How I looked for mineral water in mineral waters. Rest and treatment in the KMS: tourist information and tips Mineral waters where people swim

Recently, holidays abroad have been in trend. All-inclusive, hot beaches - it might be tempting. But even within Russia there are a lot of places to relax - both for passively lying on the beach and for active pastime, and there are also those that successfully combine several types of recreation at once. For example, the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters. Besides the fact that you don’t need a passport or visa to travel there, there are still good reasons to go to the Caucasus. We tell you:

1. Climate

Why are we so eager to go south? That's right, because it's always warm there. In this regard, the Caucasus is in no way inferior to other resorts. The climate here is mild, continental. You will feel the purity of the mountain air as soon as you enter this area. It is sunny and warm almost all year round; cloudy days occur only in the autumn-winter period, and even then not often. The average winter temperature is 3 degrees below zero (snow in Mineralnye Vody lasts a maximum of 40 days), summer temperature is 19-20 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the weather is clear and almost windless.

By the way, as the residents of Mineralnye Vody themselves say, their climate is most favorable in October. It becomes fresh, but the heat does not go anywhere, just like the sun.

The climate of Mineralnye Vody is pleasant not only for the soul, but also for health. It perfectly helps with diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular and neurological systems. According to research, Caucasian climate therapy can delay the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

2. Nature

Caucasian Mineral Waters is one of those places in the vast expanses of our vast country that you can’t help but visit. If only because not seeing the natural beauty that is there is a real crime.

Of course, the first thing that strikes you upon arrival is the mountains. Tall and very tall, cone-shaped, incredibly impressive, covered with thick grass and forests. Mashuk, Beshtau, Zheleznaya, Byk and many others - they rise above the endless plains and hills. Well, the main star of this mountain “constellation” is, of course, Elbrus - the highest mountain in Europe (height - more than 5.5 thousand meters). Its double peak, covered with a snow cap, is clearly visible throughout almost the entire territory of Mineralnye Vody.

In the mountains you can find high waterfalls, wild rivers and underground springs of mineral water.

3. Resort towns

Caucasian Mineral Waters are 4 cities: Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk. Each of them is interesting in its own way.

The spirit of Lermontov's times reigns in Pyatigorsk. It is not surprising, since this is where the famous poet spent his childhood and youth. The last days of his life passed immediately. The place of the duel between Lermontov and Martynov on Mount Mashuk is one of the main attractions of the city. Pyatigorsk is also the place of adventures of Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov. Monuments to beloved heroes are literally polished by tourists.

Kislovodsk is the most famous city among tourists.

Kislovodsk is the most famous city among tourists. Stepping onto Kurortny Boulevard (the main pedestrian street of the city), you will immediately feel like you are on vacation. This is due to the relaxed atmosphere - no one is in a hurry, you can calmly stroll along the stone-lined pavement, look at the beautiful buildings, admire the flower beds and fountains. It seems that the rest of life has stopped and there is only rest.

The same type of recreation continues in the largest park of the resort, founded back in 1823 by order of General Ermolov. The park is the second largest in area in all of Europe. Alleys, monuments, fountains, ponds, the Narzan Gallery - all this and more can be seen in the park.

There is a similar place in Essentuki - the central city park. It is not as big as Kislovodsk, but it is very cozy and also conducive to a relaxing holiday.

The youngest and still actively developing of all cities, Zheleznovodsk is also full of comfort and tranquility. By the way, in 2003 it was awarded the title “The Best City in Russia” among small towns.

4. Mineral water

After all, it’s not for nothing that the resort is called Mineralnye Vody. There is a lot of water here. The unique healing base of the resort is created by more than 130 springs of 30 types. The total operational reserves of finished water are 16.4 thousand cubic meters per day. In each of the cities of Mineralnye Vody there are always pump rooms where you can try water from different sources - for medicinal purposes or just out of curiosity.

5. Treatment

The government of the Russian Federation has assigned the cities of Caucasian Mineral Waters the status of resort cities of federal significance, and the region is included in the list of unique places in Russia. It’s not surprising, because people come here not just to see the sights, but also to thoroughly improve their health. Every year the resort welcomes more than 700 thousand Russians, and 20 percent of them are children and disabled people.

Each of the cities that are part of Mineralnye Vody, due to its individual climatic and geographical characteristics, treats certain diseases.

Thus, the main profile of Essentuki is diseases of the digestive organs: stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, diseases of the operated stomach, esophagus, functional disorders, colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the gall bladders, pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, obesity, sugar diabetes.

The Pyatigorsk resort is responsible for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, mono- and polyneuritis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, arthritis, skin diseases, vascular diseases, and women's diseases.

