Multi-colored lakes of Kelimutu volcano, Indonesia (24 photos). Colored lakes of Kelimutu volcano Indonesia lake of tears and death

There is a place on earth where you can observe colorful lakes - the top of the Kelimutu volcano in Indonesia. This is the most unusual and mystical place with two lakes of different colors.

Local inhabitants believed that the lakes were the resting place for the souls of their dead ancestors. And the change in color of the lake depends on the mood of the spirits.

Lake of the Elderly (Tiwu Ata Mbupu) at the western point of the volcano is, in most cases, blue in color. It is believed that the old and wise spirits of the earth rest in this lake.

The other two lakes are nearby and separated only by the crater wall. Both lakes are located at the very top of the volcano.

The uniqueness and mysticism of these reservoirs lies in the fact that the color of the water constantly changes from turquoise to blue, from blue to blue, and can become red, green or even black.

Each lake lives its own life, so the color of the water changes individually for each one.

Lake of Boys and Girls (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai) has a distinctive greenish hue.

The second lake is located next to Tiu Ata Mbulu and is called Tiu Nuva Muri Koo Fai, translated as “lake of the souls of young people”, it is usually a different color.

Local residents living not far from the lake believe that the color of the water changes due to the souls of dead people and the lake reacts differently to each soul, either angry or happy. Others believe that the color of the water does not change as a result of Oz's anger.

Two inseparable and incomparably beautiful lakes are located on Mount Kelimutu in Indonesia. This is the most unusual and mystical place with two lakes of different colors. There are a lot of such extraordinary creatures of nature in the world that delight simply by their existence. One of the lakes is called Tiu Ata Mbulu, which translated means “lake of the souls of ancestors.”

The second lake is located next to Tiu Ata Mbulu and is called Tiu Nuva Muri Koo Fai, translated as “lake of the souls of young people”, it is usually a different color.

The uniqueness and mysticism of these reservoirs lies in the fact that the color of the water constantly changes from turquoise to blue, from blue to blue, and can become red, green or even black.

Each lake lives its own life, so the color of the water changes individually for each one. Local residents living not far from the lake believe that the color of the water changes due to the souls of dead people and the lake reacts differently to each soul, either angry or happy. Others believe that the color of the water changes not as a result of the anger of the lake, but as a result of the anger of the souls themselves. In any case, lakes are a place for dead souls. So the lakes of “Tears” or, as they are also called, lakes of “evil spirits” in Indonesia will remain a mystery and mystical place for humanity for a long time.

They say that the souls of the dead live in the colorful reservoirs of Kelimutu. Elderly people found peace in the first lake, those who died young found peace in the second, and sinners languished in the third. And the foggy haze swirling in the mornings and the often changing color of chameleon ponds with intoxicating fumes seem to confirm this theory. Nevertheless, the colored lakes still attract tourists.

Dormant half a century ago, the Kelimutu volcano, Indonesia, is located in the south of the small island of Florence, between its largest cities of Ende and Maumere, and is one of the volcanoes of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which includes more than three hundred active volcanoes (out of five hundred and forty known). Mount Kelimutu has a height of one and a half thousand meters above sea level, and the last eruption occurred more than half a century ago.

The mountain became famous thanks to its unique crater lakes, which have no analogues in the whole world. Kelimutu is the only mountain on Earth where from one point you can see as many as three multi-colored reservoirs, and where tourists come from all over the world. These are not just three lakes of different colors located almost right next to each other, but bodies of water that, like a chameleon, periodically change their color. No one (not even scientists) can predict exactly when this will happen. Each lake can be either turquoise, white, mustard, red, green, black and other tones.

The Kelimutu lakes are a kind of reservoir: since they are located in the crater of a volcano, they are almost not fed by groundwater, but are filled with numerous precipitation, which falls abundantly here during the rainy season, which lasts from November to March. The climate on Florence Island in Indonesia is subcontinental maritime monsoon, and there is plenty of water at this time.

According to one theory, these lakes were formed during the last volcanic eruption in 1968, after which depressions appeared in the cooled lava (in this case, as many as three). These reservoirs are extremely deep - according to unconfirmed data, the depth of the crater exceeds 1.5 thousand meters (that is, the height of a volcano). Judging by the myths of the Lio tribe, it is likely that before the eruption there were also lakes of a similar type there.

