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Traps in Egyptian pyramids

Egyptian pyramids in El Giza Egyptian pyramids in El. There is a corner in the Cheops pyramid. The thieves knew all the traps well. Pyramid - lurkmore Egyptian pyramid - this is what it is. The Egyptians loved to build in pyramids. What are the traps in the Cheops pyramid? Egyptian pyramids, Egyptian pyramids in El Giza, tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Egyptian pyramids! Watch this unique video!

The greatest mysteries of the history of the earth! , Egyptian pyramids - Wikipedia when mentioning the Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, they mean the great pyramids, the pyramids of Egypt many centuries before the construction of the great pyramid, traps of the Egyptian pyramids, traps of the Egyptian. Traps of the Egyptian pyramids. Two Egyptian archaeologists. Unsolved Egyptian mysteries. Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids.

What types of traps were there? What types of traps were there in the Egyptian pyramids? Trap for robbers, Egyptian pyramids. Egyptian pyramids. I spent a long time collecting material about the Great Pyramid in a separate article. Traps in the pyramids - moonlight.

Egypt is a country with a unique past that still makes the greatest minds wonder about its secrets. The ancient Egyptians left behind a huge heritage, culture, brilliant architectural monuments and many mysteries.

1. How were the pyramids built?

It is known that the pyramids served as graves for, there are about seventy pyramids. As for the largest pyramids, historians still cannot understand how the ancient Egyptians could build an architectural structure of such a scale? How did they manage to lift huge stone wings weighing more than 2 tons? One of the most daring theories is the assumption that they were built with the help of alien civilizations. This may seem completely absurd to most, but to this day the mystery of how the pyramids were built remains unsolved.

2. Traps in Khafre's pyramid.

In 1984, an incident occurred that gave rise to another mystery among Egyptologists. A group of scientists went to the tomb and when they got out of it into the light, people saw that all the expedition members ran out of the pyramid, gasping for breath, coughing terribly, their bodies and eyes were red. At the same time, doctors did not find any damage in their body. Most people thought about the “curse of the pharaoh’s tomb”, as if anyone who entered the sacred hall would be killed by the curse. There is an assumption that there was a trap in the pyramid, made by the priests against robbers, and upon entering it, the scientists launched it, that is, they released poisonous gas. However, it is impossible to say for sure about this yet.

3. The secret of the tomb of Mikerin.

There is a legend that it has miraculous properties. Being inside the pyramid, a person can be cured of even the most deadly disease in just a few hours. But the pyramid can also kill; there have been cases when those who entered it, after several hours of staying there, began to feel ill, and some even lost their lives.

4. Horrors in the Cheops pyramid.

Many researchers tried to understand the secrets of the largest of the pyramids, this ended with many of them feeling a deterioration in their health and leaving it. One of the scientists decided to try it on himself, saying he didn’t believe the rumors. It all ended rather disastrously when he was found in, he was unconscious. According to his words, he lost consciousness after experiencing indescribable horror. What did the scientist see? This secret has never been revealed.

5. The secret of Tutankhamun's tomb.

One of the most famous archaeological finds in the world is the unlooted tomb of a New Kingdom pharaoh. After opening the pyramid, all members of the expedition who were the first to enter the tomb died of an unknown disease. Doctors have not yet determined what afflicted the researchers; there are rumors about the “curse of Tutankhamun,” which reads: “Anyone who dares to touch sacred objects will die from the curse.”

6. Did the mummy destroy the Titanic?

Lord Canterville was transporting on the famous Titanic the well-preserved mummy of an Egyptian priestess with a sign on which was a warning: “Whoever disturbs the mummy will die,” and the huge ship came across a single iceberg in the clear ocean. There is a version that the curse of the mummy is to blame.

7. What is the purpose of the pyramids?

Scientists still cannot say exactly why the hell they were built, there are the following versions:

  • the pyramids served as astronomical observatories;
  • were such standards of architecture;
  • served as barriers for sandstorms;
  • were a berth for;
  • were a temple of Egyptian wisdom.

