Koh Chang island in Thailand: all useful information about the island, reviews, photos. The beaches of Koh Chang

This page contains several maps of Koh Chang in various resolutions and with various legends. First map of koh chang in Russian. It displays the main beaches of the island, the location of large hotels popular with tourists, the highest points of the island - mountain peaks with an indication of the height above sea level. In addition, the Russian map of Koh Chang shows the waterfalls of the island popular with tourists, ferry piers, individual restaurants, bars, a hospital and a police station on Koh Chang, as well as several nearby islands. Click on the map to enlarge it:

Second high resolution map of Koh Chang is a scanned image of a full-fledged tourist map. This map is signed in English, but detailed and illustrative icons give a good idea of ​​the location of the island's beaches (with a list of the advantages of each), ferry piers, picturesque waterfalls, etc. Click on the map to view it in detail:

Third map of koh chang is a high-quality scanned tourist map of not only the Elephant Island itself, but the entire Koh Chang archipelago, indicating the names of large and small islands, as well as indicating the best places for diving and snorkeling. The advantage of this map is also the indication on it of the scale of distances between the main pier and individual beaches of the island, as well as the distance from the main pier to some picturesque waterfalls. To enlarge the image, click on the map thumbnail, after which it can be saved on a personal PC for full viewing (some browsers narrow the size of the map to display it on the screen as a whole, so you can view individual inscriptions only after saving the map on a PC and viewing it in a special program for viewing photos and other images).

A little later, maps of the main beaches of the island of Koh Chang will be added to the site, indicating the hotels located on them.

Updated: below are detailed maps of the main beaches on. Ko Chang. In addition to the hotels located on these beaches, the maps show the main infrastructure of the island: catering establishments, Internet cafes, ATMs, etc. The order of the maps - from north to south - corresponds to the order of describing the beaches of the island in the article.

To enlarge the maps, click on the thumbnail images and save the opened image on your PC.

Updated: New maps of Koh Chang 2014 added

General map of Koh Chang island with hotels.

A new map of the island showing most of the hotels in Koh Chang. Despite the fact that the hotels are not signed on the map itself, it is quite convenient to search for them thanks to the serial numbering from north to south and the decoding of these numbers below the map, where the hotels are located in alphabetical order in the context of specific beaches of Koh Chang. Also on the map there is other useful information for tourists: the location of waterfalls, elephant camps, the largest shopping centers of the island.

A large map of Koh Chang with hotels on the main beaches of the resort (clickable)

Map of Koh Chang hotels on White Sand, Klong Prao and Kai Bae beaches

One of the best maps of Koh Chang with hotels that I came across during my last visit to the resort. All the inscriptions on the map are in English, but in the situation with hotels this is even a plus, because it is in English that hotels are indicated in popular booking systems, travel agency offers and in all kinds of information leaflets. In addition to the hotels of Koh Chang, the maps contain information about the location of Seven Eleven stores, tourist police offices, temples, elephant villages where you can order an elephant ride through the jungle, individual restaurants and other useful information. Below is a map of hotels in Lonely Beach, popular with independent travelers, as well as a map of Bang Bao Bay and Bailian Bay.

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Koh Chang island located in the Gulf of Thailand, in the province of Trat, about 315 kilometers from Bangkok, near the border with.

Somewhere on Koh Chang

General information about Koh Chang

Koh Chang is the third largest island in Thailand after and. Tourism on Koh Chang began to develop relatively recently, the first tourists - backpackers, began to sail to the island on fishing boats from the mainland in the mid-70s. Later, Koh Chang became a favorite vacation spot for wealthy Thais who came here for the weekend from.

Until 2010, Russian-speaking tourists were rare guests of the island 🙂 But now Russian speech is heard everywhere on the island: Koh Chang hotels sell package tours and our tour operators, and local travel agencies bring tourists from for several days.

Somewhere near Koh Chang 🙂

Since 1982, the island of Koh Chang is part of the National Marine Reserve, water sports are prohibited on the island: skiing, jet skis, etc., there are no enterprises and production, most of the island is occupied by mountains and untouched jungle. Koh Chang is an eco-friendly resort.

