What to see on your own in Ayia Napa. Where to go in Ayia Napa and what to see? Where to go in Ayia Nape

The resort town of Ayia Napa stretches for 5 kilometers along the coast. A mass of hotels mixed with restaurants, bars, clubs and shops. Here you can walk and have fun without even leaving anywhere! I think everything that has been said is known to anyone who has ever heard about the city.

It is unlikely that you will find anything unique here. All places are marked on tourist maps. But maybe you want to walk around and get to know the city? Or take a walk and remember how you walked here in the evening? We start our walk from the west and go towards the center.

1. In my first story there were a lot of stock phrases. Indeed Cyprus is very good and at the same time very famous.

2. St. Andrew's Chapel near the Adams Beach Hotel.

3. The hotel itself, like other areas, is open to guests.

4. According to some maps, this hotel is the westernmost on the Ayia Napa coast. But the world's largest websites report that Ayia Napa extends much further west and much east of the densely built-up area.

5. First, let's move a little west. Previously, I promised to post photos of some other beaches. The one ahead is just right

6. The next swimming point to the west of Nissi is a 2-minute walk.

7. The beach is indicated on the maps as “the beach near the Adams Hotel.” It is small, sparsely populated compared to Nissi, but also not very pleasant for swimming. It is clearly visible that sand is not everywhere here.

8. Near the hotel there are cacti scratched as a keepsake. After this you understand that our people don’t really like nature...

9. And then there is a small area left to nature. On the left you see a path. It stretches across the entire coast from west to east for many kilometers, interrupted by beaches and in the city center.

10. Cacti that have not been damaged by tourists bloom quietly.

11. Local vegetation is low and dry.

12. There are benches along the path at different distances from each other. For those who like to walk and sit with a view of the sea.

13. The town of Agios Nikandros is an organized picnic area. Everything is clean and safe.

14. Another beach - Landa Beach. Without algae, but with as many people as Nissi. The photo was taken in hot weather.

15. The same numerous tourists, with children, with things.

16. Landa Beach is convenient for those who want to come by car from the center of the island or from inexpensive apartments somewhere far from the sea.


18. It’s time to get out on the road and start actively moving towards the center. For Russian top bloggers who criticize Moscow for bicycle paths, there would be something to discuss here. The bicycle path is completely separated from the roadway, but exists only on one side and occupies half of the sidewalk. For me it's normal. And how many outraged people would there be in our capital :-)

19. Ayia Napa does not strive to be perfectly flat or ultra-modern. Here you can easily find patches on the road and strange passage restrictions. Most roads are two-lane.

20. The bad (in my opinion) legacy of the British past of driving on the left is a bit confusing at first. you get used to it quickly. Anyway, in most cases, due to the dense flow of cars, you don’t want to cross the streets without a pedestrian crossing.

21. A strange decision with fountains - they only work at certain hours. I still don’t understand which ones. Probably the ones when the camera is charging in the room.

22. According to first impressions (and second impressions too), Napa is a pleasant city. It is not always clean, not everywhere comfortable, but lived-in. Like an apartment in which over time a lot of things have appeared that create their own atmosphere.

23. There are no large number of wires or unnecessary buildings. Everything is in its place. even that windmill in the distance. And green fences do not create the feeling of an enclosed space.

24. Everything is always nearby. Next to the tourist organization is a Scandinavian church. There is a combination.

25. Cafes with different names from other countries are also more for ambiance. Passing by, you notice the similarity of the menu in the “American”, “Greek” and “Russian” restaurants. Buggies on the road are also normal. Although no. On the first day I was surprised.

26. In Napa, you can safely introduce Russian as a third official. Even what is already clear is translated.

27. Bungalow, haystack and some trash. And we just turned the corner after the next hotel.

28. The street we walked along is called Nissi Ave. It continues straight and leads to the very center. We will turn left onto Ayias Mavris.

29. If anyone is interested in repeating this path, welcome to the left in front of the Mexican restaurant. Pointer to the post office.

