Where is the Rosa Khutor stop on the map? How to get to Krasnaya Polyana Rosa Khutor Stop Rosa Khutor.

The popular ski resort Krasnaya Polyana is located surrounded by mountains on the southern slope of the Caucasus Range. Winters here are long, snowy and wet due to the combination of mountain and sea climate. The Krasnaya Polyana mountains attract skiers and snowboarders with their light and soft snow. There are more and more people wishing to try the ski slopes of Krasnaya Polyana every year.

Distance between Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana - 70 km, which you can overcome by bus, train or car.

Bus Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

Bus schedule No. 105 from Sochi

Bus schedule No. 105 from Rosa Khutor

Bus No. 105E (express): Departs from the MoreMall shopping center, goes through the center of Sochi, the bus station, railway station and Adler airport. Does not stop at Khosta and Kudepsta and saves 20-40 minutes of time. Arrival - Rosa Khutor.

Bus schedule No. 105E from Sochi

Bus schedule No. 105E from Rosa Khutor

*to trout farm

**to the airport

The schedule is subject to change.

Bus number 135. From Adler from the Novy Vek shopping center, through the railway station, airport. The final one is Rosa Khutor.

Bus No. 135E (express). It follows from the Olympic Park along the new Krasnopolyanskoe highway to the Rosa Khutor ski resort, passing Gorki Goro and the Gazprom State Trade Center along the way.

Bus number 163. Follows the route: Rosa Khutor - Rosa Khutor railway station - Galaxy (GTC Gazprom) - Mountain Carousel (Gorki Gorod) - Esto-Sadok (Marriott) - Megafon - Esto-Sadok railway station - Peak Hotel - Mountain Air - Heliport - School No. 65 - Zapovednaya, 38 - Achishkhovskaya.

Skybus from Sochi airport to Krasnaya Polyana

In 2015, special buses were introduced that can take you from Sochi airport to the mountain cluster (1 hour travel time). Tourist buses run every hour from 10:00 to 21:00 only in the winter season along the route:

Airport - Marriott Hotel - Gorki Gorod Shopping Center - Gazprom State Trade Center - Park Inn Hotel - Heliopark Hotel - Radisson Rosa Khutor Hotel.

In March 2016, Skybus buses stopped transporting tourists from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana. It is possible that Skybus will soon resume its operations.

Train Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

Rail transport is one of the most convenient ways to get to Krasnaya Polyana. You can take a regular train or choose the high-speed Lastochka train. Arrival at Rosa Khutor station ().

Travel time is 1 hour 20 minutes. Flights throughout the day, from morning to evening.

The price of a ticket for the Sochi-Krasnaya Polyana train in 2019 is 355 rubles. You can purchase it before boarding.

Train schedule Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana 2019

"Swallow" Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

The Lastochka high-speed electric train (No. 815C) connects the mountain and coastal clusters. To enter the carriage, you need to press the green button on the door. The train is equipped with luggage space and power sockets, and there are two dry closets.

The train leaves from Sochi railway station

Travel time is 1 hour 17 minutes. One flight per day. The ticket price for the Lastochka Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana in 2019 is from 231 rubles.

The board is empty if there are no flights for today. To see the schedule for all days, go to the service website.

Schedule "Swallows" Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana 2019

Buy train ticket Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

You can purchase a ticket for Lastochka in advance (60 days in advance) at the station ticket office or on the official website of Russian Railways.