"Chang" translates as "elephant", which is why the island of Koh Chang is often called "elephant island" or "elephant island". Throughout the island here and there there are figurines of elephants. Real elephants also live on the island, on which tourists ride with pleasure.

Elephant figures are found all over the island


The climate on Koh Chang is tropical. The high (dry) season is from November to May, but March and April are very hot. Summer is the rainy season. But this does not mean that it will rain all day. Mostly it rains at night and does not interfere with a pleasant stay. And the climate has been changing in recent years. We rested on Koh Chang in the dry season, in November - it rained every evening 🙂

How to get to Koh Chang

There is no airport on the island, you can get to Koh Chang by ferry from the mainland.

One of the piers on Koh Chang, where ferries arrive from the mainland

The nearest airport is located in the city of Trat. Only domestic flights fly into it. Tickets from Bangkok to Trat can be bought.

If you want to get to Koh Chang from Russia, Ukraine or other countries, then you need to fly to Bangkok, and then get to the island by taxi or bus and ferry.

Ticket prices from Moscow (or any other city) to Bangkok are conveniently tracked on a price map. Select the cities of departure and arrival, the duration of the vacation you are interested in and click on the desired month. The price calendar will open. Click on the price and you will be taken to the site for booking and buying air tickets.

Read more about how to get to Koh Chang in the article:

Transport on Koh Chang

An asphalt road runs along the coast of the island, unfortunately this road does not ring the island, but breaks off in the south. The main tourist infrastructure is located in the west of Koh Chang, the traffic here is denser than in the east. On the western part of the island, public transport runs during the day - songteo (open minibuses), which turns into a taxi in the evening. Daytime fare between the nearest beaches is 50 baht per person. There are no metered taxis like in Bangkok on Koh Chang. If you see such a taxi, it means they are visitors from Bangkok 🙂

The main transport on Koh Chang is a bike, there are very few cars. The bike can be rented from 150 baht per day. As a deposit, you must leave either a passport or a copy of your passport and money (usually 2-3 thousand baht).

We rented a Honda Click 125 for 200 baht per day. You can find cheaper bikes on White Sand Beach

Gasoline is sold mainly in bottles - 35-40 baht for a 0.7 liter bottle. The only normal gas station is located between the ferry and White Sand Beach, but they refuse to fill it for less than 100 baht!

On Koh Chang, gasoline was bought in bottles for 35-40 baht
Refueling between White Sand Beach and the ferry with adequate prices, but you can’t refuel for less than 100 baht

Since Koh Chang is a mountainous island and there are several dangerous sections of the road with steep serpentines, many people have a question to rent a bike on Koh Chang or not?

One of the dangerous sections of the road in front of the White Sand beach

There are two dangerous sections of the road in tourist places:

  • If you go from the ferry to the west, then at the entrance to (there is still an observation deck)
  • In front of the beach (before reaching the Siam Beach Resort)

The empty roads of Koh Chang
Almost empty roads on Koh Chang

The east coast of the island seemed to us an ideal place for learning to ride a bike: the road is good, there are no mountains, there are no people-cars-bikes either! That's where you need to train to drive a bike!

Ideal empty road in the east of the island

Hotels and long term homes in Koh Chang

Housing and hotels on Koh Chang are either bungalows or low 2-4 storey buildings. Fortunately, skyscrapers, like in or in, are forbidden to build on the island. All houses should be lower than palm trees 🙂

The Thai government is trying to turn the paradise quiet island of Koh Chang into a top resort with expensive luxury hotels, so lovers of a comfortable stay will find a large selection of luxury hotels on Koh Chang.

Thrifty travelers will also not be left homeless on Koh Chang. Bungalows can be found for 250 baht per day! A lot of inexpensive housing is located on White Sand Beach on the second line from the sea across the road, towards the jungle, as well as in the Lonely Beach village that we love so much.

On Koh Chang there is housing for every budget

Book a hotel in Koh Chang for:

The most rated and popular hotels in Koh Chang:

Most cheap guesthouses are not listed on booking sites!