30. I noticed a lot of telephone booths on the island, but I never saw people in them.

31. Ayias Mavris - a quieter and calmer street in the city. There are also hotels here, but there are fewer of them.

32. You can look into someone's possessions.

33. I remember very well my girlfriend’s first reaction to this huge number of barrels and panels on the roof. First of all, these are local communications: hot water and electricity. Here I'm not sure if everyone is getting light from the roof.

34. The wide sidewalks are empty.

35. A small square with lanterns and a fountain.

36. It is also disabled. Three rows - a mini amphitheater? I wonder why? Maybe the locals just like to sit in such an environment?

37. We are approaching the central part of Napa. Almost everything here is tiled.

38. Huge blue crosses with lanterns are striking. The street is empty. The passage is made in only one lane - well done!

39. Ayias Mavris in this place differs little from Nissi Ave. The same restaurants.

40. I think in the evening everything comes to life here. In the meantime, I only notice huge plates on the roof.

41. Somewhere there is a hint of promising landscaping.

42. We notice an interesting place near the local municipality. An amphitheater with a small roof over the stage.

43. From the outside, the building looks strange. But I liked the platform on the right!

44. The strange building is actually the Church of St. Mavra (agia Mavris)

45. On the other hand, she is no less strange.

46. ​​Like a stone with a hole. Perhaps he is just decoration.

47. Let's look into the amphitheater. Is it convenient to watch the performance from the upper rows? Practical only for use when the sun is scorching hot, but will there be anything here on a hot summer day?

48. Our observation deck is not very high, but we have an idea. Very flat building height.

49. Among the white and sandy colors, only hotels stand out.

50. An amusement park in the distance. I’ll tell you about it separately sometime :-)

51. In the meantime, we look at the deserted street. There aren't even cars.

52. This is probably good. The owners of establishments have time to restore order, clean everything, wash it.

53. Sometimes you come across something completely strange.

54. And sometimes something is terribly familiar!

55. And even the signs nearby somehow suspiciously resemble one city in Russia...

56. Ahead of us is the Ayia Napa monastery.

But more on that in the next part!

Like any other town on the island, the resort is ready to offer not only a holiday on the best beaches of Cyprus, but also a wide excursion program covering all the most beautiful and interesting sights to see in Ayia Napa. Holidays in Cyprus in Ayia Napa are suitable for tourists with an endless flow of energy. The day is the ideal time to explore the surroundings of the island, a walk through which will allow you to learn almost everything about Cyprus. Night is a time for entertainment and party lifestyle.

You can see all the most beautiful and interesting places in the resort town by renting a car in Cyprus, a bicycle, or hiring a taxi driver for the day.

Overview of the sights of Ayia Napa

Nissi Beach

The main attraction of Ayia Napa, without a doubt, can be called the beaches of the resort - the cleanest of all the beaches on the island, with the whitest and finest sand and sea water of a real crystal color. Almost every kilometer of the Ayia Napa coastline is marked with the Blue Flag. But there is a place in Ayia Napa that deserves special attention - Nissi Beach, which is the pride of the resort. Nissi Beach is not a place where you relax on sun loungers in the sun, enjoying peace and solitude. Here they don’t sit still and have a blast listening to the fiery rhythms of the music of world-famous DJs, swim in the foam and have fun on all sorts of water attractions, which are available for rent in a huge variety.
The peculiarity of the beach lies not only in the snow-whiteness of the coast, but also in the presence of a small island within walking distance from the shore, which can be reached by walking along the water. What to see there, you ask? Believe me, from the highest point of the island there are stunning views of the surrounding area. Every vacationer in Ayia Napa has several photographs taken from the observation deck of this island. Tourists looking for extreme experiences are required to jump from a cliff at least 10 meters high, located right on the edge of the island. The most amazing thing is that at the cliff there is always a queue of people who want to enjoy falling into the water.