In Kislovodsk they will treat circulatory diseases (heart disease, coronary artery disease, hypertension), diseases of the nervous system.

And the Zheleznovodsk resort will help get rid of diseases of the digestive system and diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Where to stay

Of course, for a good holiday it is important to choose a good hotel. And in the resort area this is not a hotel, but a sanatorium. Agree, the impression of relaxation and treatment will be incomplete if the place of your residence does not particularly impress you.

The complex is located in the park area of ​​Essentuki, a 30-minute drive from Mineralnye Vody airport. It includes several buildings romantically named after the main mountains of the resort - Elbrus, Mashuk and the Beshtau Gallery. There are 418 rooms in total - from standard to suites. All are spacious and cozy, the view from the windows of the upper floors overlooks Elbrus and other mountain peaks, the lower floors overlook the well-groomed area in front of the hotel, fountains, flower beds, tennis courts.

Of course, this is not only a hotel for staying. In the buildings of the complex there is a 5-story medical center, which treats literally everything: diseases of the digestive system, metabolic disorders (including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs, cardiovascular -vascular system, nervous system, problems in gynecology and urology, skin diseases. The center has its own diagnostic base, which allows specialists to collect all the information about your problems on the spot and create a personal treatment program. By the way, the treatment itself is carried out using devices of only modern standards. All types of massage, therapeutic baths, mud therapy, speleotherapy and much, much more are at your service.

Well, for those who, after medical procedures or after tourist trips, want to relax properly, there is the ElMont Center for Active Longevity, which includes a spa, fitness and aquathermal complex with various types of baths (Finnish, Turkish, herbal, Russian ) and with a huge luxurious swimming pool.

Among other things, an ENT clinic has recently opened on the territory of the complex. It is intended both for examination and consultation with a doctor, and for inpatient treatment. The clinic is equipped with the latest technology - diagnostic and surgical equipment. Speaking of surgery, the clinic’s specialists use gentle methods so that recovery after surgery occurs as quickly as possible. The clinic will help you recover from nasal breathing disorders, diseases of the pharynx, tonsils, larynx, get rid of snoring, hearing loss and many other problems.

Vouchers to “Rus” include accommodation, treatment (according to one of the selected programs), and three meals a day. Treatment, excellent relaxation and extremely positive impressions from the resort are guaranteed.

Tatiana Solomatina

Hello, dear readers! It is with pleasure that I continue the topic of recreation and treatment in Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMV).

This information will be of interest to everyone who is going on vacation and treatment in KMS for the first time. I will tell you how you can get here, I will advise you at what time of year it is more comfortable to relax, and when it is better to come for treatment, I will write what criteria you should use to choose a resort and accommodation, and I will give some practical advice on all these issues.

I have collected everything about CMS in one place. Here is the information that I myself once searched on the Internet; perhaps it will help to create an approximate picture of recreation and treatment in this place. Interested? Then let's study the material in order.

KMV is located in the Stavropol Territory, so getting here for rest and treatment is not difficult at all. There is an airport and railway stations here. For those who live nearby or simply prefer to travel by personal transport, there are no problems either, the roads are good, and at every sanatorium or hotel there is almost always a parking lot.

By plane

The KMV international airport is located in the city of Mineralnye Vody (, it is small, but quite comfortable and receives many flights from different regions of the country (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Kursk, Nizhnevartovsk, etc.). d.).

Distance from the airport to the KMV resorts: Kislovodsk – 55 km, Essentuki – 40 km, Pyatigorsk – 25 km, Zheleznovodsk – 20 km.

You can take a taxi from the airport, or order a transfer from a sanatorium or hotel; in some places this service is provided free of charge.

Unfortunately, getting to the place by public transport is not very convenient; there are no direct connections with the cities from the airport. But there is a route taxi No. 11 to the railway station, travel time is 20-25 minutes, interval is 20 minutes (passes the bus station). Further, you can get to any resort by train. Electric trains, at the time of writing, operate at an average interval of 1 hour.

Also, from the railway station there is bus No. 223 to Pyatigorsk and No. 107 to Zheleznovodsk (stop on the station square). There are also buses to Essentuki and Kislovodsk, but they depart from the bus station.

By train

The resort can be reached by train. Moreover, there are railway stations in almost all cities in the region. Mineral waters - . As a rule, there is a lot of public transport in the station area, which will not be difficult to get to the place you need.

If public transport does not suit you, then you can take a taxi or order a transfer in advance, I wrote about this a little higher. The only difference is the cost, the price in the city is, of course, cheaper than what you will pay when traveling from the airport.

The only resort of the above where long-distance trains do not go is Zheleznovodsk. Guests who travel to this city for recreation and treatment buy train tickets to Mineralnye Vody; this is the most convenient option if they choose this type of travel. Next by bus or taxi.