Taxi Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

Transfer is a convenient way of transportation for large groups (friends, families). You can take care of the transfer in advance by ordering a car with the help of our reliable partner KiwiTaxi:

Search for transfers

Show transfers

Where Where Price
Sochi-Adler Airport Krasnaya Polyana from 1845 p. show
Sochi-Adler Airport from 1968 p. show
Sochi-Adler Airport Rosa Khutor from 2214 p. show
Sochi station Krasnaya Polyana from 2645 p. show
Sochi Krasnaya Polyana from 2645 p. show
Sochi station Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 2706 p. show
Sochi Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 2706 p. show
Sochi Rosa Khutor from 2952 p. show
Sochi station Rosa Khutor from 3198 p. show
Where Where Price
Krasnaya Polyana Sochi-Adler Airport from 1845 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Sochi-Adler Airport from 1968 p. show
Rosa Khutor Sochi-Adler Airport from 2214 p. show
Krasnaya Polyana Sochi from 2645 p. show
Krasnaya Polyana Sochi station from 2645 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Sochi from 2706 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Sochi station from 2706 p. show
Rosa Khutor Sochi from 2952 p. show
Rosa Khutor Sochi station from 3198 p. show

How to get from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana by car

If you travel by personal car, then get a map of roads and neighborhoods in Sochi or load the current map into your navigator. The distance from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana by car is 70 km, you can cover it in about an hour, it all depends on your driving style.

Description of the route Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

Route length between Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana: 72 km

Approximate travel time: 1h 9m show route description

Car rental in Sochi

If you got to Sochi by plane or train, then for further movement around the resort and a trip to Krasnaya Polyana (especially with large ski equipment), it is worthwhile to provide comfortable personal transport rental in advance. All options from the Rentalcars search engine:

Search for a rental car

Finding travel companions

There are also usually a lot of fellow travelers on this route: many work at the resort and are ready to give rides to those who wish. Convenient for those who plan their trip in advance and want to save time and money.

Schedule of public urban transport on the routes Sochi ↔ Adler ↔ Airport ↔ Krasnaya Polyana (“Rosa Khutor”). Updated January 10, 2019.

Are you going to Rosa Khutor? Buy a ticket for the cable car? with discount online!

From January 2019 bus route 63 is renamed to 163. Bus routes 105 and 135 again call at the Estosadok railway station.

From December 1, 2018, Krasnaya Polyana is becoming closer to Sochi-  two new routes 105E and 135E are being introduced(express). In the city, they will immediately go onto the bypass road, avoiding traffic jams, and from Adler to Polyana they will travel along the new highway. The number of stops on these routes will be reduced several times, due to this, travel time will be significantly reduced. They also do not stop at the airport, so there will also be fewer people on these buses - the trip will be more comfortable. But there are nuances. Schedules and lists of stops for new routes are at the end of the page.

Also from December 1, 2018 Route 105C is changing - it will no longer reach Krasnaya Polyana  - only to the trout farm.

Description of routes

Part of the public transport routes in the section from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana pass along the beautiful old Krasnaya Polyana road, which stretches along the bank of the Mzymta River. Although there are no sharp turns, if you or your children are prone to motion sickness, try to sit at the front of the bus. If it’s hot on the bus, go up to the driver and ask to turn on the air conditioning - all buses are equipped with them. Express routes travel along the new road.

Although in general buses run very frequently throughout the day, and there are no particular problems with transport, unfortunately, the schedule is not always strictly followed, and nothing can be done about it. It happens that one of the buses does not go on a flight. Therefore, we do not recommend relying heavily on the last flights if you need to get from Polyana to Adler, Sochi, or vice versa. If you do not have a backup option (,), then we advise you to plan your trip at least on the penultimate flight.

Bus No. 105 It goes from the Moremall shopping center, through the center of Sochi, Sochi railway station, railway station and Adler airport. The final destination is the Rosa Khutor ski resort (on the way it passes Gorki Gorod and stops at the Gazprom State Transport Center). List of all stops at the end of the page.
Distance 85 km. The total travel time is about 2 hours 20 minutes (from the Airport to Rosa Khutor - about an hour). The fare for the entire route is 242 rubles.

Bus No. 105E (express) It goes from the Sochi railway station (immediately goes to the bypass), through the Adler railway station, then goes along the new Krasnopolyanskoe highway. The final destination is the Rosa Khutor ski resort (on the way it passes Gorki Gorod and stops at the Gazprom State Transport Center). List of all stops at the end of the page. Buses depart at intervals of 20-40 minutes.
Distance 80 km. The total travel time is about 1.5 hours. The cost of travel along the entire route is 250 rubles. From the Adler railway to Rosa Khutor - 180 rubles. The cost does not depend on the number of stops, i.e. Driving even one stop costs at least 180 rubles.