Water Land and Lunapark

A place that should be included in the list of desirable attractions that you need to see while in Ayia Napa is one of the water parks in Cyprus, “Water Land”. Do you want to plunge into the world of childhood and ride some roller coasters that sometimes make even the most courageous male tourists squeal in fear? Then your destination is "Water Land". Believe me, there will be an indescribable amount of emotions! The water amusement park has about 18 attractions designed for visitors of all ages. For those vacationing in Cyprus with children, the park is an excellent solution: many families spend the whole day here. In addition to the slides, the park has places for relaxation: areas with sunbeds for sunbathing, several snack bars, walking alleys, and calm water activities, such as leisurely skating on the water.
An alternative way to spend time in Ayia Napa is LunaPark, which is a landmark of the resort and a place where a huge number of tourists concentrate in the evening. What interesting things can be seen in such a seemingly “childish” place, many tourists think. Lunapark is a place not to come and see, but to come and try. A huge number of attractions, glowing in the dark with all the colors of the rainbow, fascinate and attract the attention of tourists. We recommend visiting the Ferris Wheel attraction, from the height of which you can enjoy incredibly beautiful views of the surrounding area in Ayia Napa. The pride of the park and at the same time the main “horror” of most visitors is the extreme “Slingshot”, which shoots people tens of meters into the air. This is no place for the faint of heart! At the entrance to the attraction, on a special stand there are photographs with the faces of people who have experienced this type of entertainment.

Club Street

I would like to mention one of the interesting places in the resort, which is important for tourists who come to have fun and walk all night long. The main attraction of the city is the Street of Clubs, the main target for youth recreation in Ayia Napa. The town has recently established itself as the best party spot on the entire island. The street is a series of restaurants and nightclubs, where the atmosphere and music changes with every new step. During the daytime, the street is a great place for walking, because there is something to look at and be surprised at: each establishment has a unique thematic solution in the design of the exterior and interior.

Blue Lagoon

Cyprus is an island with a considerable number of picturesque places and small cozy coves. One of these bays became a landmark of Ayia Napa and became known as the “Blue Lagoon” - a place surrounded by rocks of the most bizarre shapes. Once in the lagoon, you get the impression that the water in the Mediterranean Sea here is completely transparent and has a special blue color: if you look closely, you can see schools of colored fish swimming by, without diving under water or wearing a mask. A visit to the Blue Lagoon is included in the excursion programs of any Tour Operator - here you can always see a large number of yachts and ships with tourists from all over the world. During the tour, tourists are shown caves in the rocks, a little more than half filled with water, located near the Blue Lagoon. Lovers of underwater secrets will have something to see in the caves and, perhaps, something interesting to profit from, mined in the spaces of the caves.

Cape Cavo Greco and lovers' bridge

One of the attractions of Cyprus - Cape Greco - is located between the resorts of Ayia Napa and Protaras. Getting to the cape is equally convenient for vacationers from both resorts. What can you see if you find yourself in one of the most romantic places on the island? Cape Greco is a corner of the world untouched by civilization. From the highest point of the cape you can see the waves crashing against the rocks.
Cape Greco is a huge area that includes:

  • National Forest Park KAVO GREKO with an area of ​​about 380 hectares, where you can see rare species of animals and birds. To explore the expanses of the park, walking and cycling routes with a total length of 16 km have been created;
  • Limestone caves, revealed to tourists during low tides, are a favorite place for divers from all over the world;
  • The church on the rock is the wedding place for young couples who decided to unite their hearts in Ayia Napa;
  • Jumping cliffs - platforms for extreme sports enthusiasts who jump into the water directly from high cliffs;
  • Lover's Bridge is an arch in the rock formed naturally as a result of natural processes. Not a single wedding ceremony in Cyprus is complete without a photo shoot on the bridge. From the outside, the arch seems very fragile, but in fact it is a reliable and strong bridge created by nature itself.
Tourists go with great pleasure to watch the sunset, because the observation decks at Cape Greco offer breathtaking views.

Pirate caves (sea grottoes)

One of the attractions of Ayia Napa, located near the center of the resort, which can be reached by walking or cycling through the resort town, is the Pirate Caves. It is believed that in ancient times the caves were used as a refuge and storage for treasure by local pirates. The caves are the result of the joint work of winds blowing from the sea and the sea water itself. During boat trips on a pirate excursion ship through the waters of Ayia Napa, the sea grottoes are the main stop for viewing and photographing. Here you can see an unusual rock arch, surprising tourists with its power and uniqueness, created without the involvement of humans.