By car

If you are going to travel by car, then it is difficult for me to give you a route, because everyone’s starting point is different. I will only say that the roads in the KMV are excellent, with the exception of mountain trails and some streets in the resorts themselves, signs hang on every corner, the locals are good-natured and will be happy to give you directions if you suddenly get lost. Although with the current technology (navigator) and decent roads, it is quite difficult to get lost.

  • If you are from Moscow and are not afraid to fly, then it is easier, and most importantly cheaper, to travel by plane. No matter how much I tried to compare the prices of travel in a compartment and a flight, the second option cost less or came out to the same amount as traveling in a reserved seat, even taking into account the transfer. Therefore, the statement: “It’s more economical by train!” - delusion.
  • For those who plan to get to the place from the airport by taxi, it is better to take care of the car from home. It is not difficult to find several carriers on the Internet; their websites have all the cost information. The fact is that at the airport you will pay 30% more, and it is impossible to catch a sane (for the price) driver there (its own mafia). You won't be able to get onto the highway either; it's quite far from the terminal.
  • If you already know where you are staying, ask about the transfer. Sometimes it's free. If not, compare with the cost of a taxi. Most often, a pre-booked taxi is cheaper.
  • You can save money by ordering a taxi in both directions at once. Typically, all carriers offer this service and the trip costs 10% less. However, this option is only suitable for those who know the exact departure date.
  • If you decide to travel by public transport, then at home look at the train schedule for your dates (winter is different from summer). I usually look at this site -, there is always reliable information here. With buses it’s a little more complicated, read the forums and the latest reviews.

When and for how long to go?

The answer to this question largely depends on the purpose of the trip. As a rule, all resort guests are divided into two main groups. Some come here to relax, go around all the interesting places, and at the same time get a little healthier. Others come primarily for treatment, and at the same time to explore the surrounding area, if there is time and there is a desire.

You may ask me: "What's the difference?" The answer is – huge. Of course, you can come at any time of the year, for any period of time, and for any purpose, however, in order for your trip to be as comfortable as possible and your goal to be achieved, I advise you to listen to my recommendations. Let's look at both options separately.

For treatment

It is better to come to the resort for treatment from November to April, and it is advisable not to fall on holidays.

The thing is that in the summer months there are a priori a lot of people, sanatoriums and hotels are packed to capacity.
Accordingly, during queuing procedures, the staff is stressed out due to the influx of people, and minor hiccups often occur that spoil the mood. Some narrow specialists go on vacation - they are also people and do not want to relax in the winter. There are many families with children, there is no silence, which many people really count on when they come for treatment.

This list can be continued, but I think you yourself understand that treatment in the “off season” is much easier and more fruitful.

Another important plus is the cost. In winter, the price of tours is much lower, plus promotions are regularly held to attract guests. The money saved will always be useful for purchasing medical services that you need, but are not included in the cost of the voucher or course.

I think we have sorted out the first question, now I want to talk a little about how many days you need to come for treatment.

Remember, back in the USSR, resort packages were almost always for 21 days. Previously, I didn’t understand why there were so many, if the voucher for this period included procedures, only 10 each. It seemed that two weeks were already in sight.

However, not everything is so simple. The fact is that for complete treatment, both water procedures (baths, pools, etc.) and mud or physiotherapy are usually prescribed. And you can’t combine them, so they are done every other day, one day water therapy, the other electrotherapy or mud therapy.

Accordingly, it takes 20 days if you want to take 10 pieces of each. This is not counting the missed first day, on which you need to visit the doctor to get appointments and schedule them by time and day.

And do not forget that on Sunday the treatment is not carried out, or is carried out partially.
Of course, it is not necessary to do 10 procedures; you can take fewer, then the number of days required will be reduced. However, here we are considering people who travel for the purpose of treatment, so for a good effect you need to come for at least 21 days, and preferably in winter, when there are few people.

On vacation

For those people who come to the region on vacation, it is much easier. To have a good rest and visit all the interesting places, two weeks is enough. Even this period can be reduced, but then you will have to sacrifice days for a relaxing holiday, or you will not see everything.

As for the time of year, the period from May to October is more suitable for holidays in the KMS. The weather is almost always comfortable, warm, rains are usually rare and short-lived, there is almost no wind, and nature reveals all its beauty.

Which resort should you choose?

Each city of the CMS is beautiful and significant in its own way. However, if your goal is relaxation, then I recommend choosing Kislovodsk. In my opinion, it is most conveniently located relative to all interesting places. Moreover, it seems to me that there is more entertainment and a better developed tourist infrastructure; the Resort Park alone costs more than all other objects.