However, most of all they served as tombs for the greatest pharaohs, but it is impossible to say for sure about this, because there is no confirmation of this fact.

8. The Riddle of the Sphinx.

It is still unknown why this very “non-standard” structure was erected. There is an assumption that the Sphinx should guard the peace of the pharaohs and protect the tombs from robbers. Again, this is just an assumption, but the truth of the statue with a woman’s head, the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull has not yet been figured out.

There are more than seventy Egyptian pyramids, but only three of them became the most famous. These are the tombs of the pharaohs located in Giza - the pyramids of Khafre (Khafre), Cheops (Khufu) and Mekerin (Menkaure). Most of the mysterious legends and inexplicable incidents are associated with them.

It is impossible to say with certainty that today all the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids have been solved, because their priests were very resourceful and inventive. Perhaps our researchers have yet to unravel the riddles of the Sphinx and penetrate into the very essence of Egyptian architecture, science and magic...

Secrets of the Pyramid of Khafre

The height of this structure is 136.5 meters. Its structure is relatively simple - two entrances located on the north side and two chambers. The Pyramid of Khafre was built from stone blocks of different sizes and lined with slabs of white limestone. The top of the pharaoh's tomb is made of beautiful yellow limestone.

It is not safe to try to penetrate the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids! Proof of this is the event that happened to tourists in 1984. An impressive queue stood in front of the entrance to the tunnel leading deeper into the Pyramid of Khafre. Everyone was awaiting the arrival of the group, which went to a compact room with a sarcophagus - the tomb of Pharaoh Khafre, in which the mummy of the ruler was once sealed. It is believed that this pharaoh, in addition to his pyramid, built the mysterious man-lion - the Great Sphinx.

Finally the tourists returned, but what happened to them! People were choking from coughing, staggering from weakness and nausea, their eyes were red. Later, the tourists said that they all simultaneously felt irritation in the respiratory tract, pain in the eyes, and experienced severe lacrimation. The victims were provided with medical assistance and examined, but... No abnormalities were identified. People were told that the tomb of the pharaoh was probably filled with some mysterious gas that had leaked into the tomb in an unknown way.

The tomb was closed, and a commission was urgently convened to solve this mystery of the Egyptian pyramid. Experts have put forward several working versions - the emergence of caustic gases from faults in the depths of the earth's crust, the actions of unknown attackers, and even intervention. But according to the most interesting version, one of the ancient traps equipped by the priests against robbers could be located in the tomb of the pharaoh.

Tomb of Pharaoh Mikerin

The Greeks called Khafre's son and heir Mikerin. To this ruler belongs to the smallest of the famous great pyramids. The original height of the structure was 66 meters, today's height is 55.5 meters. Side length is 103.4 meters. The entrance is located on the northern wall, where part of the cladding has been preserved. The tomb of Mikerin also contributed to the formation of legends about the Egyptian pyramids.

In 1837, the Mikerin pyramid was discovered by the English Colonel Howard Vance. In the golden chamber of the tomb, he discovered a sarcophagus made of basalt, as well as a wooden coffin lid carved in the shape of a human figure. This find has been dated as belonging to the era of early Christianity. The sarcophagus was never delivered to England - the ship transporting it from Egypt sank.

There is a legend that the Egyptians adopted some secrets from the Atlanteans who arrived in their country. For example, it is believed that the effect it has on the cells of a living organism depends on the mass and shape of the pyramid. The pyramid can both destroy and heal diseases. It is known that the influence of the field of the Mikerin pyramid is so great that tourists who stay in its critical zone for a long time. Some people entering the tomb of Pharaoh Mikerin faint and suddenly feel a deterioration in their health. You should not try to unravel the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids by trial and error.