Bus No. 135 It goes from Adler from the Olympic Park, through the center of Adler (“New Century”) and the airport. The final destination is the Rosa Khutor ski resort (on the way it passes Gorki Gorod and stops at the Gazprom State Transport Center).
Distance 67 km. The total travel time is about 2 hours. The fare for the entire route is 178 rubles.

Bus No. 135E (express) It goes from the Olympic Park, does not enter the city or airport, goes to Polyana along the new Krasnopolyanskoe highway. The final destination is the Rosa Khutor ski resort (on the way it passes Gorki Gorod and stops at the Gazprom State Transport Center). Buses leave every 35 minutes.
Distance 60 km. The total travel time is about 1 hour. The cost of travel along the entire route is 180 rubles. The cost does not depend on the number of stops, i.e. Driving even one stop costs 180 rubles. Concession and travel tickets on this route are not valid.

Bus No. 163(local Krasnopolyansky). Goes from Rosa Khutor - Rosa Khutor railway station - Galaxy (GTC Gazprom) - Mountain Carousel (Gorki Gorod) - Esto-Sadok (Marriott) - Megafon - Esto-Sadok railway station - Peak Hotel - Mountain Air - Heliport - School No. 65 - Zapovednaya, 38 - Achishkhovskaya.
Distance 16 km. Travel time is about 30-40 minutes. The fare is 22 rubles.

Hotline of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Sochi “Sochiavtotrans”:
+7-988-238-40-98 , +7-862-227-01-29

Watch a video of a trip from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana along the old road (on which buses travel) with stops at all ski resorts. The video is compressed into 5 minutes, filmed in February 2012, the main landmarks along the route are signed:

Bus fare

The price of a ticket on routes 105 and 135 depends on the distance—approximate prices, as well as approximate travel time, are given in the table below. They may differ slightly (by several rubles) on different bus numbers. Payment is made in cash upon entry through the front door.

The price of tickets on routes 105E and 135E does not depend on the distance and is fixed - 180 or 250 rubles.

Railway SochiRailway AdlerAirportKrasnaya PolyanaGorki CityRosa Khutor
Railway Sochi- 76 RUR
45-55 min
26 km
88 RUR
50-65 min
30 km
207 ₽
110 min
70 km
222 RUR
115-125 min
76 km
250 ₽
90-140 min
85 km
Railway Adler76₽
45-55 min
26 km
- 33 RUR
12 min
4 km
153 RUR
50-60 min
44 km
168 RUR
70 min
53 km
188 RUR
80-85 min
58 km
Airport88 RUR
50-65 min
30 km
33 RUR
12 min
4 km
- 153 RUR
45-50 min
39 km
168 RUR
60 min
47 km
188 RUR
80 min
53 km
Krasnaya Polyana207 ₽
110 min
67 km
153 RUR
50-60 min
44 km
153 RUR
45-50 min
39 km
- 42 RUR
17 min
9 km
60 ₽
30 min
14 km
Gorki City222 RUR
115-125 min
76 km
168 RUR
70 min
53 km
168 RUR
60 min
47 km
42 RUR
17 min
9 km
- 35 RUR
15 minutes
5 km
Rosa Khutor242 ₽
125-140 min
85 km
188 RUR
80-85 min
58 km
188 RUR
80 min
53 km
60 ₽
30 min
14 km
35 RUR
15 minutes
5 km

Sochi → Rosa Khutor

Bus schedule No. 105 (departure from Sochi from the Moremall stop, then through the railway station)

Designations: XX  - remaining flights today, XX - departed flights

watch4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
minutes 04
10 15
24 24 26 26 24 20 29 25 25
34 37
41 47 41 41 45 44
58 55 56 55

Or it will cost 2500 rubles back.