However, this is my personal opinion, and you have the right to disagree with me.

Attention! Those who travel to this region for treatment should choose a resort based on the disease that brought them here.

– diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, digestive organs, metabolic disorders, andrological diseases. Additional information on the resort can be seen.
Concomitant treatment: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, ENT organs, gynecological diseases.

- diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels of the lower extremities, digestion, skin diseases, gynecological and andrological diseases, metabolic disorders. Read about the resort.

- diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.
Related profiles: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, consequences of injuries, gynecological and andrological diseases. I wrote about the Essentuki resort.

– diseases of the circulatory system, chronic respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature, bronchial asthma without frequent and severe attacks, glaucoma.
Related profiles: neurological diseases, diseases of the digestive system and musculoskeletal system, gynecological. Read more about the Kislovodsk resort in the article.

Mineral springs, which resorts are rich in, play a major role in the specialization of a particular place. Therefore, when choosing a place of treatment, always pay attention to the water that is suitable for treating your specific disease.

For example, although urology is treated in almost every resort in the region, people with diseases of the genitourinary system are better off going to Zheleznovodsk. Because only there there is a source of Smirnovskaya water, which is most suitable for the treatment of urological diseases.

The name of the Essentuki resort speaks for itself. The famous water perfectly treats diseases of the digestive tract. "Narzan", which is available in Kislovodsk, is also recommended for the treatment of certain diseases.

I won’t list all the diseases (I’m not a doctor), I think the meaning of the above is clear. Only a doctor can determine which source is best for you, so my conclusions are for informational purposes only.

Where to stay?

Where to stay also depends on many factors: financial situation, physical condition, purpose of the trip, etc. Let's try to consider some of the possible options.


It’s easier and cheaper for those guests who come by car on vacation, and consider treatment as an addition to their vacation. In this case, having a car allows you to rent housing a little further from the main resort areas, which significantly saves your budget.

For those who do not have a means of transportation, it is better to choose housing within walking distance to the sources, so as not to waste money and time moving around the city. But as you yourself understand, such rent will be more expensive.

Attention! The issue of the distance of housing to healing springs is especially relevant for people who come to the resort for treatment. They simply need walking distance and this is the primary issue when looking for housing, regardless of whether you choose the private sector or choose treatment in a sanatorium.


The most convenient way to relax and receive treatment is to buy a ticket to a sanatorium. The advantages here are obvious. Everything is in one place, the price includes meals, some kind of evening entertainment program, treatment is scheduled by the hour, there is always medical staff, you don’t need to go anywhere, etc.

The disadvantages are not so serious: adherence to the regime (smoking, drinking alcohol, eating by the hour and what they give), the choice of procedures depends on the doctor (although you can change it). In my opinion, the only worthy disadvantage is the cost. But, dear readers, you always have to pay for comfort and convenience.

I can only give you some advice:

  • If you are specifically going to a sanatorium, then when choosing, focus primarily on the distance from the pump room, or the presence of one in the sanatorium itself, which also occurs, although very rarely.
  • It is not always reasonable to pay for specialized treatment programs. If necessary, pay extra on the spot. I had a case where certain expensive procedures could not be performed due to a concomitant disease. True, I was lucky, they were replaced with cosmetic procedures and the money was not lost. However, not everyone meets halfway; this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • Do not neglect the “our doctors” section on the website of the selected sanatorium. From the description and schedule, you can usually understand how well the staff is staffed with specialists, whether this or that doctor is permanent or visiting. I think you don’t need to explain why this is needed.
  • Buy a ticket directly on the sanatorium website; if problems arise with check-in, issues are resolved faster than through intermediaries.
  • Be sure to read the latest reviews before choosing. There is usually a lot of information on the Internet, but it may be out of date.

I wrote in more detail about rest and treatment in sanatoriums, about who this type of holiday is not suitable for, in another article. I will separately write reviews of the sanatoriums in which I was able to receive treatment. Read one review about the Kislovodsk sanatorium. Subscribe to my newsletter and you will be the first to receive new publications!

Hotels and private sector

In any city you can stay in a hotel; it’s not difficult to rent an apartment or house. I have never gone on vacation and treatment to the KMS in this way, but there are enough services where such options are presented, and they are not difficult to find on the Internet.

This is a good choice for those who want to save money, especially if the train is large and you are traveling for a long time.
The main recommendations here are simple - try to choose accommodation closer to the pump rooms and read reviews. However, you must understand that private housing is always a lottery and a lot depends on the integrity of the owners.