Book accommodation for holidays and weekends in advance! A lot of Thais from the mainland come to rest on Koh Chang.

With long-term housing, things are not as good as on. Firstly, most of the land of the island is given over to the construction of expensive hotel complexes, and secondly, local entrepreneurs still do not want Koh Chang to become the second Koh Samui, where many winterers and centenarians settled, because tourists spend much more money on vacation, than permanently resident freelancers, and they won’t bargain for a couple of dollars.

Attractions of Koh Chang and things to do on the island

There are not so many attractions on Koh Chang, mostly people come to the island for a relaxing beach holiday. One of the attractions of the island is just its beaches and almost untouched nature. What else to visit on Koh Chang:



There are several small temples on Koh Chang. I wrote in detail about the temples of Koh Chang.

observation decks

There are several equipped viewing platforms on the island. The most official of them is on the mountain near Kai Bey. About the observation decks of Koh Chang in detail

Elephant ride

Come to Thailand and not ride elephants? It's almost about us 🙂 We only once rode an elephant near . The cost of riding elephants on Koh Chang is from 900 baht per person. There are several elephant farms on Koh Chang, one near the Klong Plu Waterfall and several along the main road.

Go kayaking

On the beach you can rent a kayak for 100 baht per hour and swim to the neighboring islands. Four small islands are located opposite the southern part of Kai Bay beach. You can also kayak through the mangroves in the east of the island.

Kayaks for rent at Kai Bay Beach - 100 baht per hour, 400 baht for half a day

Visit a fishing village

Go sightseeing in Cambodia

Koh Chang is located near the border with Cambodia, you can go on an excursion to the famous. Highly recommend!

Nightlife on the island

The nightlife of the island is concentrated in two places: on White Sand beach and in the village of Lonely Beach. There are several nightclubs on White Sand Beach, there are also bars where you can rent taekos, but everything, of course, is much quieter and calmer than in Pattaya or Phuket.

On Lonely Beach, parties are often held on the beach, where they dance until the morning. The audience is mostly young foreigners, backpackers, hippies, etc. There are also a lot of nice bars on Lonely Beach where you can sit, drink cocktails, chat and listen to live music.

Bar Siam Hut - they hang out here until the morning, and every Friday there is a beach party

A fire show is held on White Sand Beach. We loved to watch the fire show on and on, this time we didn’t catch Lonli Beach.

Koh Chang island we loved it, it's perfect for a beach holiday. I don’t understand why everyone is obsessed with Koh Samui? The beaches on Koh Chang are no worse, and some are even better than, the landscapes are beautiful, the jungle is untouched, there is housing for every taste and budget.

Yes, the infrastructure on Koh Chang is not as well developed as on Koh Samui, but maybe this is the beauty of the island, maybe it’s worth hurrying up and visiting Koh Chang before it becomes the second Koh Samui? After all, in 2005 I saw Koh Samui completely different, not as hectic and Russian-speaking as it is now.

Is Koh Chang suitable for a beach holiday? - definitely yes

Is Koh Chang suitable for families with children? – yes, especially Klong Prao and Chai Chet beaches

Is K Chang suitable for wintering? - Yes, but if only for a period of 1-2 months. It seems to me that in 2 months it will become boring there. And everything is not clear with shops, you need to look for a cheap local market 🙂

If you decide to go on your own, that is, to fully plan your vacation on the island of Koh Chang exactly as you want it, and not as tour operators do it for you, then in any case you will need to get to the island, book accommodation in a hotel or a private house and organize your leisure time. In these and many other issues, you can be helped by local Russian guys who have been living and working on the island since 2010 Satang.ru.

It is often cheaper to buy tickets for excursions and minibuses on Koh Chang already on the spot, without booking seats in advance, since in the high season from October to April they run daily and there are always empty seats. Their prices are the same as in other tourist shops on the island, but at the same time you get a service in Russian, and at any time you need. If you need to take care of renting a private house or villa for several weeks or months in advance, which is not available anywhere on the Internet, then they will also help you!

