Mysterious dungeons of the world. Underground civilizations - unknown tunnels

Dungeons of the world

This is exactly how you should carefully formulate the topic of this chapter, because everyone knows that no one will embrace the immense.


The city was founded in 1147, when Prince Yuri Dolgoruky killed the local boyar Stepan Kuchka and seized his estate. Since then, Moscow has been repeatedly destroyed by enemies and rebuilt again. Wooden houses were replaced by stone ones on solid foundations deepened into the ground. The defensive function was performed by monasteries with underground passages. Usually, the beginning of the creation of the network of these passages dates back to the 15th century. The underground labyrinths of the Kremlin, Borovitsky hill and Kitay-gorod, Simonov, Donskoy, Chudov and other monasteries were discovered, but little explored.

Not far from the metro station "Kitay-Gorod" there is still the John the Baptist Convent, founded in the 15th century. This monastery had a sad reputation: women of noble birth were forcibly tonsured there - so greedy relatives seized their shares in the inheritance. In 1610, the former Tsarina Maria Petrovna Shuiskaya was tonsured here, and she was forcibly separated from her husband, the deposed Tsar Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky. In 1620, the nun Paraskeva died - in the world Pelageya Mikhailovna - the second wife of the eldest son of Ivan the Terrible. It contained the mysterious Dosithea - "the real princess Tarakanova" and the evil landowner Saltychikha, who sadistically killed the beauties of the serfs.

In this monastery, under the guise of madmen, they brought women criminals and political criminals from the Investigative Order. Adherents of the old rite, who did not want to renounce their faith, were brought here from the Raskolnichi office. Some were kept in "stone bags" under strict supervision, while others skillfully converted even nuns to their faith. Such were the whips of Akulin Lupkin and Agafya Karpov, who set up a "house of God" in their cells for the joy of the whips. Akulina died a natural death, and Agafya was executed in 1743.

There are also legends about the dungeons of the Novodevichy Convent in Khamovniki. These are mainly crypts, some of which have been discovered and investigated by scientists. A terrible legend about the last abbess of the monastery, Leonida Ozerova, who did not want to give the church riches accumulated over centuries to the Bolsheviks, and left with the treasures in the dungeon, excites the imagination. Some say that Leonida died, guarding the sacred objects for her, others - that she only hid them, and she went out through the underground passage and disappeared. And this is quite likely, since some of those values ​​were subsequently discovered in private collections.

It must be admitted that there are much more legends about the Moscow dungeons than they themselves have been explored. An interesting question is about the underground passage under the Moskva River. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, master Azancheev made several attempts to dig it. Twice the unfinished passage was flooded, the documents are silent about the future, but it is known that the nobility was granted to Azancheev. On this basis, many conclude that this move was nevertheless built. There are persistent rumors about secret passages under the Tsaritsyno estate (there are now exhibition halls in its quite real vast basements), about the Masonic dungeons of the Menshikov Tower, about the Dorogomilov quarries ...

In the area of ​​"Kropotkinskaya" lies the terrible Chertolye, named after the Chertoriy stream, which flows where today the Sivtsev Vrazhek lane is. In high water, the stream overflowed, but when the water subsided, bumps and potholes remained on the banks of the stream, as if the devil was digging.

In this area, the Oprichniy Dvor was located: there were torture huts, casemates, scaffolds with chopping blocks. Diggers claim that deep underground there are voids, passages and galleries - the remains of the terrible prisons of Ivan the Terrible.

One can come across a statement, they say, from the basement of any house within the Garden Ring you can get anywhere, even to the Moscow metro. Indeed, the basements of old houses, especially church and manor houses, often have walled up passages, leading out of nowhere. Sometimes the building itself no longer exists, but the dungeons with passages have survived, and stubborn diggers manage to get to the bottom of it.

Back in 1912, newspapers wrote about the discovery of underground passages in Bogoslovsky Lane, on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, under the house of the Yusupov princes at the Red Gate, between the Novodevichy Convent and the Gyubner manufactory, under the Donskoy Monastery, Golitsyn Hospital and Neskuchny Garden ...

The name of the man who laid his life on the study of the mysterious underground world of Moscow was Ignatiy Yakovlevich Stelletsky.

He was born in 1878 in the Yekaterinoslav province in the family of a teacher. After graduating from the Kiev Theological Academy, he left to work as a teacher in Palestine - the land of "a thousand caves". There Stelletsky became interested in archeology and, returning to Moscow, organized a Commission for the Study of Underground Antiquity and himself became its chairman. He collected traditions, legends, rumors, eyewitness accounts and, relying on them, conducted research. He discovered underground passages from the Round Tower of the Kitaygorodskaya Wall, from the Tainitskaya Tower of the Simonov Monastery and the Taininskaya Tower of the Kremlin, a white stone passage from the corner Arsenal Tower of the Kremlin, voids in the bowels of Borovitsky Hill, under Nikolskaya, Troitskaya, Spasskaya and the terrible Beklemisheva Tower, in the basement prison of which once pulled out the tongue of the boyar Beklemishev.

His life's work was the search for the legendary library of Ivan the Terrible - a collection of books brought from Constantinople by the tsar's grandmother, the Byzantine princess Sophia Paleologus. The scientist believed that the books were hidden somewhere in one of the Kremlin's many dungeons or very close to it. Stelletsky died in 1949, never finding his Libereya. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, but the grave has not survived. Both his library and numerous records were lost. The main work of the scientist "Dead books in the Moscow cache" was published only in 1993.

Excavations in the Kremlin were carried out later, but their results were not advertised. In 1978, during the digging of a trench near the Grand Kremlin Palace, an underground room of about nine square meters with brick vaults was dug up, where a human skeleton lay. In the early 1980s, a 40-meter tunnel clogged with earth was excavated, the walls of which were decorated with multi-colored tiles.

In 1989, on the site where one of the churches of the blown-up Chudov Monastery used to stand, an old crypt was discovered. In a stone sarcophagus lay a human-sized wax doll, dressed in a military uniform. This was the burial place of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who died in 1905 in the explosion of a bomb thrown by Kaliayev. Since little was left of the body, a doll dressed in Sergei Alexandrovich's uniform was placed in the sarcophagus, and the remains were collected in a vessel and placed at the head of the bed.

« Everywhere and everywhere dungeons by time and people have been brought into a state of, if not complete, then very great destruction. The Kremlin has not escaped a common fate, and therefore one cannot delude oneself with the thought that it is enough to open one passage and it is already easy to walk along it under the entire Kremlin, if not all of Moscow. In reality, a journey through underground Moscow is a jump with obstacles, moreover, very significant, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort, time and money. But all this is nothing in comparison with the possible ideal result: underground Moscow, cleaned, restored and illuminated by arc lamps, would be an underground museum of scientific and any interest ..."(I. Stelletsky)

Now Stelletsky's dream has come true: there is such a museum! This is the Museum of Archeology of Moscow on Manezhnaya Square. It is located seven meters underground at an archaeological site of the nineties. The most remarkable part of the exposition is the pillars of the old Voskresensky bridge over the Neglinka from the time of Ivan the Terrible. In addition, the museum presents interesting artifacts discovered by archaeologists: items of medieval life and weapons of Muscovites, a collection of tiles, valuable items from unclaimed treasures, and cult items from the necropolis of the Moiseevsky Monastery.

Maps and descriptions of underground Moscow began to be compiled from the end of the 18th century. What is documented is mainly wells, channels of rivers and streams put into pipes, sewers, that is, structures of a purely utilitarian purpose.

The famous everyday writer Vladimir Gilyarovsky spoke a lot about underground Moscow. The subject of his research was underground taverns and brothels, as well as the bed of the Neglinka River. These places were dirty in all respects, but Neglinka in general could be considered the Moscow analogue of the Roman cesspool.

The first attempts to build a sewage system in Moscow were undertaken back in the 14th century: then a canal was dug from the Kremlin to the ill-fated Neglinka to drain sewage.

The townspeople were supposed to pour the sewage into the cesspools, from where they were scooped out by the gold-diggers, and in tubs they were taken away out of town. But the goldsmiths had to pay, so the irresponsible townspeople now and then strove to dump the garbage somewhere far from sight or dig a canal under the house in order to drain all the dirt into a nearby river. So Neglinka and Samoteka were completely ruined and the Yauza and the Moskva River were pretty dirty: to avoid the stench, small rivers had to be covered with arches and removed underground.

In 1874, the Moscow City Duma was presented with the "Design Outlines of the Moscow Sewerage System", which were discussed for a long time, but were never approved. The laying of the sewer network began only twenty years later under the mayor of Nikolai Alekseev, a man of ebullient activity and great mind. Since then, the sewage system has been constantly being built and expanded, and today its total length is equal to the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk. More information about the history of the Moscow sewerage system will be available to those interested in the Water Museum in Krutitsy, located in the building of an old pumping station.

Museum visitors will not be taken to the collector, but Gilyarovsky went down there and left us a vivid description of what is underground. Finding two brave guides, Uncle Gilyai climbed into the stinking Moscow cesspool through a hatch near Trubnaya Square. The underground channel was clogged with mud, and "something was sliding under my feet all the time." What it was, Gilyarovsky was even afraid to think, because once he himself witnessed how they tried to throw a still living, albeit stunned, person into the dirty and smelly waters of the Neglinka. “I’m right: we walk around people,” the guide confirmed his fears. A couple of years later, during the clearing of the riverbed, bones "similar to human beings" were indeed found.

These unfortunates could be drunk, robbed and killed in one of the underground taverns, located right there, near the modern Trubnaya Square. “... Deep in the ground, under the whole house between Grachevka and Tsvetnoy Boulevard, there was a huge basement floor, all completely occupied by one tavern, the most desperate robbery place where the underworld enjoyed itself to the point of insensibility ...” The upper, “front” part of this tavern was called Hell, and the lower one is the Underworld. The police did not look here, there were no detours, and they would not lead anywhere: under the house there were underground passages left over from the Mytishchi water pipeline, built in Catherine's times, the aboveground parts of which (Rostokinsky aqueduct and Alekseevskaya water pumping station) are considered famous Moscow sights.

« The history of the first attempt on the life of Alexander II on April 4, 1866 is connected with the "Hell" tavern. Here meetings took place, at which a plan of attack on the tsar was developed ... The organizer and soul of the circle was the student Ishutin, who stood at the head of the group that lodged in the house of the petty bourgeois Ipatova on Bolshoy Spassky Lane, in Karetny Ryad. By the name of the house, this group was called Ipatovites. Here the idea of ​​regicide was born, unknown to other members of the "Organization" ... Among them was Karakozov, who unsuccessfully shot at the tsar". (V. Gilyarovsky)

Moscow diggers like to travel along the Neglinka bed and old collectors. Sometimes there are excursions to the safest places for extreme people with good health and strong nerves.

Those who want to avoid the extreme can also come into contact with the old Moscow sewerage system, and at the same time they do not even have to pay.

At the intersection of Pokrovka and Chistoprudny Boulevard there is an apartment house of the bread merchant F.S. Rakhmanov, built at the very end of the 19th century. On the side, behind the alley, there is a long and very steep staircase leading deep underground to the oldest toilet in Moscow.

This is the only surviving and still operating of ten "retirades" opened simultaneously with the laying of the first stage of the Moscow sewage system.

Other Moscow undergrounds of a completely different purpose, which were secret in the past, are also open to visitors. Bunker-42 on Taganka, located at a depth of 60 meters underground, began construction in the early fifties and worked for 20 years. There have always been 300-500 people, air regeneration and purification systems, sewerage and other amenities have been working. The maximum capacity of the bunker is 3000 people for three months. In the 80s, the bunker was abandoned, then bought out by a commercial organization and turned into an excellent attraction. Preserved tunnels with semicircular ceilings, covered with lead, offices of the authorities, tables of ordinary employees, a conference room. All rooms are decorated very simply, no frills. Near one of the walls, you can hear the metro trains passing by - yes, the usual Moscow metro, which was also supposed to serve as a refuge in case of war.

The Izmailovsky bunker is more luxurious. It was intended for Stalin himself and for the country's top leadership. Its area is huge - 93 thousand square meters. m, troops and, as some say, even tanks could hide underground.

Part of this bunker serves as a museum. The circular meeting room has excellent acoustics: a person standing in the center of the room can speak in a whisper, and the sound will spread throughout the room. It is said that to achieve this effect, empty earthen vessels were installed in the ceiling. This was done because the aging Stalin was physically unable to speak loudly. In his office there is a massive writing desk covered with green cloth, an armchair, and a bookcase. In other rooms there are showcases with exhibits from the forties.

Another part of the bunker, under the former Cherkizovsky market, is abandoned. Not so long ago, a scandal erupted: it turned out that the old bomb shelter had been turned into an illegal cheap hotel, or rather into a brothel. Soon the Cherkizovsky market was destroyed.

Legends say that a tunnel led from the Izmailovsky bunker towards the Kremlin, which was last used during the assault on the White House and was blown up at the same time.

Another bunker, smaller and not so deep, is at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. It is located right in the building of the House of Friendship of Peoples. They say that this structure was also created for Stalin, but, according to archival information, no one used the bunker. It seems that an underground passage leads from the bunker, which ends under the sculpture of Lenin in front of the pavilion. That is why the sculpture has not yet been removed.

The bunker has a capacity of 300 people. There are lounges, an extensive storage room, an air filtration room, and an office for the Secretary General. The equipment allowed people to be underground for two days. Until 1971, the bunker was regularly replenished with provisions and water.

This "museum" is under the protection of the Ministry of Emergencies, and it takes 6 hours to bring it into readiness.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief had another bunker, built in 1942 under the "Blizhnyaya Dacha" in Kuntsevo at a depth of 15-17 meters. Journalists were allowed there several times, despite the fact that the bunker is still secret. The underground premises are in excellent condition, they are reliable and comfortable. An ordinary inconspicuous door leads there, which can be found in any entrance. A spacious office decorated with oak and Karelian birch has survived, in which Joseph Stalin chaired meetings of the Defense Council. Next to him is his bedroom - a very small room, where there is only a bed and a bedside table. It also had its own kitchen, dining room and even a small diesel power plant underground. According to rumors, one of the Metro-2 lines leads to this bunker.

There are also myths about other underground bunkers: in the Kremlin itself and on the Lubyanka. The most mysterious and "promoted" of them is the Sovetskaya metro station, located under Tverskaya Square. No one has been able to go there, journalists are not allowed there, but nevertheless no one denies its existence. It is believed that its official name is “GO object on Tverskaya Square”.