Do not forget that if your goal is treatment, then you need to decide in advance which medical institution you are going to purchase the course from and choose housing nearby. Because there are usually a lot of procedures, walking long distances every day is of course useful, but quite difficult. You need to carefully calculate your physical capabilities, otherwise the treatment will not work for future use.

For now, this is all I planned to tell you today. You can read general information on the CMS region.

Now I'll say goodbye for a while.
Tatiana Solomatina

Mineralnye Vody is a relatively small cozy town in the Stavropol Territory. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the administrative center of the Mineralovodsk District; all of them are located in neighboring Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. The city serves as a kind of gateway, annually allowing hundreds of thousands of tourists to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is here that the largest transport hub in the region is located - an international airport, a railway interchange and a federal highway.

Although many consider Mineralnye Vody as a transit point, the city itself is also of interest from a tourist point of view. Warm and mild climate, stunning nature and mountains towering on all sides - why not a place for rest and relaxation? In addition, you don’t have to travel far for health treatments - in the surrounding area there are many sanatoriums with healing water from mineral springs.

How to get to Mineralnye Vody

The city of Mineralnye Vody grew up around the Sultanovskaya railway station, which later became a major interchange. Then a large international airport and bus station were built nearby, so in terms of transport accessibility there are no problems here - it is easy to get here from almost any corner of Russia and neighboring countries.

The fastest way for Moscow and St. Petersburg is by plane, although residents of the Northern capital have fewer flights and tickets are more expensive. Trains regularly depart from both capitals to Mineralnye Vody, but in reality this option turns out to be not much more economical, and you will have to spend much more time on the way. Buses from Moscow and many southern cities of Russia arrive at the local bus station.

Search for flights to Mineralnye Vody


The main public transport is buses and minibuses. Most of them depart from the railway station; the route network covers all areas of the city and nearby villages. The fare is relatively small - about 16 RUB.

The only drawback is that the transport runs until 19:00-20:00. So, if you plan to stay somewhere late, be prepared to use a taxi. The latter in Mineralnye Vody are represented by several local companies, the tariffs are low compared to Moscow - travel around the city will cost 50-150 RUB, transfer from the airport - from 150 RUB. There is also an international transfer booking service, but prices are much higher - from 600 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Maps of Mineralnye Vody

Car rental

If you come to Mineralnye Vody for a short time and don’t plan to leave the city, then there’s probably no point in renting a car. The public transport network covers the entire territory including its suburbs, buses run frequently, and the fare is low. In case of late walks, there are taxis with fairly low tariffs. If you want to explore the surrounding area and other cities in the resort region, it would be more advisable to take a car and not depend on the schedule of trains and intercity buses.

Mineralnye Vody is a small city, and there is no such car traffic as in Moscow or St. Petersburg. The traffic is calm, but sometimes there are traffic jams. There should be no problems with parking - there are several 24-hour parking lots, paid and free. The cost per day in the open area is 100 RUB, in the parking lot at the airport - 500 RUB.

Most companies providing car rental services operate throughout the region, which allows you to rent a car in Mineralnye Vody and return it in Pyatigorsk or Essentuki. This opportunity is provided by Urentcar and Autorent-KMV. Most companies, including Avant Car and Avto Dar, accept bank cards for payment. The cost of car rental, depending on the class and rental period, varies from 1000 RUB per day.

Treatment in Mineralnye Vody

The Caucasian Mineral Waters region has long been famous for its healing climate and healing natural springs. The first information about them appeared in the 17th century, and in Soviet times this resort was one of the most popular among the residents of our country. And although the springs themselves are located in neighboring cities, there are also many sanatoriums in the vicinity of Mineralnye Vody, offering vacationers various health treatments.

It’s worth coming here even if you don’t have any specific diseases. Mineral and foam-licorice baths, healing mud and the healing climate of this region cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Various health resorts provide treatment for ulcers and gastritis, diabetes and obesity, liver, kidney and nervous system diseases. This is not a complete list of ailments that water from underground sources can help cope with. Depending on the indications and contraindications, different methods are used - drinking treatment, beneficial mineral water baths and mud therapy.

Hotels in Mineralnye Vody

When choosing a hotel in Mineralnye Vody, the first thing you need to do is decide on the purpose of the trip. The city has both regular hotels and guest houses, as well as sanatoriums offering various medical procedures. The price per day in the latter is much higher. The cost of accommodation does not depend much on the location of the hotel, in the center or on the outskirts, however, it is worth looking for budget options closer to the suburbs.

Those who want to save money should pay attention to inexpensive guest houses. A night in a shared female or male room for several people will cost only 500 RUB. Prices for accommodation in a double room start from 1000 RUB.