The reservoirs are located quite deep below, the slopes of the volcano around them abruptly drop down, so getting close to them is practically impossible, and even deadly. So, a few years ago, a Danish tourist climbed over the fence to take a closer look at one of the reservoirs, slipped and fell down. His body was never found.

The color of reservoirs is extremely difficult to predict, therefore, when climbing Kelimuta, you can never tell what color they will be. Over the course of several years (with short periodicity), the same lake can be black, green, brown, white, bottle blue, turquoise, red. Although, of course, forecasts are made about exactly when the color may change.

For example, next to the reservoirs there is a table that indicates exactly when they changed their color, so you can try to make some calculations. But this is not always possible: you can come to look at this amazing natural phenomenon and see that two of the three lakes at that particular time turned out to be almost the same shade (a rare phenomenon here, but it does happen).

The best way to admire the lakes is from a specially equipped area, which is located at the top of the volcano. It is advisable to walk along the lakes along specially designed paths, and you must wear shoes with non-slip soles (volcanic stone is extremely slippery, and therefore walking on it is quite dangerous ). The fumes emanating from reservoirs can lead to fainting (unfortunately, there have been cases where tourists lost consciousness at the most inopportune moment - and fell down, which almost always ended in death for them).

It is advisable to come to this amazing place either early in the morning, at dawn, or during sunset. Here, such a time comes extremely quickly, and the lakes acquire extremely deep, bright and rich colors.

It is especially beautiful here at dawn, when the lakes are still shrouded in morning fog and give the landscape a touch of mystery and mysticism. The suddenly appearing Sun in the blink of an eye makes the sky extremely bright, itself transforming in a couple of seconds from a bright red disk into a dazzling white body. It not only illuminates everything around, but also decisively disperses the fog swirling above the reservoirs, in some places it even forms a rainbow (in the shape of a complete oval).

It is not surprising that local aborigines believe that this is where the souls of dead people move, after which, having been purified, at dawn, according to one version, they rise to heaven. And color transitions, which often occur in reservoirs independently of each other (that is, lakes do not change color simultaneously), only confirm their beliefs.

Legends of the Lio Tribe

According to their beliefs, Kelimut Lakes are untouchable and taboo for local residents. The aborigines of the Lio tribe are convinced that the souls of deceased people find their peace in the reservoirs of Kelimutu. To this day, every year they organize special ceremonies with dances, etc., especially for these spirits.

According to their beliefs, each body of water is intended for different categories of souls:

  1. Tivu-Ata-Mbupu. The “Lake of Old Men” is home to the souls of people who not only died in old age, but also lived them with dignity. It is located at some distance from other bodies of water, which symbolizes the wisdom that comes to a person only with age.
  2. Tivu Nua Muri Kooh Tai. This body of water is located between two other lakes. The souls of people who died at a young age settled here. Interestingly, it changes color most often - in a quarter of a century this happened more than twelve times. Its name is translated as “Lake of Young Souls.”
  3. Tivu-Ata-Polo. Murderers, sinners, scoundrels and criminals, that is, those who lived their years unworthily and committed a lot of evil, settled forever in the “Enchanted Lake of Evil Spirits.” Moreover, it is noteworthy that it is separated from the central reservoir by a very narrow volcanic crater wall. Representatives of the Lio tribe are convinced that this symbolizes how thin and fragile the line between good and evil is.

Why do bodies of water change color?

Why the lakes in this amazing place constantly change color has not yet been fully studied. But there are versions, different and very interesting.

Version No. 1. Lio Tribe Theory

Local residents are sure that reservoirs change their color when souls are angry about something, so they must be appeased. For this purpose, they perform appropriate rituals on the top of Kelimutu. At the same time, the aborigines are convinced that their ancestors are answering them, since during the ceremonies (according to their belief) water boils in the reservoirs, and a blue fog appears over the surface.

Another theory of theirs says that a change in color signals the approach of major troubles (and not only for the island, but for all of Indonesia).

Version No. 2. Scientists' hypotheses

Scientists explain the phenomenon of this amazing place in their own way. They claim that reservoirs change their color depending on what kind of chemical reaction is currently occurring in the bowels of the earth and even on climatic conditions.

