens who receive it to independently mine gold. the site will tell you which regions of Kazakhstan and the world have the largest gold reserves


According to the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use, there are 343 gold deposits in Kazakhstan. Last year, the country produced about 85 tons of gold. The regions of the republic with the largest gold reserves include East Kazakhstan, Akmola and Karaganda regions.

The largest gold mine in the country is the Vasilkovskoye deposit, which is located 17 km northwest of Kokshetau. Its proven reserves of the precious metal exceed 370 tons. Today it is part of the assets of the Altyntau group of companies. The second largest gold deposit in the country is the Bakyrchik mine, which is located in northeast Kazakhstan. If we take into account the nearby Bolshevik deposit, the total reserves of both mines are 208 tons. Since 2014, these deposits have been owned by Polymetal International, but it was only in the summer of 2018 that the Bakyrchik mining enterprise, which is developing the mines, was launched. It is expected that in 2019 the enterprise will produce more than 10 tons of precious metal per year. Among the country's significant gold deposits, one can also highlight Aksu, Zholymbet and Bestyube, which are located in the Akmola region. Their total reserves exceed 100 tons, and the forecast is 400 tons.


The United States of America is one of the largest gold-producing countries in the world; it is not for nothing that several gold rushes occurred here at one time: in North Carolina, Georgia, California, Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota and Alaska. Even today there are a lot of gold miners in the country, inspired by the records of their predecessors, who, despite the difficult living conditions of the miner, spend months searching for the precious metal. Sometimes there is serious competition between them: for example, the youngest gold miner in Alaska, Parker Schnabel, is going to extract at least 170 kg of gold worth more than $7 million in order to defeat his eternal rival Tony Bitts. You can find out how this competition turns out in the new season of the Gold Rush program, which airs on Tuesdays on the Discovery Channel.

The most gold-bearing region of the United States is the state of Nevada, which produces about 75% of American gold and also contains the largest deposits of this precious metal in the country. One of them is the Carlin gold mine, owned by Newmont Mining Corporation. Gold was first discovered here in the seventies of the 19th century, but only a century later the mine began to be actively developed. Over the past few years, it has consistently produced about 28 tons of valuable metal per year. Other major mines in the state include Cortez and Goldstrike, owned by the Canadian company Barrick Gold Corporation, each producing more than 28 tons of gold annually.


Another country that is a leader in gold mining is Australia. Like the United States, it experienced several gold rushes in its time. For the last financial year – from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. – About 310 tons of precious metal were mined in the country. This result is surpassed only by the figures of 1998, when the production volume was 318 tons.

Among the deposits, the best performance was demonstrated by the Boddington (about 22.8 tons) and Super Pit (about 20.6 tons) mines - both located in Western Australia, which accounts for 70% of the country's gold produced. The first of them is owned by Newmont Mining Corporation, and ownership of the second is shared by Newmont Mining Corporation and Barrick Gold Corporation. The region is also home to the Tropicana mine, owned by AngloGold Ashanti Limited and Independence Group NL, which produced 13.1 tonnes of gold in the last financial year.

South Africa

The Republic of South Africa was also affected by the gold rush. It happened shortly after the discovery of the Witwatersrand gold deposit in 1886. Gold mining by industrial methods began here in 1952, and in 1970 the mine brought in more than 1 thousand tons - since then this record has never been broken. It is believed that more than half of the gold mined throughout human history comes from the Witwatersrand.

It is curious that the city of Johannesburg owes its appearance to the Witwatersrand Gold Rush. Since the mine was discovered, adventurers from all over the world began to flock here, which is why the scattered mountain villages located nearby gradually merged into one settlement. However, more and more miners arrived there, which is why the government was forced to allocate a small plot of land for the construction of a new city. Johannesburg soon grew and became the largest city in the country by population.


One of the largest gold deposits in the world is located in the neighboring republic - the Muruntau mine in the southwest of the Kyzylkum desert in the Navoi region of Uzbekistan. Last year it brought about 100 tons of gold, which allowed the country to enter the top ten world leaders in gold mining. The discovery of this deposit occurred in 1958, and industrial gold mining at the mine began in 1969. The development of the deposit is carried out by the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

Baikal is the deepest lake, surrounded by high mountains. Many rivers flow into it, but only one flows out. She is called the daughter of Baikal. It is beautiful and full of water and, in addition, very swift.