Venetian monastery

The main architectural and historical attraction of the city is the Ayia Napa Monastery, which received its name due to the fact that in ancient times dense forests dominated the site of its construction, and, as you know, “Ayia Napa” means “sacred forest”. The presence of the forest is currently evidenced by the only surviving tree - the sycamore tree, which has already reached enormous sizes. The legend says: the monastery was built over a cave in which the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was hidden for many years. For many years, the cave was the protection and main shelter for the local population from the pirates who were rampant at that time. The uniqueness of the built monastery is that part of the structure is cut into the rock, and only a small part of the building stands on the ground. Every vacationer in Ayia Napa will be able to see the monastery, because it is located almost in the very center of the resort. Now the monastery operates as a museum for tourists.

Thalassa Marine Life Museum

Within walking distance from the most beautiful beach of the Nissi Beach resort is another attraction of Ayia Napa - the Thalassa Museum of Marine Life. What to see in Cyprus if not the underwater world of the purest Mediterranean Sea and learn about the life of all its inhabitants?
The exhibition halls of the museum display a wide variety of collections of fish, plants and animals living in the sea. It will be interesting here for both adults and their little travelers. The guide will be happy to introduce and tell young tourists and their parents about each of the inhabitants of the marine world in Ayia Napa and throughout Cyprus in general. The main pride of the museum is an exhibit that completely recreates an ancient Greek ship that was wrecked and sank off the coast of the island. One of the halls is entirely dedicated to the shipwreck and the process of the shipwreck itself is recreated in it. Near the museum there is a park where performances with the participation of sea animals (sea lions and dolphins) are held.

Ayia Napa is a noisy youth resort, visited by people who prefer beach and club holidays. But there are also unusual places that will be of interest to fans of educational tourism.

Attractions in Ayia Napa, Cyprus

Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary

There are not many historical and cultural monuments within the city, but in the surrounding area there is something to see. In the center of Ayia Napa, among the bars and clubs, is the main attraction - the medieval monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Agia Napa. Tradition says that in the 11th century there were dense forests in this place.

One man, while hunting, discovered an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in a cave and told his fellow countrymen about it. Citizens began to come here to pray. And nearby there was a spring with clean water; in its place they built a well, which has survived to this day. Soon a temple was erected next to the source, which tourists can see today.
The ancient building surprises with its beauty and unique architecture. The cozy courtyard features century-old trees and an indoor fountain.

There are other ancient attractions of Ayia Napa (Cyprus). For example, on the western outskirts of the city there is a small chapel of St. Barbara, dating back to the 12th century and built in the Byzantine style. And nearby there are several more cave chapels. A few kilometers from here there is another medieval chapel - St. Thekla. If you buy a guide to Ayia Napa, you won't miss anything interesting. Below we will look at a few more places that fall into the “must see” category.

What to see in Ayia Napa

Thalassa Sea Museum

The museum will be of interest to those who are looking for what to see in Ayia Napa with children. One of the most interesting museums on the island will teach you about the sea, its influence and importance to the island. Here you can see finds from the sea days, various sculptures, historical vases, idols, paintings by local artists and models of ancient ships. On the second floor in the same building there is a modern Tornaridis-Pieridis Museum of Marine Life, where you can learn about underwater inhabitants, look at the seabed of the dinosaur era, explore a collection of shells and marine organisms, birds, turtles and other animals.

Cave of the Cyclops

The Cyclops Cave, located in the outskirts of the city, is worth visiting. You can even reach it on foot from the picturesque Konnos Bay. Along the way you can enjoy the incredible beauty of flowering shrubs and plants and have a picnic. Once in place in the Cyclops' cave, examine its halls with stalactites. And if you go a little further, you will also visit the mysterious Sea Caves in the coastal cliffs. You will not regret it!