Igor and Ekaterina will not only answer any of your questions about the island for free, but also give advice: where to eat, where to go for a massage, how to see the island on a budget and on your own, answer all those small but important questions that are usually so reluctant to answer meeting guides in hotels, and in the case of Satang.ru, you just need to call them on the phone!

The Satang.ru office is located at the very beginning of Klong Prao beach, near Chaichet Bay, opposite the Paradise resort, Chaichet resort and Coconut beach resort, so if you are located somewhere nearby, be sure to stop by to say hello 🙂

Friends, now you know almost everything about Koh Chang. Share articles on social networks with your friends, maybe someone will also discover the paradise island of Koh Chang for themselves 🙂

Koh Chang on the map is a small point in the Gulf of Thailand near the South China Sea, that is, in the East of the Kingdom of Thailand. The area of ​​the island is only 420 sq. km, and it is located only 100 km from the border with the Kingdom of Cambodia - so it is very easy to find Koh Chang on the map of Thailand. The island is well located for those tourists who are going to get acquainted with the sights of Kampuchea, as well as for travelers from all over Asia. The guide and map below will be your personal guide to the island. They will help you not get lost, find the right way to the main attractions, beaches and hotels. On the map, you can also find the way to all the waterfalls of the island, to the most famous of them - Klong Phlu (Klong Plu), located on the western coast of the island, on Klong Prao beach (Klong Prao). Interesting bars and restaurants are also marked on the map. Here you will find any cuisine of the world: Thai, Italian, Indian, Russian and even Mexican. A map of Koh Chang Thailand, as well as other islands of the archipelago, are below. You can download and print the necessary maps, as well as the necessary information about beaches, restaurants and entertainment, so that it is always at your fingertips while traveling. The Koh Chang Map is distributed free of charge and can also be found at hotel counters and local shops. The most detailed and accurate maps of the islands of the Mu Koh Chang archipelago (Mu Koh Chang) are published by White Sands Publication, are presented below.

Koh Chang map

Koh Chang, whose image resembles the head of an elephant with a trunk, is becoming an increasingly popular tropical holiday destination among tourists from all over the world. Most of it belongs to the national park, so the influx of tourists is naturally limited here, and you can forget about the fuss of “experienced” resorts such as Phuket and Koh Samui. This island is the perfect solution for the best vacation in a picturesque and serene place. The Koh Chang Thailand Hotel Map is also available free of charge at most hotels, travel agencies or cafes. On it you can find any hotel or guesthouse on any beach of the island. You can find Koh Chang hotels on the map below.

▣ Ko Chang is the second largest island in Thailand.

Koh Chang is a real paradise for those who are truly into wildlife. The territory of the island is surrounded by massive mountain ranges and is about 215 km², which is the third indicator among all such islands in Thailand, after Phuket and Koh Samui.

It also belongs to the Mu Koh Chang National Marine Reserve. There are many different parks, carefully protected by the state.

Koh Chang island on the map of Thailand

The island is located at a distance of about 300 kilometers from Bangkok and not far from the eastern province of Trat. The literal translation from the local language means "Isle of the Elephant".

It got its name due to the image on the map, the outlines of which resemble the silhouette of an elephant. Near Chang there are about 50 more exotic islands for recreation. The most popular: and Koh Mak.

At the moment, about five thousand inhabitants live on the island. Their main activities are fruit growing and fishing. The local people are distinguished by their hospitality and friendliness, so you will feel right at home here.

The construction of bars, hotels and other entertainment facilities is not carried out as rapidly as in other areas. This is due to the fact that the island is still the most valuable national park. You won’t have much fun here, this place is suitable mainly for a quiet family vacation. There are no crowds of drunken vacationers and girls of easy virtue. Prices for hotel rooms are quite cheap.

Prices here are somewhat lower than in the more popular resorts of Thailand. This is an absolute plus, but depending on the level of establishments and the range offered, you will have to spend money.