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

The records of the Greek historian Herodotus indicate that the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops was built over a period of more than 20 years. During this period, approximately 100,000 people were constantly employed at the construction site. The body of the legendary Cheops pyramid consists of 128 layers of stone, the outer edges of the structure were lined with snow-white limestone. It should be noted that the facing slabs are fitted with such precision that it is impossible to insert even a knife blade into the gap between them.

Many researchers have tried to penetrate the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids. Egyptian archaeologist - Mohammed Zakaria Ghoneim discovered an ancient Egyptian pyramid with an alabaster sarcophagus located inside. When the excavations were coming to an end, one of the stone blocks collapsed, taking several workers with it. There was nothing in the sarcophagus raised to the surface.

The Englishman Paul Brighton, having heard that many tourists visiting the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops complained of poor health, decided to experience the influence of the pyramid for himself. The tireless researcher penetrated directly into the burial room of Cheops, which ended very badly for him. After some time, Brighton was discovered and removed from there. The Englishman was in a semi-conscious state; he later admitted that he lost consciousness from indescribable horror.

The Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramid of Tutankhamun

The autumn of 1922 forever left its mark on the history of the development of archaeological science - the English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the pyramid of Tutankhamun. On February 16, 1923, Carter and Lord Carnarvon (the philanthropist who financed this enterprise) opened the tomb in the presence of several witnesses.

In the sarcophagus room there was a tablet containing an inscription in the ancient Egyptian language, which was deciphered later. The inscription read: “Anyone who disturbs the peace of Pharaoh will be quickly overtaken by death.” When the archaeologist deciphered the tablet, he hid it so as not to confuse his companions and workers with this warning.

Further events developed at a rapid pace. Even before the pharaoh's tomb was opened, Lord Carnarvon received a letter from Count Haymon, an English clairvoyant. In this letter, the Count warned Carnarvon that if he penetrated the secret of the Egyptian pyramid of Tutankhamun, he would suffer a disease that would lead to death. This message greatly alarmed the lord, and he decided to seek advice from the famous fortune teller named Velma. The clairvoyant repeated Count Haimon's warning almost word for word. Lord Carnarvon decided to stop the excavations, but preparations for them had already gone too far. Involuntarily, he had to challenge the mystical forces guarding the tomb of the pharaoh...

57-year-old Lord Carnarvon suddenly fell ill just six weeks later. At first, doctors believed that the disease was the result of mosquito bites. Then it turned out that the lord cut himself while shaving. But be that as it may, the lord soon died, and the cause of his death remained unclear.

This incident is not limited to the death of Lord Carnarvon. Within a year, five more members of this expedition, who penetrated the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, die. Among them were conservationist Mace, English literature professor La Fleur, Carter's secretary Richard Bethel, and radiologist Wood. Mace died at the same hotel where Carnarvon died, also of unknown cause. Before his death, he began to complain of attacks of weakness, experienced melancholy and apathy. Over the course of several years, 22 people who were in one way or another related to the excavations and research of the pharaoh’s tomb died suddenly and quickly.

Strange but true: Lord Canterville transported on the Titanic the perfectly preserved mummy of Amenophis the Fourth, an Egyptian soothsayer who lived during the time of Amenhotep the Fourth. This mummy was removed from a small tomb above which the temple towered. Her peace was protected by those who accompanied the mummy on this journey. Under the head of the mummy there was a tablet with an inscription and an image of Osiris. The inscription read: “Wake up from the fainting spell you are in and triumph over all intrigues against you.”

Why were the pyramids of Giza built?

Such majestic structures could be not only the tombs of the pharaohs. The secrets of the Egyptian pyramids have not been solved to this day. And yet there are some assumptions regarding their purpose. Pyramids can be:
- encyclopedias of knowledge, a kind of treasury of Egyptian wisdom ();
- astronomical observatories;
- barriers against sand coming from the desert;
- standards of architecture;
- alien information capsules;
- border fortresses and even a berth for Noah's ark.