Luna Park in Ayia Napa

While in Cyprus, it is worth visiting the beautiful Luna Park, designed not only for children, but also for adults. For extreme sports enthusiasts, there is a large selection of excellent attractions, they make you get a rush of adrenaline into your blood, joy of life, and fun for children. The park has horror rooms and funny rides, water slides and go-kart racing, all for the sake of new experiences.

Lover's Bridge

Lovers should definitely visit the Bridge of Lovers. This is a beautiful stone arch over the sea, which was formed by nature itself. Newlyweds love to come here to take photos against the background of turquoise water and picturesque landscape. You can get here from nearby cities; Ayia Napa, Paralimni, Protaras, by taxi or scooter.

Grotto Caves of Ayia Napa

Sea caves are another historical place of Ayia Napa, located near the city center, you can get there by bus on foot or by bicycle (about 6 km.) It took many centuries for the sea wave to beat against the coastal rocks, persistently making its way into them, so that such unusual views could later be achieved grottoes History says that in the old days, grottoes were used as a refuge and hiding place for treasure by local pirates.

Cape Cavo Greco

Cape Greco often attracts those who like to think about the eternal and romantics, but also fans of active sports. The most popular form of entertainment is cliff jumping and diving in caves under the cape. There is an observation deck with a bench installed looking out into the sea. Travelers go with great pleasure to contemplate the sunset, because they offer very colorful views.

Ayia Napa; where to go

You can learn more about the history of the city during a variety of excursions. If you are interested in entertainment in Ayia Napa, then believe me, you won’t be bored. Numerous beaches, clubs, bars, discos, beach volleyball, competitions and animation on the beaches allow you to frolic to your heart's content.
The city has all the facilities for the best entertainment for young people and families, so there are plenty of options for where to go in Ayia Napa. In the center around the main square you can see many signs of night bars, clubs, restaurants, cafes, taverns and shops. Those interested can go for a walk to admire the local beauty, visit historical monuments, relax in the Russian restaurant Teremok or in the Red Square club, and in September attend an ethnographic festival.

Some people are looking for places to go in Ayia Napa, while others prefer a lazy holiday. Excellent conditions have also been created for the latter. On the beaches of the resort town you can go surfing, diving, and fishing. For vacationers - banana boats, catamarans, water parachutes, exciting underwater excursions to caves and sunken ships.

Ayia Napa is a famous resort in the eastern part of Cyprus, which is famous for its mild climate, clean and gentle sea, as well as the numerous attractions of Ayia Napa in Cyprus.

The first is facilitated by the location of this resort in Kokkinoria, and the second is the rich history of the settlement, founded during the Byzantine Empire, and then under the rule of the Crusaders, the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire. So for tourists there is something to see in Ayia Napa. There are both beautiful natural and famous man-made attractions here.

List of top attractions

The list of places of interest to tourists is very large, and visiting everything in one trip seems quite problematic. Therefore, it is necessary to know the attractions of the area, places where you must visit on an excursion.

Traditionally, there are nine most interesting places. Of course, excursions are organized there by companies that work with hotels, but you can visit them on your own.

So, the top 10 representing the sights of the city of Ayia Napa includes:

  1. Venetian monastery;
  2. A picturesque cape called “Greko”;
  3. Ancient lighthouse;
  4. Bridge of lovers;
  5. Makronisos Tombs;
  6. One of the best water parks in Europe;
  7. Tallas Museum;
  8. Nissi is a famous beach.

In addition, sea grottoes and the beautiful promenade of Ayia Napa are of great interest to tourists. What are the famous monuments of nature and human genius from this list?

Venetian monastery

Like every self-respecting medieval monastery, the main attraction of the city has a beautiful legend about its foundation. As tradition says, a lonely hunter, looking for a dog, came across a cave in which he found an icon of the Mother of God, possessing miraculous powers.

Believers made the cave a place of pilgrimage, and during the reign of the Venetian Union in Cyprus, it was decided to found a monastery here. By the way, Ayia Napa means “Holy Grove” from the archaic version of the Greek language.