They say that the same "GO object" is under the station "Chistye Prudy" (formerly "Kirovskaya"), where the General Staff was located during the war. They prove the existence of a whole underground city under the Ramenskoye district, designed for thousands of people. Allegedly, there is a direct branch of the secret metro from the station "Library im. Lenin ”, and in the event of an atomic war, the country's intellectual elite had to descend from the library rooms to a secret station and go to the bomb shelter.

There is also one underground museum in Moscow, completely devoid of an ominous flair. It is located on Lesnaya Street under the signboard "Wholesale trade in Caucasian fruits Kalandadze". The official name of the museum is “Underground Printing House 1905–1906”. In this apartment building, more than a hundred years ago, there was a secret revolutionary printing house, and the store served as a cover. This museum is quite small - two rooms, a kitchen and a basement, but quite interesting. The interiors of the premises have been completely restored and well illustrate the living conditions and life of poor Muscovites, and they lived, it must be admitted, modest and closely, according to modern concepts, they were huddled.

Under the storehouse in the basement of the house, a well was dug for groundwater drainage, and in its side wall, another small cave was dug, where there was a portable printing press "American". The store was opened in the name of Mirian Kalandadze, a port loader from Batumi, who had experience in trade and a "clean" reputation. In fact, no business was conducted, the store was unprofitable: fruits were brought from the Caucasus irregularly, therefore, if the police decided to sort out Kalandadze's trade affairs, everything would quickly come out. However, the underground printing house operated very successfully - the police did not manage to find it, despite the fact that the police unit was located literally nearby, on the opposite side of the street, and there was a police post near the house itself. After working for a year, the printing house was liquidated, and the cover store was closed. The museum on this site was opened in 1924, and its organizers were the same revolutionary printers who once published a newspaper here.


Underground defensive passages and "hiding places" - underground secret passages to water sources had each of the fortified cities that surrounded Moscow: Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Suzdal, Tver, Kaluga, Rzhev, Mozhaisk, Vereya, Volokolamsk, Przemysl, Tarusa, Kashira, Aleksin; Joseph-Volokolamsky, Nikolo-Berlyukovsky and Simonov monasteries in the Moscow region.

The Chernigov Skete is located three kilometers northeast of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in Sergiev Posad, on the northern shore of the eastern bay of the upper Korbushinsky pond. Opposite, on the southern bank, are the buildings of the former Gethsemane skete, which is much worse preserved.

In the past, in official documents, the Chernigov Skete was called the "Cave Department of the Gethsemane Skete." The legend relates its beginning to 1847, when the holy fool Filippushka, accepted by Metropolitan Filaret to live in the Lavra, began to dig caves there. In fact, two years earlier, wooden cells were built in a grove on the northern shore of the bay, in one of which Filippushka probably settled.

The description of the Gethsemane skete for 1899 says: “... Philip and his staff began to dig a small square pit, which he later began to expand, to make underground corridors from it and in them separate small caves for cells; the middle large one was intended as a meeting place for cavemen for common prayer. " From 1849 to 1851, excavators, carpenters, and bricklayers were already working in the caves, turning the middle cave into a comfortable chapel, which was a log frame buried in the ground, with windows cut through in its upper part protruding from the ground. The underground passages that diverged in different directions were turned into brick-lined vaulted underground corridors with the same vaulted small caves on the sides. In the fall of 1851, the cave chapel was consecrated as a temple in the name of the Ethereal Forces.

By the end of the 19th century, these caves were significantly expanded, and above them were built ground-based churches, at first wooden, and at the end of the 19th century - stone. The skete has turned into a rather extensive complex in the Old Russian style. At the same time, the former middle cave of Filippushki turned into an altar, to which an extensive underground refectory with a vaulted ceiling was added from the west. The southern part was returned to the monastery, in the northern part there is a boarding school for Ivalid children. Guided tours are available at the Cave Church.

During the recent restoration in the New Jerusalem Monastery, three underground passages were discovered, which, unfortunately, had already collapsed. They diverge from the monastery in different directions and at different distances. Due to the risk of collapses and mountains of debris inside, it was not possible to fully investigate them. The strokes are low, clearly intended for emergencies and not for everyday life. Only their entrances are available for inspection.

Russian landowners sometimes acquired underground passages in their estates. Usually these passages were laid at a shallow depth and collapsed long ago or were deliberately filled up.

The Sviblovo estate on the Yauza changed many owners: from Fyodor Shvibla, the governor of Dmitry Donskoy, to the merchant Ivan Kozhevnikov, who built a cloth factory on the other side of the river. However, he was not the first industrialist here: a hundred years earlier, an associate of Peter I, Kirill Naryshkin, built a brick house, a church, a malt factory and a cookery here. It is difficult to say which of the owners laid the underground passage from the estate to the very bank of the Yauza, especially since not so long ago, during the renovation of the estate, it was filled up.

The existence of the move to Sviblovo is documented, but in many cases we are forced to be content with only rumors.

In the village of Avdotino, Stupinsky district, some buildings of an old estate have been preserved, which in the 18th century belonged to the famous educator-Mason Nikolai Novikov. He created the first private printing house in Russia and with his bold satyrs aroused the anger of Empress Catherine II. The Empress can be understood: she was frightened by the terrible events of the French Revolution. By her order, Novikov was arrested and escorted to the Shlisselburg fortress without trial. Freedom was granted to him by Paul I, but Novikov, who lost his health and condition, did not live long.

Preserved legends about the secret passages dug by him in Avdotino and underground halls for Masonic meetings. One of the moves allegedly led to the neighboring Trinity-Lobanovo, which belonged to the Volkonskys. These moves were searched for for a long time, but they were never found.

Many legends about underground passages are associated with the preserved estate in the village of Voronovo, standing on the old Kaluga road. It is believed that the first passage was dug from the main manor house to the stone church built in 1709. At the end of the 18th century, General Artemy Vorontsov built a luxurious palace with a horse yard in the estate and laid out a park with picturesque stone pavilions. A new tunnel was made from the palace to the horse yard, through which a horse could pass, secret galleries were led to gazebos and other buildings.

But in 1812, all this was burned: the next owner, the Moscow governor-general Rostopchin, set fire to his house himself, so that Napoleon would not get it. Several eyewitnesses testify to this, and the Napoleonic general noted in his diary that he found in Voronovo only ashes and a note pinned to the gate: "I set fire to my palace, which cost me a million ..."

However, the Count's act aroused not admiration among his compatriots, but horror: too many values ​​were in vain destroyed by him. In addition, the owners of the estates who suffered from Napoleon could claim some compensation from the Russian government, and Rostopchin, who burned his palace himself, clearly did not fall into this category. Then the general began to deny and assert that his house was burned not by himself, but by the enemy. But they did not believe him, moreover, rumors spread that the count had not suffered as much as he was trying to prove, and that he had prudently carried his treasures into the dungeon and hid there until better times. The count denied the charges and defiantly did not return to Voronovo.

A hundred years later, history repeated itself: the last owner of Voronov, Countess Sheremeteva, frightened by the events of the February Revolution, left the estate without her luggage. But the Bolsheviks did not find especially valuable things in the estate. Where did they go?

During excavations on the territory of the estate, the researchers discovered several wide tunnels, blocked by rubble. In these underground passages, some valuable objects were also found, mostly metal. The hopes that someday the paintings will also be found disappeared long ago: the canvases would not have survived two hundred years in the underground dampness.

In 120 kilometers from Moscow, in the city of Alexandrov, there was a country palace of Ivan the Terrible. Here tourists will be told about the manners and customs of the king. About how he married eight times, and sent his unloved wives to monasteries or killed. How he fed the fish in the pond with the corpses of his enemies, and how fatty and tasty the fish was, served to the king's table. They will show underground casemates, where the unfortunate prisoners were tortured, and other, more peaceful, but also underground rooms, where food supplies were stored. Suffering from persecution mania, Grozny loved dungeons, and even the royal bedchambers for safety were arranged underground. Tourists are shown these rooms: carved beds, carpets, embroidered bedspreads and no windows.

On the banks of the Pakhra River there is an extensive system of caves, both natural and artificial. Usually, Nikitsky quarries and a large group of Novlensky caves are distinguished, among which are the Syanovsky quarries, Kiseli, Novo-Syanovsky, Pionersky and others. The length of the underground labyrinth is very long, and it is believed that some of the caves were dug during the time of Ancient Rus for the extraction of limestone.

On weekends, Syana is visited by dozens and even hundreds of people. The entrance to the dungeon is nicknamed the Cat's Eye. The passages and halls of the quarries were also given original names: Mlechnik, Shchuchka, Venerin Laz - a woman with a good figure fits perfectly into it.

At the entrance to the quarries there is a notebook - a journal of visits, where you must definitely check in, going down, and then a second time, leaving the caves. It is strictly forbidden to litter underground, and even more so to kindle fires. Flashlights should be directed downward, and not in the face of oncoming people.

Nikita quarries are another huge cave system discovered in the mid-fifties. Currently, some of the caves are equipped for excursions. The system has many halls and passages with enticing names: Wet Galleries, Yezhovaya, Kurinaya and Dokhlomyshinaya; the Commander's Hall, Lake of the Drunken Drummer, Chagall's well ... Some caves are considered anomalous zones.


Despite the fact that St. Petersburg is a city in a swamp, its oldest underground passage is almost the same age as the city itself. It was dug in the Tsar's bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress at the beginning of the 18th century during the rebuilding of the original timber and earth fortress into a stone one and is located in the thickness of the sloping outer wall for safe movement of the fortress garrison from the left flank of the bastion to the right.

It is a tunnel 97 meters long and about two meters wide. The brick walls and vaults were not painted or plastered. 25 embrasures were made in the outer wall; in the 19th century, during the renovation of the wall, they were laid.

The fortress was never used for defense purposes, so the underground passage served as a storage room, and then it was completely filled up, only to be discovered in the fifties of the XX century when laying a heating main.

The restoration of the porch and the casemate with which it is connected became a gift from the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Now the underground passage is open to the public.

Another passage was made in the Trubetskoy bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress, but it was also covered up and has not yet been dug up.

There are other historical dungeons in St. Petersburg. Under Truda Square (Blagoveshchenskaya Square) is the underground part of the Kryukov Canal, hidden in a sewer back in the early 1840s. This underground tunnel with granite walls and brick vaults was considered one of the most sinister Petersburg slums and was described in the novel of the same name by Vsevolod Krestovsky: bandits hid and hid their loot there. The authorities took action, and in the 1870s the entrance to the canal from the Neva was closed with bars and filled up.

However, in the spring of 1912, the soil began to sag on the square, and then a huge hole formed altogether - it was the vaults of the Kryukov Canal that collapsed. Having disassembled the already rusted grate, the engineers sailed on a raft through the stinking underground waters and found that the structure was completely dilapidated. Then the channel was completely filled up and forgotten about it. Only in the 1990s, when an underground passage was being built on Truda Square, did the builders stumble upon the remains of a stone vault. The unique relic was preserved, making it part of the design of the modern passage.

This is where the list of explored and explored dungeons of the Northern Capital ends. In most underground rooms, there are only enthusiastic diggers. This is how the Shuvalov Park acquired a gloomy fame after in 1988, in a dungeon under Mount Parnassus, two teenagers were flooded, and only one of them was saved. According to the diggers, there is an extensive system of dungeons under the park. Whether these are the secret passages of the former owner of these places, the freemason, Count Shuvalov, or the fortifications of the First and Second World Wars, it is difficult to say: after the tragic incident, they were not examined, but simply filled up the entrances with soil.

They say that under the Alexander Nevsky Lavra there is a whole labyrinth of small rooms connected by narrow passages. Probably, initially they served as a monastery prison, and later were abandoned. Now they are partially flooded by the waters of the Monastyrka River, and their entrances are walled up for safety. The diggers nevertheless entered the Lavra dungeon through one of the crypts at the Nikolskoye cemetery and found weapons and grenades from the Civil War.

The Mikhailovsky Castle was built in less than three years on the site of the Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna by a special order of Paul I. For forty days, the castle was considered the residence of the emperor. Paul was very concerned about his safety, so he wanted the castle to be surrounded by water on all sides. For this purpose, artificial canals were specially dug, and drawbridges were thrown across them. According to legend, in case of a sudden escape from the castle, several underground passages were dug, which the emperor could use in case of danger. But he did not manage to do this, but on the contrary: according to one of the versions, it was through the underground passage that the conspirators who killed Paul entered the Mikhailovsky Castle.

The neighboring Summer Garden also seems to have underground passages dug by order of Peter I. For a long time it was believed that they were destroyed long ago, however, during the restoration of the Summer Garden after the flood of 1924, near the Coffee House, an entrance to a deep underground was found, from which there was a high and rather wide tunnel with brick walls. He led to a small vaulted hall, from which there were passages in the direction of the Champ de Mars and on the opposite side of the Fontanka River. It was not possible to pass through them: after a dozen meters the path was blocked by strong iron bars. The tunnels were examined, described and ... filled up. Since then, they have not been found.

After the outbreak of World War I, an angry mob stormed the German embassy and pogrom there. However, only the doorkeeper who did not leave his post was injured, the rest simply were not in the building: by some unknown route they managed to escape. Then information surfaced about the existence of an underground passage between the German embassy and the neighboring hotel "Astoria", because both buildings were built by the same company. Nicholas II solved the problem wisely, ordering to confiscate the hotel and the adjacent land in favor of the treasury.

They say that under Smolny there is an old bunker that can even withstand an atomic bomb. During World War II, he served as a command post. A bunker was also built under the park of the Forestry Academy during the war, and now it is flooded, like most of all the bomb shelters during the war.

Enthusiastic researchers claim that there are underground passages in almost all central districts of St. Petersburg. The entrances to the catacombs were seen in the 30s on the street. Architect Rossi, on pl. Ostrovsky, on the Fontanka embankment. It is possible that in the area of ​​Sennaya Square there are several tiers of underground structures. These connecting and intersecting cellars stretch from Nevsky Prospect to Lermontovsky. According to rumors, there is an underground passage in one of the houses on the Fontanka, which once belonged to Platon Zubov. This house is famous for its "rotunda" - an entrance with six columns and a spiral staircase. Legends say that there are underground passages and hiding places under Menshikov's palace, it is believed that the disgraced favorite hid his untold riches there.

For a long time, Lithuanian Avenue was a congestion of thieves' raspberries and brothels. A whole complex of underground structures has developed there: basements, cellars, underground taverns and brothels, connected by secret passages. Unfortunately, these places are mainly researched by diggers, not scientists. There are many interesting finds - gramophones, porcelain figurines, a thief's instrument ... Some hope to find the legendary treasures of Lenka Panteleev there.