The maximum that can please lovers of nightlife is several bars and venues where discos and various events are held. Tourists will also be interested in: elephant rides through the jungle, diving, fire shows, and fishing. You can also go on a short trip to the neighboring islands.

How to get there

There are three ways to get to Koh Chang - by plane, by bus and by taxi to the city of Trat. First of all, you need to understand that Koh Chang is an island, which means that any kind of travel includes a ferry. The main ferry piers are Center Point Pier and Koh Chang Ferry Pier.

▣ Ferry to Koh Chang.

Ferries from Koh Chang Ferry Pier regularly depart from the pier and sail for half an hour, and from Center Point Ferry Pier for about an hour. They run from 6 am to 7 pm. Cost, 80 baht per passenger one way, or 120 baht for a return ticket.

Marina map of Koh Chang

By plane

There is no airport on Koh Chang, the nearest one is in Trat. There is only one airline flying there - Bangkok Air. Air ticket price from 3000 baht, travel time 1 hour. You can check the schedule on their website and book tickets there. Flights are carried out three times a day - at 8:40, 10:30 and 17:05. After that, you need to catch a mini-bus and go to the pier. The cost is 100 baht.

By bus

From Ekamai Bus Terminal (Bangkok East Station) or Mo Chit Bus Terminal (Bangkok North Station). The buses are comfortable, air-conditioned, make stops along the way, arrive at the Trat Bus Terminal or immediately to the pier. Buses run to Trat every half an hour, from 6 am to 11 pm. From Trat to the pier you can take a songteo, the cost is 50-100 baht. Travel time 30 minutes.


You can use taxi services, the cost will be 3500-4500 baht from the airport. If you have already reached the city, then you can try to catch it with your hand and bargain. In this case, the trip will cost about 2 thousand baht. If you went on vacation with a large company, then the best choice would be to rent a minibus. By the way, a very good option, because for only a modest four hundred baht per person, he will take you to your destination.

There is no sea communication between Koh Chang and other resorts in Thailand.


Public transport is problematic here. Therefore, you will have only two ways to move. The first is to rent a bike or car, the second is to travel by songteo.

Renting a bike will cost you 150-300 baht per day, if rented for a long time, the price will be 3000-3500 baht per month. Helmet included. In the case of long-term rentals, it is recommended to bargain with the owners. The same goes for car rentals. Price per day from 1100 to 2000 baht. To rent, you will need a passport (or at least a copy of it) - it is advisable to leave a cash deposit to avoid unpleasant circumstances.

▣ Bike rental.

If you do not want to deal with car rental, then songteo is the best option. Always agree with the driver on the price in advance and bargain. On average, the cost of a trip with two people is 100 baht. A feature of this type of transport is that in the morning and late in the evening, rental prices rise significantly. Therefore, it is better to use the day.

The beaches of the island differ in that they are located at a sufficiently large distance from each other and it will be quite difficult to get there on foot. Therefore, it would be best to use the songteo taxi service.

There is really another option - it's hiking in Koh Chang.


Upon arrival in Thailand on the island of Koh Chang, the first thing to do is to plan excursions in order not only to relax on the sunny beach, but also to take beautiful photos against the backdrop of local attractions. Be sure to visit the Klong Phlu waterfall, which is located near the beach of Klong Prao. Very comfortable for swimming. The depth in one of its bowls reaches 7 meters.

▣ Klong Plu Waterfall

Than Mayom - this waterfall, which forms a beautiful pool with four cascades. It is noteworthy that nearby you can put up a tent or set up a campsite.

There are many other waterfalls worth seeing here. These bodies of water include: Kiri Pet, Nang Yom and Klong Nyng.

Since they are also part of the national reserve, you can visit them only if you purchase a ticket for 200 baht.

If you love picturesque places, then Klong Son will not leave you indifferent. This bay offers stunning views that you can admire for hours and take amazing photos. It is no secret that the locals are mainly engaged in fishing. If you want to see how this happens and immerse yourself in the daily life of the Thais, then you can go to the fishing villages, for example, Rong Than and Salak Pet, Bang Bao.