There are three- and four-star hotels in the city, most of them are concentrated in the central part. For a day in a comfortable room with a designer interior and satellite TV you will have to pay from 2500 to 3000 RUB. Guests can enjoy bars, restaurants and karaoke, as well as an entertainment program with animators in the evening.

What to bring

Since holidays in Mineralnye Vody are usually associated with treatment, something with healing properties is usually taken from here as souvenirs. First of all, you should grab a few bottles of healing mineral water from nearby springs. There are none in the city itself, but “Narzans” and “Essentuki” can be found in many stores.

Any water that has a therapeutic effect should be drunk with extreme caution. When choosing a gift, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of different varieties.

Another useful souvenir is Tambukan mud, which is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases and cosmetology. Its source, Lake Tambukan, is located 30 km from the city, so you can collect some silt yourself. If this is not possible, the collected and packaged dirt, as well as cosmetics based on it, are sold in pharmacies and stores in Mineralnye Vody.

In these places there is also a souvenir that heals not the body, but the soul. The famous Praskovey cognacs are produced at the winery of the same name, located 100 km from the city, and are considered one of the calling cards of the city.

Cafes and restaurants in Mineralnye Vody

The choice of cafes in Mineralnye Vody is not as wide as in larger tourist regions, but here you can find somewhere to have a snack or a tasty dinner. There are several excellent restaurants in the city with luxurious interiors and quality service; the menu includes dishes of Russian, European and Caucasian cuisine. The average bill is from 1000 to 2000 RUB.

Among tourists and local residents, the most famous restaurant is the Holburg restaurant, located in the building of the castle of the same name. Its main advantages are excellent cuisine, friendly staff and a medieval atmosphere.

For a quick and satisfying snack, numerous cafes are perfect, where breakfast will cost 300-500 RUB. For lovers of pizza and sushi, there are restaurants serving Italian and Japanese cuisine. Kebab cafes occupy a special place among the establishments of Mineralnye Vody. It is impossible to imagine Caucasian cuisine without this hot and aromatic dish. They serve real shish kebab at very reasonable prices - the cost of lunch in most cafes and restaurants in the city does not exceed 700-1000 RUB.

Guides in Mineralnye Vody

Entertainment and attractions of Mineralnye Vody

The city should not be perceived solely as a transfer station on the way to the resorts of the North Caucasus. Quiet and cozy, it is perfect for rest and relaxation after the frantic rhythm of big cities. In addition, there are interesting natural, historical and architectural attractions, not to mention the sanatoriums and hospitals, for which many people travel to these regions.

They say that the only thing missing in Mineralnye Vody is the sea: sights, entertainment and even mountains already exist.

Those arriving in Mineralnye Vody by train can begin exploring the sights without leaving the ticket office. The railway station is one of the most interesting and beautiful historical buildings in the city. It was built in the late 50s. last century on the site of an old building.

In front of a semicircle of white columns stands a sculpture of an eagle clutching a snake in its talons. The monument illustrates a local legend about how a proud bird managed to heal from a poisonous bite with the help of water from local healing springs.

One of the most interesting natural attractions is the magmatic mountain Zmeyka. It attracts tourists not only with its beautiful mountain landscapes and unique flora and fauna. On the slopes there are several holy springs and WWII monuments, as well as adits and quarries. You can often meet outdoor enthusiasts with climbing equipment.

There are several temples and cathedrals in Mineralnye Vody that will be of interest to believers and those who want to get acquainted with the history, culture and architecture of the city. The main religious attraction is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Among its shrines are the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, the patron saint of these places.

Of the city's museums, the most interesting is the Museum of Aviation Technology, which displays military and civilian vessels. Those wishing to learn more about the history of Mineralnye Vody should look into the Museum of Local Lore.


It is better to go on vacation to Mineralnye Vody in the second half of summer or autumn. Although the city's climate is temperate continental and quite mild at any time of the year, in winter and spring there is a high risk of falling into the rainy season. Summer here begins early, in mid-May, and ends only in September, giving way to a cool, but sunny and dry autumn, but in June, short but intense showers are not uncommon.

Winter in Mineralnye Vody is warm and rainy; there are practically no severe frosts. During the period of early and short spring, which comes to these regions already at the end of February - beginning of March, there is a high probability of precipitation.

The Pyatigorsk resort was born and grew thanks to mineral springs, which since ancient times have flowed from the depths at the foot of the local mountains. Mineral springs are reflected on ancient coats of arms, Soviet emblems and the modern coat of arms of Pyatigorsk. However, this does not mean that there is a great abundance of reservoirs in the city.

The only permitted swimming place in Pyatigorsk is Lake Novopyatigorsk. It is correct to call this lake a pond, since it was created by man. In the second half of the 20th century in the floodplain of the river. A large dam was built in Podkumok. In 1965, water began to flow into the bowl of the future lake through a system of locks and a canal.