General description of the rivers of Baikal

The feeding pool has many water streams. These are rivers flowing from Baikal and flowing into it. There are 544 temporary and permanent tributaries. The rivers were counted on maps in 1964. Before this, it was believed that there were 336 of them. Moreover, most of them flow from the eastern banks.

Rivers carry 60 cubic kilometers of water to Baikal. It has low mineralization, since the area around the lake is composed of metamorphic and volcanic rocks. The total area of ​​the drainage basin is about 540 thousand square kilometers. The largest inflowing and outflowing rivers of Baikal are: Angara, Selenga, Upper Angara, Barguzin. They are arranged like this, starting with the most important one.

Main tributaries of Baikal

Most of the water - almost half of Baikal - is brought by its source in Mongolia.

The Upper Angara flows into Lake Baikal from the northeast. It flows from the North Muisky and Delyun-Uransky ridges.

Barguzin is another large river flowing into Baikal. In terms of fullness of water, it loses to the Upper Angara. It carries its waters from the Barguzinsky ridge. The height that this river loses when it reaches the majestic lake is 1344 meters.

The rivers flowing from the Khamar-Daban ridge are numerous. This mountain range is heavily dissected by valleys. These are rivers such as Snezhnaya, Langutai, Selenginka, Utulik, Khara-Murin. These water streams have many rapids and waterfalls.

All these are tributaries of a huge lake, but are there any rivers flowing from Baikal? There is only one water stream originating from this miracle of nature. Which river flows from Baikal can be seen on the map of this area. This is Angara.

Toponymy of Baikal and its rivers

The name Baikal (according to one version) is translated from Turkic as “rich lake”. Another option, from Mongolian, is “big lake”. Different translations of the names have inflowing and outflowing rivers. The Angara originates from Lake Baikal, and its name means “open” (from the Buryat word “angar”). Barguzin (and with it the ridge of the same name, village, bay) is formed from the name of a tribe living in the Baikal region. They are called Barguts, and their language is similar to Buryat. Selenga means “iron” from Evenki. And from Buryat it can have the following translation: “lake”, “spill”. The Shamansky threshold is the base of the Primorsky ridge, eroded by the Angara. The resulting ledge is revered by the local population. It acquired the status of a protected natural monument.

Angara and the rivers flowing into it

The Angara has a powerful flow, like other large Siberian rivers. Its waters flowing from Lake Baikal flow mainly in the northern and western directions. On its way, it overcomes and then flows through the territory of the Baikal region and ends its run at the confluence with the Yenisei. Its length is 1779 kilometers. The Angara owes its powerful flow to Lake Baikal. Its width is more than a kilometer. The only river flowing from Baikal, in turn, feeds the Yenisei, the largest water artery of Siberia, on the right side. The basin of this river includes 38 thousand small and large tributaries. In addition, there are more than six lakes in this area. The tributaries of the Angara on the left side are larger: Irkut, Kitoy, Belaya, Biryusa, Oka, Uda. On the right side, the flowing rivers are not so deep: Ilim, Ushovka, Uda, Kuda, Ida, Osa.

The bed of this river passes through an area characterized by harsh climatic conditions. However, ice appears on it later than on other large water streams in Siberia. This is explained by the fact that there is a very strong current here. In addition, Baikal waters, whose temperature is warmer, flow into the Angara. At the source, steam even rises from the river. It forms frost on trees. Every year they fly here. Black-and-white goldeneyes, long-tailed ducks, and mergansers spend the winter here. Also in winter, up to two thousand ducks gather on the Angara.

Economic use of the river

The cities of Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk, and Ust-Ilimsk arose on the banks of the Angara. The only river flowing from Lake Baikal has a very powerful flow. Therefore, hydropower plays a large role in the economy of this region. Three were built on the Angara: Irkutsk and Ust-Ilimsk. Reservoirs with appropriate names were built here. All together they form the Angarsk cascade. The fourth hydroelectric power station - Boguchanskaya - is under construction.

Before the creation of these power plants and reservoirs, the river was not navigable, since its flow was very rapid, and many rapids created a danger for passage. This was a very serious problem in the economic development of this area. River transportation has now become more accessible, but only in four sections of the river. As a result of human activity, the water in the Angara has become calmer.