And this is only a small part of the assumptions made regarding these architectural structures. As you can see, the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids have not yet been solved...

One of these unsolved mysteries is the fantastic speed of construction with which each tomb of the pharaoh was erected. Scientists calculated it based on the life expectancy of the rulers, the time of the Nile flood, and other factors. It turned out that 4 blocks were installed every minute, and 240 every hour! And this is only with the help of primitive mechanisms - levers, ropes, etc. There is even an incredible assumption that the Egyptian priests possessed the secret of overcoming the law of attraction.

Who will master all the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids? What power lies within these timeless walls? Perhaps we have yet to witness the discoveries of modern researchers. Or maybe the tomb of the pharaoh is waiting for you?

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

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2nd year student

Faculty of Management and

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group 2242/1

Polyakova Yulia Andreevna


Ghafari Abdul Somi

St. Petersburg 2009

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………… 2

2. The appearance of the pyramids…………………………………… 3

3. Myths around the pyramids……………………………………3

4. Sphinx …………………………………………………… 4

5. The Sphinx and the Egyptian gods ……………………………… 5

6. The Secret of the Sphinx…………………………………………… 5

8. Pharaohs…………………………………………… 7

9. Pyramids at Giza ………………………………………… 7

10. The Great Pyramid of Giza – the Pyramid of Cheops…………7

11. Mysteries of the Meidum pyramid…………………………….8

11. Pyramid of Khafre………………………………………9

12. Pyramid traps…………………………………… 9

13. Treasures of the pyramids…………………………………… 10

14. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 11

15. Literature……………………………………………12


We know about six of the seven wonders of the world only from literary articles and popular science films. Some of them could not survive even several decades, forever sinking into history. And only the Egyptian pyramids are not subject to time. It seems that they are time itself.

Grandiose buildings, fantastic in their uniqueness, rising to the sky under the hot desert sun, have long attracted the attention of people, bewitching them with their antiquity, enormous size, which is combined with impeccable geometric correctness. Among the huge columns of ancient temples, rising to the sky and often standing like trees in a forest, you can get lost. At the entrance to these temples, like a formidable guard, stand huge statues of pharaohs and stone sphinxes. Sphinx - in Ancient Egypt - the embodiment of royal power, a statue depicting a fantastic creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or sacred animal.

The emergence of the pyramids

The first pyramids appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. How did the ancient Egyptians bury their kings before the pyramids appeared?

The predecessors of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt were the so-called “mastabas”, funerary buildings consisting of an underground burial chamber and a rectangular stone structure above the surface of the earth.

The first pyramid, the step pyramid of Djoser, built around 2670 BC, resembles several mastabas of decreasing size stacked on top of each other. Another of the first pyramid researchers believed that the step pyramid was a kind of predecessor of the “true,” classical pyramid.

In Giza, not far from present-day Cairo, among the desert sands there are three huge geometric bodies - the impeccably regular tetrahedral Egyptian pyramids of the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. They have stood for more than forty centuries; they embody the very history of Ancient Egypt and its unique art.

The choice of the location of the pyramids is not accidental; it is connected with their purpose, embodying religious ideas on the basis of which the entire culture of Ancient Egypt was formed. Egyptian mythology paid special attention to the funeral cult, which later merged with the cult of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. When the pharaoh of Egypt died, he was identified with one of the most revered gods of Egypt - Osiris (personifying the world of dying and resurrecting nature), a magnificent mystery with a funeral rite was organized in his honor, and the new king was declared the incarnation of another deity - Horus - the bearer of goodness and justice, life-giving sunlight.

In the ancient kingdom, such funeral rituals were arranged only for the pharaohs of Egypt; later they spread more widely and became part of the funeral ceremony of every noble and rich person. Only ordinary community members and slaves were buried without any honors: they were simply buried in the sand.