There is a legend that the FSB building on Liteiny Prospect has multi-storey basements with terrible torture chambers, boxes for medical experiments, and even a brothel for employees. But this is unlikely: the Neva is too close.

The atmosphere of these semi-mythical and undiscovered dungeons is recreated by the "Horrors of St. Petersburg" museum, which is actually located on the surface. But another museum - "The World of St. Petersburg Water" - is partially underground. He tells about the history of water supply and sewerage systems in St. Petersburg and delights children and adults.


Catherine II built the Gatchina Palace as a gift to her favorite Grigory Orlov, but then their relationship underwent changes, and Orlov was forbidden to approach St. Petersburg, and Catherine bought Gatchina and presented it to her son, the future Emperor Paul I. Tradition links the creation of the Gatchina underground passage to his name. the palace, although the documents say differently: the underground passage was built simultaneously with the palace itself.

There is a version that it was this underground passage that Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky took advantage of when fleeing from the sailors in 1917.

He did mention in his memoirs that an employee of the palace came to him and indicated that he knew a secret, unknown underground passage that leads into the park outside the walls of this palace-fortress. But judging by his further words, he himself hastily fled by some other path, and several of his people came out by an underground passage.

You can go down to the 130-meter underground passage directly from the ceremonial halls on the second floor. In the wall of the front bedchamber there is a secret door leading to a dark narrow spiral staircase leading to the lower floor to the emperor's dressing room and then to the palace cellars.

This passage was not secret, on the contrary, the passage and the basements of the palace were used to entertain guests. Thanks to good acoustics, the echo here repeats up to four syllables, and visitors to the Gatchina Palace were entertained with special "chants". Because of this, the exit from the tunnel to the shore of Silver Lake was named the Echo grotto. The most famous of the old "chants" - "What flower is not afraid of frost ?! - Rose! ”,“ What was the name of the first virgin ?! - Eva! ”,“ Who stole the clamps ?! - You!". The guides say that once upon a time a horse harness was hung along the walls of the tunnel, and then for some reason it was removed. For some reason, the little Grand Duchess ran there and, seeing the emptiness on the walls, exclaimed in bewilderment: "Who stole the clamps?" "You! .. You! .. You! .." - echoed back.

A popular question among tourists is: “Who ruled us ?! - Paul!" They say that the name of the unfortunate emperor echoes up to 30 times!

However, you should not abuse the patience of the underground echo - you can inadvertently wake up the ghost of Paul I. So, in the memoirs of the daughter of the chief keeper of the palace, a case is described when, in the mid-twenties, walking with a friend, she wandered into the grotto and loudly shouted the name Paul. In response, from the darkness came: "Dead!" The girls fled in horror, it did not even occur to them that someone could play a trick on them.

According to unverified information, there is another underground passage that connected the Gatchina Palace with the Priory Palace. During the strengthening of the foundation of the palace, the restorers really stumbled upon an underground passage leading to the side of water bodies, but they were able to walk along it for only about a hundred meters.

On the river Oredezh, near the village of Rozhdestveno, Gatchina region, not far from the Siversky canyon, there are the Holy Cave and the Holy Spring. The terrain there is very beautiful: steep banks, hills, huge boulders, clean springs, beautiful forests, flowering meadows ... Fossils of the Paleozoic era are often found in these places. The cave, nicknamed the Saint, apparently served as a cult place since ancient times. In the 15th century, there was a temple above it. It disappeared a long time ago, but until now, underground waters sometimes carry crosses, chains, coins to the surface. Many legends are associated with this cave: they say that a whole network of underground tunnels diverges from it. Many people notice a strange glow or human figures in it. Such caves are not uncommon in the Leningrad Region. In the Slantsevsky district, near the village of Zaruchye, on the banks of the Dolgaya river, at the foot of the mountain, there is the Monash's cave. Once a church was erected over the cave, but it was blown up. The cave itself is half buried and you can only walk about fifteen meters.

But the dungeons of Peterhof are not at all mysterious, although very interesting. There is an excursion "Secrets of Peterhof Fountains" - tourists are led along dark, ominous underground passages, aqueducts, where the intricate mechanics of the famous fountains and their unique gravity water supply system are located. Tourists are shown working adits under the grottoes of the Grand Cascade, cameras under the Favoritny and Korzinka fountains, and the Water Road is turned on for them. And the fountain-cracker "Divanchik" allows visitors to turn it on and off themselves, pouring water on those walking upstairs. Special sliders adjust the height of the fountain jets.

There is also a legendary unexplored dungeon in Peterhof - this is an underground passage under Olga's pond. They say that one of its exit is on the island, where there is a cottage for friends of Nicholas I, and the other is in the basements of the Great Peterhof Cathedral.

In 40 kilometers from St. Tolstoy, as well as more than ten caves. The largest of them - "Levoberezhnaya" - is open only to organized groups of visitors: the total length of its passages is five and a half kilometers, and a "wild" tourist can easily get lost. The entrance to it is located near the bridge over the Tosna River. The cave has three underground lakes, quite deep and vast, several large beautiful halls with unusual names - Two-Eyed, Cosmic, Column, Yubileiny, Little Red Riding Hood and others. The walls of the caves are made of white and red sandstone, and the vaults are partly greenish limestone. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and the floor is covered with spherical formations - "cave pearls". Those who want to tickle their nerves can squeeze through the Cat's Manhole. This can be done only while lying down, pressing your hands to the body. Even in summer, you need to dress warmer for this excursion: in the cave it is always +8 degrees.

Hundreds of bats winter in the Sablinskiye Caves. This is the largest population in the area. You cannot touch them or even illuminate them with bright light, since a mouse woken up in winter dies of hunger.

In 2005, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a chapel was consecrated in the Left Bank Cave. It serves to perpetuate the memory of the lost travelers - geographers, geologists, polar explorers, cavers, climbers, who gave their lives in the name of serving science.

The Taitsky water pipeline is a gravity water supply system for Tsarskoye Selo, built in 1773-1787 under the leadership of the military engineer Baur, the same one who built the first Mytishchi water pipeline in Moscow.

The Taitsky aqueduct consisted of open (about five kilometers) and underground (slightly less than four kilometers) canals with storage ponds and grottoes. The water came from the Hannibal or Soninsky springs. It was originally made of wood, but twenty years later it was rebuilt in stone. This water supply system supplied water to the entire population of Tsarskoye Selo, Sofia and Pavlovsk, the palace itself and all the park fountains up to 1905, when the new Oryol water pipeline was launched. By that time, the state of the water conduit was already critical, and soon it was completely out of order. Currently, you can see only some of its fragments.

In the city of Vsevolozhsk, at the fork in the roads to Lake Ladoga and Koltushi, the Rumbolovskaya mountain rises. In front of it a monument-stele, decorated with oak and laurel leaves, was erected: the “Road of Life” began from Rumbolovskaya Mountain.

Fans of underground travel assure that the entire Rumbolovskaya mountain is pitted with passages created in time immemorial. They lead quite far, connecting with the Koltush quarries, located a good ten kilometers from Vsevolozhsk. Their center is a deep and wide well in the so-called Red Castle on the top of a mountain - a medieval building that became the basis for the Vsevolozhsky estate. The estate burned down long ago, and the ancient walls are still standing. According to local legends, the Red Castle with extensive basements was erected by order of the outstanding Swedish commander Pontus De la Gardie, who participated in the Livonian War.

The Demidovs' estate is located on the territory of the village of Nikolskoye, Gatchinsky District, on the banks of the Sivorka River. At the beginning of the 20th century, the estate was bought by the St. Petersburg zemstvo for the establishment of a neuropsychiatric hospital in it. The founder of the hospital was an outstanding psychiatrist Petr Petrovich Kashchenko. The hospital operates in the estate now. During a recent renovation, a network of underground passages was discovered between the outbuildings of the estate. They were laid at a shallow depth and therefore fell into complete disrepair.

Vyborg is located 130 kilometers northwest of St. Petersburg. Vyborg Castle was founded by the Swedes in 1293. In the 13th century, its watchtower was considered the tallest keep in Scandinavia at that time. The thickness of the fortress walls was one and a half to two meters, and the thickness of the tower walls was four meters. The Novgorodians made more than one attempt to take the castle by storm, but they were unsuccessful.

In the 15th century, the governor of the Swedish king spent a lot of time and effort on decorating the fortress so that it would become the subject of his pride. In the middle of the next century, the famous Queen Christina and King Gustav Vasa visited here. In those days, the Vyborg Castle was considered impregnable and majestic. He served the Swedes for another fifteen years, and in 1710, after a long siege, finally surrendered to the Russians. From the second half of the 18th century, the castle began to be used as a prison and a building for the garrison. Here, in particular, some Decembrists were kept. At the end of the 19th century, the castle was repaired and significantly reconstructed, retaining only the outer medieval facade. In this form, the castle has survived to this day.

The castle has an underground passage to the river, built in the early 1560s - the Matveyev pit. At the beginning of the 20th century, attempts were made to investigate it, but in the thirties it was walled up. Part of it is used for the pipeline.

Ivangorod and the fortress of the same name are located 147 kilometers from St. Petersburg. In 1492, at the bend of the Narva River on a hill opposite the Livonian castle, at the direction of Ivan III, a small fortress was laid to protect against the Livonians and Swedes, but only four years later it was captured by the Swedes. Having recaptured the fortress, the Russians repaired it, expanded it, and by the beginning of the 16th century Ivangorod had already become a powerful fortification. On the contrary, on the other bank of the Narva River, the Livonians built their fortress - Narva, or otherwise Herman's Castle (in this case Herman is not a man, but the tallest tower of the fortress).

Ivangorod took part in hostilities many times, passed from hand to hand, was blown up, then rebuilt again. Even now, as in ancient times, the border with Estonia runs along the Narva River, and a border regime operates in the fortress. Opposite Ivangorodskaya, the Castle of Herman still rises.

Azure-fire from the dungeon Nature often retains us amazing echoes of the past. For centuries, and sometimes for thousands of years, it keeps the traces of an ancient man, until his descendants deliberately or accidentally find them and read them about their deeds.

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NEVYANE UNDERGROUND. EMPIRE OF THE DEMIDOVS Today from Yekaterinburg to Nevyansk - two hours by train. And once it took a day to get along a good road. Nevyansk was the capital of the industrial kingdom of the Demidovs. Its founder, Akinfiy Demidov, fell in love with Peter the Great, who

the author Burlak Vadim Nikolaevich


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Not far from the large city of Rostov-on-Don, or rather even in its suburbs, from time immemorial, people have discovered strange underground structures: Deep underground tunnels, grottoes, caves of clearly artificial origin.

Underground passages lead to no one knows where for many kilometers. According to enthusiasts, the length of the underground passages exceeds a hundred kilometers !!! It is no coincidence that I mentioned the enthusiasts. It is only enthusiasts who are engaged in such anomalies - after all, as always, official science and archeology stubbornly refuses to notice such zones. So, according to the estimates of all the same independent experts, these dungeons are at least several thousand years old. Everyone who has ever been there points to their artificial origin. The purpose of creating such a giant underground structure is still unclear. At least a little to reveal the secret of this miracle, I think that the latest knowledge that was described in the book "The Way Home" will help us.

Locals, when it comes to dungeons, strongly advise against going there, even on pain of death. Locals experience panic at the very thought of trying to enter the underground labyrinth. Many people talk about multiple strange deaths of people trying to explore the caves. Cattle and other domestic animals have repeatedly disappeared at the entrance to the caves. Often only gnawed bones were found !!!

Several years ago, the military tried to use the underground labyrinths for their own purposes. The command of the North Caucasus Military District planned to build a fortified secret control bunker in the catacombs in case of a nuclear war. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Measurements were carried out, soil samples were taken, the terrain was thoroughly studied. Several groups were organized to study the length of the underground passages. Two soldiers with a walkie-talkie and a lantern in their hands in each of the groups passed cave after cave, labyrinth after labyrinth. Their path was tracked on the surface by radio.

Everything went as well as possible, however, the fortified underground bunker of the North Caucasian Military District near Aksai, as it was, never happened. All work was suddenly and unexpectedly stopped. The military retreated from this cursed place in panic. The entrance to the dungeon was sealed with a thick layer of reinforced concrete. We did our best - we spent hundreds of tons of selected concrete on it!

An emergency order to stop the work came from Moscow after radio communication with one of the groups exploring the dungeons suddenly stopped, and the group did not come to the surface. Rescuers were equipped to search. After some time, the rescuers managed to find two soldiers, or rather what was left of them - only the lower half of the body of each of them !!! From the waist down to the feet in the boots - the rest vanished. The walkie-talkie was surprisingly cut in two. Moreover, further research showed that the cut was so delicate that not a single small crack remained on the electronic boards. Real jewelry work !!! By the way, there was no blood either - the tissues of the soldiers' bodies were slightly melted at the site of the incision. There is work - a laser.

The case was immediately reported to Moscow. An urgent order came from the Ministry of Defense: All work should be stopped immediately! Remove people and equipment! The entrance to the dungeon is securely repaired with reinforced concrete! Why and why the order did not explain. Each of you, if you want to explore the dungeon, and now can easily find this reinforced concrete wall with easily distinguishable traces of formwork. The question remains: What so scared our gallant military with their missiles and nuclear power? And why fill up the entrance to the ancient dungeon with tons of concrete?
The military classified information on these events so as not to raise panic, but the information surfaced as a result of the death of the catacomb researcher Oleg Burlakov. He also died, he was cut in half, but the lower part remained intact, but only the bones remained from the upper part.
Local historians have mystified the Aksai catacombs from time immemorial. A couple of hundred years ago, a strange-looking overseas merchant came to Aksai - as it turned out later, a member of the secret Masonic order of the Jesuits. He spent several years in Aksai. During his stay, he spent a lot of money looking for something. What he was looking for, no one could understand. Constantly equipping large groups of excavators, carefully studying the terrain. It became clear to everyone that the foreigner was not looking for a treasure or treasure. The money he spent during this time on diggers and on all the work would have been more than enough for several treasures.

After all, none of the locals wanted to work near those dungeons for any money. The merchant had to recruit and bring new people all the time - after a while people fled for unknown reasons.

Whether the merchant managed to find what he was looking for remained a mystery behind seven seals. It is only known that according to the ancient books of Jesuit Masons, which according to some sources stand at the origins of the birth of the Roman Catholic Church, it is written that the area near Aksai is a holy land, somehow connected with their deity, whose cult they worship - namely reptiles to Lucifer. For them - God, and for us - Satan !!!