The Legend of the Angara

There is a legend that tells which river flows from Lake Baikal and why. It says that the hero Baikal lived in these parts. He had 336 sons and only one daughter - Angara. The hero forced his children to work day and night. They melted snow and ice, and drove the waters into a deep depression surrounded by mountains. But the results of their hard work were squandered by their daughter on different outfits and other whims. One day Angara found out that the handsome Yenisei lived somewhere over the mountains. She fell in love with him.

But her stern father wanted her to marry old man Irkut. To prevent her from escaping, he hid her in a palace at the bottom of the lake. Angara grieved for a long time, but the gods took pity on her and freed her from prison. Baikal's daughter broke free and ran quickly. And old Baikal could not catch up with her. Out of anger and frustration, he threw a stone in her direction. But he missed, and the block fell into the place where the Shaman’s stone is now located. He continued to throw stones at his fleeing daughter, but each time Angara managed to dodge. When she ran to her fiancé Yenisei, they hugged and walked north together to the sea.

The Angara is one of the great Siberian rivers, and yet it is unique. This is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. It provides electricity to the entire Irkutsk region and neighboring territories.

Reservoirs are natural or artificial accumulations of water, which can be of a permanent or temporary nature, decorative purpose and located in parks and gardens. The flow of reservoirs is slow or absent.

Rivers are classified as watercourses because they have a constant, sometimes strong, current.

Natural bodies of water: lakes

Ponds are fresh water bodies. To simplify the drainage of excess water, artificial drains are formed. Ponds are often found in rural areas. Here they have a certain economic role - raising fish, storing water for irrigation, and sometimes doing laundry.

There are two types of ponds: dug and dam. The inhabitants of reservoirs are protozoa, algae, and fish. Special ponds are created for breeding valuable species of fish - trout, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon. Reservoirs are specially cleaned and their own ecosystem is formed.

The importance of reservoirs

Reservoirs are artificial reservoirs formed to store water on an industrial scale. There are channel and lake reservoirs, depending on their origin. They can also be covered, open or dammed.

The largest in the world are Rybinsk - in Russia, Smallwood - in Canada, Nasser - in Egypt and Sudan. The creation of such reservoirs has enormous consequences, but not always positive ones. The main one is a radical change in the landscape. This applies to both fauna and flora. They have a negative impact on fish spawning conditions.

Not the best consequence of the creation of such reservoirs is the siltation of reservoirs. The process represents the formation of large sediments at the bottom. at the same time it decreases. This process has been studied in detail because it harms the ecosystem. The inhabitants of reservoirs may change.

Where do oxbows come from?

Oxbow lakes as natural reservoirs are part of the channel where a river previously flowed. Another name is old speech. Such reservoirs often have a bizarre shape - a sickle or crescent, a loop, a curl. How are oxbow lakes formed? The formation process occurs when, for some reason, the channel straightens, and the previous curl or curvature remains cut off from the main body of water. The main reason is high water, when the river finds a more convenient path.

Sometimes the bends of one river unite - this is how oxbow lakes can also form. This process occurs when there are a large number of sleeves. The entrances to the oxbow lake are gradually covered with silt, and the reservoir itself turns into a lake or swamp. If there is food, it can function, but if not, it can dry out. The largest oxbow lakes can be more than 500 meters long.

What do reservoirs feed on?

The type of nutrition is one of the main characteristics of a reservoir. It can characterize its structure and functions.

How can bodies of water feed? Firstly, external surface runoff - rain, other hydro objects. Secondly, which can come close to the surface. Thirdly, artificially - the basin of the reservoir is filled forcibly. Fourthly, replenishment with combined type waters.

Drinking groundwater is the most environmentally friendly because it is clean. If the lake has such nutrition, then duckweed and mud will form in it less often. The most common type of nutrition is combined.

A guarantee of constant filling with water is the forced implementation of this process. Fill the reservoir with either tap or irrigation water. The most common diet is a combination diet. Its sources can be rain, melted snow, groundwater and much more.

Reservoirs and their location on the ground

Reservoirs are hydraulic objects located in a certain area. Where can they form? Places of formation, for example, lakes, may be. The reservoir may be dammed or dug. Power is supplied, as a rule, from the river. Slope, watershed, and floodplain reservoirs are formed on the relief. In such cases, the relief of the lake or pond is clearly visible.