Bus schedule No. 105E (departure from Sochi from the Railway Station stop, then along the bypass road)

watch6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
minutes 19 14 14 19 14 19 19 14
34 39 34 34 39
54 54 54 54 54 54 54

Rosa Khutor → Sochi

Bus schedule No. 105 (departure from the Rosa Khutor stop)

watch6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
minutes00 00 00 09 08 00
11 12 16
22 22 22 26
35 30 30 30
45 48 45 43
59 52 59

Bus schedule No. 105E (departure from the Rosa Khutor stop)

watch6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
minutes 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 20
40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

Adler → Rosa Khutor

Bus schedule No. 135 (departure from the Olympic Park railway station)

watch4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
minutes 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
25 20 20 20 20
35 35 35
40 40
55 55 55 55 55 55 50 55 55

Bus schedule No. 135E (departure from the Olympic Park railway station)

watch5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
minutes 05 05 05 05 05 00
15 15 15
25 25 25 20
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
55 55 55 55 55

Or the return will cost about 1300 rubles. From the Airport to Krasnaya Polyana - 1200 rubles.

Rosa Khutor → Adler

Bus schedule No. 135 (departure from Rosa Khutor)

watch6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
minutes 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
40 40 40 40 40 40 40

Bus schedule No. 135E (departure from Rosa Khutor)

watch8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
minutes00 00 00 00 00 00 00
10 10
20 20 20 20 20 20
30 30 30
40 40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50

“Rosa Khutor” → Heliport → Achishkhovskaya (Krasnaya Polyana village)

Bus schedule No. 163 (departure from the Rosa Khutor stop)

watch7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22
minutes 05 05 05 05 05 08
15 15 15 15 15 15 10
35 35 38
45 45

Achishkhovskaya → Heliport (Krasnaya Polyana settlement) → “Rosa Khutor”

Bus schedule No. 163 (departure from the stop “Achishkhovskaya street”)

watch7 8 9 12 14 16 18
50 50 52 50

Location of bus stops on routes No. 105, No. 135 and route around the resort

List of all stops on routes

No. 105e
No. 135e
№163 (63)

MTRK Moremall- - - -
Dentistry- - - -
Express Line- - - -
Market- - - -
Sochi railway station- - -
SberbankDairy plant- - -
Organ HallTitova- - -
Hotel Sochi- - - -
Teatralnaya- - - -
Boarding house Svetlana- - - -
Circus- - - -
Sanatorium named after Jan Fabricius- - - -
Stadium- - - -
Sanatorium Metallurg- - - -
Sanatorium named after Voroshilova- - - -
Sanatorium Pravda- - - -
Sanatorium Primorye- - - -
Sanatorium Zarya- - - -
Sanatorium Green Grove- - - -
ost. Maly Akhun- - - -
Red assault- - - -
Star- Railway station
Olympic Park
Bridge (Hosta)- Hotel Azimut 3 stars-
Air ticket offices (street 50 years of the USSR)- Hotel Azimut 4 stars-
Sanatorium Volna- Sochi park-
Branch of the Aurora sanatorium- Fisht Stadium-
village Kudepsta- Ice Arena Washer-
Boarding house Burgas- Ice Palace
Pension Yuzhny- Ice cube-
Boarding house KnowledgeMedia centerTulip Inn-
ost. Gas station (Pension Fregat)ost. Residential buildingsFormula-
Sanatorium Izvestiast. Promising- -
Sanatorium IzumrudMarket Mishutka- -
Carriage depotShopping center New Age-
LaurelCinema Komsomolets- -
Adler railway stationSanatorium
Southern seaside
- -
ost. Driving schoolSpace- -
st. Mira (Adler)- st. Mira (Adler)- -
ost. And you- ost. And you- -
Airport- Airport- -
Club- Club- -
Bridge- Bridge- -
6th kilometer- 6th kilometer- -
9th kilometer- 9th kilometer- -
10th km- 10th km- -
Hamshensky yard- Hamshensky yard- -
Trout farm- Trout farm- -
Monastery- Monastery- -
With. Kepsha- With. Kepsha- -
With. Chvizhepse- With. Chvizhepse- -
5th kilometer- 5th kilometer- -
Hydroelectric power plant- Hydroelectric power plant- Achishkhovskaya
ost. Lake- ost. Lake- st. Zapovednaya 9
Chapel- Chapel- ost. School No. 65
Heliport- Heliport- Heliport
Mountain air- Mountain air- Mountain air
Peak Hotel- Peak Hotel- Peak Hotel
Railway station Esto-Sadok- Railway station Esto-Sadok- Railway station Esto-Sadok
Shopping center Gorki City Mall
Mountain carousel
GK Laura
Rosa Khutor railway station
GLK Rosa Khutor