This information interested visiting diggers who decided to walk through the dungeon, taking a dog just in case. However, they fell into a trap: after walking a few hundred meters into the depths, the diggers noticed that behind them in a couple of steps the walls converged, and after a few seconds they parted again. Apparently the mechanism was so ancient that it did not manage to work in time, allowing the diggers to avoid danger. The dog accompanying the diggers whined and ran off the leash back through the maze ... On the way back, the diggers decided to bypass the ill-fated place, but this time they fell into a trap, a hole formed behind them, and then the floor returned to its original position. What secrets do the Aksai dungeons hide? After all, people had to pay with their lives for them, and no one had to get out of this labyrinth, falling into a trap!

Residents of Aksai say that their ancestors, living in the Kobyakovsky settlement, brought human sacrifices to a certain Dragon, which crawled out of the ground and ate people. This image can often be found in chronicles, folk tales, among the monuments of architecture, archeology. However, the legend of the dragon lives on to this day, since only a few decades ago, during the collapse of the floor of the local cannery, workers witnessed a horrifying picture: they noticed below the body of a seemingly huge snake, which quickly appeared and disappeared in the hole, a devilish roar was heard, dogs , those present during the search of the manhole - jumped off their seats and ran away headlong with their tails between their legs, while the workers looked dumbfounded, could not come to their senses. This passage was walled up, but the dogs decided to return to this place after only a week.
These eyewitness testimonies became the basis for the advancement of the theory that this dragon did not crawl out of the ground, but out of the water. Indeed, according to the testimony of geological exploration, there is a lake at a depth of 40 meters near Aksai, and a sea at a depth of 250 meters. The underground waters of the Don form another river, in the Don there is a funnel that sucks in any objects caught in the strong current of the river. Until now, they cannot find trailers and cars that entered the Don from the old Aksai bridge. Divers who examined the bottom of the lake stated that this funnel pulls in objects with tremendous force, even steel safety cables are stretched to the limit.

According to eyewitnesses, UFOs appear over the city quite often, they seem to emerge from the ground, hang in the air and dive underground again. Once a translucent UFO swam over the city and humanoid figures were visible. One UFO blinded the sleeping Aksai with rays of light, when these rays reached the warships on the banks of the Don, the military attempted to attack the night visitor and fired at him with guns, but this did not bring any visible result. The UFO disappeared and dived somewhere underground. Another case was described by many eyewitnesses: three spherical UFOs whirled in the sky of the old Aksai bridge. The outgoing light was so bright that it began to interfere with traffic on the highway, dozens of drivers were fascinated by this spectacle. The arriving police squad could not move the drivers; they had to call for help from Aksai.

An underground network of tunnels that pierce the Earth

There are many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities in the Middle East, India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, USA, Russia and many countries.
120 km from Saratov, in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya ridge, the "Cosmopoisk" expedition led by Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Chernobrov in 1997 discovered and in subsequent years mapped a branched system of tunnels surveyed for tens of kilometers. The tunnels have a circular or oval cross-section with a diameter of 7 to 20 m and are located at a depth of 6 to 30 m from the surface. As they approach the Medveditskaya ridge, their diameter increases from 20 to 35 m, then 80 m, and already at the very elevation the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning into a huge hall under the mountain.
Judging by numerous publications in newspapers, magazines and the Internet, in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya ridge, ball lightning is often observed (in terms of the number of observed ball lightning, it ranks second in the world) and UFOs, which sometimes disappear underground, which has long attracted the attention of ufologists. The members of the Kosmopoisk expedition hypothesized that the ridge is a “crossroads” where underground roads of many directions converge. They can even reach Novaya Zemlya and the North American continent.
In the article "Tunnels of Lost Civilizations" E. Vorobyov said that the Marble Cave in the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level, was formed on the site of a tunnel with a diameter of about 20 m with perfectly flat walls, going deep into the mountain range with slope towards the sea. The walls of this tunnel are well preserved in places and have no traces of erosional activity from flowing waters - karst caverns. The author believes that the tunnel existed before the beginning of the Oligocene, that is, its age is at least 34 million years!
The newspaper "Astrakhanskie Izvestia" *** reported the existence in the Krasnodar Territory near Gelendzhik of a straight, like an arrow, vertical shaft with a diameter of about 1.5 m and a depth of more than 100 m with smooth, as if melted, walls - stronger than cast-iron tubing in the metro ... Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Polyakov from Moscow State University found that the microstructure of the soil in the cut of the shaft wall is disturbed as a result of physical impact by only 1-1.5 mm. On the basis of his conclusion and direct observations, it was concluded that the high bonding properties of the walls are most likely the result of simultaneous thermal and mechanical effects using some kind of high technology unknown to us.
According to the same E. Vorobyov, in 1950 by a secret decree of the USSR Council of Ministers, it was decided to build a tunnel through the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland with Sakhalin by rail. Over time, the secrecy was lifted and the doctor of physical and mechanical sciences L.S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in her memoirs addressed to the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much rebuilding the existing tunnel, but rather restoring it. built in ancient times, extremely competently, taking into account the geological features of the bottom of the strait.

The same ancient tunnels, judging by publications, radio and television broadcasts of previous years, were found by the builders of modern metro tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kiev and other cities. This allows us to believe that along with metro tunnels, rivers hidden in concrete boxes, sewerage and drainage systems and the latest, equipped with the latest technology, "autonomous underground cities" with power plants, there are also numerous underground communications of earlier eras under them *** ... They form a multi-level, intricately intertwined system of countless underground passages and chambers, and the oldest buildings are located deeper than the metro line and, probably, continue far beyond the cities. There is information that in the territory of Ancient Russia there were underground galleries hundreds of kilometers long, connecting the largest cities of the country. Entering them, for example, in Kiev, it was possible to get off in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).
And not a word is said about all these grandiose underground structures in any reference book. There are no published maps or publications dedicated to them. And all because in all countries the location of underground utilities is a state secret, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers who study them unofficially.

Of the underground communications found in other countries, it should be noted the tunnel found on Mount Babia (height 1725 m) in the Tatra-Beskydy mountain range, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. UFO encounters also occurred quite frequently in this place. The Polish ufologist Robert Lesnyakevich, who is studying this anomalous zone, in search of information about the events that took place here in earlier times, contacted another Polish expert on this kind of problems, Dr. Jan Pajonk, a professor at the university in the New Zealand city of Dunedin.
Professor Payonk wrote to Lesnyakevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and high school student, he heard the following story from an elderly man named Vincent:

« Many years ago, my father said that the time had come for me to learn the secret that the inhabitants of our places have long passed from father to son. And this secret is the hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also told me to remember the road well, because he would show me it only once.
After that we went on in silence. When we approached the foot of Babia Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed out to me a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters ...
When we leaned on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily shifted to the side. An opening was opened into which a cart could freely enter, together with a horse harnessed to it ...
A tunnel opened in front of us, going down rather steeply. Father moved forward, I followed him, stunned by what had happened. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a slightly flattened circle, was as straight as an arrow, and so wide and high that an entire train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and there were almost no footsteps to be heard. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.
Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until we came to a spacious hall that looked like the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross section, others were round.

... the father spoke again:

- Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and to different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and then to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it connects with the left one. You can also get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - the North and South. On the way of each tunnel there are “junction stations” similar to the one in which we are now. So, without knowing the exact route, it is easy to get lost in them ...
The father's story was interrupted by a distant sound that sounded like a low rumble and a metallic clang at the same time. Such a sound is emitted by a heavily laden train when it starts to move or brakes sharply ...

- The tunnels that you saw, - the father continued his story, - were not built by people, butpowerful creatures living underground... These are their roads to travel from one end of the underworld to the other. And they move onflying fire cars... If we were in the path of such a machine, we would be burned alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel can be heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such a meeting. Well, and besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our area ... ".

Another mysterious place, similar to the Medveditskaya ridge, Mount Babu, Nevado de Cachi, and, perhaps, Shambhala is Mount Shasta 4317 m high in the Cascade Mountains in northern California. UFOs are quite often observed in the area of ​​Shasta ...
The English traveler and explorer Percy Fawcett, who worked in South America for many years and visited North America several times, mentioned the long tunnels located near the Popocatepetl and Inlacuatl volcanoes in Mexico ... and in the region of Mount Shasta. From local residents, he heard stories about tall, golden-haired people supposedly inhabiting the dungeons. The Indians believed that these were the descendants of people who in ancient times descended from heaven, who could not adapt to life on the surface and left for underground caves ...

Some people even managed to see the mysterious underground empire.
Andrew Thomas in his book "Shambhala - an oasis of light" also wrote that in the mountains of California there are straight, like arrows, underground passages leading to the state of New Mexico.
Maxim Yablokov in the book "Aliens" They are already here !!! " told about one interesting fact. The underground nuclear tests carried out at the test site in the state of Nevada (USA) led to very curious consequences. Two hours later, at one of the military bases in Canada, located at a distance of 2000 km from the test site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. It turned out that next to the Canadian base there was a huge cave, which is part of a huge system of caves and tunnels of the continent ...


We have already written about the reptoids - a race of intelligent lizards that arose simultaneously, and most likely before humans. The publication said that the lizards left the stage, giving way to a man. We are correcting ourselves: there are good reasons to believe that the lizards, leaving the surface of the planet for man, went deep into the Earth.

Earth unknown to us

Despite all the technical achievements, a person still cannot say that he knows the planet as his apartment. There are still places where the scientist's foot has not yet gone. In other corners, if he did appear, it was only to write on the rock "I was here" and to leave this area in pristine purity for another 200-300 years.

Studying the World Ocean, a person sank to a depth of 11.000 m, however, he is in absolute ignorance of what is deeper than 200-300 m. (To visit does not mean to study) As for the natural voids of the Earth, here a person has gone no further than the "hallway" and even has no idea how many rooms there are in the underground "apartment" and what size they are. He only knows "a lot" and "very large".

Endless underground labyrinths

There are caves in absolutely all parts of the world, on all continents, up to Antarctica. Underground corridors are woven into endless labyrinth tunnels. Walking and crawling along these galleries for 40-50 km, without reaching the end of the tunnel, is quite common for speleologists, not worth mentioning. There are caves 100, 200, 300 km long! Mamontova - 627 km. And none of the caves is considered fully explored.

Scientist Andrei Timoshevsky (better known as Andrew Thomas), who studied Tibet and the Himalayas for a long time, wrote that the monks took him through endless tunnels, through which, according to them, it was possible to walk to the center of the Earth.

After an underground nuclear explosion at a test site in Nevada in the caves of Canada, located more than 2,000 km away, the radiation level jumped 20 times. American cavers are confident that all the caves of the North American continent are in communication with each other.

Russian researcher Pavel Miroshnichenko believes that there is a network of global underground voids stretching from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the Volgograd region.

In fact, we have one more continent - underground. Is it really not inhabited by anyone?

Masters of the underworld

Our ancestors did not think so. They were simply convinced of the exact opposite. Legends and legends about intelligent lizards living in underground labyrinths are among the peoples of Australia, North American Indians, the same Tibetan monks, Hindus, residents of the Urals and the Rostov region of the Southern Federal District. Is it really an accident?

Most likely, as a result of climatic changes, life for the lizards on the Earth's surface has become impossible. If the unreasonable creatures remained on the surface and died, the reptoids went underground, where there is water, there are no deadly temperature changes, and the deeper, the higher it is due to volcanic activity.

Leaving the surface of the planet to man, they took possession of its underground part. Undoubtedly, someday the long-awaited meeting will take place. And most likely it will happen in South America. It was here that the wall separating the two civilizations thinned to a thin partition.


Even Jesuit priests wrote about the presence in South America of a huge number of underground caves connected together. The Indians called them "Chinkanas". The Spaniards believed that the Chinkanas created the Incas for military purposes: for a quick retreat or a covert attack. The Indians assured that they had nothing to do with the dungeons, they were created by the people-snakes, who live there and do not really like outsiders.

The Europeans did not believe, according to their reflections, these "horror stories" were intended to prevent the valiant settlers from getting to the gold hidden by the Incas in underground caches. Therefore, there were a lot of attempts to explore the Chinkanas of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador.

Expeditions do not return

Most adventurers who embarked on a risky journey through underground labyrinths did not return. The few lucky ones came without gold and told about their meetings with people covered with scales and huge eyes, but no one believed them. The authorities, who absolutely did not need an emergency with the missing "tourists", filled up and filled up all known entrances and exits.

The Chinkanas and scientists investigated. In the 1920s, several Peruvian expeditions disappeared in the Peruvian Chinkanas. In 1952, a joint American-French group went underground. The scientists planned to return in 5 days. The only surviving member of the expedition, Philippe Lamontiere, came to the surface 15 days later, slightly damaged in his mind.

What in his incoherent stories about endless labyrinths and lizards walking on two legs, who killed everyone else, was the former truth, and what was the fruit of a sick imagination, it was not possible to establish. The Frenchman died a few days later from the bubonic plague. Where did he find the plague in the dungeon?

Reptoids, on the way out?

Who lives there in the dungeon? Exploration of the caves, including the mysterious cankanas, continues. Returning members of the expeditions are sure that creatures with intelligence live in the depths of the caves. The stairs and steps they found in the dungeons, the halls, the floors of which are paved with slabs, the kilometer-long gutters carved into the walls, leave no other options. And the deeper and farther the researchers go, the more often they come across all sorts of "surprises".

Scientists from France, England, the USA and Russia have repeatedly recorded powerful streams of electromagnetic waves, the source of which is located in the depths of the Earth. Their nature is unclear.


Lacerta: When I talk about our underground home, I'm talking about large cave systems. The caves you find close to the surface are tiny compared to real caves and huge caves deep in the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to the surfaces around the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves.

The main sites of our caves are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. When I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities, I do not mean the real sun, but various technological light sources that illuminate caves and tunnels.

There are special cave areas and tunnels with strong UV light in every city, and we use them to warm our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of sunshine on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will tell you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you must look for it (but I would advise you not to.) When I arrived at the surface four days ago, I used an entrance about 300 kilometers north of here, close to a large lake, but I doubt that you might find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - much more in the north and east.)

As a little tip: if you are in a narrow cave or tunnel or even in something that looks like an artificial shaft, and the deeper you go, the smoother the walls become; and if you feel unusual warm air flowing from the depths, or if you hear the sound of flowing air in the ventilation or lift shaft, and find a special kind of artificial things;

else - if you see a wall with a door made of gray metal somewhere in a cave - you could try to open that door (but I doubt it); or, you find yourself underground in an ordinary-looking technical room with ventilation systems and lifts to the depth - then this is probably the entrance to our world;

if you have reached this place, you should know that we have now located you and are aware of your presence, you are already in big trouble. If you have entered a round room, then you must look for one of the two reptilian symbols on the walls. If there are no symbols or there are other symbols, then you are probably in even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our species.