In the floodplain, reservoirs with underground, combined, and channel feeding are formed. They can form in an oxbow where sluices are installed. A dam and pumps can also be located here to use such a reservoir in industry.

Slope reservoirs are formed on the territory of terraces of river valleys. They differ from others only in some design features.

In areas of the watershed, watershed reservoirs are constructed. They can feed on groundwater or artificially. Water can be forcibly supplied from a river or well.

There are also reservoirs in embankments or excavations. They are quite widespread, they are easy to form and organize their nutrition. They can have any area. They are quite expensive to build.

In embankments, reservoirs serve primarily to store water. Such an object could become the basis for a hydroelectric power station.

Creating a decorative pond

Decorative pond - what is it? This is an artificial water body that serves as a decoration for the site, creating its complete appearance. Most often, owners of private houses and summer cottages come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a decorative pond.

Artificial ponds are beautiful and stylish. What do you need to know to successfully create such a site decoration?

Creating a pond with your own hands is a feasible task for everyone. The shape and design of such a cozy corner of the garden can be very diverse. An artificial pond will fit perfectly into any landscape and can become its structural dominant.

To begin, choose a place that is not very close to your home (it is better to consult with landscape design specialists). Close proximity to the house can harm the foundation.

You need to create a project. To do this, determine the shape of the reservoir: oval, rectangle or intricate figure. The project will allow you to determine costs, materials, and location of filtration systems. Next, you should choose high-quality materials - the durability and beauty of the pond depend on them.

When everything is selected and purchased, proceed. Preferably, not on your own, but with the help of qualified specialists. The final stage is decoration with plants. This will complete the image of an ideal pond. You will get a gorgeous pond - the photo below represents one of the possible options for your garden.


Ponds, natural or artificial, are functional but can also be the perfect, beautiful addition to your garden design.

An aesthetic pond near your home will allow you to express your individuality and highlight the style of your garden. It is especially popular to create such elements in Japanese, classic, rustic style. The main thing is to properly design the pond. Sometimes fish live in such reservoirs. The presence of inhabitants of such miniature lakes is a matter of taste for the garden owners.

A lake is a closed depression of land filled with water and not having a direct connection with the ocean. Unlike lakes, they are reservoirs of slow water exchange. The total area of ​​the Earth's lakes is about 2.7 million km2, or about 1.8% of the land surface. Lakes are distributed everywhere, but unevenly. The geographical distribution of lakes is greatly influenced by climate, which determines their nutrition and evaporation, as well as factors contributing to the formation of lake basins. There are many lakes in the regions; they are deep, fresh and mostly flowing. In areas with a dry climate, all other things being equal, there are fewer lakes, they are often low-water, often drainless, and therefore often salty. Thus, the distribution of lakes and their features are determined by geography.

4. Karst lakes, the basins of which arose as a result of failures, soil subsidence and erosion (limestones, gypsum, dolomites). The dissolution of these rocks by water leads to the formation of deep but small lake basins.

5. Dammed (dammed, or dam) lakes arise as a result of blocking the river bed (valley) with blocks of rock during landslides in the mountains (Sevan, Tana, many lakes of the Alps, and other mountain lakes). From a large mountain collapse in 1911, Lake Sarez with a depth of 505 m was formed.

A number of lakes are formed for other reasons:

  • estuary lakes are common on the shores of the seas - these are coastal areas of the sea, separated from it by means of coastal spits;
  • oxbow lakes are lakes that arose in old river beds.

Based on the origin of the water mass, lakes are of two types.

1. Fresh lakes - the salinity of which does not exceed 1‰ (one ppm).

2. Brackish - the salinity of such lakes is up to 24‰.

3. Salty - with a content of dissolved substances in the range of 24.7-47‰.

4. Mineral (47‰). These lakes are soda, sulfate, and chloride. In mineral lakes, salts can precipitate. For example, self-settling lakes Elton and Baskunchak, where salt is mined.

Usually wastewater lakes are fresh, since the water in them is constantly renewed. Endorheic lakes are often salty, because their water flow is dominated by evaporation, and all minerals remain in the reservoir.

Lakes, like rivers, are the most important natural resources; used by humans for navigation, water supply, fishing, obtaining mineral salts and chemical elements. In some places, small lakes are often artificially created by humans. Then they are also called .