You can plot a route for your car by entering the name of the place from where you want to leave and where to get there. Enter the names of points in the nominative case and in full, with the name of the city or region separated by a comma. Otherwise, the online route map may show the wrong path.

The free Yandex map contains detailed information about the selected area, including the boundaries of regions, territories and regions of Russia. In the “layers” section, you can switch the map to “Satellite” mode, then you will see a satellite image of the selected city. The “People's Map” layer shows metro stations, airports, names of neighborhoods and streets with house numbers. This is an online interactive map - it cannot be downloaded.

Nearest hotels (hotels, hostels, apartments, guest houses)

View all hotels in the area on the map

Five nearby hotels are shown above. Among them there are both regular hotels and hotels with several stars, as well as cheap accommodation - hostels, apartments and guest houses. These are usually private economy class mini-hotels. The hostel is a modern hostel. An apartment is a private apartment for daily rent, and a guest house is a large private house, where the owners themselves usually live and rent out rooms for guests. You can rent a guest house with an all-inclusive service, a bathhouse and other attributes of a good holiday. Check with the owners for details here.

Usually hotels are located closer to the city center, including inexpensive ones, near the metro or train station. But if this is a resort area, then the best mini-hotels, on the contrary, are located further from the center - on the seashore or river bank.

Rosa Khutor is a ski resort in Krasnaya Polyana, in the Adler district of Sochi.

The area of ​​the Rosa Khutor complex is approximately 1820 hectares of the southern, northern and northeastern slopes of the Aibga ridge.

Elevation difference: from 575 m above sea level near the Mzymta River to 2509 m at the top of the Stone Pillar.

The first stage of the ski resort was opened on December 15, 2010. The largest competitions held on the Rosa Khutor slopes: Alpine skiing World Cup (February 2012); specialized competitions within the framework of the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi (2014).

Hotels in Rosa Khutor

There are a variety of accommodation options available in and around the ski resort: from luxury four- and five-star hotels to more budget apartments and hostels.

You can find options with an excursion recreation program, the possibility of 24-hour registration, transfers, or within walking distance from the slopes.

Prices in Rosa Khutor 2019-2020

During the ski season, the resort offers several packages and types of ski passes - electronic ski passes. The cost of services in Rosa Khutor depends on the time of travel (tariffs are distributed for specific time periods) and the age of the vacationers. Discounts are provided for children, families, and students.

Prices for ski passes - from 903 rubles for children, from 1511 rubles for adults. Walking tickets to Rosa Peak - from 100 rubles.

For detailed current tariffs in Rosa Khutor, see the official website:

Trails in Rosa Khutor

The total length of the trails in Rosa Khutor is 77 km. The length of individual trails is from 310 to 4126 m. The recorded elevation difference in the ski area is 1534 m.

Three tracks for beginners - "Plateau", two plots "B 52"- above and below 1350 m.

There are 20 trails of medium difficulty (including two snow parks), with a wide range of elevation differences from 27 to 920 m, and a length of 206 - 4126 m.