Some new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you find yourself in a strange underground structure for you: run as fast as you can.

22.10.2015 14.10.2019 - admin

In many regions of the world there are ancient structures, it is not known by whom and for what purpose they were created. Given the limited technical capabilities of our ancestors, it is simply impossible to believe that they were built by people of the Stone or Bronze Age.

In Turkey (Cappadocia), a huge complex of underground cities was discovered, located on several tiers and connected by tunnels. Underground shelters were built by an unknown people in time immemorial. Erik von Daniken in his book "In the Footsteps of the Almighty" describes these shelters as follows: "... giant underground cities were discovered, designed for many thousands of inhabitants. The most famous of them are located under the modern village of Derinkuyu. The entrances to the underworld are hidden under houses.

Here and there on the ground there are vents leading far inland. The dungeon is cut by tunnels that connect the rooms. The first floor from the village of Derinkuyu covers an area of ​​four square kilometers, and the premises of the fifth floor can accommodate ten thousand people. It is estimated that this underground complex can simultaneously accommodate three hundred thousand people.

Derinkuyu underground structures alone have fifty-two ventilation shafts and fifteen thousand entrances. The largest mine reaches a depth of eighty-five meters. The lower part of the city served as a reservoir for water ...

To date, thirty-six underground cities have been discovered in this area. Not all

they are on the scale of Kaymakli or Derinkuyu, but their plans have been carefully crafted. People who know this area well believe that there are many more underground structures. All the cities known today are connected by tunnels ”.

These underground vaults with huge stone valves, warehouses, kitchens and ventilation shafts are featured in Eric von Daniken's documentary, In the Footsteps of the Almighty. The author of the film suggested that the ancient people were hiding in them from a certain threat emanating from heaven.

Sahara Desert. Many kilometers of tunnels are hidden under its surface.

In many regions of our planet, there are numerous mysterious underground structures of unknown purpose to us. at the Algerian border (10 ° west longitude and 25 ° north latitude), there is a whole system of tunnels and underground utilities carved into the rock. The main adits are 3 meters high and 4 meters wide. In some places, the distance between the tunnels is less than 6 meters. The average length of the tunnels is 4.8 kilometers, and their total length (together with auxiliary adits) is 1,600 kilometers!

The modern tunnel under the English Channel looks like child's play compared to these structures. There is speculation that these underground corridors were intended to supply water to the desert regions of the Sahara. But it would be much easier to dig irrigation canals on the surface of the earth. In addition, in those distant times, the climate in this region was humid, there was heavy rainfall - and there was no particular need for irrigation of the land.

To dig these passages underground, it was necessary to extract 20 million cubic meters of rock - many times the volume of all the Egyptian pyramids built. Truly titanic work. It is almost impossible to carry out the construction of underground communications in such a volume using even modern technical means. Scientists, however, attribute these underground communications to the fifth millennium BC. e., that is, by the time our ancestors just learned to build primitive huts and use stone tools.

Who then built these grandiose tunnels and for what purpose?

In the first half of the XVI century. Francisco Pizarro discovered in the Peruvian Andes a cave entrance, closed by rock blocks. It was located at an altitude of 6770 meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran.

A speleological expedition organized in 1971, examining a system of tunnels consisting of several levels, discovered sealed doors, which, despite their massiveness, easily turned to open the entrance. The floor of the underground passages is paved with blocks, treated in such a way as to prevent slipping (the tunnels leading to the ocean have an inclination of about 14 °). According to various estimates, the total length of communications ranges from 88 to 105 kilometers. It is assumed that earlier the tunnels led to the island of Guanapé, but it is rather difficult to test this hypothesis, because the tunnels end in a lake of salty sea water.

In 1965, in, between the cities of Galaquiza, San Antonio and Yopi, the Argentinean Juan Moric discovered a system of tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of several hundred kilometers! The entrance to this system looks like a neat cut in the rock, about the size of a barn gate. The tunnels have a rectangular cross-section with varying width and sometimes turn at right angles. The walls of underground utilities are covered with a kind of glaze, as if they were treated with some kind of solvent or were exposed to high temperatures. Interestingly, no rock dumps from the tunnels were found at the exit.

An underground passage leads successively to underground platforms and huge halls located at a depth of 240 meters, with vents 70 centimeters wide. In the center of one of the halls measuring 110 × 130 meters, there is a table and seven thrones made of an unknown plastic-like material. There was also found a whole gallery of large golden figures depicting animals: elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars, crabs, snails and even dinosaurs. The researchers also found a "library" consisting of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 45 × 90 centimeters, covered with incomprehensible signs. The priest Father Carlo Crespi, who carried out archaeological research there with the permission of the Vatican, claims that all the finds taken out of the tunnels “belong to the pre-Christian era, and most of the symbols and prehistoric images are older than the time of the Flood.

In 1972, Erik von Daniken met with Juan Moric and persuaded him to show the ancient tunnels. The researcher agreed, but with one condition - not to photograph the underground labyrinths. In his book, Daniken writes:

“… To better understand what is happening, our guides made us walk the last 40 km on foot. We are very tired; the tropics have wore us down. Finally we came to a hill that has many entrances to the depths of the Earth.

The entrance we chose was almost invisible due to the vegetation covering it. It was wider than the railway station. We walked through a tunnel about 40 meters wide; its flat ceiling showed no sign of connecting devices.

The entrance to it was located at the foot of the Los Tayos hill, and at least the first 200 m went just down in the direction of the center of the massif. The height of the tunnel was about 230 cm, there was a floor, partially covered with bird droppings, with a layer of about 80 cm. Among the debris and droppings, metal and stone figurines all the time came across. The floor was made of cut stone.

We lit our road with carbide lamps. There were no traces of soot in these caves. It was said that, according to legend, their inhabitants illuminated the road with golden mirrors that reflected sunlight, or a system of collecting light using emeralds. This last solution reminded us of the principle of a laser.

The walls are also covered with very well-worked stones. The admiration for the construction of Machu Picchu diminishes when you see this work. The stone is smoothly polished and has straight edges. The ribs are not rounded. The joints of the stones are barely noticeable. Judging by some of the finished blocks lying on the floor, there was no subsidence, as the surrounding walls were finished and fully finished. What is it - the sloppiness of the creators, who, having finished the work, left behind pieces or they thought to continue their work?

The walls are almost completely covered with animal reliefs - both modern and extinct. Dinosaurs, elephants, jaguars, crocodiles, monkeys, crayfish - all headed towards the center. We found a carved inscription - a square with rounded corners, with a side of about 12 cm. Groups of geometric figures varied between two and four units of different lengths, which appeared to be placed in a vertical and horizontal shape. This order did not repeat itself from one to the next. Is it a number system or a computer program? We also remembered the radio circuits.

Just in case, the expedition was equipped with an oxygen supply system, but it was not needed. Even today, the ventilation ducts, which are vertically cut into the hill, are well preserved and fulfilled their function. When coming to the surface, some of them are covered with lids. It is difficult to find them from the outside, only sometimes a bottomless well is shown among the groups of stones.

The ceiling in the tunnel is low, with no relief. Outwardly, it looks like it is made of rough cut stone. However, it is soft to the touch. Can not be! We touched it again - in fact, the feeling did not deceive us. Suddenly they began to understand that we were in a different atmosphere. The heat and dampness disappeared, making the journey easier. We reached a wall of cut stone that divided our path. On either side of the wide tunnel along which we descended, the path opened to a narrower passage. We went over to one of those who walked to the left. We later discovered that another passage led in the same direction. With these passes, we walked about 1200 m, and only in order to find a stone wall that blocked our path. Our guide effortlessly stretched out his hand to a point, and at the same time two stone doors, 35 cm wide, opened.

With bated breath, we stopped at the mouth of a huge cave with dimensions that cannot be determined with the naked eye. One side was about 5 m high. The dimensions of the cave were about 110 × 130 m, although its shape is not rectangular.

The conductor whistled and various shadows crossed the "living room." Birds flew, butterflies, no one knew where. Various tunnels opened. Our guide said that this Large Room is always clean. Animals and squares are drawn all over the walls. Moreover, they all connect with each other.

In the middle of the Living Room was a table and several chairs. The men sit back on their backs; but these chairs are for taller people. They are designed for statues, approximately 2 m high. At first glance, the table and chairs are made of simple stone. However, if touched, they will turn out to be of a plastic material, almost worn out and completely smooth. A table measuring approximately 3 × 6 m is supported only by a cylindrical base 77 cm in diameter. The top is about 30 cm thick. There are five chairs on one side, and six or seven on the other.

If you touch the inside of the tabletop, you can feel the texture and coldness of the stone, making you think that it is covered with an unknown material.

At first, considering our visit over, the guide led us to another hidden door. Once again, two sections of stone opened effortlessly, giving entry to yet another smaller living space. It contained a mass of shelves with volumes, and in the middle between them there was an aisle, like in a modern book warehouse. They, too, were made of some kind of cold material, soft, but with edges that almost cut the skin. Stone, petrified wood, wood or metal? Hard to understand.

Each such volume was 90 cm high and 45 cm and contained about 400 processed gold pages.

These books have metal covers 4 mm thick and are darker in color than the pages themselves. They are not sewn, but fastened in some other way. The carelessness of one of the visitors drew our attention to another detail. He grabbed the open volume, picking up one of the metal pages, which, despite being a fraction of a millimeter thick, was firm and flat. The uncovered notebook fell to the floor and wrinkled like paper when trying to pick it up.

Each page was engraved, so jewelry that it seemed as if it had been written in ink. Maybe this is the underground storage of some kind of space library?

The pages of these volumes are divided into various rounded squares. Here, perhaps, it is much easier to understand these hieroglyphs, abstract symbols, as well as stylized human figures - heads with rays, hands with three, four and five fingers. Among these symbols, one resembles a large carved inscription found in the museum of the Church of Our Lady of Cuenca. She probably belongs to the gold objects, supposedly carried away from Los Tayos. It is 52 cm long, 14 cm wide and 4 cm deep, with 56 different characters that could well be an alphabet. Some people think that the text of the book of this library should be read in groups of phrases.

A visit to Cuenca turned out to be very important for us, because one could see the objects exhibited by Father Crespi in the Church of Our Lady, as well as listen to the legends about the local white gods, fair-haired and blue-eyed, who visited this country from time to time.

In their white tunics, they looked like North American hippies, except for their bearded faces. Their whereabouts are unknown, although it is assumed that they lived in an unknown city near Cuenca. Although the black indigenous population believes that they bring happiness, they are afraid of their mental power, since they practice telepathy and are said to be able to levitate objects without contact. Their average height is 185 cm for women and 190 for men. The chairs of the Large Living Room in Los Tayos will definitely suit them ... ”.

Numerous illustrations of amazing underground finds can be seen in von Daniken's book "The Gold of the Gods". When Juan Moric reported his find, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition was organized to explore the tunnels. Her honorary advisor, Neil Armstrong, said of the findings: "Signs of human life have been found underground, and this may prove to be the world's major archaeological discovery of the century." After this interview, information about the mysterious dungeons was no longer reported, and the area where they are located is now closed to foreigners.

Shelters for protection from the cataclysms that struck the Earth during its approach to the neutron star, as well as from all kinds of disasters that accompanied the wars of the gods, were built all over the globe. Dolmens, which are a kind of stone dugouts, covered with a massive slab and with a small round opening for the entrance, were intended for the same purposes as underground structures, that is, they served as a refuge. These stone buildings are found in different parts of the world - India, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Korea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. At the same time, dolmens located in different parts of our planet are surprisingly similar to each other, as if they were made according to a standard design. According to legends and myths of various peoples, they were built by dwarfs, as well as people, but the latter's buildings turned out to be more primitive, since they used roughly cut stones.

During the construction of these structures, vibration damping layers under the foundation were sometimes used, which protected the dolmens from earthquakes. For example, an ancient structure located in Azerbaijan near the village of Gorikidi has two damping tiers. In the Egyptian pyramids, chambers filled with sand were also found, which served for the same purpose.

The precision of the fit of the massive stone slabs of the dolmens is also striking. It is very difficult to assemble a dolmen from ready-made blocks even with the help of modern technical means. Here is how A. Formozov describes an attempt to transport one of the dolmens in the book “Monuments of Primitive Art”: “In 1960, it was decided to transport a dolmen from Esheri to Sukhumi - to the courtyard of the Abkhaz museum. We chose the smallest one and brought a crane to it. No matter how the loops of the steel cable were fixed to the cover plate, it did not move.

A second tap was called. Two cranes removed the multi-ton monolith, but they were unable to lift it onto a truck. Exactly a year the roof lay in Esheri, waiting for a more powerful mechanism to arrive in Sukhumi. In 1961, with the help of a new mechanism, all the stones were loaded onto cars. But the main thing was ahead: to reassemble the house. The reconstruction was carried out only partially. The roof was lowered onto four walls, but it was not possible to unfold it so that their edges entered the grooves on the inner surface of the roof. In ancient times, the slabs were driven so close to each other that the knife blade did not fit between them. Now there is a large gap.

At present, in various regions of the planet, numerous ancient catacombs have been discovered, it is not known when and by whom were dug. There is an assumption that these underground multi-tiered galleries were formed during the extraction of stone for the construction of buildings. But why was it necessary to spend titanic labor, hollowing out blocks of the strongest rocks in narrow underground galleries, when there are similar rocks nearby, moreover, located directly on the earth's surface?

Ancient catacombs were found near Paris, in Italy (Rome, Naples), Spain, on the islands of Sicily and Malta, in Syracuse, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Crimea. The Russian Society for Speleological Research (ROSI) has carried out an enormous amount of work to compile an inventory of artificial caves and underground architectural structures in the territory of the former Soviet Union. At present, information has already been collected on 2,500 catacomb-type objects dating back to different eras. The oldest dungeons date back to the 14th millennium BC. e (the Kamennaya Mogila tract in the Zaporozhye region).

The Parisian Catacombs are a network of winding artificial underground galleries. Their total length is from 187 to 300 kilometers. The most ancient tunnels existed even before the birth of Christ. In the Middle Ages (XII century), limestone and gypsum began to be mined in the catacombs, as a result of which the network of underground galleries was significantly expanded. Later, the dungeons were used to bury the dead. Currently, the remains of about 6 million people lie near Paris.