The placement of the Egyptian pyramids on the border of the lands irrigated by the Nile and the desert had a deeply symbolic meaning - the pharaohs found their last refuge in the sacred sands, which embodied the kingdom of the dead, but their grandiose tombs were visible from everywhere, as a reminder of eternity. The border of the desert is still guarded by a colossal sphinx - a lion with the face of Pharaoh Khafre. It was created not only by human hands, but also by the desert itself: people hewed and processed a rock similar in shape to the body of a lying lion.

Myths around the pyramids

The myths of Ancient Egypt could not even touch the pyramids. The cult of death, namely, it was so strong in Egypt and gave rise to the construction of tombs.

The story about Pharaoh Khufu and the sorcerer Djedi, in addition, justifies the incredible costs, including human ones, that went into the construction of the pyramids, by the will of the gods. Even the good pharaoh's attempt to stop construction to allow people to return to their fields led to his early death.

The entire funeral process is an illustration of myths.

Pharaoh was likened to Osiris. His sarcophagus resembled the chest into which Set tricked Osiris and locked him in an attempt to seize power.

It is in myths that the first mummy is described - the body of Osiris, which, with the help of oils and medicinal herbs that prevent decay, was put together from scattered pieces by Anubis. And according to this myth, this is why people began to subject their dead to the process of mummification.

The afterlife in the culture of Ancient Egypt had a special meaning; it was considered the most important event for all earthly creatures, and life in the usual sense was needed from the point of view of the funeral cult in order to prepare for this main event. Therefore, in Ancient Egypt, after death, not only people, but also sacred animals were embalmed and buried in special sarcophagi: cemeteries of bulls, rams, cats, even crocodiles have been preserved. The Egyptian Book of the Dead describes in detail the content and meaning of these rituals. The deceased nobleman was embalmed, showered with jewelry, and a sacred amulet - a scarab beetle - was placed on his chest. A spell was written on the scarab, calling on the heart of the deceased not to testify against him during the trial of Osiris, where he was supposed to appear.

After judgment and purification, the afterlife began, similar in every way to earthly life. This was the main meaning of Egyptian mythology and the system of religious cults. In order for the deceased to live happily beyond the grave, he had to be provided with everything he possessed on earth. Right down to your own body, which has escaped decay. Hence the famous custom of mummifying bodies. But it was not enough to preserve the body - it was necessary to preserve the deceased’s wealth: slaves, livestock, family. Many eastern peoples solved this problem simply and harshly - when a noble person died, they killed his widow and servants and buried him along with the master. This was done, for example, in ancient Babylon. But the religion of Ancient Egypt was more humane: it did not require sacrifices; it was not the executioners, but the artists who ensured the posthumous well-being of the deceased ruler. In the hidden, walled-up burial chambers there were numerous sculptures, figurines and paintings depicting a string of earthly events. Many modern Eastern cultures still maintain a similar sacred and reverent attitude towards death.

The belief that the soul of a deceased pharaoh lives in every pyramid, it would seem, should only affect illiterate people, but for some reason even many civilized people in the labyrinths of the pyramids cannot cope with the sudden surging mixture of awe and horror.

In the autumn of 1922, the English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. On February 17, 1923, Carter and Lord Carnavon, who financed him, opened the tomb in the presence of several invitees. Six weeks later, 57-year-old Lord Carnavon suddenly fell ill and died of unknown causes. Over the course of the year, five more people who visited the tomb die suddenly. This is how the legend of the “curse of the pharaoh” was born.

The version about the Egyptian pyramids as the creation of aliens excites many serious minds. The ancient Egyptians would have had to know too many technical, architectural, mathematical and astronomical aspects of construction to erect such a structure.


Sphinx translated from Arabic means Father of Terror.

It is a lion sphinx with a human head. Currently, the statue has lost its nose, the Mamluks shot it off, but despite this, the grandiose statue looks impressive. Indeed, its length is 73 meters, and its height rises 20 meters and is carved from a whole piece, which serves as the rocky base of the plateau.