Difficult routes include two sections each "Cascada" And "Ober Khutora", "Turn", "Veronica", as well as The Stash Park. These are trails ranging in length from 670 to 2834 m, with a height difference of 210 - 1070 m.

High difficulty level of trails "Crazy Farm", "Eagle" And "Yuryev Khutor", on "Olympic Descent"(two sections of Men's and Women's descents).

Ski lifts in Rosa Khutor

The Rosa Khutor complex has 20 lifts of four types: gondola, chairlift, conveyor, rope tow.

Chair lifts

Eight chairlifts at Rosa Khutor take riders to great heights. At stations, the seat speed is reduced, ensuring safety and ease of boarding.

The longest of the chairlifts is "Conversation", 1502 m, has a capacity of 1000 people per hour. The most productive and working before the start of the winter season - "Wolf Rock", serves up to 3000 people per hour, is the second longest - 1379 m. Other lifts: "Crocus"(1041 m) "Fairy tale"(796 m), "Boar"(765 m), "Quartet"(670 m), "Chalet"(836 m), "Extreme"(954 m, to the top of the Rosa Khutor extreme park).

Cable car to Rosa Khutor (gondola lifts)

Gondola lifts are a separate attraction in Rosa Khutor. The cable car cabins offer stunning views of mountains and forests.

"Olympia"- the first and one of the most spectacular lifts of Rosa Khutor, overcomes the kilometer-long chasm above the Sulimovsky stream and opens an unforgettable view of Mzymta and the panorama of the Aibga and Psekhako mountains. The length of the route is 2341 m, the capacity is 2800 people per hour.

Cable car "Arrow" in Rosa Khutor - the longest ski lift in the resort, covers 3838 m and is capable of serving up to 2400 people per hour.

Lift "Reserved Forest" with a one-time capacity of up to 8 people, it delivers passengers to trails for beginners. The route of this cable car passes over a picturesque section of the forest of the Sochi National Park.

First cable car "Caucasian Express" goes to the Rosa-1600 station, from which you can clearly see one of the difficult Olympic tracks. The second cable car "Caucasian Express" takes passengers to the highest observation deck of the ski resort - Rose Peak, at an altitude of 2320 m.

T-bar lifts

Three rope tows in Rosa Khutor - "Yoke 1600", "Stash 2" And "Stash 1"— have a length of 100, 165 and 250 m, respectively, and are intended for beginners and completely inexperienced skiers and snowboarders. Open only during the winter season.

Conveyor lifts in Rosa Khutor

Children's and educational conveyor lifts provide transportation over short distances. There is a lift installed on the children's slope "Magic Carpet", professional instructors and teachers work on the site. A training slope for adults is equipped at an altitude of 1350 m above sea level.

Equipment rental and resort infrastructure

At rental points you can rent alpine skis, freeride skis, and snowboards. In the summer, bicycles, velomobiles, scooters, Segways and related equipment are available for rental.

To book a rental, you need a cash deposit, an active ski pass from the resort, and you must present a passport or driver's license. Things can be left in the storage rooms in the Rosa Shelter building.

In addition to sports facilities and rental points, the complex also has an artificial ice skating rink, playgrounds, instructor service, cafes, shops, and parking lots.

What to see in Rosa Khutor in summer

In summer, Rosa Khutor is an excursion destination with several observation platforms and amusement parks.

Rose Peak in August

Rosa Khutor Beach

Equipped beach on the Black Sea coast in Imereti Bay. Entrance to the beach is free, but for the use of sun loungers you will have to pay 300 rubles per day and 200 rubles for half a day. Buses depart from the resort to the beach at 9:15 and 14:00, and back at 13:00 and 18:00. The journey takes about 40 minutes. The beach is open from June 15 to September 30.

PandaPark in Rosa Khutor

The PandaPark rope park is located at an altitude of 1350 m and is considered one of the main extreme entertainments at the resort in the summer. The park offers several routes of varying difficulty levels and heights (maximum 23 meters above the ground). There are restrictions on height and weight: from 40 kg, 140-150 cm.