According to them, at the bottom of the lakes there are cracks through which volcanic gases rise, which, once in the reservoirs, enter into a chemical reaction with the minerals dissolved in it. In each lake, the minerals that are found on the bottom and walls of the volcano are different.

The presence of carbon dioxide contributes to the rise of deep waters to the surface of lakes, which are also enriched with minerals. The same process helps draw water down, which also affects the constant change in color of the lakes.

Lakes of Young Souls and Old Men

In the central reservoir (it is where the color change most often occurs) there is solfatara - when evaporations of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid and other substances are released from cracks in the walls and bottom of the crater.

The temperature of solfatara usually ranges from 100°C to 300°C, therefore it is a constantly smoking crack.

Once on the surface, hydrogen sulfide reacts with air and turns into sulfuric acid. In this reservoir, as well as in Lake Starikov, there is an extremely high concentration of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, which give them mainly green tones. Their shades change periodically - they can be bright green, turquoise, and dark green, deep blue, burgundy, white and black.

Lake of Evil Souls

Previously, the Lake of Evil Souls was a gorgeous, bright scarlet hue (it is quite possible that this is why it got its name). Now every year it becomes darker and darker. Now it has become almost black. This unusual color was caused by the high concentration of iron in the reservoir, as well as a higher level of acidity than in the reservoirs located near it. There are periods when it takes on more traditional lake colors, such as turquoise or green.

Trip to Flores

The island of Flores, Indonesia is worth a visit not only to look at the colorful lakes, but also at other attractions that are located quite compactly to each other: the island itself is small in size - about 350 km in length and 70 km in width .

For example, travelers from all over the world will be interested to know that on this island the skeleton of a very small man was found (he was called a hobbit), whose age exceeds 18 thousand years and belongs to “Homo sapiens”.

19 species of animals, characteristic only for this area, live here. To see them, you will have to climb into the impenetrable jungle, but on the way to the reservoirs you can often see small monkeys living on the island, and at the observation deck they even independently run out to people for handouts.

On the way to unique reservoirs, you can admire flowering trees, beautiful mountain views and landscapes. The colorful lakes of Kelimutu themselves are surrounded by a small jungle (4.5 hectares), in which mahogany, pine, and casuarina trees grow, and the grass cover is decorated with edelweiss. There is also a protected forest, waterfalls and caves with stalactites and stalagmites.

In short, if possible, it’s definitely worth visiting near Kelimutu, Indonesia. You shouldn’t put off your trip: although the volcano is considered extinct, there are, in principle, no guarantees that it will not wake up. And after the eruption, it is not a fact that the reservoirs will remain in the same place or will exist. Indeed, recently the activity of the Ring of Fire volcanoes has increased significantly.

There are 3 lakes in the craters of Kelimutu Volcano, which are located on the same summit of the volcano in Indonesia. However, despite this, each of them differs from the others in color. This is the only place in the world where you can see such an amazing difference in colors.

All three lakes have their own names. Local residents have believed for centuries that the lakes are a place of spiritual peace for their ancestors. According to legend, lakes change color according to the mood of souls, and in this case, the moods of souls are constantly changing.

Lake of the Elderly (Tiwu Ata Mbupu), located at the western point of the volcano, is usually blue in color. It is separated from the other two and it is here, according to legend, that the souls of elderly people who led a decent lifestyle go.

The other two lakes are separated by a crater wall. Lake of Youth and Women (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai) is usually characterized by its green color. The third, Enchanted Lake (Tiwu Ata Polo), often takes on a blood red color, but in these photographs appears olive.

It is into the third lake, according to legend, that the souls of bad people, regardless of gender and age, are taken. The word “Kelimutu” itself means a boiling lake and people can often observe clouds of steam rising from the surfaces of the lakes.

Although the depths of the lakes have not been thoroughly studied, it is believed that the difference in color is due to underwater fumaroles. Fumaroles are holes on the surface of the planet through which gas and steam - sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and sulfide, as well as carbon dioxide - escape. This process causes deep water, rich in nutrients and color, to rise to the surface and draw surface water down, which causes changes in the appearance of lakes.

Mount Kelimutu is located in the national park of the same name on the island of Flores. Despite the fact that the island is 350 kilometers long, the park itself is quite small, and the nearest town (Ende) is 60 kilometers away. However, the small farming village of Moli is located next to the volcano and is often used as a stopping place by tourists who decide to rest on the way to the Kelimutu ridge.