Now Novopyatigorsk Lake is the largest artificial reservoir of the Kavminvod. We do not take into account Lake Tambukanskoye, whose area exceeds Novopyatigorskoye, but is located on the border of the Stavropol Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and is not intended for swimming. Another active lake (pond) is located in the resort park of Zheleznovodsk. A small lake is located on the southwestern outskirts of Essentuki. Several years ago it was reconstructed and put back into operation. In Kislovodsk, both lakes were drained in the post-perestroika period. About ten years ago, the city of Lermontov lost its small lake on the western slope of Sheludiva.

Due to the shortage of reservoirs in the region, residents from all over the region flock to Lake Novopyatigorsk. The lake is conveniently located close to public transport stops. A seven-minute walk from the lake is the tram stop “ul. Cooperative" (popularly called "Wave" or simply "Lake"). The Novopyatigorsk railway station is a ten-minute walk away. Very close to the lake there are minibus stops No. 3.

There are several car accesses to the lake. The main one is located in continuation of the street. Cooperative, which approaches the lake from the north. There are several access points to the western part of the lake. There is a small unequipped, unguarded parking lot on Kooperativnaya Street. Access to the dam and to the lake itself is closed. However, craftsmen find ways through pits and ravines to reach the edge of the lake.

In the summer, there is a first aid post and a police post on the lake. They are located next to each other at the northern edge of the pond. A rescue service is located in the western part of the lake. In addition to the summer season, they also work in the winter, catching those who like to walk on ice. At the western edge of the lake there are several summer cafes with tables under umbrellas and sports grounds. In particular, beach volleyball competitions are held here every year.

Some characteristics of Novopyatigorsk Lake:

  • length – 1200 m
  • width – about 600 m
  • nature of the shore - swimming is allowed on the right half of the northern shore and on the western shore of the lake. Here the coast is sandy and rocky, the bottom drops gradually. The left side of the northern shore is bordered by various retaining walls and concrete structures, which is why swimming is prohibited there. The eastern shore of the lake is a high dam that slopes into the depths. The bottom is covered with huge slabs. Swimming is also prohibited here. There is a danger of bumping into reinforcement or meeting snakes that hide in the cracks between the slabs and like to bask on concrete in shallow water. The southern part of the lake shore is not suitable for swimming, the coastal part is overgrown with reeds, but there are small exits; People often come here to relax with their families by the water.
  • depth - we do not have exact data on the depth of the lake, but it is unlikely to exceed 4-5 meters. The bottom is cleaned periodically, but not very often, so you can stumble upon broken glass and other debris.
  • infrastructure - lifeguard station, first aid post and police post (in summer), toilets (very bad), locker rooms (outdoor), cafes, sports grounds, the northern part of the coast has an asphalt road.

Photo [in development]

How to get there [in development]

There are two other lakes in Pyatigorsk that need to be talked about. In the park of culture and recreation (formerly “named after Kirov”, and originally the State Garden) there is a small pond. It is located in the southwestern part of the park. It is fed by springs and streams that come out nearby. There was a small pond on this site before 1917. During Soviet times, the pond was expanded. At one time it was the only body of water for swimming. There was a boat station here, and an ice skating rink opened in winter. Swimming is currently prohibited on the lake. The shores are not equipped for recreation. The narrow and steep banks, as well as the crowds of random passers-by and people walking around the shore, are not conducive to this.

Perhaps the only real lake in Pyatigorsk is a unique natural monument - Lake Proval. It is located in the bowels of the city of Mashuk, on its southern slope at the end of the resort boulevard. In the old days they swam in the lake. Before the construction of the tunnel, those who wished were lowered from above to the lake in baskets. In 1858, a tunnel was made from the south. During the Soviet years, swimming in Proval was prohibited. However, even now there are desperate people who rappel down to the lake and take night baths.

This concludes the list of lakes in Pyatigorsk. Some people prefer to relax by the Podkumok River. Humanity, shackled in concrete and asphalt, is drawn to nature, even if this nature is polluted and dangerous to health and life.

On April 29, 2016, the thermal resort “Pearl of the Caucasus” was opened near Cherkessk, which became an excellent alternative to the complexes in Kazminsky and Suvorovsky in the Stavropol Territory for residents of Karachay-Cherkessia and guests of the region. The pearl thermal spring included 8 swimming pools with temperatures from 20 to 43 degrees, a cafe, a Russian bath, a sauna and a hammam.

How to get to the thermal spring Pearl of the Caucasus?