The most famous village in Thailand is Bang Bao. It differs in that the bungalows of local residents are located right in the sea on special stages. This is where fish is caught and processed. By the way, in the fishing villages you can visit branded restaurants where local food is prepared, learn about the traditions and mentality of the locals, and also find out what they do.

On Koh Chang, you can get unforgettable emotions by riding on elephants. We also recommend that you visit the monkey school and see how they were tamed. The school is called Koh Chang Monkey School. It is located on White Sand Beach. The show runs for an hour.

However, the most memorable entertainment is Flight of the Gibbon. This attraction will cause tourists a huge amount of adrenaline and unrealistic drive. Here you will travel through the jungle with ropes for several hours.

Religion on Koh Chang is an important part of the culture. Chao Po is the main shrine which means "Holy Father Koh Chang". Residents firmly believe that if you constantly pray to the Father, then a real miracle can happen.

▣ Chao Po Shrine on Koh Chang.

A special monument of local residents is the memorial to the heroes of the sea battle. He became famous for the fact that at the beginning of the twentieth century, during the battle between the Thais and the French, a ship of the local fleet crashed here.

▣ Bang Bao Lighthouse on Koh Chang.

As you can see, there are no special attractions, with the exception of several waterfalls, ancient temples and the above entertainments. However, stunningly picturesque places will completely replace the absence of large excursion programs.


The most popular place is White Sand Beach. There is a huge number of restaurants, bars, various shops and massage parlors. Lonely Beach is the perfect spot for a photo as the white sand blends harmoniously with the rocky landscape.

There are open-air parties almost every night. Of course, the level of such events is very mediocre, but enough people gather. One of the advantages of the beaches is that even in the most popular places you can find a secluded place where you can take a walk.

The authorities are extremely serious about the ecology of the island. Therefore, the water and the shore are constantly in perfect purity. Moreover, the preservation of such a state is the duty of not only residents, but also visitors.

You can also relax on the beaches located in the western part of the coast, such as: Hat Sai Khao, Bang Bao, Khlong Son, Khlong.


The weather on Koh Chang does not always please vacationers. Due to the monsoon winds, rainy weather sets in from June to October, so the best period will be the period from November to May. During this period, the weather is always sunny, and the temperature is about 30 degrees. The rainiest month is August. Almost all resorts accept vacationers all year round, but there are exceptions.


On Koh Chang, you can live to your heart's content, ranging from inexpensive bungalows to modern chic oceanfront homes. Most hotels are located in close proximity to the beaches, and the cost directly depends on its location and level of accommodation. If you want a more peaceful and secluded holiday, you can rent a bungalow.

Housing prices start at 150 baht. By the way, for 300-450 baht you can find a decent bungalow with all amenities. House or guest house - prices are on average 700-900 baht per night. A hotel room averages 2,500 baht.

▣ Cozy bungalows on the beach.

The most popular hotel is KC Grande Resort & Spa. This hotel provides tourists with all the conditions for a comfortable stay and even more. Free wifi and parking, swimming pool, fitness, spa treatments and more.

Villa Plounge Pool is also distinguished by its hospitality and high level of service. The base of hotels provides an extensive choice to its customers.

Map with hotels on Koh Chang

Choose a beach in advance, visit the indicated attractions and enjoy your holiday on Koh Chang.

So, you have decided to rush to the islands as a savage - romance, freedom of “flight” and adventure are not the right word! But at the same time, there is another side to the issue: how to get to the island, find and rent a house or book a hotel, and also come up with an interesting entertainment program.

But in the case of traveling to Koh Chang, you do not have to worry about all these issues - the wonderful guys from Satang.ru will take care of this. This is a Russian company for organizing holidays on the island of Koh Chang and not only, they have been living and working on the island for more than 9 years.

Without any problems, they will book you the right ticket to Koh Chang or organize a super comfortable taxi ride for you straight to the door of your hotel or home on the island. They will also select accommodation for you based on your preferences - you just have to choose from the options offered.

Well, these guys will provide you with a variety of leisure activities. Their website has over a dozen different options for entertainment on the island. It is worth noting that their prices are the same as throughout the island, and sometimes cheaper, but for regular customers there are discounts! The most pleasant bonus in this is the service in Russian!