Mendelikha Waterfall Park

In summer, three waterfalls are open to the public; the park is open daily from 10.00 to 16.20. Tourists can access the falls via the Edelweiss cable car and the hiking trail from Rose Peak. It takes about two hours to complete the routes.

Health trail and trekking routes

Ready equipped routes through the National Park. Includes high-altitude viewing platforms, waterfalls, streams, meadows and gorges. An alternative would be group horseback riding.

Cable cars

In summer, separate tariffs apply for cable cars.

While relaxing in Rosa Khutor you can also visit:

All year round, Rosa Khutor hosts events on various topics.

How to get to Rosa Khutor

The route to the resort from remote regions requires you to first get to Sochi or Adler.

"Swallow" in Rosa Khutor

The branded Lastochka train to Rosa Khutor runs from Krasnodar: through Tuapse, Lazarevskoye, Loo, Sochi, Adler and Esto-Sadok.

Lastochka train schedule in Rosa Khutor 2019

You can check the current schedule on the Russian Railways website or on the Yandex display. Schedules:

Electric trains in Rosa Khutor

In addition to the Lastochka, regular commuter trains also go to the Rosa Khutor railway station. There are many flights during the day.

Train schedule in Rosa Khutor 2019

Buses to Rosa Khutor

The following buses go to the Rosa Khutor stop:

  • No. 63: short route within Krasnaya Polyana, from the stop. Achishkhovskaya;
  • No. 105 and 105c: from Sochi (from Moremall) via Adler, with stops at all train stations and the airport;
  • No. 135: from the Olympic Park.

The bus schedule in Rosa Khutor is in a special material.

Taxi in Rosa Khutor

A taxi from Sochi can be called on the spot using the services of city operators. A convenient option for groups and transportation of ski equipment is transfer. See offers below.

Transfer to Rosa Khutor

Several companies offer individual and group transfers to Rosa Khutor from Adler during the winter season. A transfer to Rosa Khutor from the airport is especially relevant - along with all the ski equipment. Order online and prices from KiwiTaxi:

Search for transfers V

Show transfers from Rosa Khutor ski resort

Where Where Price
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Adler railway station from 1784 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Nizhneimeretinskaya Bay from 1784 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Adler from 1907 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Sochi-Adler Airport from 1968 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Adler Port from 1968 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Khosta from 2460 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Checkpoint Psou Russia from 2460 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Sochi station from 2706 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Sochi from 2706 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Dagomys from 3321 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Loo Uch-Dere from 3321 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Vardane from 3690 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Head from 4428 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 4920 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Lazarevskoe from 4920 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 6765 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Krasnodar station from 9213 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Krasnoyarsk Airport "Emelyanovo" from 9336 p. show
Ski resort Rosa Khutor Novorossiysk from 9582 p. show
Where Where Price
Nizhneimeretinskaya Bay Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 1784 p. show
Adler railway station Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 1784 p. show
Adler Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 1907 p. show
Adler Port Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 1968 p. show
Sochi-Adler Airport Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 1968 p. show
Checkpoint Psou Russia Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 2460 p. show
Khosta Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 2460 p. show
Sochi station Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 2706 p. show
Sochi Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 2706 p. show
Dagomys Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 3321 p. show
Loo Uch-Dere Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 3321 p. show
Vardane Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 3690 p. show
Head Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 4428 p. show
Lazarevskoye Railway Station Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 4920 p. show
Lazarevskoe Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 4920 p. show
Tuapse railway station Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 6765 p. show
Krasnodar station Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 9213 p. show
Novorossiysk Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 9582 p. show
Krasnodar Airport Ski resort Rosa Khutor from 12300 p. show

How to get to Rosa Khutor by car

To get there by car, see the route from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana. The route from Adler is shorter and the journey takes less time - on average 20-30 minutes.

The first 30 minutes of parking are free, rates can be found at.

Description of the route Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana

Route length between Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana: 72 km

Approximate travel time: 1h 9m show route description