The dungeons of Rome are possibly very ancient. More than 40 catacombs were found under the city and its environs, carved out of porous volcanic tuff. The length of the galleries, according to the most conservative estimates, ranges from 100 to 150 kilometers, and possibly more than 500 kilometers. During Roman times, the dungeons were used for the burial of the dead: in the galleries of the catacombs and numerous individual burial chambers, there are between 600,000 and 800,000 burials. At the beginning of our era, the catacombs housed churches and chapels of early Christian communities.

In the vicinity of Naples, about 700 catacombs have been discovered, consisting of tunnels, galleries, caves and secret passages. The oldest dungeons date back to 4,500 BC. NS. Cavers discovered underground water pipes, aqueducts and water tanks, premises where food supplies were previously stored. During the Second World War, the catacombs were used as bomb shelters.

One of the attractions of the ancient Maltese culture is considered the Hypogeum - an underground catacomb-type shelter, stretching several floors in depth. For centuries, it has been hollowed out in hard granite rock using stone tools. Already in our time, on the lower tier of this underground city, researchers have discovered tens of thousands of human skeletons. The purpose of this structure is still a mystery.

Perhaps the mysterious underground structures were used by people as shelters from various cataclysms that have occurred on Earth more than once. The descriptions of grandiose battles between aliens that took place in the distant past on our planet, preserved in various sources, suggest that the dungeons could serve as bomb shelters or bunkers.

Caves and dungeons have always been a part of human life. We had a thousand reasons to dig them up. We excavate to find cultural treasures, we dig mines for archaeological discoveries. We use underground caves for entertainment and shelters from natural and man-made disasters. We connect continents with tunnels, smugglers use them for their dark deeds.

Today we will visit various interesting underground worlds.

1. Near the town of Ingleton in England, at a depth of 100 meters, there is the largest cave in Britain called Gaping Gill. It is comparable in size to the York Minster in the English city of York, which disputes the title of the largest medieval temple in northern Europe to the Cologne Cathedral. (Photo by Oli Scarff):

2. In Frankfurt, which stands on the River Main, is the construction of an underground tunnel under the river. This is how the drilling rig is being lowered down. (Photo by Boris Roessler):

3. How about an underground pool bar at the Desert Cave Hotel in Australia? (Photo by Mark Kolbe):

4. Fontanelle Cemetery - an ossuary, set in natural caves at the foot of the Materdey hill, near Naples. Fontanelle Cemetery is an ossuary set in natural caves at the foot of the Materdey Hill, near Naples. (Photo by Cesare Abbate):

5. Canal Saint-Martin in Paris, 4.55 km long, dug in 1822-1826. from the Seine, the canal runs along the border of the 4th and 12th arrondissements, first as the Arsenalsky reservoir, whose port can accommodate up to 180 ships, then goes underground in front of Place de la Bastille, reaching the surface near Place de la Republique , after Stalingrad Square. (Photo by Miguel Medina):

6. Famous cave dwellers - bats in a cave in Mikulov.

Almost all bats are nocturnal, and during the day they sleep, either hanging upside down, or huddled in the cracks of trees, rocks or crevices in buildings. Hollows in trees, caves, grottoes and various artificial structures, both aboveground and underground, can serve as shelters. (Photo by Radek Mica):

7. Underground swimming pool. The To Sua Ocean Trench can be found in the village of Lotofaga on the southern coast of Upolu Island in Samoa. You will have to descend to the natural pool to a depth of 30 meters from the surface of the earth. (Photo by Mark Kolbe):

8. Parastas Cave (or "Blue Cave") is named so because of the sea seals that live inside. It is considered one of the most beautiful caves in the Mediterranean, quite capable of competing with the famous cave in Capri. You can get into it only on a small boat, but inside there is a rich scattering of stalactites that illuminate the cave, reflecting the sun's rays. (Photo by Alkis Konstantinidis | Reuters):

9. Puebla is one of the oldest cities in Mexico, founded around 1531. There is a network of ancient tunnels under the city. (Photo by Joel Merino):

10. An underground bunker in Northern Ireland in case of a nuclear war. Its construction was completed in 1990. True, only 235 people can fit here. (Photo by Charles McQuillan):

11. Speaking of the dungeon, one cannot but look into the St. Petersburg metro. (Photo by Cara Anna):

12. The first underground park in New York. City dwellers can take refuge from the chaos of the city just under the streets of the Lower East Side. This area will be able to park has special mirrors that capture sunlight on the roof. It is then channeled through a system of mirror pipes and distributed through a network of special solar canopy panels. (Photo by Mary Altaffer):

13. The underground enterprises of the Third Reich were a measure to help protect the most important enterprises for waging war from destruction during massive Allied bombing raids. This one is near Walbrzych, in southwestern Poland. (Photo by Kacper Pempel | Reuters):

14. A beautiful cave in Hebei province in northern China. (Photo by Liu Huanyu | Xinhua Press):

15. Bangkok's underground metro is officially called the Capital Electric Train. A worker inspects a tunnel under the Chao Phraya River at the Mass Rapid Transit subway station in Bangkok, Thailand. (Photo by Athit Perawongmetha | Reuters):

16. Lots of salt. Salt mine in Philippsthal (Werra), Germany. (Photo by Thomas Lohnes):

17. Hid from the war. Family underground shelter in Aleppo suburb. (Photo by Karam Al-Masri):

18. Almost like an Alien's lair. Metro construction in Rennes, France. The Rennes Metro has been operating since March 15, 2002. It is based on Siemens VAL technology and is fully automatic, without drivers. (Photo by Jean-Sebastien Evrard):

19. Another photo of the largest cave in Britain, Gaping Gill. (Photo by Oli Scarff).

We can say that this mystery has been solved, because modern researchers have already made their conclusion - we are not the only inhabitants on planet Earth. The evidence of ancient years, as well as the discoveries of scientists of the 20th - 21st centuries, argue that mysterious civilizations existed on Earth, or rather, underground from ancient times to the present day.

Representatives of these civilizations, for some reason, did not come into contact with people, but nevertheless they made themselves felt, and for a long time, terrestrial humanity has legends and legends about mysterious and strange people who sometimes come out of the caves. In addition, modern people have less and less doubts about the existence of UFOs, which were often observed flying out of the ground or from the depths of the seas.

Research carried out by NASA specialists together with French scientists have discovered underground cities, as well as an underground branched network of tunnels and galleries, stretching for tens and even thousands of kilometers in Altai, the Urals, Perm region, Tien Shan, Sahara and South America. And these are not those ancient land cities that collapsed and over time their ruins were covered with earth and forests. These are underground cities and structures erected in an unknown way right in the underground rocks.

Polish researcher Jan Paenk claims that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. These tunnels were created using high technology, unknown to people, and pass not only under the surface of the land, but also under the bed of the seas and oceans. The tunnels are not just pierced, but as if burned out in underground rocks, and their walls are a frozen melt of rocks - smooth as glass and have an extraordinary strength. Jan Paenk met with miners who came across such tunnels when driving Shreks. According to the Polish scientist and many other researchers, flying saucers rush along these underground communications from one end of the world to the other. (Ufologists have a huge amount of evidence that UFOs fly out of the ground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels have also been found in Ecuador, South Australia, USA, New Zealand. In addition, in many parts of the world, vertical, absolutely straight (like an arrow) wells with the same melted walls have been found. These wells have different depths from tens to several hundred meters.

The found underground map of the planet, compiled 5 million years ago, confirms the existence of a high-tech civilization.
For the first time, they started talking about the unknown underground people in 1946. This happened after the writer, journalist and scientist Richard Shaver told the readers of the American paranormal magazine "Amazing Stories" about his contact with extraterrestrials living underground. According to Shaver, he lived for several weeks in the underworld of mutants, similar to demons, described in ancient legends and tales of earthlings.
It would be possible to write off this "contact" on the freewheeling imagination of the writer, if not for hundreds of responses from readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw various miracles of technology, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth with a comfortable existence in its very bowels, but also giving the opportunity ... to control the consciousness of earthlings!

In April 1942, with the support of Goering and Himmler, an expedition of the most advanced minds of Nazi Germany headed by Professor Heinz Fischer set out to search for an entrance to an underground civilization, supposedly located on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea. Hitler was convinced that at least some areas of the earth consisted of voids, inside which one could live and which had long been home to the overdeveloped peoples of antiquity. German scientists, in turn, hoped that if they were able to place modern radar devices at the desired geographical point under the surface of the earth, then with their help it would be possible to track the exact location of the enemy in any part of the world. Almost every nation has myths about the race of Ancient creatures that inhabited the world millions of years ago. Infinitely wise, scientifically advanced and culturally developed, these creatures, driven underground by terrible catastrophes, created their own civilization there, which gives them everything they need. They don't want to have anything to do with people who are considered low, dirty and wild. But sometimes they steal human children in order to then raise them as their own. Ancient creatures are outwardly similar to ordinary people and live a very long time, but they appeared on our planet millions of years earlier than us.
In 1977, several American magazines published photographs obtained from the ECCA-7 satellite, showing a regular dark spot, similar to a huge hole, in the place where the North Pole should be located. Identical photographs were taken by the same satellite in 1981, could this be the entrance to the underworld?
Who are the inhabitants of the underworld?

In the history of the planet there were many ice ages, collisions with meteorites, and other cataclysms that led to the disappearance of civilizations, the period between which cataclysms occurred is quite sufficient for the formation of a highly technical civilization.
Is it possible that some civilization could survive the "end of the world"?
Monsters or inhabitants of the underworld

Suppose that millions of years ago there was a high-tech civilization, during which there was a collision with a meteorite or other global cataclysm that changed the planet's climate, what would the civilization do then, most likely would try to survive, and if the planet's surface is not suitable for life and flight to another planet is not the level of technology allows, only the "underground shelter" remains.
Then the question is, what happened to civilization and why, after the climate change, the underground inhabitants did not come to the surface?
Maybe they simply could not, constant stay in conditions of a different climate and different gravity (underground gravitational pressure is significantly different from usual), in addition, it should be noted that there is no sunlight underground, technological lighting does not contain the full spectrum, and a long stay under technical lighting can also cause "weaning" from sunlight.

Considering that all this has been over the millennia, it can be assumed that the underground civilization could have evolved greatly, perhaps even that a rejection of some aspects of the climate has developed, for example, sunlight, it is possible that sunlight simply burns the inhabitants of the underworld, all this is not as fantastic as it seems. Another aspect of survival, adaptation of food, since organizing "Vigitarian" food in the underworld is not very simple, and rather depends on the level of civilization, it is more possible that civilization switched to only animal food. Some of the above parameters, undoubtedly, should have influenced the culture and mentality of civilization, maybe some monsters are just inhabitants of the underworld?

The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Deeper and deeper, adventurers and miners make their way into the bowels of the Earth, more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that under us there is a whole network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the entire Earth in a network, and huge, sometimes even inhabited underground cities.

In South America, there are amazing caves connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chinkanas. The legends of the Hopi Indians say that people-snakes live in their depths. These caves are practically unexplored. By order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. Dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the Chinkanas. Some tried to penetrate into the dark depths out of curiosity, others - because of the thirst for profit: according to legend, the treasures of the Incas are hidden in the Chinkanas. Only a few managed to get out of the creepy caves. But even these "lucky ones" were permanently damaged in their minds. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, one can understand that they met in the depths of the earth with strange creatures. These inhabitants of the underworld were both human and serpentine at the same time.

There are snapshots of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, based on a thorough analysis of the stories of American cavers, claims that there are direct underground passages in the mountains of California that lead to the state of New Mexico.

Once the American military also had to start exploring the mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground nuclear explosion was carried out at a test site in the state of Nevada. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2,000 kilometers away from the explosion site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. Geologists' research has shown that there is an underground cavity next to the Canadian base that connects to a huge cave system that runs through the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underworld of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, the "initiate" can travel to the center of the planet and meet with representatives of the ancient underground civilization. But not only wise beings who give advice to "initiates" live in the underworld of India. Ancient Indian legends tell of the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas hidden in the depths of the mountains. It is inhabited by the Nanas - people-snakes who keep countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded like snakes, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot keep warm themselves and steal warmth, bodily and spiritual, from other living beings.

Pavel Miroshnichenko, a spelestologist and researcher who studies artificial structures, wrote about the existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia in his book "The Legend of the LSP". The lines of global tunnels drawn by him on the map of the former USSR went from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the well-known Medveditsa ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists, researchers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

For many years the Medveditskaya ridge has been studied by expeditions organized by the Cosmopoisk association. The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also using geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

A sub-latitudinal tunnel stretching from Crimea to the east in the Ural Mountains intersects with another one stretching from north to east. It is along this tunnel that one can hear stories about the “divyah people” who came out to the local residents at the beginning of the last century. "Divya people", - is told in the epics widespread in the Urals, - they live in the Ural mountains, they have access to the world through caves. Their culture is the greatest. "Divya people" are short, very beautiful and with a pleasant voice, but only a select few can hear them ... An old man from "divya people" comes to the square and predicts what will happen. An unworthy person neither hears nor sees anything, and the peasants in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks hide. "

Legends of our days.

Meanwhile, the most authoritative archaeologists of Peru today do not in the least doubt the existence of an underground empire: it has not yet been explored, it, in their mind, extends under the seas and continents. And above the entrances to this grandiose underground in various parts of the world, there are ancient buildings: for example, in Peru it is the city of Cuzco ... Of course, not all scientists share the opinion of Peruvian specialists. And yet, many facts speak in favor of the underworld, indirectly proving its existence. The 1970s turned out to be the most fruitful for such evidence.

England. The miners, digging an underground tunnel, heard the sounds of working mechanisms coming from somewhere below. After breaking through, they found a staircase leading to an underground well. The sound of the working equipment increased, and therefore the workers were frightened and ran away. Returning after a while, they found neither the entrance to the well, nor the stairs.

USA. Anthropologist James McKenna and his colleagues surveyed a cave in Idaho that is notorious for the indigenous population. The locals believed that there was an entrance to the underworld. Scientists, delving into the dungeon, clearly heard screams and groans, and then discovered human skeletons. Further exploration of the cave had to be stopped due to the increasing smell of sulfur.

Under the Black Sea town of Gelendzhik, a bottomless mine with a diameter of about one and a half meters with strikingly smooth edges was discovered. Experts unanimously say: it was created using technology unknown to people and has existed for more than one hundred years.

Speaking about the underworld, one cannot discount the legends that have already appeared in our days. For example, modern Indians living in the mountainous regions of California say that very tall golden-haired people sometimes come from Mount Shasta: they once descended from heaven, but did not manage to adapt to life on the earth's surface. Now they live in a secret city, which is located inside an extinct volcano. And you can get into it only through mountain caves. By the way, Andrew Thomas, the author of the book about Shambhala, completely agrees with the Indians. The researcher believes that there are underground passages in Mount Shasta, going in the direction of New Mexico and further to South America.