At the moment, the Ayia Napa Monastery operates as an architectural monument, and services are conducted in a modern church building. Therefore, anyone can visit this place, famous, among other things, for the ancient mulberry tree, seven hundred years old.

It was planted at a time when Dmitry Donskoy and Tamerlane, Khan Mamai and Edward III lived, Europe was shaken by the Hundred Years' War, and the Moscow Principality was just beginning to free itself from the Horde yoke.

Nissi beach

If you are tired of the coolness of the ancient stonework, it is worth visiting Nissi Beach. Of course, you can visit this place without a guide, on your own. Ayia Napa is proud of its beaches, but Nissi is the crown jewel of Cyprus beaches. It’s not for nothing that fashionable party-goers come here, and the best DJs in the world throw parties on this beach.

The peculiarity of this beach is its beautiful landscape, especially at sunset, when the sun setting behind the horizon turns the ocean burgundy, and the deserted island connected to the beach by a thin sandbank seems to be on fire.

Talas Maritime Museum

This museum is one of the best attractions in Ayia Napa. This is not the only maritime museum in Cyprus, its uniqueness lies in its rich exhibition, which is an eclectic mix of ancient artifacts, paintings by famous artists, and exhibitions dedicated to the underwater world.

The pearl of the museum collection is the only life-size replica of an ancient Greek ship in Cyprus. It was just such a ship that was wrecked off the island in the sixth century BC. But besides the ship, there is something to see here. Cypriot history is rich in interesting pages related to the sea. So visiting a museum excursion is a mandatory step in getting to know the island.

If you are comfortable with a map and want adventure, get to the museum on your own using Ayia tourist maps. Fortunately, it is not too far from the hotel line, and a detailed map of the city is not uncommon in shops and hotels.

Advice! If you want maximum comfort, and walking through an unfamiliar area does not seem attractive, choose to order an excursion from the hotel.

Lighthouse in Ayia Napa

Another place of extraordinary beauty is the lighthouse on the city embankment. It is quite old, but in Cyprus time is a relative concept, so it is still impossible to call the lighthouse “ancient”. After all, antiquity here begins at the age of five hundred and seven hundred years, no less.

However, it is a very visited point and one of the most spectacular attractions. Particularly beautiful views open here at dawn. It is at this time that the lighthouse is popular for romantic dates. By the way, this building is not just an architectural monument. The lighthouse still functions today, helping sailors get home safely.

Advice! You can easily get to the lighthouse on your own. And after visiting it, walk to a small beach located nearby and enjoy the clear sea waters.

Attractions of Ayia Napa on the map in Russian

Ayia Napa generally provides many opportunities for independent exploration of the sights and simply beautiful places. For those who wish, a map of the city in Russian will help with this, which can be purchased at any tourist store along with various souvenirs.

A separate day spent exploring the blue lagoon of Ayia Napa is a paradise for lovers of scuba diving and snorkeling. The rich water world of the Mediterranean Sea will bring true aesthetic pleasure to the connoisseur.

Advice! Independent walks around the city and suburbs of Ayia Napa will give you a lot of emotions, fresh impressions, and will also save money spent on excursions. Moreover, all the main attractions are indicated on the map, and there is a brief description of each of them.

Where to go and what to see with photos

For photography enthusiasts, the resort of Ayia Napa provides many opportunities to hone their skills and get truly worthwhile photographs. Those who are used to traveling with a camera simply need to use the services of rental agencies and rent a vehicle.

Particularly popular are bicycles and electric scooters, which can be used to enter places where cars are prohibited. The rental costs will be more than compensated by the positive emotions and pleasant impressions that a bike ride or a trip on a scooter will bring.

In addition, the presence of such transport is a chance to see non-tourist Cyprus, hidden from the eyes of most visitors, and to take non-standard photos of the real life of the residents of Cyprus.

Lover's Bridge (Monk Seal Arch)

Isn’t it true that this name evokes thoughts of something similar to the famous Venetian bridges? In fact, it's even more interesting. After all, a bridge is a natural formation of rock, partially washed away by sea waves.