There is a version according to which, initially the statue had the head of a lion, but later it was given a human shape; they also say that it has the facial features of Pharaoh Khafre, near whose pyramid this statue is located. This assumption arose due to the discrepancy between the proportions of the body and head, which is strange for such skilled builders as the Egyptians were.

The strange thing is that the sphinx is located, as it were, in a depression, leveling it with the level of the ground around it, only its head will remain on the surface. The reason why it was built this way is unknown.

The Sphinx was dug up during the time of Pharaoh Thutmose, and its restoration was carried out at the same time.

The appearance of the sand statue is associated with a legend according to which, when Thutmose was only one of the contenders for the throne, having fallen asleep near the pyramids, he had a dream in which he was promised the crown of the kingdom if he freed the sphinx from the sand.

Sphinx and Egyptian gods

MOSCOW, July 12 - RIA Novosti. Egyptologists from the AERA collaboration found out how the passages in the Cheops pyramid were arranged and restored the security system that protected the pharaoh’s tomb from tomb robbers, Live Science reports.

"I believe that the burial chamber of Cheops has not yet been discovered by us, and that all three tombs known to us were built in order to confuse potential thieves. The treasures of the pharaoh still rest inside the pyramid," said Zahi Hawass. , former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, as quoted by Live Science.

The Pyramid of Cheops, one of the original Seven Wonders of the World, was built in the middle of the third millennium BC by Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), a representative of the fourth dynasty of the Old Kingdom, during which all the “great pyramids” of Ancient Egypt were built. At 145 meters high and 230 meters wide and long, this structure remains one of the tallest and largest structures ever created by mankind.

Over the past two centuries, scientists have discovered three rooms inside the pyramid, in one of which the pharaoh himself was supposedly buried, in the other his wife, and the third was considered a bait or trap for robbers. In the walls of the corridors that lead to Khufu’s tomb, unusual channels and structures were found, which today scientists consider to be elements of the “security system” that protected the pharaoh from defilers.

A group of archaeologists from the AERA collaboration, led by Mark Lehner, analyzed the structure of these channels and the blocks that were allegedly installed in them, and restored, so far in the virtual world, the design of the world's first "safe".

The Cheops pyramid turned out to be slanted on its side, scientists sayThe famous Pyramid of Cheops turned out to be not as perfect as we previously thought - scientists found that it is slightly slanted on its side and that its eastern side is slightly shorter than the other three slopes of the “great pyramid”.

According to scientists, the tomb of Cheops was protected from robbers by two levels of protection. The first of them was located at the entrance to the tomb of the pharaoh itself - it was closed by three monolithic stone slabs, which were raised above its entrance using systems of grooves and blocks, and were probably held in place by some kind of supports.

The second obstacle for thieves was installed in the so-called inner sanctuary, inside which was the entrance to the tomb of Cheops. The entrance to it was closed in a similar way, using stone slabs that were lowered down through grooves and channels in the walls of the pyramid.

Scientists: muon scanner found a secret room in Snofru's pyramidFrench archaeologists have used space technology, the so-called muon scanner, to search for voids and secret rooms in Egyptian architectural monuments, discovering a secret room in the Sneferu pyramid.

All these measures did not save the pyramid from looting - when scientists began to study it in the 19th century, the entrance to the tomb of Cheops was already open. On the other hand, according to some archaeologists, there may also be a fourth chamber hidden in the pyramid, the entrance to which no one has yet found. Now archaeologists from the AERA collaboration and engineers and physicists are studying the Cheops pyramid using a “space” muon scanner, capable of seeing voids a meter or less in size.

Scientists expect that the first data on the Giza pyramids will be obtained in early July, when muon photographic plates have accumulated a sufficient number of collisions with “cosmic” particles. This data will help us understand how true is Zaha Hawas’s hypothesis, which he began talking about three years ago.