Another underground people "discovered" by cavers: they are sure that deep caves around the world are inhabited by troglodytes. It is said that these cave dwellers sometimes appear in front of people; help in trouble those who respect their world, and punish those who desecrate the caves ...

To believe or not to believe?

To believe or not to believe all these stories? Any sane person will answer: "Don't believe!" But not everything is so simple. Let's try to reason logically. Let's think about how real a full-fledged human life underground is? Could there be an unknown culture or even a civilization next to us - or rather, below us - managing to limit contact with terrestrial humanity to a minimum? Going unnoticed? Is this possible? Does such "living" contradict common sense?

In principle, a person can exist underground, and it would be pretty good - there would be money.It is enough to recall the bunker house, which is now being built by Tom Cruise: the megastar plans to hide in his underground home from aliens, who, in his opinion, will soon attack our The earth. In less "exposed", but no less solid bunker cities, the "chosen ones" are preparing to wait out the nuclear winter and the post-radiation period in the event of an atomic war - and this is a period during which more than one generation will get on their feet! Moreover, in China and Spain today many thousands of people do not live in houses, but in comfortable caves with all conveniences. True, these cave dwellers continue to actively contact the outside world and take part in terrestrial life. But the inhabitants of the cave monasteries scattered all over the world - like the Greek Meteora - have always been almost completely cut off from the vain life. According to the degree of isolation, lasting centuries, their existence can be considered underground.

But, perhaps, the most striking example of the adaptability of a huge number of people (and what is there - an entire civilization!) To the "lower" world is the underground city of Derinkuyu.


Derinkuyu, which means "deep wells", got its name from the small Turkish town currently located above it. For a long time, no one thought about the purpose of these most strange wells, until in 1963 one of the local residents, who discovered a strange crack in his basement, from which fresh air was drawn, showed healthy curiosity. As a result, a multi-tiered underground city was found, numerous rooms and galleries of which, connected to each other by passages, tens of kilometers long, were carved into the rocks ...

Already during the excavation of the upper tiers of Derinkuyu, it became clear: this is the discovery of the century. In the underground city, scientists discovered objects of material culture of the Hittites, a great people who competed with the Egyptians for domination in Western Asia. Hittite kingdom, founded in the 18th century BC e., in the XII century BC. NS. sunk into obscurity. Therefore, the discovery of an entire Hittite city became a real sensation. In addition, it turned out that the gigantic underground city is only part of the colossal labyrinth under the Anatolian plateau. Scientists have come to the conclusion that underground construction was carried out for at least nine (!) Centuries. Moreover, these were not just earthworks, albeit of a colossal volume. Ancient architects equipped the underground empire with a life support system, the perfection of which is striking even today. Everything here was thought out to the smallest detail: rooms for animals, warehouses for food, rooms for cooking and eating, for sleeping, for meetings ... At the same time, religious temples and schools were not forgotten. A precisely calculated blocking device made it easy to block the entrances to the dungeon with granite doors. And the ventilation system, which supplied the city with fresh air, continues to operate flawlessly to this day!

In the presence of provisions in the underground city, up to two hundred thousand people could live at the same time indefinitely. The issue of restocking food stocks could be addressed in many ways, from domestic production to the use of "intermediary services". Apparently, there was no single scheme at all times.
But in the legends of different peoples, underground inhabitants get their food by exchange trade, secret fishing or even theft. The latter option, however, is only suitable for small underground communities: Derinkuyu could hardly feed himself in this way. By the way, most likely, it was the production of food that became the reason that the terrestrial inhabitants had thoughts about the existence of "children of the dungeons" ...
The traces of the Hittites who lived underground can be traced back to the Middle Ages, and then they are lost. The developed underground civilization managed to secretly exist for almost two millennia, and after its disappearance, it did not open up to the terrestrial world for more than a thousand years. And this amazing fact alone allows us to make an unambiguous conclusion: yes, it is still possible to live underground secretly from people!

This is a huge underground city that goes underground for 8 floors.

Always +27.

Underground America

Legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell about the existence of various intelligent beings underground. In truth, few sane people have ever taken these narratives seriously. But now our time has come, and some researchers began to write about the underground city of Agartu. The entrance to this secret dwelling under the ground is supposedly under the Lasha monastery in Tibet. The absolute majority of representatives of official science reacted to such statements with slight irony. But on the other hand, reports of mysterious entrances to the dungeons and bottomless mines may perhaps interest not only an inquisitive person, but also a serious scientist.

Among a number of researchers of the underworld, there is a strong opinion that entrances to the underground cities of humanoid inhabitants exist in Ecuador, the Pamirs, and even at the poles of the Arctic and Antarctic.

It was in the area of ​​Mount Shasta that, according to Indian eyewitnesses, several times we saw people who were not like the local people, emerging from the ground. According to the written testimony of many Indians, you can get to the underworld through various caves located near the sacred volcanoes Popocatelpetl and Inlacuatl. Here, according to the assurances of the same Indians, they sometimes met tall and fair-haired strangers coming out of the dungeon.

Even at one time, the famous English traveler and scientist Percy Fawcett, who visited South America six times, said that he had repeatedly heard from the Indians living in the mountainous regions that they often see strong, large and golden-haired people descending and ascending into the mountains.

Even 30 years ago, both people and animals disappeared without a trace near Gelendzhik. And in the early 70s of the last century, people accidentally discovered and immediately fenced off a bottomless mine with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. Its walls are smooth, as if polished, without any traces of formwork. Experts almost unanimously say that it has probably existed for more than one hundred years and was created using a technology that is not known to modern mankind. The first attempt of scientists and cavers to thoroughly examine the phenomenon ended in tragedy. Of the five members of the expedition, one disappeared, and four died a few days after descending on ropes to a depth of 25 meters. The deceased in the mine sank 30 meters, and at that moment his partners first heard some strange sounds, and then the wild cry of his comrade. Those who remained at the top immediately began to lift their colleague out of the mine, but the rope at first taut like a string, and then suddenly loosened. The lower end was cut off like a knife. There were subsequent, however, short-term attempts to study this bottomless well by the method of lowering it into it. They gave practically nothing. Then a TV camera was lowered into the mine. The rope was gradually built up to 200 meters, and all this time the camera showed the bare walls. That's all that is known today about the Gelendzhik phenomenon.

Such bottomless wells are found on all continents of the planet.

The most authoritative archaeologists of Peru today do not in the least doubt the existence of a completely unexplored underground empire stretching under the seas and continents. In their opinion, there are ancient cities and buildings above the entrances to them in various parts of the continents. For example, in their opinion, one of such places is Cuzco in Peru.

In this regard, the most intriguing story is about the underground city of La Cecana in the Andes. More recently, in the University Library of the city of Cuzco, archeology found a report on the disaster that befell a group of researchers from France and the United States in 1952. In the vicinity of the named city, they found an entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare to descend into it. Scientists were not going to stay there for a long time, so they took food for 5 days. However, only 15 days later, out of 7 people, only one Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere made it to the surface. He was emaciated, suffered from memory gaps, almost lost his human appearance, and besides, he soon showed clear signs of infection with the deadly bubonic plague. While in the hospital, the Frenchman was mostly delirious, but still sometimes talked about the bottomless abyss into which his companions fell. Nobody took his words seriously, and therefore no rescue expedition was carried out. Moreover, for fear of a plague epidemic, which Philip Lamontiere brought with him, the authorities ordered to immediately block the entrance to the dungeon with a reinforced concrete slab. The Frenchman died a few days later, and after him there was an ear of corn made of pure gold, which he lifted with him from the ground. Now this underground find is kept in the Museum of Archeology of Cuzco.

More recently, the most authoritative researcher of the Inca civilization, Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, tried to repeat the route of the tragically missing expedition of the French and Americans. He gathered a group of 6 specialists and obtained permission from the authorities to enter the dungeon through the already studied entrances. However, having outwitted the guards, the archaeologists went into the dungeon through a room under the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. From here came a long, gradually tapering corridor, like part of a huge ventilation system. Some time later, the expedition was forced to stop, since the walls of the tunnel, for some unknown reason, did not reflect infrared rays. Then the researchers decided to use a special radio filter, which suddenly worked when tuned to the frequency of aluminum. This fact plunged all the participants into complete bewilderment. Where did this metal come from in the prehistoric labyrinth? They began to examine the walls. And it turned out that they have a skin of unknown origin and high density, which was not taken by any instrument. The tunnel continued to narrow steadily until its height reached 90 cm. People had to turn back. On the way back, the guide escaped, fearing that he would eventually be severely punished for assisting scientists in their illegal actions. This was the end of the expedition. Dr. Centeno was not allowed to repeat further research even in the highest state authorities ...

Tibetan lamas say that the lord of the Underworld
is the great King of the World, as he is called in the East. And his kingdom -
Agartha, based on the principles of the Golden Age - there are at least 60
thousand years. People there know no evil and do not commit crimes. Unseen
science flourished there, therefore the underground people, who reached
incredible heights of knowledge, does not know disease and is not afraid of any
cataclysms. The King of the World wisely rules not only millions of his own
underground subjects, but also secretly by the entire population of the surface
parts of the earth. He knows all the hidden springs of the universe, he comprehends the soul
every human being and reads the great book of destinies.

The kingdom of Agartha stretches underground all over the planet. And under the oceans too.
There is also an opinion that the peoples of Agartha were forced to switch to
underground residence after a universal cataclysm (flood) and immersion
under the water of the land - the ancient continents that existed in the place of the present
oceans. As the Himalayan lamas say, in the caves of Agartha there is
a special glow that even allows you to grow vegetables and cereals. Chinese
Buddhists know that the ancient people who took refuge after another
death underground, lives in the caves of America. Here they are -
the Ecuadorian dungeons of Erich von Denniken in the foothills of the South American
Andes. Recall that information gleaned from Chinese sources,
promulgated in 1922, that is, exactly half a century before the irrepressible
the Swiss began his fantastic descent to a depth of 240 meters to
mysterious repositories of ancient knowledge, lost in hard-to-reach
places in the Ecuadorian province of Morona-Santiago.

In the underground workshops, tireless work is in full swing. Any metals melt there
and products are forged from them. In unknown chariots or other perfect
gadgets rush underground inhabitants through tunnels laid deep
underground. The level of technical development of underground inhabitants exceeds
wildest imagination.

Dungeons of Cusco

An ancient legend is also associated with gold, which tells of a secret entrance to a vast labyrinth of underground galleries under a collapsed building. As evidenced by the Spanish magazine "Mas alia", specializing in the description of all kinds of historical mysteries, this legend, in particular, tells that there are gigantic tunnels in length, crossing the vast mountainous territory of Peru and reaching Brazil and Ecuador. In the language of the Quechua Indians, they are called "Chinkana", which literally means "labyrinth". In these tunnels, the Incas, allegedly deceiving the Spanish conquistadors, hid a significant part of the gold wealth of their empire in the form of large-scale artwork. Even a specific point in Cusco was indicated, where this labyrinth began and where the Temple of the Sun once stood.

It was gold that glorified Cuzco (the only museum in the world dedicated to this noble metal is still operating here). But it also ruined him. The Spanish conquistadors, who conquered the city, plundered the Temple of the Sun, and all its riches, including the golden statues in the garden, were loaded onto ships and sent to Spain. At the same time, rumors spread about the existence of underground halls and galleries, where the Incas allegedly hid some of the ritual gold items. This rumor is indirectly confirmed by the chronicle of the Spanish missionary Felipe de Pomares, who told in the 17th century about the fate of the Inca prince, who confessed to his Spanish wife Maria de Esquivel about the mission "sent down to him by the gods": to preserve the most valuable storages of their ancestors.

Blindfolded his wife, the prince led her through one of the palaces into the dungeon. After long journeys, they found themselves in a huge hall. The prince removed the bandage from his wife's eyes, and in the dim light of a torch she saw golden statues of all twelve Inca kings, reaching the height of a teenager; a lot of gold and silver dishes, figurines of birds and animals made of gold. As a loyal subject of the king and a devout Catholic, Maria de Esquivel reported on her husband to the Spanish authorities, describing in detail about her journey. But the prince, sensing unkindness, disappeared. The last thread that could lead to the underground labyrinth of the Incas was cut off.

Archaeologists have found a network of mysterious tunnels in Malta

In Malta, in the city of Valletta, archaeologists have found a network of underground tunnels. Now researchers are racking their brains: whether it is an underground city of the Order of Malta, or an ancient water supply or sewerage system.
For centuries, it was believed that the Knights-Crusaders had built an underground city on the Mediterranean island of Malta, and rumors circulated among the population about the secret passages and military labyrinths of the Hospitaller Order.

Ar Dalam cave

They built a garage, and found ancient tunnels
This winter, researchers found a network of tunnels beneath the historic center of the Maltese capital, Valletta. These tunnels date back to the late 16th and early 17th centuries. It was then that the knights of one of the largest Christian military orders during the crusades of the 11th-13th centuries were busy fortifying Valletta to repel Muslim attacks.

“Many said that there are passages and even a whole underground city. But the question is - where were these tunnels? Did they even exist? Now we think we have found at least a small part of these underground structures, ”said archaeologist Claude Borg, who took part in the excavation.

The tunnels were discovered on February 24 during an archaeological survey, which was carried out on Palace Square opposite the Grand Master's Palace. The palace used to belong to the head of the Order of Malta, and today it houses the legislative institutions and the presidential office of Malta. Archaeological exploration was carried out prior to the construction of the underground parking lot.


Underground city or aqueduct?
First, the workers found an underground reservoir right under the square. Near its bottom, at a depth of about 12 m, they found a hole in the wall - the entrance to the tunnel. It walked under the square and then connected to other canals. An attempt to pass through these corridors was unsuccessful - they were blocked. All corridors found have a high enough vault for an adult to pass through. However, researchers believe that this is only part of an extensive plumbing system.

Restoration architect Edward Said of Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna considers the discovery "just the tip of the iceberg." In his opinion, the tunnels found are part of the water supply and sewerage system, which also includes corridors where those who followed the tunnels and kept them in order could walk.

Building Valletta
The Order of Malta, founded in 1099, became famous for their victories over Muslims during the Crusades. In 1530, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V handed over the island of Malta to the knights. In 1565, the Order, led by the Grand Master La Valletta, was attacked by the Ottoman Turks, but managed to withstand the Great Siege of Malta.