Nature has created an intricately shaped stone arch, picturesquely stretching over the turquoise sea waters. Photos of this place cannot convey all the charm and splendor of this miracle of nature.

Sea grottoes

The grottoes formed by the sea are located very close to the city. A half hour walk or a fifteen-minute bike ride is enough, and tourists will see the results of the work of wind and waves, which over the centuries have shaped the complex topography of the coast.

It is prohibited to swim here due to the abundance of rock fragments in the water and on the shore, but this does not stop some tourists. The grottoes are densely populated with inhabitants; a huge number of fish and sea animals live here. You can find out how to get to the grottoes at the hotel, or look at the map.

Cape Greco

A favorite place for extreme sports enthusiasts in Cyprus, the famous Cavo Greco forest park outside the island. People travel here specifically for base jumping, jumping with a special elastic rope. And for other tourists, the cape is, first of all, a unique natural ecosystem and a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea.

Advice! It is important to remember that for this trip you need comfortable sports shoes, and also, it is highly desirable to have a map of Aya in Russian.


The best place for a leisurely evening exercise is the city embankment. This is where quiet and colorful restaurants are concentrated, and a variety of yachts moored to the pier delight the eye.

Culinary lovers can try a variety of fish dishes, and then take a boat trip on a boat or yacht. The attractions for which Ayia Napa in Cyprus is famous are not located here; the embankment is an attraction in itself.

Water World Waterpark

Finally, the description of Water World ends with a place, the description of which will not give an idea of ​​the strength of the positive emotions received by numerous visitors. Even the layout of this truly impressive structure amazes with 35 attractions of various types, nine restaurants, and a large number of children's areas.

And all this with the highest level of service and safety, which is confirmed by numerous awards and the title of one of the best water parks in Europe.

Advice! There are also unique relaxation attractions designed for those who are tired of visiting attractions and want a relaxing holiday on the water.

Of course, not all interesting places were included in the review. In order to describe all the attractions that are literally within walking distance from any hotel, one article is not enough. After all, Cyprus is not only a paradise of nature, but also an eventful and ancient history. And the services of guides and a similar map of Aya will come to the aid of lovers of the ancient history of our planet.

Ayia Napa is a resort focused more on beach and club holidays, but it also has its own attractions. There are few of them in the city itself, but they abound in them, as does the entire island of Cyprus. We will travel around the resort some more, but now we invite you to walk around this tourist town and see all the sights of Ayia Napa. It won’t be difficult to navigate here, especially since you have this guide to Ayia Napa in your hands. There is one straight avenue, Nissi, that runs through the city, and wherever you enter from, you will find yourself on this avenue. In the east, the avenue intersects with another main street, Archbishop Makarios (Od.Archiepiskoupi Macariou). We go up this street, moving away from the sea, and find ourselves at Seferi Square. All the most interesting things are located there.

Sightseeing in Ayia Napa

What to see in Ayia Napa

In the very center of the city, between bars and clubs, stands the medieval Orthodox monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Agia Napa. This is the main attraction of Ayia Napa. This monastery has a very rich history and in the 16th century it enjoyed the same fame as. According to legend, in the 11th century there were dense forests on the site of the monastery. One hunter discovered an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in a cave, told his fellow countrymen about it, and they began to come to this cave and pray. There was a clean spring nearby, on the site of which a well was built and it is still full of beautiful clean water. In the 14th century. A temple was built next to the source, which has survived to this day. In the 16th century, a two-story building was built near the northern part of the monastery.

There is an octagonal fountain in the monastery courtyard. It was also built in the 16th century. at the expense of one rich girl from . The girl, not wanting to marry someone she did not love, went to a monastery and subsequently became an abbess. She also planted a syquimore at the southern entrance to the monastery, and it is still growing there. This is the oldest tree in Famagusta district. Since 1790, a settlement gradually formed around the monastery. In 1813 the monastery was restored. Now the monastery is not active, but services are held in the church and it is open to pilgrims.