The source “Pearl of the Caucasus” is located in the village of Kavkazsky, about 10 km away. from the border of the city of Cherkessk. The Cherkessk-Essentuki highway passes through the settlement, which allows you to quickly get to the resorts of Mineralnye Vody.

Excursions to the Zhemchuzhny thermal spring are an excellent opportunity to swim in the waters, which have a healing and rejuvenating effect, strengthen the immune system and relieve accumulated fatigue. Most tourist groups arrive here for one day from the health resorts of Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. Getting to the Pearl of the Caucasus thermal spring is easy, follow the federal highway A-165 towards Cherkessk to the village of Kavkazsky, on the right side there will be a sign and an exit from the highway to the thermal complex.

Conditions for visiting the Zhemchuzhny thermal spring

The thermal spring “Pearl of the Caucasus” is open daily from 10 to 22 hours. At the box office of the complex you can purchase entrance tickets for 80 minutes and for the whole day. There are discounts for children from 6 to 14 years old, and children under 6 years old, accompanied by their parents, can stay here for free.

Each visitor must bring a swimsuit or swimming trunks, rubber slippers and a personal towel. If for some reason one of the listed items is missing, then everything you need can be purchased at a local store. For greater comfort, it is recommended to bring a bathrobe, sunglasses, and personal hygiene products, such as shampoo.

Complex infrastructure

The core of the health complex is eight pools of different temperatures with water rich in various mineral compounds. The area of ​​the largest of them is about 300 sq.m. All pools have modern equipment for hydrotherapy using a Charcot shower. The springs are fed by water originating in the earth's mantle at a depth of more than 1 km. from the surface.

The water temperature in the pools ranges from 20 to 43 degrees. Specially trained medical professionals will help you choose the most suitable bathing place. To enhance the healing effect, you can visit the hammam, sauna or Russian bath. On the territory of the “Pearl of the Caucasus” there is a cafe where you can have a full meal after water treatments for a great price.

The complex took into account the traditions of the region, so swimming pools were opened here, intended exclusively for women. Construction is underway on a completely isolated “female half”, including swimming pools and several mother and child rooms. All conditions for recreation of the fair sex and their children will be created here.

Disabled children living within Karachay-Cherkessia can visit the Zhemchuzhny thermal spring free of charge.

In the near future, it is planned to expand the complex and construct such facilities as:

  • hotel for 150 people;
  • a water park with a total area of ​​more than 1000 sq.m., including four water slides and three pools of various shapes;
  • mud bath with massage room, hirudotherapy and mud treatments;
  • a zoo with a unique collection of exotic flora and fauna;
  • a stocked deep pond, the catch from which can be prepared by local chefs at the client’s request.

Unique features of the “Pearl of the Caucasus”

Thanks to the variety of pools with different water temperatures, people of different ages and health conditions can improve their health in a complex. Local thermal springs do not lose popularity due to a number of other advantages:

  1. The temperature in the pools is constant, which creates conditions for year-round operation of the complex.
  2. The water contains a unique set of mineral elements, including calcium, sodium, iron, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, nitrile, carbonate and bicarbonate.
  3. Low prices make visiting Zhemchuzhny accessible to any category of clients.
  4. Thanks to highly qualified staff, each visitor will receive an individual approach based not only on health status, but also on moral principles and religious principles.
  5. The constant construction of new facilities contributes to an increase in the list of services provided.

The complex of thermal springs is a vivid example of the correctness of the statement that treatment can not only have a beneficial effect on the body, but also bring pleasure from relaxation in pleasant warm water.

Video about the opening of the thermal spring “Pearl of the Caucasus”

Health benefits and contraindications

Before you take an excursion to the Pearl thermal spring, waters in Kislovodsk and other resort towns in the region, you must first consult with your doctor. While on the territory of the complex, be sure to inform local medical personnel about the presence of any, even minor, diseases in the body. Only in this case will a program be selected that is appropriate to the health condition and the health effect will be maximum.

The benefits of thermal springs have been scientifically proven, and the water from them is used for:

  • accelerating the recovery of the body after injuries;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • opening pores and cleansing the skin;
  • restoration of the spine and other parts of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inhalation steam procedures to treat respiratory diseases;
  • production of cosmetics.
  1. Diseases of the connective tissue and muscle and bone system, such as osteoarthrosis, polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, leiositis, osteochondrosis, damage to ligaments and tendons.
  2. Vascular diseases, for example, varicose veins, obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis.
  3. Central nervous system disorders, including neuroses, neuropathies, radiculopathy, autonomic vascular dystonia.
  4. Skin lesions, in particular urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, dermatoses, neurodermatitis.
  5. Pyelonephritis and cystitis.
  6. Metabolic dysfunctions.
  7. Gynecological diseases.