However, this military experience prompted them to begin building a fortress in Malta, named after the master Valletta. The fortification was built on a hill, but there was a lack of natural water sources. According to Sed, the main goal of the city's builders was to provide themselves with the necessary supplies in case of future sieges.

Paul's cave

“They soon realized that there was not enough rainwater and springs at their disposal,” said the architect.

Aqueduct and plumbing
Therefore, the builders erected an aqueduct, the remains of which have survived to this day: water entered the city from a valley located to the west of Valletta. The location of the tunnels under the Palace Square also confirms the idea that they were built precisely as a water supply system. Probably, a large fountain in Palace Square was supplied through underground canals and a reservoir. When the British ruled the island (1814-1964), the fountain was demolished.

How the knights are gone
In 1798, Napoleon expelled the knights from Malta. Now the Order of Malta continues to exist, but its seat is in Rome.
“The fountain was quite an important source of water for the city's residents,” Borg said.

According to Sed, archaeologists have found the remains of centuries-old lead pipes. The corridors connected to this tunnel could have been service passages used by plumbing engineers or so-called fountains.

“The engineer servicing the fountain, along with a team of workers, had to check the operation of the system and keep the fountain in good condition. They also turned off the fountain at night, ”Sad said.

Didn't the underground city exist?
The tales of secret military passages, according to Sed, have more basis. Secret corridors for warriors could indeed exist under the fortress walls. However, according to Sed, most of the legends about the underground city are in fact stories about the plumbing system.

According to the researcher, the Valletta pipeline system was very progressive for its time. If, for example, you compare Valletta with such large cities of that time as London or Vienna, then the Maltese city of the XVI-XVII centuries was much cleaner, while others were literally drowned in mud.

Following these findings, the Maltese government announced that the construction of the underground car park was being postponed. A new fountain is about to be erected in the square, and the tunnels, Sad hopes, will subsequently be opened to the general public.

Mexico. Mitla. Mayan underground structures

According to participants, these structures have high quality finishes and are more like a bunker. They also notice that according to some details it can be judged that the Indians did not build, but only restored one of these structures from the blocks lying around in the vicinity.

Underground Giza

The pyramids, the sphinx, the ruins of ancient temples on the Giza plateau have amazed the imagination of people for more than one millennium. And here's a new discovery. It has been established that huge, completely unexplored underground structures are hidden under the pyramids. Scientists suggest that the network of tunnels can extend over tens of kilometers.

While studying one of the tombs, scientists accidentally leaned against the wall, and the rock collapsed. Archaeologists have found the beginning of one of the tunnels. Later, it was believed that the tunnels permeate the entire Giza plateau, on which the great pyramids stand. The chief keeper of Egyptian antiquities said that a group of local and foreign archaeologists began work on drawing up a kind of map of the underground passages under the pyramids. The works are carried out both on the ground and from the air using aerial photography. Exploring the tunnels will give you a fresh perspective on the entire Giza pyramid complex.

There are about 300 archaeological expeditions in Egypt. Their goal is to study and preserve already found objects. Now several groups of scientists are excavating the unique temple. It may even eclipse the famous temple in Luxor. There is reason to believe that there is a huge, previously unknown complex of buildings, palaces and temples underground. A big obstacle for scientists is that houses, roads and communications have already been built on the lands that covered these unique structures.

Since the declassification of the new deep radar 2 years ago, information about underground complexes and labyrinths from many places in the world began to appear. In places like Guatemala in South America, tunnels are recorded under the Tikal complex, leading 800 kilometers across the country. The researchers note that it is possible with the help of these tunnels that the Maya Indians escaped the complete destruction of their culture.

In early 1978, a similar radar (SIRA) was deployed in Egypt and incredible underground complexes were discovered beneath the Egyptian pyramids. A research agreement was signed with Egyptian President Sadat, and the work of this secret project has been going on for 3 decades.

Dungeons Kolobros

The Huaraz Plateau in the Western Cordillera has long been considered the secret refuge of the sorcerers of Peru. They say they know how to summon the spirits of the dead and materialize them. They can sharply increase and decrease the temperature of the surrounding air, which is necessary for the appearance of "shining carts, guided by the heavenly patrons." Unfortunately, few of the foreigners managed to become participants in these magical rites. One of them, the Englishman Joseph Ferrier, visited the mysterious underground settlement of Kolobros in 1922. And he was so shocked by what he saw that he was not too lazy to write a lengthy essay for the magazine "British Pathfinder", preceded by an oath assurance: "I vouch for the absolute truthfulness of the above."

Joseph Ferrier is silent about how he managed to become a guest of the system of underground labyrinths forbidden for outsiders, “very confusing and cramped, almost unsuitable for free breathing and movement, but with salts, in which they are forced to live from birth to death. Because the life of every hereditary sorcerer has a special meaning, nowhere else, except on the local plateau ”. What is this meaning? According to Ferrier, as follows:

“Underground sorcerers do not draw a line between the world of the living and the world of the dead. It is believed that both the living and the dead are only spirits. The only difference is that until the moment of death, the spirit of each of us languishes in a bodily shell. After death, it is released, becoming a spirit outside the body. Therefore, using special techniques, sorcerers ensure that the spirits who have taken flesh can be near us, among us. Believe it or not, copies of these once living are found in labyrinths, walking among the living. I myself have repeatedly confused phantoms with people. Only Kolobros sorcerers do not confuse ”.

The rituals of materialization, the creation of phantoms, are practiced in a large hall shaped like an isosceles triangle. The walls and ceiling are covered with copper plates. The floor is paved with wedge-shaped bronze slabs.

“As soon as I crossed the threshold of this ritual room,” Ferrier writes, “I immediately received eight or ten electric shocks. Doubt disappeared. The metallized room was not much different from the metallized inner volume of the condenser jar, and, apparently, was needed by the sorcerers-mediums for their afterlife rites. I was convinced of this when they stood in their loincloths, clasped their hands, and began to sing a song without words. My ears buzzed. I bit my tongue when I saw thin silvery hoops spinning around the heads of the sorcerers, scattering wet, cold sparkles. Sequins fell on the brass underfoot, forming a kind of spider web, red like blood. Faintly visible likenesses of human bodies slowly sprouted from the cobweb. They stood, vibrating shaky from the drafts of the galleries. The sorcerers, having opened their hands and stopped singing, began, dancing, to rub the resin columns installed in the center of the hall with shreds of wool. Several minutes passed. The air was saturated with electricity, began to flicker.

Finding the gift of speech, I asked the sorcerer Aotuk, what will happen next? Aotuk said that further the shadows of the summoned dead will become solid, suitable for being in our world. " The sorcerers of the Kolobros dungeon have achieved the impossible. Obeying the most ancient magical techniques, discharged, light as smoke, shadows became completely indistinguishable from people - thinking, with beating hearts, capable of lifting and carrying weights weighing up to ten kilograms, sometimes more. The rituals of "humanizing disembodied spirits" seemed to Ferrier to be similar to the European medieval rituals of summoning the dead. Whether this is so can be judged by an excerpt from the sketch:

“The most dangerous ritual for sorcerers to lure the dead takes a lot of bodily strength. Best of all, the Sabbath is successful in the period between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. The magical New Year in the labyrinths of Kolobros begins on November 1 with a “silent supper” around the altar table covered with a triangular canvas, on which are a pewter goblet, black cord and censer, iron trident and knife, hourglass, seven burning candles.

Each sorcerer wears on his chest a protective golden pictogram in the form of a grinning skull, framed by four leaden bones. As soon as it is closer to midnight, the upper vessel of the clock is freed from the sand, the sorcerers kindle incense and begin to invite guests to the meal. When they approach, the trident begins to flash with a blue light, the knife - red. The cord burns out completely. Flames erupt from the floor, repeating the contours of the Egyptian sacred cross, symbolizing eternal life. Throwing a wooden skull and bones into the fire - the sign of Osiris - the sorcerers loudly exclaim: "Rise from the dead!" The chief sorcerer pierces the flaming cross with a luminous trident. The flame is extinguished immediately. The candles are extinguished too. Silence, saturated with the smell of incense, disappears. A strong phosphoric glow spreads under the ceiling.

“Go away, go away, shadows of the dead. We will not allow you to come to us until you become alive for us. May there be agreement between us. Yes, be that! " - the sorcerers shout deafeningly. There are no shadows anymore. Instead of shadows, there are detailed bodily repetitions with which to consult when important decisions are required.

Ask why underground sorcerers in clothes prefer loincloths? Because negotiations with the resurrected ones thin the fabrics of the clothes, no matter how good the fabrics are. I had a new linen suit. Several conversations with the resurrected, a few touches to them - and my suit fell into disrepair, as happens under the influence of decay. "

Ferrier argues that the resurrected are not eternal. Everyone lingers among the Kolobros sorcerers for at least a year: “When the figure of the“ neighbor ”fades, when his inner energy is depleted, a rite of return to the shadows is arranged for him - a quick, purely formal one. How else? Knowledge gained. "Neighbor" is not needed. He, no matter how much the sorcerers want, will never return. " However, it is from this fleeting rite that the main rite - the heavenly carts - begins. Ferrier does not write anything about the magical components of this action. He only reports that he saw how in the sky over the Huaras plateau "with a terrible roar and grinding, the fiery wheels swept and crashed into the edge of the Kolobros canyon." The sorcerers did not allow him to meet with the "gods of the seventh heaven", citing the fact that mere mortals cannot communicate with immortals. To Ferrier's objection that the sorcerers themselves, being mortals, nevertheless meet with the heavenly gods, the inhabitants of Kolobros replied that contacts are not frequent, they are carried out only on the initiative of immortals who make meetings safe. Describing the level of knowledge of the gods, Ferrier says that they have gone so far ahead that "they have long forgotten what the best minds of mankind are just beginning to ponder over." Even experienced speleologists do not risk visiting the labyrinths of Kolobros. One of them, American Michael Stern, dreams of being there. The expedition plans for the summer of 2008, not paying attention to the more frequent natural anomalies. These are local earthquakes, and nightly above-ground glow, and mud geysers in the area of ​​labyrinths, and flights of fireballs, and "landing" of ghosts with pear-shaped heads. The locals have no doubt that the Kolobros dungeons are still inhabited. A stranger's way there, without the knowledge of the owners, has been ordered. Stern persists: “I am not a slave to superstition, I don’t believe in sorcerers. For me, Kolobros is just a system of deep, difficult to pass caves, nothing more. " At the beginning of the last century, Joseph Ferrier also thought so ...

Agarthi (Agarthi) - the underground country

The only and still unconfirmed sources of information about the mysterious Agharti are the publication of the Pole F. Ossendowski, a member of the Council of Ministers in the Kolchak government, who held the post of director of the Credit Chancellery2 during the civil war in the Siberian government, who later fled to Mongolia, and, published twelve years earlier, Saint-Yves d'Alveidre's Mission to India. Both authors claim the existence of the underworld - a spiritual center that has a non-human origin, and keeps the Primordial wisdom, passing it down through the centuries from generation to generation by secret societies. The inhabitants of the underworld are far superior in their technical development to mankind, have mastered unknown energies and are connected with all continents through underground passages. A comparative analysis of both versions of the Agharti myth was carried out in his work “King of the World” by the French scientist Rene Guénon: “If there really are two versions of this story originating from sources that are very distant from each other, then it was interesting to find them and make a thorough comparison”.

The French esoteric thinker, the Marquis of Saint-Yves d'Alveidre (1842-1909) left a noticeable mark on history, writing books about ancient occult history3 and formulating a new universal law of history and human society, which he called "Synarchy". The ideas of a new world order, set forth in the teachings of Saint-Yves "Synarchy", attracted the attention of the future leaders of the National Socialist Party in Germany. According to Saint Yves, all information about Agartha was received by him "from the Afghan prince Kharji Sharif, the envoy of the World Occult Government" and the Agartha center is located in the Himalayas. This is a whole cave center with a population of 20 million people - "the most secret sanctuary of the Earth", keeping in its depths the chronicles of mankind for the entire time of its evolution on this earth during 556 centuries, recorded on stone tablets4. The chronology of mankind and the prescription of the teachings of St. 55,647 years ago. In his literary work, oriented, as he wrote, "for educated people, the most enlightened secular people and statesmen", Saint-Yves describes in detail and convincingly the state structure of Agharti and gives quite original details, for example, such as:

“The modern mystical name of the Sanctuary of the Cycle of Rama was given to it about 5100 years ago, after the split of Irshu. This name is "Agarta", which means: "inaccessible to violence", "unattainable for Anarchy." It is enough for my readers to know that in some areas of the Himalayas, among the 22 temples depicting the 22 arcana of Hermes and 22 letters of some sacred alphabets5, Agartha constitutes the mystical Zero (0). "Not found".
* “None of our terrible punishment systems are applied in Agartha, and there are no prisons. There is no death penalty. Begging, prostitution, drunkenness, cruel individualism are completely unknown in Agharti. The division into castes is unknown. "
* “Among the tribes expelled from the great University (Agartha) there is one wandering tribe, which, since the 15th century, has been showing all of Europe its strange experiences. This is the true origin of the gypsies (Bohami - in sanctuary, "Get away from me").
* Agartha can follow Souls at all ascending degrees of the worlds up to the extreme limits of our solar system. In some cosmic periods, one can see and speak with the dead. This is one of the secrets of the ancient Ancestor Cult ”.
* The sages of Agartha "checked the boundaries of the last flood on our Planet and determined the possible starting point of its renewal in thirteen or fourteen centuries."
* "The founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni, was initiated at the Agartta Sanctuary, but he could not take his notes out of Agartta and subsequently dictated to his first disciples only what his memory could hold."
* “Not a single initiate can take away from Agartha the original texts of her scientific works, for, as I have already said, they are engraved on the stone in the form of signs incomprehensible to the crowd. The threshold of the Sanctuary is inaccessible without the will of the disciple. Its basement is built magically, in various ways, in which the Divine word plays a role, as in all ancient temples. "
* "The sacred texts, due to political conditions, were systematically changed everywhere, with the exception of only one Agartha, where all the lost secrets of the Hebrew-Egyptian text of our own Scriptures and the keys to their mysteries are preserved"

Saint-Yves does not give an answer to the question of where Agartha is, there is only one indirect indication in the text that symbolically Agartha touches Afghanistan with his head, and with his legs, i.e. its foot rests on Burmania. This territory corresponds to the area of ​​the Himalayan mountains, little explored at that time. A striking description of the most secret sanctuary on Earth, which has lost ancient knowledge, subsequently inspired the search for this secret sanctuary in Tibet, both by various scientists and adventurers, and by statesmen from different countries planning to send expeditions to little-explored regions of Central Asia, in particular to establish an alliance with Agartha.