It is impossible to predict what the color of the lakes will be when you get up because they change significantly. Unlike other crater lakes, the color of which can be predicted, the color of these three lakes cannot be predicted. The colors you see in the photo are usually the dominant ones: blue, green and black, but lakes can also be white, red and blue, respectively.

People who make the journey to the top of the ridge usually do so at dawn. Often, later in the morning, the three lakes are hidden behind pieces of fog. However, by midday the fog clears and the people who got here are here alone. However, they must remember to begin their descent towards Moli village before evening.

Several reckless tourists chose the unofficial path along the edge of the lakes. The slippery volcanic rock made this path dangerous, not to mention the fumes emanating from the lakes that made people faint. Those who fell into the lakes did not come out alive.

In 1995, a Danish tourist fell from a steep slope into the Lake of Young Women. But, despite the fact that five days were spent searching for him, his body was never found. One can only hope that his spirit is reunited with the souls of the young people and women who live here. Since then, people usually don't climb over the fence.

Even though this volcano and lakes are not well known outside of Asia, Kelimuta is considered by many to be one of the Seven Wonders of Nature. And it’s hard to disagree with this.

There are many collections of photographs of the most beautiful places on Earth, and we must admit that it is really very difficult to make a choice which of these places you really want to visit. Such places can range from well-known and visited places to untouched, remote paradises. But the whole truth is that there are an infinite number of paradises in this world, but life is short and, unfortunately, we will not be able to visit them all.

This selection contains not only photographs of those places that seem “out of this world,” but also those in which there is some magic and which look like surreal, fairy-tale paintings or frames from science fiction films.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Aliens among us?

This is just a night beach in the Maldives (Vadhoo Island). You might think this shot is from the movie Avatar or any other science fiction movie, but you'd be wrong. This place is located on planet Earth and is very real.

2. Purple rain? No, purple fields

Lavender fields in France. Perhaps the French have become accustomed to them and are no longer impressed every time they see them. But for foreigners, the endless field of lavender of rich purple color remains in the memory for a lifetime. And what is the aroma...

3. Sky blue

Once again, the Maldives invites you to take an unforgettable walk between sky and ocean. And although there are many places with mirror-clear water, where even the depth is difficult to determine, this particular place seems to have been created for walking here with the gods who created the sky and water.

4. Tortilla time!

You thought Mexico was all about the desert, big hats and spicy food? Not at all! To understand this, you should reconsider your travel plan and visit the underground river in Rio Secreto (Riviera Maya).

5. Calispera

The Arabian Nights have already gone down in history, but Greece also has something to brag about. Santorini at night looks like a painting, and the artist seems to have spared no expense in color.

6. Not just Eskimos

What immediately comes to mind when you hear the word “Alaska”? Miles of snow, ice and depressing white desert. Alaska is not a place for jokes, but! if you don't mind the cold, you might enjoy the trip. This is Anchorage and what you see in the photo is what you will see in person if you decide to come there.

7. Huge king bed?

Do you love camping? Settle down with a comfortable tent or sleeping bags around the fire? Or stay with other campers in a safe, modern campsite? So... it's Camping Tree in Elk, California, and if your significant other is already looking to book plane tickets, ask yourself what you'll do if you happen to be sleepwalking. But honestly, it's worth the risk for a vacation like this.

8. Computer graphics?

You might think this scene is from a very romantic movie, but this is just the shores of Cathedral Cove, New Zealand. What words can describe the majestic appearance of this place, and, moreover, how can you not fall in love with it the first time? This place seems so unnatural that when you see it for the first time, you should bow your head before the enchanting beauty of nature.

9. From Italy with love

Venice. This is a magical place that attracts millions of tourists every year. The whole point of Venice is that even if you think you've seen everything there is to see, this city can still surprise you with something. Faded colors, a tranquil atmosphere of both luxury and decadence, surrealism and quiet beauty - all this makes you come back here again and again.

10. Lakes of Tears

Or lakes of “evil spirits”, Mount Kelimutu, Indonesia. They are considered a resting place for the souls of the dead. But the most interesting thing about these lakes is that they change their color from blue to black, red or green. And each lake changes color independently of the other lakes.