In addition, the guys from Satang ru will always answer any of your questions for free at any time of the day or night, advise, orient and help on many points. Their office is located at the very beginning of Klong Prao Beach - Chaichet, opposite the Coconut beach resort hotel, a landmark of white elephants. Be sure to visit them and say hello from ThaiTrip!

is considered no less attractive and heavenly for tourists than the advertised Phuket. The island is located in the Pacific Ocean, or rather, in the eastern part of the Gulf of Thailand. "Isle of the Elephant" (ko - island, chang - thai.) slightly smaller than Phuket. Its tourist infrastructure can already compete with its "big brother" today, but the development of the resort area of ​​Koh Chang began relatively recently.

Almost untouched by human hand, natural resources can be called the highlight of the resort. 80% of the island of Koh Chang is still covered with the wilds of the jungle, and some beaches of the ocean coast remain "wild" and belong to protected natural areas. And only 20% of the area is actively built up with hotels, restaurants, health and entertainment centers.

A little south of the island of Koh Chang is exactly the same popular, but with less developed infrastructure,.

Koh Chang is quiet at night. The regulars are hardly accustomed to such calmness. Only a small number of discos and nightclubs does not make the island a resort for pensioners (read more about life). There are many bars where you can successfully meet a pretty Thai woman and invite her to your room. Locals say that vacationers alone on the beach are most likely to not fall asleep White Sand Beach, but if you have arrived, nevertheless, it is better to go to more cereal resorts. Moreover, Koh Chang is not the cheapest place in Thailand, there are noticeably more comfortable apartments than modest bungalows.

Advice! You can plan your vacation by contacting the Satang company! Russian guys living and working on Koh Chang since 2010 are real experts on the island and the entire archipelago. It is often convenient to fully think over the rest in advance: book a hotel or villa, schedule a route and all transfers, choose interesting excursions. Satang.ru contains all the information about the island of Koh Chang. If you want to choose a house for yourself, or it is important for you to know all the details in advance, you can contact Igor (who is the permanent director and ideological inspirer of the company) and choose the best option. Moreover, with the guys you can organize a tropical wedding or go to conquer the Kingdom of Cambodia. Employees of the company will always answer your questions and help with advice, you can call or write to a messenger convenient for you. Prices are more than reasonable, and often cheaper than in Thai kiosks. The Satang.ru office is located on Chaichet Beach, opposite the Coconut beach resort hotel, if you are somewhere nearby, be sure to stop by to say hello!

How to get to Koh Chang

Options how to get to Koh Chang Little. There is no airport on the island, but people go here from Bangkok and Pattaya. The bus ride is only 5 hours. It is even faster to fly from Bangkok by domestic flight to the city of Trat, from where again by bus, and then you will have to transfer to the ferry (by the way, the entire process of booking this type of transport is described in detail in the article " ").

The beaches of Koh Chang

The eastern part of the island is not inhabited, and in the north tourists will hardly be able to find something interesting among several coastal fishing villages.

White Sand Beach

Lonely Beach

pearl beach

Bang Bao Beach

Transport system

Even drivers with many years of experience better arrange for themselves Holidays on Koh Chang without own car. The road, passing through almost the entire perimeter, is completely covered with dangerous slopes, only local residents can stay on it. Fortunately, the resort has no problems with the same and public transport. Buses run between settlements, the fare in which ranges from 50-120 baht.

A selection of the best hotels on Koh Chang

Below is a selection of the cheapest, most expensive and popular hotels on the island, which can be booked on websites or - these are convenient and popular services for finding hotels around the world, including in Thailand.


Weather on Koh Chang quite predictable and sudden temperature changes do not happen here often. There are two seasons in this climate zone: rainy and dry. In, which lasts from June to October, the temperature is kept at +30 - +35 degrees. The dry season is no cooler, but precipitation is rare from November to April, which makes the +30-degree heat much more noticeable. To find out what the weather is like on the island today, use our informer.