Good to know:

Chapels of Ayia Napa

What other attractions of Ayia Napa can you visit on your own? On the western outskirts of Ayia Napa, there is a small 12th-century chapel built in the Byzantine style. This is the chapel of St. Barbara. It was recently restored and covered with very beautiful frescoes. Next to the chapel there are several cave chapels that were built in the early centuries of Christianity. And a few kilometers from the chapel of St. Barbara, on the shore, stands the medieval chapel of St. Thekla. It was erected on the site of an ancient cave church, which in turn was built on an ancient burial ground.

Thalassa Sea Museum

If you have asked the question: “what to see in Ayia Napa with children?”, then you will find the answer by visiting the Thalassa Sea Museum. This is one of the most interesting museums. It tells residents and visitors about the sea and its importance and influence on the island from antiquity to the present day. In the museum you will see finds from the bottom of the sea, models of ancient ships, sculptures, idols, vases from various historical periods (5000 BC - 1600 AD).

On the second floor there is the Tornaridis-Pieridis Municipal Museum of Marine Life. In the museum you will learn about many sea inhabitants. It opened in 1992 and has a very modern design. The seabed of the dinosaur era with fossilized shells and corals (130-65 million years BC) has been reconstructed. The museum also contains a collection of modern shells and various marine organisms: sea urchins, stars, sponges, corals, and various plants. Sea and lake birds, turtles and many other animals are also represented.

  • Opening hours: from May to October: Wed.-Sun.: 9.00-13.00; 18.00-21.00; Thu: 18.00-21.00. Mon.-closed. From November to April: Wed.-Sun.: 9.00-17.00; Thu:13.00-17.00.Mon. - day off.
  • Adult/child ticket -3/1 €.

Walk to the Cyclops' Cave

To get to the next attraction of Ayia Napa you will need to take a short but fascinating walk. Our goal is Cyclops' Cave. It is located near the city. It can be reached on foot in about an hour and a half from Konnos bay. The bay is located in the east of Ayia Napa between Cape Cavo Greco and. The bay is very picturesque with a secluded sandy beach with clear blue water. The road to the cave will be fascinating; it winds among flowering bushes and trees and either descends to the sea or climbs the hills. Stock up on provisions and you can have picnics - there will be many suitable places here.

The starting point for the walk is .
From there, move towards McDonald's and before reaching it you will see a road (opposite there is a mini golf course and a parking lot). Follow this road east, away from Luna Park. After a while you will see a T-junction and turn right towards the sea and follow the road which ends at the beach. Then turn left onto the ring road, and after about 20 minutes of walking, the road turns left again. Go left until the road turns right. At this point there will be a ring road and you need to follow it to Cape Cavo Greco. After some time you will again find yourself at a T-junction. From there, take the road going to the right, towards the sea, towards Cape Cavo Greco (follow the signs).

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Follow this road and there will be a sign on the right for Aiya Napa sea-caves. Continue walking and soon there will be a sign for the passage to the viewpoint at the top of Cape Cavo Greko. The sign will be on the right along the way. Continue past it for another 2 km and on the right you will see a sign for the passage to Konnos Bay. There will also be a Greek Park Hotel. Follow the sign along the road to the beach. Approximately in the middle of the descent there will be a sign “1.5 km to the Cyclops Cave.” (Cyclops Cave 1.5 km.). You can climb into the cave and explore its halls with stalactites on the vaults. And since you’ve already reached the Cyclops’ cave, don’t be lazy and get to another attraction of these places - the Sea Caves.

Such bizarre caves can only be found in Ayia Napa. They were created by the sea over millions of years. After visiting the Cyclops' Cave, return to the section of the road where the sign "Ayia Napa Sea Caves" was located. Follow this road and after a while an uneven, narrow path will branch off from it, to the right. Follow it to the sea and after a few minutes there will be caves on the right. A rock with caves protrudes into the sea. And next to it is a rocky beach with clear water. Explore the caves from the inside, they are very unusual and mysterious. There are such interesting places in Ayia Napa. You are guaranteed impressions, and excellent photographs too.